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<TITLE>Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.5: Bugs Fixed</TITLE> <!--<link href="../../images/otn_new.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> Remove style sheet! --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="bodycopy"> <tr> <td> <img src="/technology/products/database/sql_developer/raptor_image.jpg" align=left vspace="5" hspace="5"> <br/> <span class="topstoryhead">Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.5: Bugs Fixed</span> <br/> <span class="textA"><br/> Date: July 2009</span> <p class="navheader"><a name="bugs"></a> Bugs Fixed since Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.1 was released in June 2008.</p> <p class="bodycopy">Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.5 is scheduled for inclusion in Oracle Database 11gR2. It has a few code fixes on top of those added in release 1.5.3 and 1.5.4. This list of bugs fixed is a combination of fixes in 1.5.3, 1.5.4 and 1.5.5 and is <em>not </em>all-inclusive. For the list of bugs fixed between SQL Developer 1.5.0 and SQL Developer 1.5.1, please see the <a href="../Release1_5_4/BugsFixed_v151.html">SQL Developer 1.5 Bugs Fixed</a> list. </p> <p class="bodycopy">This list includes a selection of:</p> <ul> <li> Higher priority bugs</li> <li> Customer bugs reported using Metalink</li> <li>Issues reported by the community on the forum</li> </ul> <p class="navheader">Bugs Fixed List</p> <ul> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">General </span> </li> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7355899: Performance issues on opening tables nodes</li> <li> 6877752: Clicking find tools in external tools displaying registry exception</li> <li> 7243750: Drop table purge</li> <li>6828106: Functions not displaying return type</li> <li>7243714: Navigator: indicate public/private programs in package body</li> <li>7243766: Performance monitoring</li> <li>5162861: Persist last directory for all os interactions</li> <li>5165109: Tree menu not in sync when doing 'find' in a package</li> <li>7243755: Sort connections & create groupings</li> <li>6802528: Cannot handle identifiers that begin with a dollar sign</li> <li>7261683: Apex import fails for special characters</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>7355899 Bad performance opening tables nodes</li> <li> 7695380 Database diff > lower-cased column name > don't have double quote in diff result</li> <li> 7695302 Database diff can not diff the table comment.</li> <li> 7677735 Diff wizard > diff lower case table - miss double quote in result</li> <li> 7025674 Hangs when working with CLOB columns</li> <li> 7592162 Hostname is half displayed in the new/select database connection dialog box.</li> <li> 7162048 Import data wizard prompts loading table 3 times after clicking cancel</li> <li> 7717260 NLS: Manage db option fails on NLS parameter change</li> <li> 8267971 Query breaks export</li> <li> 7592100 SQL History displays only types of scripts and not SQL</li> <li>7555808 Exception displayed in the console when starting SQL Developer in win64 platform</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8340815 Manage database shutdown fail</li> <li>7408923 Triggers of "other users" not visible using "triggers" tab</li> <li>8392312 Object table in table node not visible</li> <li>8460963 Slow other users node performance</li> <li>Long queries such as select count(1) from dual connect by level < 50000000 were re executed before export dialog appeared</li> <li>Edit BLOB Dialog text appears twice</li> <li>8398748 SQL Developer 1.5.4 will not make a nullable field null</li> <li>SQL Developer 1.5.4: Slow to expand tables node for a oracle 9 connection </li> <li>5637708 Sticky worksheet window size </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">Browser </span> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"> <strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7246678: Add the ability to refresh a materialized view</li> <li>5214770: Included alphabetical ordering of functions / procedure in package</li> <li>7243076: Include alphabetical ordering of functions / procedure in package</li> <li>7310936: View does not show other users columns</li> <li>7151518: Grant > privileges - loading dialog box flashes 3 times after being cancelled</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>7261683 APEX import fails for special characters</li> <li> 7512507 Can't browse materialized view under other users connection</li> <li> 8279405 Can't see the synonym for materialized view in list</li> <li> 8249391 Popup describe : schema names are case sensitive</li> <li> 7700449 Slow loading for the views metadata from objects browser</li> <li> 7666178 Triggers not displayed for other users</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8399343 Drag and drop from "other users"-tables doesn't prefix with schema name.