Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\extensions\oracle\dbtools\migration\workbench\plugin\Sybase12Files\get_constraints.sql
/* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* ** */ /* ** Type of declarative constraints returned by this routine are as follows : ** DEFAULT - report the defaults on a column ** PRIMARY KEY - implies clustered index ** UNIQUE KEY - implies non-clustered index; if no clustered ** index exists, this will be clustered ** CHECK CONSTRAINT - check constraint, either column or table ** REFERENCE CONSTRAINT - foreign key/ referential constraint */ /* ** IMPORTANT NOTE: ** This batch sql uses the built-in function object_id() in the ** where clause of a select query. If you intend to change this query ** or use the object_id() or db_id() builtin in this procedure, please read the ** READ.ME file in the $DBMS/generic/sproc directory to ensure that the rules ** pertaining to object-id's and db-id's outlined there, are followed. */ set NOCOUNT ON go declare my_cursor1 cursor for select a.name from sysobjects a, sysusers b where type='U' and a.uid=b.uid go declare @objname varchar(92) /* table to report constraints on */ declare @propt varchar(10) /* print option : ** "detail" - full print ** not supplied or otherwise - terse print */ DECLARE @imax2 int, @i2 int DECLARE @imax1 int, @i1 int DECLARE @indid int /* the index id of an index */ DECLARE @keys varchar(1024) /* string to build up index key in */ DECLARE @inddesc varchar(1065) /* string to build up index desc in */ DECLARE @clust int, @nonclust int /* flag if clust/non-clust index*/ DECLARE @msg varchar(1024) DECLARE @stridx int /* Index of * */ DECLARE @colcnt int DECLARE @indstat int /* status of sysindexes */ DECLARE @indstat2 int /* status2 of sysindexes */ DECLARE @pmytabid int /* flag/id of referencing table */ DECLARE @cnstrname varchar(30) DECLARE @foreign_keys varchar(512) DECLARE @refrncd_keys varchar(512) DECLARE @frgntab varchar(30), @pmrytab varchar(30) DECLARE @matchtype varchar(11) /* Match type of RI */ /* Declarations for sysreferences table cursor fetch */ DECLARE @indexid int, @constrid int, @tableid int, @reftabid int, @keycnt int DECLARE @fokey1 int, @fokey2 int, @fokey3 int, @fokey4 int, @fokey5 int DECLARE @fokey6 int, @fokey7 int, @fokey8 int, @fokey9 int, @fokey10 int DECLARE @fokey11 int, @fokey12 int, @fokey13 int, @fokey14 int, @fokey15 int DECLARE @refkey1 int, @refkey2 int, @refkey3 int, @refkey4 int, @refkey5 int DECLARE @refkey6 int, @refkey7 int, @refkey8 int, @refkey9 int, @refkey10 int DECLARE @refkey11 int, @refkey12 int, @refkey13 int, @refkey14 int DECLARE @refkey15 int, @refkey16 int, @fokey16 int, @status int DECLARE @frgndbid int, @pmrydbid int DECLARE @frgndbname varchar(30), @pmrydbname varchar(30) /* Declarations for counts */ DECLARE @total_ref int, @refing int, @ref int, @self_ref int DECLARE @ref_word varchar(30) select @propt = 'terse' open my_cursor1 fetch my_cursor1 into @objname while (@@sqlstatus=0) begin IF @@trancount = 0 BEGIN SET chained off END SET transaction isolation level 1 if @objname is NULL BEGIN select obj.id, obj.name, Num_referential_constraints = (select count(*) from sysreferences where reftabid = obj.id and pmrydbname is NULL) + (select count(*) from sysreferences where tableid = obj.id and frgndbname is NULL and not (reftabid = obj.id and pmrydbname is NULL)) from sysobjects obj where ( obj.sysstat2 & 3 != 0 ) and ( obj.type = 'U' ) order by Num_referential_constraints desc goto loop_next END /* ** Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. */ if @objname like '%.%.