Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfntfb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (C) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, Usa| | All Rights Reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfntfb.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_NOTIFICATION | *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set scan off; create or replace package body WF_NOTIFICATION as /* $Header: wfntfb.pls 26.167 2005/03/03 09:55:33 smayze ship $ */ -- -- Constants -- -- Max_forward - Max number of forwards allowed by routing rules -- before a routing loop is inferred. max_forward number := 10; -- Sequence number for comments for notification actions in the same -- session, caused by Routing Rules g_comments_seq pls_integer := 0; -- -- Private Variables -- table_direction varchar2(1) := 'L'; table_type varchar2(1) := 'V'; table_width varchar2(8) := '100%'; table_border varchar2(2) := '0'; table_cellpadding varchar2(2) := '3'; table_cellspacing varchar2(2) := '1'; table_bgcolor varchar2(7) := 'white'; th_bgcolor varchar2(7) := '#cccc99'; th_fontcolor varchar2(7) := '#336699'; th_fontface varchar2(80) := 'Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif'; th_fontsize varchar2(2) := '2'; td_bgcolor varchar2(7) := '#f7f7e7'; td_fontcolor varchar2(7) := 'black'; td_fontface varchar2(80) := 'Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif'; td_fontsize varchar2(2) := '2'; -- -- Private Functions -- -- NTF_TABLE -- Generate a "Browser Look and Feel (BLAF)" look a like table. -- ADA compliance is achieved through "scope". -- -- IN -- cells - array of table cells -- col - number of columns -- type - Two character code. First determines header position. -- - optional second denotes direction for Bi-Di support. -- - V to generate a vertical table -- - H to generate a horizontal table -- - N to generate a mailer notification header table which -- is a form of vertical -- - *L Left to Right (default) -- - *R Right to Left -- rs - the result html code for the table -- -- NOTE -- type - Vertical table is Header always on the first column -- - Horizontal table is Headers always on first row -- - The direction can be omitted to which the default will be -- - Left to Right. -- -- cell has the format: -- R40%:content of the cell here -- ^ ^ -- | | -- | + -- width specification -- +-- align specification (L-Left, C-Center, R-Right, S-Start E-End) -- procedure NTF_Table(cells in tdType, col in pls_integer, type in varchar2, -- 'V'ertical or 'H'orizontal rs in out nocopy varchar2) is i pls_integer; colon pls_integer; modv pls_integer; alignv varchar2(1); l_align varchar2(8); l_width varchar2(3); l_text varchar2(4000); l_type varchar2(1); l_dir varchar2(1); l_dirAttr varchar2(10); -- Define a local set and initialize with the default l_table_width varchar2(8); l_table_border varchar2(2); l_table_cellpadding varchar2(2); l_table_cellspacing varchar2(2); l_table_bgcolor varchar2(7); l_th_bgcolor varchar2(7); l_th_fontcolor varchar2(7); l_th_fontface varchar2(80); l_th_fontsize varchar2(2); l_td_bgcolor varchar2(7); l_td_fontcolor varchar2(7); l_td_fontface varchar2(80); l_td_fontsize varchar2(4); begin l_table_width := table_width; l_table_border := table_border; l_table_cellpadding := table_cellpadding; l_table_cellspacing := table_cellspacing; l_table_bgcolor := table_bgcolor; l_th_bgcolor := th_bgcolor; l_th_fontcolor := th_fontcolor; l_th_fontface := th_fontface; l_th_fontsize := th_fontsize; l_td_bgcolor := td_bgcolor; l_td_fontcolor := td_fontcolor; l_td_fontface := td_fontface; l_td_fontsize := '10pt'; if length(type) > 1 then l_type := substrb(type, 1, 1); l_dir := substrb(type,2, 1); else l_type := type; l_dir := 'L'; end if; if l_dir = 'L' then l_dirAttr := NULL; else l_dirAttr := 'dir="RTL"'; end if; if (l_type = 'N') then -- Notification format. Alter the default colors. l_table_bgcolor := '#FFFFFF'; l_th_bgcolor := '#FFFFFF'; l_th_fontcolor := '#000000'; l_td_bgcolor := '#FFFFFF'; l_td_fontcolor := '#000000'; l_table_cellpadding := '0'; l_table_cellspacing := '0'; l_table_width := '100%'; end if; if (cells.COUNT = 0) then rs := null; return; end if; rs := '<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 '||l_dirAttr|| '><tr><td>'; rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'<table summary="" width='||l_table_width|| ' border='||l_table_border|| ' cellpadding='||l_table_cellpadding|| ' cellspacing='||l_table_cellspacing|| ' bgcolor='||l_table_bgcolor||' '||l_dirAttr||'>'; -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line(to_char(cells.LAST)); -- end if; for i in 1..cells.LAST loop -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line(substrb('('||to_char(i)||')='||cells(i),1,254)); -- end if; modv := mod(i, col); if (modv = 1) then rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'<tr>'; end if; alignv := substrb(cells(i), 1, 1); if (alignv = 'R') then l_align := 'RIGHT'; elsif (alignv = 'L') then l_align := 'LEFT'; elsif (alignv = 'S') then if (l_dir = 'L') then l_align := 'LEFT'; else l_align := 'RIGHT'; end if; elsif (alignv = 'E') then if (l_dir = 'L') then l_align := 'RIGHT'; else l_align := 'LEFT'; end if; else l_align := 'CENTER'; end if; colon := instrb(cells(i),':'); l_width := substrb(cells(i), 2, colon-2); l_text := substrb(cells(i), colon+1); -- what is after the colon if ((l_type = 'V' and modv = 1) or (l_type = 'N' and modv = 1) or (l_type = 'H' and i <= col)) then -- this is a header if (l_type = 'N') then rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'<td nowrap'; else rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'<th'; end if; if (l_type = 'V') then rs := rs||' scope=row'; else rs := rs||' scope=col'; end if; if (l_width is not null) then rs := rs||' width='||l_width; end if; rs := rs||' align='||l_align||' valign=baseline bgcolor='|| l_th_bgcolor||'>'; rs := rs||'<span style="color:'||l_th_fontcolor|| ';font-family:'||l_th_fontface|| ';font-size:'||l_td_fontsize||'">'; rs := rs||l_text||'</span>'; if (l_type = 'N') then rs := rs||'</td><td width="12">&'||'nbsp;</td>'; else rs := rs||'</th>'; end if; else -- this is regular data rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'<td'; if (l_width is not null) then rs := rs||' width='||l_width; end if; rs := rs||' align='||l_align||' valign=baseline bgcolor='|| l_td_bgcolor||'>'; rs := rs||'<span style="color:'||td_fontcolor|| ';font-family:'||l_td_fontface|| ';font-size:'||l_td_fontsize; if (l_type = 'N') then rs := rs||';font-weight:bold">'||l_text||'</span></td>'; else rs := rs||'">'||l_text||'</span></td>'; end if; end if; if (modv = 0) then rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'</tr>'; end if; end loop; rs := rs||wf_core.newline||'</table>'||wf_core.newline||'</td></tr></table>'; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'NTF_Table',to_char(col),l_type); raise; end NTF_Table; -- -- WF_MSG_ATTR -- Create a table of message attributes -- NOTE -- o Considered using dynamic sql passing in attributes as a comma delimited -- list. The cost of non-reusable sql may be high. -- o Considered using bind variables with dynamic sql. Then we must impose -- a hard limit on the number of bind variables. If a limit exceed we -- need some fall back handling. -- o Parsing the comma delimited list and making individual select is more -- costly. But the sql will be reusable, it may end up cheaper. -- function wf_msg_attr(nid in number, attrs in varchar2, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_attr varchar2(30); l_dispname varchar2(80); l_text varchar2(4000); l_type varchar2(8); l_cols pls_integer; l_table_direction varchar2(1); l_format varchar2(240); l_textv varchar2(4000); l_numberv number; l_datev date; i pls_integer; p1 pls_integer; p2 pls_integer; not_empty boolean := true; role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_delim varchar2(1); cells tdType; result varchar2(32000); begin l_delim := ':'; l_table_direction := table_direction; if (table_type = 'N') then l_cols := 3; else l_cols := 2; end if; i := 1; p1 := 1; while not_empty loop p2 := instrb(attrs,',',p1); if (p2 = 0) then p2 := lengthb(attrs)+1; not_empty := false; end if; l_attr := ltrim(substrb(attrs,p1,p2-p1)); begin select MA.DISPLAY_NAME, MA.TYPE, MA.FORMAT, NA.TEXT_VALUE, NA.NUMBER_VALUE, NA.DATE_VALUE into l_dispname, l_type, l_format, l_textv, l_numberv, l_datev from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL MA, WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES NA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where NA.NAME = l_attr and NA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NA.NOTIFICATION_ID = N.NOTIFICATION_ID and N.MESSAGE_TYPE = MA.MESSAGE_TYPE and N.MESSAGE_NAME = MA.MESSAGE_NAME and MA.NAME = NA.NAME; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- skip if this attribute or notification does not exist l_dispname := null; l_type := 'VARCHAR2'; l_format:= null; l_textv := null; when OTHERS then raise; end; if (l_type = 'DATE') then if (l_format is null) then l_text := to_char(l_datev); else l_text := to_char(l_datev, l_format); end if; elsif (l_type = 'NUMBER') then if (l_format is null) then l_text := to_char(l_numberv); else l_text := to_char(l_numberv, l_format); end if; elsif (l_type = 'ROLE') then Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(l_textv,role_info_tbl); l_text := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; elsif (l_type = 'LOOKUP') then begin select MEANING into l_text from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = l_format and LOOKUP_CODE = l_textv; exception when no_data_found then -- Use code directly if lookup not found. l_text := l_textv; end; elsif (l_type = 'VARCHAR2') then -- VARCHAR2 is text_value, truncated at format if one provided. if (l_format is null) then l_text := l_textv; else l_text := substrb(l_textv, 1, to_number(l_format)); end if; else -- do not do any complicated substitution for URL and FORM -- do nothing for DOCUMENT as it is too costly l_text := l_textv; end if; -- make sure the text does not carry any HTML chars... though NUMBER is safe -- others possibly could carry. if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html and l_type not in ('URL', 'DOCUMENT')) then l_text := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_text), 1, 4000); end if; -- display if (l_dispname is not null) then if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then l_dispname := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_dispname), 1, 80); if (table_type = 'N') then cells(i) := 'E:'||l_dispname; i := i+1; cells(i) := 'S12:'; else cells(i) := 'E40%:'||l_dispname; end if; i := i+1; cells(i) := 'S:'||l_text; -- normally align number to the right -- but not in vertical table i := i+1; else result := result||wf_core.newline||l_dispname||l_delim||' '||l_text; end if; end if; -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line(substrb(l_attr||'/'||l_dispname||': '||l_text,1,250)); -- end if; p1 := p2+1; end loop; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (table_type = 'N') then table_width := '100%'; else table_width := '70%'; end if; NTF_Table(cells=>cells, col=>l_cols, type=>table_type||l_table_direction, rs=>result); end if; return(result); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','Wf_Msg_Attr',to_char(nid),attrs); raise; end wf_msg_attr; -- Wf_Ntf_History -- Construct Action History table for a given notification from the WF_COMMENTS table -- The table consists of actions like Reassign, More Info Request and Respond and related -- comments. The user can restrict the rows in the table using the following format. -- WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY, hide_reassign, hide_requestinfo) -- Example: -- WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY, Y, Y) - Hides comments related to Reassign and More Info Reqs -- WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY, N, Y) - Hides comments related to More Info Reqs -- WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY) - Shows all comments related to the notification -- -- InPut -- nid - Notification Id -- disptype - text/plain or text/html -- param - Hide Reassign, Hide Request Info indicators function wf_ntf_history(nid in number, disptype in varchar2, param in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_param varchar2(100); l_hide_reassign varchar2(1); l_hide_requestinfo varchar2(1); l_action_history varchar2(32000); l_pos pls_integer; begin l_hide_reassign := 'N'; l_hide_requestinfo := 'N'; begin if (param is not null) then l_pos := instr(param, ',', 1); l_hide_reassign := trim(substr(param, 1, l_pos-1)); l_hide_requestinfo := trim(substr(param, l_pos+1, length(param)-l_pos)); end if; exception when others then l_hide_reassign := 'N'; l_hide_requestinfo := 'N'; end; Wf_Notification.GetComments2(p_nid => nid, p_display_type => disptype, p_hide_reassign => l_hide_reassign, p_hide_requestinfo => l_hide_requestinfo, p_action_history => l_action_history); return l_action_history; end wf_ntf_history; /* ** This Procedure is obsolete. From 11.5.10 onwards, Action History table is based on ** WF_COMMENTS table and on the Notification Activities' history. Hence, WF_NTF_HISTORY ** procedure is reimplemented. ** -- -- Wf_Ntf_History -- Construct a history table for a notification activity. -- NOTE -- Consist of three sections: -- 1. Current Notification -- 2. Past Notifications in the history table -- 3. The owner role as the submitter and begin date for such item -- function wf_ntf_history(nid in number, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is -- current notification cursor hist0c(x_item_type varchar2, x_item_key varchar2, x_actid number) is select IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID, IAS.ASSIGNED_USER, A.RESULT_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, nvl(IAS.END_DATE, IAS.BEGIN_DATE) ACT_DATE, IAS.EXECUTION_TIME from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEM_TYPES IT, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = x_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_actid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and I.ITEM_TYPE = IT.NAME and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE; -- past notifications cursor histc(x_item_type varchar2, x_item_key varchar2, x_actid number) is select IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID, IAS.ASSIGNED_USER, A.RESULT_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, nvl(IAS.END_DATE, IAS.BEGIN_DATE) ACT_DATE, IAS.EXECUTION_TIME from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEM_TYPES