</li> <li>8362084 Garbage in detail log when import APEX application</li> <li>7154212 Garbled multi byte words in app/page names after imported</li> <li>6627395 Multi byte words in import dialog app are garbled</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="boldbodycopy2">Connections</li> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong><strong><span class="bodycopy"> </span></strong> <ul> <li class="bodycopy">6945271: Connection drop lists are sorted, but not case insensitive sort</li> <li class="bodycopy">7206476: Disconnect after creating & browsing PL/SQL objects- shows exception</li> <li class="bodycopy">6836296: MAC: new connection dialog too small for connect button</li> <li class="bodycopy">5362733: Network alias not populated from "tnsnames.ora" in Citrix environment</li> <li class="bodycopy">7044022: Not using tns_admin or ldap_admin to find ldap.ora</li> <li class="bodycopy">7044273: Wildcard used when searching for .ora files</li> <li class="bodycopy">7387779: Proxy user objects are not listed in connection navigator</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>7704342 Auto connect on connection selection drop list in worksheet</li> <li> 6837457 Changing connection on worksheet does not change title bar</li> <li> 7602362 Connection type as TNS, network alias will show same the TNS name several times</li> <li> 8273675 LDAP connection fail while using OCI driver</li> <li> 7044022 Not using tns_admin or ldap_admin to find ldap.ora</li> <li> 7600304 On upgrade, some connection types are changed</li> <li> 8265022 Prompted for password on run/debug with unsaved password</li> <li> 8253136 Proxy connection info is not editable</li> <li> 6774587 Security: advanced connections aren't encrypted</li> <li> 7704324 Use keys to select item in connection selection</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8460869 ora-01017 when resetting a non-expired password</li> <li>8360294 LDAP context not visible when server is correct</li> <li>7608974 LDAP server string gives index out of range when sslport not given</li> </ul> </li> </ul></li> <li class="boldbodycopy2"> Create and Modify </li> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"> <strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>6817124: Import data : unable to import date using XLS</li> <li>7440901: Error thrown when adding to folder->new folder selected for a db connection</li> <li>7031876: Single row sub query returns more than one row - view breaks and no data shows</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>7112791 APEX: currency symbols incorrectly imported</li> <li> 7306357 Can't recreate same xml schema after running dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema</li> <li>6995794 Copy wizard: create procedure containing & not handled</li> <li>7038924 Create unique index on table fails and drops table</li> <li>7674108 Dragging table into worksheet form other user; schema not included</li> <li>6847255 MAC: copy starts, doesn't end, error goes to java stack</li> <li>7031876 Single row sub query returns more than one row - view breaks and no data shows</li> </ul> </li> </ul></li> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">SQL Worksheet </span> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"> <strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7132408: Import data wizard - could not run script in worksheet</li> <li>7481915: Refactor: display compile errors in worksheet</li> <li>6282052: Select with joins causes SQL Developer to loop</li> <li>7478137: Separator: german group separator</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>7036740 Closing unshared worksheet prompts for save twice</li> <li> 7828714 Code insight gives errors on typing rowid in worksheet</li> <li> 7534902 Database copy hangs while copying data large tables.