Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\provisioning\provisionBootAndReset.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: provisionBootAndReset.pl 11-sep-2006.05:58:23 rattipal Exp $ # # provisionBootAndReset.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # provisionBootAndReset.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rattipal 09/11/06 - Backport ssdas_suse_fix from main # rattipal 02/09/06 - Backport rattipal_bootreset from main # ssdas 07/27/06 - making changes for suse # rattipal 02/02/06 - Fix 4997566 # rmadampa 09/25/05 - changing reboot path # prayarot 08/23/05 - adding default path in env # pshroff 07/05/05 - adding error handling code=> to exit with failure, # in case of errors # pshroff 06/30/05 - pshroff_map_shiphome # pshroff 06/21/05 - to corrupt both hda and sda drive # pshroff 04/16/05 - modfying to update the atual command instead of mkdir command used for testing # prayarot 04/13/05 - prayarot_intg_mar18 # prayarot 04/11/05 - Creation # $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin"; use strict; main(); sub main() { clearBootSector(); rebootMachine(); } sub clearBootSector() { my $exitstatus; my $mbr; my $mbrCorruptCommand; my $fname="/boot/grub/device.map"; my $mbrpathcommand; if ( -e $fname && -r $fname) { $mbrpathcommand= "grep \'(hd0)\' $fname | tr -t \"\t\*\" \" \" | tr -s \" \" | cut -f 2 -d \" \""; $mbr=`$mbrpathcommand`; chomp($mbr); } else { $mbrpathcommand="mount | grep \" / \" | cut -f 1 -d \" \""; $mbr=`$mbrpathcommand`; chomp($mbr); $mbr=~ s/(.*?)(\d+)$/$1/; } $mbrCorruptCommand="dd if=/dev/zero of=$mbr bs=512 count=1"; system($mbrCorruptCommand); $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\n Failed to Corrupt the Boot Sector on $mbr\n"; exit $exitstatus; } print "\n Successfuly Corrupted the Boot Sector on $mbr \n"; } sub rebootMachine() { my $rebootCommand = "reboot"; system($rebootCommand); my $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\n Failed to Reboot the target machine \n"; exit $exitstatus; } print "\n Successfully executed the command to reboot the target machine \n"; }
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