IT, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = x_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_actid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and I.ITEM_TYPE = IT.NAME and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE order by IAS.BEGIN_DATE desc , IAS.EXECUTION_TIME desc; l_itype varchar2(30); l_ikey varchar2(240); l_actid number; l_result_type varchar2(30); l_result_code varchar2(30); l_action varchar2(80); l_owner_role varchar2(320); l_owner varchar2(320); l_begin_date date; i pls_integer; j pls_integer; role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_table_direction varchar2(1); l_delim varchar2(1) := ':'; cells tdType; result varchar2(32000); l_note varchar2(4000); begin l_table_direction := table_direction; begin select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY into l_itype, l_ikey, l_actid from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where notification_id = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then begin select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY into l_itype, l_ikey, l_actid from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where notification_id = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; -- raise a notification not exist message end; end; j := 1; -- title cells(j) := wf_core.translate('NUM'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S10%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('NAME'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('ACTION'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('ACTION_DATE'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('NOTE'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; i := 0; for histr in hist0c(l_itype, l_ikey, l_actid) loop cells(j) := to_char(histr.notification_id); j := j+1; wf_directory.GetRoleInfo2(histr.assigned_user, role_info_tbl); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(role_info_tbl(1).display_name); else cells(j) := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; end if; j := j+1; if (l_result_type is null or l_result_code is null or histr.result_type <> l_result_type or histr.activity_result_code <> l_result_code) then l_result_type := histr.result_type; l_result_code := histr.activity_result_code; l_action := wf_core.activity_result(l_result_type, l_result_code); end if; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (l_action is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||l_action; end if; else cells(j) := l_action; end if; j := j+1; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||to_char(histr.act_date); else cells(j) := to_char(histr.act_date); end if; j := j+1; begin l_note := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(histr.notification_id,'WF_NOTE'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then l_note := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_note), 1, 4000); end if; cells(j) := l_note; exception when OTHERS then cells(j) := null; wf_core.clear; end; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (cells(j) is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; end if; j := j+1; i := i+1; end loop; for histr in histc(l_itype, l_ikey, l_actid) loop cells(j) := to_char(histr.notification_id); j := j+1; wf_directory.GetRoleInfo2(histr.assigned_user, role_info_tbl); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(role_info_tbl(1).display_name); else cells(j) := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; end if; j := j+1; if (l_result_type is null or l_result_code is null or histr.result_type <> l_result_type or histr.activity_result_code <> l_result_code) then l_result_type := histr.result_type; l_result_code := histr.activity_result_code; l_action := wf_core.activity_result(l_result_type, l_result_code); end if; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (l_action is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||l_action; end if; else cells(j) := l_action; end if; j := j+1; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||to_char(histr.act_date); else cells(j) := to_char(histr.act_date); end if; j := j+1; begin l_note := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(histr.notification_id,'WF_NOTE'); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then l_note := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_note), 1, 4000); end if; cells(j) := l_note; exception when OTHERS then cells(j) := null; wf_core.clear; end; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (cells(j) is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; end if; j := j+1; i := i+1; end loop; -- submit row cells(j) := '0'; j := j+1; begin select OWNER_ROLE, BEGIN_DATE into l_owner_role, l_begin_date from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE = l_itype and ITEM_KEY = l_ikey; exception when OTHERS then raise; end; wf_directory.GetRoleInfo2(l_owner_role, role_info_tbl); if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(role_info_tbl(1).display_name); else cells(j) := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; end if; j := j+1; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||wf_core.translate('SUBMIT'); else cells(j) := wf_core.translate('SUBMIT'); end if; j := j+1; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||to_char(l_begin_date); else cells(j) := to_char(l_begin_date); end if; j := j+1; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := null; end if; -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('j = '||to_char(j)); -- dbms_output.put_line(substrb('last cell = '||cells(j),1,254)); -- end if; -- calculate the sequence -- Only after we know the number of rows, then we can put the squence -- number on for each row. for k in 0..i loop if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells((k+1)*5+1) := 'C:'||to_char(i-k); else cells((k+1)*5+1) := to_char(i-k); end if; end loop; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then table_width := '100%'; NTF_Table(cells=>cells, col=>5, type=>'H'||l_table_direction, rs=>result); else for k in 1..cells.LAST loop if (mod(k, 5) <> 0) then result := result||cells(k)||' '||l_delim||' '; else result := result||cells(k)||wf_core.newline; end if; end loop; end if; return(result); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Wf_NTF_History', to_char(nid)); raise; end wf_ntf_history; ** ** End of obsoleted procedure WF_NTF_HISTORY **/ -- -- runFuncOnBody -- NOTE -- Attempt to find, parse and replace the string -- WF_NOTIFICATION(F,P1,P2,...) -- F = function to run -- P1,P2,... = comma delimited parameter list -- function runFuncOnBody(nid in number, body in varchar2, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is p1 pls_integer; p2 pls_integer; pp pls_integer; l_body varchar2(32000); rs varchar2(32000); fname varchar2(32); frun varchar2(32); func varchar2(8000); param varchar2(8000); i pls_integer; alldone boolean; begin l_body := body; p1:=1; alldone:=false; while (not alldone) loop fname := 'WF_NOTIFICATION('; -- lengthb(fname) is 16 p1 := instrb(l_body, fname, p1); if (p1 <> 0) then p2 := instrb(l_body, ')', p1); if (p2 <> 0) then -- try to separate function to run and parameters func := substrb(l_body, p1, p2-p1+1); pp := instrb(func, ','); if (pp = 0) then pp := lengthb(func); -- only the function to run exist. param := null; else param := substrb(func, pp+1, p2-p1-pp); end if; frun := substrb(func, 17, pp-17); -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('frun='||frun); -- end