Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\dtds\TargetMetadata.dtd
<!-- Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. --> <!-- This file contains the dtd for describing a target type Version 1.0 MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) njagathe 04/25/08 - Fix bug 6995958 amathur 08/14/06 - bug id 4591002 amathur 08/19/06 - Backport amathur_bug-4591002 from main njagathe 08/09/06 - Backport njagathe_bug-5451821 from main njagathe 07/26/06 - Allow COMPUTE_EXPR columns to appear earlier njagathe 07/28/06 - Backport njagathe_bug-4869048 from main kduvvuri 11/30/05 - Backport kduvvuri_bug-4631553 from main rpatti 07/21/05 - add comments for unit nlsid nigandhi 06/09/05 - Bug4414888 - QueryDescriptor, ExecutionDescriptor, PushDescriptor made optional for REPOSITORY_TABLE metrics nigandhi 04/15/05 - Bug 4258720 - Adding attr to ColumnDescriptor rkpandey 05/25/05 - Added comments for tagsize.properties nigandhi 05/04/05 - ER 4297327: Adding TypeProperties sksaha 03/24/05 - Add DiscoveryHelper and DiscoveryHint tags to metadata nigandhi 03/18/05 - Bug3940478 - non_thresholded_alerts and keyonly_thresholds nigandhi 03/15/05 - bug 4092958 - REQUIRED_AGENT_VERSION nigandhi 02/23/05 - Description for Recvlet_ID - bug 3870773 nigandhi 02/21/05 - Fix Comments djoly 02/17/05 - Fix comment ramalhot 02/13/05 - renamed Assoc type MEMBER to CONTAINS aaitghez 02/07/05 - make ValidIf and ValidMidTierVersion order non issue xxu 01/12/05 - nigandhi: Fixing Comment njagathe 12/27/04 - Update for ValidMidTierVersions support njagathe 10/06/04 - Add flag to force caching of metric data qding 10/05/04 - add descriptions on how to use CLOB/BLOB and IS_FILENAME njagathe 10/01/04 - Adding IS_TRANSPOSED attribute njagathe 09/27/04 - Change Association attributes njagathe 09/25/04 - Adding has_push,has_pull,remote attributes qding 09/16/04 - BLOB support qding 08/19/04 - CLOB support kduvvuri 08/03/04 - add ASSOC_TARGET to AltSkipCondition. njagathe 07/27/04 - Adding support for allowed column values for a particular CredentialSetColumn rzkrishn 06/28/04 - removing dashes within comments njagathe 06/25/04 - Allowing InstanceProperty defns for Dynamic properties gachen 06/18/04 - aaitghez 06/14/04 - Add CategoryValue , MetricClass and MetricCategory gachen 06/14/04 - extend metric usage type itarashc 08/21/03 - fix case njagathe 08/14/03 - Updates to credential structures njagathe 07/31/03 - Adding timeseries column support xxu 07/23/03 - add MATCH njagathe 07/10/03 - Context for CredentialSet njagathe 07/10/03 - Adding Display elements njagathe 07/02/03 - Adding Credential metadata xxu 06/18/03 - add charset convert flag xxu 06/16/03 - TRUE_IF_COLLECT in USE_CACHE gachen 05/30/03 - set IS_KEY optional njagathe 05/30/03 - Adding STATELESS_ALERTS attribute to Metric rzkrishn 05/23/03 - review comment for MonitoringMode njagathe 05/23/03 - Adding intermediate target state support njagathe 05/08/03 - Allow for multiple target type display objects jaysmith 04/20/03 - add PushDescriptor njagathe 03/28/03 - Remove TRANSACTIONAL attribute, replace with CONFIG njagathe 04/17/03 - Adding KEYS_ONLY attribute to Metric gachen 03/11/03 - add tag for longrunning gachen 03/03/03 - check original/hide_entry gachen 02/28/03 - set reenter for instance property njagathe 02/19/03 - Adding READ_ONLY attribute to InstanceProperty itarashc 01/17/03 - fix bugs njagathe 02/24/03 - Adding AUTOCOLS attribute to TableDescriptor gachen 02/18/03 - remove CUST njagathe 02/19/03 - Adding READONLY attribute to InstanceProperty xxu 02/10/03 - add AssocTarget rzkrishn 02/06/03 - review changes xxu 01/22/03 - add optional resource bundle package rzkrishn 01/30/03 - adding Cluster Descriptor gachen 11/06/02 - add comment itarashc 01/17/03 - fix bugs njagathe 11/13/02 - Increasing the allowed number of key columns njagathe 10/17/02 - Remove TYPE from output of DynamicProperties gachen 10/16/02 - document response metric xxu 09/04/02 - review comments xxu 09/03/02 - support target versioning vnukal 08/29/02 - adding usage_type HIDDEN xxu 08/28/02 - different outer join xxu 08/15/02 - default value for empty variable in expr njagathe 08/05/02 - Adding execution descriptor to DynamicProperties cfowler 07/25/02 - fix syntax errors in DTD xxu 07/12/02 - add outer join xxu 06/11/02 - remove TRANSIENT for AggregateColumn xxu 06/04/02 - update gachen 05/23/02 - aggregation metric njagathe 05/28/02 - Adding IS_TEST_METRIC attribute to Metric element lyang 05/09/02 - lyang_move_emsdk_common njagathe 04/16/02 - Change USAGE_TYPE values list njagathe 04/11/02 - Adding KEYS_FROM_MULT_COLLS njagathe 03/19/02 - Adding HOST and CACHE scope njagathe 01/16/02 - Allow two types for dynamic properties njagathe 01/04/02 - Adding colltime present but not primary key option njagathe 01/04/02 - Add finetuning of auto generated columns for raw metrics njagathe 12/26/01 - Adding DynamicProperties gachen 08/24/01 - add custom attr to metric njagathe 08/25/01 - Adding DISPLAY_TYPE dcawley 08/21/01 - Add repository side metrics njagathe 07/26/01 - Adding REPOSITORY metric type aaitghez 07/16/01 - comments update for instance properties njagathe 07/09/01 - Remove VERSION attributes aaitghez 07/05/01 - modify InstanceProperty element def. aaitghez 06/29/01 - Adding InstancePropertis to TargetMetadata element. aaitghez 06/28/01 - adding instance propertyies. gachen 07/02/01 - update DTD gachen 06/25/01 - update comment njagathe 06/08/01 - Removing obsolete TIMEOUT attribute from Metric njagathe 05/30/01 - Adding OPTIONAL attribute to Property gachen 05/23/01 - quote FALSE gachen 05/16/01 - date support mbhoopat 05/16/01 - Support for rate metrics gachen 05/10/01 - add ENV njagathe 04/19/01 - Remove FETCHLET_CLASS and make FETCHLET_ID implement njagathe 04/12/01 - Support for RAW Columns gachen 04/11/01 - change METRIC_NAME to NAME gachen 04/10/01 - change TARGET_TYPE to TYPE gachen 04/09/01 - change metric_id to metric_name gachen 03/29/01 - dense UI gachen 03/21/01 - support raw mbhoopat 03/20/01 - Metric cache support njagathe 02/20/01 - Update for latest changes gachen 02/07/01 - make DTD valid njagathe 02/05/01 - Adding ADDRESS, CREDENTIALS AND SYSTEMGLOBAL scopes njagathe 12/18/00 - Add unit etc njagathe 12/06/00 - Initial versions --> <!