Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\crypt\crypt_pkgbody.sql
Rem Rem $Header: crypt_pkgbody.sql 02-nov-2007.17:04:18 rpinnama Exp $ Rem Rem crypt_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem crypt_pkgbody.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpinnama 12/28/07 - Backport rpinnama_bug-6600690 from main Rem shianand 07/21/06 - Backport shianand_bug-5346292 from main Rem shianand 07/12/06 - fix bug 5346292, fix encrypt, decrypt from Rem rootkit attacks Rem shianand 07/06/06 - fix bug 5346292, fix encrypt, decrypt from Rem rootkit attacks Rem kmanicka 08/04/05 - emkey install fix Rem kmanicka 08/26/05 - add init_out_of_box Rem kmanicka 08/07/05 - dont delete the key Rem kmanicka 07/24/05 - fix upgrade with new repManager Rem kmanicka 07/22/05 - kmanicka_emkey4 Rem kmanicka 06/10/05 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MGMT_TIME_SYNC AS TIME_COFF RAW(64) := NULL; TIME_COFF_VERIFIER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER'; TIME_COFF_VERIFIER_PARAM CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'TIME_COFF_VERIFIER'; -- getEMKey gets the key from the pkg variable set in the session -- if it dosent find it in the session -- it tries to get it from the repos. -- we will hit this scenario during the em repos upgrade -- NOTE: when the first oms starts up the key will -- move to the file system. FUNCTION getTimeCoff RETURN RAW AS l_time_coff RAW(64) := NULL; BEGIN -- if key is set in session IF MGMT_TIME_SYNC.TIME_COFF IS NOT NULL THEN l_time_coff := MGMT_TIME_SYNC.TIME_COFF; ELSE BEGIN -- if key is not set in session try to get the key from repos -- we will hit this scenario during the em repos upgrade SELECT time_coff INTO l_time_coff FROM MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END IF; RETURN l_time_coff; END getTimeCoff; -- setTimeCoff called by oms to set the emkey in session -- time_coff -> em key -- checks the key against verifier stored in MGMT_PATAMETER -- if check fails raise invalid_em_key exception -- else set em key in pkg variable PROCEDURE setTimeCoff(p_time_coff IN RAW) IS l_dummy VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN TIME_COFF := p_time_coff; SELECT PARAMETER_NAME INTO l_dummy FROM MGMT_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER_NAME=TIME_COFF_VERIFIER_PARAM AND decrypt(PARAMETER_VALUE) = TIME_COFF_VERIFIER; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN TIME_COFF := NULL; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_EM_KEY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_EM_KEY_ERR_M); END setTimeCoff; -- setTimeCoffNoCheck is used to set the emkey without -- verifing it. PROCEDURE setTimeCoffNoCheck(p_time_coff IN RAW) IS BEGIN TIME_COFF := p_time_coff; END setTimeCoffNoCheck; -- startupSync() called by the oms during startup to verify emkey -- time_coff -> em_key -- -- if oms_em_key is null check for key in repos -- if key found in repos return it -- else raise key missing exception -- else -- set the emkey (which will validate the key too) FUNCTION startupSync(p_time_coff RAW DEFAULT NULL) RETURN RAW IS l_time_coff RAW(64) := p_time_coff; BEGIN IF l_time_coff IS NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT time_coff INTO l_time_coff FROM MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.MISSING_EM_KEY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.MISSING_EM_KEY_ERR_M); END; END IF; setTimeCoff(l_time_coff); RETURN l_time_coff; END startupSync; -- internal function to set the emkey in session and generate the -- emkey verifier PROCEDURE initTimeCoffVerifier(p_time_coff RAW) IS l_add_verifier INTEGER := 0; l_verifier mgmt_parameters.parameter_value%type; BEGIN setTimeCoffNoCheck(p_time_coff); -- Check if the parameter is already populated correctly.. BEGIN SELECT decrypt(PARAMETER_VALUE) INTO l_verifier FROM MGMT_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER_NAME=TIME_COFF_VERIFIER_PARAM; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- If the verifier is not populated, insert it. l_add_verifier := 1; END ; IF (l_add_verifier = 1) THEN -- Verifier does not exist, insert it. INSERT INTO MGMT_PARAMETERS (parameter_name, parameter_value, parameter_comment, internal_flag) VALUES(MGMT_TIME_SYNC.TIME_COFF_VERIFIER_PARAM, encrypt(MGMT_TIME_SYNC.TIME_COFF_VERIFIER),null,0); ELSIF NOT (l_verifier = TIME_COFF_VERIFIER) THEN -- Verifier already exists but is not valid. raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_EM_KEY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_EM_KEY_ERR_M); ELSE -- Verifier already exists and is valid. Do nothing. NULL; END IF; END initTimeCoffVerifier; -- generate a new key and initilise it -- this function is present in this pkg because the oracle wrap util does not -- obfuscates anonymous plsql blocks PROCEDURE init IS l_time_coff RAW(64); BEGIN l_time_coff := SYS.DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.md5( input => SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( rawtohex(sys_guid())||rawtohex(sys_guid()))); l_time_coff := l_time_coff || SYS.DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.md5( input => SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( rawtohex(sys_guid())||rawtohex(sys_guid()))); INSERT INTO MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT (time_coff) VALUES (l_time_coff); initTimeCoffVerifier(l_time_coff); END init; -- called during out of box to initilise this pkg -- check if the pkg has already been initilised by checking -- the verifier in mgmt_parameters, if not initilise it -- this function also initilises the view user password by calling mgmt_view.init_view_user_out_of_box -- this function is present in this pkg because the oracle wrap util does not -- obfuscates anonymous plsql blocks PROCEDURE init_out_of_box IS l_count INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT count(parameter_name) INTO l_count FROM MGMT_PARAMETERS WHERE parameter_name=TIME_COFF_VERIFIER_PARAM; IF l_count = 0 THEN MGMT_TIME_SYNC.init; MGMT_VIEW_PRIV.init_view_user_out_of_box; END IF; END init_out_of_box; -- called during em upgrade : get the key from the table and initilise -- this function is present in this pkg because the oracle wrap util does not -- obfuscates anonymous plsql blocks PROCEDURE upgrade IS l_time_coff RAW(64); BEGIN SELECT time_coff INTO l_time_coff FROM MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT; initTimeCoffVerifier(l_time_coff); END upgrade; -- delete the emkey from repository PROCEDURE lockTimeCoff IS BEGIN DELETE FROM MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT; END lockTimeCoff; -- dump the emkey back in the repository PROCEDURE unlockTimeCoff(p_time_coff IN RAW) IS BEGIN setTimeCoff(p_time_coff); DELETE FROM MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT; INSERT INTO MGMT_REPOS_TIME_COEFFICIENT (time_coff) VALUES (p_time_coff); END unlockTimeCoff; END MGMT_TIME_SYNC; / show errors;
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