Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\dtds\Blackouts.dtd
<!-- Blackouts.DTD defination Version 1.0 MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) njagathe 08/05/04 - Store forProxy in blackout xml lyang 05/09/02 - lyang_move_emsdk_common aaitghez 07/16/01 - syntax issues gachen 06/14/01 - new blackout API --> <!-- Blackouts define all the blackout in system --> <!ELEMENT Blackouts ( Blackout* ) > <!-- each Blackout can have 0 or more Schedule, and is set on 0 or more target NAME: is unique throughout the system DESCRIPTION: is the description of the blackout --> <!ELEMENT Blackout ((Schedule*), (Target*)) > <!ATTLIST Blackout NAME CDATA #REQUIRED DESCRIPTION CDATA #IMPLIED GUID CDATA #IMPLIED CREATED_USING (COMMAND_LINE | CONSOLE) #IMPLIED NODE_LEVEL (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" FOR_PROXY (TRUE | FALSE) "FALSE" > <!ELEMENT Target EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Target NAME CDATA #REQUIRED TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- please refer to Schedule.dtd -->
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