-- The maximum length allowed for the various attributes mentioned in the file must be mentioend in tagsize.properties. This will be used to truncate the length of the attributes in the metadata file while loading the metadata information into the repository. --> <!-- The TargetMetadata describe the metadata for a target type. META_VER: describes the version of metadata. TYPE: target type REQUIRED_AGENT_VERSION: This attribute indicates the minimum required agent version for the metadata. TargetMetadata marked with this attribute will be valid on Agent versions greater than or equal to the specified version. CATEGORY_PROPERTIES: Semicolon seperated list of properties which will be used as properties for ValidIf. Currently, each target type can have up to 5 properties used as category property. Example: TargetMetadata with REQUIRED_AGENT_VERSION="" will be valid on agents version 10.2 and higher but will be invalid on agent version 10.1 --> <!ELEMENT TargetMetadata (Display*, TypeProperties?, AssocTarget*, DiscoveryHelper?, MonitoringMode*, AltSkipCondition?, MetricClass*, Metric*, CredentialInfo?, InstanceProperties?)> <!ATTLIST TargetMetadata META_VER CDATA #REQUIRED TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED REQUIRED_AGENT_VERSION CDATA #IMPLIED HELPID CDATA #IMPLIED HELP CDATA #IMPLIED CATEGORY_PROPERTIES CDATA #IMPLIED RESOURCE_BUNDLE_PACKAGE CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- This Element is introduced in version 10.2. The TypeProperties holds TypeProperty elements for the target type. --> <!ELEMENT TypeProperties (TypeProperty*)> <!-- This element is introduced in version 10.2 TypeProperty element contains the property name-value pair for a target type. PROPERTY_NAME: Name of the target type property. PROPERTY_VALUE: Value of the target type property. --> <!ELEMENT TypeProperty EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TypeProperty PROPERTY_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED PROPERTY_VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- The AssocTarget describe the associated targets of this target type. Targets may be associated for a number of reasons some of them being: rendering topology maps, root cause analysis, determining availablity of targets and many more. The list of attributes for this element have changed in 10.2 Prior to 10.2 ASSOC_TARGET (required) : the name of the association TYPE (required) : the target type of the associated target. Starting from 10.2 ASSOCIATION_NAME(required) : Previously ASSOC_TARGET ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE (required) : Previously TYPE NAME_NLSID (optional) : NLSID for association name DESCRIPTION (optional) : Description DESCRIPTION_NLSID (optional) : NLSID for description string SOURCE_TARGET_TYPE (optional) : If association starts from a different target than this target itself, the target type of the source target CARDINALITY (optional) : One of OPTIONAL_SINGLE_CARDINAL - zero or one targets as associated REQUIRED_SINGLE_CARDINAL - exactly one associated target OPTIONAL_MULTI_CARDINAL - zero or several associated targets REQUIRED_MULTI_CARDINAL) - one or more associated targets ASSOC_TYPE (optional) : One of RELATES_TO : Default value - implies "some" generic relationship DEPENDS_ON : Dependency on associated target CONNECTS_TO : Source target connects to assoc target SERVICE_ACCESS_POINT RUNS_ON : Source target runs on (installed on ) assoc target CONTAINS : Source target contains assoc target HOSTED_BY : Similar to runs on MONITORED_BY : Source target is monitored by assoc target (agent) OPTIONALLY_CONNECTS_TO COMPUTE_RULE ( optional ): Can be used to compute Asscoc Target instance if not already specified in the targets.xml. PARENT - find the first Parent. MEMBER - find the first child. NONE - default behavior. Don't automatically generate any Associated Target Instances. Even though the DTD below does not indicate it, every AssocTarget element must have one each of a) ASSOC_TARGET or ASSOCIATION_NAME b) TYPE or ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE --> <!ELEMENT AssocTarget (AssocPropDef*)> <!ATTLIST AssocTarget ASSOC_TARGET CDATA #IMPLIED TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED ASSOCIATION_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED NAME_NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED DESCRIPTION CDATA #IMPLIED DESCRIPTION_NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED SOURCE_TARGET_TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED CARDINALITY (OPTIONAL_SINGLE_CARDINAL | REQUIRED_SINGLE_CARDINAL | OPTIONAL_MULTI_CARDINAL | REQUIRED_MULTI_CARDINAL) #IMPLIED ASSOC_TYPE (RELATES_TO|DEPENDS_ON | CONNECTS_TO | SERVICE_ACCESS_POINT|RUNS_ON| CONTAINS|HOSTED_BY|MONITORED_BY| OPTIONALLY_CONNECTS_TO) #IMPLIED COMPUTE_RULE (PARENT|MEMBER|NONE) "NONE" > <!-- The AssocPropDef describe the properies for an association NAME : the name of the property REQUIRED : boolean value to indicate whether the property is required --> <!ELEMENT AssocPropDef EMPTY> <!ATTLIST AssocPropDef NAME CDATA #REQUIRED REQUIRED (TRUE | FALSE) #REQUIRED > <!