Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\v102010\policy\policy_tables.sql
Rem Rem $Header: policy_tables.sql 02-aug-2005.00:08:04 niramach Exp $ Rem Rem policy_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem policy_tables.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem niramach 08/02/05 - Move the delta from v102010 to v102020. Rem jsadras 07/06/05 - add compress to Rem policy_assoc/policy_assoc_cfg_params Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem rpinnama 03/01/05 - rpinnama_bug-3924067 Rem rpinnama 02/25/05 - Created Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_policies ( policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, start_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0', end_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT NULL, policy_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, policy_label_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, description VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, description_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, author VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT 'ORACLE', auto_enable NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, impact VARCHAR2(500) DEFAULT ' ', impact_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, recommendation VARCHAR2(500) DEFAULT ' ', recommendation_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, violation_level NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, condition_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, condition VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, condition_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, detailed_url_link VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, clear_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, clear_message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, owner VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT '<SYSTEM>', created_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, last_updated_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, last_updated_by VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT '<SYSTEM>', cs_consider_percentage NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, repo_timing_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policies IS 'This table provides the policy rule description.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.policy_guid IS ' The unique Id of the policy rule.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.policy_name IS ' The name of the policy rule.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.target_type IS ' The target type on which this policy rule is applicable.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.start_type_meta_ver IS 'The starting metadata version of the target type from which this policy is applicable.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.end_type_meta_ver IS 'The ending metadata version of the target type upto which the policy is applicable.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.metric_guid IS 'The metric on which this policy rule is defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.policy_type IS ' The type of the policy rule. Identifies whether the rule is for a threshold monitoring metric or for a policy. Valid values are : 1 for threshold metric 2 for policies.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.policy_label_nlsid IS ' The NLSID of the policy rule name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.description IS ' The description of the Policy rule.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.description_nlsid IS ' The NLSID of the policy rule description.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.author IS ' The author of the policy rule.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.condition_type IS 'Allowed condition types are 1. Simple condition 2. SQL expression condition 3. PL/SQL procedure for evaluating condition.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.condition IS 'If condition_type = 1, this column contains the metric_column_name = 2, this column contains the conditional expression = 3, this column contains the pl/sql procedure name that peforms the condition..'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.condition_operator IS 'Applicable only if the condition_type = 1 0 - GT 1 - EQ 2 - LT 3 - LE 4 - GE 5 - CONTAINS 6 - NE 7 - MATCH : regular expression'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.detailed_url_link IS 'URL to be used for additional detailed information regarding the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.message IS 'Message with columns referenced either by column order or name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.message_nlsid IS 'NLSID of the message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.clear_message IS 'Message template to be used to generate clear severity message. Message with columns referenced either by column order or name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.clear_message_nlsid IS 'NLSID of the clear message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.owner IS 'The EM user who create the policy in the repository.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.created_date IS 'The date/time when the policy was created.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.last_updated_date IS 'The date/time when the policy was last modified.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.last_updated_by IS 'The EM user name who last modified this policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.cs_consider_percentage IS 'Flag indicating whether or not percentage of objects with violations is considered when computing the policy compliance score.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policies.repo_timing_enabled IS 'Flag indicating whether the policy times are logged 0 = Timing information is not logged to system performance log, 1 = Timing information not logged to system performance log' ; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_parameters ( policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, param_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, param_name_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, param_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_parameters IS 'This table stores the list of all possible policy parameters.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_parameters.policy_guid IS 'The policy guid for which the parameter is defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_parameters.param_name IS 'The name of the policy parameter.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_parameters.param_name_nlsid IS 'The NLSID of the policy parameter.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_parameters.param_type IS 'The type of the policy parameter. Possible values are : 1 for NUMERIC 2 for STRING'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_bind_vars ( policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, bind_column_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, bind_column_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, CONSTRAINT mgmt_policy_bind_vars_pk PRIMARY KEY(policy_guid, bind_column_name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING bind_column_type MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_bind_vars IS 'This table stores the list of bind variables to be used to evaluate the condition.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_bind_vars.policy_guid IS 'This policy guid for which the bind variable are defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_bind_vars.bind_column_name IS 'The name of the bind variable to be bound.