Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\emrepmgr.pl
# # $Header: emrepmgr.pl 23-may-2008.16:46:59 chyu Exp $ # # emrepmgr.pl # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # emrepmgr.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # chyu 05/23/08 - removing the quiesce requirement via 6697464 # chyu 09/13/07 - during the checking db objects, make sure there # isn't 2 thread piping to file at the same time # vkhizder 08/07/07 - calling ecm metadata update only once during # upgrade # sktedla 07/31/07 - sktedla_rfi_backport_4726892_10.2.0.4 # chyu 07/23/07 - adding the error off/error on switch for parsing # chyu 07/16/07 - adding the _UPGRADE_ component logic for overall # system progress # mfidanbo 04/04/07 - observe order # mfidanbo 03/01/07 - add test metadata execution # chyu 03/07/07 - backporting bug 5905191 - running dbms_jobs submit # in em_repos_user credential only # gsbhatia 12/11/06 - Remove unnecessary ora error checks while listing # upgrade errors # shianand 10/27/06 - fix bug 5482793 # chyu 08/17/06 - making sysaux=sysaux_test # chyu 08/16/06 - adding the condition for filtering # chyu 07/18/06 - Backport chyu_bug-5305174 from # st_emcore_10. # kvsingh 07/20/06 - Bug 5360253 # chyu 07/10/06 - adding the connect string to the env instead of by # SQL define # chyu 06/26/06 - adding the file directive for dbsa files # chyu 05/17/06 - skipping sys credential during transx # chyu 05/15/06 - create top level driver script for sa mode # chyu 05/15/06 - skip transx in sysaux mode # chyu 06/26/06 - adding the file directive for dbsa files # chyu 05/17/06 - skipping sys credential during transx # chyu 05/15/06 - create top level driver script for sa mode # chyu 05/15/06 - skip transx in sysaux mode # vesriniv 08/03/06 - add empa # chyu 04/28/06 - removing the limitation for transx execution # chyu 04/07/06 - modifying the create_in_sysaux logic to use new # sets of headers # jsadras 03/03/06 - grants on AUX_STATS to SYSMAN, Bug:5066208 # jsadras 03/07/06 - Backport jsadras_bug-5066208 from main # gsbhatia 12/15/05 - Bug 4888848 # chyu 12/13/05 - skipping TransX in upgrade cases when CORE was not # modified # chyu 12/13/05 - adding the out_of_box to the create during the # upgrade process # chyu 11/11/05 - modifying the upgrade process to be more modular # chyu 12/19/05 - XbranchMerge chyu_bug-4733827 from main # asaraswa 09/07/05 - rolling back creation of CSA tablespace # afontana 09/06/05 - add PATH_SEP # chyu 08/30/05 - # tthakur 08/17/05 - adding post_data_upgrade # chyu 08/15/05 - removing the call of the admin_set_repos_version # script since the new repmanager would use the # components framework # rdabbott 08/01/05 - fix 3941639: move emutil to oracle home # asaraswa 07/26/05 - adding CSA tablespace # chyu 07/25/05 - switching the upgrade to the new rep manager # chyu 07/25/05 - adding the pre_data_upgrade scripts to the upgrade # path # chyu 07/25/05 - reverting the upgrade to the old upgrade process # until the new upgrade is debugged # asaraswa 07/24/05 - adding CSA tablespace # ktlaw 07/22/05 - enable new repmgr # ktlaw 07/20/05 - add upgradeEMSchemaNew # ktlaw 07/19/05 - add new repmgr intg # chyu 07/19/05 - adding the se to the core_init reference # gsbhatia 07/04/05 - Adding comments # chyu 06/22/05 - fixing bug 4439104-need addition session for # registering dbms jobs # gsbhatia 06/15/05 - bug#4324801 # gsbhatia 06/15/05 - revert bug#4028621 # ktlaw 06/10/05 - add empp # gsbhatia 05/10/05 - bug#4028621 # asaraswa 05/04/05 - creating CSA tablespace # ktlaw 04/26/05 - always use SYSMAN # bevoss 04/05/05 - Add hooks for emci SQL # gsbhatia 03/18/05 - Load .dlf files into repository after upgrade # gsbhatia 03/08/05 - bug 4178702 # afontana 03/02/05 - define more variables for upgrade # afontana 03/01/05 - define oracle_home and connect_string in sqlplus # ktlaw 02/22/05 - add -action dump # ktlaw 02/17/05 - bug 4192609 # ktlaw 01/04/05 - bug 4093478/4028621 # ktlaw 01/17/05 - # rpinnama 12/30/04 - Add pre/post import files # rzazueta 12/10/04 - Pass EM_REPOS_USER to user_create_view_user.sql # ktlaw 12/01/04 - fix code 41 # rpinnama 11/19/04 - Add the SQL*Plus variables available to all # scripts # ktlaw 11/10/04 - update transx # rzazueta 11/01/04 - Pass EM_REPOS_USER to sql files # ktlaw 10/22/04 - use TransX.pm # ktlaw 10/20/04 - add transx support # rpinnama 09/24/04 - Use SYS to create db in SYSAUX # lhan 09/14/04 - add CM support # rpinnama 08/25/04 - Add downgrade, reload, export and import actions # ajdsouza 08/09/04 - Moved back component under core # ajdsouza 07/29/04 - Added storage component # rdabbott 07/07/04 - put links to repos sql in oh # rdabbott 07/01/04 - print errors to stderr # rdabbott 06/28/04 - core only create # rpinnama 06/25/04 - Fetch EM version from MGMT_VERSIONS table # rpinnama 05/03/04 - Dont use dbms_crypto functions in grid control. # asawant 04/16/04 - Create jobs after OutOfBox - avoid partitioning # deadlocks. # rpinnama 04/15/04 - Support upgrade # gan 04/09/04 - bug 3562484 # mgoodric 12/15/03 - bug 3312919 # rzazueta 12/13/03 - Query db for temporary tablespace # rpinnama 12/12/03 - Run emreposoutofbox for MAINSA repository creation # mgoodric 12/10/03 - add missing MetaLink DEFINEs for create_in_sysaux # dsahrawa 12/01/03 - use core_funcs or core_funcs_10g depending on # database version # mgoodric 11/18/03 - add support for MetaLink credentials # gan 11/14/03 - Avoid output passwd in log # gan 10/31/03 - prompt for user/passwd # rpatti 09/25/03 - remove exchange packages # rpinnama 07/26/03 - Dont check for init params during drop, and create_in_sysaux actions # rpinnama 07/25/03 - Use repos mode while creating user # skini 07/25/03 - Remove java processing # gmulchan 07/30/03 - adding ocs component # rpinnama 07/11/03 - Store repository mode also in versions table # rpinnama 07/10/03 - Fix month value in the formatted date # rpinnama 07/04/03 - Print in info mode # rpinnama 07/02/03 - Provide an option to write output to a file # rpinnama 07/01/03 - Modify parameters to emreposcre.sql # vnukal 04/17/03 - rep_schema on NT # rpinnama 03/31/03 - rpinnama_setup_repos_migration_main # rpinnama 03/28/03 - Use 5.6.1 strict # rpinnama 03/27/03 - Support creating local db # rpinnama 03/28/03 - Creation ################################################################################ require 5.6.1; use strict; use English; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use DBI; use TransX; use Component; use Repository; use ScriptSession; use IO::Handle; use Logger; use ExecJava; ## Constants. my $EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT = "WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE;"; my $EM_SQL_ERR_CONT = "WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE;"; my $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB = 1; my $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX = 1 << 1; my $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB = 1 << 2; my $devNull = "/dev/null"; my $EM_PATH_SEP = ":"; if( ($OSNAME eq "MSWin32") or ($OSNAME eq "Windows_NT") ) { $devNull = "NUL"; $EM_PATH_SEP = '"\;"'; } my $progName = $0; my $DRY_RUN = undef ; my $ORACLE_HOME; my $EMDW_HOME; my $SQLPLUS; my $EXPORT; my $IMPORT; my $LOADJAVA; my $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT; my $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT; my $EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT; my $DBCONTROL_HEADER = 0; my $DBCONTROL_SQLROOT; my $NEED_SYS_CREDENTIAL = 1; my $NEED_TEMP_TABLESPACE = 1; my $OS_FLAG = 0; my $NO_CONDITION = 0; ## Arguments.. # Connect String my $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING; # Action requsted. my $EM_REPOS_ACTION; # Other arguments my $EM_REPOS_USER; my $EM_REPOS_PWD; my $EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD; my $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE; my $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME; my $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE; my $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE; my $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE; my $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME; my $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE; my $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE; my $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE; my $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME; my $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE; my $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE; my $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE; my $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS = 0; my $EM_VERBOSE = 0; my $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME; my $EM_ERROR_FILENAME; my $EM_ECHO_SQL = "OFF"; my $METALINK_USERNAME; my $METALINK_PASSWORD; my $METALINK_URL; my $EM_EXPORT_DIR; my $EM_IMPORT_DIR; # Derived values # credentials.. my $EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS; my $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS; my $EM_REPOS_VERSION; my $EM_FIRST_WRITE_TO_FILE = 1; my $EM_REPOS_MODE = "CENTRAL"; ###################################################################### # TRACE/LOG ROUTINES ###################################################################### sub write_to_file($) { my ($msg) = shift; my $file_to_open; chomp ($msg); if ($EM_FIRST_WRITE_TO_FILE > 0) { $file_to_open = "> " . $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME; $EM_FIRST_WRITE_TO_FILE = 0; } else { $file_to_open = ">> " . $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME; } if ( open(OUTPUT_FILE, $file_to_open) ) { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); if ($year<=1000) {$year += 1900;} $mon += 1; my $prefix = sprintf("%02d-%02d-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mday,$mon,$year,$hour,$min,$sec); printf(OUTPUT_FILE "[%s] %s\n",$prefix, $msg); close(OUTPUT_FILE); } } sub trace($) { my ($trcmsg) = shift; if ($EM_VERBOSE > 0) { write_to_file $trcmsg; print $trcmsg; } } sub traceln($) { my ($trcmsg) = shift; trace "$trcmsg\n"; } sub info($) { my ($logmsg) = shift; write_to_file $logmsg; print $logmsg; } sub infoln($) { my ($logmsg) = shift; info "$logmsg\n"; } ###################################################################### # Main program. ###################################################################### $|=1; # Set AUTOFLUSH on setEnviron(); ProcessCommandLine(); dumpEnviron(); dumpArguments(); # Check SYS credentials.. my $rc = checkSYSCredentials(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "SYS credentials or connect string is invalid.