Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\db\esaPrivReports.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: esaPrivReports.pl 03-aug-2005.21:35:08 dsukhwal Exp $ # # esaPrivReports.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # esaPrivReports.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # implement SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH like output in 8i databases # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # dsukhwal 08/03/05 - dsukhwal_8i_reports # dsukhwal 08/03/05 - Creation # require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaDbUtils.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaUtils.pl"; my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_USERNAME"}; my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_PASSWORD"}; my $oracleHome = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ORACLE_HOME}; my $oracleOwner; my $dsn = "dbi:Oracle:" ; my $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; my $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE}; my $mode = 0; my $maxRows = 200; my $numRows = 0; if($role =~ /SYSDBA/i) { $mode = 2; } elsif($role =~ /SYSOPER/i) { $mode = 4; } my $table = "v\$database"; my $value = "log_mode"; my $dbh = open_db_connection("dbi:Oracle:", "$username@".$address,$password,$mode); my $sth; #to be used as a statement handle if($ARGV[0] eq 'EXEMPT_ACCESS_POLICY'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name = \'EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY\' union select granted_role p,grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p,grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where ((c = \'PUBLIC\') or (exists (select \'w\' from dba_users where username=c))or (exists (select \'w\' from dba_roles where role=c))) and rownum < 1000 start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'DBA_ROLE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select p,c from ( select null p, role c from dba_roles where role in (\'DBA\') union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 AND p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CREATE_PRIVILEGE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name like \'%CREATE%\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 AND p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CATALOG_ROLE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select p,c from ( select null p, role c from dba_roles where role like \'%_CATALOG_%\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 AND p IS NOT NULL start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'BECOME_USER'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p,c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name = \'BECOME USER\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 AND p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'AUDIT_SYSTEM'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name = \'AUDIT SYSTEM\' union select granted_role p,grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'ANY_DICTIONARY'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name like \'%ANY DICTIONARY%\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CONNECT_PRIVILEGE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p, c from ( select null p, role c from dba_roles where role in (\'RESOURCE\', \'CONNECT\') union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'ALL_PRIVILEGES'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name = \'GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'ANY_PRIVILEGE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name like \'%ANY%\' union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'POWER_PRIVILEGE'){ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('select distinct p, c from ( select null p, name c from system_privilege_map where name in (\'ALTER SESSION\',\'ALTER SYSTEM\',\'CREATE PROCEDURE\',\'CREATE LIBRARY\') union select granted_role p, grantee c from dba_role_privs union select privilege p, grantee c from dba_sys_privs ) where rownum < 1000 and p is not null start with p is null connect by p = prior c') or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr"; } my @grantList; my %grantTree;#grantTree{priv}=%privHash such that #%privHash{grantee} = 1 if priv has been granted to grantee, #undef otherwise while (@grantList = $sth->fetchrow_array()){ if( !defined($grantTree{$grantList[0]}) ){ my %tempHash; $tempHash{$grantList[1]} = 1; $grantTree{$grantList[0]} = \%tempHash; } else{ my %tempHash = %{$grantTree{$grantList[0]}}; $tempHash{$grantList[1]} = 1; $grantTree{$grantList[0]} = \%tempHash; } } close_db_connection($dbh) ; foreach $privs (keys %grantTree){ my %tempHash = %{$grantTree{$privs}}; } if(($ARGV[0] eq 'EXEMPT_ACCESS_POLICY') && defined($grantTree{"EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY"})){ $numRows = $maxRows; printRows("EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY", "EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY", "EXEMPT_ACCESS_POLICY"); } elsif(($ARGV[0] eq 'DBA_ROLE') && defined($grantTree{"DBA"})){ $numRows = $maxRows; printRows("DBA", "DBA", "DBA_ROLE"); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CREATE_PRIVILEGE'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $create_priv; foreach $create_priv (keys %grantTree){ if(($create_priv =~ /CREATE/) && defined($grantTree{$create_priv})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($create_priv, $create_priv, 'CREATE_PRIVILEGE'); } } } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CATALOG_ROLE'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $cata_role; foreach $cata_role (keys %grantTree){ if(($cata_role =~ /_CATALOG_/) && defined($grantTree{$cata_role})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($cata_role, $cata_role, 'CATALOG_ROLE'); } } } elsif(($ARGV[0] eq 'BECOME_USER') && defined($grantTree{"BECOME USER"})){ $numRows = $maxRows; printRows("BECOME USER", "BECOME USER", "BECOME_USER"); } elsif(($ARGV[0] eq 'AUDIT_SYSTEM') && defined($grantTree{"AUDIT SYSTEM"})){ $numRows = $maxRows; printRows("AUDIT SYSTEM", "AUDIT SYSTEM", "AUDIT_SYSTEM"); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'ANY_DICTIONARY'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $dict_priv; foreach $dict_priv (keys %grantTree){ if(($dict_priv=~ /ANY DICTIONARY/) && defined($grantTree{$dict_priv})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($dict_priv, $dict_priv, 'ANY_DICTIONARY'); } } } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'CONNECT_PRIVILEGE'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $conn_priv; foreach $conn_priv (keys %grantTree){ if((($conn_priv eq 'CONNECT') || ($conn_priv eq 'RESOURCE')) && defined($grantTree{$conn_priv})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($conn_priv, $conn_priv, 'CONNECT_PRIVILEGE'); } } } elsif(($ARGV[0] eq 'ALL_PRIVILEGES') && defined($grantTree{"GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE"})){ $numRows = $maxRows; printRows("GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE", "GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE", "ALL_PRIVILEGES"); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'ANY_PRIVILEGE'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $any_priv; foreach $any_priv (keys %grantTree){ if(($any_priv=~ /ANY/) && defined($grantTree{$any_priv})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($any_priv, $any_priv, 'ANY_PRIVILEGE'); } } } elsif($ARGV[0] eq 'POWER_PRIVILEGE'){ $numRows = $maxRows; my $conn_priv; foreach $conn_priv (keys %grantTree){ if((($conn_priv eq 'ALTER SESSION') || ($conn_priv eq 'ALTER SYSTEM') || ($conn_priv eq 'CREATE PROCEDURE') || ($conn_priv eq 'CREATE LIBRARY')) && defined($grantTree{$conn_priv})){ $numRows = $numRows - printRows($conn_priv, $conn_priv, 'POWER_PRIVILEGE'); } } } sub printRows{ #The first argument is the privilege #starting from which we print the grant tree. Second argument is the prefix each line must #contain(which is the family lineage). Third argument is the report name to be printed along with the data. #Fourth argument(only for recursive calls) is the number of rows already printed before the recursive call #returns the number of rows printed my $startPriv = shift; my $prefix = shift; my $prop = shift; my $rowsPrinted = shift; if(!defined($rowsPrinted)){ $rowsPrinted = 0; } if($numRows == 0){ return; } #print "em_result=debug arg3|".rand()."|$prop\n"; if(!defined($grantTree{$startPriv})){ print "em_result=$prefix|$startPriv|$prop\n"; $numRows--; } else{ my %granteeHash = %{$grantTree{$startPriv}}; foreach $grantee (keys %granteeHash){ $rowsPrinted = $rowsPrinted + printRows($grantee, "$prefix->$grantee", $prop, $rowsPrinted); } } return $rowsPrinted; }
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