Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\emrepnotif.pl
# $Header: emrepnotif.pl 18-may-2007.10:02:05 tsubrama Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # emrepnotif.pl # # DESCRIPTION # It connects to a database, executes a user-defined SQL # # NOTES # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # tsubrama 05/17/07 - removing double quotes in the subject and msg # aholser 01/24/05 - improve reliability # aholser 09/10/04 - linux port # kranjan 07/19/04 - Fix for Bug 3734381 # aholser 10/21/03 - remove tracing pwd # aholser 10/18/03 - # aholser 08/04/03 - notif delivery job gone # aholser 04/29/03 - minor changes # aholser 04/15/03 - aholser_aa # aholser 04/15/03 - # aholser 12/31/02 - Creation # use strict; use Oraperl; use Time::HiRes; require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; my $targetname = ""; my $db_connect = ""; my $emConsoleMode = ""; my $propertiesFile = "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/config/emoms.properties"; my $consoleModeProperty = "oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleMode"; my $jobLike = "EMD_NOTIFICATION.%"; my %omsProps; if (-e $propertiesFile) { %omsProps = &parseFile($propertiesFile); if (defined($omsProps{$consoleModeProperty})) { my $propValue = $omsProps{$consoleModeProperty}; if ($propValue eq "dbStandalone") { $emConsoleMode = "STANDALONE"; } if ($propValue eq "standalone") { $emConsoleMode = "DBCONSOLE"; } } else { $emConsoleMode = "CENTRAL"; } } else { $emConsoleMode = "STANDALONE"; } if($emConsoleMode ne "CENTRAL") { $jobLike = "EMD_MAINTENANCE%"; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: Connectdescriptor $ENV{CONNECTDESCRIPTOR}"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: emConsoleMode=$emConsoleMode jobLike=$jobLike"); if ( $ENV{CONNECTDESCRIPTOR} ne "" ) { $db_connect = $ENV{EM_REPOS_USER} . "/" . $ENV{EM_REPOS_PWD} . "@" . $ENV{CONNECTDESCRIPTOR}; $targetname = $ENV{EM_REPOS_USER}."test"; } else { $db_connect = $ENV{EM_REPOS_USER} . "/" . $ENV{EM_REPOS_PWD} . "@" . $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; $targetname = $ENV{SID}.$ENV{PORT}; } my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time; my $lda; my $targetname = $ENV{SID}.$ENV{PORT}; my $fn = get_tmp_filename ($targetname, "emrepnotif"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: $targetname, $fn"); # If we can't connect we'll exit. The error will be caught by emrepresp.pl unless ( $lda = &ora_login ('', $db_connect, '') ) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("emrepnotif: ora_login error: $ora_errstr - exiting"); exit 0; } register_metric_call($lda); my $sql = "SELECT (SELECT count(broken) FROM user_jobs WHERE what LIKE('$jobLike') AND broken = 'Y'), (SELECT MIN(SYSDATE-next_date) FROM user_jobs WHERE what LIKE('$jobLike')), NVL((SELECT AVG(value) FROM mgmt_system_performance_log WHERE job_name like('$jobLike') AND name='Queued Notifications' AND time>(SYSDATE-(1/24))),0), (SELECT DECODE(COUNT(a.device_name), 0, -1, COUNT(a.device_name)) - COUNT(b.device_name) FROM mgmt_notify_devices a, mgmt_notify_devices b WHERE b.status = 0) FROM DUAL"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: sql is: $sql"); my $cur; unless ($cur = &ora_open ($lda, $sql)) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("emrepnotif: ora_open error: $ora_errstr - exiting"); exit 1; } my @fetch_row; my $jobUpDown; my $schedule; my $waiting; my $devicesup; unless (@fetch_row = &ora_fetch($cur)) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("emrepnotif: ora_fetch error: $ora_errstr - exiting"); exit 1; } $jobUpDown = $fetch_row[0]; $schedule = $fetch_row[1]; $waiting = $fetch_row[2]; $devicesup = $fetch_row[3]; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: query result is:\nem_result=$jobUpDown|$waiting|$devicesup\n"); if($jobUpDown > 0) { print ("em_result=DOWN|SEVERE NOTIFICATION DBMS JOB ERROR: Notification dbms job is down"); EMD_PERL_ERROR("SEVERE NOTIFICATION DBMS JOB ERROR: Notification dbms job is down"); processfailure("SEVERE NOTIFICATION DBMS JOB ERROR: Notification dbms job is down"); } else { if($waiting > 500) { print ("em_result=DOWN|SEVERE NOTIFICATION BACKLOG: $waiting Notifications are waiting to be delivered"); EMD_PERL_ERROR("SEVERE NOTIFICATION BACKLOG: $waiting Notifications are waiting to be delivered"); processfailure("SEVERE NOTIFICATION BACKLOG: $waiting Notifications are waiting to be delivered"); } else { if($devicesup = 0) { print ("em_result=DOWN|NOTIFICATION DELIVERY NOT POSSIBLE: All notification methods are down"); EMD_PERL_ERROR("NOTIFICATION DELIVERY NOT POSSIBLE: All notification methods are down"); processfailure("NOTIFICATION DELIVERY NOT POSSIBLE: All notification methods are down"); } else # If the next schedule time is more than 2 hours in the past or a year in the future, the # schedule is invalid and the job is broken. { if(($schedule > 1/12) || ($schedule < -365)) { print ("em_result=DOWN|NOTIFICATION JOB ERROR: Job schedule time is invalid"); EMD_PERL_ERROR("NOTIFICATION JOB ERROR: Job schedule time is invalid"); processfailure("NOTIFICATION JOB ERROR: Job schedule time is invalid"); } else { print ("em_result=UP|Notification System is working properly"); } } } } &ora_logoff($lda) || warn "ora_logoff($lda): $ora_errno: $ora_errstr\n"; my $end_time = Time::HiRes::time; my $logon_time = ($end_time - $start_time) * 1000; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: Time in emrepnotif: $logon_time" ); exit 0; sub processfailure { my $mailscript = "emrepdown.pl"; my $exists = -e $fn; my $mailscriptexists = -e $mailscript; my $accesstime = -M $fn; my $interval = 1/24; my $home = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: exists=$exists, accesstime=$accesstime, interval=$interval mailscriptexists=$mailscriptexists" ); # Email is sent if the error is new ($fn doesn't exist) or more than one hour has elapsed. if(($exists < 1) || ($accesstime > $interval)) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: sending email" ); if($exists > 0) { unlink($fn); } open(FILE, ">".$fn); print FILE scalar localtime; close(FILE); if($mailscriptexists < 1) { if( $home ne "" ) { $mailscript = "$home/bin/emrepdown.pl"; $mailscriptexists = -e $mailscript; if($mailscriptexists < 1) { $mailscript = "$home/emagent/sysman/admin/scripts/emrepdown.pl"; $mailscriptexists = -e $mailscript; if($mailscriptexists < 1) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: Can't locate emrepdown.pl script: ORACLE_HOME=$home - exiting"); return; } } } } { local @ARGV; my ($message) = @_; $ARGV[0] = $message; $ARGV[1] = "Severe Enterprise Manager Notification subsystem problem"; EMD_PERL_ERROR("emrepnotif: processfailure $mailscript, Message:$ARGV[0], Subject:$ARGV[1]"); #since ARGV is local variable,it's values are directly accessible in the mailscript. #The do() method executes the contents of the file as a Perl script. do($mailscript); } close(FH); return; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("emrepnotif: processfailure $fn already exists and less than one hour since last email"); } sub parseFile { my($fname) = @_; my %lprop; if (! -T $fname ) { print "File $fname is not a text file\n"; next; } open(FILE,$fname) or die "Can not read file: $fname\n$!\n"; while (<FILE>) { ;# Remove leading and traling whitespaces s/^\s+|\s+$//; s/#.*$//g; ;# Validate each non-empty line if (! /^$/) { my($name,$value) = /([^=]+)\s*=\s*(.+)/; if (defined($name) && defined($value)) { $name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $lprop{$name} = $value; } } } close(FILE); ;# Return success return %lprop; }
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