Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\Net\LDAP\Message.pm
# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Net::LDAP::Message; use Net::LDAP::Constant qw(LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE); use Net::LDAP::ASN qw(LDAPRequest); use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "1.08"; my $MsgID = 0; # We do this here so when we add threading we can lock it sub NewMesgID { $MsgID = 1 if ++$MsgID > 65535; $MsgID; } sub new { my $self = shift; my $type = ref($self) || $self; my $parent = shift->inner; my $arg = shift; $self = bless { parent => $parent, mesgid => NewMesgID(), callback => $arg->{callback} || undef, }, $type; $self; } sub code { my $self = shift; $self->sync unless exists $self->{resultCode}; exists $self->{resultCode} ? $self->{resultCode} : undef } sub done { my $self = shift; exists $self->{resultCode}; } sub dn { my $self = shift; $self->sync unless exists $self->{resultCode}; exists $self->{matchedDN} ? $self->{matchedDN} : undef } sub referrals { my $self = shift; $self->sync unless exists $self->{resultCode}; exists $self->{referral} ? @{$self->{referral}} : (); } sub server_error { my $self = shift; $self->sync unless exists $self->{resultCode}; exists $self->{errorMessage} ? $self->{errorMessage} : undef } sub error { my $self = shift; my $return; unless ($return = $self->server_error) { require Net::LDAP::Util and $return = Net::LDAP::Util::ldap_error_desc( $self->code ); } $return; } sub set_error { my $self = shift; ($self->{resultCode},$self->{errorMessage}) = ($_[0]+0, "$_[1]"); $self->{callback}->($self) if (defined $self->{callback}); $self; } sub error_name { Net::LDAP::Util::ldap_error_name(shift->code); } sub error_text { Net::LDAP::Util::ldap_error_text(shift->code); } sub error_desc { Net::LDAP::Util::ldap_error_desc(shift->code); } sub sync { my $self = shift; my $ldap = $self->{parent}; my $err; until(exists $self->{resultCode}) { $err = $ldap->sync($self->mesg_id) or next; $self->set_error($err,"Protocol Error") unless exists $self->{resultCode}; return $err; } LDAP_SUCCESS; } sub decode { # $self, $pdu, $control my $self = shift; my $result = shift; my $data = (values %{$result->{protocolOp}})[0]; @{$self}{keys %$data} = values %$data; @{$self}{qw(controls ctrl_hash)} = ($result->{controls}, undef); # free up memory as we have a result so we will not need to re-send it delete $self->{pdu}; # tell our LDAP client to forget us as this message has now completed # all communications with the server $self->parent->_forgetmesg($self); $self->{callback}->($self) if (defined $self->{callback}); $self; } sub abandon { my $self = shift; return if exists $self->{resultCode}; # already complete my $ldap = $self->{parent}; $ldap->abandon($self->{mesgid}); } sub saslref { my $self = shift; $self->sync unless exists $self->{resultCode}; exists $self->{sasl} ? $self->{sasl} : undef } sub encode { my $self = shift; $self->{pdu} = $LDAPRequest->encode(@_, messageID => $self->{mesgid}) or return; 1; } sub control { my $self = shift; if ($self->{controls}) { require Net::LDAP::Control; my $hash = $self->{ctrl_hash} = {}; foreach my $asn (@{delete $self->{controls}}) { my $ctrl = Net::LDAP::Control->from_asn($asn); push @{$hash->{$ctrl->type} ||= []}, $ctrl; } } return unless $self->{ctrl_hash}; @_ ? exists $self->{ctrl_hash}{$_[0]} ? @{$self->{ctrl_hash}{$_[0]}} : () : map { @$_ } values %{$self->{ctrl_hash}}; } sub pdu { shift->{pdu} } sub callback { shift->{callback} } sub parent { shift->{parent}->outer } sub mesg_id { shift->{mesgid} } sub is_error { shift->code } ## ## ## @Net::LDAP::Add::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); @Net::LDAP::Delete::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); @Net::LDAP::Modify::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); @Net::LDAP::ModDN::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); @Net::LDAP::Compare::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); @Net::LDAP::Unbind::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message::Dummy); @Net::LDAP::Abandon::ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message::Dummy); sub Net::LDAP::Compare::is_error { my $mesg = shift; my $code = $mesg->code; $code != LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE and $code != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE } { package Net::LDAP::Message::Dummy; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Net::LDAP::Message); sub sync { shift } sub decode { shift } sub abandon { shift } sub code { 0 } sub error { "" } sub dn { "" } sub done { 1 } } 1;
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