\n"; exit 3; } if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create") { # Check if DB satisfies init criteria. $rc = checkDBInitParams(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Database does not satisfy init parameter criteria.\n"; exit 10; } # Remote database.. if(!defined $DRY_RUN || $DRY_RUN ne 'true') { if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB) { # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists eq 0) { info "Repository Creation failed. Repos User already exists..\n"; exit 11; } # Setup DB. loadNecessaryObjects(); # Create user $rc = createReposUser(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.\n"; exit 12; } } elsif ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX) { # We reach here if seed db create option is not selected # and out of box setup is selected. # So check if repos user exists.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repository Out of box setup failed. Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 13; } } } $rc = createEMSchemaNew(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation failed. Failed to create repository schema.\n"; exit 14; } # Check if the repository is created successfully.. $rc = checkForErrors(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; exit 15; } info "Repository Creation Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create_in_sysaux_test") { if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { $rc = createEMSchemaInLocalDB(); if ($rc == 0) { $rc = checkForErrors(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; exit 15; } info "Repository Creation Successful.\n"; } else { info "Repository Creation Has Error with Exit Code:$rc\n"; } exit $rc; } } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create_in_sysaux") { # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists eq 0) { info "Repository Creation failed. Repos User already exists..\n"; exit 20; } # Setup DB. loadNecessaryObjects(); # Create user $rc = createReposUser(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.\n"; exit 12; } # Create user loadjars and schema in local database. # $rc = createEMSchemaInLocalDB(); # Using the new create mechanism $rc = createEMSchemaNew(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation for local database failed.\n"; exit 21; } $rc = checkForErrors(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Creation for local database has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; exit 22; } info "Repository Creation Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "drop") { info "Dropping the repository..\n"; # Quise the db # commenting out the quiesce requirement via 6697464 # quiesceDB(); # Check if repos user exists.. my $reposUserExists = 1; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists eq 0) { info "Repos User exists..\n"; # Clear EM Contexts clearContexts(); # Drop EM users (other than repos user) dropEMUsers(); # Drop Repos user dropReposUser(); } else { info "Repos User does not exist ... Continuing with cleanup ...\n"; } # Drop Roles/Synonyms dropRoles(); # Unquiesce the DB # commeting out the quiesce requirement via 6697464 # unquieseDB(); # Check if the repository is dropped successfully.. $rc = checkForErrors(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Dropping Repository failed. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; exit 30; } info "Dropped Repository Successfully.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "upgrade") { # Check if DB satisfies init criteria. # Is this required? #$rc = checkDBInitParams(); #if ($rc ne 0) #{ # info "Database does not satisfy init parameter criteria.\n"; # exit 40; #} info "Upgrading the repository..\n"; # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 41; } ### Check if the repository is in the right version to be upgraded. #info "Checking repository version and mode\n"; #$EM_REPOS_VERSION = getReposVersion(); #if ( $EM_REPOS_VERSION eq "") #{ # info "Repository Upgrade cannot be performed. \n"; # info "Repository is already upgraded to \n"; # exit 43; #} # Setup DB loadNecessaryObjects(); ### Check if the repository is in the right version to be upgraded. info "Checking repository version..\n"; setSchemaStatus('_UPGRADE_',2); # Perform Schema and data Upgrade $rc = upgradeEMSchemaNew(); if ($rc ne 0) { setSchemaStatus('_UPGRADE_',3); info "Repository Upgrade failed. Failed to upgrade repository schema.\n"; exit 42; } $rc = listUpgradeErrors(); if ($rc ne 0) { setSchemaStatus('_UPGRADE_',3); info "Repository Upgrade has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; exit 45; } else { setSchemaStatus('_UPGRADE_',4); } info "Repository Upgrade Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "downgrade") { info "Downgrading the repository..\n"; # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 41; } # Perform data & Schema downgrade $rc = downgradeEMSchema(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Downgrade failed. Failed to downgrade repository schema.\n"; exit 42; } #$rc = listDowngradeErrors(); #if ($rc ne 0) #{ # info "Repository Downgrade has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; # exit 45; #} info "Repository Downgrade Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "reload") { info "Reloading the EM repository..\n"; # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 41; } $rc = reloadEMSchema(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository reload failed. Failed to reload repository schema.\n"; exit 42; } #$rc = listReloadErrors(); #if ($rc ne 0) #{ # info "Repository reload has errors. Please check file $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME for detailed errors.\n"; # exit 45; #} info "Repository reload Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "export") { # Not fully implemented. info "Exporting the EM repository..\n"; # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 51; } $rc = exportEMRepository(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Export failed.\n"; exit 52; } #$rc = listEMUsers(); #if ($rc ne 0) #{ # info "Repository Export failed. Failed to list EM users.\n"; # exit 53; #} info "Repository Export Successful.\n"; } elsif ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "import") { # Not fully implemented. info "Importing the EM repository..\n"; # Check if DB satisfies init criteria. $rc = checkDBInitParams(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Database does not satisfy init parameter criteria.\n"; exit 60; } # Check for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = checkReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists eq 0) { info "Repository Import failed. Repos User already exists..\n"; exit 61; } # Setup DB. loadNecessaryObjects(); # Create user $rc = createReposUser(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Import failed. Failed to create Repos User.\n"; exit 62; } # Pre - import actions $rc = preImportActions(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Import failed. Failed to perform pre import actions\n"; exit 52; } # Import data $rc = importEMRepository(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Import failed.\n"; exit 52; } # Recompile packages # Create a public MGMT_USER role # Create MGMT_VIEW user and grant select on mgmt$ views # Create EM users # Enable VPD policy # Start DBMS jobs # Reset the sequences $rc = postImportActions(); if ($rc ne 0) { info "Repository Import failed. Performing post import actions\n"; exit 52; } info "Repository Import Successful.\n"; } elsif($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq 'transx') { info "Uploading DLF files to repository..\n"; # Validate for repository User.. my $reposUserExists = 0; $reposUserExists = validateReposUser(); if ($reposUserExists ne 0) { info "Repos User does not exist..\n"; exit 41; } &execTransX; } elsif($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq 'version') { my $version = getReposVersion(); print "\n\n Repository version = $version \n\n" ; } elsif($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq 'dump') { dumpRepository(); } else { displayHelp(); exit 99; } #################### END of MAIN ##################################### sub execTransX { my $tx = new TransX; $tx->run("$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/rsc",$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING, $EM_REPOS_USER, $EM_REPOS_PWD, $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME, $EM_VERBOSE); } sub parseMetadataFile { (my $File) = @_; print "Found Metadata File: $File\n"; #parse the file my $defFile = undef; my $line = undef; my $javaWrapper = new ExecJava; open($defFile, $File); while ($line = <$defFile>) { chomp($line); if($line =~ '^\$ORACLE_HOME') { $line =~ s/\$ORACLE_HOME/$ORACLE_HOME/g; print "Adding $line\n"; $javaWrapper->addClasspath($line); } else { print "Running $line\n"; $javaWrapper->run($line, $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING, $EM_REPOS_USER, $EM_REPOS_PWD, $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ""); } } close($defFile); } sub execMetadata { &parseMetadataFile("$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/core/latest/test_metadata/core.def"); my $dirScanner = new Directory(); $dirScanner->setPath("$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql"); $dirScanner->find(\&parseMetadataFile, 'true', '^test_metadata[\w]*\.def$'); } # # set the following environment variables.. sub setEnviron() { if ($ENV{ORACLE_HOME} eq "" ) { info "Please specify ENV variable ORACLE_HOME \n"; exit 2; } #Convert NT path to *ix path in OH string $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} =~ s#\\#/#g; $ENV{EMDW_HOME} =~ s#\\#/#g; $ORACLE_HOME = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $EMDW_HOME = "$ORACLE_HOME"; $SQLPLUS = $ENV{SQLPLUS}; if ( $SQLPLUS eq "" ) { $SQLPLUS = "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus "; } $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT = $ENV{EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT}; if ($EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT eq "") { $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT="$EMDW_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql"; } $EXPORT = $ENV{EXPORT}; if ( $EXPORT eq "" ) { $EXPORT = "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp "; } $IMPORT = $ENV{IMPORT}; if ( $IMPORT eq "" ) { $IMPORT = "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/imp "; } $LOADJAVA=$ENV{LOADJAVA}; if ( $LOADJAVA eq "" ) { $LOADJAVA = "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/loadjava"; } $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT = $ENV{EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT}; if ( $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT eq "" ) { $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT = "$EMDW_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/lib"; } $EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT=$ENV{EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT}; if ( $EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT eq "" ) { $EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT = "$EMDW_HOME/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin"; } } # Dump the environment being used. sub dumpEnviron() { # Reset output file.. trace "Environment : \n"; trace "ORACLE HOME = $ORACLE_HOME \n"; trace "REPOSITORY HOME = $EMDW_HOME \n"; trace "SQLPLUS = $SQLPLUS \n"; trace "SQL SCRIPT ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; trace "EXPORT = $EXPORT \n"; trace "IMPORT = $IMPORT \n"; trace "LOADJAVA = $LOADJAVA \n"; trace "JAR FILE ROOT = $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT \n"; trace "JOB TYPES ROOT = $EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT \n"; } # Create a temporary file # create_temp_file() # return fileHandle and fileName sub create_temp_file(;$) { my ($suffix) = @_; my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $temp_fh; my $temp_filename; if(defined($suffix)) { ($temp_fh, $temp_filename) = tempfile(DIR => $dir, SUFFIX => $suffix); } else { ($temp_fh, $temp_filename) = tempfile(DIR => $dir); } return ($temp_fh, $temp_filename); } # # Display help sub displayHelp() { print STDERR <<EOM; Usage: $progName <repos_details> [ options ] where <repos_details> := ([<repHost> <repPort> <repSID>] | [-connect \"<connectDescriptor>\"]) <repHost> -- host name to be used for the repository <repPort> -- port number to be used for the repository <repSID> -- SID to use for the repository <connectDescriptor> -- the connect descriptor of the repository For eg. : (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host1)(PORT=1521)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host2)(PORT=1522))) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servicename))) The connect string must be within double quotes. To determine the servicename connect as sys then: SQL>select value from v\$parameter where name='service_names' options : -action <actioncode> - where <actioncode> is one of the following : create - to create EM repository create_in_sysaux - to create EM repository in SYSAUX SYSAUX creation is not supported for remote databases. drop - to drop existing EM repository upgrade - to upgrade existing EM repository transx - to upload DLF files to EM repository dump - to dump info about tables, types and indices Default action is create -sys_password <password> - password of SYS database user -seed_db - Creates only the seed repository - Valid only with create action -out_of_box_setup - Performs out of box setup - Valid only with create action -repos_user <repUser> - repository schema user Defaults to SYSMAN -repos_password <repPassword> - repository schema password Defaults to SYSMAN (not required in case of drop action) -verbose - generates verbose output -output_file <out file name> Specifies the name of the file where the output is written to -repos_tblspace <default tablespace name> - Specifies the default tablespace name Defaults to MGMT_TABLESPACE -datafile <management tablespace filename> - Specifies the full path name for the default tablespace file. Defaults to \$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/mgmt.dbf -ecm_tblspace <ecm depot tablespace name> - Specifies the ECM depot tablespace name Defaults to MGMT_ECM_DEPOT_TS -ecm_datafile <ecm depot tablespace filename> - Specifies the full path name for the ECM depot tablespace file. Defaults to \$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -ecm_csa_tblspace <ecm csa tablespace name> - Speficies the ECM CSA tablespace name Defaults to MGMT_ECM_CSA_TS -ecm_csa_datafile <ecm csa tablespace filename> - Specifies the full path name for the EM CSA tablespace file. Defaults to \$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/mgmt_ecm_csa1.dbf -metalink_username <metalinkUsername> - MetaLink user name Defaults to _NOT_AVAILABLE_ -metalink_password <metalinkPassword> - MetaLink user password Defaults to _NOT_AVAILABLE_ -metalink_url <metalinkURL> - MetaLink HTTP URL Defaults to http://updates.oracle.com EOM } ###################################################################### # prompt for user/passwd input # parament: prompt string, 0/1 for hide/show echo # return: user input ###################################################################### sub PromptUserPasswd($$) { my ($prompt, $echo) = @_; my $userinput; info $prompt; if ($echo eq 0 ) { system "stty -echo"; # Non portable until ReadKey is picked up ... $userinput=<STDIN>; system "stty echo"; # Non portable until ReadKey is picked up ... # Once ReadKey is picked up use the following. # ReadMode('noecho'); # $userinput = ReadLine(0); # ReadMode('normal'); info "\n"; } else { $userinput=<STDIN>; } chomp ($userinput); return $userinput; } ###################################################################### # ProcessCommandLine : Processes command line parameters. ###################################################################### sub ProcessCommandLine() { my @args = @ARGV; my $connString = ""; my ($repHost, $repPort, $repSid); my $argCount = scalar(@args); if ($argCount lt 1) { displayHelp(); exit 1; } if ($args[0] eq "-connect") { shift( @args ); $connString = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } else { $repHost = $args[0]; $repPort = $args[1]; $repSid = $args[2]; shift( @args ); shift( @args ); shift( @args ); $connString = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=$repHost)(Port=$repPort))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$repSid)))" } $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING = $connString; $ENV{EM_REPOS_CONNECT_STRING} = $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING; # Process rest of the arguments.. while (scalar(@args) gt 0) { if ($args[0] eq "-action") { shift( @args ); $EM_REPOS_ACTION = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif ($args[0] eq "-sys_password") { shift( @args ); $EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-repos_user") { shift( @args ); $EM_REPOS_USER = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-repos_password") { shift( @args ); $EM_REPOS_PWD = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-repos_tblspace") { shift( @args ); $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-datafile") { shift( @args ); $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-ecm_tblspace") { shift( @args ); $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-dry_run") { shift( @args ); $DRY_RUN = 'true'; } elsif($args[0] eq "-ecm_datafile") { shift(@args); $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME = $args[0]; shift(@args); } elsif($args[0] eq "-ecm_csa_tblspace") { shift( @args ); $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-ecm_csa_datafile") { shift( @args ); $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-seed_db") { shift( @args ); $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB; } elsif($args[0] eq "-out_of_box_setup") { shift( @args ); $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX; } elsif($args[0] eq "-verbose") { shift( @args ); $EM_VERBOSE = 1; } elsif($args[0] eq "-output_file") { shift( @args ); $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-metalink_username") { shift( @args ); $METALINK_USERNAME = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-metalink_password") { shift( @args ); $METALINK_PASSWORD = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-metalink_url") { shift( @args ); $METALINK_URL = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-export_dir") { shift( @args ); $EM_EXPORT_DIR = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-import_dir") { shift( @args ); $EM_IMPORT_DIR = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-dbcontrol_header") { shift( @args ); $DBCONTROL_HEADER = 1; $DBCONTROL_SQLROOT = $args[0]; shift( @args ); } elsif($args[0] eq "-no_condition") { shift( @args ); $NO_CONDITION = 1; } else { displayHelp(); exit 1; } } # Default the action to create. if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "") { $EM_REPOS_ACTION = "create"; } if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create_in_sysaux") { $EM_REPOS_MODE = "SYSAUX"; $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB; # we want out of box things as well in SYSAUX mode $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX; $EM_REPOS_ACTION = "create_in_sysaux_test"; } if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "transx") { $NEED_SYS_CREDENTIAL = 0; $NEED_TEMP_TABLESPACE = 0; } if ($DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { if ($NEED_SYS_CREDENTIAL == 1) { # Override env default if any.. if ($EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD eq "") { $EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD = $ENV{EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD}; if ($EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD eq "") { $EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD = &PromptUserPasswd("Enter SYS user's password : ", 0); if ($EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD eq "") { my $rc = checkOSAuthentication(); if ($rc eq 0) { $OS_FLAG = 1; info "user os authenticated\n"; } else { $OS_FLAG = 0; } } } } } } if ($EM_REPOS_USER eq "") { $EM_REPOS_USER = $ENV{EM_REPOS_USER}; if ($EM_REPOS_USER eq "") { $EM_REPOS_USER = &PromptUserPasswd("Enter repository user name : ", 1); #if ($EM_REPOS_USER eq "") #{ $EM_REPOS_USER = "SYSMAN"; #} } } $EM_REPOS_USER = uc $EM_REPOS_USER; if ($EM_REPOS_PWD eq "") { $EM_REPOS_PWD = $ENV{EM_REPOS_PWD}; if ($EM_REPOS_PWD eq "") { if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION ne 