Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\wrap.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: wrap.pl 12-apr-2005.06:23:16 gsbhatia Exp $ # # wrap.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # wrap.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # gsbhatia 04/12/05 - gsbhatia_wrap_gc_plsql # gsbhatia 04/11/05 - Creation # ################################################################################ use lib "$ENV{'ADE_VIEW_ROOT'}/emcore/scripts/install"; use lib "$ENV{'ADE_VIEW_ROOT'}/emcore/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin"; use strict; use Component; use Repository; use SQLFile; use File::Basename; my $AVR = $ENV{'ADE_VIEW_ROOT'}; die "not in view!!" if(!defined $AVR); my $WRAP=$ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}.'/bin/wrap'; my $DIRSEP="/"; my $mode = shift ; my $path = shift ; if($mode eq '-root') { if(-d $path) { my $repo = Repository->new(); $repo->init($path); my @comps = $repo->getComponentsOrdered(); foreach my $h (@comps) { wrapComponent($h); } exit(0); }else { print "\ndirectory $path does not exists\n"; } }elsif($mode eq '-comp') { if(-e $path) { my $comp = Component->new(); if($comp->init($path)) { wrapComponent($comp); }else { print "\nError parsing $path\n"; } exit(0); }else { print "\nfile $path does not exists\n"; } } printUsage(); exit(0); sub wrapComponent { my ($comp) = @_ ; print "parsing component ".$comp->getName()."\n"; $comp->parse(); my @list = $comp->getSQLFilesByTypes('pkgbodys'); foreach my $sql (@list){ my $sqlpath=$sql->getPath(); my ($name, $path, $suffix)= fileparse($sqlpath, qr{\.sql}); $path =~ s/(.*)\//$1/; my $command="$WRAP iname=$sqlpath oname=$path".$DIRSEP."$name"; my $rc = 0xffff & system($command); die("could not execute $command: errorcode - ".$rc) unless $rc==0; my $plb = $path."$DIRSEP".$name.".plb"; print $plb."\n"; if (open(FIN, "$plb")){ my @lines = <FIN>; close (FIN); if (open(FOUT, ">$plb")){ print FOUT "Rem drv: ".$sql->{'header'}."\n"; for my $line (@lines){ print FOUT $line; } close (FOUT); } } } } sub printUsage { print " wrap.pl - wrap component pkg body sql scripts Usage : perl \$ADE_VIEW_ROOT/emcore/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/wrap.pl [ -root <dir> | -comp <file> ] <dir> = absolute path of sql root directory <file> = absolute path of component.xml "; }
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