Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\db\waitChains.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: waitChains.pl 25-jan-2008.13:08:25 jsoule Exp $ # # waitChains.pl # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # waitChains.pl - Get the wait chains data from the server. # # DESCRIPTION # Use the direct_access API to retrieve wait chain data from the server. # # NOTES # The following conventions must be followed. # 1) SYSDBA user/password are to be passed on stdin. # If the password is missing, that signals the script to attempt # OS authentication using BEQ protocol. # 2) The TNS descriptor is passed as an environment variable. # This is unused if password is missing (use "/ as sysdba"). # 3) Command-line parameters are $ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_SID [global] # If global is present, this gets the chains for all instances. # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # jsoule 01/25/08 - add global area option # jsoule 10/04/06 - better tracing # jsoule 09/15/06 - Creation # use strict; require "emd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/direct_access.pl"; ################################ ## process inputs ################################ # stdin my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_SYSDBA_USERNAME"}; my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_SYSDBA_PASSWORD"}; # environment variables my $connect_string = $ENV{"EM_TARGET_ADDRESS"}; if ($password) { EMAGENT_PERL_INFO("using SYSDBA credentials"); $connect_string = "$username/$password as sysdba"; #$connect_string = "$username/$password\@$connect_string as sysdba"; } else { EMAGENT_PERL_INFO("trying BEQ protocol and OS authentication"); $connect_string = "/ as sysdba"; } # command line my $oracle_home = $ARGV[0]; my $oracle_sid = $ARGV[1]; my $analysisArea = "local"; if ($#ARGV >= 2) { $analysisArea = $ARGV[2]; } EMAGENT_PERL_DEBUG("analysisArea=$analysisArea"); DirectAccess::setContextAttributes($oracle_home, $oracle_sid, $connect_string); my @rows; ################################ ## get the total number of sessions ################################ my $total_sessions; if ($oracle_sid) { # # At this time (pre 11.1 beta 4), there has been no arrangement to guarantee # safety of the x$kslwt fixed table direct_access lookup. At the same time, # there is no strong requirement to display the total number of sessions. # This code remains as a reference and in case the requirement is renewed. # #@rows = DirectAccess::getFixedTable('X$KSLWT', ('KSLWTSID')); #if ($DirectAccess::ERROR_CODE) #{ # EMAGENT_PERL_ERROR("received error code $DirectAccess::ERROR_CODE"); # allow this failure; don't die #} #else #{ # $total_sessions = @rows; #} # # For now, we return no total sessions value. # $total_sessions = ''; } ################################ ## get wait chain data ################################ @rows = DirectAccess::getFixedTable('X$KSDHNG_CHAINS', ("INSTANCE", "SID", "SESS_SERIAL#", "OSID", "BLOCKER_IS_VALID", "BLOCKER_INSTANCE", "BLOCKER_SID", "BLOCKER_SESS_SERIAL#", "INST_ID", "CHAIN_ID", "CHAIN_SIGNATURE", "CHAIN_IS_CYCLE")); if ($DirectAccess::ERROR_CODE) { EMAGENT_PERL_ERROR("received error code $DirectAccess::ERROR_CODE"); die "em_error=$DirectAccess::ERROR_CODE\n"; } ################################ ## filter rows ################################ @rows = filter_chains($analysisArea ne "global", @rows); ################################ ## print those that remain ################################ EMAGENT_PERL_INFO("returning ".(@rows+0)." waiting sessions"); write_sessions($total_sessions, $oracle_sid, @rows); # # Subroutine: filter_chains # $_[0] => true iff single-instance # $_[*] => rows in wait chains # # Returns: the set of filtered rows # sub filter_chains { my $instance_only = shift; my @rows = @_; # instance filtering if ($instance_only) { EMAGENT_PERL_DEBUG("keeping only this instance"); @rows = grep { %{$_}->{"INST_ID"} == %{$_}->{"INSTANCE"} } @rows; } else { EMAGENT_PERL_DEBUG("keeping all instances"); } EMAGENT_PERL_INFO("keeping ".(@rows+0)." sessions from instance(s)"); ################################ # trivial chain filtering ################################ # # blocked sessions have BLOCKER_IS_VALID == 1; keep all of those # my @blocked = grep { %{$_}->{"BLOCKER_IS_VALID"} } @rows; EMAGENT_PERL_INFO("found ".(@blocked+0)." blocked sessions"); # # find unblocked sessions which are blockers # my @unblocked_blockers = (); my @blocker_ids = (); for my $hash (@blocked) { my $instance = %{$hash}->{"BLOCKER_INSTANCE"}; my $sid = %{$hash}->{"BLOCKER_SID"}; my $serialno = %{$hash}->{"BLOCKER_SESS_SERIAL#"}; my $blocker_id = $sid."#".$serialno."@".$instance; foreach (@rows) { if (!%{$_}->{"BLOCKER_IS_VALID"} && %{$_}->{"INSTANCE"} eq $instance && %{$_}->{"SID"} eq $sid && %{$_}->{"SESS_SERIAL#"} eq $serialno) { if (!grep { /$blocker_id/ } @blocker_ids) { # only add each once EMAGENT_PERL_DEBUG("adding BLOCKER ".$blocker_id); push @blocker_ids, $blocker_id; push @unblocked_blockers, $_; } else { EMAGENT_PERL_DEBUG("skipping BLOCKER ".$blocker_id. ": already added"); } } } } # # return blocked + unblocked_blockers # my @waiters = (); push @waiters, @blocked; push @waiters, @unblocked_blockers; return @waiters; } # # Subroutine: write_sessions # $_[0] => number of sessions # $_[1] => true iff single-instance # $_[*] => rows in wait chains # sub write_sessions { my $session_count = shift; my $instance_only = shift; my @rows = @_; # choose columns my @output_colnames = ("SID", "SESS_SERIAL#", "INSTANCE", "OSID", "BLOCKER_SID", "BLOCKER_SESS_SERIAL#", "BLOCKER_INSTANCE", "CHAIN_ID", "CHAIN_SIGNATURE", "CHAIN_IS_CYCLE"); print "em_result=$session_count|"; my $row; for ($row = 0; $row <= $#rows; $row++) { print encode_delimiters($rows[$row]{$output_colnames[0]}); my $col; for ($col = 1; $col <= $#output_colnames; $col++) { print ",".encode_delimiters($rows[$row]{$output_colnames[$col]}); } if ($row != $#rows) { print "|"; } } print "\n"; } sub encode_delimiters { my $value = shift; $value =~ s/\|/_x007C_/g; $value =~ s/\,/_x002C_/g; return $value; } exit 0;
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