Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\collections\collections_tables.sql
Rem drv: <create type="tables"/> Rem Rem $Header: collections_tables.sql 26-jul-2007.04:25:49 aptrived Exp $ Rem Rem collections_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem collections_tables.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem aptrived 08/21/06 - Bug#5385651, Increasing size of column Rem PROPERTY_VALUE in mgmt_coll_item_properties Rem aptrived 07/26/07 - Backport aptrived_bug-5385651 from main Rem aptrived 07/17/07 - Backport aptrived_bug-5441111 from main Rem aptrived 08/03/06 - Bug#5441111, Adding comment in header for Rem mgmt_coll_item_properties Rem jsadras 08/24/05 - default task_class to 0 Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem jsadras 06/02/05 - add task_class Rem jsadras 05/02/05 - add task class and remove mgmt_task_types Rem jsadras 03/24/05 - add is_transient bug:4014894 Rem jsadras 02/24/05 - remove obsolete tables Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem jsadras 12/03/04 - monitoring Rem jsadras 11/25/04 - task_type table Rem jsadras 11/03/04 - task_context Rem jsadras 11/02/04 - task_proc Rem rpinnama 10/15/04 - Change the is_required default Rem rpinnama 09/13/04 - Remove mgmt_metric_collections, Rem mgmt_metric_thresholds tables Rem rpinnama 09/07/04 - Add metric_guid to mgmt_coll_item_properties Rem jsadras 09/03/04 - coll_depend Rem jsadras 08/25/04 - mgmt_coll_metric_dependency.type_meta_ver Rem jsadras 08/20/04 - dependent metrics Rem rpinnama 08/26/04 - Add is_required flag Rem jsadras 08/05/04 - add mgmt_collection_task_time Rem jsadras 07/28/04 - add mgmt_coll_items.is_enabled Rem jsadras 07/23/04 - mgmt_task_sequence Rem rpinnama 07/23/04 - Modify coll_item_properties Rem rpinnama 06/22/04 - Rem rpinnama 06/17/04 - Add collection items and tables for new repos Rem collections Rem lgloyd 11/06/03 - perf: add shadow of mgmt_metric_collections Rem streddy 07/10/03 - Added message and message_nlsid to thresholds Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem PURPOSE rem Contains details of the collections set up for a metric. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - the GUID of the target associated with the collection rem rem METRIC_GUID - the GUID of the metric associated with the collection rem rem COLL_NAME - The name of the collection rem rem IS_REPOSITORY - flag to indicate whether this is a repository side rem collection.A repository side collection is associated rem with a metric specified in MGMT_METRICS and rem has a PL/SQL evaluation procedure that is responsible for rem calculating the metric values. rem rem STORE_METRIC - flag to indicate whether values returned by the rem collection should be stored in the MGMT_METRIC_RAW. rem 'Y' - STORE rem 'N' - DO NOT STORE rem rem SCHEDULE - all repository side collections are scheduled to run by rem DBMS JOBs (collection workers). TheDBMS JOB calls the rem evaluation procedure (which is specified in the MGMT_METRICS table) rem when it is scheduled to run. This column specifies the number of rem minutes between successive runs of the collection rem rem SCHEDULE_EX - the schedule used for non-repository collections rem rem LAST_COLLECTED_TIMESTAMP - the time when the evaluation procedure was rem last run rem rem STATUS_MESSAGE - a message indicating success/failure of the evaluation rem procedure rem rem SUSPENDED - flag to indicate whether the collection is suspended rem 0 => NOT SUSPENDED rem 1 => SUSPENDED rem REM NOTE: mgmt_metric_collections table is removed and a view with the same REM name is created for backward compatibility REM rem PURPOSE rem Contains information about repository based collections. This rem table was added to improve performance of collections job since rem the number of repository based collection metrics is small compared rem to the number of overall collection metrics. This table contains rem the primary key columns of mgmt_metric_collections. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - the GUID of the target associated with the collection rem rem METRIC_GUID - the GUID of the metric associated with the collection rem rem COLL_NAME - The name of the collection rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS_REP ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' ) MONITORING; Rem Rem Table which contains collection items. Rem Ideally there should be one more master table to this Rem which has collection_name as primary key, since there are Rem no attributes specific to it, that table was not created. Rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_COLL_ITEMS ( target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0' NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_1 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_2 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_3 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_4 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_5 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, is_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, is_required NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (target_type,type_meta_ver,coll_name, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_items IS 'This table contains details of the default collections set up for a target type.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.target_type IS 'Target type of the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.type_meta_ver IS 'Target type meta version of the collection item.