Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\sql\core\latest\audit\audit_tables.sql
Rem drv: <create type="tables" params="EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE" pos="topology/topology_tables.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: audit_tables.sql 13-aug-2007.17:53:49 pshishir Exp $ Rem Rem audit_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem audit_tables.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pshishir 05/18/07 - Adding custom attribute support Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem shianand 02/03/05 - shianand_audit Rem shianand 12/12/04 - Created Rem rem rem This script requires the following arguments rem 1. Name of the ecm_depot tablespace where all LOBs are stored rem DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = "&1" --TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_MASTER --audit_level: This is a column set audit level. When it is true, the audit -- is carried out for all the above operations and when it is -- false, the user needs register the operation codes which -- are to be audited. --audit_level (all=>0/selected=>1/none=>2 DEFAULT none) CREATE TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_MASTER ( audit_level NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 2 ) MONITORING; --TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_DESTINATION --audit_mode: This defines whether the audit needs to be stored in DB or -- in a file. --audit_destination: This defines the physical path of the audit file in the -- file system. --audit_mode (DB=>0/ FILE=>1 /DB and FILE both=>2) --audit_destination (in case of file path of the file) CREATE TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_DESTINATION ( audit_mode NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, audit_destination VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL ) MONITORING; --TABLE MGMT_USER_SESSION --user_session_id: HTTP session id which gets generated when a user logs in --em_user: EM user --em_user_type: Type of the user e.g. Normal user, SSO user, SuperUser --em_user_host_name: The hostname of the user --oms_host_name: The hostname of the oms which handles the http request -- after it is assigned the request by load balancer --browser_type: Type of the user?s browser --login_time: Time stamp for the user when he logs in --logoff_time: Time stamp for the user when he logs off --ip_address: IP Address of the user?s machine --terminal: User?s terminal name --session_type: If the audit happens when the user is logged in, the -- session_type stores 1, but when user logs in and logs out -- with audit to happen on the back ground, then the value -- which this column stores is reset to 0. CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_SESSION ( user_session_id_guid RAW(64), user_session_id RAW(64), em_user VARCHAR2(4000), em_user_type VARCHAR2(4000), em_user_host_name VARCHAR2(4000), oms_host_name VARCHAR2(4000), browser_type VARCHAR2(4000), login_time DATE, logoff_time DATE, ip_address VARCHAR2(4000), osuser VARCHAR2(4000), session_status VARCHAR2(4000), session_type VARCHAR2(4000), time_zone VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT user_session_id_guid PRIMARY KEY(user_session_id_guid) ) MONITORING; --TABLE MGMT_OPERATIONS_MASTER --operation_code: This is a predefined unique value for all operation codes. --operation_description: Description of the operation --operation_audit: Admin can set it to true if he needs to audit otherwise -- he can set it up to false. --audit_column_name1?name11:It stores the audited data names e.g. for -- submit/modify/delete jobs audit, audit_column_name1 -- will store (job_name)? and audit_column_name2 will -- store (job_type). --operation_code NUMBER(1,2,3..) --operation_description --operation_audit (on/off) NUMBER (0,1) --operation_code: This is a predefined unique value for all the below operations --change_password=1, --create_user=2, --delete_user=3, --logon=4, --logoff=5, --grant_role=6, --grant_priviledge=7, --revoke_role=8, --revoke_priviledge=9, --submit_job=10, --modify_job=11, --delete_job=12, --change_pref_cred=13 CREATE TABLE MGMT_OPERATIONS_MASTER ( op_code NUMBER(2), operation_description VARCHAR2(4000), operation_audit NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, audit_column_name1 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name2 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name3 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name4 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name5 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name6 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name7 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name8 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name9 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name10 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name11 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name12 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name13 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name14 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_column_name15 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, audit_clob_name1 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT op_code PRIMARY KEY(op_code) ) MONITORING; --TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_LOGS --audit_guid: this is the unique guid for audit --operation_code: This is a predefined unique value for all the above operation. --time_stamp CREATE TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_LOGS ( user_session_id_guid RAW(64), audit_guid RAW(64), op_code NUMBER, object_name VARCHAR2(4000), object_type VARCHAR2(4000), object_owner VARCHAR2(4000), time_stamp DATE, audit_column_value1 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value2 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value3 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value4 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value5 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value6 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value7 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value8 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value9 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value10 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value11 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value12 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value13 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value14 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_column_value15 VARCHAR2(4000), audit_clob_value1 CLOB ) LOB(audit_clob_value1) STORE AS (TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE) MONITORING; @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/
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