Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\cluster_node_information.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emagent/sysman/admin/scripts/cluster_node_information.pl /st_emagent_10. 2009/03/06 03:49:16 ajdsouza Exp $ # # cluster_node_information.pl # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. # # NAME # cluster_node_information.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 01/28/09 - use perlbin/script env vars # ajdsouza 12/07/07 - Creation # use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; #this module is not available in emagent my $hostNameSub = 'hostOSD::getHostName'; my $hostDomainSub = 'hostOSD::getDomainName'; eval "use hostOSD; 1 " or undef $hostNameSub and undef $hostDomainSub and EMD_PERL_WARN("hostOSD perl module is not available"); use Sys::Hostname; require "emd_common.pl"; my $scriptsDir; my $perlBin; if ( $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR} ) { $scriptsDir = $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR}; } if ( $ENV{EM_PERLBIN_DIR} ) { $perlBin = $ENV{EM_PERLBIN_DIR}; } exit 1 unless $scriptsDir and $perlBin; # build the path to the em state directory $scriptsDir = catfile($scriptsDir,'has'); my $has_metrics_script = catfile($scriptsDir,'has_metrics.pl'); stat $has_metrics_script; if ( $has_metrics_script and -e $has_metrics_script ) { my $perlexe; for my $pl ( ( 'perl', 'perl.exe', 'perl.bat' ) ) { my $tmpdir = catfile($perlBin,$pl); stat $tmpdir if $tmpdir; if ( $tmpdir and -e $tmpdir and -r $tmpdir ) { $perlexe = $tmpdir; last; } } if ( not $perlexe ) { $perlexe = catfile($perlBin,'perl'); } my $results = `$perlexe $has_metrics_script property nodename__clustername__crshome__nodelist__nodestatus`; my $nm; my $cn; my $ch; my $nl; my $ns; my @resarray = split /\n/,$results if $results; for my $row ( @resarray ) { $row =~ s/\s+//; next unless $row; next unless $row =~ /^em_result=/; my ( $vals ) = ( $row =~ /^em_result=(.+)/); next unless $vals; #em_result=nm|cn|ch|nl|ns my @valarray = ( $vals =~ /^([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)/) if $vals =~ /^[^\|]*\|[^\|]*\|[^\|]*\|[^\|]*\|([^\|]*)/; next unless @valarray; next if @valarray < 5; $nm = $valarray[0] if defined $valarray[0]; $cn = $valarray[1] if defined $valarray[1]; $ch = $valarray[2] if defined $valarray[2]; $nl = $valarray[3] if defined $valarray[3]; $ns = $valarray[4] if defined $valarray[4]; last; } if ( not $nm ) { if ( $cn or $ch or $nl ) { $nm = $ENV{SHORT_HOSTNAME} if $ENV{SHORT_HOSTNAME}; #$nm = hostOSD::getHostName() unless $nm; #this module is not available in emagent #my $subOSDHost = "hostOSD::getHostName"; #my $subref = \&$subOSDHost; if ( $hostNameSub and not $nm ) { my $fnref = \&$hostNameSub; $nm = &$fnref; } $nm = hostname unless $nm; $nm = $ENV{LONG_HOSTNAME} if $ENV{LONG_HOSTNAME} and not $nm; $nm = $ENV{HOST} if $ENV{HOST} and not $nm; $nm = $ENV{EM_TARGET_NAME} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_NAME} and not $nm; if ( not $nm ) { print "em_error=Failed to get node name or host name for node\n"; EMD_PERL_ERROR("WARN:cluster_node_information.pl:Failed to get node name or host name for node"); exit 1; } else { chomp $nm; } } } if ( $nm ) { $cn = '' unless $cn; $ch = '' unless $ch; $nl = '' unless $nl; $ns = '' unless $ns; print "em_result=$nm|$cn|$ch|$nl|$ns\n"; } } exit 0;
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