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_1 IS 'Category property 1 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_2 IS 'Category property 2 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_3 IS 'Category property 3 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_4 IS 'Category property 4 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_5 IS 'Category property 5 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.is_enabled IS 'Identifies whether the collection item is enabled or not'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.is_required IS 'Identifies whether the collection item can be disabled or not, Required collections cannot be disabled. Default is 0, so collections can be disabled.'; Rem Rem Table to hold metrics associated with collection item Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_coll_item_metrics ( target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0' NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL , metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_item_metrics_pk PRIMARY KEY(target_type, type_meta_ver, coll_name, metric_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_item_metrics IS 'Table to hold the metrics associated with a collection item' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.target_type IS 'Target type' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.type_meta_ver IS 'Target type meta version' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.coll_name IS 'Name of the collection item.' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.metric_guid IS 'Metric associated with the collection name.' ; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_COLL_ITEM_PROPERTIES table contains properties for a collection Item rem rem COLUMNS rem rem OBJECT_GUID The guid of the object that this property is for rem rem OBJECT_TYPE The type of the object that this property is for rem rem METRIC_GUID - the GUID of the metric associated with the collection rem rem COLL_NAME - The name of the collection rem rem PROPERTY_NAME - The name of the collection property rem rem PROPERTY_VALUE - The value of the collection property rem For UDM metrics, the property_value stores the UDM rem SQL script to execute hence value of rem UDM_SCRIPT_MAX_LENGTH in rem emcore/source/oracle/sysman/eml/mntr/Constants.java rem should be less than or equal to length of this column rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_coll_item_properties ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, property_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, object_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, property_value VARCHAR2(4000) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_items_properties_pk PRIMARY KEY (object_guid, metric_guid, coll_name, property_name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING property_value MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_item_properties IS 'This table contains the list of properties defined for a collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.object_guid IS 'The guid for which the collection properties are stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.metric_guid IS 'The metric guid for which the collection properties are stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.coll_name IS 'The collection name associated with the collection property.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.property_name IS 'The name of the collection property.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.object_type IS 'The type of object for which the collection properties are stored. Possible values are 1 - DEFAULT, 2- TARGET, 3 - TEMPLATE.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.property_value IS 'The value of the collection property.'; Rem Rem Table to hold collections setup for a target/template/default collection Rem rem PURPOSE rem Contains details of the collections set up for a metric. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem OBJECT_GUID - the GUID of the object associated with the collection rem rem OBJECT_TYPE - the type of the object associated with the collection rem rem METRIC_GUID - the GUID of the metric associated with the collection rem rem COLL_NAME - The name of the collection rem rem STORE_METRIC - flag to indicate whether values returned by the rem collection should be stored in the MGMT_METRIC_RAW. rem 1 - STORE rem 0 - DONOT STORE rem rem SCHEDULE_EX - the schedule used for non-repository collections rem rem IS_ENABLED - flag to indicate whether the collection is enabled rem 1 => ENABLED rem 0 => NOT ENABLED rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_collections ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, object_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, is_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, schedule_ex VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT ' ', store_metric NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, upload_frequency NUMBER DEFAULT 1, is_transient NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, frequency_code NUMBER DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL, start_time DATE DEFAULT NULL, end_time DATE DEFAULT NULL, execution_hours NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, execution_minutes NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, interval NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, months MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, days MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL ) TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collections IS 'This table contains details of the collections set up for a metric.