-- A MetricClass is a higher level grouping of metric categories. The MetricClass tag is a name holder to optionally describe the set of available metric classes in a metadata file. NAME: Is the name of the class (e.g. Functional) NLSID: Is the translation ID. The naming convention is metric_class_<classname> --> <!ELEMENT MetricClass (MetricCategory*)> <!ATTLIST MetricClass NAME CDATA #REQUIRED NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- A MetricCategory is a way to categories metrics and condtions The MetricCategory tag serves as a name holder to optionally describe the set of available categories. NAME: The name of the category (e.g. Security) NLSID: Ths NLSID of the category. The naming convention here is metric_cat_<category_name> --> <!ELEMENT MetricCategory EMPTY> <!ATTLIST MetricCategory NAME CDATA #REQUIRED NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- A metric is the performance data that can be collected. NAME: metric name, it uniquely identifies it within the scope of its target type. TYPE: data type. Supported metric types are a) Basic : NUMBER, STRING b) Tabular : TABLE, RAW c) EXTERNAL (data not parsed/fronted by EMD) d) REPOSITORY_TABLE, REPOSITORY_NUMBER, REPOSITORY_STRING, REPOSITORY_EVENT (computed elsewhere) REPOS_PLSQL: If type is REPOSITORY_TABLE, REPOSITORY_NUMBER or REPOSITORY_STRING , the name of the PL/SQL proc to execute at the repository to evaluate the metric A metric can have TABLE type. The value will be returned as a set of rows each containing a set of values (columns). (A list will be a special case of the Table) A Table Metric must have a TableDescriptor defined. It describes columns of the table. Each column must specify the name and the data type for the column. The column can also be tagged as a key column. These column values qualify the value returned in the non-key columns. For example : In a metric for top 10 processes, the process name will be the key column while the residence memory size, cpu, time used will be the value columns. The query descriptor associated will contain the metadata that can be used to collect the value of the metric. (For exmple SQL Query) ExecutionDescriptor is used to compute aggregation metric. The QueryDescriptor, ExecutionDescriptor, PushDescriptor elements are optional for REPOSITORY_TABLE, REPOSITORY_STRING, REPOSITORY_NUMBER and REPOSITORY_EVENT type metrics. USAGE_TYPE: This defines the purpose of the metric. The options are a) VIEW_COLLECT This is the default usage - metrics that are both viewable and collected. b) REALTIME_ONLY These are metrics that cannot be collected. The rules on key uniqueness are not applied to these metrics. c) HIDDEN Metrics are tagged hidden when they collected nor visible from the console. The data is not uploaded to the repository either. These are "temporary" metrics which are used to compute other metrics. key uniqueness is still checked. d) HIDDEN_COLLECT metric can be collected. It will not be viewable. Also data is not uploaded. It is similar to HIDDEN, but can have collection on it. e) COLLECT_UPLOAD metric can be collected and uploaded, metadata is uploaded to MGMT_METRICS but it is not viewable in All metric page. To summary USAGE_TYPE KEY_UNIQUE_CHECK COLLECTABLE MGMT_METRICS_RAW MGMT_METRICS VIEWABLE ****************************************************************************************** VIEW_COLLECT Y Y Y Y Y REALTIME_ONLY N N N Y N HIDDEN Y N N Y N HIDDEN_COLLECT Y Y N Y N COLLECT_UPLOAD Y Y Y Y N Mapping of old USAGE_TYPE values DISPLAY_ONLY : REALTIME_ONLY MULTI_KEY : VIEW_COLLECT COLLECT_ONLY : VIEW_COLLECT The metric browser automatically decides which metrics to not display. IS_TEST_METRIC : The agent can check some metrics to determine if a target has been correctly specified with valid instance properties. This attribute marks this metric as one of the test metrics. IS_METRIC_LONG_RUNNING( since 4.0.1): IF true, the metric is long running. This give the metric engine a hint that this query will take relatively longer to finish. A special property EM_IS_METRIC_LONG_RUNNING will be passed to fetchlet automatically. KEYS_ONLY (since 4.0.1): Used to tag special metrics that have only key columns. Note that in general, such metrics are not useful in collections (since no data is uploaded), but there may be special cases where the metric is used to just retrieve a set of keys. CONFIG ( since 4.1 ) : This is a special designation for CONFIG metrics that are uploaded differently by the EM framework. REMOTE (since 10.2): Used to tag metrics that can be evaluated from a remote location. These metrics could be evaluated from "beacon" nodes IS_TRANSPOSED (since 10.2): Used to tag metrics that generate data as name value pairs and the UI treats the names as "column headers". These are useful when the number of rows (or data categories) is not known at design time. FORCE_CACHE (since 10.2): For collected metrics, this is a strong hint to to the agent to cache the results of a metric collection. In the absence of this hint, the agent may only start caching the result of a metric after it realizes that someone will try to use the cached value. Oracle EM recommends that every target type have a special metric named "Response". This metric should have a column called "Status". The type creator should also set up a collection of this metric and set up a condition (see TargetCollection.dtd) on the Status column. The availability system (target updown status over time) uses alerts on this metric column to provide updown statistics over time. --> <!ELEMENT Metric ((ValidIf | ValidMidTierVersions)*, Display?, CategoryValue* ,TableDescriptor?, ((QueryDescriptor | ExecutionDescriptor) | PushDescriptor)* )> <!ATTLIST Metric NAME CDATA #REQUIRED TYPE (NUMBER | STRING | TABLE | RAW | EXTERNAL | REPOSITORY_TABLE | REPOSITORY_NUMBER | REPOSITORY_STRING | REPOSITORY_EVENT) "NUMBER" REPOS_PLSQL CDATA #IMPLIED USAGE_TYPE (VIEW_COLLECT | REALTIME_ONLY | HIDDEN | HIDDEN_COLLECT | COLLECT_UPLOAD ) "VIEW_COLLECT" KEYS_FROM_MULT_COLLS (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" IS_TEST_METRIC (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" KEYS_ONLY (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" REMOTE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" IS_TRANSPOSED (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" HELP CDATA #IMPLIED IS_METRIC_LONG_RUNNING (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" CONFIG (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" FORCE_CACHE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- ValidIf contains a group of category properties which must be meet all together. It can be used at different levels like metric, QueryDescriptor, ExecutionDescriptor, InstanceProperty, DynamicProperty, etc.. --> <!ELEMENT ValidIf (CategoryProp+)> <!