if; if (frun = 'ATTRS') then rs := wf_msg_attr(nid, param, disptype); elsif (frun = 'HISTORY') then rs := wf_ntf_history(nid, disptype, param); else rs := func; end if; -- do not replace a string with itself. -- if rs is null, then there is nothing to display for Action/Notifications History -- or Attributes table. We would not want WF_NOTIFICATION(ATTRS,...) or -- WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY) to appear in the notification as is. if (rs is null or rs <> func) then l_body := replace(l_body, func, rs); end if; -- now move p1 to the end p1 := p2+1; else -- since we cannot find a closing paranthesis alldone := true; end if; else alldone := true; end if; end loop; return(l_body); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'runFuncOnBody', to_char(nid), disptype); raise; end runFuncOnBody; -- More Info mailer support -- -- GetUserfromEmail (PRIVATE) -- from_email - from email id -- user_name - user name -- disp_name - Display name of the user -- found - whether user/role has been reconciled -- NOTE: -- Get the user/role name and display name based on the email id. Else return -- the stripped off email with the found flag FALSE procedure GetUserfromEmail (from_email in varchar2, user_name out nocopy varchar2, disp_name out nocopy varchar2, found out nocopy boolean) is l_email varchar2(1000); l_role varchar2(320); l_dname varchar2(360); l_desc varchar2(1000); l_npref varchar2(8); l_terr varchar2(30); l_lang varchar2(30); l_fax varchar2(240); l_expire date; l_status varchar2(8); l_orig_sys varchar2(30); l_orig_sysid number; l_start pls_integer; l_end pls_integer; begin -- Stripping off unwanted info from email l_start := instr(from_email, '<', 1, 1); if (l_start > 0) then l_end := instr(from_email, '>', l_start); l_email := substr(from_email, l_start+1, l_end-l_start-1); else l_email := from_email; end if; -- user_name := substr(l_email, 1, instr(l_email, '@') - 1); found := false; user_name := l_email; disp_name := l_email; Wf_Directory.GetInfoFromMail(mailid => l_email, role => l_role, display_name => l_dname, description => l_desc, notification_preference => l_npref, language => l_lang, territory => l_terr, fax => l_fax, expiration_date => l_expire, status => l_status, orig_system => l_orig_sys, orig_system_id => l_orig_sysid); if (l_role is not null) then user_name := l_role; disp_name := l_dname; found := true; end if; end GetUserfromEmail; -- End Private Functions -- -- -- AddAttr -- Add a new run-time notification attribute. -- The attribute will be completely unvalidated. It is up to the -- user to do any validation and insure consistency. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- aname - Attribute name -- procedure AddAttr(nid in number, aname in varchar2) is dummy pls_integer; begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Insure this is a valid notification. begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where exists (select null from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid); exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; -- Insert new attribute begin insert into WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES ( NOTIFICATION_ID, NAME, TEXT_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, DATE_VALUE ) values ( nid, aname, '', '', '' ); exception when dup_val_on_index then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR_UNIQUE'); end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'AddAttr', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end AddAttr; -- -- SetAttrText -- Set the value of a notification attribute, given text representation. -- If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the -- text-string value to a number/date using attribute format. -- For all other types, store the value directly. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- avalue - New value for attribute -- procedure SetAttrText(nid in number, aname in varchar2, avalue in varchar2) is atype varchar2(8); format varchar2(240); rname varchar2(320); role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Get type and format of attr. -- This is used for translating number/date strings. begin select WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT into atype, format from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname and WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WNA.NAME = WMA.NAME; exception when no_data_found then -- This is an unvalidated runtime attr. -- Treat it as a varchar2. atype := 'VARCHAR2'; format := ''; end; -- Update attribute value in appropriate type column. if (atype = 'NUMBER') then update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set NUMBER_VALUE = decode(format, '', to_number(avalue), to_number(avalue, format)) where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; elsif (atype = 'DATE') then update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set DATE_VALUE = decode(format, '', to_date(avalue), to_date(avalue, format)) where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; elsif (atype = 'VARCHAR2') then -- VARCHAR2 -- Set the text value directly with no translation. -- bug 1996299 - JWSMITH , changes substr to substrb for korean char update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set TEXT_VALUE = decode(format, '', avalue, substrb(avalue, 1, to_number(format))) where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; elsif (atype = 'ROLE') then -- ROLE -- First check if value is internal name if (avalue is null) then -- Null values are ok rname := ''; else Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(avalue, role_info_tbl); rname := role_info_tbl(1).name; -- If not internal name, check for display_name if (rname is null) then begin -- look into the wf_role_lov_vl based on display name SELECT name INTO rname FROM wf_role_lov_vl WHERE upper(display_name) = upper(avalue) AND rownum = 1; exception when no_data_found then -- Not displayed or internal role name, error wf_core.token('ROLE', avalue); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROLE'); end; end if; end if; -- Set the text value with internal role name update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set TEXT_VALUE = rname where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; else -- LOOKUP, FORM, URL, DOCUMENT, misc type. -- Set the text value. update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set TEXT_VALUE = avalue where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; end if; if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end if; -- Redenormalize if attribute being updated is #FROM_ROLE if (aname = '#FROM_ROLE') then Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(nid); end if; -- Bug 2437347 raising event after DML operation on WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES if (aname = 'SENDER') then wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID', nid, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList(aname, avalue, l_parameterlist); -- Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.setattrtext', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SetAttrText', to_char(nid), aname, avalue); raise; end SetAttrText; -- -- SetAttrNumber -- Set the value of a number notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- avalue - New value