Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\emrelod.sql
Rem Rem $Header: emrelod.sql 11-apr-2008.07:48:09 chyu Exp $ Rem Rem emrelod.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem emrelod.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem chyu 04/11/08 - upping the version for RDBMS 11.2 Rem chyu 10/25/06 - using the _recreate.sql instead of _procs.sql Rem script Rem rpinnama 09/23/04 - Rem rpinnama 08/26/04 - rpinnama_add_upgrade_downgrade_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/06/04 - rpinnama_support_downgrade Rem rpinnama 05/05/04 - Created Rem define EMDW_HOME = "?" define EM_REPOS_USER = "SYSMAN" define EM_SQL_ROOT = "&EMDW_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql" -- -- Get EM_REPOS_MODE COLUMN :rep_mode NEW_VALUE EM_REPOS_MODE NOPRINT VARIABLE rep_mode VARCHAR2(256) DECLARE l_rep_mode VARCHAR2(28); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT component_mode INTO l_rep_mode FROM &&EM_REPOS_USER..MGMT_VERSIONS WHERE component_name = 'CORE'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Default to CENTRAL mode l_rep_mode := 'CENTRAL'; END; :rep_mode := l_rep_mode; END; / SELECT :rep_mode FROM DUAL; -- Contine on SQL errors WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=&&EM_REPOS_USER; -- Mark the dbms_registry for EM component as upgrading. DECLARE l_comp_short_name VARCHAR2(256); l_comp_name VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN l_comp_short_name := 'EM'; l_comp_name := 'Oracle Enterprise Manager'; IF NOT ('&EM_REPOS_MODE' = 'CENTRAL') THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN dbms_registry.loading(:1, :2); END;' USING l_comp_short_name, l_comp_name; END IF; END; / -- -- Recreate CORE procs @&EM_SQL_ROOT/db/core_recreate.sql -- -- Recreate DB procs @&EM_SQL_ROOT/db/db_recreate.sql -- Recreate PP procs @&EM_SQL_ROOT/db/pp_recreate.sql -- Recompile all the schema objects @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql &&EM_REPOS_USER EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('CORE', '', '', '&&EM_REPOS_MODE'); EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('DB', '', '', '&&EM_REPOS_MODE'); EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('PP', '', '', '&&EM_REPOS_MODE'); EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('PP_DB', '', '', '&&EM_REPOS_MODE'); -- Mark the dbms_registry for EM component as loaded DECLARE l_comp_name VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN l_comp_name := 'EM'; IF NOT ('&EM_REPOS_MODE' = 'CENTRAL') THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN dbms_registry.loaded(:1); dbms_registry.valid(:2); END;' USING l_comp_name, l_comp_name; END IF; END; / -- Reset the session back to SYS ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=SYS;
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