Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\emdprocstats.pl
# $Header: emdprocstats.pl 01-sep-2007.00:31:52 vrajendr Exp $ # # emdprocstats.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # emdprocstats.pl # # DESCRIPTION # CEMD self monitoring metric HostInfo script. # RETURNS: <process id of emd>| # <cpu usage of emd as a %>| # <virtual memory utilization in KB>| # <resident memory utilization in KB>| # <number threads created>| # <up time> # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # vrajendr 09/01/07 - Backport vrajendr_bug-6219312 from main # svrrao 08/01/07 - Backport svrrao_bug-6282337 from main # bguhatha 06/11/07 - Backport bguhatha_bug-5908032 from main # vrajendr 08/31/07 - Bug# 6219312: Avoiding Division by Zero if totalMem is 0 # svrrao 07/30/07 - bug#6282337: tail +2 option breaks across linux # versions # bguhatha 05/28/07 - bug-5908032 # nsharma 12/18/06 - Fix for 5719319, get rid of recursive ps on HPUX # cvaishna 06/23/06 - Bug Fix : 5282583 # cvaishna 06/23/06 - # kganapat 08/31/05 - Fix for num_of_thread in new version of Redhat # sksaha 07/26/05 - Fix numOfThreads in linux # sksaha 07/22/05 - Don't set include_children for CPU usage # xxu 07/13/05 - multiple CPUs # njagathe 11/24/04 - Handle NT # aaitghez 11/04/04 - bug 3843569. PLE changes # mkiran 10/04/04 - 3620133: Exit if 'emctl status agent' fails # kduvvuri 09/17/04 - fix trace. # kduvvuri 09/15/04 - add tracing. # mbhoopat 03/10/04 - linux port # skumar 01/13/04 - 10G changes for emd procstats # rzkrishn 12/16/03 - get Agent only virtual and resident memory # rlal 11/26/03 - Fix for bug 2911067 # njagathe 10/28/03 - Stop printing uptime # aaitghez 05/13/03 - bug 2916669 # aaitghez 01/21/03 - change calls to process functions # vsekuboy 10/09/02 - Added comments for linux-specific code # vsekuboy 10/08/02 - Changes for HP and Linux # aaitghez 08/26/02 - add percentage column # aaitghez 08/21/02 - add more file types # aaitghez 07/16/02 - change function prototype # xxu 06/25/02 - remove /usr/local/bin/perl # aaitghez 06/24/02 - adding number threads and uptime # aaitghez 06/12/02 - remove total CPU metric info.. # aaitghez 05/22/02 - add sum of all child processes column.. # aaitghez 04/23/02 - aaitghez_bug-2334129 # aaitghez 04/22/02 - Creation # require "emdprocesschars.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; require "emd_common.pl"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Entering emdprocstats.pl"); $os = get_osType(); if ( $os eq "WIN") { $emdRoot = $ENV{"EMD_ROOT"}; $emdPid = $ARGV[0]; system("$emdRoot/bin/nmupm ProcInfo $emdPid"); exit; } chomp ($os = `uname -s`) or die "Failed to run the uname command"; SWITCH: { $os eq "SunOS" && do { chomp ($ver = `uname -r`); if ( $ver !~ /^4./ ) { $osType = "Sol"; last SWITCH; } }; $os eq "HP-UX" && do { $osType = "HP"; $ENV{UNIX95} = "XPG4"; last SWITCH; }; $os eq "Linux" && do { $osType = "LNX"; last SWITCH; }; $os eq "OSF1" && do { $osType = "OSF1"; last SWITCH; }; $os eq "AIX" && do { $osType = "AIX"; last SWITCH; }; $os eq "Darwin" && do { $osType = "MACOSX"; last SWITCH; }; die "Unsupported Operating System\n"; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("The OS is determined to be $osType"); $cmd=`$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/emdctl status agent` or die "emctl status agent returned agent not running.\n"; chomp ($cmd); @pids = getPIDS($cmd); $emd_pid = $pids[0]; $parent_pid = $pids[1]; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Agent & Parent Process ID $emd_pid, $parent_pid"); $command = `ps -p $emd_pid -o args |tail -1` or die "emd_pid doesn't exist.\n"; chomp($command); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Agent Process Name is:$command"); # # Number of files and number of threads is not avlbl on linux # my @result_vec; my @stats = ("vsz", "rss", "pmem", "nlwp"); my @agentonlystats = ("vsz", "rss", "pcpu"); my @agentonly_result_vec; my $getFileHandles = 1; if ($osType eq "LNX" || $osType eq "OSF1" || $osType eq "AIX" || $osType eq "MACOSX") { $getFileHandles = 0; @stats = ("vsz", "rss", "pmem"); } elsif ( $osType eq "HP" ) { $getFileHandles = 0; @stats = ("vsz", "sz", "sz"); # no pmem option on HP, replaced with sz as placeholder only @agentonlystats = ("vsz", "sz", "pcpu"); } getProcessChars($getFileHandles, 