-- CategoryProp describes all choices of one category property. CHOICES contains values seperated by ";". --> <!ELEMENT CategoryProp EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CategoryProp NAME CDATA #REQUIRED CHOICES CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- The ValidMidTierVersions element is used in the mid tier based versioning support in the agent (starting from version 10.2). This tag can be used either under a Metric or within a CustomTableMapper element (see below). When present, it indicates to the agent that a Metric definition or a CustomTableMapper definition only applies for a certain set of mid tier versions. The attributes are : PLUG_IN : Optional attribute that allows a particular mid tier plug in to be referenced. If not specified, this tag applies to the core oms version. START_VER : Starting version (inclusive, optional) the element is applied from. Say, a value of implies that any version equal to or higer than is acceptable END_VER : Ending version (exclusion, optional) that the element is applicable to. Say, a value of 10.2 implies that the element is applicable to any version less than ( not including ) 10.2 Every ValidMidTierVersions element needs to have at least one of START_VER or END_VER specified. --> <!ELEMENT ValidMidTierVersions EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ValidMidTierVersions PLUG_IN CDATA #IMPLIED START_VER CDATA #IMPLIED END_VER CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- TableDescriptor describes the details of the table that represents a metric of type TABLE. Only RAW metric can define TABLE_NAME. The collected data will be loaded to that repostory database table. See CustomTableMapper definitions below. If a TableDescriptor contains CustomTableMapper elements, it should not contain a TABLE_NAME attribute. The SKIP* attributes only apply to raw metrics. The EMD will automatically generate the TARGET_GUID, METRIC_NAME and COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP columns for a raw metric unless if asked not to by setting these attributes to TRUE. SKIP_COLLTIME_PK attribute is deprecated. Since this can now be done by altering the table definition in the repository, SKIP_COLLTIME_PK is not useful any more. Please refer to the DTD documentation for a detailed explanation. --> <!ELEMENT TableDescriptor (ColumnDescriptor*, CustomTableMapper*)> <!ATTLIST TableDescriptor TABLE_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED SKIP_TARGET_COLUMN (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" SKIP_METRIC_COLUMN (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" SKIP_COLLTIME_PK (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" SKIP_COLLTIME_COLUMN (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- The ColumnDescriptor elements describe each column in a table. NAME is the metric column name. TYPE is the data type. NUMBER or STRING. For nested table support, a column may define as RAW to indicate it is a nested-table. ( we only allow 1 level of nested table) (since 10.2) TYPE can also be CLOB or BLOB. CLOB holds large character data such as a log file while BLOB holds binary data (.zip files, .tar files, etc.). CLOB/BLOB is only valid inside RAW metrics. When TYPE is set to CLOB or BLOB, the ColumnDescriptor can also have IS_FILENAME attribute set to TRUE, in which case, the column value is the name of the file whose content should be sent rather than the column value itself. For CLOB/BLOB columns, the destination columns in the repository table should also be of CLOB/BLOB type. IS_FILENAME (since 10.2) When set to TRUE, it indicates that the column value is a file name which contains the real content that needs to be sent. IS_FILENAME attribute is valid only for CLOB/BLOB column types. IS_KEY: is set to true if this column is the primary key( uniquely identify the row in the returned rows). For any two row returned, the value of key column can't be the same, otherwise, there will be primary key violation. Upto 5 columns can be marked with IS_KEY=TRUE. If no column is defined as key, we default the key to null(therefore should only return 1 row at a time) COLUMN_NAME: will be used if the metric type is RAW to identify the database column. IS_DATE: will only be used when the metric is RAW and the column is date type. IS_LONG_TEXT: will only be used when the metric is RAW and the column will be in digested form. COMPUTE_EXPR: Expression used to compute the value of the column based on metric inputs, or the values of other columns. Prior to 11g, columns with COMPUTE_EXPR attributes could only be present after all the fetchlet returned columns. As part of bug 4869048, special compute expr columns will be allowed to be mixed in columns that get values from fetchlets. REPLACE_FETCHED_VALUE (since 11g) : This attribute is only applicable if COMPUTE_EXPR is set, and for inner compute expressions (see above). If set, this tells the agent to use the compute expression value in place of the corresponding column returned by the fetchlet. If not set, the metric engine will right shift all existing fetchlet returned values to make place for the computed value. TRANSIENT: will not be uploaded to repository. Only used to caculate Rate data, STATELESS_ALERTS ( since 4.1 ) : This attribute