Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\ecm\ecm_indexes.sql
Rem drv: <create type="indexes"/> Rem Rem $Header: ecm_indexes.sql 11-jul-2007.12:00:28 rrawat Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_indexes.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_indexes.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem contains indexes for ecm tables (see ecm_tables.sql) Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rrawat 07/11/07 - Backport rrawat_bug-5478872 from main Rem rrawat 01/03/07 - Bug-5478872 Rem nitijain 09/09/05 - Creating new indexes on ecm tables Rem mningomb 07/22/05 - fix for bug: 4506651 Rem rmadampa 07/13/05 - add index on MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem agor 06/20/05 - remove few unwanted indexes for perf reasons Rem abhalla 06/14/05 - bug fix 4260363 Rem asaraswa 05/17/05 - adding indexes for ECM fwk tables Rem ajdsouza 05/17/05 - add inet/mac address index to mgmt_ecm_hw_nic Rem agor 04/28/05 - add index on mgmt_inv_summary Rem groyal 02/16/05 - Comment out obsolete policy indexes Rem vkhizder 02/15/05 - add ecm_snapshot and csa indexes Rem agor 02/16/05 - fix 4189156 Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem scgrover 02/01/05 - compress index Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem vkhizder 01/02/05 - changing os components index Rem smalathe 11/26/04 - Bug#3903438: Add index on MGMT_DELTA_IDS Rem asaraswa 11/09/04 - adding index on id column in mgmt_ecm_csa_failed Rem ranmath 09/10/04 - Invoke Host Patching indexes script Rem (ecm_hostpatch_indexes.sql). Rem agor 07/30/04 - history table for group Rem agor 07/27/04 - add available searches table Rem vkhizder 07/27/04 - adding mgmt_inv_file index Rem vkhizder 07/14/04 - gen_snapshot indecies, csa extensions (failed table) Rem shuberma 11/11/03 - Adding index on the delta_time field of the Rem mgmt_delta_entries table Rem shuberma 10/09/03 - history view index Rem shuberma 09/25/03 - Adding indexes for MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS Rem shuberma 09/16/03 - renamed patch_guid to ap_guid in some tables Rem shuberma 09/11/03 - Some new indexes Rem vkhizder 07/28/03 - adding index on MGMT_ECM_CSA_GENERAL_INFO for faster locating of Rem snapshots with the same identifying information for their targets Rem shuberma 08/05/03 - Remove unique constraint on index Rem shuberma 07/28/03 - Adding index on Policy Violations, rule_id Rem shuberma 07/23/03 - Adding some indexes to support the fks of advisory tables Rem shuberma 07/17/03 - Adding some indexes for the critical patch queries Rem shuberma 07/08/03 - No index > 2000 bytes Rem vkhizder 06/26/03 - create CSA indecies Rem rmenon 06/14/03 - indexes changed because I changed name of table Rem mgmt_comp_id_to_job_id_map to Rem mgmt_comp_result_to_job_map and also replaced Rem column job_guid withg execution_id Rem rmenon 06/10/03 - adding index for mgmt_delta_comp_properties - Rem since I had to drop the primary key constraint Rem on it( on delta_comp_guid, name). also adding index for the new table Rem mgmt_comp_id_to_job_id_map Rem shuberma 06/10/03 - Adding some indexes to support FK cascade Rem shuberma 04/23/03 - Rem shuberma 04/23/03 - Correcting some inventory indexes Rem shuberma 04/15/03 - Removing some unused stuff Rem shuberma 01/20/03 - add indexes to support recent changes in delta_snap table Rem shuberma 12/11/02 - Adding indexes on Comparison tables Rem shuberma 10/25/02 - Adding recommended indexes to improve comparison performance Rem agor 09/06/02 - sql stuff Rem shuberma 08/23/02 - Changing the name of snap_guid to delta_guid for delta stuff Rem agor 08/30/02 - added index for loaded files table Rem rmenon 06/17/02 - added indexes for new tables (for NIC info and FS mount info) Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT table Rem CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_ECM_SNAP_GUID_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT( SNAPSHOT_GUID, IS_CURRENT, TARGET_NAME); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_SNAP_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT(SNAPSHOT_TYPE, TARGET_NAME, TARGET_TYPE) COMPRESS 1 ; CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_SNAP_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT(IS_CURRENT, TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, TARGET_NAME) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_INV_SUMMARY table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_SUMMARY_IDX ON MGMT_INV_SUMMARY(SNAPSHOT_GUID, MAP_TARGET_TYPE) COMPRESS 2; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_ECM_LOADED_FILES table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_LADED_FILES_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_LOADED_FILES(SESSION_ID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_INV_COMPONENT table Rem CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_INV_COM_CONT_IDX ON MGMT_INV_COMPONENT(CONTAINER_GUID, NAME, VERSION) COMPRESS 1; CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_COMPONENT_IDX_1 ON MGMT_INV_COMPONENT ( CONTAINER_GUID, COMPONENT_GUID, NAME, VERSION ) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indexes for MGMT_INV_COMPONENT_PATCH table Rem Rem This first one is to facilitate Cascade deletes when the cascade Rem comes from the Patch table. Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_COMP_PATCH_PIDX ON MGMT_INV_COMPONENT_PATCH (PATCH_GUID) ; Rem Rem Indexes for MGMT_INV_PATCH_FIXED_BUG table Rem Rem This first one is to facilitate Cascade deletes when the cascade Rem comes from the Patch table. Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_PATCH_FIXED_BUG_CIDX ON MGMT_INV_PATCH_FIXED_BUG (COMPONENT_GUID, BUG_NUMBER) ; Rem Rem Indexes for MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH table Rem Rem This first one is to facilitate Cascade deletes when the cascade Rem comes from the Patch table. Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH_PIDX ON MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH (PATCHSET_GUID) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indexes for MGMT_INV_FILE table Rem Rem This first one is to facilitate Cascade deletes when the cascade Rem comes from the Patch table. Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_FILE_LAST_PATCH_IDX ON MGMT_INV_FILE (LAST_PATCH_GUID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_INV_DEPENDENCY_RULE table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_DEP_ER_IDX ON MGMT_INV_DEPENDENCY_RULE(REFERENCER_GUID, DEPENDEE_GUID) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_INV_PATCHSET table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_PATCHSET_CONT ON MGMT_INV_PATCHSET(CONTAINER_GUID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_INV_PATCH table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_INV_PATCH_CONT_IDX ON MGMT_INV_PATCH(CONTAINER_GUID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_ARU_FAMILY_PRODUCT_MAP table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_ARU_FAM_PRD_PRD_IDX ON MGMT_ARU_FAMILY_PRODUCT_MAP(PRODUCT_ID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_ARU_PRODUCT_RELEASE_MAP table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_ARU_PRD_RLS_RLS_IDX ON MGMT_ARU_PRODUCT_RELEASE_MAP(RELEASE_ID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_BUG_PATCH_FIXES_BUG table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_BUG_PATCH_FIXES_BUG_IDX ON MGMT_BUG_PATCH_FIXES_BUG(BUG_NUMBER); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_BUG_FIX_APPLICABLE_COMP_LIST table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_BUG_FIX_APPLIC_CL_IDX ON MGMT_BUG_FIX_APPLIC_COMP_LIST(AP_GUID, BUG_NUMBER); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_BUG_ADV_HOME_PATCH table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_BUG_ADV_HOME_PATCH_IDX ON MGMT_BUG_ADV_HOME_PATCH(TARGET_GUID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_CPF_METRIC_SOURCE table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_CPF_METRIC_SOURCE_IDX ON MGMT_CPF_METRIC_SOURCE(TARGET_GUID); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_BUG_ADV_HOME_PATCH table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_BUG_ADVISORY_BUG_IDX ON MGMT_BUG_ADVISORY_BUG(ADVISORY_NAME); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_DELTA_IDS table Rem CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_IDS_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_IDS(COLLECTION_TYPE, KEY_STRING ) COMPRESS 1; CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_IDS_TIME_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_IDS(LAST_UPDATED_TIME); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY table Rem Rem Removing following index as is causing storage issues: see bug 4338052 Rem CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_PREV_DE Rem ON MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY(PREV_DELTA_ENTRY_GUID); CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_ROWGUID_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY(ROW_GUID) COMPRESS 1; CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_SHOULD_BE_UK ON MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY(DELTA_GUID, ROW_GUID, DELTA_TIME) COMPRESS 1; CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_TIME_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY(DELTA_TIME) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES table Rem Rem Removing following index as is causing storage issues: see bug 4338052 Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_VALUES_IDX Rem ON MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES( NAME ); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_DELTA_ID_VALUES table Rem Rem Removing following index as is causing storage issues: see bug 4338052 Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_ID_VALUES_IDX Rem ON MGMT_DELTA_ID_VALUES( NAME ); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_DELTA_SNAP table Rem CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_SNAP_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_SNAP(TRANSACTION_ID); CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_SNAP_NEW_TIME_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_SNAP( NEW_LEFT_TIMESTAMP, NEW_LEFT_TARGET_NAME, TARGET_TYPE ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_SNAP_IDX2 ON MGMT_DELTA_SNAP( SNAPSHOT_TYPE, TARGET_TYPE, NEW_LEFT_TARGET_NAME ) COMPRESS 3; CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_SNAP_IDX3 ON MGMT_DELTA_SNAP( TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, DELTA_TYPE, DELTA_GUID ); Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_cpu_details table Rem create index mgmt_hc_cpu_details_idx on mgmt_hc_cpu_details(snapshot_guid) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_iocard_details table Rem create index mgmt_hc_iocard_details_idx on mgmt_hc_iocard_details(snapshot_guid) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_nic_details table Rem create index mgmt_hc_nic_details_idx on mgmt_hc_nic_details(snapshot_guid) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_os_components table Rem create index mgmt_hc_os_components_idx1 on mgmt_hc_os_components(snapshot_guid, type, name) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_fs_mount_details table Rem create index mgmt_hc_fs_mount_details_idx1 on mgmt_hc_fs_mount_details(snapshot_guid); Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_summary table Rem create index mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_summary_idx on mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_summary(snapshot_guid) COMPRESS 1; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_components table Rem create index mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_comps_idx on mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_components(vendor_software_guid) COMPRESS 1; rem rem Index for MGMT_DELTA_COMPARISON_DELTAS. Need to access deltas in a comparison rem by the collection type and status. rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_COMP_DELTA_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_COMPARISON_DELTAS( DELTA_COMP_GUID, COLLECTION_TYPE, STATUS ); rem rem Index for MGMT_DELTA_COMPARISON_DELTAS. Need to access deltas in a comparison rem by the collection type and a subset of key columns. This will enable fast rem join to get the set of unique key_guids. Good for drilling down from parent rem row to get child rows. rem rem NOTE: VALUE was removed from this because of 2K block size database rem limit on index size. CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_COMP_KEY_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_COMP_KEY_COLS( DELTA_COMP_GUID, COLLECTION_TYPE, NAME ); rem rem Index for MGMT_DELTA_COMP_PROPERTIES. Its primary key has been dropped rem since the original combination is no longer unique. Hence creating index rem on the same column rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_DELTA_COMP_PROP_IDX ON MGMT_DELTA_COMP_PROPERTIES( DELTA_COMP_GUID, NAME ); rem rem Index for MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_MAP. Its select involve rem execution_id and delta_comp_guid rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_IDX ON MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_MAP( EXECUTION_ID, DELTA_COMP_GUID); rem rem Index for MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_MAP. This is because rem delta_comp_guid column is a foreign key and al foreign keys rem MUST be indexed to avoid potential deadlocks during rem delete/updates of parent table. rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_IDX1 ON MGMT_COMP_RESULT_TO_JOB_MAP( DELTA_COMP_GUID); rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem The following indexes are obsolete with GC Rel 2. They had been used to rem support the Version 1 policy framework; that is, the framework prior to rem the metric/policy unification effort. rem /* Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS table Rem CREATE INDEX MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS_IDX1 ON MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS(RULE_ID, POLICY_ID, TARGET_GUID ) COMPRESS 2; CREATE INDEX MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS_IDX2 ON MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS(TARGET_GUID, RULE_ID ) COMPRESS 1; */ rem ********************** CSA INDECIES (BEGIN) ************************** CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_COOKIES_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_COOKIES( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_GENERAL_INFO_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_GENERAL_INFO( TARGET_ID_METHOD, OS_USER_NAME, BOOT_DISK_VOLUME_SERIAL_NUM, HOSTNAME, DOMAIN ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_GENERAL_INFO_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_GENERAL_INFO( APPID ); -- should this one be on all columns due to the presentation view with COUNT(*) -- what about host config index then? CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_HW_CPU_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_HW_CPU( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID ); -- should this one be on all columns due to the presentation view with COUNT(*) CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_HW_IOCARD_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_HW_IOCARD( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID ); -- should this one be on all columns due to the presentation view with COUNT(*) CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID ); -- the inet and mac address index on the hw_nic table will speed storage post processing -- look up of this table CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC( INET_ADDRESS ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC_IDX3 ON MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC( MAC_ADDRESS ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_OS_COMPONENT_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_OS_COMPONENT( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, NAME, TYPE ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_OS_FILESYSTEM_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_OS_FILESYSTEM( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, RESOURCE_NAME, MOUNT_LOCATION, TYPE ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_OS_REG_SW_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_OS_REGISTERED_SW( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, NAME, VENDOR_NAME, VERSION, INSTALLED_LOCATION ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_OS_REG_SW_COMP_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_OS_REGISTERED_SW_COMP( ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, ID ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_APPID_TARGET_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_APPID_TARGET_MAP(TARGET_GUID, APPID); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED_TS_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED( SAVED_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED( APPID ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED_IDX3 ON MGMT_ECM_CSA_FAILED( ID ); rem ********************** CSA INDECIES (END) ************************** CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAP_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT( TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, IS_CURRENT, TARGET_NAME ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAP_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT( IS_CURRENT, TARGET_GUID, SNAPSHOT_TYPE ); --Although idx MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAP_IDX2(IS_CURRENT, TARGET_GUID, --SNAPSHOT_TYPE) existed, did not want to modify it by swapping --TARGET_GUID and SNAPSHOT_TYPE as it would affect queries using --only IS_CURRENT and TARGET_GUID columns. Hence creating a new --index on IS_CURRENT and SNAPSHOT_TYPE columns. CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAP_IDX3 ON MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT( IS_CURRENT, SNAPSHOT_TYPE ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_SAVEDHC_IDX ON MGMT_ECM_SAVEDHOSTCONFIG( TARGET_GUID ); rem ********************** ECM FRAMEWORK INDICES (BEGIN) ************************** CREATE INDEX SMHT_FK ON MGMT_ECM_MD_HIST_TBLS (METADATA_ID, PARENT_TABLE_NAME); CREATE INDEX SMHT_IDX1 ON MGMT_ECM_MD_HIST_TBLS(NUM_HIST_UI_KEYS, TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NAME); CREATE INDEX SMT_FK ON MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_MD_TABLES (METADATA_ID, PARENT_TABLE_NAME); CREATE INDEX SMC_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_MD_COLUMNS (IS_KEY, METADATA_ID, TABLE_NAME, HISTORY_ON, COMPARE_ON, UI_ON); CREATE INDEX MDAT_IDX1 ON MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS (HISTORY_UI_ON, IS_KEY, HISTORY_ON); CREATE INDEX MDAT_IDX2 ON MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS (TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, TABLE_NAME, NAME, HISTORY_UI_ON); rem ************************* ECM FWK INDICES (END) rem ************************* ECM INVENTORY INDICES (BEGIN) ********************** CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_IDX_TOP_LEVEL ON MGMT_INV_COMPONENT ( IS_TOP_LEVEL ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_IDX_PATCHSET_VERSION ON MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH ( VERSION ); CREATE INDEX MGMT_ECM_IDX_PLAT_NAME ON MGMT_ARU_PLATFORMS( PLATFORM_NAME ); rem ************************* ECM INVENTORY INDICES (END) ********************** rem Create Host Patching indexes. @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/ecm/ecm_hostpatch_indexes.sql
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