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_bind_vars.bind_column_type IS 'The type of the bind variable to be bound. Possible values are : 1 - parameter to be bound is a metric column name. 2 - parameter to be bound is a policy parameter'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def ( policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, column_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, column_position NUMBER DEFAULT 0, is_hidden NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, url_link_template VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, url_link_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def IS 'This table defines policy violation context definition for all policies.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.policy_guid IS 'The guid of the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.column_name IS 'The column name to be included in the policy violation context.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.metric_guid IS 'The metric guid of the column name, if the column name is a metric column name. NULL, for non-metric column names.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.column_position IS 'The position of the column name with in the context definition.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.is_hidden IS 'Flag indicating whether or not the value for this metric (data source) column should be displayed when viewing a violation. Default 0.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.url_link_template IS 'URL template that contains references to any metric (data source) column name defined in the metric (data source). The actual values are substituted in at run-time to construct a URL that is associated with this metric columns value. Default NULL.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_viol_ctxt_def.url_link_type IS 'JSP by default, Maybe be UIX. Important because the encoding is different. The data plugged into the template needs to be appropriately encoded by the code. This will key the code as to how to do the encoding.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_type_versions ( policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0', CONSTRAINT mgmt_policy_meta_versions_pk PRIMARY KEY (policy_guid, type_meta_ver) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_type_versions IS 'This table stores the list of type meta versions for which a policy is applicable to.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_type_versions.policy_guid IS 'The policy guid.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_type_versions.type_meta_ver IS 'The metadata version of the target type for which this policy is applicable.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', object_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, policy_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, is_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, CONSTRAINT mgmt_policy_assoc_pk PRIMARY KEY (object_guid,policy_guid,coll_name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING is_enabled MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc IS 'This table stores the policy to target/template associations.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.policy_guid IS 'The metric/policy guid.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.object_guid IS 'The guid of the target/template/default associated with the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.coll_name IS 'The collection name for which this policy association is defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.object_type IS 'The type of guid stored in OBJECT_guid. Possible values are: = 1, for default policy = 2, for target = 3, for template'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.policy_type IS 'The type of policy stored in policy_guid. Possible values are: = 1, for metric thresholds = 2, for repository policies'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc.is_enabled IS 'Flag to specify whether the policy is enabled/disabled for the specified target/template.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', key_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, eval_order NUMBER DEFAULT 1, is_exception NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, has_active_baseline NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, prevent_override NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, crit_action_job_id RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, warn_action_job_id RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, info_action_job_id RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, fixit_job VARCHAR2(128) DEFAULT NULL, simultaneous_actions NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, importance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, num_occurrences NUMBER DEFAULT 1, is_push NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, condition_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, clear_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, clear_message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg IS 'This table stores the configuration for a key value of target/template policy associations.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.policy_guid IS 'The metric/policy guid.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.object_guid IS 'The guid of the target/template/default associated with the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.key_value IS 'The key value for which the configuration is defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.key_operator IS 'Specifies whether the key_value column has any SQL wildcards. For single key column metrics, the value is 1 if the key_value has Wildcard characters, 0 otherwise. For metrics with multiple keys, a list of operators for all key columns Will be stored here. For example, a metric with 3 keys (k1, k2, k3) where K1 and K2 use wildcards and K3 uses exact match, then 011 is stored in This column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.eval_order IS 'The order in which the configuration of the key_value is applied.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.is_exception IS 'The is a flag that specifies that the metric rows with this key_value are treated as exception and no threshold/policy tests are performed.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.has_active_baseline Is 'The is a flag that specifies that the metric rows with this key_value has an active baseline and any user updates to thresholds/parameter values should be ignored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.prevent_override IS 'The is a flag that specifies that the metric rows with this key_value has a tempalte override flag. Once the tempalte override flag is ON, any template application will not update the threshold/parameter values.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.crit_action_job_id IS 'The critical corrective action job ID.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.warn_action_job_id iS 'The warning corrective action job ID.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.info_action_job_id IS 'The information corrective action job ID.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.fixit_job is 'The agent response action.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.simultaneous_actions is 'Flag to specify whether simultaneous correction action jobs can be run.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.importance is 'Weight override per key.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.num_occurrences is 'The number of times the test has to trigger to raise a violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.is_push is 'This identifies whether the config is for a PUSH descriptor.