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.object_guid IS 'The guid of the target/template/default associated with the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.coll_name IS 'Collection Item' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.object_type IS 'The type of guid stored in object_guid. Possible values are: = 0, for default collection = 1, for target = 2, for template'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.schedule_ex IS 'The schedule column used for agent collections'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.store_metric IS 'The flag to indicate whether values returned by the collection should be stored in the MGMT_METRIC_RAW. 1 - STORE 0 - DO NOT'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.is_transient IS '1=Transient collection, 0 - Non-transient collection DEFAULT, The agent uses the value to determine whether to upload data or not' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.frequency_code IS ' Refer mgmt_blackout_schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.start_time IS 'start time when collection becomes active' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.end_time IS 'end time when collection becomes inactive ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.execution_hours IS 'hour of the day when to execute' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.execution_minutes IS 'the minute of the hour when to execute' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.interval IS 'interval in minutes' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.months IS ' months of the year' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.days IS 'days of the month' ; Rem Rem Table to store task information for a collection Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_tasks ( task_id NUMBER NOT NULL, task_type NUMBER NOT NULL, task_class NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL , priority NUMBER NOT NULL, timezone_region VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, frequency_code NUMBER DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL, start_time DATE, end_time DATE, execution_hours NUMBER, execution_minutes NUMBER, interval NUMBER, months MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY , days MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY , task_proc VARCHAR2(4000), task_status NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, task_start_time DATE, last_collection_timestamp DATE, next_collection_timestamp DATE, error_message VARCHAR2(4000), failures NUMBER, worker_id NUMBER, total_runs NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, min_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, avg_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, min_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, avg_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collection_tasks IS ' Table to Hold list of collection tasks' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_id iS ' Unique Task Id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.frequency_code is 'Frequency of the schedule, see mgmt_blackout_schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.start_time IS ' Start time when the collection has to start' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.end_time IS ' End time for repeating collections' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.execution_hours IS 'Hour of the day when the collection is scheduled' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.execution_minutes IS 'Minute of the hour when the collection is to end' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.interval IS ' Interval in minutes for interval schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.months IS 'Months of the year' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.days IS 'Days of the month' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_proc IS 'procedure to be run, should accept task_id(number) and context(mgmt_namevalue_array) as parameter' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_status IS 'Status of the task 0=Scheduled, 1=Running' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_start_time IS 'Time when the task started running' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.last_collection_timestamp IS 'Last time the task was run' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.next_collection_timestamp IS 'Next time when the task is scheduled' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.error_message IS 'Last error message encountered when running this task' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.failures IS 'failures encountered so far, reset on successful execution' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.worker_id IS ' Worker running this task' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.total_runs IS ' Total number of times the task has run' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.min_wait_time IS ' Minimum wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.max_wait_time IS ' Maximum wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.avg_wait_time IS 'Average wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.min_run_time IS 'Minimum run time for the collection in seconds' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.max_run_time IS 'Maximum run time for the collection in seconds' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.avg_run_time IS 'Average run time for the collection in seconds' ; rem rem MGMT_COLLECTION_TASK_CONTEXT rem Task context table to store the context information for a task rem rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_task_context ( task_id NUMBER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT mgmt_collection_task_ctx_pk PRIMARY KEY (task_id,name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING value MONITORING ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_task_context.task_id IS ' Task id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_task_context.name IS 'name of the context' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_task_context.value IS 'value of the context' ; Rem Rem table to store worker counts for each task class Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_task_worker_counts (task_class_list VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, worker_count NUMBER(2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_task_worker_counts_pk PRIMARY KEY (task_class_list) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING worker_count MONITORING ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_task_worker_counts.task_class_list IS ' task class or a list of task class seperated by comma, no whitespaces' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_task_worker_counts.worker_count IS ' Number of workers to start up for a given task class ' ; rem MGMT_TASK_SEQUENCE rem The sequence that generates task_id for collection tasks rem CREATE SEQUENCE mgmt_task_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 1.0E28 MINVALUE 1 NOCYCLE CACHE 5 NOORDER; Rem Rem Table to hold target-metric-collection to task mapping Rem -- TODO: Added last_collected_timestamp and status_message -- for supportint existing collection framework. -- Once the existing collection framework is removed, -- these columns can be deleted. CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_metric_tasks ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, task_id NUMBER, last_collected_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL, status_message VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_metric_tasks_pk PRIMARY KEY(target_guid,coll_name,metric_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collection_metric_tasks IS 'The table stores the target-metric to collection task association.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.target_guid IS 'The guid of the target associated with the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.metric_guid IS 'The GUID of the metric associated with the collection. Now one task can have only one metric, metric_guid is in tasks table to enforce that and for performance' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.coll_name IS 'The name of the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.task_id IS 'The collection task that executes this collection. If collection for the metric is suspended then task_id is null'; Rem Rem The collection workers can be run via DBMS_JOB Rem or run directly in a session. Rem If a collection worker is run directly then job_id is null Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_workers ( worker_id NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, task_class_list VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, worker_status NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, job_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, worker_start_time DATE, CONSTRAINT mgmt_collection_workers_pk PRIMARY KEY (worker_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_id IS 'Unique Worker id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.job_id IS 'Job ID associated with the worker, null if the worker is run directly' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_status IS 'Status of worker, 0=Worker Starting 1=Worker Started 2=Stop pending' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_start_time IS 'Time when worker started running first When worker status changed from 0 to 1' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.task_class_list IS 'Comma seperated list of task classes the worker can pick up' ; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS table contains thresholds for a collection rem on a metric column basic, or on a per-key value basis for a metric rem column rem rem COLUMNS rem rem see the definition for MGMT_METRICS_RAW rem rem COLL_NAME rem rem - The name of the collection collecting this metric rem rem WARNING_OPERATOR rem rem - The operator for the warning threshold. This is used in rem the reporting environment to create a line on the graph rem representing the warning threshold appropriately. rem rem 0 - GT rem 1 - EQ rem 2 - LT rem 3 - LE rem 4 - GE rem 5 - CONTAINS rem 6 - NE rem 7 - MATCH : regular expression rem rem WARNING_THRESHOLD rem rem - value for the warning. Together with the warning operator rem a graph line can be drawn to show the warning threshold. rem rem CRITICAL_OPERATOR rem rem - The operator for the critical threshold. This is used in rem the reporting environment to create a line on the graph rem representing the critical threshold appropriately. rem rem 0 - GT rem 1 - EQ rem 2 - LT rem 3 - LE rem 4 - GE rem 5 - CONTAINS rem 6 - NE rem 7 - MATCH : regular expression rem rem CRITICAL_THRESHOLD rem rem - value for the critical severity. Together with the rem critical operator, a graph line can be drawn to show the rem critical severity threshold. rem rem NUM_OCCURENCES - the number of occurences of a warning/critical/clear rem severity before a severity record is generated. rem rem NUM_WARNINGS - the number of consecutive times a metric value has rem exceeded the warning threshold rem rem NUM_CRITICALS - the number of consecutive times a metric value has rem exceeded the critical threshold rem rem EVAL_ORDER - the number representing the order for the evaluation of a condition rem rem FIXIT_JOB - the fixit job associated with this metric rem rem NOTES rem rem It may make sense in the future to add a date column which represents rem the last collection time for the long string. This will provide the rem means to determine whether or not the string is 'orphaned'. rem REM NOTE: mgmt_metric_threshold table is removed and a view with the same REM name is created for backward compatibility
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