Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\httpd_esm.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: httpd_esm.pl 24-may-2005.23:13:23 rkuriako Exp $ # # httpd_esm.pl # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # httpd_esm.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # ESM script for checking httpd security violations. # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rkuriako 05/24/05 - bug-4370144 # rkuriako 05/03/05 - bug-4188709 # kchander 11/26/03 - kchander_esm_scripts_for_ias # kchander 11/26/03 - make final changes # kchander 10/28/03 - Creation # use File::Find; use Digest::MD5; use strict; my $oraHome = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; our $writeableFileCount = 0; my $sep = $^O =~ m/MSWin32/ ? "\\" : "\/"; my $httpdConf = $oraHome.$sep."Apache".$sep."Apache".$sep."conf".$sep."httpd.conf"; my @confarray = (); my $docRoot; if (open HTTPDCONF, "<$httpdConf") { my $in; while ($in = <HTTPDCONF>) { chomp($in); $in =~ s/^\s+//; $in =~ s/\s+$//; push(@confarray, $in); } @confarray = grep(!/^#/, @confarray); close HTTPDCONF; #check whether access logging is enabled or not. my @array = grep(/CustomLog/, @confarray); if ($#array < 0) { print "em_result=ApacheAccessLogging|disabled\n"; } else { print "em_result=ApacheAccessLogging|enabled\n"; } #check whether directory indexing is on @array = grep(/Options/, @confarray); my @indArr = grep(/Indexes/,@array); for (my $j =0; $j<=$#indArr; $j++) { $indArr[$j] =~ s/^\s+//; } @indArr = grep(!/^#/, @indArr); if ($#indArr == -1) { print "em_result=ApacheDirectoryIndexing|disabled\n"; } else { print "em_result=ApacheDirectoryIndexing|enabled\n"; } my $httpd = $oraHome.$sep."Apache".$sep."Apache".$sep."bin".$sep."httpd"; my @attr=stat($httpd); #check whether httpd is owned by root and setuid bit is on if ( ($attr[4] == 0) and ($attr[2] & 04000)) { print "em_result=HttpdProcessOwnedBy|root\n"; } else { print "em_result=HttpdProcessOwnedBy|non_root\n"; } #test all the static files in DocumentRoot are read only @array = grep(/DocumentRoot/, @confarray); for (my $j =0; $j<=$#array; $j++) { $array[$j] =~ s/^\s+//; } @array = grep(!/^#/, @array); for (my $i=0; $i<=$#array; $i++) { $docRoot = substr($array[$i], 12); $docRoot =~ s/^\s+//; my $in = index($docRoot, "\"", 1); $docRoot = substr($docRoot, 1, $in-1); $writeableFileCount = 0; find(\&checkFiles, $docRoot); if ($writeableFileCount >= 0) { print "em_result=OHSWritableFile_$i|$writeableFileCount\n"; } } } #check whether HTTP Server is runing on SSO or not. my $ssl = checkSSLON(); if (checkSSLON() == -1) { print "em_result=OHSSSLEnable|off\n"; } else { print "em_result=OHSSSLEnable|on\n"; } #check whether Dummy wallet is being used in production if (checkSSLON() == 1) { my $defaultDigest = "SF71BJSZvzb+2xrJQOKH+w"; my $sslconf = $oraHome.$sep."Apache".$sep."Apache".$sep."conf".$sep."ssl.conf"; my @sslconffile = (); if (open SSLCONF, "<$sslconf") { my $line; while ($line = <SSLCONF>) { chomp($line); $line =~s/^\s+//; $line =~s/\s+$//; if (grep(/SSLWallet/, $line)) { push(@sslconffile, $line); } } @sslconffile = grep(!/^#/, @sslconffile); my $file; foreach $file (@sslconffile) { my $ind = index($file, "file:"); my $walletdir; if (grep(/#/, $file)) { my $in = index($file, "#", $ind); $walletdir= substr($file, $ind+5, $in - ($ind+5)); } else { $walletdir = substr($file,$ind+5); } $walletdir =~s/^\s+//; $walletdir =~s/\s+$//; my $defaultCert = $walletdir."/ewallet.p12"; if (open DEFCER ,$defaultCert) { binmode(DEFCER); my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; while(<DEFCER>) { $md5->add($_); } close DEFCER; my $di= $md5->b64digest; # print "digest $di\n"; if ($di eq $defaultDigest) { print "em_result=OHSDummyWallet|used\n"; } else { print "em_result=OHSDummyWallet|not_used\n"; } } } close SSLCONF; } } sub checkSSLON { my $opmnLoc = $oraHome.$sep."opmn".$sep."conf".$sep."opmn.xml"; if (open OPMN, "<$opmnLoc") { my @arr = (); my $line; while( $line = <OPMN>) { chomp($line); $line =~s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ( grep(/^<ias-component/,$line) and grep(/HTTP_Server/, $line)) { my $i =0; $arr[$i++] = $line; while (my $in = <OPMN>) { chomp($in); $in =~s/^\s+//; $in =~ s/\s+$//; $arr[$i] = $in; $i++; if ( $in eq "</ias-component>") { last; } } } } #print "array is @arr\n"; @arr = grep(/ssl-enabled/, @arr); if ( $#arr == -1 ) { #print "em_result=OHSSSLEnable|off\n"; return -1; } else { return 1; } close OPMN; } } sub checkFiles { my $currentFile = $_; if (!( -d $currentFile)) { my @fileattr = stat($currentFile); # print "$currentFile\n"; if (($fileattr[2] & 020)or ($fileattr[2] & 2)) { $writeableFileCount++; } } }
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