Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfquet10i.sql
REM dbdrv: none REM $Header: wfquet10i.sql 26.3 2005/01/03 19:00:49 dlam noship $ REM *********************************************************************** REM NAME REM wfquet10i.sql - REM DESCRIPTION REM Creates Object Types for Advanced Queue payload structure. REM USAGE REM sqlplus wfuser/wfpwd @wfquet10i REM MODIFICATION REM 23/07/2003 ROSTHOMA Created the script as a copy of wfquet.sql REM to be run from the sys schema for 10i REM ******************************************************************** SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; -- connect &1/&2; prompt NOTE: make sure the Object Option is installed on the database prompt or you will receive an error. REM if the payload already exist, dont raise error. WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK declare cnt number; begin -- Create WF_PAYLOAD_T in current user schema -- the rownum = 1 is just a safeguard, since I could not find an unique -- index on owner, object_name and object_type in sys.obj$. select count(*) into cnt from all_objects where object_name='WF_PAYLOAD_T' and object_type = 'TYPE' and owner = user and rownum = 1; if (cnt = 0) then execute immediate 'create or replace type wf_payload_t as object ('|| ' itemtype varchar2(8),'|| ' itemkey varchar2(240),'|| ' actid number,'|| ' function_name varchar2(200),'|| ' param_list varchar2(4000),'|| ' result varchar2(30))'; end if; end; / commit; exit;
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