Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\db\tableAccess.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: tableAccess.pl 04-jul-2005.11:45:01 dsukhwal Exp $ # # tableAccess.pl # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # tableAccess.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # dsukhwal 07/04/05 - support flood control for all metrics # dkjain 07/03/05 - Fixed the em_error with print # dsukhwal 05/14/05 - performance improvement # dkjain 01/07/05 - Modified propertytext for role_role_privs # dkjain 12/07/04 - Changed text to DBA_ROLE_PRIVS # dkjain 11/26/04 - Fixed Bug-4027306 # dkjain 10/31/04 - Fixed unable to connect # dkjain 10/08/04 - dkjain_esa_impl_init # dkjain 10/08/04 - Creation # require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaDbUtils.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaUtils.pl"; my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_USERNAME"}; my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_PASSWORD"}; my $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; my $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE}; my $mode = 0; my $public = "PUBLIC" ; my $privilege ; my $i = 0; if($role =~ /SYSDBA/i) { $mode = 2; } elsif($role =~ /SYSOPER/i) { $mode = 4; } my @role ; my @users ; my $index = 0 ; my @list1 ; my $dbh = open_db_connection("dbi:Oracle:", "$username@".$address,$password,$mode); my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare('select username from dba_users where username = ? ') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('select distinct granted_role,grantee from dba_role_privs order by granted_role') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth2->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; while (@list1 = $sth2->fetchrow_array()) { $role[$index] = qq($list1[0]:$list1[1]); $index++; if($index >= 200){ last ; } } my @user_priv ; my $j = 0 ; my $table_name = q('AUD$'); my $property="access_aud_table" ; table_access2($ENV{'AUDMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('USER_HISTORY$'); $property="access_user_history" ; table_access2($ENV{'UHISTMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('SOURCE$'); $property="access_source_table" ; table_access2($ENV{'SRCTABMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('LINK$'); $property="access_link_table" ; table_access2($ENV{'LNKTABMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('USER$'); $property="access_user_table" ; table_access2($ENV{'USRTABMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('STATS$SQLTEXT'); $property="access_sql_text" ; table_access2($ENV{'SQLTXTMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('STATS$SQL_SUMMARY'); $property="access_sql_summary" ; table_access2($ENV{'SQLSUMMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('ALL_SOURCE'); $property="access_all_source" ; table_access2($ENV{'ALLSRCMAX'}); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('DBA_ROLES'); $property="access_dba_roles" ; table_access2($ENV{'DBAROLMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('DBA_SYS_PRIVS'); $property="access_dba_sysprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'SYSPRIVMAX'}); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('DBA_ROLE_PRIVS'); $property="access_dba_roleprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'ROLPRIVMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('DBA_TAB_PRIVS'); $property="access_dba_tabprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'TABPRIVMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('DBA_USERS'); $property="access_dba_users" ; table_access2($ENV{'DBAUSRMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS'); $property="access_role_roleprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'ROLROLMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('USER_TAB_PRIVS'); $property="access_user_tabprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'USRTABPRMAX'}); @user_priv = (); $j = 0 ; $table_name = q('USER_ROLE_PRIVS'); $property="access_user_roleprivs" ; table_access2($ENV{'USRROLPRMAX'}); close_db_connection($dbh); # This function returns list of users have been given object privs on tables # directly or thru roles sub table_access2{ my $sth ; my @list2 = (); my $numRows=0; my $maxRows = shift; my $query = qq(select distinct grantee,privilege from dba_tab_privs where table_name = $table_name); my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare_cached($query ) or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement:$dbh->errstr"; $sth3->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; while (@list2 = $sth3->fetchrow_array()) { if(($list2[0] ne "SYS")&&(($public =~ /$list2[0]/i) || (is_user($list2[0])))){ if(search_n_store($property,$list2[0],$list2[1]) && compareNegInf($numRows, $maxRows) ){ print "em_result=$property|$list2[0]|$list2[1]\n" ; $numRows++; } } else { $privilege = $list2[1] ; is_role($list2[0], $maxRows, $numRows); } } } sub is_role{ my $is_role = shift ; my $maxRows = shift; my $numRows = shift; my $role ; my @tmp ; foreach $role (@role){ @tmp = split(/:/,$role); if($tmp[0] eq $is_role){ if(($tmp[1] ne "SYS")&&(($public =~ /$tmp[1]/i) || (is_user($tmp[1])))){ if(search_n_store($property,$tmp[1],$privilege) && compareNegInf($numRows, $maxRows) ){ print "em_result=$property|$tmp[1]|$privilege\n" ; $numRows++; } last ; } else{ is_role($tmp[1], $maxRows, $numRows); } } } } sub search_n_store { my $flag = 0 ; my $elem; my ($property,$user,$privilege) = @_ ; my @tmp ; if($j > 20){ return 0; } foreach $elem (@user_priv){ @tmp = split(/:/,$elem); if(($tmp[0] eq $property) && ($tmp[1] eq $user) && ($tmp[2] eq $privilege)){ $flag = 1 ; last ; } } if($flag){ return 0 ; } $user_priv[$j] = qq($property:$user:$privilege); $j++; return 1; } sub is_user{ my $dbuser = shift ; $sth1->execute($dbuser) or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; my @list0 ; if(@list0 = $sth1->fetchrow_array()){ return 1; }else{ return 0 ; } }
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