Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\provisioning\provisionCommon.pl
# # $Header: provisionCommon.pl 11-jan-2006.01:43:57 pshroff Exp $ # # provisionCommon.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # provisionCommon.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # This script will be used by the directives script writer to access # directive/component/assignment properties. Its a utility script and can be # used by the executor code as well as directive script to get propertyValue, # given the propertyName. # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # pshroff 01/03/06 - adding regex start/end exp for using propName as # it is in regEx eval # pshroff 01/11/06 - Backport pshroff_bug-4921988 from main # rattipal 12/08/05 - Backport pshroff_stage_url from main # pshroff 11/07/05 - modifying to fix bug related to = token # pshroff 11/28/05 - removing test code to fix bug#4761838 # rattipal 12/08/05 - Backport pshroff_bug-4761838 from main # pshroff 12/01/05 - removing extra newline and print mesg # pshroff 12/01/05 - removing extra newline and print mesg # rattipal 12/12/05 - Backport pshroff_bootfile_auto from main # pshroff 09/02/05 - removing debug mesg printing # pshroff 08/23/05 - removing prefix "." to support standalonedirectives # pshroff 06/30/05 - pshroff_map_shiphome # pshroff 05/13/05 - adding get_oraComponentFilename method # pshroff 04/19/05 - better indentation plus removed unwanted methods/variables... # pshroff 04/13/05 - Creation # use strict; first(); sub first() { print "\n"; } sub get_oraComponentFilename() { my $filename = $ENV{COMPONENT_FILENAME}; return $filename; } sub get_oraDirectiveProperty() { my ($propertyName) = @_; my $output; my $rootPropertyPath; my $fullPropertyName; $rootPropertyPath = $ENV{DIRECTIVEPATH} ; if ($rootPropertyPath) { $fullPropertyName = $rootPropertyPath . ".$propertyName"; } else { $fullPropertyName = $propertyName; } return get_oraProperty($fullPropertyName); } sub get_oraComponentProperty() { my ($propertyName) = @_; my $output; my $rootPropertyPath; my $fullPropertyName; $rootPropertyPath = $ENV{COMPONENTPATH} ; if ($rootPropertyPath) { $fullPropertyName = $rootPropertyPath . ".$propertyName"; } else { $fullPropertyName = $propertyName; } return get_oraProperty($fullPropertyName); } sub get_oraProperty() { my ($propertyName) = @_; my $propertyFilePath; my $propertyVal; #print "\n get_oraProperty: Property Name is $propertyName "; $propertyFilePath = $ENV{PROPERTY_FILEPATH}; $propertyVal = getPropertyValue($propertyFilePath, $propertyName); return $propertyVal; } sub getPropertyValue() { my ($propertyFile, $propertyName) = @_; my $token = "="; my $output = getKeyValue($propertyName, $propertyFile, $token); return $output; } sub getKeyValue() { my ($inputKey, $propertyFile, $token) = @_; my ($value, $property); open FILEHANDLE, "<$propertyFile" or die "can't open $propertyFile $!"; while ($property = <FILEHANDLE> ) { if($property =~ m/\Q$inputKey\E\s*$token\s*(.+)/) { my $value = $1; close (FILEHANDLE); return trim($value); } } close (FILEHANDLE); return; }; sub trim { my @out = @_; for (@out) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } return wantarray ? @out : $out[0]; }; sub stripComments() { my ($entry)=@_; if($entry =~ /^[\#]/) { $entry =~ s/\#//; } return $entry; } sub findAndReplace() { my ($string, $find, $replace) = @_; $string =~ s/$find/$replace/g ; return $string; }; sub trimZeroes() { my @value = @_; for (@value) { s/0+$//; } return $value[0]; };
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