'drop'){ $EM_REPOS_PWD = &PromptUserPasswd("Enter repository user password : ", 0); } if ($EM_REPOS_PWD eq "") { $EM_REPOS_PWD = "SYSMAN"; } } } if (!defined $METALINK_USERNAME || $METALINK_USERNAME eq "") { $METALINK_USERNAME = $ENV{'METALINK_USERNAME'}; if (!defined $METALINK_USERNAME || $METALINK_USERNAME eq "") { if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create") { $METALINK_USERNAME=&PromptUserPasswd("Enter MetaLink user name : ", 1); } if (!defined $METALINK_USERNAME || $METALINK_USERNAME eq "") { $METALINK_USERNAME = "_NOT_AVAILABLE_"; } } } if (!defined $METALINK_PASSWORD || $METALINK_PASSWORD eq "") { $METALINK_PASSWORD = $ENV{'METALINK_PASSWORD'}; if (!defined $METALINK_PASSWORD || $METALINK_PASSWORD eq "") { if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq "create") { $METALINK_PASSWORD=&PromptUserPasswd("Enter MetaLink user password : ", 0); } if (!defined $METALINK_PASSWORD || $METALINK_PASSWORD eq "") { $METALINK_PASSWORD = "_NOT_AVAILABLE_"; } } } if (!defined $METALINK_URL || $METALINK_URL eq "") { $METALINK_URL = $ENV{'METALINK_URL'}; if (!defined $METALINK_URL || $METALINK_URL eq "") { $METALINK_URL = "http://updates.oracle.com"; } } if ($EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = $ENV{EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE}; if ($EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE eq "") { if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB) { $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = "SYSAUX"; } else { $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = "MGMT_TABLESPACE"; } } } if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = $ENV{EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME}; if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = "mgmt.dbf"; } } if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = $ENV{EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE}; if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = "20m"; } } if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = $ENV{EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE}; if ($EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = "20m"; } } if ($EM_ECM_TABLESPACE eq "") { $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE = $ENV{EM_ECM_TABLESPACE}; if ($EM_ECM_TABLESPACE eq "") { if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB) { $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE = "SYSAUX"; } else { $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE = "MGMT_ECM_DEPOT_TS"; } } } if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME = $ENV{EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME}; if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME = "mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf"; } } if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = $ENV{EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE}; if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = "100m"; } } if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = $ENV{EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE}; if ($EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = "100m"; } } #CSA tablespace if ($EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE = $ENV{EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE}; if ($EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE eq "") { if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB) { $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE = "SYSAUX"; } else { $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE = "MGMT_TABLESPACE"; } } } if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $ENV{EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME}; if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = "mgmt_ecm_csa1.dbf"; } } if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = $ENV{EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE}; if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE = "100m"; } } if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = $ENV{EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE}; if ($EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE eq "") { $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE = "100m"; } } if ($EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE eq "") { if ($NEED_TEMP_TABLESPACE == 1) { $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE = $ENV{EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE}; if ($EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE eq "") { $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE = getTempTablespace(); } else { validateTempTablespace($EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE); } } } # If no create option (local_db, seed_db, out_of_box_setup) is specified # perform both (seed_db and out_of_box_setup) if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS eq 0) { $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB; $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS |= $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX; } # Output file if ($EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME eq "") { $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME = $ENV{EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME}; if ($EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME eq "") { $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "$EMDW_HOME/sysman/log/emrepmgr.log.$$"; } } $EM_ERROR_FILENAME = "$EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME.errors"; # Export Dir if ($EM_EXPORT_DIR eq "") { $EM_EXPORT_DIR = $ENV{EM_EXPORT_DIR}; if ($EM_EXPORT_DIR eq "") { $EM_EXPORT_DIR = "$EMDW_HOME/sysman/log"; } } # Import Dir if ($EM_IMPORT_DIR eq "") { $EM_IMPORT_DIR = $ENV{EM_IMPORT_DIR}; if ($EM_IMPORT_DIR eq "") { $EM_IMPORT_DIR = "$EMDW_HOME/sysman/log"; } } if ($EM_VERBOSE gt 0) { $EM_ECHO_SQL = "ON"; } else { $EM_ECHO_SQL = "OFF"; $SQLPLUS = "$SQLPLUS -s "; } if ($DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { if($OS_FLAG eq 1) { $EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS = "SYS/ as SYSDBA"; } else { $EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS = "SYS/$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING AS SYSDBA"; } $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS = "$EM_REPOS_USER/$EM_REPOS_PWD\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING"; } } sub dumpArguments() { trace "Arguments : \n"; trace "Connect String = $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING \n"; trace "Action = $EM_REPOS_ACTION \n"; # trace "SYS password = $EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD \n"; trace "Repos User = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; # trace "Repos Password = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; trace "Default tablespace = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; trace "Default Data file = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; trace "Dflt Dfile Init size = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; trace "Dflt Dfile Ext size = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; trace "ECM tablespace = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; trace "ECM Data file = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; trace "ECM Dfile Init size = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; trace "ECM Dfile Ext size = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; trace "ECM CSA tablespace = $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE \n"; trace "ECM CSA Data file = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; trace "ECM CSA Dfile Init size = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; trace "ECM CSA Dfile Ext size = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; trace "TEMP tablespace = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; trace "Create options = $EM_CREATE_OPTIONS \n"; trace "Verbose output = $EM_VERBOSE \n"; trace "Output File = $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME \n"; # trace "SYS credentials = $EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; # trace "Repos user creds = $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; trace "Repos creation mode = $EM_REPOS_MODE \n"; trace "MetaLink user name = $METALINK_USERNAME \n"; # trace "MetaLink user password = $METALINK_PASSWORD \n"; trace "MetaLink URL = $METALINK_URL \n"; trace "Export Directory = $EM_EXPORT_DIR \n"; trace "Import Directory = $EM_IMPORT_DIR \n"; trace "Path Separator = $EM_PATH_SEP \n"; } # check sys credentials.. sub checkSYSCredentials() { if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1 && $NEED_SYS_CREDENTIAL == 1) { # Create a temp file.. info "Checking SYS Credentials ... "; infoln "rem error switch"; open(SQL_FILE,"|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "OK."; } else { infoln "Failed"; } infoln "rem error switch"; return $rc; } return 0; } sub dumpRepository() { my $lda; info "Dumping repository ...\n"; if($OS_FLAG eq 1) { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:',"SYS"," ",{ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit =>0}) or (info "Could not connect OS Authenticated user" && exit 50); } else { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYS\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD", {ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); } my $sql_stmt = "SELECT object_name, object_type from all_objects where object_type in ('TABLE', 'TYPE', 'INDEX') and owner = '$EM_REPOS_USER' order by object_type, object_name"; my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($sql_stmt) or (info "prepare($sql_stmt): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my @all_objects; my %object_count ; while (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { my $array = () ; @$array = @fetch_row ; if($fetch_row[0] !~ /\$/ && $fetch_row[0] !