Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\provisioning\createlinuxostar.pl
: #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: createlinuxostar.pl 02-aug-2007.03:02:07 rshetty Exp $ # # createlinux0star.pl # #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: createlinuxostar.pl 02-aug-2007.03:02:07 rshetty Exp $ # # createlinuxostar.pl # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # createlinuxostar.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rshetty 08/02/07 - correcting error messages # spudukol 02/01/07 - adding changes for OEL # rattipal 10/07/06 - # rshetty 09/27/06 - including changes for fast provisioning # rattipal 09/11/06 - Backport ssdas_suse_fix from main # ssdas 08/08/06 - Backport ssdas_may11 from main # ssdas 08/11/06 - changing logic for selecting rpms from repository # ssdas 05/14/06 - added loop to copy RPM from repository for all architecture versions # rshetty 08/06/06 - recreating file # rshetty 08/06/06 - Creation # use LWP::Simple; use strict; my @required_rpms = ("kernel", "sudo"); #my @emagent_dependent_rpms = ("redhat-release", "glibc", "setarch", "pdksh", "sysstat", "chkconfig", "initscripts", "gcc"); my @emagent_dependent_rpms = ( "glibc", "setarch", "pdksh", "sysstat", "chkconfig", "initscripts", "gcc"); my @rpms_to_be_denied = ("emagent", "comps", "gpg-pubkey"); main(); sub main() { my $rpm_repository_url=$ARGV[0]; my $custom_rpm_list_file=$ARGV[1]; my $comp_path=$ARGV[2]; my $tar_filename=$ARGV[3]; my $pathSeperator="/"; my $rpm_repository_url_info_file = "rpm_repository.info"; my $final_rpm_list_file = "final_rpm.list"; my $repository_header_file_path = "RedHat/RPMS/headers/header.info"; #Repository path for OEL my $OEL_repository_header_file_path = "Enterprise/RPMS/headers/header.info"; my $header_file_name = "header.info"; my $FILENOTFOUND = 404; my $OK = 200; #get all rpm names with architecture in reference machine my @reference_rpms = `rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\t%{ARCH}\n"`; #get the list filtered thru custom_rpms list my @final_rpm_list = process_custom_rpms($custom_rpm_list_file, @reference_rpms); #downloading the header.info file my $header_src = $rpm_repository_url.$pathSeperator.$repository_header_file_path; my $header_target = $comp_path.$pathSeperator.$header_file_name; my $header_status = getstore($header_src,$header_target); my $repository_type = "RedHat"; #first check in RedHat if not found check in Enterprise if($header_status != $OK) { $header_src = $rpm_repository_url.$pathSeperator.$OEL_repository_header_file_path; $header_status = getstore($header_src,$header_target); $repository_type = "Enterprise"; if($header_status != $OK) { print "header source = $header_src\n"; print "header target = $header_target\n"; print "Status of header file copy is:$header_status\n"; print "Failed copying header file $header_file_name from RPM repository\n"; exit -1; } } else { print "Copied $header_file_name from RPM repository\n"; } #Download header.info complete #Put all RPM entries from the header file in an array open HEADER_FILEHANDLE, "$header_target" or die "can't open a $header_target"; my @rpmentries_list; while (<HEADER_FILEHANDLE>) { chomp; push (@rpmentries_list, $_); } close HEADER_FILEHANDLE; #TESTING #For each rpm package name in final rpm list check whether it is in the repository #by checking it in the header file entries my $continue_flag="true"; my $found_dependent_package_count = 0; my ($rpm_name_reference, $rpm_name, @missingrpms_list); for $rpm_name_reference (@final_rpm_list) { $rpm_name = $rpm_name_reference; chomp $rpm_name; $rpm_name=~s/\+/\\\+/g; my $rpm_name_without_architecure = removeArchitecture($rpm_name); my $rpm_arch = getArchitecture($rpm_name); my @rpm_name_entrys = grep /:$rpm_name_without_architecure-[^\-]*-[^\-]*.$rpm_arch=/, @rpmentries_list; #If no matching versions found, exit with error my $totalMatchingRPMs=$#rpm_name_entrys; if($totalMatchingRPMs == -1) { push (@missingrpms_list, "$rpm_name_without_architecure\n"); #print "rpm_name = $rpm_name_without_architecure \t rpm_arch = $rpm_arch\n"; $continue_flag="false"; } } my $hackfile = "/tmp/FDCD2512B3D349C4E030578CDF08494A"; if(-e $hackfile){ $continue_flag = "true"; } if($continue_flag=~/false/) { print "\n=================================================================\n"; print "ERROR: The following RPMs are not available in the repository"; print "\n=================================================================\n"; print map {($_=~s/\\\+/\+/g) ? $_:$_} @missingrpms_list; print "\n=================================================================\n"; print "RPM Repository Should have all the RPMs, which are " ; print "available at Reference Installation\n\n"; exit 1; } #creating the final_list file my $final_rpm_list_file_path = $comp_path.