Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\collections\collections_triggers.sql
Rem drv: <create type="triggers" pos="blackout/blackout_triggers.sql+"/> REM REM $Header: collections_triggers.sql 29-aug-2007.23:17:40 jsadras Exp $ REM REM collections_triggers.sql REM REM Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. REM REM NAME REM collections_triggers.sql - Collections subSystem triggers REM REM DESCRIPTION REM REM NOTES REM REM MODIFIED REM jsadras 08/29/07 - Backport jsadras_bug-6363234 from main REM pmodi 04/03/07 - Backport pmodi_bug-5876137 from main REM jsadras 08/28/07 - Bug:6363234, disable collections on disable REM pmodi 03/13/07 - Bug5876137-Clear metric err on disabling REM collection REM jsadras 09/15/05 - do not remove task from AQ REM rpinnama 09/02/05 - Add a check on mgmt_coll_item_metrics to REM disable loding multiple default collections REM for the same metric REM jsadras 07/06/05 - clear alerts on null/trigger on collections REM gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl REM gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl REM rpinnama 05/09/05 - Re-order deletes so as to avoid deadlocks REM jsadras 03/18/05 - Bug:4243501, complex schedule resume REM gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header REM rpinnama 02/10/05 - REM gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header REM rpinnama 02/08/05 - Fix update trigger on mgmt_metric_thresholds REM ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header REM jsadras 12/30/04 - condition_operato REM rpinnama 12/02/04 - Use object type constants REM rpinnama 11/22/04 - Support for transposed metrics REM jsadras 10/04/04 - delete mgmt_policy_assoc_eval REM rpinnama 09/24/04 - Process is_push REM rpinnama 09/01/04 - Add instead of triggers REM lgloyd 11/11/03 - lgloyd_bug-3216284 REM lgloyd 11/10/03 - brand new file for collections triggers REM REM REM REM Shadow the mgmt_metric_collections table if this is a repository REM based collection for better performance REM -- Moved to em_insert_collection trigger (instead-of trigger on mgmt_metric_collections) REM REM The following triggers delete corresponding entries from the REM collections table when entries are deleted from each of the tables REM -- Moved to em_delete_collection trigger (instead-of trigger on mgmt_metric_collections) -- -- Triggers for mgmt_metric_thresholds -- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_insert_policy_info INSTEAD OF INSERT ON MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_target_type mgmt_metrics.target_type%TYPE; l_metric_name mgmt_metrics.metric_name%TYPE; l_metric_column mgmt_metrics.metric_column%TYPE; l_policy_guid mgmt_policies.policy_guid%TYPE; l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; l_metric_type mgmt_metrics.metric_type%TYPE; BEGIN -- Add target policy assoc BEGIN EM_POLICY.add_policy_assoc( p_object_guid => :new.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :new.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :new.coll_name, p_object_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; -- Ignore PK violation END; -- Add policy assoc cfg -- TODO: Use NVL(:new.key_operator, 1) for key_operator EM_POLICY.add_policy_assoc_cfg( p_object_guid => :new.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :new.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :new.coll_name, p_key_value => :new.key_value, p_key_operator => 0, p_eval_order => :new.eval_order, p_fixit_job => :new.fixit_job, p_condition_operator => :new.critical_operator, p_num_occurrences => :new.num_occurences, p_is_push => :new.is_push ); -- Add policy assoc cfg parameter -- TODO: Use NVL(:new.key_operator, 1) for key_operator EM_POLICY.add_policy_assoc_cfg_param( p_object_guid => :new.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :new.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :new.coll_name, p_key_value => :new.key_value, p_key_operator => 0, p_param_name => ' ', p_crit_threshold => :new.critical_threshold, p_warn_threshold => :new.warning_threshold, p_info_threshold => NULL) ; END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_delete_policy_cfg INSTEAD OF DELETE ON MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_cfg_cnt NUMBER; l_assoc_cnt NUMBER; BEGIN -- The delete sequence should be the following to avoid deadlocks -- MGMT_POLICY_ASSOC -- MGMT_POLICY_ASSOC_CFG -- MGMT_POLICY_ASSOC_CFG_PARAMS EM_SEVERITY.clear_alerts_for_key (p_object_guid=>:old.target_guid, p_policy_guid=>:old.metric_guid, p_cfg_coll_name=>:old.coll_name, p_cfg_key_value=>:old.key_value, p_cfg_key_operator=>:old.key_operator, p_clear_message =>EM_SEVERITY.G_CLR_METRIC_REM_MSG, p_clear_nlsid =>EM_SEVERITY.G_CLR_METRIC_REM_NLSID ) ; -- If all key cfgs have been deleted, delete the association SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_cfg_cnt FROM mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND policy_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name AND (NOT (object_guid = :old.target_guid AND policy_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name AND key_value = :old.key_value AND key_operator = 0) ); IF (l_cfg_cnt = 0) THEN EM_POLICY.remove_policy_assocs( p_object_guid => :old.