Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\osLoad.pl
# $Header: osLoad.pl 03-apr-2007.03:30:44 shnavane Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # osLoad.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # This script is used in EMD to collect OS related statistics. # Only Linux is supported. # # The output of this script is : # # em_result=$cpuAvg5Min|$numActivePgs|$noOfProcesses|$noOfUsers|$tps| # 0|$cpuIdleRaw|$cpuUserRaw|$cpuSysRaw|$cpuNiceRaw|$page_size| # $realMemInKb|$freeMemInRaw|$usedSwapInRaw|$usedSwapInRaw|$freeSwapInRaw|$tps # # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # shnavane 12/11/06 - Fix bug #5701916 # shnavane 04/03/07 - Backport shnavane_bug-5701916 from main # rtakeish 02/07/-7 - Getting activeMem for bug5336607 # - Changing to get freeMem as KBytes # aptrived 07/11/06 - Backport aptrived_bug-4878743 from main # sacgoyal 01/13/05 - bug#3845346 make script to linux relevent only # sreddy 10/18/04 - latest code (bug#3838481), bug#3845346 included # rlal 08/20/04 - Define all vars for strict # njagathe 07/12/04 - Merge PE Changes # rlal 03/25/04 - Fix for bug 3533989 # skumar 01/29/04 - fix for 1 user # skumar 01/19/04 - paging changes # skumar 01/07/04 - Creation # vsekuboy 10/25/02 - Added Tru64 # vsekuboy 10/09/02 - Changes for Linux # xxu 06/25/02 - remove /usr/local/bin/perl # lnhan 08/05/01 - Add number of processes on HP-UX # lnhan 04/04/01 - To handle different outputs returned by different versions of top # lnhan 03/12/01 - Some scripts by Ash Arnold are combined and modified # to form the codes related HP. # On HP, if swapinfo fails to run swap value is set to 0. # By default only root can run swapinfo on HP # lnhan 03/12/01 - Creation # exit 1 if ($^O ne "linux"); use strict; use hostGenFunctions; use constant NIL => ''; my $loadavg = NIL; my $loadavg1min = NIL; my $loadavg5min = NIL; my $loadavg15min = NIL; my $nprocs = NIL; my $nusers = NIL; my $transfers = 0; my $cpuidle = NIL; my $cpuuser = NIL; my $cpusys = NIL; my $cpuwait = 0; my $pagesize = NIL; my $realmemKB = NIL; my $freemem = NIL; my $usedswap = NIL; my $freeswap = NIL; my $totalswap = NIL; my @data = (); my $size = 0; my @tokens = (); my $page = ''; my $pgpgin = 0; my $pgpgout = 0; my $activeMem = NIL; my $i; my $rioindex = -1; my $wioindex = -1; my $k24 = 0; $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/local/bin"; # Load averages and Number of Users Logged in my $lc_all_original = $ENV{LC_ALL}; #Save the original LC_ALL $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C"; $_ = `uptime` or die "Failed to run command uptime\n"; $ENV{LC_ALL} = $lc_all_original; #Restore original LC_ALL if (/.*,(\s+\d+ user).* load average:(.*)/) { $nusers = trim($1); $loadavg = trim($2); $nusers =~ s/ user//; } die "Failed to get Number of users\n" if ($nusers eq NIL || $loadavg eq NIL); ($loadavg1min, $loadavg5min, $loadavg15min) = split(", ", $loadavg); # page scans $page = `grep page /proc/stat`; $page =~ s/page\s+//; ($pgpgin, $pgpgout) = split(" ", $page); if ($pgpgin eq NIL) # 2.6 kernel { if (open(FH, "/proc/vmstat")) { while (<FH>) { if (/pgpgin\s+(\d+)/) { $pgpgin = $1; } if (/pgpgout\s+(\d+)/) { $pgpgout = $1; last; } } close FH; } } $nprocs = `ps -e | wc -l` or die "Failed to run ps"; chomp($nprocs); $nprocs = trim($nprocs); $pagesize = `getconf PAGE_SIZE`; chomp($pagesize); # Transfers if (!open(FH, "/proc/diskstats")) # 2.6 kernel { open FH, "/proc/partitions" or die "Could not open /proc/partitions\n"; $k24 = 1; # 2.4 kernel; } @data = (<FH>); close FH; if ($k24) { # Index of fields: rio and wio if ($data[0] =~ /rio/) { @tokens = split(/[\s\t]+/, $data[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $#tokens; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i] =~ /rio/) { $rioindex = $i; } if ($tokens[$i] =~ /wio/) { $wioindex = $i; } } } if ($rioindex != -1 && $wioindex != -1) { $size = scalar(@data); for ($i = 1; $i < $size; $i++) { $_ = trim($data[$i]); next if /^$/; @tokens = split(/[\s\t]+/, $_); $transfers += ($tokens[$rioindex] + $tokens[$wioindex]); } } } else { $size = scalar(@data); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $_ = trim($data[$i]); next if /^$/; @tokens = split(/[\s\t]+/, $_); if (scalar(@tokens) == 7) { $transfers += ($tokens[3] + $tokens[5]); } else { $transfers += ($tokens[3] + $tokens[7]); } } } # CPU stats $_ = `grep -F 'cpu ' /proc/stat` or die "Failed to run grep"; if (/cpu\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { $cpuuser = $1; $cpuuser += $2; $cpusys = $3; $cpuidle = $4; $cpuwait = $5; } elsif (/cpu\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { $cpuuser = $1; $cpuuser += $2; $cpusys = $3; $cpuidle = $4; } # Memory and Swap Info open FH, "/proc/meminfo" or die "Could not open /proc/meminfo\n"; while (<FH>) { if (/MemTotal:\s+(\d+)/) { $realmemKB = $1; } if (/MemFree:\s+(\d+)/) { $freemem = $1; } if (/Active:\s+(\d+)/) { $activeMem = $1; } if (/SwapTotal:\s+(\d+)/) { $totalswap = $1*1024; } if (/SwapFree:\s+(\d+)/) { $freeswap = $1*1024; $usedswap = $totalswap - $freeswap; last; } } close FH; print "em_result=$loadavg1min|$loadavg5min|$loadavg15min|$pgpgin|$pgpgout|$nprocs|$nusers|$transfers|$cpuidle|$cpuuser|$cpusys|$cpuwait|$pagesize|$realmemKB|$freemem|$usedswap|$freeswap|$activeMem\n"; exit 0;
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