$pathSeperator.$final_rpm_list_file; open(FINAL_LIST,">$final_rpm_list_file_path") || die "Could not create file $final_rpm_list_file_path"; foreach $_(@final_rpm_list) { $_=~ s/\t/\./; } print FINAL_LIST (@final_rpm_list); close (FINAL_LIST); #passing rpm repository url information in a file my $command = "cd $comp_path; echo $rpm_repository_url > $rpm_repository_url_info_file; echo $repository_type >> $rpm_repository_url_info_file"; system($command); my $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ( $exitstatus != 0) { print "\n Failed while Creating $rpm_repository_url_info_file \n"; exit $exitstatus; } #Creating .tar file for all the RPMs got from the repository my $command="cd $comp_path ; mv LinuxOSRoot/RedHat LinuxOSRoot/$repository_type; chmod -R 777 .; tar -cvf $tar_filename *"; system($command); my $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ( $exitstatus != 0) { print "\n Failed while Creating Tar File for Linux OS Component \n"; exit $exitstatus; } } # main ends here #subroutine for processing custom rpms list sub process_custom_rpms() { my ($custom_file, @ref_rpm_list) = @_; my (@additional_rpms, @deny_rpms, @final_rpm_list); open CUSTOM_FILE, $custom_file or die "cannot open $custom_file"; #ignore comments in beggining of file my $custom_entry; while ($custom_entry = <CUSTOM_FILE>) { #ignore comment and empty lines next if ( ($custom_entry =~ m/^#/) || ($custom_entry !~ m/\w+/ ) ); last if ($custom_entry =~ m/\[additional_rpms\]/); } #read additional rpms while ($custom_entry = <CUSTOM_FILE>) { #ignore comment and empty lines next if ( ($custom_entry =~ m/^#/) || ($custom_entry !~ m/\w+/ ) ); last if ($custom_entry =~ m/\[deny_rpms\]/); push(@additional_rpms, $custom_entry); } #read deny rpms while ($custom_entry = <CUSTOM_FILE>) { #ignore comment and empty lines next if ( ($custom_entry =~ m/^#/) || ($custom_entry !~ m/\w+/ ) ); push(@deny_rpms, $custom_entry); } #adjust additional and deny list my $rpm_entry; for $rpm_entry (@required_rpms) { $rpm_entry = $rpm_entry."\n"; } for $rpm_entry (@emagent_dependent_rpms) { $rpm_entry = $rpm_entry."\n"; } for $rpm_entry (@rpms_to_be_denied) { $rpm_entry = $rpm_entry."\n"; } push(@additional_rpms, @required_rpms); push(@additional_rpms, @emagent_dependent_rpms); push(@deny_rpms, @rpms_to_be_denied); #creating the final list #first ignore rpms in both additional and deny list my $rpm_entry; foreach $rpm_entry (@ref_rpm_list) { my $rpm_entry_without_architecture = removeArchitecture($rpm_entry); #replace + by \+ to avoid regular exp within regular exp $rpm_entry_without_architecture=~s/\+/\\\+/g; #search for exact rpm name without version in addtional rpm and deny rpm list next if (grep (/^$rpm_entry_without_architecture$/, @additional_rpms)); next if (grep (/^$rpm_entry_without_architecture$/, @deny_rpms)); push (@final_rpm_list, $rpm_entry); } #then just add all rpms in additional list to the final list push(@final_rpm_list, @additional_rpms); close (CUSTOM_FILE); return @final_rpm_list; } #This method removes version and release no information from the rpm package name. #Example: Input: telnet-0.17-26 Output: telnet sub removeVerAndRelInfo() { my ($rpm_name)=@_; my (@rpm_info, $len, $count, $rpm_entry, $rpm_package_name); my (@rpm_name_no_ver); @rpm_info = split /-/,$rpm_name ; $len = $#rpm_info; #return the same name if not in proper name-version format return $rpm_name if ($len < 2) ; for($count=0;$count<=$len-2;$count++) { $rpm_entry=$rpm_info[$count]; chomp $rpm_entry; push @rpm_name_no_ver, $rpm_entry; } $rpm_package_name = join "-",@rpm_name_no_ver; return $rpm_package_name; } #This method removes the architecture information from the "rpmname \t arch" string #Example: Input: telnet\ti386 Output: telnet sub removeArchitecture() { my ($rpm_name)=@_; $rpm_name =~ s/\t.*//; return $rpm_name; } #This method returns the architecture information from the "rpmname \t arch" string #Example: Input: telnet\ti386 Output: i386 sub getArchitecture() { my ($rpm_name)=@_; #if a normal string without architecture return empty string if (!($rpm_name =~ m/\t/)) { return ""; } $rpm_name =~ s/.*\t//; return $rpm_name; }
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