if set to TRUE indicates to EM that alerts on this column will not have corresponding clears. This allows the UI to decide to allow users to manually clear alerts on this column. IS_TIMESTAMP : (since 4.1 ) : the value in this column will be used as the collection time for this row. If set to true, the values for this column should be specified in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z format (for example, "2003-07-30 08:41:05 PST" ) The list of valid timezones is listed in the $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/supportedtzs.lst file. It is invalid for a ColumnDescriptor to both be a key and a timestamp column. NON_THRESHOLDED_ALERTS: (since 10.2): This attribute is used to indicate that there might be alerts for the metric column without there being a thresholded condition for it (eg: through server generated alerts). KEYONLY_THRESHOLDS: (since 10.2): If this attribute is set to TRUE, conditions cannot apply to all metric rows and all Condition elements for the column need a KeyColumn element. RENDERABLE: (since 10.2): A FALSE value for this attribute indicates that the value for this column may be generated by the engine and is cryptic or random enough to be of any use to the user. --> <!ELEMENT ColumnDescriptor (Display?, CategoryValue*, TableDescriptor?)> <!ATTLIST ColumnDescriptor NAME CDATA #REQUIRED TYPE (NUMBER | STRING | RAW | CLOB | BLOB) "NUMBER" IS_FILENAME (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" IS_KEY (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" TRANSIENT (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" COMPUTE_EXPR CDATA #IMPLIED REPLACE_FETCHED_VALUE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" COLUMN_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED IS_LONG_TEXT (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" IS_DATE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" STATELESS_ALERTS (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" IS_TIMESTAMP (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" NON_THRESHOLDED_ALERTS (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" KEYONLY_THRESHOLDS (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" RENDERABLE (TRUE | FALSE) "TRUE" HELP CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- The CustomTableMapper element (new in 10.2) is part of the mid tier based versioning project and allows custom (RAW) metrics to change their destination tables based on the version of the mid tier. The TableDescriptor for a RAW metric can have multiple CustomTableMapper elements - one per set of mid tier versions - with each CustomTableMapper providing repository table and column mappings for the TableDescriptor's Columns. The attributes of the CustomTableMapper element are REP_TABLE_NAME (required) : Indicates the table name that the content of the metric should be uploaded to. --> <!ELEMENT CustomTableMapper (ValidMidTierVersions*, ColumnMapper*)> <!ATTLIST CustomTableMapper REP_TABLE_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- The ColumnMapper element is part of a CustomTableMapper element and describes the mapping between the ColumnDescriptor and the repository column its data should end up in. The presence of a ColumnMapper both provides the mapping for the column in a particular repository table, and indicates that the column is required in the table. To indicate that a column should not be uploaded to a particular version of the repository, there should not be a ColumnMapper for that column The attributes are METRIC_COLUMN : Name of the ColumnDescriptor this applies to REP_TABLE_COLUMN : The database table column name this data should end up in. --> <!ELEMENT ColumnMapper EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ColumnMapper METRIC_COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED REP_TABLE_COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- The query descriptor allows the framework to find the fetchlet as well as pass on the query information for obtaining performance data values from the target. The fetchlet can be identified by a well known id that is known to the EMD. It may also contain properties which will be passed to the fetchlet. The QueryDescriptor has an attribute which refers to the Address. FETCHLET_ID: Specifies the ID of the fetchlet to use that is known to the EMAgent. This attribute must point to an element from the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/fetchlets.reg file. NEED_CHARSET_CONVERT: If the metric result is in correct "UTF8" encoding, and this flag should be set to "FALSE" so EMAgent will not do any character convert. --> <!ELEMENT QueryDescriptor (ValidIf*, Property*) > <!ATTLIST QueryDescriptor FETCHLET_ID CDATA #REQUIRED NEED_CHARSET_CONVERT (TRUE | FALSE) "TRUE" > <!-- The Attribute SCOPE defines how the value of the property is to be resolved. GLOBAL means that it needs to be resolved in the Target Type Definition XML file INSTANCE means it will be resolved by discovery. The PCDATA in that case should be the NAME of the property set in the discovery XML file. USER means it will be resolved by the caller (collector or the interactive end-user). The PCDATA in that case should be the name of the Property to be used when prompting the caller (in the case of interactive user). ENV means use environment varible to resolve SYSTEMGLOBAL means use emd.properties to resolve HOST means that the property must be resolved as an instance variable of the 'host' target on that EMD. For example, the OS property CACHE means that the value must be obtained from the previous evaluation of the metric. Any column returned in the previous evaluation can be specified, and this is only applicable to single row OR non-key metrics. The OPTIONAL attribute is meant to call out those properties that need NOT be available when provided to the fetchlet. The EMD will validate that it can find valid values for all non-optional properties before calling through to a fetchlet. --> <!ELEMENT Property (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Property NAME CDATA #REQUIRED SCOPE (GLOBAL | INSTANCE | USER | SYSTEMGLOBAL | ENV | HOST | CACHE) "GLOBAL" OPTIONAL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- These tags below will be used by Console UI. Label and Icon will be used by UI's for display purposes If FOR_SUMMARY_UI set to be true, this column will be visible in a condensed UI( when not all column can fit into one page, condensed UI can be shown which contains only selected columns whose FOR_SUMMARY_UI = "TRUE" --> <!ELEMENT Display (ValidIf*, Label, ShortName?, Icon?, Description?, Unit?)