Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\SecureLock.pm
# # $Header: SecureLock.pm 24-may-2005.03:05:25 shianand Exp $ # # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # SecureStatus.pm # # DESCRIPTION # # NOTES # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # shianand 05/24/05 - fix SSLWallet location in httpd_em.conf after lock # shianand 05/14/05 - fix bug 4365919 # rpinnama 08/20/04 - Replace EMD ROOT with ORACLE_HOME # rpinnama 08/19/04 - Use httpd_em.conf from ORACLE_HOME # aaitghez 06/08/04 - bug 3656322. Cleanup perl warnings # dsahrawa 01/23/04 - windows portability changes # rpinnama 09/04/03 - Use configureOHS utility # rpinnama 08/29/03 - Fix the checking for VirtualHost # rpinnama 08/26/03 - Use getConsoleClassPath to get classpath # rpinnama 08/05/03 - Use common routines # dsahrawa 07/30/03 - fix for bug# 3048273 # rpinnama 07/24/03 - grabtrans 'rpinnama_fix_2996670' # ggilchri 05/07/03 - use English # ggilchri 04/10/03 - create # use English; use strict; use Secure; use EmctlCommon; package SecureLock; my $ORACLE_HOME = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; my $JAVA_HOME = $ENV{JAVA_HOME}; my $IS_WINDOWS =""; my $redirectStderr = "2>&1"; my $rc; my $OSNAME = $^O; if( ($OSNAME eq "MSWin32") or ($OSNAME eq "Windows_NT") ) { $IS_WINDOWS="TRUE"; $redirectStderr = ""; } else { $IS_WINDOWS="FALSE"; } sub secureLock { my $secureLog = $_[0]; my $lockStatus = $_[1]; my $emUploadHTTPPort = $_[2]; my $emUploadHTTPSPort = $_[3]; my $emUploadDeny = ($lockStatus eq "lock") ? "all" : "none"; #my $thisDNSHost = `hostname`; my $thisDNSHost = &EmctlCommon::getLocalHostName(); my $omsStatusCmd = ""; my $classPath = &Secure::getConsoleClassPath(""); $thisDNSHost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//; my $propFile = "$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/emoms.properties"; my $httpEmConfTemplateFile = "$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/httpd_em.conf.template"; my $httpEmConfFile = "$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/httpd_em.conf"; my @procStatus = `$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl getState -v -d`; my $ohsStatus = statusOHS (@procStatus); my $execStr = ""; my $httpdStatus = "false"; Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Checking the security status of the OMS..."); $omsStatusCmd = "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java ". "-cp $classPath ". "-DpropertiesFile=$propFile ". "oracle.sysman.eml.sec.GetSecPort -localOMS"; Secure::DEBUG(2, $secureLog, "Executing .. $omsStatusCmd"); my $statusOut =`$omsStatusCmd`; chop $statusOut; if ($statusOut eq "2") { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, " Failed.\n"); Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "OMS is not Secure. Use emctl secure oms before attempting to lock.\n"); exit $statusOut; } elsif ($statusOut eq "1") { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, " Failed.\n"); Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Unable to detect an OMS at the location set in $propFile\n"); exit $statusOut; } else { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, " Done.\n"); } # # if we are already in the right lock or unlock mode dont do anything. # open(EMCONFH, $httpEmConfFile) || die "Could not open $httpEmConfFile\n"; my $vhost = "\*:$emUploadHTTPPort"; my $curLine; my $insideVH = 0; while(defined($curLine = <EMCONFH>) && ($insideVH == 0)) { chop $curLine; if ($curLine =~ /^.*<VirtualHost\s+\*:$emUploadHTTPPort>/) { $insideVH = 1; } } if ($insideVH == 0) { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Parsing error. Virtual Host not found\n"); exit -2; } Secure::DEBUG(2, $secureLog, "VirtualHost found.."); my $insideUpload = 0; while(defined($curLine = <EMCONFH>) && ($insideUpload == 0)) { chop $curLine; if ($curLine =~ /^.*<Location\s+\/em\/upload>/) { $insideUpload = 1; } } if ($insideUpload == 0) { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Parsing error. Location of upload section not found\n"); exit -3; } Secure::DEBUG(2, $secureLog, "Location found.."); my $denyValue = ""; while(defined($curLine = <EMCONFH>) && ($denyValue eq "")) { chop $curLine; if ($curLine =~ /^.*Deny\s+from\s+(\w+)/) { $denyValue = $1; } } Secure::DEBUG(2, $secureLog, "Deny Value = $denyValue"); if ($denyValue eq $emUploadDeny) { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "OMS host $vhost already in $lockStatus mode\n"); exit 0; } close(EMCONFH); # Get the existing wallet password from httpd_em.conf open(EMCONFH, $httpEmConfFile) || die "Could not open $httpEmConfFile\n"; my $omsWalletPassword = ""; while(defined($curLine = <EMCONFH>) && ($omsWalletPassword eq "")) { chop $curLine; if ($curLine =~ /^.*SSLWalletPassword\s+(\w+)/) { $omsWalletPassword = $1; } } close(EMCONFH); Secure::DEBUG(2, $secureLog, "Wallet Password = $omsWalletPassword"); # stop httpd if needed if( $ohsStatus eq "Up" ) { $rc = stopOHS ($secureLog); if ($rc eq 0) { $httpdStatus = "true"; } else { exit -4; } } # update the httpd conf to restrict http upload Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Updating HTTPS Virtual Host for Enterprise Manager OMS..."); $rc = SecureOMS::configureOHS($secureLog, $emUploadHTTPSPort, $emUploadHTTPPort, $thisDNSHost, $omsWalletPassword, $emUploadDeny); if ($rc eq 0) { Secure::DEBUG (0, $secureLog, " Done.\n"); # start httpd if needed if ($httpdStatus eq "true") { $rc = startOHS($secureLog); } } else { Secure::DEBUG (0, $secureLog, " Failed rc = $rc.\n"); return $rc; } if ("$lockStatus" eq "lock") { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "OMS Locked. Agents must be Secure and upload over HTTPS Port $statusOut.\n"); } else { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "OMS Unlocked. Non Secure Agents may upload using HTTP.\n"); } return $rc; } sub statusOHS() { my (@args) = @_; my $count = scalar(@args); my @comp; my $i=0; while( $i < $count) { @comp = split /\s+/, $args[$i]; if(($comp[1] =~ /HTTP/) || ($comp[2] =~ /HTTP/)) { return $comp[3]; } $i = $i + 1; } } sub startOHS { my $secureLog = $_[0]; Secure::DEBUG (0, $secureLog, "Starting the HTTP Server..."); my $execStr = "$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=ohs >> $secureLog $redirectStderr"; $rc = 0xffff & system ($execStr); $rc >>= 8; if ($rc != 0) { Secure::DEBUG (0, $secureLog, " Failed.\n"); } else { Secure::DEBUG (0, $secureLog, " Done.\n"); } return $rc; } sub stopOHS { my $secureLog = $_[0]; Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, "Stopping the HTTP Server..."); my $execStr = "$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=ohs >> $secureLog $redirectStderr"; $rc = 0xffff & system($execStr); $rc >>= 8; if ($rc != 0) { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, " Failed\n"); exit $rc; } else { Secure::DEBUG(0, $secureLog, " Done.\n"); } return $rc; } 1;
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