%' and substring(@objname, 1, charindex('.', @objname) - 1) != db_name() BEGIN /* 17460, "Object must be in the current database." */ /*raiserror 17460*/ goto loop_next END /* ** Check to see the the table exists and in the same scan, find if ** the table has any check constraints/foreign-key constraints, or ** is being referenced by other tables. */ SELECT @colcnt = 0 SELECT @colcnt = id, /* Flag for row in sysobjects found */ @clust = (sysstat & 16), /* Flag for clustered index */ @nonclust = (sysstat & 32), /* Flag for non-clustered index */ @constrid = ckfirst, /* Flag for table check constraint */ @keycnt = (sysstat2 & 4), /* Flag for > 1 table check constr */ @pmytabid = (sysstat2 & 2), /* Flag for foreign key constraint */ @reftabid = (sysstat2 & 1) /* Flag for referenced table constr*/ FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(@objname) /* ** If table doesn't exist, return. */ IF (@colcnt = 0) BEGIN /* 17461, "Object does not exist in this database." */ /*raiserror 17461*/ goto loop_next END /* Get number of columns in this table. */ SELECT @colcnt = count(*) FROM syscolumns WHERE id = object_id(@objname) /* Check if no columns have any constraints or default */ IF (@colcnt = (SELECT count(*) FROM syscolumns WHERE id = object_id(@objname) AND domain = 0 /* No column check constraint */ AND cdefault = 0)) /* No defaults */ BEGIN SELECT @colcnt = 0 END /* ** If no constraints on this table, return. */ IF (@clust = 0 /* No clustered index */ AND @nonclust = 0 /* No non-clustered index */ AND @constrid = 0 /* No table check constraints */ AND @pmytabid = 0 /* No foreign key constraints */ AND @reftabid = 0 /* No references to this table */ AND @colcnt = 0) /* No column default or check constraints */ BEGIN /* 18024, "Object does not have any constraints." */ /*raiserror 18024*/ goto loop_next END /* ** Template for the table we will output. ** id : this may not be useful? ** ermsg: message number assigned by user for this constraint ** name : this will contain name as given by user or system ** colno: number of columns involved in constraint ** type : one of (reference constraint, check constraint) ** msg : one of (user defined, system standard) ** text : actual text of this constraint ** save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. ** Note that the row length of the table could go beyond the allowed row ** length for a 2K page server if we store the complete message and also ** keep enough space for the constraint description. ** Hence we will store/display only 800 bytes of the constraint message. */ CREATE TABLE #spconstrtab ( constraint_id int, constraint_name varchar(30), constraint_colno int, constraint_ermsg int, constraint_type varchar(25), constraint_msg varchar(800) null, constraint_desc varchar(1065) null, constraint_created datetime null) lock allpages /* ** Check if the object has any defaults */ IF (@colcnt > 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO #spconstrtab SELECT o.id, o.name, 1, 0, 'default value', NULL, m.text, NULL FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, syscomments m WHERE c.id = object_id(@objname) AND c.cdefault = o.id AND o.id = m.id END /* ** See if the object has any check constraints ** There may be more than one entry in sysconstraints for the object. ** Note : We only handle 1 line of text, need to improve for more lines. */ IF (@colcnt > 0 OR @constrid > 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO #spconstrtab SELECT o.id, o.name, 1, c.error, 'check constraint', 'standard system error message number : 548', m.text, NULL FROM sysconstraints c, sysobjects o, syscomments m WHERE c.tableid = object_id(@objname) AND c.constrid = o.id AND o.id = m.id AND (o.sysstat & 15 = 7) END /* ** Now we search for UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY (only declarative) constraints */ create TABLE #indexes ( RowID