for attribute -- procedure SetAttrNumber (nid in number, aname in varchar2, avalue in number) is begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Update attribute value update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set NUMBER_VALUE = avalue where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SetAttrNumber', to_char(nid), aname, to_char(avalue)); raise; end SetAttrNumber; -- -- SetAttrDate -- Set the value of a date notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- avalue - New value for attribute -- procedure SetAttrDate (nid in number, aname in varchar2, avalue in date) is begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Update attribute value update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set DATE_VALUE = avalue where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SetAttrDate', to_char(nid), aname, to_char(avalue)); raise; end SetAttrDate; -- -- SubstituteSpecialChars (PRIVATE) -- Substitutes the occurence of special characters like <, >, \, ', " etc -- with their html codes in any arbitrary string. -- IN -- some_text - text to be substituted -- RETURN -- substituted text function SubstituteSpecialChars(some_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_amp varchar2(1); buf varchar2(32000); begin l_amp := '&'; buf := some_text; buf := replace(buf, l_amp, l_amp||'amp;'); buf := replace(buf, '<', l_amp||'lt;'); buf := replace(buf, '>', l_amp||'gt;'); buf := replace(buf, '\', l_amp||'#92;'); buf := replace(buf, '''', l_amp||'#39;'); buf := replace(buf, '"', l_amp||'quot;'); return buf; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SubstituteSpecialChars'); raise; end SubstituteSpecialChars; -- -- GetTextInternal (PRIVATE) -- Substitute tokens in text (pragma-friendly). -- This is used in forms which only accept 1950 character strings -- and in views hence document type is not supported -- DOCUMENT-type attributes not supported. -- IN: -- some_text - Text to be substituted -- nid - Notification id of notification to use for token values -- target - Frame target -- urlmode - Look for url tokens with dashes -- subparams - Recursively substitute FORM/URL parameters -- (to prevent infinite recursion) -- disptype - display type -- ### This only consoliates GetShortText and GetUrlText. -- ### GetText is a separate procedure and must be double-maintained. -- ### This is so GetShortText can be pragma'd, and the DOCUMENT -- ### attribute type uses dbms_sql, which violates pragmas. -- function GetTextInternal( some_text in varchar2, nid in number, target in out nocopy varchar2, urlmode in boolean, subparams in boolean, disptype in varchar2 default 'text/html') return varchar2 is role_name varchar2(320); email_address varchar2(320); username varchar2(320); local_text varchar2(2000); buf varchar2(2000); value varchar2(32000); colon pls_integer; params pls_integer; l_document_attributes fnd_document_management.fnd_document_attributes; buf varchar2(2000); -- Select attr values, formatting numbers and dates as requested. -- The order-by is to handle cases where one attr name is a substring -- of another. cursor notification_attrs_cursor(nid number) is select WNA.NAME, WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WNA.NUMBER_VALUE, WNA.DATE_VALUE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME order by decode(wma.type,'URL',length(WNA.NAME),length(WNA.NAME)+1000) desc; -- order by length(WNA.NAME) desc; begin -- make sure text never exceeds 1950 bytes local_text := substrb(some_text,1,1950); for not_attr_row in notification_attrs_cursor(nid) loop if (urlmode) then if (instr(local_text, '-&'||not_attr_row.name||'-') = 0) then goto nextattr; end if; else -- Bug 2843136 Check not only '&' but also '&' if ((instr(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name) = 0) AND (instr(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name) = 0)) then goto nextattr; end if; end if; -- Find displayed value of token depending on type if (not_attr_row.type = 'LOOKUP') then -- LOOKUP type select meaning from wf_lookups. begin select MEANING into value from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = not_attr_row.format and LOOKUP_CODE = not_attr_row.text_value; exception when no_data_found then -- Use code directly if lookup not found. value := not_attr_row.text_value; end; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'VARCHAR2') then -- VARCHAR2 is text_value, truncated at format if one provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := not_attr_row.text_value; else value := substrb(not_attr_row.text_value, 1, to_number(not_attr_row.format)); end if; -- Bug 2843136 -- Replace '&' but also '&' only if it hasn't been already substituted -- This is to prevent something like '&amp;' from happening if ((disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) AND (instr(local_text,'&'||not_attr_row.name) = 0) AND (instr(value,'&') = 0)) then value := SubstituteSpecialChars(value); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'NUMBER') then -- NUMBER is number_value, with format if provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := to_char(not_attr_row.number_value); else value := to_char(not_attr_row.number_value, not_attr_row.format); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'DATE') then -- DATE is date_value, with format if provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := to_char(not_attr_row.date_value); else value := to_char(not_attr_row.date_value, not_attr_row.format); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'FORM') then -- FORM is display_name (function), with parameters of function -- recursively token-substituted if needed. value := not_attr_row.text_value; if (subparams) then params := instr(value, ':'); if (params <> 0) then value := not_attr_row.display_name||' ( '|| substr(value, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetTextInternal(substr(value, params+1), nid, target, FALSE, FALSE, 'text/plain')||' )'; end if; end if; elsif ((not_attr_row.type = 'URL') and (not urlmode) ) then -- URL is display_name (url), with parameters of url -- recursively token-substituted if needed. value := not_attr_row.text_value; -- Default value of target is "_top" (all lower case) target := substr(nvl(not_attr_row.format, '_top'), 1, 16); if (subparams) then params := instr(value, '?'); if (params <> 0) then value := not_attr_row.display_name||' ( '|| substr(value, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetTextInternal(substr(value, params+1), nid, target, TRUE, FALSE, 'text/plain')||' )'; end if; end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'ROLE') then -- ROLE type, get display_name of role begin -- NOTE: cannot use wf_directory.getroleinfo2 because of the -- pragma WNPS. -- Decode into orig_system if necessary for indexes colon := instr(not_attr_row.text_value, ':'); if (colon = 0) then select WR.DISPLAY_NAME into value from WF_ROLES WR where WR.NAME = not_attr_row.text_value and WR.ORIG_SYSTEM NOT IN ('HZ_PARTY','POS','ENG_LIST','AMV_CHN', 'HZ_GROUP','CUST_CONT'); else select WR.DISPLAY_NAME into value from WF_ROLES WR where WR.ORIG_SYSTEM = substr(not_attr_row.text_value, 1, colon-1) and WR.