Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\basic\basic_views.sql
Rem drv: <create type="views" pos="severity/severity_views.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: basic_views.sql 01-jul-2005.18:43:32 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem basic_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem basic_views.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$CURRENT_METRICS view joins the metric definition information to rem the most current metric data sample that was collected for a target. rem This view is the primary view that would be used to find the current rem value of one or metrics. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem See MGMT_METRICS and MGMT_METRICS_RAW, rem MGMT_CURRENT_METRIC_ERRORS rem rem Additional columns: rem rem COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP_STRING - rem rem This column returns a date/time string form of rem the collection_timestamp that can be used rem directly for reporting. rem rem NOTES rem rem rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW em$current_metrics (target_name, target_type, target_guid, metric_name, metric_type, metric_column, key_column, key_value, collection_timestamp, collection_timestamp_string, data_value, data_value_int, string_value, description, unit, warning_operator, warning_threshold, critical_operator, critical_threshold, metric_error_message) AS SELECT t.target_name, t.target_type, t.target_guid, m.metric_name, DECODE (m.metric_type, 0, 'NUMBER', 1, 'STRING', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'RAW', 4, 'COMPOSITE_EVENT'), m.metric_column, m.key_column, r.key_value, collection_timestamp, TO_CHAR (collection_timestamp), value, ROUND(value), string_value, description, unit, DECODE (warning_operator, 0, 'GT', 1, 'EQ', 2, 'LT', 3, 'LE', 4, 'GE', 5, 'CONTAINS', 6, 'NE'), warning_threshold, DECODE (critical_operator, 0, 'GT', 1, 'EQ', 2, 'LT', 3, 'LE', 4, 'GE', 5, 'CONTAINS', 6, 'NE'), critical_threshold, (select metric_error_message from MGMT_CURRENT_METRIC_ERRORS e WHERE m.metric_guid=e.metric_guid) FROM MGMT_METRICS m, MGMT_CURRENT_METRICS r, MGMT_TARGETS t, MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS th WHERE t.target_guid=r.target_guid AND m.metric_guid=r.metric_guid AND t.target_guid = th.target_guid AND m.metric_guid = th.metric_guid AND r.key_value = th.key_value; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$STRING_METRIC_HISTORY view joins the string metric definition rem information to the history of string metric data that was collected for rem a target. This view is the primary view that would be used to find a rem past value(s) of a string metric. The latest value of any metric, rem string or number, will be found more efficiently in the table rem em$current_metrics. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem See MGMT_METRICS and MGMT_METRICS_RAW rem rem Additional columns: rem rem COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP_STRING - rem rem This column returns a date/time string form of rem the collection_timestamp that can be used rem directly for reporting. rem rem NOTES rem rem rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW em$string_metric_history (target_name, target_type, target_guid, metric_name, metric_column, key_column, key_value, collection_timestamp, collection_timestamp_string, string_value, description, unit, warning_operator, warning_threshold, critical_operator, critical_threshold) AS SELECT t.target_name, t.target_type, t.target_guid, m.metric_name, m.metric_column, m.key_column, r.key_value, collection_timestamp, TO_CHAR (collection_timestamp), string_value, description, unit, DECODE (warning_operator, 0, 'GT', 1, 'EQ', 2, 'LT', 3, 'LE', 4, 'GE', 5, 'CONTAINS', 6, 'NE'), warning_threshold, DECODE (critical_operator, 0, 'GT', 1, 'EQ', 2, 'LT', 3, 'LE', 4, 'GE', 5, 'CONTAINS', 6, 'NE'), critical_threshold FROM MGMT_TARGETS t, MGMT_METRICS m, MGMT_STRING_METRIC_HISTORY r, MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS th WHERE r.metric_guid=m.metric_guid AND r.target_guid=t.target_guid AND t.target_guid = th.target_guid AND m.metric_guid = th.metric_guid AND r.key_value = th.key_value;
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