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.condition_operator is 'Defines the threshold condition to be applied 0 - GT 1 - EQ 2 - LT 3 - LE 4 - GE 5 - CONTAINS 6 - NE 7 - MATCH : regular expression'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.message IS 'Message template to be used to generate severity message. Message can contain columns referenced either by column order or name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.message_nlsid IS 'NLSID of the message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.clear_message IS 'Message template to be used to generate clear severity message. Message can contain columns referenced either by column order or name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.clear_message_nlsid IS 'NLSID of the clear message.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', key_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, param_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', crit_threshold VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', warn_threshold VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', info_threshold VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', CONSTRAINT mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_param_pk PRIMARY KEY(object_guid, policy_guid, coll_name, key_value, key_operator, param_name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING info_threshold MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params IS 'This table stores the parameter threshold values for a key configuration of target/template policy associations.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.policy_guid iS 'The metric/policy guid.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.object_guid is 'The guid of the target/template/default associated with the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.key_value is 'The key value for which the configuration is defined.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.key_operator iS 'Specifies whether the key_value column has any SQL wildcards. For single key column metrics, the value is 1 if the key_value has Wildcard characters, 0 otherwise. For metrics with multiple keys, a list of operators for all key columns Will be stored here. For example, a metric with 3 keys (k1, k2, k3) where K1 and K2 use wildcards and K3 uses exact match, then 011 is stored in This column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.param_name is 'The policy parameter name for which thresholds are specified.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.crit_threshold is 'The critical threshold value of the policy parameter name for the given target-policy association and key configuration.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.warn_threshold is 'The warning threshold value of the policy parameter name for the given target-policy association and key configuration.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params.info_threshold iS 'The information threshold value of the policy parameter name for the given target-policy association and key configuration.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', last_evaluation_date DATE DEFAULT NULL, rows_evaluated NUMBER DEFAULT 0, total_violations_logged NUMBER DEFAULT 0, non_exempt_violations_logged NUMBER DEFAULT 0, max_violation_level NUMBER DEFAULT 0, compliance_score NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ IS 'This table stores the policy evaluation summary details for a target.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.target_guid IS 'The target for which the evaluation summary is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.policy_guid IS 'The policy for which the evaluation summary is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.coll_name IS 'The collection item for which the evaluation summary is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.last_evaluation_date IS 'The last date on which the policy was evaluated for the target for the collection item.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.rows_evaluated IS 'The number of rows evaluated during the last evaluation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.total_violations_logged IS 'The number of violations logged for the given target policy association.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.non_exempt_violations_logged IS 'The number of non-exempt violations logged for the given target policy association.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.max_violation_level IS 'The maximum violation level of all the violations logged for the given target policy association.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.compliance_score IS 'The compliance score calculated for the target policy association.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', result_key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', info_counter NUMBER DEFAULT 0, warn_counter NUMBER DEFAULT 0, crit_counter NUMBER DEFAULT 0, last_evaluation_date DATE DEFAULT NULL, last_error_message VARCHAR2(2000) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details IS 'This table stores the detailed policy evaluation state.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.target_guid IS 'The target for which the evaluation status is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.policy_guid IS 'The policy guid for which the evaluation status is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.coll_name IS 'The collection name for which the evaluation status is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.result_key_value IS 'The key value for which the evaluation status is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.info_counter IS 'The number of successive times the policy evaluation has trigger to an info or higher violation level for the target-policy-key_value combination'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.warn_counter IS 'The number of successive times the policy evaluation has trigger to a WARNING or higher violation level for the target-policy-key_value combination'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.crit_counter IS 'The number of successive times the policy evaluation has trigger to CRITICAL violation level for the target-policy-key_value combination'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.last_evaluation_date IS 'The date/time at which the last policy evaluation happened for the given target-policy-key_value combination.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.last_error_message IS 'The error message (if any) for the last policy evaluation happened for the given target-policy-key_value combination. If the policy evaluation was successful, the error message column would be NULL.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.cfg_key_value IS 'The key value of the configuration that is used to evaluate the policy for the target/key_value.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details.cfg_key_operator IS 'The key operator of gthe configuration that is used to evaluate the policy for the target/key_value.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_snapshot_metric_map ( snapshot_target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, snapshot_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, store_metric NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_snapshot_metric_map_pk PRIMARY KEY(snapshot_target_type, snapshot_name, metric_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING store_metric MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_snapshot_metric_map IS 'This table stores the snapshot to metric map.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_snapshot_metric_map.snapshot_target_type IS 'The target type of the snap shot.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_snapshot_metric_map.snapshot_name IS 'The Name of the snapshot.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_snapshot_metric_map.metric_guid IS 'The GUID of the metric.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_snapshot_metric_map.store_metric IS 'Does the results of metric collection for this snapshot need to be stored 1=Store, 0=Do not store ( Default)' ;
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