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :old.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :old.coll_name); END IF; -- Delete policy assoc cfg -- TODO: Use NVL(:old.key_operator, 1) for key_operator EM_POLICY.remove_policy_assoc_cfgs( p_object_guid => :old.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :old.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :old.coll_name, p_key_value => :old.key_value, p_key_operator => 0); -- Delete policy assoc cfg parameter -- TODO: Use NVL(:old.key_operator, 1) for key_operator EM_POLICY.remove_policy_assoc_cfg_params( p_object_guid => :old.target_guid, p_policy_guid => :old.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :old.coll_name, p_key_value => :old.key_value, p_key_operator => 0, p_param_name => ' '); END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_update_policy_cfg INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE BEGIN -- Update policy assoc UPDATE mgmt_policy_assoc SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, policy_guid = :new.metric_guid, coll_name = :new.coll_name, object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, policy_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_THRESHOLD_METRIC WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND policy_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name; UPDATE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, policy_guid = :new.metric_guid, coll_name = :new.coll_name, eval_order = NVL(:new.eval_order, eval_order), fixit_job = NVL(:new.fixit_job, fixit_job), num_occurrences = NVL(:new.num_occurences, num_occurrences), condition_operator = NVL(:new.critical_operator, condition_operator), message = NVL(:new.message, message), message_nlsid = NVL(:new.message_nlsid, message_nlsid) WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND policy_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name AND key_value = :old.key_value AND key_operator = 0; UPDATE mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg_params SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, policy_guid = :new.metric_guid, coll_name = :new.coll_name, crit_threshold = :new.critical_threshold, warn_threshold = :new.warning_threshold, info_threshold = NULL WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND policy_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name AND key_value = :old.key_value AND key_operator = 0 AND param_name = ' '; END; / show errors; -- -- Triggers on mgmt_collection_properties -- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_insert_coll_item_property INSTEAD OF INSERT ON mgmt_collection_properties FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- Add coll_item property EM_COLL_UTIL.add_coll_item_property( p_object_guid => :new.target_guid, p_metric_guid => :new.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :new.coll_name, p_object_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, p_property_name => :new.property_name, p_property_value => :new.property_value); END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_update_coll_item_property INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON mgmt_collection_properties FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- Update coll_item property UPDATE mgmt_coll_item_properties SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, metric_guid = :new.metric_guid, coll_name = :new.coll_name, property_name = :new.property_name, property_value = :new.property_value WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND metric_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name AND property_name = :old.property_name; END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_delete_coll_item_property INSTEAD OF DELETE ON mgmt_collection_properties FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('em_delete_coll_item_property.. Deleting ' || ' Target_guid = ' || :new.target_guid || ' Metric guid = ' || :new.metric_guid || ' Coll_name = ' || :new.coll_name || ' property_name = ' || :new.property_name, 'EM_DELETE_COLL_ITEM_PROPERTY'); END IF ; -- Delete coll_item property EM_COLL_UTIL.delete_coll_item_property( p_object_guid => :old.target_guid, p_metric_guid => :old.metric_guid, p_coll_name => :old.coll_name, p_property_name => :old.property_name); END; / show