1, $emd_pid, \@stats, \@result_vec); getProcessChars(0, 0, $emd_pid, \@agentonlystats, \@agentonly_result_vec); $virtual_mem = @result_vec[0]; if ($osType eq "HP") { $physical_mem = @result_vec[1] * `/usr/bin/getconf _SC_PAGE_SIZE` / 1024 ; my $REAL_MEM_COL = 12; #As per nmupm osLoad command my $mem_output = `$ENV{EMDROOT}/bin/nmupm osLoad`; my @mem_lines = split( '\|', $mem_output ); # pull out pageSize, realMem and freeMemRaw my $totalMem = $mem_lines[$REAL_MEM_COL]; if (totalMem == 0) # Bug # 6219312 { $physical_mem_percentage = ""; } else { $physical_mem_percentage = sprintf("%.2f",$physical_mem/$totalMem*100); } } else { $physical_mem = @result_vec[1]; $physical_mem_percentage = @result_vec[2]; } $cpu_util = @agentonly_result_vec[2]; $agentonly_virtual_mem = @agentonly_result_vec[0]; if ($osType eq "HP") { $agentonly_physical_mem = @agentonly_result_vec[1] * `/usr/bin/getconf _SC_PAGE_SIZE` / 1024 ; } else { $agentonly_physical_mem = @agentonly_result_vec[1]; } if($osType eq "Sol") { $number_files = `/bin/ls /proc/$emd_pid/fd/* | /usr/bin/wc -l`; chomp($number_files); $number_files =~ s/^\s+//; $num_threads = @result_vec[3]; } elsif ($osType eq "LNX") { my $diststring=''; open(IFH, "/etc/issue"); while (<IFH>) { next if (/^$/); chomp; $diststring = $_; last; } $num_threads = 0; if ( $diststring !~ /UnitedLinux 1.0/ && $diststring !~ /Red Hat Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS/ && $diststring !~ /SLES 8/ ) # Older distributions, do nothing { if ( $diststring =~ /Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3/ ) { $command_threads = `/bin/ps -eo \"ppid,pid,args\" -m | /bin/grep $command | /bin/grep -v grep`; EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("Got the following threads ...\n$command_threads"); # Recursively find all threads belonging to $parent_pid $num_threads = getThreadCount_LNX($parent_pid, $command_threads); } else # SLES9 and later distributions { $num_threads = `/bin/ps -p $emd_pid -o nlwp h 2>/dev/null`; $num_threads =~ s/^\s+//; } chomp($num_threads); } if ($num_threads == 0) { $threads_cmd = `/bin/ps -m wwx | /bin/grep $command | /bin/grep -v grep | /bin/awk '{print \$1}'`; chomp($threads_cmd); @threads = split ( /\n/ , $threads_cmd ); $num_threads = $#threads; $cpu_util = 0; foreach $tid (@threads) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Getting info for thread id $tid"); $cpu_tid = `/bin/ps -o pcpu -p $tid h`; chomp($cpu_tid); $cpu_util += $cpu_tid; } } my $num_cpus = `grep cpu /proc/stat | wc -l` - 1; EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("Number of CPUs $num_cpus, total CPU Usage $cpu_util"); $cpu_util /= $num_cpus; EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("divide by number of CPUs, now CPU Usage $cpu_util"); $number_files = `/bin/ls /proc/$emd_pid/fd/* | /usr/bin/wc -l`; chomp($number_files); $number_files =~ s/^\s+//; } elsif ($osType eq "OSF1") { $number_files = 0; $num_threads = `ps -m -p $emd_pid | tail +3 | wc -l`; chomp($num_threads); } elsif ($osType eq "AIX") { $number_files = 0; $num_threads = `ps -p $emd_pid -o thcount=`; chomp($num_threads); $num_threads =~ s/^\s+//; } elsif ($osType eq "HP") { $number_files = getFileHandles($emd_pid, 1); $num_threads = `$ENV{EMDROOT}/bin/nmupm lwp $emd_pid`; chomp($num_threads); } elsif ($osType eq "MACOSX") { $number_files = 0; if (-x "/usr/sbin/lsof") { $number_files = `/usr/sbin/lsof -p $emd_pid | wc -l`; chomp($number_files); $number_files =~ s/^\s+//; } $num_threads = `ps -M -p $emd_pid | tail +3 | wc -l`; chomp($num_threads); $num_threads =~ s/^\s+//; if ($physical_mem_percentage < 0.0) { $physical_mem_percentage = -$physical_mem_percentage; }; if ($physical_mem_percentage == -0.0) { $physical_mem_percentage = 0.0; }; } else { $number_files = 0; $num_threads = 0; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("emd_pid=$emd_pid,cpu_util=$cpu_util,virtual_mem=$virtual_mem,physical_mem=$physical_mem,physical_mem_percentage=physical_mem_percentage,number_files=$number_files,num_threads=$num_threads,agent_only_virtual_mem=$agentonly_virtual_mem,agent_only_physical_mem=$agentonly_physical_mem"); print "em_result=$emd_pid|$cpu_util|$virtual_mem|$physical_mem|$physical_mem_percentage|$number_files||$num_threads|$agentonly_virtual_mem|$agentonly_physical_mem\n";
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