Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\esm\esm_pkgdefs.sql
Rem drv: <create type="pkgdefs" pos="ecm/ecm_pkgdefs.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: esm_pkgdefs.sql 15-sep-2005.20:09:42 dsukhwal Exp $ Rem Rem esm_pkgdefs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem esm_pkgdefs.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dsukhwal 09/07/05 - proc for console home page Rem dkjain 07/28/05 - Adding modify_policy Rem dkjain 08/15/05 - Adding policy_eval for unlimited login policy Rem dsukhwal 08/05/05 - add get_repository_databases Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem dkjain 01/31/05 - Added clear param Rem dkjain 01/19/05 - Fixed Bug-4128312(added support to old agent Rem version) Rem dkjain 01/05/05 - Adding author constant Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem dkjain 11/07/04 - p_auto_enable param added Rem dkjain 10/08/04 - ESA 10gR2 Impl Rem eujang 09/04/03 - eujang_esm_init_no_intgr Rem anajmi 08/26/03 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ESM AS TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; HOST_TARGET_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(4) :='host'; LSNR_TARGET_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) :='oracle_listener'; DB_TARGET_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) :='oracle_database'; HOST_TYPE_META_VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := '3.0'; LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := '2.0'; DB_TYPE_META_VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := '4.0'; METRIC_AUTHOR CONSTANT VARCHAR2(6) := 'ORACLE'; SECURITY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_METADATA.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE := 'oracle_security'; PROCEDURE CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_policy_name VARCHAR2, p_metric_name VARCHAR2, p_policy_label_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_description VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_description_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_impact VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_impact_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_recommendation VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_recommendation_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_violation_level NUMBER := NULL, p_condition_type NUMBER := 1, p_condition VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_condition_operator NUMBER := 0, p_message VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_clear_message VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_clear_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_auto_enable NUMBER := 1 , p_cs_consider_percentage NUMBER := 0, p_start_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2 := '1.0', p_end_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_policy_param_list MGMT_POLICY_PARAM_DEF_ARRAY := NULL, p_dflt_param_val_list MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY := NULL, p_viol_ctxt_list MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY := NULL ); PROCEDURE MODIFY_POLICY( p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_policy_name VARCHAR2, p_metric_name VARCHAR2, p_policy_label_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_description VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_description_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_impact VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_impact_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_recommendation VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_recommendation_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_violation_level NUMBER := NULL, p_condition_type NUMBER := 1, p_condition VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_condition_operator NUMBER := 0, p_message VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_clear_message VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_clear_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_auto_enable NUMBER := 1 , p_cs_consider_percentage NUMBER := 0, p_start_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2 := '1.0', p_end_type_meta_ver VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_policy_param_list MGMT_POLICY_PARAM_DEF_ARRAY := NULL, p_dflt_param_val_list MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY := NULL, p_viol_ctxt_list MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY := NULL ); PROCEDURE DELETE_POLICY( p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_policy_name VARCHAR2 ) ; PROCEDURE DELETE_POLICY_METADATA( p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_policy_name VARCHAR2 ) ; FUNCTION GET_REPOSITORY_TARGETS RETURN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; PROCEDURE EVAL_POLICY10GR1( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_values OUT mgmt_metric_Value_array ); PROCEDURE EVAL_POLICY10GR2( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_values OUT mgmt_metric_Value_array ); PROCEDURE get_console_homepage_info( p_time_period IN VARCHAR2, p_ext_viol_cur_out OUT cursorType, --existing violations by severity p_new_viol_cur_out OUT cursorType --new violations in last p_time_period days ); END ESM; / COMMIT; show errors; /* create or replace package ESM as -- This procedure creates a single policy for security called CONS_SECURITY_POLICY_NAME. -- This policy covers all rules from CONS_SECURITY_POLICY_AUTHOR of category CONS_SECURITY_POLICY_CATEGORY. -- It further registers this policy to execute automatically for a target of any type. -- This procedure must be invoked AFTER adding a new target type, if the user -- wishes to define Security policies on this new target. -- NOTE: Commit is not called automatically. procedure CREATE_POLICY; -- This procedure provides a simplified API for adding security rules to the policy framework -- NOTE: Commit is not called automatically. procedure CREATE_RULE( test_name VARCHAR2, -- Name of test test_description VARCHAR2, -- Text description of test severity VARCHAR2, -- Severity: 'C' | 'W' | 'I' impact VARCHAR2, -- Text description of impact of violation recommendation VARCHAR2, -- Text description of recommendation target_type VARCHAR2, -- EM Target Type from MGMT_TARGETS esm_metric_name VARCHAR2, -- Name of metric which collects property below (for future use) property_name VARCHAR2, -- Name of property used by the rule value_expression VARCHAR2 := 'VALUE', -- Expression for the column value shown in UI value_expression_type VARCHAR2 := 'T', -- Type: 'T' for text, 'N' for numeric, 'D' for date property_display_name VARCHAR2 := null, -- Default display name for the property (used if no i18n) value_selection_expression VARCHAR2 := null,-- Further filter using VALUE URL VARCHAR2 := null, -- Not sure what to do with this yet rule_display_Id VARCHAR2 := null, -- for i18n support property_display_Id VARCHAR2 := null -- for i18n support ); end ESM; / show errors; */
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