Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\dtds\TargetCollection.dtd
<!-- COLLECTION DEFINITION Version 1.04 Date 02/07/2000 MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rzkrishn 08/24/05 - preserveCR in ItemProperty nigandhi 03/07/05 - bug_4225458 njagathe 12/23/04 - Reverting 2422059 njagathe 12/21/04 - Adding separate clear messages support njagathe 08/20/04 - Adding ENABLED, REQUIRED attribute to CollectionItem xxu 08/09/04 - add ALERT_CONTEXT xxu 07/15/04 - add like operator njagathe 06/18/04 - Allow schedule-less CollectionItem s aaitghez 06/14/04 - add CategoryValue to Condition gachen 05/20/04 - add more upload flag for MetricColl njagathe 05/21/04 - Add CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION attribute gachen 05/07/04 - set upload flag for MetricColl njagathe 10/24/03 - Adding INITIAL_UPLOADS rzkrishn 10/10/03 - adding COMBINE_WITH_OTHER_COLLECTION for runTime jabramso 09/16/03 - Add missing ValidIf njagathe 08/19/03 - Add GEN_INIT_CLEAR attribute njagathe 07/25/03 - Adding support for PUSH attribute in Condition njagathe 06/26/03 - Adding ValidIf support njagathe 05/23/03 - Adding AltSkipCondition gachen 05/19/03 - 2951216: filter after severify checking njagathe 03/28/03 - Remove TRANSACTIONAL attribute, replace with CONFIG njagathe 02/21/03 - Add POSTLOAD_PROC and PRELOAD_PROC xxu 01/08/03 - add nlsid gachen 11/27/02 - use CDATA for number rzkrishn 03/06/03 - review changes rzkrishn 03/04/03 - change in CollectionItem dtd itarashc 01/17/03 - njagathe 09/10/02 - Adding PROXY_TARGET_TZ_REGION cfowler 08/08/02 - Fix DTD syntax error lyang 05/09/02 - lyang_move_emsdk_common njagathe 03/26/02 - Add NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL attribute gachen 03/14/02 - allow only warning xxu 02/20/02 - add collection levels njagathe 01/31/02 - Add proxy target support njagathe 12/12/01 - Change in Collections DTD vnukal 10/22/01 - Adding collection dependancy override vnukal 09/13/01 - Code review comments vnukal 09/05/01 - Adding UPLOAD/collection freq rzkrishn 07/30/01 - renaming Filter to ItemProperty rzkrishn 08/02/01 - adding LimitRows aaitghez 07/16/01 - syntax issues njagathe 07/09/01 - Adding UPLOAD_ON_FETCH attribute gachen 06/21/01 - fix dtd inconsistency gachen 06/20/01 - build more message gachen 06/05/01 - support regular expression gachen 05/30/01 - new schedule gachen 05/07/01 - include default Collection by attr gachen 04/18/01 - support fixit-job This definition drives the background collection of metrics for the purposes of uploading their values in a central repository and/or the check of their values against specified conditions. Note that the XML files conforming to this DDT will be generated by the system (Could be generated from Servlet Frontend or collector). EMD can have more than one collection files each containing metrics needs to be collected for a particular target. --> <!ENTITY % Schedule SYSTEM "Schedule.dtd"> %Schedule; <!-- A TargetCollection describe the metric need to be collected for a particular target, It can have 0 or more CollectionItem and IncludeCollectionFile Attrributes: TYPE: The target type. NAME: The name of the target. If it is the top level element this must not be null. If this file is included. It could be null. LEVEL: The collection level. The default will be the minimum. INCLUDE_DEFAULT: If set to TRUE, will include default collection with the same target TYPE. --> <!ELEMENT TargetCollection ( CollectionLevel*, CollectionItem* ) > <!ATTLIST TargetCollection TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED NAME CDATA #IMPLIED LEVEL CDATA #IMPLIED INCLUDE_DEFAULT (TRUE|FALSE) "TRUE" > <!-- ==================================================================== Collection Level List The order implies the contains relationship. NAME: the name of the collection level --> <!ELEMENT CollectionLevel EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CollectionLevel NAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ==================================================================== A CollectionItem defines the collection of one or more metrics. It has a schedule. For backward compatibility, a single metric can be specified using the NAME attribute, and its properties, filters and conditions can be provided as child elements. The *new* preferred DTD has one