Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\crypt\crypt_funcs.sql
Rem Rem IMPORTANT: the corresponding PLB must contain header that looks Rem Like : type="funcs" condition="EM_REPOS_MODE=CENTRAL" Rem because this is for GC mode only Rem Rem $Header: crypt_funcs.sql 12-aug-2006.11:30:42 bmallipe Exp $ Rem Rem crypt_funcs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem crypt_funcs.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem shianand 07/21/06 - Backport shianand_bug-5346292 from main Rem shianand 07/12/06 - fix bug 5346292, fix encrypt, decrypt from Rem rootkit attacks Rem shianand 07/06/06 - fix bug 5346292, fix encrypt, decrypt from Rem rootkit attacks Rem bmallipe 08/12/06 - adding disclaimer about headers in PLB files Rem kmanicka 08/04/05 - emkey install fix Rem kmanicka 07/24/05 - fix getemkey to check if key is in repos Rem kmanicka 06/17/05 - oms based encryption key Rem dsahrawa 03/04/05 - bug 4176191, check for null inputs Rem gsbhatia 02/08/05 - Removing header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem rpinnama 12/10/03 - Fix 3310479: Support encryptBytes/decryptBytes Rem dsahrawa 12/08/03 - Increase size of key Rem dmshah 11/12/02 - encryption/decryption in raw format Rem dmshah 10/28/02 - Allowing more than 2k of encryption/decryption Rem rpinnama 10/18/02 - Use non-doc comments Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created Rem create or replace function getEMKey return RAW AS l_emkey RAW(64) := null; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT MGMT_TIME_SYNC.getTimeCoff FROM DUAL' INTO l_emkey; return l_emkey; end; / show errors; -- UnPad function unpads whatever pad text has been concatenated to the -- text by the pad function. create or replace function unpad( plain_text in varchar2 ) return varchar2 AS raw_text RAW(32767); text_length NUMBER := 0; pad_length NUMBER; begin -- The plan : Convert the plain_text into a stream of bytes, get the last -- byte, convert it to a number which gives us the number of pad bytes -- appended. Use that to get a substring minus the pad bytes. raw_text := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( plain_text ); text_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.length( raw_text ); -- Usage of substr : SYS.UTL_RAW.substr( raw, pos, len) -- pos:= -1 returns len characters measured from the end of the string. pad_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2( SYS.UTL_RAW.substr(raw_text, -1, 1)); -- get the original string ... raw_text := SYS.UTL_RAW.substr( raw_text, 1, (text_length-pad_length)); return SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2( raw_text ); end; / show errors; create or replace function padBytes(inp_bytes IN RAW) RETURN RAW AS out_bytes RAW(32767); inp_length NUMBER := 8; pad_length NUMBER; pad_byte RAW(1); pad_lengthc VARCHAR2(1 BYTE); BEGIN -- if the length is >8 then use the formula 8 - (8 mod n), if -- the length is <8 then use the formula 8 - (8mod(8+n)) to -- arrive at the pad length. inp_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.length( inp_bytes ); if inp_length < 8 then inp_length := inp_length + 8; end if; pad_length := 8-(mod(inp_length, 8)); -- we need to stuff the pad_length number into a byte. Note that -- we do not expect pad_length to be > 8 pad_lengthc:=to_char(pad_length); -- the copies function acts like a concat in a loop. out_bytes := SYS.UTL_RAW.concat(inp_bytes, SYS.UTL_RAW.copies(SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_from_number(pad_lengthc), pad_length) ); return out_bytes; END; / show errors; -- Pad funtion pads the input text to confirm it to 8 byte boundaries create or replace function pad( plain_text in varchar2 ) return varchar2 AS raw_text RAW(32767); plain_text_length NUMBER := 8; pad_length NUMBER; pad_lengthc VARCHAR2(1 BYTE); begin -- first convert varchar2 to raw, then find out the length. -- if the length is >8 then use the formula 8 - (8 mod n), if -- the length is <8 then use the formula 8 - (8mod(8+n)) to -- arrive at the pad length. raw_text := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( plain_text ); plain_text_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.length( raw_text ); if plain_text_length < 8 then plain_text_length:=8+plain_text_length; end if; pad_length:=8-(mod(plain_text_length,8)); -- we need to stuff the pad_length number into a byte. Note that -- we do not expect pad_length to be > 8 pad_lengthc:=to_char(pad_length); -- the copies function acts like a concat in a loop. raw_text := SYS.UTL_RAW.concat(raw_text, SYS.UTL_RAW.copies(SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(pad_lengthc), pad_length) ); return SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2( raw_text ); end; / show errors; -- UnPadBytes function unpads whatever pad bytes have been concatenated to the -- actual bytes by the pad function. create or replace function unpadBytes( inp_bytes IN RAW ) return raw AS out_bytes RAW(32767); inp_length NUMBER := 0; pad_length NUMBER; begin -- The plan : Convert the inp_bytes into a stream of bytes, get the last -- byte, convert it to a number which gives us the number of pad bytes -- appended. Use that to get a substring minus the pad bytes. inp_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.length( inp_bytes ); -- Usage of substr : SYS.UTL_RAW.substr( raw, pos, len) -- pos:= -1 returns len characters measured from the end of the string. pad_length := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_number( SYS.UTL_RAW.substr(inp_bytes, -1, 1)); -- get the original string ... out_bytes := SYS.UTL_RAW.substr( inp_bytes, 1, (inp_length-pad_length)); return out_bytes; end; / show errors; -- The encrypt algorithm. Accesses the session sys_context to see if -- if the key is already generated or not. If the key is already -- generated, then it proceeds with the encryption using the key -- otherwise it generates the key first, populates the sys_context and -- then proceeds for encryption. create or replace function encrypt(plain_text in VARCHAR2) return varchar2 AS cipher_text RAW(32767); begin if plain_text is null then return null; end if; SYS.DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.des3encrypt( input=>SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(pad(plain_text)), key=>getEMKey(), encrypted_data=>cipher_text ); return SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(cipher_text); end; / show errors; -- The decrypt algorithm. Accesses the session sys_context to see -- if the key is already generated or not. If the key is already -- generated, then it proceeds with the decryption using the key -- otherwise it generates the key first, populates the sys_context and -- then proceeds for decryption. create or replace function decrypt(cipher_text in varchar2) return varchar2 AS plain_text varchar2(32767); begin if cipher_text is null then return null; end if; SYS.DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.des3decrypt( input=>SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(cipher_text), key=>getEMKey(), decrypted_data=>plain_text); return unpad(SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(plain_text)); end; / show errors; create or replace function encryptBytes(raw_bytes IN RAW) return RAW AS cipher_bytes RAW(32767); BEGIN cipher_bytes := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( encrypt(SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(raw_bytes)) ); return cipher_bytes; END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION decryptBytes(cipher_bytes IN RAW) RETURN RAW AS raw_bytes RAW(32767); BEGIN raw_bytes := SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(decrypt(SYS.UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(cipher_bytes))); return raw_bytes; END; / show errors;
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