~ /^SYS_/) { push(@all_objects,$array); $object_count{$fetch_row[1]}++; } } $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; my $v ; my $k; open(OUTFILE,"> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print OUTFILE "\n\n********** Summary **********\n\n"; while(($k,$v) = each(%object_count)) { print OUTFILE "Total number of $k = $v\n"; } print OUTFILE "\n\n"; foreach $v (@all_objects) { my $h = $v->[0] ; my $t = $v->[1] ; print OUTFILE "$t\t $h\n"; } print OUTFILE "\n\n********** End of Summary **********\n\n"; close(OUTFILE); open(SQL_FILE,"|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo on \n"; print SQL_FILE "column column_name format a48 \n"; #print SQL_FILE "column column_position format a16 \n"; foreach $v (@all_objects) { my $h = $v->[0] ; my $t = $v->[1] ; print SQL_FILE "select '$t' as type, '$h' as name from dual;\n" ; if($t eq 'INDEX' ) { print SQL_FILE "select column_name , column_position from user_ind_columns where index_name = '$h';\n"; }else { print SQL_FILE "desc $h\n"; } } print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; } sub getReposVersion() { my $rc = 0; my $lda; info "Getting EM repository Version ...\n"; if($OS_FLAG eq 1) { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:',"SYS"," ",{ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit =>0}) or (info "Could not connect OS Authenticated user" && exit 50); } else { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYS\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD", {ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); } my $sql_stmt = "SELECT version FROM $EM_REPOS_USER.mgmt_versions WHERE component_name='CORE'"; my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($sql_stmt) or (info "prepare($sql_stmt): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my $repos_version; if (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { $repos_version = $fetch_row[0]; } else { # should not happen info "Cursor returned no rows\n"; exit 53; } $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; info "Repository version: $repos_version\n"; return $repos_version; } # # If TEMP is a valid temporary tablespace, it returns it. Otherwise, it returns # any other valid temporary tablespace. # sub getTempTablespace() { info "Getting temporary tablespace from database...\n"; my $lda; if($OS_FLAG eq 1) { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:',"SYS"," ",{ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit =>0}) or (info "Could not connect OS Authenticated user,$DBI::errstr" && exit 50); } else { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYS@".$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING, "$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD", {ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); } my $sql_stmt = "SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE contents='TEMPORARY' " ." AND status='ONLINE'"; my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($sql_stmt) or (info "prepare($sql_stmt): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my $tablespace = ""; while (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { $tablespace = $fetch_row[0]; if ($tablespace eq "TEMP") { last; } } $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; if ($tablespace eq "") { info "Database does not have any temporary tablespaces ONLINE.\n"; exit 54; } info "Found temporary tablespace: $tablespace\n"; return $tablespace; } # # Check that the input tablespace is a valid temporary tablespace. # sub validateTempTablespace($) { my ($tablespace) = shift; my $lda; info "Validating temporary tablespace: $tablespace\n"; if($OS_FLAG eq 1) { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:',"SYS"," ",{ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit =>0}) or (info "Could not connect OS Authenticated user" && exit 50); } else { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYS@".$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING, "$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD", {ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); } my $sql_stmt = "SELECT status FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE contents='TEMPORARY' and tablespace_name = '$tablespace'"; my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($sql_stmt) or (info "prepare($sql_stmt): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my $status = ""; if (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { $status = $fetch_row[0]; } $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; if ($status eq "") { info "Temporary tablespace does not exist: $tablespace\n"; exit 55; } elsif($status ne "ONLINE") { info "Temporary tablespace is not ONLINE: $tablespace\n"; exit 56; } info "Found temporary tablespace: $tablespace\n"; } sub checkDBInitParams() { # Create a temp file.. info "Checking DB Init Parameters ... "; infoln "rem error switch"; open(SQL_FILE,"|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_check_init_parms.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "OK."; } else { infoln "Failed"; } infoln "rem error switch"; return $rc; } sub validateReposUser() { info "Validating for Repos User ..."; # Create a temp file.. open(SQL_FILE,"|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "OK."; } else { infoln "Failed"; } return $rc; } sub checkReposUser() { # Create a temp file.. info "Checking for Repos User ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS > $devNull"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_check_repos_user.sql $EM_REPOS_USER EXISTS \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Exists."; } else { infoln "Does not Exist."; } return $rc; } sub loadNecessaryObjects() { my $objExists = 0; infoln "Loading necessary DB objects ... "; # Check SPOOL, LDAP, RLS and JAVAVM.. $objExists = checkDBMSPOOL(); my $rc = 0; if ($objExists eq 0) { infoln "DBMS POOL package exists."; } else { infoln "DBMS POOL package does not exist. So adding"; open(LN_SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print LN_SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print LN_SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print LN_SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print LN_SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print LN_SQL_FILE "\@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmspool.sql \n"; print LN_SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close LN_SQL_FILE; $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; } # $objExists = checkLDAP(); # if ($objExists eq 0) # { # infoln "DBMS LDAP package exists."; # } else { # infoln "DBMS LDAP package does not exist. So adding."; # print LN_SQL_FILE "\@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catldap.sql \n"; # } # # $objExists = checkRLS(); # if ($objExists eq 0) # { # infoln "DBMS RLS package exists."; # } else { # infoln "DBMS RLS package does not exist. So adding."; # print LN_SQL_FILE "\@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catrls.sql \n"; # } # $objExists = checkJAVAVM(); # if ($objExists eq 0) # { # infoln "JAVAVM exists."; # } else { # infoln "JAVAVM does not exist. So adding."; # print LN_SQL_FILE "\@$ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/initjvm.sql \n"; # } traceln "Return code = $rc."; infoln "Done Loading necessary DB objects"; return $rc; } sub checkObject($$) { my ($db_obj_name, $db_obj_type) = @_; # Create a temp file.. info "Checking DB Object ($db_obj_name , $db_obj_type) ... "; infoln "rem error switch"; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS > $devNull"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo off \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify off \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback off \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_check_object.sql $db_obj_name $db_obj_type \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Exists."; } else { infoln "Does not exist."; } infoln "rem error switch"; return $rc; } sub checkDBMSPOOL() { return checkObject("DBMS_SHARED_POOL", "PACKAGE"); } sub checkLDAP() { return checkObject("DBMS_LDAP", "PACKAGE"); } sub checkRLS() { return checkObject("DBA_POLICIES", "VIEW"); } sub checkJAVAVM() { # Create a temp file.. info "Checking JAVA VM option ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS > $devNull"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_check_javavm.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Exists."; } else { infoln "Does not exist."; } return $rc; } # Create Synonyms # Create tablespace # Create Repos User. sub createReposUser() { # Create a temp file.. info "Creating repos user ... "; infoln "rem error switch"; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo on \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_error_switch.sql\n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_PWD = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_MODE = $EM_REPOS_MODE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTD_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_create_synonyms.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_create_tablespaces.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_create_repos_user.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_USER "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_PWD "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_MODE "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECHO_SQL\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub setDefaultTblSpace($) { my $dflt_tblspc = shift; info "Setting Default tablespace ... "; trace "Dflt tbl spc - $dflt_tblspc. "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "ALTER USER $EM_REPOS_USER DEFAULT TABLESPACE $dflt_tblspc;\n"; print SQL_FILE "/\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } # Set default tablspace # Load java. # Reset default tablespace sub loadjars() { my $rc = setDefaultTblSpace $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE ; info "Loading Jar file ... "; $rc = 0xffff & system("$LOADJAVA -user \"$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS\" -synonym -resolve -verbose $EM_LOADJAVA_JAR_ROOT/emdloader.jar"); $rc >>= 8; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done"; } else { infoln "Failed"; return $rc; } $rc = setDefaultTblSpace $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE ; return $rc; } # Perform the following # Creation # Initialization # Out-of-box initialization sub createEMSchema() { info "Creating EM Schema ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_PWD = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_MODE = $EM_REPOS_MODE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ORACLE_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_PATH_SEP = $EM_PATH_SEP \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTD_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; #Some script refer to EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE. Define that here. print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; my $se = ""; if(defined $ENV{'USE_NEW_REPMGR'} && $ENV{'USE_NEW_REPMGR'} eq 'true') { infoln "using new rep manager framework\n"; $se = "_" ; } if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB) { print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/${se}core_cre.sql $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE $EM_REPOS_USER $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE\n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_cre.sql $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_cre.