or more Metric elements within a CollectionItem each indicating a metric to collect, and the filters, thresholds, etc. to associate with it. UPLOAD: if not specified will be deemed as YES. NUMBER indicates how often the CollectionItem is uploaded. (Upload every 'n' collections) ATOMIC_UPLOAD: CollectionItems marked as ATOMIC_UPLOAD will be bundled up into a single collection file which will be uploaded in the regular upload cycle. Collection of CONFIG metrics cannot specify a FALSE value for this attribute. UPLOAD_ON_FETCH: Behavior is similar to ATOMIC_UPLOAD with 1 difference - Collection Items marked UPLOAD_ON_FETCH will be uploaded immediately. POSTLOAD_PROC, PRELOAD_PROC: Only applicable in UPLOAD_ON_FETCH situations, these are optional pl/sql procedures that the the receiver should invoke when it receives the file with the contents of this collection (starting with 4.1) CONFIG : This attribute is used to tag collections of CONFIG metrics - these are handled specially by the EM framework (starting from 4.1) CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION : This attribute is used to specify version of CONFIG metrics (starting from 4.2) COLLECT_WHEN_DOWN: The default behaviour is that the collection stops if the the Response metric(if present for the target) says that the status of the target is down. The exception being the Response metric iteself. But the behaviour of not collecting when target is down can be overriden by setting this attribute to TRUE. COLLECT_WHEN_ALTSKIP : The default behaviour is that the collection of metrics stops if an AltSkipCondition has been defined and there is a severity on the condition. Setting this attribute to TRUE allows collections to proceed even when this is the case. Note that a severity on the Response/Status condition is only overcome by using the COLLECT_WHEN_DOWN attribute. COMBINE_WITH_OTHER_COLLECTION : Agent typically combines collections and executes them in a single thread sequentially to save on threads based on the interval. this can cause some delay in the metric execution if a previous one is taking some time. However some metrics would require to be executed on time. setting this flag to FALSE would ensure that this metric is executed in its own thread. default is TRUE for this attribute. NAME: the name of the collection TIMEOUT: This is the time by which the metric evaluation is expected to finish. users can provide in seconds. If the evaluation takes more than this time, the agent aborts the metric evaluation and returns a TIMEOUT exception. If this attribute is not provided or a value of zero the agent defaults to twice the frequency of this metric evaluation in the collection file. Users can provide less than zero to avoid any sort of timeout. < 0 will make the agent to wait until the metric is evaluated completely. (starting with 4.0.1) The following three properties are used for proxy collection support. This feature allows PROXY_TARGET_NAME : Name of target data and sevs should be uploaded for PROXY_TARGET_TYPE : Type of - do - PROXY_TARGET_TZ_REGION : Timezone Region String (Eg "US/Pacific") (OR) PROXY_TARGET_TZ : Timezone (minutes from GMT : eg -420) The PROXY_TARGET_TZ_REGION takes precedence over PROXY_TARGET_TZ if both are specified INITIAL_UPLOADS : Defaults to 2, but can be set to a different number if more initial uploads need to be sent up before skipping uploads based on the UPLOAD parameter (starting with 4.1) DISABLED : If set to TRUE, the agent will ignore this collection item (starting 10.2) REQUIRED : If set to TRUE, the console will disallow users from disabling this item (starting 10.2) --> <!ELEMENT CollectionItem (ValidIf*, Schedule?, (MetricColl+ | (ItemProperty*, Filter*, LimitRows?, Condition*) ) )> <!ATTLIST CollectionItem NAME CDATA #REQUIRED LEVEL CDATA #IMPLIED UPLOAD CDATA "YES" UPLOAD_ON_FETCH (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" ATOMIC_UPLOAD (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" POSTLOAD_PROC CDATA #IMPLIED PRELOAD_PROC CDATA #IMPLIED CONFIG (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION CDATA #IMPLIED TIMEOUT CDATA #IMPLIED COLLECT_WHEN_DOWN (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" COLLECT_WHEN_ALTSKIP (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" COMBINE_WITH_OTHER_COLLECTION (TRUE | FALSE) "TRUE" PROXY_TARGET_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED PROXY_TARGET_TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED PROXY_TARGET_TZ CDATA #IMPLIED PROXY_TARGET_TZ_REGION CDATA #IMPLIED INITIAL_UPLOADS CDATA #IMPLIED DISABLED (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" REQUIRED (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- ValidIf contains a group of category properties which must be meet all together. It can be used at different levels like metric, QueryDescriptor, ExecutionDescriptor, InstanceProperty, DynamicProperty, etc.. --> <!ELEMENT ValidIf (CategoryProp+)> <!