Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\repdiff.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: repdiff.pl 23-feb-2005.16:33:17 ktlaw Exp $ # # repdiff.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # repdiff.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ktlaw 02/23/05 - ktlaw_rep_diff # ktlaw 02/23/05 - # chyu 02/23/05 - making subroutines better # chyu 02/23/05 - Creation # ################## # Main Program ################## my $CREATED_FILE_DUMP; my $UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP; my $OUTPUT_FILE; my $CREATE_TYPE; my $CREATE_IDNEX; my $CREATE_TABLE; my $UPGRADE_TYPE; my $UPGRADE_INDEX; my $UPGRADE_TABLE; my $CREATE_SUMMARY; my $UPGRADE_SUMMARY; ProcessCommandLine(); CheckFileExists(); ReadCreateDumpFile(); ReadUpgradeDumpFile(); CompareType(); CompareTable(); CompareIndex(); ###################################################################### # ProcessCommandLine : Processes command line parameters. ###################################################################### sub ProcessCommandLine() { my @args = @ARGV; my $argCount = scalar(@args); if ($argCount lt 2) { displayHelp(); exit 1; } $CREATED_FILE_DUMP = $args[0]; $UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP = $args[1]; $OUTPUT_FILE = "./rep_diff.log"; if ($argCount eq 3) { $OUTPUT_FILE = $args[2]; } print "Schema File Dump from the Created Repository:$CREATED_FILE_DUMP \n"; print "Schema File Dump from the Upgraded Repository:$UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP \n"; print "Output File:$OUTPUT_FILE \n"; open (outfile, ">$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile (""); close(outfile); } ################################ # CheckFileExists: Check whether or not the schema dump file exists ################################ sub CheckFileExists() { if (!-e "$CREATED_FILE_DUMP") { print "Created Schema File: $CREATED_FILE_DUMP doesn't exists \n"; exit 1; } elsif (!-r "$CREATED_FILE_DUMP") { print "Created Schema File: $CREATED_FILE_DUMP isn't readable \n"; exit 1; } if (!-e "$UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP") { print "Upgraded Schema File: $UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP doesn't exists \n"; exit 1; } elsif (!-r "$UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP") { print "Created Schema File: $UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP isn't readable \n"; exit 1; } } ################################ # Read[Created|Upgraded]DumpFile: These method read the dump files # to store the objects in a hash. ################################ sub ReadCreateDumpFile() { $CREATE_SUMMARY = "-------------------------------------\n"; $CREATE_SUMMARY = $CREATE_SUMMARY."Summary Report for the Created Schema\n"; open(CREATEDUMP, "$CREATED_FILE_DUMP"); my $index_counter = 0; while ($line = <CREATEDUMP>) { if ($line =~ /End of Summary/) { last; } if ($line =~ /Total number of/) { $CREATE_SUMMARY = $CREATE_SUMMARY.$line; } if ($line =~ /^INDEX\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $CREATE_INDEX{$VALUE} = "INDEX"; } if ($line =~ /^TABLE\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $CREATE_TABLE{$VALUE} = "TABLE"; } if ($line =~ /^TYPE\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $CREATE_TYPE{$VALUE} = "TYPE"; } } $CREATE_SUMMARY = $CREATE_SUMMARY."-------------------------------------\n"; print "$CREATE_SUMMARY \n"; open (outfile, ">>$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile ($CREATE_SUMMARY); close(outfile); } sub ReadUpgradeDumpFile() { $UPGRADE_SUMMARY = "-------------------------------------\n"; $UPGRADE_SUMMARY = $UPGRADE_SUMMARY."Summary Report for the Upgraded Schema\n"; open(UPGRADEDUMP, "$UPGRADED_FILE_DUMP"); my $index_counter = 0; while ($line = <UPGRADEDUMP>) { if ($line =~ /End of Summary/) { last; } if ($line =~ /Total number of/) { $UPGRADE_SUMMARY = $UPGRADE_SUMMARY.