Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\imap_service_test.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: imap_service_test.pl 06-apr-2007.23:06:54 nsarkar Exp $ # # imap_service_stat.pl # # Desc : the IMAP service target should be marked as down only if the "connection" # and "login" to the IMAP service fails 6 consecutive times ( or a user # specifiable property ). The initial version will not let the user to # configure the number of times a failure can be allowed for concerns on # using large number. # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # imap_service_stat.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # nsarkar 04/06/07 - Backport nsarkar_bug-5844308_01 from main # nsarkar 01/31/07 - timeout parameter is passed in IMAP connection # vesriniv 07/14/05 - fix succss string # fsalim 07/08/05 - fix4478756 # fsalim 07/04/05 - To return the error status message # tjaiswal 11/12/04 - tjaiswal_test_type_impl # vesriniv 11/02/04 - Updated the result to return Txn name and Beacon name # vesriniv 11/02/04 - Modified instance variables to USER input variables # hwjung 10/25/03 - Bug3206136 - down only if fails 6 consecutive times # gmulchan 07/30/03 - gmulchan_ocsv1_main_merge # tjaiswal 04/25/03 - # tjaiswal 04/22/03 - # tjaiswal 04/20/03 - Creation # #use strict; use Getopt::Long; # set up to accept user input use Net::IMAP::SimpleConn; use Time::HiRes; #imap parameters GetOptions(\%cmdLine, "beaconName=s", "txnName=s", "retryinterval=i", "numretries=i", "imap_host=s", "imap_port=i", "imap_user_name=s", "imap_password=s"); my $beaconName = $cmdLine{"beaconName"}; my $txnName = $cmdLine{"txnName"}; my $imap_host = $cmdLine{"imap_host"}; my $imap_port = $cmdLine{"imap_port"}; my $imap_user_name = $cmdLine{"imap_user_name"}; my $imap_password = $cmdLine{"imap_password"}; my $retryinterval = $cmdLine{"retryinterval"}; my $imap_fail_count = $cmdLine{"numretries"}; my $imap_timeout = 270; #default $imap_fail_count = 6 unless (exists $cmdLine{"numretries"}); $retryinterval = 5 unless (exists $cmdLine{"retryinterval"}); # metrics ###### # $connect_time # $login_time # $open_email_time # $list_folders_time # $errTxt #### $total_time = 0; $connect_time = 0; $login_time = 0; $open_email_time = 0; $list_folders_time = 0; $errTxt = "Success"; print "Connecting.. $imap_host:$imap_port :: $imap_user_name\n"; # open a connection to the IMAP server $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); # the number of failed login try $fail_count = 0; do { if( $fail_count >0 ) { sleep $retryinterval; } $status = check_imap_login(); $fail_count++; print "test count = $fail_count, status = $status\n"; }while ( $fail_count < $imap_fail_count && $status == 0 ); if ( $status == 1 ) { print "Connect Time = $connect_time\n"; print "Login Time = $login_time\n"; print "List Folders Time = $list_folders_time\n"; print "Open Email Time = $open_email_time\n"; print "Total Time = $total_time\n"; printf ("em_result=$txnName|$beaconName|$status|$total_time|$connect_time|$login_time|$open_email_time|$list_folders_time|$errTxt\n"); } else { printf ("em_result=$txnName|$beaconName|$status|$total_time|$connect_time|$login_time|$open_email_time|$list_folders_time|$errTxt\n"); } ################################################################# # create sub routine # return value : 1 - login success # 0 - login fail ################################################################# sub check_imap_login { # define $l_status as local variable my( $l_status ); # connect imap server $server = Net::IMAP::SimpleConn->new( $imap_host, $imap_port, $imap_timeout); if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /timeout/) { $errTxt = "IMAP connection is timed out"; print "Connection failed\n"; $l_status = 0; return $l_status; } } # if connection is succeed if ($server) { $l_status = 1; $connect_time = Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time; # login, by default selects INBOX $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); $num_messages = $server->login( $imap_user_name, $imap_password ); print "Number of messages in the inbox = $num_messages\n"; $login_time = Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time; # decide if this is a metric error or just l_status = down ? if (! defined ($num_messages)) { $errTxt = "Login Failed - Please check the username and password"; # regard this as l_status down print "Login failed\n"; $l_status = 0; } else { # Read the first message $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); $lines = $server->get( 1 ); $open_email_time = Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time; # the list of all folders $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); @folders = $server->mailboxes(); for ($i=0; $i < @folders; $i++) { #print "$folders[$i]\n"; } $list_folders_time = Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time; # close the connection $server->quit(); $total_time = $connect_time + $login_time + $open_email_time + $list_folders_time; # Important : Convert to milliseconds. $connect_time = toMilliSec($connect_time) ; $login_time = toMilliSec($login_time); $list_folders_time = toMilliSec($list_folders_time) ; $open_email_time = toMilliSec($open_email_time) ; $total_time = toMilliSec($total_time); } # end of login fail } else { # fail to connect imap $errTxt = "Could not connect to imap server, please check machine name and port number"; print "Connection failed\n"; $l_status = 0; } return $l_status } # end of check_imap_login sub toMilliSec { my ( $time_in_sec) = @_; return $time_in_sec * 1000; }
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