Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\provisioning\provisionExecutor.pl
# $Header: provisionExecutor.pl 08-aug-2007.05:17:42 saurgarg Exp $ # # $Header: provisionExecutor.pl 08-aug-2007.05:17:42 saurgarg Exp $ # # provisionExecutor.pl # Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # provisionExecutor.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # saurgarg 08/08/07 - Further changes after testing # saurgarg 08/08/07 - Modifications to pick the correct and available perl # executable # ssdas 09/11/06 - Backport gaurgupt_mybug from main # ssdas 08/25/06 - edited the chdir() function to allow directive step to CD to staging location # rshetty 07/05/06 - handling the case of directive script file name or stage directory name # containing spaces # rshetty 07/05/06 - handling the case of directive script file name or stage directory name # containing spaces # ssdas 08/08/06 - Backport rshetty_bug-5191216 from main # rattipal 12/08/05 - Backport pshroff_stage_url from main # pshroff 11/07/05 - adding newline before calling directive # rshetty 12/02/05 - making code windows/linux independent # rshetty 12/02/05 - making code windows/linux independent # pshroff 09/25/05 - adding emdroot as cmdline param # pshroff 08/22/05 - to support SUB_Exec Directive Type # pshroff 07/05/05 - adding error handling code=> to exit with failure, # in case of errors # pshroff 06/30/05 - pshroff_map_shiphome # pshroff 06/03/05 - # pshroff 05/26/05 - adding switch to args # pshroff 05/13/05 - removing hardcoded propertynames for cmdLine and dirType # and added coded to set component filename in ENV # pshroff 05/12/05 - adding code to chdir to directive path # pshroff 05/06/05 - defined "use strict" and modifed all var declr to prefix with "my" # pshroff 04/26/05 - moving some common methods to provisionCommon.pl # pshroff 04/12/05 - modifying as per directive property changes and # new executor job enhancements # pshroff 11/27/04 - Creation # use Getopt::Long; use strict; use File::Basename; my $ostype = "Linux"; if ($^O=~/win/i) { $ostype = "Windows"; #set the path variable &mainWindows(); } else { $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin"; &mainLinux(); } sub mainLinux() { print "\nThis is Provisioning Executor Script (Linux)\n"; my $FILE_SEP = "\/"; my %cmdLine = (); GetOptions(\%cmdLine, "executorpropertyfilename=s", "assignmentpath=s", "componentpath=s", "directivepath=s", "directivescriptfilepath=s", "propertyfilepath=s", "component_binaryfilename=s", "cmdline_propertyname=s", "directivetype_propertyname=s", "standalonedirective=s", "perlhome=s", "emdroot=s" ); if(exists $cmdLine{"perlhome"}) { my $perlhome_env = $cmdLine{"perlhome"}; #$ENV{PERL_HOME} = $cmdLine{"perlhome"}; #first check if the perl exists at the location as specified in the commad line if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #check the current perl environment $perlhome_env = dirname $^X; if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #do nothing at the time being, we are not quite sure if perl is really needed } } } else { #check the current perl environment my $perlhome_env = dirname $^X; if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #do nothing at the time being, we are not quite sure if perl is really needed } } if(exists $cmdLine{"emdroot"}) { $ENV{EMDROOT} = $cmdLine{"emdroot"}; } require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/provisioning/provisionCommon.pl"; my $directiveTypeFile = "provision.properties"; if(exists $cmdLine{"executorpropertyfilename"}) { $directiveTypeFile = $cmdLine{"executorpropertyfilename"}; } my ($assignmentPath, $componentPath, $directivePath, $directiveScriptFilePath); if(exists $cmdLine{"assignmentpath"}) { $assignmentPath = $cmdLine{"assignmentpath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"componentpath"}) { $componentPath = $cmdLine{"componentpath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivepath"}) { $directivePath = $cmdLine{"directivepath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivescriptfilepath"}) { $directiveScriptFilePath = $cmdLine{"directivescriptfilepath"}; } my ($propertyFilePath, $componentFilename, $cmdLineProperty, $directiveTypeProperty); if(exists $cmdLine{"propertyfilepath"}) { $propertyFilePath = $cmdLine{"propertyfilepath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"component_binaryfilename"}) { $componentFilename = $cmdLine{"component_binaryfilename"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"cmdline_propertyname"}) { $cmdLineProperty = $cmdLine{"cmdline_propertyname"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivetype_propertyname"}) { $directiveTypeProperty = $cmdLine{"directivetype_propertyname"}; } my $standAloneDirectiveProperty = "no"; if(exists $cmdLine{"standalonedirective"}) { $standAloneDirectiveProperty = $cmdLine{"standalonedirective"}; } print "\nInput PropertyFilePath is $propertyFilePath\n"; print "Input directiveScriptFilePath is $directiveScriptFilePath\n"; print "Input directiveTypeProperty is $directiveTypeProperty\n"; if ($standAloneDirectiveProperty eq "yes") { print "\nIts a StandAlone Directive\n"; if (!$directiveTypeFile || !$directiveTypeProperty || !$directiveScriptFilePath || !$propertyFilePath ) { # return failure print "\nOne or more required param missing\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "Input componentPath is $componentPath\n"; print "Input directivePath is $directivePath\n"; if (!$directiveTypeFile || !$directiveTypeProperty || !$directiveScriptFilePath || !$componentPath || !$directivePath || !$propertyFilePath ) { # return failure print "\nOne or more required param missing\n"; exit 1; } } print "Input componentFilename is $componentFilename\n"; # SET ALL THE ENV VARIABLES TO BE USED BY THE DIRECTIVE SCTIPTS $ENV{COMPONENTPATH} = $componentPath; $ENV{DIRECTIVEPATH} = $directivePath; $ENV{PROPERTY_FILEPATH} = $propertyFilePath; $ENV{COMPONENT_FILENAME} = $componentFilename; my ($directiveType, $commandLine, $directiveCmdLine, $finalDirectiveCommandLine); # get the type of the directive i.er. perl or bash or exec or something else $directiveType = get_oraDirectiveProperty($directiveTypeProperty); # get the the directive command line specified in the properties file $commandLine = get_oraDirectiveProperty($cmdLineProperty); print "\nDirective Type is $directiveType"; $directiveCmdLine = "\"".$directiveScriptFilePath . "\""." " . $commandLine; if($directiveType eq "SUB_Exec") { system("chmod 555 $directiveScriptFilePath"); $finalDirectiveCommandLine = $directiveCmdLine; } else { # get the directive command line from the properties file # this will return the end command line inclduing directivetype also; and so for # a perl type; the command line look like "perl test.pl arg1 arg2.." $finalDirectiveCommandLine = getDirectiveCommandLine( $directiveType, $directiveTypeFile, $directiveCmdLine); if($directiveType eq "SUB_Perl") { if(! -e $ENV{PERL_HOME}.$FILE_SEP."perl") { #perl has not been set properly... assuming it is available on the path... the following replacement will only take place if the final command has PERL_HOME $finalDirectiveCommandLine =~ s/\$PERL_HOME\/perl/perl/; } } } # cd to the directory, where directiveScriptFile is placed - todo # if directiveScriptFilePath == /a/b/c/a.pl then # we should 'cd' to /a/b/c before executing the directive changeDirToDirectiveLinux($directiveScriptFilePath); # execute the directive script by passing all the params print "\nFinal command line to execute is $finalDirectiveCommandLine"; executeCommandLine($finalDirectiveCommandLine); } sub changeDirToDirectiveLinux() { my ($directiveScriptFilePath) = @_; my @data_array = split /\// , $directiveScriptFilePath; my $a; my @new_data; for($a=0;$a<=$#data_array-1;$a++) { my $each_entry=$data_array[$a]; chomp $each_entry; push @new_data, $each_entry; } my $final_dir_to_cd=join "\/", @new_data; print "\nDir to CD is $final_dir_to_cd\n"; chdir($final_dir_to_cd); } sub mainWindows() { print "\nThis is Provisioning Executor Script(Windows)\n"; my %cmdLine = (); my $FILE_SEP = "\\"; GetOptions(\%cmdLine, "executorpropertyfilename=s", "assignmentpath=s", "componentpath=s", "directivepath=s", "directivescriptfilepath=s", "propertyfilepath=s", "component_binaryfilename=s", "cmdline_propertyname=s", "directivetype_propertyname=s", "standalonedirective=s", "perlhome=s", "emdroot=s" ); if(exists $cmdLine{"perlhome"}) { $cmdLine{"perlhome"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; my $perlhome_env = $cmdLine{"perlhome"}; #first check if the perl exists at the location as specified in the commad line if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl" || -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl.exe") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #check the current perl environment $perlhome_env = dirname $^X; if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl" || -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl.exe") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #do nothing at the time being, we are not quite sure if perl is really needed } } } else { #check the current perl environment my $perlhome_env = dirname $^X; if( -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl" || -e $perlhome_env.$FILE_SEP."perl.exe") { $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $perlhome_env; } else { #do nothing at the time being, we are not quite sure if perl is really needed } } # if(exists $cmdLine{"perlhome"}) # { # $cmdLine{"perlhome"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; # $ENV{PERL_HOME} = $cmdLine{"perlhome"}; # } if(exists $cmdLine{"emdroot"}) { $cmdLine{"emdroot"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; $ENV{EMDROOT} = $cmdLine{"emdroot"}; } require "$ENV{EMDROOT}".$FILE_SEP."sysman".$FILE_SEP."admin".$FILE_SEP."scripts".$FILE_SEP."provisioning".$FILE_SEP."provisionCommon.pl"; my $directiveTypeFile = "provision.properties"; if(exists $cmdLine{"executorpropertyfilename"}) { $cmdLine{"executorpropertyfilename"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; $directiveTypeFile = $cmdLine{"executorpropertyfilename"}; } my ($assignmentPath, $componentPath, $directivePath, $directiveScriptFilePath); if(exists $cmdLine{"assignmentpath"}) { $assignmentPath = $cmdLine{"assignmentpath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"componentpath"}) { $componentPath = $cmdLine{"componentpath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivepath"}) { $directivePath = $cmdLine{"directivepath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivescriptfilepath"}) { $cmdLine{"directivescriptfilepath"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; $directiveScriptFilePath = $cmdLine{"directivescriptfilepath"}; } my ($propertyFilePath, $componentFilename, $cmdLineProperty, $directiveTypeProperty); if(exists $cmdLine{"propertyfilepath"}) { $cmdLine{"propertyfilepath"} =~ s/\//$FILE_SEP/g; $propertyFilePath = $cmdLine{"propertyfilepath"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"component_binaryfilename"}) { $componentFilename = $cmdLine{"component_binaryfilename"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"cmdline_propertyname"}) { $cmdLineProperty = $cmdLine{"cmdline_propertyname"}; } if(exists $cmdLine{"directivetype_propertyname"}) { $directiveTypeProperty = $cmdLine{"directivetype_propertyname"}; } my $standAloneDirectiveProperty = "no"; if(exists $cmdLine{"standalonedirective"}) { $standAloneDirectiveProperty = $cmdLine{"standalonedirective"}; } print "\nInput PropertyFilePath is $propertyFilePath\n"; print "Input directiveScriptFilePath is $directiveScriptFilePath\n"; print "Input directiveTypeProperty is $directiveTypeProperty\n"; if ($standAloneDirectiveProperty eq "yes") { print "\nIts a StandAlone Directive\n"; if (!$directiveTypeFile || !$directiveTypeProperty || !$directiveScriptFilePath || !$propertyFilePath ) { # return failure print "\nOne or more required param missing\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "Input componentPath is $componentPath\n"; print "Input directivePath is $directivePath\n"; if (!$directiveTypeFile || !$directiveTypeProperty || !$directiveScriptFilePath || !$componentPath || !$directivePath || !