Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\db\dbInitParamFilesPerm.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: dbInitParamFilesPerm.pl 12-jan-2007.12:11:46 manosing Exp $ # # dbInitParamFilesPerm.pl # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # dbInitParamFilesPerm.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # manosing 01/12/07 - XbranchMerge manosing_lastpols from main # manosing 12/28/06 - flood control for windows policy # manosing 12/21/06 - adding check for "0()" # dsukhwal 12/08/05 - add windows default init.ora location # dsukhwal 05/04/05 - handle win32 cases # dsukhwal 02/15/05 - exceptional cases in file_perm usage # dkjain 12/28/04 - Removed check_permission # dkjain 12/10/04 - Fixed Bug-4033921 # dkjain 10/31/04 - Fixed unable to connect # dkjain 10/08/04 - dkjain_esa_impl_init # dkjain 10/08/04 - Creation # require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaDbUtils.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/esaUtils.pl"; my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_USERNAME"}; my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_PASSWORD"}; my $oracleHome = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ORACLE_HOME}; my $dbSid = $ENV{DB_SID}; my $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; my $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE}; my $mode = 0; my $spMax; my $inMax; if($^O eq "MSWin32"){ $spMax = $ENV{'NSPFILEMAX'}; $inMax = $ENV{'NINITORAMAX'}; }else{ $spMax = $ENV{'SPFILEMAX'}; $inMax = $ENV{'INITORAMAX'}; } if($role =~ /SYSDBA/i) { $mode = 2; } elsif($role =~ /SYSOPER/i) { $mode = 4; } my $dsn = "dbi:Oracle:" ; my $property1 ="oh_initora_perm"; #the properties are nt_$property for mswin32. my $property2 ="oh_spfileora_perm"; my $table = "v\$parameter"; my $value = "value"; my $name = "name"; my $fp1 ; my $dbh = open_db_connection("dbi:Oracle:", "$username@".$address,$password,$mode); #my @fp1 = getValue($dbh,$value,$name, "pfile",$table); #collect the perm for init from the default dir $OH/dbs my @fp2 = getValue($dbh,$value,$name, "spfile",$table); if($^O =~ "MSWin32") { $table = "v\$version" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT banner FROM $table where banner like '%Oracle%' ") or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr" ; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr" ; my @edition = $sth->fetchrow_array(); if( ($edition[0] =~ m/10g/) && !(($edition[0] =~ m/10\.1/)) ){#should match 10gR2 and above #will need modification after rdbms version 11 $fp1 = "$oracleHome\\database\\init$dbSid.ora"; } else{ my @db_name = getValue($dbh, "value","name", "db_name", 'v$parameter'); $fp1 = "$oracleHome\\admin\\".$db_name[0]."\\pfile\\init$dbSid.ora"; } } else { $fp1 = "$oracleHome/dbs/init$dbSid.ora"; #default location and default name for unixes } #test(); close_db_connection($dbh); collect_init_files_perm($fp1,$property1,$inMax); #Output string for P1 init.ora collect_init_files_perm($fp2[0],$property2, $spMax); #Output string for P2 spfile.ora sub test{ $table = "v\$version" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT banner FROM $table where banner like '%Oracle%' ") or die print "em_error=Couldn't prepare statement: $dbh->errstr" ; $sth->execute() or die print "em_error=Couldn't execute statement: $sth->errstr" ; my @edition = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my @db_name = getValue($dbh, "value","name", "db_name", 'v$parameter'); my $fp1 = "$oracleHome\\admin\\".$db_name[0]."\\pfile\\init$dbSid.ora"; print "em_result=10.1 and below|$fp1\n"; $fp1 = "$oracleHome\\database\\init$dbSid.ora"; print "em_result=10.2 and above|$fp1\n"; } sub collect_init_files_perm{ my ($fpath,$property,$maxCount) = @_; if($maxCount == 0){#only one row each is to be printed for init.ora and spfile return; } if($^O eq "MSWin32"){ my $users = win32_file_perm($fpath); if($users == -1 || $users eq "0()"){ return;#failed to get the file permissions } print "em_result=nt_$property|$users|$fpath\n"; } else{ my $retMode = file_perm($fpath); if($retMode < 0) { return ; } $retMode = $retMode & 0777 ; if(($retMode & 006)){ #$permString = rwx_string($retMode); $fpath = check_512char($fpath); printf "em_result=$property|%03o|$fpath\n",$retMode ; } } }
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