</li> <li> 7265163 Deadlock on pressing the execute statement button</li> <li> 7700139 Describe (shift f4) only works for your own tables not schema.table</li> <li> 6848224 Describe f4 fails on users tables on 9i db, and some v$ objects</li> <li> 7666638 Invalid data in table data display</li> <li> 7040155 Keyboard accelerators needed for SQL history</li> <li> 7599313 NLS: garbled multi byte message in script output</li> <li> 6968076 Pause statement not working</li> <li> 7655884 Schema diff says constraints are differences when they are not</li> <li> 7481193 Spool command in worksheet does not write results to the file</li> <li> 7540998 SQL Worksheet not appearing when '#' in the windows username</li> <li> 8239038 Start or @ file.sql does not check last opened directory/file.sql</li> <li> 8279269 Unable to run a script file with @@ calling other files</li> <li> 7037434 Unshared worksheet launch prompts inconsistently for password</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8417574 Password is clear text when using connect command</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="boldbodycopy2">Data </li> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7203623: Date and timestamp columns are not showing up in SQL dev 1.5.1</li> <li>6860918: Sorting on table with duplicate column names throws exceptions</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>7132326 Can not display data with single quote in it</li> <li>7515681 Can't browse data in BFile edit panel</li> <li>7240969 Data tab's filter is not persisted</li> <li>7712583 Error entering a null value in a number column</li> <li>7344539 Error when sorting columns that require double quotes</li> <li>7421863 Viewing data of olap_table view gives "rowid": invalid identifier error</li> </ul> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8288664 Failed to generate SQL for APEX with multi byte data</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">PL/SQL</span> </li> <ul> <li class="bodycopy"><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7463068 probe debugging does not work</li> <li>7389123: Collapse icons don't show</li> <li>7172737: Exception after opening PL/SQL editor and then disconnecting the connection</li> <li>7374927: Long lines in PL/SQL source are broken on 4000 char boundary</li> <li>7389109: Some code templates don't work</li> </ul> </li> <li class="bodycopy"><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>8250324 VISTA: Debugger host for database debugging proposes IP address for vista</li> <li>7389109 Code template #user# don't work in PL/SQL editor</li> </ul> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>8319015 code template is not working in opened SQL file</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">Preferences</span> <ul> <li><strong>Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>6956545: PL/SQL compiler options: incorrect syntax near the keyword alter</li> <li>7279723: Preference -> migration</li> <li>7140108: Inappropriate spacing on certain options: = > instead of =></li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> </li> </ul> </li> <ul> <ul> <li>7148222 some formatter options cause replace and procedure name to be concatenated</li> </ul> </ul></li> <li> <span class="boldbodycopy2">Migrations and Third Party </span> <ul> <li><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> </li> <ul> <li>7319302: Convert to oracle model -- dialog hang in converting status</li> <li>7488958: Dieresis (#) characters are removed from column names</li> <li>2407737: Line number is wrong in the log window/message when the parser fails</li> <li>7132629: Microsoft Access exporter tools are not functioning</li> <li>4586853: Online character scanner</li> <li>2148973: Sybase 11 hanging when mapping foreign keys</li> <li>6979432: Print statement with var substitution not translated correctly</li> <li>2389603: Sys columns not migrated</li> <li>2389594: Update-statements with inline views are not migrated correctly</li> <li>2523564: User defined data types should be migrated to packages-types</li> <li>3285753: Warning message migrating a sybase procedure to oracle reported by workbench</li> </ul> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>2257699 Calling a procedure using a variable to hold the procedure name</li> <li> 8258458 Click cancel when associating repository will removes all package with md_%</li> <li> 6844341 Duplicate column name error reported on translated ms access query</li> <li> 2141159 Map removes closing " on view name with spaces</li> <li> 2638876 More than one access built-in-function as default can't be parsed</li> <li> 7155159 MySQL> offline datamove - run oracle_ctl got table does not exist error</li> <li> 7605467 MySQL migration:bit[n] date type missed in set data map dialog</li> <li> 6945225 No context menu to rename third party connections</li> <li> 7626613 No drop option for trigger and sequence in captured and converted model</li> <li> 7831232 nvarchar(max) captured as nvarchar(0)</li> <li> 6082599 Quick migrate - does not check privileges granted via a role</li> <li> 7013320 Remove migration repository also removes all user objects with md_%</li> <li> 8261477 Run the generated DDL script throws error for cross referenced tables</li> <li> 3375453 Solution needed for "a column may not be out-joined to a subquery"</li> <li> 8230250 Sybase 15 index detail '<column name> desc' not handled</li> <li> 915713 Sybase cursor directly mapped when simple assignment is required.