Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\Net-DNS-0.48\demo\axfr
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # $Id: axfr 01-jun-2005.19:13:04 afontana Exp $ use strict; use vars qw($opt_f $opt_q $opt_s $opt_D); use File::Basename; use Getopt::Std; use Net::DNS; use Storable; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read any command-line options and check syntax. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getopts("fqsD:"); die "Usage: ", basename($0), " [ -fqs ] [ -D directory ] [ \@nameserver ] zone\n" unless (@ARGV >= 1) && (@ARGV <= 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the nameserver (if specified) and set up the zone transfer directory # hierarchy. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $nameserver = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^@/) ? shift @ARGV : ""; $nameserver =~ s/^@//; my $zone = shift @ARGV; my $basedir = defined $opt_D ? $opt_D : $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.dns-zones"; my $zonedir = join("/", reverse(split(/\./, $zone))); my $zonefile = $basedir . "/" . $zonedir . "/axfr"; # Don't worry about the 0777 permissions here - the current umask setting # will be applied. unless (-d $basedir) { mkdir($basedir, 0777) or die "can't mkdir $basedir: $!\n"; } my $dir = $basedir; my $subdir; foreach $subdir (split(m#/#, $zonedir)) { $dir .= "/" . $subdir; unless (-d $dir) { mkdir($dir, 0777) or die "can't mkdir $dir: $!\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the zone. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; $res->nameservers($nameserver) if $nameserver; my (@zone, $zoneref); if (-e $zonefile && !defined $opt_f) { $zoneref = retrieve($zonefile) || die "couldn't retrieve zone from $zonefile: $!\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the SOA serial number if desired. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (defined $opt_s) { my($serial_file, $serial_zone); my $rr; foreach $rr (@$zoneref) { if ($rr->type eq "SOA") { $serial_file = $rr->serial; last; } } die "no SOA in $zonefile\n" unless defined $serial_file; my $soa = $res->query($zone, "SOA"); die "couldn't get SOA for $zone: ", $res->errorstring, "\n" unless defined $soa; foreach $rr ($soa->answer) { if ($rr->type eq "SOA") { $serial_zone = $rr->serial; last; } } if ($serial_zone != $serial_file) { $opt_f = 1; } } } else { $opt_f = 1; } if (defined $opt_f) { @zone = $res->axfr($zone); die "couldn't transfer zone: ", $res->errorstring, "\n" unless @zone; store \@zone, $zonefile or die "couldn't store zone to $zonefile: $!\n"; $zoneref = \@zone; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the records in the zone. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unless ($opt_q) { $_->print for @$zoneref } __END__ =head1 NAME axfr - Perform a DNS zone transfer =head1 SYNOPSIS B<axfr> S<[ B<-fqs> ]> S<[ B<-D> I<directory> ]> S<[ B<@>I<nameserver> ]> I<zone> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<axfr> performs a DNS zone transfer, prints each record to the standard output, and stores the zone to a file. If the zone has already been stored in a file, B<axfr> will read the file instead of performing a zone transfer. Zones will be stored in a directory hierarchy. For example, the zone transfer for foo.bar.com will be stored in the file $HOME/.dns-zones/com/bar/foo/axfr. The directory can be changed with the B<-D> option. This programs requires that the Storable module be installed. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-f> Force a zone transfer, even if the zone has already been stored in a file. =item B<-q> Be quiet -- don't print the records from the zone. =item B<-s> Perform a zone transfer if the SOA serial number on the nameserver is different than the serial number in the zone file. =item B<-D> I<directory> Store zone files under I<directory> instead of the default directory (see L<"FILES">). =item B<@>I<nameserver> Query I<nameserver> instead of the default nameserver. =back =head1 FILES =over 4 =item B<$HOME/.dns-zones> Default directory for storing zone files. =back =head1 AUTHOR Michael Fuhr <mike@fuhr.org> =head1 SEE ALSO L<perl(1)>, L<check_soa>, L<check_zone>, L<mresolv>, L<mx>, L<perldig>, L<Net::DNS>, L<Storable> =cut
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