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pa/latest/${se}pa_cre.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pa/latest/${se}pa_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ocs/latest/${se}ocs_cre.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ocs/latest/${se}ocs_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_cre.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_cre.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_cre.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_pin_plsql.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/${se}core_init.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_USER $EM_REPOS_PWD $EM_REPOS_MODE $EM_ECHO_SQL\n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_init.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_init.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pa/latest/${se}pa_init.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pa/latest/${se}pa_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ocs/latest/${se}ocs_init.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ocs/latest/${se}ocs_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_init.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_init.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_init.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "commit;\n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/user_model/user_create_view_user.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_PWD"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_ECHO_SQL"; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; } if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX) { print SQL_FILE "DEFINE METALINK_USERNAME = $METALINK_USERNAME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE METALINK_PASSWORD = $METALINK_PASSWORD \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE METALINK_URL = $METALINK_URL \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables.template \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/${se}core_outofbox.sql $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_outofbox.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/db/latest/${se}db_outofbox.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_outofbox.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ias/latest/${se}ias_outofbox.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_outofbox.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/ci/latest/${se}ci_outofbox.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_outofbox.sql \n" if ( -e "$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/pp/latest/_pp_outofbox.sql" ); print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_submit_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_COMP_STATUS('CORE', EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_CONFIGURED_READY); \n"; print SQL_FILE "COMMIT; \n"; } print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX) { #run transx only if repository creation is completed if($rc eq 0) { &execTransX; } } return $rc; } sub setComponentConditions { my $compRef = shift; $compRef->setCondition('EM_REPOS_MODE',$EM_REPOS_MODE); # the default component behavior is to have no test_metadata option $compRef->setOptionalCondition('TEST_METADATA', 'FALSE'); } sub createEMSchemaNew() { info "Creating EM Schema ... "; infoln "using new rep manager framework\n"; my $fh = IO::Handle->new(); my $session ; #my $logger = Logger->new(); if(defined $DRY_RUN && $DRY_RUN eq 'true') { open($fh, "> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME".".dryrun"); }else { if ($DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { infoln "rem error switch"; open($fh, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); } else { open($fh, "> $DBCONTROL_SQLROOT/dbcontrol_sa.sql"); } } $session = ScriptSession->new($fh); if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { print $fh "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print $fh "set echo on \n"; print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_error_switch.sql\n"; print $fh "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_PWD = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_MODE = $EM_REPOS_MODE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE ORACLE_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_PATH_SEP = $EM_PATH_SEP \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTD_SIZE = $EM_DEFAULT_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; #Some script refer to EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE. Define that here. print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; } my $repo = Repository->new(); #$repo->setLogger($logger); $repo->init($EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT); my $h ; my @comps = $repo->getComponentsOrdered(); foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "parsing component ".$h->getName()."\n"; $h->parse(); if ($NO_CONDITION == 0) { setComponentConditions($h); } } if (($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_SEEDDB) || ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_LOCALDB)) { foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." creation scripts\n"; $h->create($session); } print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql"; if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { print $fh " $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_pin_plsql.sql \n"; } else { print $fh " &EM_REPOS_USER \n"; } if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER == 1) { # need to set the context print $fh "EXECUTE &EM_REPOS_USER..setEMUserContext('&EM_REPOS_USER',1); \n"; } foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." post_creation scripts \n"; $h->post_create($session); my $cname = uc $h->getName(); my $newver = $h->getVersion(); if ( $DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { print $fh "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('$cname', '$newver', '$newver', '$EM_REPOS_MODE');\n"; } else { print $fh "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('$cname', '$newver', '$newver', '&EM_REPOS_MODE');\n"; } } print $fh "commit;\n"; if ($DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/user_model/user_create_view_user.sql"; print $fh " $EM_REPOS_PWD"; print $fh " $EM_ECHO_SQL"; print $fh " $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; } } if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX) { if ($DBCONTROL_HEADER != 1) { print $fh "DEFINE METALINK_USERNAME = $METALINK_USERNAME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE METALINK_PASSWORD = $METALINK_PASSWORD \n"; print $fh "DEFINE METALINK_URL = $METALINK_URL \n"; print $fh "\@$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables.template \n"; print $fh "\@$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables \n"; foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." outofbox scripts \n"; $h->outofbox($session); } print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_submit_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; print $fh "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_COMP_STATUS('CORE', EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_CONFIGURED_READY); \n"; print $fh "COMMIT; \n"; print $fh "exit;\n"; } else { my $oob_fh = IO::Handle->new(); open($oob_fh, "> $DBCONTROL_SQLROOT/dbcontrol_oob.sql"); my $oob_session = ScriptSession->new($oob_fh); foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." outofbox scripts \n"; $h->outofbox($oob_session); } close $oob_fh; } } close $fh; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { #run metadata &execMetadata; infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } if ($EM_CREATE_OPTIONS & $EM_CREATE_OUTOFBOX) { #run transx only if repository creation is completed if($rc eq 0) { if(!defined $DRY_RUN || $DRY_RUN ne 'true') { # skipping transX when in create_in_sysaux if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION ne "create_in_sysaux") { &execTransX; } } } } return $rc; } sub createEMSchemaInLocalDB() { info "Creating EM Schema in local db ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); # print SQL_FILE "connect sys/$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD as sysdba \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/emreposcre.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EMDW_HOME $EM_REPOS_USER "; print SQL_FILE " $EM_REPOS_PWD $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE $EM_ECHO_SQL\n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/emreposoutofbox.sql"; print SQL_FILE " $EMDW_HOME $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } # obsoleted. sub registerEMJobType($) { my ($emJobTypeFile) = @_; my $rc = 0xffff & system("$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emutil register jobtype $emJobTypeFile $EM_REPOS_USER $EM_REPOS_PWD \"$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING\""); $rc >>= 8; return $rc; } # obsoleted. sub registerEMJobTypes() { my $rc = 0; my @emJobTypes = ( "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/OSCommand.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/ConfirmEMDDown.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/patchNotify.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/CloneIASToInstances.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/CloneIASToNewInstance.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/CloneIASToNewInstallation.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/liveSnapshotCollectionCommand.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/SQLScript.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/StageDatabasePatch.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/StageDatabasePatchTargets.