Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\BaseSession.pm
################################################################################# # # $Header: BaseSession.pm 20-jul-2005.01:34:58 gsbhatia Exp $ # # BaseSession.pm # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # BaseSession.pm - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) # gsbhatia 07/20/05 - Refactor code # gsbhatia 01/25/05 - Added parameter support # ktlaw 01/14/05 - add comments # ktlaw 01/13/05 - ktlaw_new_repmgr # ktlaw 01/10/05 - created ################################################################################ #Base SQL session object for Component and Repository to execute commands and #scripts, also encapsulate common repository operations. This class is considered #to be an abstract class, subclass of this class should implement executeScript #and executeCmd accordingly package BaseSession; sub new { my ($pkg) = @_ ; my $self = {}; bless $self, $pkg ; return $self; } sub executeScripts { my $self = shift ; my ($sqls) = @_ ; foreach $h (@$sqls) { #print "processing ".$h->{'path'}."\n"; my $path = $h->{'path'}; my @params = @{$h->{'params'}}; for my $param (@params){ $path .= " \&$param"; } $self->executeScript($path); } } sub recompileInvalidObjects { my $self = shift ; $self->executeScript("$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_recompile_invalid.sql $EM_REPOS_USER"); } sub setComponentVersion { my $self = shift ; my ($comp,$ver) = @_ ; uc $comp ; $self->exeucteCmd("EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_VERSION('$comp', '$ver', '$ver', '&&EM_REPOS_MODE', EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_INITIALIZED);"); } sub createViewUser { my $self = shift ; $self->executeScript("$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/user_model/user_create_view_user.sql"); } sub submitDBMSJobs { my $self = shift ; $self->executeScript("$EM_SQL_SCRIPT_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_submit_dbms_jobs.sql"); } sub removeDBMSJobs { my $self = shift ; $self->exeuteScript("$EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/admin/admin_remove_dbms_jobs.sql"); } sub setRepositoryStatusReady { my $self = shift ; $self->executeCmd("EXECUTE EMD_MAINTENANCE.SET_COMP_STATUS('CORE', EMD_MAINTENANCE.G_STATUS_CONFIGURED_READY);"); } sub setRepositoryVariables { my $self = shift ; $self->executeScript("$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables.template"); $self->executeScript("$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables"); } sub preUpgrade { my $self = shift ; $self->executeScript("$EMDW_HOME/sysman/emdrep/config/pre_upgrade.sql"); } sub setUpgraded { my $self = shift ; $self->executeCmd("DECLARE l_comp_name VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN l_comp_name := 'EM'; IF NOT ('&EM_REPOS_MODE' = 'CENTRAL') THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN dbms_registry.upgraded(:1); dbms_registry.valid(:2); END;' USING l_comp_name, l_comp_name; END IF; END; /"); } sub setUpgrading { my $self = shift ; $self->executeCmd("DECLARE l_comp_name VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN l_comp_name := 'EM'; IF NOT ('&EM_REPOS_MODE' = 'CENTRAL') THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN dbms_registry.upgrading(:1); END;' USING l_comp_name; END IF; END; /"); } 1;
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