Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\topology\topology_pkgdef.sql
Rem drv: <create type="pkgdefs" pos="ip/dashboard_service/dashboard_service_pkgdef.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: topology_pkgdef.sql 01-jul-2005.17:29:08 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem topology_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem topology_pkgdef.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem nigupta 01/06/05 - add update procedures Rem nigupta 01/04/05 - nigupta_fixed_coords Rem nigupta 12/23/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_topology AS TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_background_image -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns the background image for a particular topoology graph. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. For eg. for the System Topology page, -- whose background image does not vary from instance to instance of of -- the page, this parameter is sufficient to uniquely identify the -- background image. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. For eg. System Topology page has -- different background images for different systems, which are -- identified by system's GUID. Here, page type and page instance id -- together uniquely identify the background image. -- -- OUT Parameters: -- image_data_out: cursorType A cursor containing: -- image_name: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_name%TYPE the name of the -- background image.. -- image_data: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_data%TYPE the data for the -- background image PROCEDURE get_background_image (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, image_data_out OUT cursorType); -- -- PROCEDURE: get_graph_properties -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns the graph properties for a particular topology graph. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. -- -- OUT Parameters: -- graph_properties_out: cursorType A cursor with rows containing: -- preference_name: mgmt_topo_page_pref.preference_name%TYPE The name -- of the graph property. -- preference_value: mgmt_topo_page_pref.preference_value%TYPE The value -- of the graph property. -- PROCEDURE get_graph_properties (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, graph_properties_out OUT cursorType); -- -- PROCEDURE: get_node_positions -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns the node positions for a particular graph -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. -- -- OUT Parameters: -- node_positions_out: cursorType A cursor with rows containing: -- node_id: mgmt_topo_page_obj_pos.node_id%TYPE The id for the node -- instance. It is the business id. -- x: mgmt_topo_page_obj_pos.x%TYPE The x coordinate for this node. -- y: mgmt_topo_page_obj_pos.y%TYPE The y coordinate for this node. -- PROCEDURE get_node_positions (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, node_positions_out OUT cursorType); -- -- PROCEDURE: update_background_image -- -- PURPOSE: -- Updates the background image for a graph. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. -- edit_mode_in: INTEGER whether it is edit or create mode -- image_name_in: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_name%TYPE The name of the -- background image for the graph -- image_data_in: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_data%TYPE The background -- image for the graph PROCEDURE update_background_image (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, edit_mode_in IN INTEGER, image_name_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_name%TYPE, image_data_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.image_data%TYPE); -- -- PROCEDURE: update_graph_properties -- -- PURPOSE: -- Updates the properties for a graph. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. -- edit_mode_in: INTEGER whether it is edit or create mode -- graph_properties_in SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY name value pair of the graph -- properties PROCEDURE update_graph_properties (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, edit_mode_in IN INTEGER, graph_properties_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY); -- -- PROCEDURE: update_node_positions -- -- PURPOSE: -- Updates the node positions for a graph. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The -- for the type of topology page. -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance. -- edit_mode_in: INTEGER whether it is edit or create mode -- node_positions_in: TOPO_NODE_POS_ARRAY containing the node ids and their -- coordinates PROCEDURE update_node_positions (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE, edit_mode_in IN INTEGER, node_positions_in IN TOPO_NODE_POS_ARRAY); -- -- PROCEDURE: clean_topology_tables -- -- PURPOSE: -- Cleans the topology tables by removing all data for the given -- topo_page_type and page_instance_id. -- -- IN Parameters: -- topo_page_type_in: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE The type -- for the topology page -- page_instance_id_in: mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE The -- identifier for a page instance -- PROCEDURE clean_topology_tables (topo_page_type_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.topo_page_type%TYPE, page_instance_id_in IN mgmt_topo_page_bg_image.page_instance_id%TYPE); END em_topology; / show errors;
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