> <!ATTLIST Display FOR_SUMMARY_UI (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- the Lable that will be displayed in UI the NLSID will contain the id using which the corresponding string can be looked up in to the resource bundle --> <!ELEMENT Label (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Label NLSID CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ShortName is the short representation of the Metric Display name it should be less 12 characters long. --> <!ELEMENT ShortName (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST ShortName NLSID CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT Icon (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Icon GIF CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Description NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- we support some standard units and unit nls ids. If you wish to use one of these units, please use the nls ids and display names mentioned below. The translation for these system supported units (these nls ids that start with "em__sys__"), is done at the system level and does not need to be translated on a per target type basis. Supported Units: Standard Percent: used for metrics who values are between 0 and 100% NLSID: "em__sys__standard_percent" Display: "%" Usage: <Unit NLSID="em__sys__standard_percent">%</Unit> Generic Percent: used for metrics who values can be in +ve and -ve percentages as well - like -50% or 200% NLSID: "em__sys__generic_percent" Display: "%" Usage: <Unit NLSID="em__sys__generic_percent">%</Unit> --> <!ELEMENT Unit (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Unit NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Cluster targets can be monitored using OMS mediation or Agent mediated. so MonitoringMode is introduced to say whether this target type is of cluster type and who is going to mediate for collection of data. Presence of this element in the Metadata of a target type indicates that this target type is of a cluster type and its attribute MEDIATOR indicates who is going to monitor this cluster type. There is also a ClusterDescriptor attribute that says about the type of the cluster. This cluster type is used to identify the shared library that implements the cluster interfaces that Agent expects. This is useful only when the monitoring is Agent mediated. These cluster interfaces are standard interfaces that agent uses to talk to the cluster target. Absence of MonitoringMode Element in the metadata definition makes it a ordinary target type. ValidIf is attached to determine if for any version of cluster target, whether it can be OMS mediated or Agent mediated. if no ValidIf is provided all targets of this target type of all versions will be monitored using the mediator provided in the "MEDIATOR" attribute. if ValidIf is present only those versions provided there, would be monitored using the "MEDIATOR" mediator. rest of the versions would be monitored by all agents. --> <!ELEMENT MonitoringMode (ValidIf*)> <!ATTLIST MonitoringMode MEDIATOR (AgentMediated|OMSMediated) #REQUIRED CLUSTERDESCRIPTOR CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- AltSkipCondition allows the user to specify an alternate condition that indicates when metric collections should be skipped for the target. The default behavior is that target collections are skipped when there is a severity on the Status column of the Response metric. Using AltSkipCondition element, a user to define one additional condition. ASSOC_TARGET can be used to point to the conditions in an associated target. --> <!ELEMENT AltSkipCondition EMPTY > <!ATTLIST AltSkipCondition METRIC CDATA #REQUIRED COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED ASSOC_TARGET CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- The CredentialInfo element and its contents are supported starting from the 4.1 release of EM. Credential types are metadata for sets of credentials. It describes the components of the credential (CredentialTypeColumn s), which is the key etc. In some cases, CredentialTypes may be composed of existing CredentialTypes (in this or other target types) CredentialSets are the instances of CredentialTypes that apply to a particular target. Of particular importance are the monitoring credential sets whose values are mapped to the instance properties of the target. --> <!ELEMENT CredentialInfo (CredentialType*, CredentialSet*)> <!