</li> <li> 7605486 Sybase migration: missing data type in set data map dialog</li> <li> 1902272 Sybase:precedence problems with % which becomes mod() in PL/SQL</li> <li> 7635749 Sybase:primary key will not be captured if capture single table with foreign key</li> <li> 6853258 Table name is prefixed with some numbers when dropping it from captured model</li> <li> 3377663 Temporary tables defined using local variables fail to generate</li> <li> 2696196 t-SQL parser inserts extraneous table name prefix in 'for update of' clause</li> <li> 7696219 user defined types basetype often longsysname instead of varchar2</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>8245693 SQL Server: Data move fails for multi byte database name</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">Import and Export </span> </li> <ul> <li><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7442419: Export problem with ( . )</li> <li>7265123: Not able to import data containing character such as quotes (''') and comma (,)</li> <li>7287259: Result panel> export data - throws ora00904 error</li> <li> 7154185: Data import wizard, cannot proceed beyond step 1 of 4</li> <li>7136086: Import data from XLS hangs</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>8286026 Database copy wizard throws errors when table/column name is in mixed case</li> <li> 7322676 Dots are used as value separator when doing insert export</li> <li> 7304338 Error in the console during import data for tables</li> <li> 7706547 Error on export is attempted with simple alias</li> <li> 7524946 Error when export includes dependent objects</li> <li> 7835138 Export data is reordering columns in alphabetical order</li> <li> 7577549 Export DDL fails for some applications in SQL Developer</li> <li> 7644208 Export to txt in 'query result', the order of column and output are inconsistent</li> <li> 8278585 Header row with empty or formula cells causes import to fail</li> <li> 7700152 Import fails on a very wide and large XLS</li> <li>7607194 Import from CVS -Changing first data type changes all data types</li> <li> 7197687 Import from XLS fails ...</li> <li> 8249063 Import varchar data will fail because it automatically add a comma</li> <li> 7656527 Table > export data: lower case letter in column names are not preserved</li> <li> 7656516 Table > export data: lower case table name fails</li> <li> 8197735 Wrong data imported from excel</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.5 Fixes </strong> <ul> <li>8414060 Import varchar data will fail because it automatically change 10 to 10.0</li> <li>8365581 Preview table columns unreadable when importing wide xls</li> <li> 8349177 Import table creation fails to take default mapping</li> <li>8345477 Can not reorder the selected column in page 2 of the wizard</li> <li>8345462 Export fails with ora-00936 - missing expression</li> <li>8341599 Column selection order not preserved in import wizard</li> <li>8284966 Failed to export an APEX page with multi byte title</li> <li>8278107 Multi byte words are garbled when export ddl to worksheet</li> <li>7654436 Export to csv: delimiter is lost</li> <li>7557372 Export data to csv changes column order to alphabetical</li> <li> 7431760 Extra column in file when export table data to insert</li> <li>7658962 Duplicate columns on data import</li> <li>8278585 Header row with empty or formula cells causes import to fail</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <li><span class="boldbodycopy2">Reports </span> <ul> <li><strong> Reported as fixed for 1.5.3 </strong> <ul> <li>7271134: Add ash row source report</li> <li>7327107: Add encrypted table spaces to report in SQL Developer</li> <li>7271163: Add more reports for monitoring the database</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Additional 1.5.4 Fixes</strong> <ul> <li>7022690 Legend in charts no longer readable - x-axis value is now vertical</li> <li> 7557649 Manage data report needs to be closed before it can be run for a new connection</li> <li>7559629 Order by date error in "daily ash statistics chart"<br> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </td> </tr> </table>
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