Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\dtds\Schedule.dtd
<!-- Schedule.DTD MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) gachen 11/12/02 - add Offset_type lyang 05/09/02 - lyang_move_emsdk_common aaitghez 07/16/01 - syntax issues gachen 06/07/01 - remove format gachen 05/30/01 - skipschedule gachen 05/24/01 - gachen 05/24/01 - Creation ================================ Schedule will be used in the following sub systems: * Collection * Blackout If OFFSET_TYPE is INCREMENTAL, the collection will happen very soon after it is scheduled, otherwise, it may subject to a random delay to avoid the spike at the system startup time ================================================================ --> <!ELEMENT Schedule (( IntervalSchedule | WeekSchedule | MonthSchedule | SkipSchedule)?, Duration?)> <!ATTLIST Schedule START_DATE CDATA #IMPLIED START_TIME CDATA #IMPLIED END_DATE CDATA #IMPLIED END_TIME CDATA #IMPLIED OFFSET_TYPE (RANDOM|INCREMENTAL) "RANDOM" > <!-- Schedule define a DATE_TIME range when it is valid. ATTRIBUTES: START_DATE: Date when the schedule will start START_TIME: Effective until this time END_DATE: Date the schedule will end END_TIME: Time the schedule will end, ============================================================================ --> <!ELEMENT IntervalSchedule EMPTY> <!ATTLIST IntervalSchedule INTERVAL CDATA #REQUIRED TIME_UNIT (Sec | Min | Hr | Day) "Min" > <!-- IntervalSchedule will be run every INTERVAL period of time. ATTRIBUTES: INTERVAL: the interval between two occurrences TIME_UNIT: the unit of the INTERVAL EXAMPLE: INTERVAL="10" TIME_UNIT="Min" This schedule will happen every 10 minutes. =============================================================================== --> <!ELEMENT WeekSchedule EMPTY> <!ATTLIST WeekSchedule DAY_OF_WEEK CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- happen in the following day of week ATTRIBUTES: DAY_OF_WEEK: The Day of week this schedule is effective. Each day is could be one of the following: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THR, FRI, SAT. And is seperated by comma. EXAMPLE: <WeekSchedule DAY_OF_WEEK="SUN,SAT"/> This schedule will be effective every sunday and satursday =============================================================================== --> <!ELEMENT MonthSchedule EMPTY> <!ATTLIST MonthSchedule DAY_OF_MONTH CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- happen in the day defined in the list ATTRIBUTES: DAY_OF_MONTH: The Day of month this schedule is effective. Is the list of day that will be scheduled. EXAMPLE: <MonthSchedule DAY_OF_MONTH="1,15,LAST"/> This will happen every 1,15 and the last day of the month ========================================================================== --> <!ELEMENT Duration EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Duration LENGTH CDATA #REQUIRED TIME_UNIT (Sec | Min | Hr | Day) "Min" > <!-- The duration of the Blackout. This is only valid when defining the Blackout. For Colleciton, this tag is ignored. LENGTH: the length of the blackout TIME_UNIT: the time unit, default is Minute ==============================================================================--> <!ELEMENT SkipSchedule EMPTY> <!-- only used in Collection, not valid in blackout ========================================================-->
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