-- CredentialType elements contain the description of a type as composed of component columns (one of which may be the key) or as a composite of other predefined credential types. NAME Unique Name of the CredentialType --> <!ELEMENT CredentialType (Display?, (CredentialTypeColumn|CredentialTypeRef)+)> <!ATTLIST CredentialType NAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- CredentialType is defined as a set of Credential Columns. Each CredentialTypeColumn may provide a list of values that are the only allowed values for this column. NAME Name of the column IS_KEY If multiple sets are created of this credential type, is this the column by which one set is differentiated from another. The username column is the key in a (username,password) credential. --> <!ELEMENT CredentialTypeColumn (Display?, CredentialTypeColumnValue*)> <!ATTLIST CredentialTypeColumn NAME CDATA #REQUIRED IS_KEY (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- Allowed values for a CredentialTypeColumn. IS_DEFAULT Set to true if this is the default value in the list --> <!ELEMENT CredentialTypeColumnValue (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST CredentialTypeColumnValue IS_DEFAULT (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- This element allows a credential type to refer other precanned credential types. It contains mapping of the columns in the original credential type to columns of the credential type being defined. REF_TYPE Credential type this refers to REF_TARGETTYPE The target type that contains the original credential type. Null if this is the same target type ASSOCIATION Refers to the association of this target with the other target to whom credentials are maintained here. Note that this value needs to be one of the AssocTarget elements above. --> <!ELEMENT CredentialTypeRef (CredentialTypeRefColumn*)> <!ATTLIST CredentialTypeRef REF_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED REF_TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED REF_TARGETTYPE CDATA #IMPLIED ASSOCIATION CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- This element maps the columns in the referred credential type to this credential type's columns. NAME Name of column in this credential type REF_TYPECOLUMN Name of the column in the referred credential type --> <!ELEMENT CredentialTypeRefColumn EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CredentialTypeRefColumn NAME CDATA #REQUIRED REF_TYPECOLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- This element defines a set of elements that form a named credential set for this target type. A credential set provides values for one of the credential types defined for this target type. The credential set may contain credentials for one 3 usages : monitoring, preferred credentials or app specific functionality. NAME Name of the credential set CREDENTIAL_TYPE The credential type that this set provides values for DESCRIPTION User visible description for this set. USAGE Is this credential set used for monitoring, as preferred credentials or for app specific stuff ? --> <!ELEMENT CredentialSet (Display?, CredentialSetColumn+)> <!ATTLIST CredentialSet NAME CDATA #REQUIRED CREDENTIAL_TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED USAGE (MONITORING|PREFERRED_CRED|SYSTEM) "MONITORING" CONTEXT_TYPE (TARGET|CONTAINER|COLLECTION) "TARGET" CONTEXT CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Credential set columns map the columns of a credential type to the source of their values. In the case of monitoring credential sets, the source is instance properties of the target. TYPE_COLUMN Name of the column in the CredentialType SOURCE Where does this value come from (for monitoring credential sets, this is the name of the instance property. --> <!ELEMENT CredentialSetColumn (Display?, CredentialSetColumnValue*) > <!ATTLIST CredentialSetColumn TYPE_COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED SET_COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- Allowed values for a CredentialSetColumn. IS_DEFAULT Set to true if this is the default value in the list (available starting with 10.2) --> <!ELEMENT CredentialSetColumnValue (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST CredentialSetColumnValue IS_DEFAULT (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- InstanceProperties was introduced to make administration of targets easier. InstanceProperties holds target InstanceProperty and DynamicProperties elements --> <!ELEMENT InstanceProperties ((InstanceProperty | DynamicProperties)*)> <!-- An InstanceProperty element contains the definition of an instance property. Example: for an oracle_database target one InstanceProperty has the NAME "password", which is not OPTIONAL and which is a "CREDENTIAL". NAME : Name of the property OPTIONAL : Is a value for the property required CREDENTIAL : Is the property sensitive in nature. Such properties are usually saved obfuscated in targets.xml READONLY : See ER 2755560 The next 3 attributes are related to the emctl set credentials command : NEED_REENTER (start 4.0.1): if TRUE, will require user enter it twice at command line. HIDE_ENTRY (start 4.0.1): if TRUE, will show the character user typed as '*' CHECK_ORIGINAL (start 4.0.1): if TRUE, before modify, user need to type the original value. IS_COMPUTED (from 10.2) : if TRUE, indicates this describes a dynamic property WAS_REQUIRED (from 10.2) : This was an instance property that was required prior to 10.2. But now a dyn property. Send this to 10.1 OMS if set to TRUE. Default value is FALSE. See bug/ER 4631553 --> <!ELEMENT InstanceProperty (#PCDATA|ValidIf|Display)*> <!ATTLIST InstanceProperty NAME CDATA #REQUIRED OPTIONAL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" CREDENTIAL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" READONLY (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" NEED_REENTER ( TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" HIDE_ENTRY ( TRUE | FALSE) "TRUE" CHECK_ORIGINAL ( TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" IS_COMPUTED (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" WAS_REQUIRED (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- DynamicProperties elements allow a target to specify a query that will return a set of values corresponding to the instance properties of the target. The values are turned into target properties and are accessible to other query descriptors from the INSTANCE scope. The NAME attribute simply identifies the property collector, for error tracing etc. The PROP_LIST and the OPT_PROP_LIST contain ';' separated lists of