-- CategoryProp describes all choices of one category property. CHOICES contains values seperated by ";". --> <!ELEMENT CategoryProp EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CategoryProp NAME CDATA #REQUIRED CHOICES CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ==================================================================== The MetricColl element refers to a metric that is being collected within a collection item. NAME : This is the name of the metric to collect. TRANSIENT : Indicates if the data of this metric should be uploaded or is only collected to refresh the cache, so other metrics can evaluated. (Starting from 10.2) UPLOAD_IF_SEVERITY: only effective when UPLOAD=NO and UPLOAD=N>1 (starting 10.2) CHANGE_ONLY: upload data when there is severity change. ( Default behavior ) WARNING: upload data when there is severity change and when any condition is in WARNING or CRITICAL CRITICAL: upload data when there is severity change and when any condition is in CRITICAL --> <!ELEMENT MetricColl (ItemProperty*, Filter*, LimitRows?, Condition*)> <!ATTLIST MetricColl NAME CDATA #REQUIRED TRANSIENT (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" UPLOAD_IF_SEVERITY (WARNING|CRITICAL|CHANGE_ONLY) "CHANGE_ONLY" > <!-- ==================================================================== Schedule defines the how often will the Metric be collected. It could be defined as 1> by an interval 2> in some day in a week. 3> in some day in a month. please refer to Schedule.DTD --> <!--======================================================================= LimitRows is a filtering mechanism that can be applied to the collected data, before the data is sent to the repository via the Upload Manager. It limits the number of rows hat are uploaded. --> <!ELEMENT LimitRows EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LimitRows COLUMN_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED SORT_ORDER (ASCEND|DESCEND|NO_ORDER) "NO_ORDER" LIMIT_TO CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ======================================================================= PRESERVECR (optional) : Flag to specify if CR in PCData needs to be protected from XML parser. XML Parser removes or converts CR to LF. --> <!ELEMENT ItemProperty (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST ItemProperty NAME CDATA #REQUIRED ENCRYPTED (NA | FALSE | TRUE ) "NA" PRESERVECR (FALSE | TRUE ) "FALSE" > <!-- ===================================================================== Filter defines a filtering mechanism that can be applied to the collected data, before the data is sent to the repository via the Upload manager. if filtering is not applied, all the data that are collected via a Fetchlet is sent to the repository. As a result the repository can be quickly filled when uploading certain metrics.To alleviate this problem, filtering mechanism is applied to the data before uploading. The filter criteria is specified in collection xml. AFTER_SEVERITY_CHECKING: if set, filter will be applied after severity checking. --> <!ELEMENT Filter (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Filter COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED OPERATOR (EQ|LT|GT|LE|GE|NE|CONTAINS|MATCH) "EQ" AFTER_SEVERITY_CHECKING (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE" > <!