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/PatchDatabase.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/PatchDatabaseTargets.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/PatchAgent.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/PatchAgentTargets.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/UpdateARUTables.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/DBClone.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Export.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Import.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Load.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Rman.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Backup.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/SuggestedBackup.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/DBConfig.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/Reorganize.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/AddTargetJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/ReloadTargetProperties.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/DeleteTargetJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/StartBlackoutJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/EndBlackoutJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/StopBlackoutJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/EditBlackoutJob.xml", "$EM_JOBTYPES_ROOT/DiscardStateJob.xml" ); foreach my $emJobType (@emJobTypes) { if ( -e "$emJobType" ) { $rc = registerEMJobType($emJobType); if ($rc ne 0) { print "Failed registering Job type file $emJobType. \n"; return $rc; } } else { print "Job type file $emJobType does not exist. \n"; } } return $rc; } sub checkForErrors() { my $errFound = 0; # Check the output file for errors my $erroron = 1; open(OUTPUT_FILE, "$EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); while (<OUTPUT_FILE>) { if (/rem error switch/) { if ($erroron eq 1) { $erroron = 0; } else { $erroron = 1; } } # Check for ORA- or Warning: in lines that dont have Rem or -- if ( ($erroron eq 1 && (/ORA-.*:/)) || ($erroron eq 1 && (/Warning: /)) || (/^SP2/) ) { if ( (/Rem/) || (/--/) ) { } else { if ($EM_REPOS_ACTION eq 'create_in_sysaux') { if ( (/db\/db_/) ) { } else { print STDERR $_; $errFound = 1; } } else { print STDERR $_; $errFound = 1; } } } } close OUTPUT_FILE; return $errFound; } ### Drop Routines. sub quiesceDB() { # Create a temp file.. info "Quiescing DB ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS > $devNull"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED;\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub clearContexts() { # Create a temp file.. info "Clearing EM Contexts ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "EXEC $EM_REPOS_USER.setEMUserContext('', 5);\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $?; $rc >>= 8; traceln "Clearing contexts. Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "OK."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub dropEMUsers() { # Create a temp file.. infoln "Dropping EM users ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set serveroutput on size 5000 \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_CONT \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_drop_users.sql $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; traceln "Drop EM Users. Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub dropReposUser() { # Create a temp file.. info "Dropping Repos User ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set serveroutput $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_CONT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_drop_repos_user.sql $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; traceln "Drop Repos User. Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub dropRoles() { # Create a temp file.. info "Dropping Roles/Synonymns/Tablespaces ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_drop_synonyms.sql \n"; # Not calling this as part of fix in sktedla_rfi_backport_4726892_10.2.0.4 # Now, tablespaces are dropped as part of admin_drop_repos_user.sql #print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_drop_tablespaces.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub unquieseDB() { # Create a temp file.. info "Unquiescing DB ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS > $devNull"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE;\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace " Return code = $rc."; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub setSchemaStatus { my ($comp, $status) = @_ ; my $pkg_status = 'EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_INITIALIZING'; if ($status == 1) { $pkg_status = 'EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_INITIALIZED'; } elsif ($status == 2) { $pkg_status = 'EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_UPGRADING'; } elsif ($status == 3) { $pkg_status = 'EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_UPGRADED'; } elsif ($status == 4) { $pkg_status = 'EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_CONFIGURED_READY'; } my $statement = "BEGIN EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('$comp','0','0','SYSTEM',$pkg_status);END;"; infoln "Running setSchemaStatus: $statement\n"; my $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "$EM_REPOS_USER\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$EM_REPOS_PWD", {ora_session_mode => 0, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to $EM_REPOS_USER/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($statement) or (info "prepare($statement): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; return 0; } ## generic query routine sub executeQuery { my ($query, $as_sysman) = @_ ; info "executing query : \n \"$query\"\n"; my $lda ; if(defined $as_sysman && $as_sysman eq 'true' ) { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "$EM_REPOS_USER\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$EM_REPOS_PWD", {ora_session_mode => 0, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); }else { $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYS\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$EM_REPOS_DBSYSPWD", {ora_session_mode => 2, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (info "Could not connect to SYS/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" && exit 50); } my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($query) or (info "prepare($query): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (info "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my $result_set = (); while (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { my $array = () ; @$array = @fetch_row ; push(@$result_set,$array); } $sql_cur->finish() or info "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or info "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; return $result_set ; } ### Upgrade routines. sub upgradeEMSchemaNew() { info "Upgrading EM Schema ... "; infoln "using new rep manager framework\n"; my $h; my $fh = IO::Handle->new(); my $session ; #my $logger = Logger->new(); if(defined $DRY_RUN && $DRY_RUN eq 'true') { open($fh, "> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME".".dryrun"); }else { infoln "rem error switch\n"; open($fh, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); } $session = ScriptSession->new($fh); my $repo = Repository->new(); #$repo->setLogger($logger); $repo->init($EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT); my $h ; my @comps = $repo->getComponentsOrdered(); foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "parsing component ".$h->getName()."\n"; $h->parse(); if ($NO_CONDITION == 0) { setComponentConditions($h); } } print $fh "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print $fh "set echo on \n"; print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_error_switch.sql\n"; print $fh "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print $fh "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_PWD = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; print $fh "DEFINE ORACLE_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_PATH_SEP = $EM_PATH_SEP \n"; #replace this with new RepManager code. #print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/empatch.sql \n"; my $result_set = executeQuery("select component_name, component_mode, version from $EM_REPOS_USER.MGMT_VERSIONS where version<>'0'"); my %components ; my $row ; foreach $row (@$result_set) { my $hash = {} ; $hash->{'name'} = lc @$row[0] ; $hash->{'mode'} = @$row[1] ; $hash->{'version'} = @$row[2] ; $components{$hash->{'name'}} = $hash ; } $result_set = executeQuery ( "select tablespace_name, table_name from all_tables ". "where owner ='$EM_REPOS_USER' ". "and table_name in ( 'MGMT_TARGETS' , 'MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER' ) ". "order by table_name asc" ); foreach $row (@$result_set) { if(@$row[1] eq 'MGMT_TARGETS') { $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = @$row[0] ; }elsif(@$row[1] eq 'MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER') { $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE = @$row[0] ; } } my $core_mode = $components{'core'}->{'mode'} ; # check whether or not upgrade need to do anything first my $should_do_schema = 0; foreach $h (@comps) { if (exists $components{lc $h->getName()}) { my $ver = $components{lc $h->getName()}->{'version'} ; if($h->isEqual($ver)) { infoln "component ".$h->getName()." is already at ".$h->getVersion()."\n"; }else { $should_do_schema = 1; } } else { $should_do_schema = 1; } } if ($should_do_schema eq 0) { infoln "there is not need to do schema upgrade since all components are up to version\n"; print $fh "exit;\n"; close $fh; return 0; } print $fh "DEFINE EM_REPOS_MODE = $core_mode\n" ; print $fh "DEFINE EM_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE\n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = $EM_ECM_TABLESPACE\n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_TABLESPACE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_NAME \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_INIT_SIZE \n"; print $fh "DEFINE EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXT_SIZE = $EM_ECM_CSA_DATAFILE_EXTEND_SIZE \n"; print $fh "@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_grants_repos_user.sql \n"; print $fh "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=$EM_REPOS_USER;\n"; print $fh "@&ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/pre_upgrade.sql\n"; print $fh "@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_remove_dbms_jobs.sql\n"; my $done_schema = 0; foreach $h (@comps) { infoln "has_upgrade_scripts:".