$line; } if ($line =~ /^INDEX\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $UPGRADE_INDEX{$VALUE} = "INDEX"; } if ($line =~ /^TABLE\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $UPGRADE_TABLE{$VALUE} = "TABLE"; } if ($line =~ /^TYPE\b/) { ($TEMP,$VALUE) = split(/\s+/, $line); $UPGRADE_TYPE{$VALUE} = "TYPE"; } } $UPGRADE_SUMMARY = $UPGRADE_SUMMARY."-------------------------------------\n"; print "$UPGRADE_SUMMARY \n"; open (outfile, ">>$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile ($UPGRADE_SUMMARY); close(outfile); } ################################ # Compare[Index|Table|Type]: Compare the index/table/type objects # and write them out to the outfile. ################################ sub CompareIndex() { @INCREATED=(); @INUPGRADED=(); $C_INDEX = 0; $U_INDEX = 0; foreach $key (sort keys %CREATE_INDEX) { if ($UPGRADE_INDEX{$key} ne "INDEX") { $INCREATED[$C_INDEX++] = $key; } } foreach $key (sort keys %UPGRADE_INDEX) { if ($CREATE_INDEX{$key} ne "INDEX") { $INUPGRADED[$U_INDEX++] = $key; } } $C_COUNT = scalar(@INCREATED); $U_COUNT = scalar(@INUPGRADED); open (outfile, ">>$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile ("\n"); print outfile ("********START INDEX REPORT**********\n"); print outfile ("--$C_COUNT INDEXES are missing in the upgraded schema\n"); print outfile ("--$U_COUNT INDEXES should be obsoleted in the upgraded schema\n\n"); print outfile ("--The following indexes are MISSING\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INCREATED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile ("--The following indexes should be OBSOLETED\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INUPGRADED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile ("******** END INDEX REPORT**********\n"); close(outfile); } sub CompareTable() { @INCREATED=(); @INUPGRADED=(); $C_INDEX = 0; $U_INDEX = 0; foreach $key (sort keys %CREATE_TABLE) { if ($UPGRADE_TABLE{$key} ne "TABLE") { $INCREATED[$C_INDEX++] = $key; } } foreach $key (sort keys %UPGRADE_TABLE) { if ($CREATE_TABLE{$key} ne "TABLE") { $INUPGRADED[$U_INDEX++] = $key; } } $C_COUNT = scalar(@INCREATED); $U_COUNT = scalar(@INUPGRADED); open (outfile, ">>$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile ("\n"); print outfile ("********START TABLE REPORT**********\n"); print outfile ("--$C_COUNT TABLES are missing in the upgraded schema\n"); print outfile ("--$U_COUNT TABLES should be obsoleted in the upgraded schema\n"); print outfile ("--The following tables are MISSING\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INCREATED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile (" --The following tables should be OBSOLETED\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INUPGRADED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile ("******** END TABLE REPORT**********\n"); close(outfile); } sub CompareType() { @INCREATED=(); @INUPGRADED=(); $C_INDEX = 0; $U_INDEX = 0; foreach $key (sort keys %CREATE_TYPE) { if ($UPGRADE_TYPE{$key} ne "TYPE") { $INCREATED[$C_INDEX++] = $key; } } foreach $key (sort keys %UPGRADE_TYPE) { if ($CREATE_TYPE{$key} ne "TYPE") { $INUPGRADED[$U_INDEX++] = $key; } } $C_COUNT = scalar(@INCREATED); $U_COUNT = scalar(@INUPGRADED); open (outfile, ">>$OUTPUT_FILE"); print outfile ("\n"); print outfile ("********START TYPE REPORT**********\n"); print outfile ("--$C_COUNT TYPES are missing in the upgraded schema\n"); print outfile ("--$U_COUNT TYPES should be obsoleted in the upgraded schema\n"); print outfile ("--The following types are MISSING\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INCREATED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile (" --The following types should be OBSOLETED\n "); print outfile join("\n ", @INUPGRADED); print outfile ("\n\n"); print outfile ("******** END TYPE REPORT**********\n"); close(outfile); } sub displayHelp() { print STDERR <<EOM; Usage: $progName <created_schema_dump> <upgraded_schema_dump> Where EOM }
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