errors -- -- Triggers on mgmt_collections -- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_insert_collection INSTEAD OF INSERT ON mgmt_metric_collections FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_coll_sched mgmt_coll_schedule_obj; l_is_enabled mgmt_collections.is_enabled%TYPE; l_store_metric mgmt_collections.store_metric%TYPE; l_schedule NUMBER; l_rec em_coll_util.metrics_cursor%rowtype ; l_coll_name mgmt_collections.coll_name%type ; BEGIN -- Add collection entry l_coll_sched := NULL; IF (:new.schedule IS NULL) THEN -- 15 was the default schedule previously l_coll_sched := mgmt_coll_schedule_obj.interval_schedule(15, NULL, NULL); l_schedule := 15; ELSE l_coll_sched := mgmt_coll_schedule_obj.interval_schedule(:new.schedule, NULL, NULL); l_schedule := :new.schedule; END IF; l_is_enabled := 1; IF ( (:new.suspended IS NOT NULL) AND (:new.suspended = 1) ) THEN l_is_enabled := 0; END IF; l_store_metric := 1; IF NOT (:new.store_metric = 'Y') THEN l_store_metric := 0; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('em_insert_collection: Inserting ' || ' Target_guid = ' || :new.target_guid || ' Coll_name = ' || :new.coll_name || ' is_repository = ' || :new.is_repository || ' store_metric = ' || :new.store_metric, 'EM_INSERT_COLLECTION'); END IF ; IF :new.coll_name IS NULL THEN OPEN em_coll_util.metrics_cursor(:new.target_guid,:new.metric_guid) ; FETCH em_coll_util.metrics_cursor INTO l_rec ; l_coll_name := nvl(l_rec.metric_name,' ') ; ELSE l_coll_name := :new.coll_name ; END IF ; EM_COLL_UTIL.add_collection_entry(p_object_guid=>:new.target_guid, p_coll_name =>l_coll_name, p_object_type=>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, p_schedule_ex => :new.schedule_ex, p_coll_schedule => l_coll_sched, p_is_repository => :new.is_repository, p_store_metric => l_store_metric, p_is_enabled => l_is_enabled); EM_COLL_UTIL.add_modify_metric_task(p_target_guid=>:new.target_guid, p_metric_guid=>:new.metric_guid, p_coll_name=>l_coll_name, p_task_id=>null, p_dml_operation=>'I', p_from_trigger=>TRUE) ; IF :new.is_repository = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE THEN --Table to obsoleted in next phase INSERT INTO MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS_REP (target_guid, metric_guid, coll_name) VALUES (:new.target_guid, :new.metric_guid, l_coll_name); -- Schedule a repository collection if it is not suspended IF nvl(:new.suspended,0) != 1 THEN IF NOT em_coll_util.metrics_cursor%ISOPEN THEN OPEN em_coll_util.metrics_cursor(:new.target_guid,:new.metric_guid) ; FETCH em_coll_util.metrics_cursor INTO l_rec ; END IF ; IF l_rec.metric_type IN ( MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_TABLE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_NUMBER, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_STRING) AND l_rec.cat_props IS NOT NULL AND l_rec.timezone_region IS NOT NULL THEN EM_COLL_UTIL.schedule_repo_collection (p_target_guid=>:new.target_guid, p_metric_guid=>:new.metric_guid, p_coll_name=>l_coll_name, p_op_code=>EM_COLL_UTIL.G_SCHEDULE_COLLECTION_OP, p_source_type=> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_OLD_PLSQL, p_coll_schedule=>l_coll_sched, p_cat_prop_array=>l_rec.cat_props, p_timezone_region=>l_rec.timezone_region) ; IF nvl(l_rec.is_repository,0) != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE THEN -- If metric is not set as repository set it now UPDATE mgmt_metrics SET is_repository = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE WHERE ROWID = l_rec.metrics_rowid ; END IF ; END IF ; END IF ; -- not suspended END IF; IF em_coll_util.metrics_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE em_coll_util.metrics_cursor ; END IF ; END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_update_collection INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON mgmt_metric_collections FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_coll_sched mgmt_coll_schedule_obj; l_is_enabled mgmt_collections.is_enabled%TYPE; l_store_metric mgmt_collections.store_metric%TYPE; l_op_code NUMBER ; l_rec em_coll_util.metrics_cursor%rowtype ; l_target_name mgmt_targets.target_name%type ; l_target_type mgmt_targets.target_type%type ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('em_update_collection:Enter '|| ' Target='||:new.target_guid|| ' Coll='||:new.coll_name,MGMT_COLLECTION.G_MODULE_NAME); EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('em_update_collection:New values='|| ' suspended='||:new.suspended|| ' store_metric='||:new.store_metric|| ' schedule='||:new.schedule|| ' schedule_ex='||:new.schedule_ex,MGMT_COLLECTION.G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- Add coll_item property l_coll_sched := NULL; IF (:new.schedule IS NOT NULL) THEN l_coll_sched := mgmt_coll_schedule_obj.interval_schedule(:new.schedule, NULL, NULL); END IF; l_is_enabled := 1; IF ( (:new.suspended IS NOT NULL) AND (:new.suspended = 1) ) THEN l_is_enabled := 0; END IF; l_store_metric := 1; IF NOT (:new.store_metric = 'Y') THEN l_store_metric := 0; END IF; IF l_coll_sched IS NULL THEN UPDATE mgmt_collections SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, coll_name = :new.coll_name, is_enabled = nvl(l_is_enabled,is_enabled), store_metric = nvl(l_store_metric,store_metric), schedule_ex = nvl(:new.schedule_ex,schedule_ex) WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET AND coll_name = :old.coll_name ; ELSE UPDATE mgmt_collections SET object_guid = :new.target_guid, object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, coll_name = :new.coll_name, is_enabled = nvl(l_is_enabled,is_enabled), store_metric = nvl(l_store_metric,store_metric), frequency_code=l_coll_sched.frequency_code, start_time=l_coll_sched.start_time , end_time=l_coll_sched.end_time, execution_hours=l_coll_sched.execution_hours, execution_minutes=l_coll_sched.execution_minutes , interval=l_coll_sched.interval , days=l_coll_sched.days , months=l_coll_sched.months , schedule_ex = nvl(:new.schedule_ex,schedule_ex) WHERE object_guid = :old.target_guid AND object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET AND coll_name = :old.coll_name ; END IF; -- Update last_collected_timestamp, status message UPDATE mgmt_collection_metric_tasks SET target_guid = :new.target_guid, metric_guid = :new.metric_guid, coll_name = :new.coll_name, last_collected_timestamp = :new.last_collected_timestamp, status_message = :new.status_message WHERE target_guid = :old.target_guid AND metric_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name; IF (:new.suspended = 0 AND :old.suspended= 1) OR ( :new.schedule > 0 AND (:new.schedule != :old.schedule)) THEN l_op_code := EM_COLL_UTIL.G_SCHEDULE_COLLECTION_OP ; ELSIF (:new.suspended = 1 AND :old.suspended = 0) THEN l_op_code := EM_COLL_UTIL.G_SUSPEND_COLLECTION_OP ; END IF ; IF l_op_code IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN em_coll_util.metrics_cursor(:new.target_guid,:new.metric_guid) ; FETCH em_coll_util.metrics_cursor INTO l_rec ; CLOSE em_coll_util.metrics_cursor ; IF l_rec.is_repository = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE THEN SELECT target_name,target_type INTO l_target_name,l_target_type FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = :NEW.target_guid ; EM_COLL_UTIL.suspend_resume_stop_collection (p_target_name=>l_target_name, p_target_type=>l_target_type, p_coll_name=>:old.coll_name, p_op_code=>l_op_code, p_target_guid=>:NEW.target_guid) ; END IF ; END IF ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('em_update_collection:Exit',MGMT_COLLECTION.G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER em_delete_collection INSTEAD OF DELETE ON mgmt_metric_collections FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_metric_cnt NUMBER; l_task_id mgmt_collection_tasks.task_id%type ; BEGIN DELETE FROM MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS_REP WHERE target_guid=:old.target_guid AND metric_guid=:old.metric_guid AND coll_name=:old.coll_name; BEGIN SELECT task_id INTO l_task_id FROM mgmt_collection_metric_tasks WHERE target_guid = :old.target_guid AND metric_guid = :old.metric_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name ; EM_COLL_UTIL.add_modify_metric_task(p_target_guid=>:old.target_guid, p_metric_guid=>:old.metric_guid, p_coll_name=>:old.coll_name, p_dml_operation=>'D', p_from_trigger=>TRUE) ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL ; END ; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_metric_cnt FROM mgmt_collection_metric_tasks WHERE target_guid = :old.target_guid AND coll_name = :old.coll_name; IF (l_metric_cnt <= 0) THEN EM_COLL_UTIL.delete_collection_entry( p_object_guid => :old.target_guid, p_object_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET, p_coll_name => :old.coll_name, p_from_trigger => TRUE); END IF; END; / show errors -- If collection is disabled, during insert or update then execute run_disable_steps CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER collection_disable_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON MGMT_COLLECTIONS FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( new.is_enabled = 0 ) DECLARE l_tbl_metric_guid MGMT_METRICS.metric_guid%TYPE; BEGIN IF ( (:new.object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET) AND (INSERTING OR (UPDATING AND :old.is_enabled = 1) ) ) THEN EM_COLL_UTIL.run_disable_steps(:new.object_guid,:new.coll_name) ; END IF; END collection_disable_trigger ; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER coll_items_ins_trig BEFORE INSERT ON MGMT_COLL_ITEMS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_coll_cnt NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- Check to see if default collection is created with proper cat props -- Check to see if there are any valid-if overlaps SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_coll_cnt FROM MGMT_COLL_ITEMS WHERE target_type = :new.target_type AND type_meta_ver = :new.type_meta_ver AND coll_name = :new.coll_name AND ( (category_prop_1 = :new.category_prop_1) OR (:new.category_prop_1 = ' ') OR (category_prop_1 = ' ') ) AND ( (category_prop_2 = :new.category_prop_2) OR (:new.category_prop_2 = ' ') OR (category_prop_2 = ' ') ) AND ( (category_prop_3 = :new.category_prop_3) OR (:new.category_prop_3 = ' ') OR (category_prop_3 = ' ') ) AND ( (category_prop_4 = :new.category_prop_4) OR (:new.category_prop_4 = ' ') OR (category_prop_4 = ' ') ) AND ( (category_prop_5 = :new.category_prop_5) OR (:new.category_prop_5 = ' ') OR (category_prop_5 = ' ') ) AND (NOT ( (category_prop_1 = :new.category_prop_1) AND (category_prop_2 = :new.category_prop_2) AND (category_prop_3 = :new.category_prop_3) AND (category_prop_4 = :new.category_prop_4) AND (category_prop_5 = :new.category_prop_5) ) ) ; IF (EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET)THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('coll_items_insert_trigger: Colls overlapping cnt = ' || l_coll_cnt, MGMT_COLLECTION.G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_coll_cnt > 0) THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.OVERLAPPING_CATPROP_DEF_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.OVERLAPPING_CATPROP_DEF_ERR_M || ' target type = [' || :new.target_type || ']' || ' type ver = [' || :new.type_meta_ver || ']' || ' coll name = [' || :new.coll_name || ']' || ' cat prop1 = [' || :new.category_prop_1 || ']' || ' cat prop2 = [' || :new.category_prop_2 || ']' || ' cat prop3 = [' || :new.category_prop_3 || ']' || ' cat prop4 = [' || :new.category_prop_4 || ']' || ' cat prop5 = [' || :new.category_prop_5 || ']' ); END IF; END; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER coll_items_metrics_ins_trig BEFORE INSERT ON MGMT_COLL_ITEM_METRICS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE l_coll_cnt NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- Check to see if the metric has duplicate default collections -- Get all cat prop combinations for the given coll_name FOR cp_rec IN (SELECT target_type, type_meta_ver, coll_name, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5 FROM mgmt_coll_items WHERE target_type = :new.target_type AND type_meta_ver = :new.type_meta_ver AND coll_name = :new.coll_name) LOOP -- Check to see if there are any overlaps with the cat prop list -- For the same target_type, type_meta_ver, metric, check to see -- if there is any other default collection SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_coll_cnt FROM mgmt_coll_items ci, mgmt_coll_item_metrics cim WHERE ci.target_type = cim.target_type AND ci.type_meta_ver = cim.type_meta_ver AND ci.coll_name = cim.coll_name AND ci.target_type = cp_rec.target_type AND ci.type_meta_ver = cp_rec.type_meta_ver AND cim.metric_guid = :new.metric_guid AND ( (ci.category_prop_1 = cp_rec.category_prop_1) OR (ci.category_prop_1 = ' ') OR (cp_rec.category_prop_1 = ' ') ) AND ( (ci.category_prop_2 = cp_rec.category_prop_2) OR (ci.category_prop_2 = ' ') OR (cp_rec.category_prop_2 = ' ') ) AND ( (ci.category_prop_3 = cp_rec.category_prop_3) OR (ci.category_prop_3 = ' ') OR (cp_rec.category_prop_3 = ' ') ) AND ( (ci.category_prop_4 = cp_rec.category_prop_4) OR (ci.category_prop_4 = ' ') OR (cp_rec.category_prop_4 = ' ') ) AND ( (ci.category_prop_5 = cp_rec.category_prop_5) OR (ci.category_prop_5 = ' ') OR (cp_rec.category_prop_5 = ' ') ) AND ci.coll_name <> cp_rec.coll_name; IF (EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET)THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('coll_item_metrics_insert_trigger: Colls overlapping cnt = ' || l_coll_cnt, MGMT_COLLECTION.G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_coll_cnt > 0) THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.OVERLAPPING_CATPROP_DEF_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.OVERLAPPING_CATPROP_DEF_ERR_M || ' target type = [' || :new.target_type || ']' || ' type ver = [' || :new.type_meta_ver || ']' || ' coll name = [' || :new.coll_name || ']' || ' metric_guid = [' || :new.metric_guid || ']' || ' cat prop1 = [' || cp_rec.category_prop_1 || ']' || ' cat prop2 = [' || cp_rec.category_prop_2 || ']' || ' cat prop3 = [' || cp_rec.category_prop_3 || ']' || ' cat prop4 = [' || cp_rec.category_prop_4 || ']' || ' cat prop5 = [' || cp_rec.category_prop_5 || ']' ); END IF; END LOOP; END; / show errors
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