names of properties that can be returned by the query descriptor. The result *must* contain properties listed in the PROP_LIST arg. The result *may* contain properties listed in the OPT_PROP_LIST arg. The property names in the *PROP_LIST args are used in conjunction with InstanceProperty declarations while validating target type metadata. The data can be returned in one of two "formats" denoted by the FORMAT attribute. If the FORMAT is "TABLE" (the default), the return value must be a table of instance property values. The table returned must be a two column (NAME, VALUE) table. If the FORMAT is "ROW", the contents of the one row are taken as the values of the properties in the same order they are listed in the PROP_LIST, and then in the OPT_PROP_LIST lists. To denote that a dynamic property is cirtical for the target one can specify the IS_CRITICAL flag attribute. The default value of this flag is FALSE and is assumed if this attribute is not present. When the value of this attribute is specified as TRUE, then on failure / timeout during computation of that dynamic property, we reschedule the computation of all dynamic / instance properties of that target as per the values of parameters given in the emd.properties file. Note that if a query descriptor returns a property value that is already available, the property is ignored. If multiple DynamicProperties queries return a property, the value from the first one is used. --> <!ELEMENT DynamicProperties (ValidIf*, (ReevalCondition*), (QueryDescriptor | ExecutionDescriptor)+) > <!ATTLIST DynamicProperties NAME CDATA #REQUIRED PROP_LIST CDATA #IMPLIED OPT_PROP_LIST CDATA #IMPLIED FORMAT (TABLE | ROW) "TABLE" IS_CRITICAL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- ReevalCondition allows the user to specify a condition that will trigger the recomputation of a dynamic property. --> <!ELEMENT ReevalCondition EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ReevalCondition METRIC CDATA #REQUIRED COLUMN CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ExecutionDescriptor (ValidIf*, (GetTable | GetView | GroupBy | Union | JoinTables)*)> <!ELEMENT GetTable EMPTY> <!ATTLIST GetTable NAME CDATA #REQUIRED ASSOC_TARGET CDATA #IMPLIED METRIC_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED USE_CACHE (TRUE | FALSE | TRUE_IF_COLLECT) "FALSE" > <!ELEMENT GetView ((ComputeColumn | Column)*, (Filter | In)*)> <!ATTLIST GetView NAME CDATA #REQUIRED FROM_TABLE CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT Filter (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Filter COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED SCOPE (GLOBAL | INSTANCE | SYSTEMGLOBAL) "GLOBAL" OPERATOR (EQ | LT | GT | LE | GE | NE | CONTAINS | MATCH | ISNULL | ISNOTNULL) "EQ" > <!ELEMENT Column EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Column NAME CDATA #REQUIRED COLUMN_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED TABLE_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT ComputeColumn EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ComputeColumn NAME CDATA #REQUIRED EXPR CDATA #REQUIRED IS_VALUE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" DEFAULT_WHEN_EMPTY (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" DEFAULT_VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT In EMPTY> <!ATTLIST In COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED IN_TABLE_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED IN_COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT GroupBy (By*, (AggregateColumn | ComputeColumn)*)> <!ATTLIST GroupBy NAME CDATA #REQUIRED FROM_TABLE CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT By EMPTY> <!ATTLIST By NAME CDATA #REQUIRED COLUMN_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT AggregateColumn EMPTY> <!ATTLIST AggregateColumn NAME CDATA #REQUIRED COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED OPERATOR (MAX | MIN | SUM | AVG | COUNT) "SUM" > <!ELEMENT Union (Table+)> <!ATTLIST Union NAME CDATA #REQUIRED DISTINCT (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!ELEMENT Table EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Table NAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT JoinTables (Table, Table+, (Column | ComputeColumn)*, Where*)> <!ATTLIST JoinTables NAME CDATA #REQUIRED OUTER (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" BOTH_SIDE (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!ELEMENT Where EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Where FROM_TABLE CDATA #REQUIRED FROM_KEY CDATA #REQUIRED OPERATOR (EQ | GT | GE | LE | LT | NE | CONTAINS | MATCH) "EQ" JOIN_TABLE CDATA #REQUIRED JOIN_KEY CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- The push descriptor identifies a recvlet which is responsible for supplying data and/or events for a metric, and specifies data to be passed to that recvlet for each target. The name used for the recvlet here should match the recvlet name used in recvlets.reg file that is present in $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory. --> <!ELEMENT PushDescriptor (ValidIf*, Property*) > <!ATTLIST PushDescriptor RECVLET_ID CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- The DiscoveryHelper helps the agent in its process of discovering this target type CATEGORYNAME : name of the category in discover.lst which discovers targets of this type OUI_BASED : boolean value to indicate if this discovery used OUI inventory info --> <!ELEMENT DiscoveryHelper (DiscoveryHint*) > <!ATTLIST DiscoveryHelper CATEGORYNAME CDATA #REQUIRED OUI_BASED (TRUE | FALSE) "TRUE" > <!-- The DiscoveryHint allows users to specify any hint which can be a guide to discovery NAME : name of the hint to guide discovery process --> <!ELEMENT DiscoveryHint (Display?) > <!ATTLIST DiscoveryHint NAME CDATA #REQUIRED >
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