-- ==================================================================== Condition define when a severity will be triggered. If it is Table Metric, MetricColumn is used to define which column and key to use to identify the row and column The MESSAGE attribute is a messge template that will be used to generate message(s)to be sent along with the event occurrence. This message can contain the following palce holders %value% : The value of the metric (or coulumn of metric) %target% : name of the target %metric_id% : metric id %column_name% This will be the value of any column this can include value columns as well as key columns %warning_threshold%: the warning threshold of the condition %critical_threshold%: the critical threshold of the condition %num_of_occur%: number of occurrences The MESSAGE_NLSID attribute is the name of the id that will be used to translate the content of the MESSAGE attribute for non-english languages For table metric, COLUMN_NAME defines which column will be checked. keyColumn will be used to identify a row If the result after the keys are applied contains more than one row, the event occurrence generated will have content/message for each row that has crossed the threshold. MATCH is used for regular expression. For example OPERATIOR="MATCH" CRITICAL=".*ORA.*ERR.*" will match a string contains both ORA and ERR. such as "ORA-ERR 345" The NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL attribute is used to control severity clearing when a null value is returned for a metric column. It defaults to FALSE with the behavior that a null value ends up clearing previous alert severities. With a TRUE value for this attribute, null values will be skipped in severity evaluations without clearing the severity. The PUSH attribute is used to distinguish conditions created for push based alerts from conditions that are evaluated over collected data. The agent does not evaluate PUSH="TRUE" conditions (Starting from 4.1) The GENERATE_INIT_CLEAR attribute can be used to override the agent's behavior of not generating a severity the very first time a CLEAR is generated. Set this to TRUE if you do want the initial CLEAR (Starting from 4.1) The ALERT_CONTEXT attribute will be used to pass the related alert context. This new attribute may contain a list of column names separated by ";". CategoryValue sub tags are used to classify the Condition along two axis, CLASS and CATEGORY. For e.g. CLASS=Fruits, CATEGORY=RedFruits Categorization of Conditions is useful for Root Cause Analysis among other things. (Starting with 10.2) The CLEAR_MESSAGE and CLEAR_MESSAGE_NLSID attributes allow the specification of a different message when an alert is cleared. If these attributes are missing, the MESSAGE and MESSAGE_NLSID attributes are used for the clear cases as well. (Supported starting with 10.2) --> <!ELEMENT Condition (CategoryValue*, KeyColumn*, FixitJob? )> <!ATTLIST Condition CRITICAL CDATA #IMPLIED WARNING CDATA #IMPLIED OPERATOR (EQ | LT | GT | LE | GE | NE | CONTAINS | MATCH ) "GT" OCCURRENCES CDATA "1" NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" MESSAGE CDATA #IMPLIED MESSAGE_NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED PUSH (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" GENERATE_INIT_CLEAR (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" ALERT_CONTEXT CDATA #IMPLIED CLEAR_MESSAGE CDATA #IMPLIED CLEAR_MESSAGE_NLSID CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT KeyColumn (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST KeyColumn COLUMN_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED OPERATOR (EQ | LIKE) "EQ" > <!ELEMENT FixitJob (Property*) > <!ATTLIST FixitJob TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT Property (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Property NAME CDATA #REQUIRED SCOPE (SYSTEMGLOBAL|INSTANCE|GLOBAL|COLUMNVALUE|CONDITION) "GLOBAL" > <!-- The <Property> tag will define what context need to passed to exec the job. The Scope will be defined similar to TargetMetadata.DTD. See code at emd.engine.MetricEngine.java::getPropertyValue for more detail. SYSTEMGLOBAL: will lookup the emd.properties for the value. INSTANCE : will lookup the value in targets.xml GLOBAL : will be resolve in this context here CONDITION : will be resolved by the condition definition. We define the following name for the condition WARNING OPERATOR OCCURRENCES MESSAGE COLUMN_NAME COLUMNVALUE : will be resolved at the time the metric is evaluate. The name here is the metric column_name. There are a few pre-defined name TARGET_NAME TARGET_TYPE METRIC_NAME COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP -->
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