numeric(7,0) IDENTITY, keycnt int, indid int, status int, status2 int) INSERT #indexes SELECT keycnt, indid, status, status2 FROM sysindexes WHERE id = object_id(@objname) AND indid > 0 AND status2 & 2 = 2 SET @imax2 = @@ROWCOUNT SET @i2 = 1 WHILE (@i2 <= @imax2) BEGIN SELECT @keycnt=keycnt, @indexid=indid, @indstat=status, @indstat2=status2 FROM #indexes WHERE RowID = @i2 /* ** First we'll figure out what the keys are. */ DECLARE @i int DECLARE @thiskey varchar(30) SELECT @keys = '', @i = 1 SET NOCOUNT ON WHILE @i <= @keycnt BEGIN SELECT @thiskey = index_col(@objname, @indexid, @i) IF @thiskey IS NULL BEGIN GOTO keysdone END IF @i > 1 BEGIN SELECT @keys = @keys + ', ' END SELECT @keys = @keys + index_col(@objname, @indexid, @i) /* ** Increment @i so it will check for the next key. */ SELECT @i = @i + 1 END /* ** When we get here we now have all the keys. */ keysdone: SET NOCOUNT ON /* ** Check if we have a PRIMARY KEY constraint or a UNIQUE constraint ** Note that we are only dealing with declarative indexes */ IF (@indstat & 2048 = 2048) BEGIN SELECT @inddesc = 'PRIMARY KEY ' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @inddesc = 'UNIQUE ' END /* ** Get the keys involved in the declarative constraint */ SELECT @inddesc = @inddesc + 'INDEX (' + @keys + ')' /* ** clustered or nonclustered index ** Note that the system by default creates an index */ IF @indexid = 1 BEGIN SELECT @inddesc = @inddesc + ' : CLUSTERED' END IF @indexid > 1 BEGIN IF (@indstat2 & 512 = 512) BEGIN /* clustered index on data only locked table */ SELECT @inddesc = @inddesc + ' : CLUSTERED' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @inddesc = @inddesc + ' : NONCLUSTERED' END END /* ** Display if this key is referenced by other table */ IF (@indstat2 & 1 = 1) BEGIN SELECT @inddesc = @inddesc + ', FOREIGN REFERENCE' END /* ** Now we have the whole description for the index so we'll ** add the goods to the temporary table. */ INSERT INTO #spconstrtab SELECT indid, name, @i - 1, 0, 'unique constraint', 'standard system error message number : 2601', @inddesc, crdate FROM sysindexes i WHERE id = object_id(@objname) AND indid = @indexid SET @i2 = @i2 + 1 END drop table #indexes /* ** Now we obtain the referential dependency information ** The search for matching tableid or reftabid applies to objects in ** this database only (null frgndbname/pmrydbname tells us). */ create TABLE #references ( RowID numeric(7,0) IDENTITY, constrid int, tableid int, reftabid int, keycnt int, status int, frgndbid int, pmrydbid int, fokey1 int, fokey2 int, fokey3 int, fokey4 int, fokey5 int, fokey6 int, fokey7 int, fokey8 int, fokey9 int, fokey10 int, fokey11 int, fokey12 int, fokey13 int, fokey14 int, fokey15 int, fokey16 int, refkey1 int, refkey2 int, refkey3 int, refkey4 int, refkey5 int, refkey6 int, refkey7 int, refkey8 int, refkey9 int, refkey10 int, refkey11 int, refkey12 int, refkey13 int, refkey14 int, refkey15 int, refkey16 int, frgndbname varchar(30) null, pmrydbname varchar(30) null) INSERT #references SELECT constrid, tableid, reftabid, keycnt, status, frgndbid, pmrydbid, fokey1, fokey2, fokey3, fokey4, fokey5, fokey6, fokey7, fokey8, fokey9, fokey10, fokey11, fokey12, fokey13, fokey14, fokey15, fokey16, refkey1, refkey2, refkey3, refkey4, refkey5, refkey6, refkey7, refkey8, refkey9, refkey10, refkey11, refkey12, refkey13, refkey14, refkey15, refkey16, frgndbname, pmrydbname FROM sysreferences WHERE (tableid = object_id(@objname) AND (frgndbname = NULL OR db_id(frgndbname) = db_id())) OR (reftabid = object_id(@objname) AND (pmrydbname = NULL OR db_id(pmrydbname) = db_id())) SET @imax1 = @@ROWCOUNT SET @i1 = 1 SELECT @total_ref = 0 SELECT @refing = 0 SELECT @ref = 0 SELECT @self_ref = 0 WHILE (@i1 <= @imax1) BEGIN SELECT @constrid = constrid, @tableid = tableid, @reftabid = reftabid, @keycnt = keycnt, @status = status, @frgndbid = frgndbid, @pmrydbid = pmrydbid, @fokey1 = fokey1, @fokey2 = fokey2, @fokey3 = fokey3, @fokey4 = fokey4, @fokey5 = fokey5, @fokey6 = fokey6, @fokey7 = fokey7, @fokey8 = fokey8, @fokey9 = fokey9, @fokey10 = fokey10, @fokey11 = fokey11, @fokey12 = fokey12, @fokey13 = fokey13, @fokey14 = fokey14, @fokey15 = fokey15, @fokey16 = fokey16, @refkey1 = refkey1, @refkey2 = refkey2, @refkey3 = refkey3, @refkey4 = refkey4, @refkey5 = refkey5, @refkey6 = refkey6, @refkey7 = refkey7, @refkey8 = refkey8, @refkey9 = refkey9, @refkey10 = refkey10, @refkey11 = refkey11, @refkey12 = refkey12, @refkey13 = refkey13, @refkey14 = refkey14, @refkey15 = refkey15, @refkey16 = refkey16, @frgndbname = frgndbname, @pmrydbname = pmrydbname FROM #references WHERE RowID = @i1 /* ** Set the Database id's from the Database names */ SELECT @pmrydbid = db_id() SELECT @frgndbid = db_id() IF @frgndbname != NULL SELECT @frgndbid = db_id(@frgndbname) IF @pmrydbname != NULL SELECT @pmrydbid = db_id(@pmrydbname) /* ** Check if either primary or dependent dbids are from this database. ** If both are not, that means we have an invalid entry here. ** Otherwise prefix the database name to the tablename. ** Only look up table names if dbid is non-null (i.e., database exists), ** otherwise object_name will default to current database. */ SELECT @pmrytab = '*' SELECT @frgntab = '*' IF @pmrydbid != NULL SELECT @pmrytab = object_name(@reftabid, @pmrydbid) IF @frgndbid != NULL SELECT @frgntab = object_name(@tableid, @frgndbid) /* ** Need to enhance this ... */ IF @frgndbid != db_id() BEGIN SELECT @frgntab = @frgndbname + '..' + @frgntab END ELSE BEGIN IF @pmrydbid != db_id() SELECT @pmrytab = @pmrydbname + '..' + @pmrytab END /* ** Accumulate the count here. */ IF ((@frgndbname is NULL ) OR (@pmrydbname is NULL)) BEGIN SELECT @ref_word = ') REFERENCES ' IF (@tableid = object_id(@objname) AND @frgndbname is NULL) BEGIN SELECT @refing = @refing + 1 END IF (@reftabid = object_id(@objname) AND @pmrydbname is NULL) BEGIN SELECT @ref = @ref + 1 END /* Is it a self_referencing entry?*/ IF ( (@reftabid = @tableid) AND (@frgndbname is NULL) AND (@pmrydbname is NULL) ) BEGIN SELECT @self_ref = @self_ref + 1 SELECT @ref_word = ') SELF REFERENCES ' END END SELECT @foreign_keys = convert(varchar(512), isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey1 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey2 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey3 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey4 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey5 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey6 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey7 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey8 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey9 , @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey10, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey11, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey12, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey13, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey14, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey15, @frgndbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@tableid, @fokey16, @frgndbid), '*')) SELECT @refrncd_keys = convert(varchar(512), isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey1 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey2 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey3 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey4 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey5 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey6 