$h->has_upgrade_scripts()."\n"; if(exists $components{lc $h->getName()}) { my $ver = $components{lc $h->getName()}->{'version'} ; if($h->isEqual($ver)) { infoln "component ".$h->getName()." is already at ".$h->getVersion()."\n"; infoln "skipping ".$h->getName()." upgrade\n"; }else { $done_schema = 1; infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." schema_upgrade scripts from version $ver\n"; $h->schema_upgrade($session, $ver); infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." recreation scripts\n"; $h->recreate($session); } }else { $done_schema = 1; infoln "component ".$h->getName()." does not exist in the current schema. create it.\n"; $h->create($session); } } print $fh "@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; foreach $h (@comps) { if(exists $components{lc $h->getName()}) { my $ver = $components{lc $h->getName()}->{'version'} ; if($h->isEqual($ver)) { infoln "component ".$h->getName()." is already at ".$h->getVersion()."\n"; infoln "skipping ".$h->getName()." data upgrade\n"; }else { infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." pre data upgrade scripts from versio n $ver\n"; $h->pre_data_upgrade($session, $ver); infoln "executing ".$h->getName()." data upgrade scripts from version $ver\n"; $h->data_upgrade($session, $ver); $h->post_data_upgrade($session); print $fh "@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; } }else { infoln "running post_creation process for component ".$h->getName()."\n"; $h->post_create($session); print $fh "@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; $h->outofbox($session); } my $cname = uc $h->getName(); my $newver = $h->getVersion(); print $fh "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('$cname', '$newver', '$newver', '$EM_REPOS_MODE');\n"; } # update ECM metadata meterialized view(s) print $fh "EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('_UPGRADE_','0','0','SYSTEM',99);\n"; print $fh "EXECUTE ECM_UTIL.UPDATE_ECM_METADATA;\n"; print $fh "\@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; print $fh "\@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_mgmt_grants.sql $EM_REPOS_USER\n"; print $fh "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=SYS;\n"; print $fh "\@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_analyze_schema.sql \n"; if ($EM_REPOS_MODE eq "CENTRAL") { print $fh "set echo on \n"; print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_error_switch.sql\n"; print $fh "connect $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print $fh "set echo on \n"; print $fh "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_error_switch.sql\n"; print $fh "\@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_remove_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; print $fh "\@&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_submit_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; } print $fh "exit;\n"; close $fh; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { #load dlf files into repository if(!defined $DRY_RUN || $DRY_RUN ne 'true') { &execTransX; } &execMetadata; infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub upgradeEMSchema() { # Create a temp file.. info "Upgrading EM Schema ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_PWD = $EM_REPOS_PWD \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ORACLE_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_PATH_SEP = $EM_PATH_SEP \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/empatch.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_analyze_schema.sql \n"; if ($EM_REPOS_MODE eq "CENTRAL") { print SQL_FILE "connect $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_remove_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_submit_dbms_jobs.sql \n"; } print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { #load dlf files into repository &execTransX; infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub listUpgradeErrors() { my $errFound = 0; my $erroron = 1; my $lineNum = 0; my $lineRead; # Check the output file for errors open(OUTPUT_FILE, "$EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); open(ERROR_FILE, ">$EM_ERROR_FILENAME"); while (<OUTPUT_FILE>) { $lineRead = $_; $lineNum = $lineNum + 1; if (/rem error switch/) { if ($erroron eq 1) { $erroron = 0; } else { $erroron = 1; } } # Check for ORA- or Warning: in lines that dont have Rem or -- if ( (/^ORA-[0-9]*:/) || ($erroron eq 1 && /^Warning: /) || (/^SP2-/) ) { # Ignore the following errors if ( (/^\s*[rR][eE][mM]/) || #Those starting with SQL remarks(case insensitive rem). (/^\s*--/) #Those starting with PLSQL style comments. ) { # Discount these errors } else { # Report the others print ERROR_FILE "$lineNum: $lineRead"; $errFound = 1; } } } close ERROR_FILE; close OUTPUT_FILE; return $errFound; } ### Downgrade routines. sub downgradeEMSchema() { # Create a temp file.. info "Upgrading EM Schema ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/eme101.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } ### Reload routines. sub reloadEMSchema() { # Create a temp file.. info "Reloading EM Schema ... "; open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_SYS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/emrelod.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } ### Export routines. sub exportEMRepository() { my $exp_repos_creds = $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS; my $rc = 0; # Create a temp file.. (my $exparms_fh, my $exp_params_filename) = create_temp_file(".lst"); info "Exporting EM repository ... "; trace "File - $exp_params_filename."; # print EXP_FILE "STATISTICS=NONE \n"; # Generate the export parameters file open(EXP_FILE, "> $exp_params_filename"); print EXP_FILE "OWNER=$EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print EXP_FILE "FILE=$EM_EXPORT_DIR/emrepos.dmp \n"; print EXP_FILE "GRANTS=yes \n"; print EXP_FILE "TRIGGERS=yes \n"; print EXP_FILE "INDEXES=yes \n"; print EXP_FILE "ROWS=yes \n"; print EXP_FILE "DIRECT=no \n"; print EXP_FILE "CONSISTENT=y \n"; print EXP_FILE "STATISTICS=COMPUTE \n"; close EXP_FILE; # Replace = with \= so that exp command will accept repos credentials as one token $exp_repos_creds =~ s/=/\\=/g; # trace "Repos user creds (modified) = $exp_repos_creds \n"; $rc = 0xffff & system("$EXPORT \"$exp_repos_creds\" PARFILE=$exp_params_filename 2>> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } unlink $exp_params_filename; return $rc; } ### Import routines. sub preImportActions() { # Create a temp file.. info "Executing pre import actions EM Schema ... "; # Create a public MGMT_USER role open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_EXIT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_pre_import.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } sub importEMRepository() { my $imp_repos_creds = $EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS; my $rc = 0; # Create a temp file.. (my $imparms_fh, my $imp_params_filename) = create_temp_file(".lst"); info "Importing EM repository ... "; # print IMP_FILE "TABLES=(*)\n"; # Generate the import parameters file open(IMP_FILE, "> $imp_params_filename"); print IMP_FILE "FILE=$EM_IMPORT_DIR/emrepos.dmp \n"; print IMP_FILE "FROMUSER=$EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print IMP_FILE "TOUSER=$EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print IMP_FILE "GRANTS=y \n"; print IMP_FILE "INDEXES=y \n"; print IMP_FILE "IGNORE=y \n"; print IMP_FILE "ROWS=y \n"; print IMP_FILE "COMPILE=n \n"; print IMP_FILE "SHOW=n \n"; close IMP_FILE; # Replace = with \= so that exp command will accept that as one token $imp_repos_creds =~ s/=/\\=/g; # trace "Repos user creds (modified) = $imp_repos_creds \n"; $rc = 0xffff & system("$IMPORT \"$imp_repos_creds\" PARFILE=$imp_params_filename 2>> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } unlink $imp_params_filename; return $rc; } sub postImportActions() { # Create a temp file.. info "Executing post import actions EM Schema ... "; # Recompile packages # Create MGMT_VIEW user and grant select on mgmt$ views # Create EM users # Enable VPD policy # Start notification AQ # Start DBMS jobs # Reset the sequences open(SQL_FILE, "|$SQLPLUS >> $EM_OUTPUT_FILENAME"); print SQL_FILE "$EM_REPOS_CREDENTIALS \n"; print SQL_FILE "set echo $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set verify $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "set feedback $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "$EM_SQL_ERR_CONT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_SQL_ROOT = $EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE ECHO_SQL = $EM_ECHO_SQL \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_REPOS_USER = $EM_REPOS_USER \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "DEFINE EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE_NAME = $EM_TEMP_TABLESPACE \n"; print SQL_FILE "\@$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_post_import.sql \n"; print SQL_FILE "commit;\n"; print SQL_FILE "exit;\n"; close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } ##########################checkfor OSAuthentication################## sub checkOSAuthentication { use Sys::Hostname; my $host = hostname; my $r1 = rindex($EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING,"Port"); my $r2 = rindex($EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING,"Host="); my $len = $r1-$r2-7; my $lhost = substr($EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING,$r2+5,$len); if($lhost eq $host) { if($ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} eq "") { info "Please set the environment variable ORACLE_SID \n"; exit 98; } else { open (SQL_FILE, "|$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -L / as sysdba "); close SQL_FILE; my $rc = 0xffff & $? ; $rc >>= 8; trace "Return code = $rc"; if ($rc eq 0) { infoln "Done."; } else { infoln "Failed."; } return $rc; } } else { info "Could not connect as OS Authenticated User. Not a Local Host,Enter the Sys password \n"; exit 98; } } # ######################### End of Program ###########################
Write backup
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