$propertyFilePath ) { # return failure print "\nOne or more required param missing\n"; exit 1; } } print "Input componentFilename is $componentFilename\n"; # SET ALL THE ENV VARIABLES TO BE USED BY THE DIRECTIVE SCTIPTS $ENV{COMPONENTPATH} = $componentPath; $ENV{DIRECTIVEPATH} = $directivePath; $ENV{PROPERTY_FILEPATH} = $propertyFilePath; $ENV{COMPONENT_FILENAME} = $componentFilename; my ($directiveType, $commandLine, $directiveCmdLine, $finalDirectiveCommandLine); # get the type of the directive i.er. perl or bash or exec or something else $directiveType = get_oraDirectiveProperty($directiveTypeProperty); # get the the directive command line specified in the properties file $commandLine = get_oraDirectiveProperty($cmdLineProperty); print "\nDirective Type is $directiveType"; $directiveCmdLine = "\"".$directiveScriptFilePath . "\""." " . $commandLine; if($directiveType eq "SUB_Exec") { # dont change the perms as of now for windows #system("chmod 555 $directiveScriptFilePath"); $finalDirectiveCommandLine = $directiveCmdLine; } else { # get the directive command line from the properties file # this will return the end command line inclduing directivetype also; and so for # a perl type; the command line look like "perl test.pl arg1 arg2.." $finalDirectiveCommandLine = getDirectiveCommandLine( $directiveType, $directiveTypeFile, $directiveCmdLine); #if it is a perl directive, check for the availability, and replace accordingly if($directiveType eq "SUB_Perl") { if(-e $ENV{PERL_HOME}.$FILE_SEP."perl" || -e $ENV{PERL_HOME}.$FILE_SEP."perl.exe") { $finalDirectiveCommandLine =~ s/\$PERL_HOME\/perl/\%PERL_HOME\%\\perl/; } else { #perl has not been set properly... assuming it is available on the path... the following replacement will only take place if the final command has PERL_HOME $finalDirectiveCommandLine =~ s/\$PERL_HOME\/perl/perl/; } } } # cd to the directory, where directiveScriptFile is placed - todo # if directiveScriptFilePath == /a/b/c/a.pl then # we should 'cd' to /a/b/c before executing the directive changeDirToDirectiveWindows($directiveScriptFilePath); # execute the directive script by passing all the params print "\nFinal command line to execute is $finalDirectiveCommandLine"; executeCommandLine($finalDirectiveCommandLine); } sub changeDirToDirectiveWindows() { my ($directiveScriptFilePath) = @_; my @data_array = split /\\/ , $directiveScriptFilePath; my $a; my @new_data; for($a=0;$a<=$#data_array-1;$a++) { my $each_entry=$data_array[$a]; chomp $each_entry; push @new_data, $each_entry; } my $final_dir_to_cd=join "\\", @new_data; print "\nDir to CD is $final_dir_to_cd\n"; chdir($final_dir_to_cd); } # for each directive type, format the actual # command to be excuted sub getDirectiveCommandLine() { my ($directiveType, $directiveTypeFile, $cmdLine) = @_; my ($commndLine, $output); # getKeyValue defined in provisionCommon.pl $output = getKeyValue($directiveType, $directiveTypeFile, "="); if (!$output) { print "\nInvalid or Unsupported Directive Type=> $directiveType\n"; exit 1; } $cmdLine = "$output " . $cmdLine; return $cmdLine; }; sub executeCommandLine() { my ($commandLine) = @_; print "\n\nThe output of the directive is:\n"; system($commandLine); exit $? >> 8; } # Finds Property-Tab in the specified Property File # and replaces Command Line value with the # value of that property from the property file sub findAndReplaceProperties() { my ($cmdLine, $propertyFile) = @_; my $output; my @allwords = split(" ", $cmdLine); my $word; my $letter; foreach $word(@allwords) { $letter = substr($word, 0, 1); if ($letter eq "#") { $output = getKeyValue($word, $propertyFile, "="); if (!$output) { print "Could not find the required property-key in the Property File\n"; exit 1; } $cmdLine = findAndReplace($cmdLine, $word, $output); } } return $cmdLine ; }; # generic function to find one substring and then replace # it with the to be replaced substring into the string # and then return the modifiedstring sub findAndReplace() { my ($string, $find, $replace) = @_; $string =~ s/$find/$replace/ ; return $string; };
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