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey7 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey8 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey9 , @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey10, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey11, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey12, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey13, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey14, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey15, @pmrydbid), '*') + ', ' + isnull(col_name(@reftabid, @refkey16, @pmrydbid), '*')) /* trim the list of key-columns */ SELECT @stridx = patindex('%, *%', @foreign_keys) IF @stridx > 0 BEGIN SELECT @foreign_keys = substring(@foreign_keys, 1, @stridx - 1) END SELECT @stridx = patindex('%, *%', @refrncd_keys) IF @stridx > 0 BEGIN SELECT @refrncd_keys = substring(@refrncd_keys, 1, @stridx - 1) END SELECT @cnstrname = isnull(object_name(@constrid, @frgndbid), '*') /* ** Display if match type of this foreign key constraint is full */ IF (@status & 2 = 2) BEGIN SELECT @matchtype = ' MATCH FULL' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @matchtype = NULL END IF db_id() = @frgndbid BEGIN INSERT INTO #spconstrtab SELECT @constrid, @cnstrname, @keycnt, c.error, 'referential constraint', 'standard system error message number : 547', @frgntab + ' FOREIGN KEY (' + @foreign_keys + @ref_word + @pmrytab + '(' + @refrncd_keys + ')' + @matchtype, NULL FROM sysconstraints c WHERE c.constrid = @constrid END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO #spconstrtab SELECT @constrid, @cnstrname, @keycnt, 0, 'referential constraint', 'standard system error message number : 547', @frgntab + ' FOREIGN KEY (' + @foreign_keys + @ref_word + @pmrytab + '(' + @refrncd_keys + ')' + @matchtype, NULL END SET @i1 = @i1 + 1 END drop table #references /* ** Now we setup the error message, if user defined. ** ** constraint_msg and constraing_desc together can not be stored ** for a 2K server, so the description will be truncated to ** 800 bytes. */ UPDATE #spconstrtab SET constraint_msg = u.description FROM sysusermessages u, #spconstrtab c WHERE c.constraint_ermsg >= 20000 AND u.error = c.constraint_ermsg /* ** Update constraint_created with crdate from sysobjects */ UPDATE #spconstrtab SET constraint_created = crdate FROM sysobjects o, #spconstrtab c WHERE c.constraint_id = o.id AND c.constraint_created is null /* ** Now prettyprint the results */ IF @propt NOT LIKE 'detail%' BEGIN DECLARE @len1 int, @len2 int, @len3 int SELECT @len1 = max(datalength(constraint_name)) FROM #spconstrtab SELECT @len2 = max(datalength(constraint_desc)) FROM #spconstrtab IF (@len1 < 15 and @len2 < 60) BEGIN SELECT tableid=object_id(@objname), col0='<EOC>', name = convert(char(15), constraint_name), col1='<EOC>', definition = convert(char(60), constraint_desc), col2='<EOC>', /*created = convert(char(19), constraint_created, 100), col3='<EOC>',*/ row1='<EOR>' FROM #spconstrtab ORDER BY constraint_type END ELSE IF (@len2 < 60) BEGIN SELECT tableid=object_id(@objname), col0='<EOC>', name = constraint_name, col1='<EOC>', definition = convert(char(60), constraint_desc), col2='<EOC>', /*created = convert(char(19), constraint_created, 100), col3='<EOC>'*/ row1='<EOR>' FROM #spconstrtab ORDER BY constraint_type END ELSE BEGIN SELECT tableid=object_id(@objname), col0='<EOC>', name = constraint_name, col1='<EOC>', definition = constraint_desc, col2='<EOC>', /*created = convert(char(19), constraint_created, 100), col3='<EOC>'*/ row1='<EOR>' FROM #spconstrtab ORDER BY constraint_type END END drop table #spconstrtab goto loop_next loop_next: fetch my_cursor1 into @objname end close my_cursor1 go
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