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = substr(not_attr_row.text_value, colon+1) and WR.NAME = not_attr_row.text_value; end if; exception when no_data_found then -- Use code directly if role not found. value := not_attr_row.text_value; end; elsif ((not_attr_row.type = 'DOCUMENT') and (not urlmode)) then /* ** Only execute this function if this attribute is definitely ** in the subject */ if (INSTR(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name) > 0) then if (SUBSTR(not_attr_row.text_value, 1, 2) = 'DM') then /* ** get the document name from the attribute. We used ** to go fetch the document name from the DM system ** but that just kills performance because you have to ** bounce around to a bunch of different nodes using ** URLS */ value := not_attr_row.display_name; else -- All others default to null since this is a plsql document value := null; end if; end if; else -- All others default to text_value value := not_attr_row.text_value; end if; -- -- Substitute all occurrences of SEND tokens with values. -- Limit to 1950 chars to avoid value errors if substitution pushes -- it over the edge. -- if (urlmode) then local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '-&'|| not_attr_row.name||'-', wf_mail.UrlEncode(value)), 1, 1950); --Bug 2346237 --The target is set to the attribute format only --if the attribute is of type URL if (not_attr_row.type = 'URL') then target := substr(nvl(not_attr_row.format, '_top'), 1, 16); end if; else --Bug 2843136 --Replace & or & local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name, value), 1, 1950); --Now replace any equivalen &sametoken local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name, value), 1, 1950); end if; <<nextattr>> null; end loop; -- -- Process special '#' internal tokens. Supported tokens are: -- &#NID - Notification id -- if (urlmode) then local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '-&'||'#NID-', to_char(nid)), 1, 1950); else local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||'#NID', to_char(nid)), 1, 1950); end if; return(local_text); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','GetTextInternal', to_char(nid), disptype); raise; end GetTextInternal; -- -- SetFrameworkAgent -- Check the URL for a JSP: entry and then substitute -- it with the value of the APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT -- profile option. -- IN: -- URL - URL to be ckecked -- RETURNS: -- URL with Frame work agent added -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns some_text untouched -- instead of raising exceptions. -- function SetFrameworkAgent(url in varchar2) return varchar2 is value varchar2(32000); params integer; apps_fwk_agent varchar2(256); begin value := url; --Bug 2276779 --Check if the URL is a javascript call. if ((lower(substr(value,1,11))) = 'javascript:') then --If the URL is a javascript function then --do not prefix the web agent to the URL. return value; end if; if ((wf_core.Translate('WF_INSTALL')='EMBEDDED') AND (substr(value, 1, 4) = 'JSP:')) then -- The URL is a APPS Framework reference and will need -- the JSP Agent rather than the WEB Agent value := substr(value, 5); value := '/' || ltrim(value, '/'); apps_fwk_agent := rtrim(fnd_profile.Value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT'), '/'); value := apps_fwk_agent || value; params := instr(value,'?'); if (params <> 0) then value := value||'&'||'dbc='||fnd_web_config.Database_ID; else value := value||'?'||'dbc='||fnd_web_config.Database_ID; end if; else if instr(value,'//',1,1)=0 then -- CTILLEY: Added additional check to make sure a trailing slash -- is added to the WF_WEB_AGENT if it isn't the first character -- in the value. Fix for bug 2207322. if substr(value,1,1)='/' then value := wf_core.translate('WF_WEB_AGENT')||value; else value := wf_core.translate('WF_WEB_AGENT')||'/'||value; end if; end if; end if; return value; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SetFrameworkAgent', url); end; -- -- GetText -- Substitute tokens in an arbitrary text string. -- This function may return up to 32K chars. It canNOT be used in a view -- definition or in a Form. For views and forms, use GetShortText, which -- truncates values at 2000 chars. -- IN: -- some_text - Text to be substituted -- nid - Notification id of notification to use for token values -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- RETURNS: -- Some_text with tokens substituted. -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns some_text untouched -- instead of raising exceptions. function GetText(some_text in varchar2, nid in number, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is role_name varchar2(320); email_address varchar2(320); buf varchar2(2000); local_text varchar2(32000); value varchar2(32000); params pls_integer; target varchar2(16); extPos pls_integer; -- Image file extension position extStr varchar2(1000); -- Image file extention -- Select attr values, formatting numbers and dates as requested. -- The order-by is to handle cases where one attr name is a substring -- of another. cursor notification_attrs_cursor(nid number) is select WNA.NAME, WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WNA.NUMBER_VALUE, WNA.DATE_VALUE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME -- order by length(WNA.NAME) desc; order by decode(wma.type,'URL',length(WNA.NAME),length(WNA.NAME)+1000) desc; role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin local_text := some_text; for not_attr_row in notification_attrs_cursor(nid) loop -- only bother to find attribute value if it exists in the string -- dont place in select as each replace can introduce a new token -- --Bug 2843136 --Check not only '&' but also '&' if ((instr(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name)>0) OR (instr(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name)>0)) then -- Find displayed value of token depending on type if (not_attr_row.type = 'LOOKUP') then -- LOOKUP type select meaning from wf_lookups. begin select MEANING into value from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = not_attr_row.format and LOOKUP_CODE = not_attr_row.text_value; exception when no_data_found then -- Use code directly if lookup not found. value := not_attr_row.text_value; end; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'VARCHAR2') then -- VARCHAR2 is text_value, truncated at format if one provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := not_attr_row.text_value; else value := substrb(not_attr_row.text_value, 1, to_number(not_attr_row.format)); end if; -- JWSMITH bug 1725916 - add BR to attribute value if (disptype=wf_notification.doc_html) then --Check if we already have and '&' in which --case don't resubstitute it. if ((instr(local_text,'&'||not_attr_row.name) = 0) AND (instr(value,'&') = 0)) then value := SubstituteSpecialChars(value); end if; value := substrb(replace(value, wf_core.newline, '<BR>'||wf_core.newline),1, 32000); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'NUMBER') then -- NUMBER is number_value, with format if provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := to_char(not_attr_row.number_value); else value := to_char(not_attr_row.number_value, not_attr_row.format); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'DATE') then -- DATE is date_value, with format if provided. if (not_attr_row.format is null) then value := to_char(not_attr_row.date_value); else value := to_char(not_attr_row.date_value, not_attr_row.format); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'FORM') then -- FORM is display_name (function), with parameters of function -- recursively token-substituted if needed. value := not_attr_row.text_value; params := instr(value, ':'); if (params <> 0) then value := not_attr_row.display_name||' ( '|| substr(value, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetTextInternal(substr(value,params+1), nid, target, FALSE, FALSE, 'text/plain')||' )'; end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'URL') then -- URL is display_name (url), with parameters of url -- recursively token-substituted if needed. value := not_attr_row.text_value; target := substr(nvl(not_attr_row.format, '_top'), 1, 16); value := wf_notification.SetFrameworkAgent(value); params := instr(value, '?'); if (params <> 0) then value := substr(value, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetTextInternal(substr(value,params+1), nid, target, TRUE, FALSE, 'text/plain'); end if; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then extPos := instrb(value, '.', -1, 1) + 1; extStr := lower(substrb(value, extPos)); if (params = 0 and extStr in ('gif','jpg','png','tif','bmp','jpeg')) then value := '<IMG SRC="'||value|| '" alt="'|| not_attr_row.display_name||'"></IMG>'; else -- For URL type display as an anchor value := '<A HREF="'||value||'" TARGET="'||target||'">'|| not_attr_row.display_name||'</A>'; end if; else -- Other types get a text representation value := not_attr_row.display_name||' : '||value; end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'DOCUMENT') then --skilaru 28-July-03 fix for bug 3042471 if( instr(not_attr_row.text_value, fwk_region_start) = 1 ) then wf_core.token('ANAME', not_attr_row.name ); wf_core.token('FWK_CONTENT', not_attr_row.text_value ); value := wf_core.translate('WFUNSUP_FWK_CONTENT'); else -- DOCUMENT type retrieve document contents -- Bug 2879507 if doc generation fails, let the error propagate -- to the caller value := GetAttrDoc(nid, not_attr_row.name, disptype); end if; elsif (not_attr_row.type = 'ROLE') then -- ROLE type, get display_name of role Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(not_attr_row.text_value,role_info_tbl); -- Use code directly if role not found. value := nvl(role_info_tbl(1).display_name,not_attr_row.text_value); -- Retrieve role information if (not_attr_row.text_value is not null) then -- Default role info to recipient if role cannot be found role_name := nvl(role_info_tbl(1).display_name, not_attr_row.text_value); email_address := nvl(role_info_tbl(1).email_address, not_attr_row.text_value); end if; if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) then value := '<A HREF="mailto:'||email_address||'" TARGET="_top">'||value||'</A>'; end if; else -- All others default to text_value value := not_attr_row.text_value; end if; -- Substitute all occurrences of SEND tokens with values. -- Limit to 32000 chars to avoid value errors if substitution pushes -- it over the edge. -- --Bug 2594012/2843136 -- Bug 2917787 - added code to check if value is null. if ((value is null) or (lengthb(local_text) + (lengthb(value) - length('&'||not_attr_row.name)) <= 32000)) then local_text := replace(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name, value); local_text := replace(local_text, '&'||not_attr_row.name, value); end if; end if;-- if instr(.. end loop; -- -- Process special '#' internal tokens. Supports tokens are: -- &#NID - Notification id -- local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||'#NID', to_char(nid)), 1, 32000); return(local_text); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','GetText', to_char(nid), disptype); raise; -- return(some_text); end GetText; -- -- GetUrlText -- Substitute url-style tokens (with dashes) in an arbitrary text string. -- This function may return up to 32K chars. It can NOT be used in a view -- definition or in a Form. For views and forms, use GetShortText, which -- truncates values at 2000 chars. -- IN: -- some_text - Text to be substituted -- nid - Notification id of notification to use for token values -- RETURNS: -- Some_text with tokens substituted. -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns some_text untouched -- instead of raising exceptions. -- function GetUrlText(some_text in varchar2, nid in number) return varchar2 is target varchar2(16); l_error varchar2(32000); begin return(GetTextInternal(some_text, nid, target, TRUE, TRUE, 'text/plain')); exception when others then -- Return the error message with error stack l_error := wf_core.translate('ERROR') || wf_core.newline; if (wf_core.error_name is not null) then l_error := l_error || wf_core.error_message || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || wf_core.error_name || wf_core.newline; else l_error := l_error || sqlerrm || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || to_char(sqlcode) || wf_core.newline; end if; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK') || ': ' || wf_core.error_stack || wf_core.newline; return (substrb(l_error, 1, 1950)); end GetUrlText; -- -- GetShortText -- Substitute tokens in an arbitrary text string, limited to 2000 chars. -- (actually 1950, because of forms overhead). -- This function is meant to be used in view definitions and Forms, where -- the field size must be limited to 2000 chars. Use GetText() to retrieve -- up to 32K if the text may be longer. -- IN: -- some_text - Text to be substituted -- nid - Notification id of notification to use for token values -- RETURNS: -- Some_text with tokens substituted. -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns some_text untouched -- instead of raising exceptions. function GetShortText(some_text in varchar2, nid in number) return varchar2 is target varchar2(16); l_error varchar2(32000); begin -- gettextinternal will truncate to 1950 characters. return(GetTextInternal(some_text, nid, target, FALSE, TRUE)); exception when others then -- Return the error message with error stack if GetTextInternal raises l_error := wf_core.translate('ERROR') || wf_core.newline; if (wf_core.error_name is not null) then l_error := l_error || wf_core.error_message || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || wf_core.error_name || wf_core.newline; else l_error := l_error || sqlerrm || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || to_char(sqlcode) || wf_core.newline; end if; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK') || ': ' || wf_core.error_stack||wf_core.newline; return (substrb(l_error, 1, 1950)); end GetShortText; -- -- GetAttrInfo -- Get type information about a notification attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute name -- OUT: -- atype - Attribute type -- subtype - 'SEND' or 'RESPOND', -- format - Attribute format -- procedure GetAttrInfo(nid in number, aname in varchar2, atype out nocopy varchar2, subtype out nocopy varchar2, format out nocopy varchar2) is begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; begin select WMA.TYPE, WMA.SUBTYPE, WMA.FORMAT into atype, subtype, format from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname and WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrInfo', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end GetAttrInfo; -- -- GetAttrText -- Get the value of a text notification attribute. -- If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the -- number/date value to a text-string representation using attrbute format. -- For all other types, get the value directly. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- RETURNS: -- Attribute value -- function GetAttrText (nid in number, aname in varchar2) return varchar2 is atype varchar2(8); format varchar2(240); lvalue varchar2(4000); params pls_integer; begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Get type and format of attr. -- This is used for translating number/date strings. begin select WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT into atype, format from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname and WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WNA.NAME = WMA.NAME; exception when no_data_found then -- This is an unvalidated runtime attr. -- Treat it as a varchar2. atype := 'VARCHAR2'; format := ''; end; -- Select value from appropriate type column. begin if (atype = 'NUMBER') then select decode(format, '', to_char(WNA.NUMBER_VALUE), to_char(WNA.NUMBER_VALUE, format)) into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; elsif (atype = 'DATE') then select decode(format, '', to_char(WNA.DATE_VALUE), to_char(WNA.DATE_VALUE, format)) into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; else -- VARCHAR2, LOOKUP, FORM, or URL type. select WNA.TEXT_VALUE into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; -- Recursively substitute attributes in parameter portion of -- FORM and URL type attributes. -- Note a slight chance of infinite recursion here if -- parameters are defined perversely. if (atype = 'FORM') then -- FORM params are after ':' params := instr(lvalue, ':'); if (params <> 0) then lvalue := substr(lvalue, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetShortText(substr(lvalue, params+1), nid); end if; elsif (atype = 'URL') then -- URL params are after '?' params := instr(lvalue, '?'); if (params <> 0) then lvalue := substr(lvalue, 1, params)|| wf_notification.GetUrlText(substr(lvalue, params+1), nid); end if; end if; end if; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end; return(lvalue); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrText', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end GetAttrText; -- -- GetAttrNumber -- Get the value of a number notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- RETURNS: -- Attribute value -- function GetAttrNumber (nid in number, aname in varchar2) return number is lvalue number; begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; begin select WNA.NUMBER_VALUE into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end; return(lvalue); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrNumber', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end GetAttrNumber; -- -- GetAttrDate -- Get the value of a date notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- RETURNS: -- Attribute value -- function GetAttrDate (nid in number, aname in varchar2) return date is lvalue date; begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; begin select WNA.DATE_VALUE into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end; return(lvalue); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrDate', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end GetAttrDate; -- -- -- GetAttrDoc -- Get the displayed value of a DOCUMENT-type attribute. -- Returns referenced document in format requested. -- Use GetAttrText to get retrieve the actual attr value (i.e. the -- document key string instead of the actual document). -- NOTE: -- Only PLSQL document type is implemented. -- This function will call a revised implementation of procedure GetAttrDoc2 -- which will return the document type also. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- RETURNS: -- Referenced document in format requested. -- function GetAttrDoc( nid in number, aname in varchar2, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is document varchar2(32000); doctype varchar2(255); begin -- call the procedure to get the Document Content and return to the caller. wf_notification.GetAttrDoc2(nid, aname, disptype, document, doctype); return (document); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrDoc', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrDoc; -- -- GetAttrDoc2 - <explained in wfntfs.pls> -- procedure GetAttrDoc2( nid in number, aname in varchar2, disptype in varchar2, document out nocopy varchar2, doctype out nocopy varchar2) is key varchar2(4000); colon pls_integer; slash pls_integer; dmstype varchar2(30); display_name varchar2(80); procname varchar2(240); launch_url varchar2(4000); procarg varchar2(32000); username varchar2(320); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); target varchar2(240); l_charcheck boolean; begin -- Check args if ((nid is null) or (aname is null) or (disptype not in (wf_notification.doc_text, wf_notification.doc_html))) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.token('DISPTYPE', disptype); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Retrieve key string key := GetAttrText(nid, aname); -- If the key is empty then return a null string if (key is null) then document := ''; return; end if; -- Parse doc mgmt system type from key colon := instr(key, ':'); if ((colon <> 0) and (colon < 30)) then dmstype := upper(substr(key, 1, colon-1)); end if; if (dmstype in ('PLSQLCLOB','PLSQLBLOB')) then document := '&'||aname; return; elsif (dmstype = 'PLSQL') then -- Parse out procedure name and arg slash := instr(key, '/'); if (slash = 0) then procname := substr(key, colon+1); procarg := ''; else procname := substr(key, colon+1, slash-colon-1); procarg := substr(key, slash+1); end if; -- Dynamic sql call to procedure if (procarg is null) then --force a dummy value since no doc id to pass procarg := NULL; else -- Substitute refs to other attributes in argument -- NOTE: There is a slight chance of recursive loop here, -- if the substituted string eventually contains a reference -- back to this same docattr. procarg := Wf_Notification.GetTextInternal(procarg, nid, target, FALSE, FALSE, 'text/plain'); end if; -- ### Review Note 4 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(procname); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in procarg, in disptype, in out document, in out doctype; -- Translate doc types if needed if ((disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) and (doctype = wf_notification.doc_text)) then -- Change plain text to html by wrapping in preformatted tags document := '<PRE>'||document||'</PRE>'; end if; return; else /* ** Get the attribute display name */ -- Get type and format of attr. -- This is used for translating number/date strings. begin select WMATL.DISPLAY_NAME, NVL(WMA.FORMAT, '_blank') into display_name, target from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TL WMATL, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname and WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMATL.MESSAGE_NAME and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMATL.MESSAGE_TYPE and WNA.NAME = WMATL.NAME and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WNA.NAME = WMA.NAME and WMATL.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG'); exception when no_data_found then display_name := null; when others then raise; end; /* ** If this is a plain text request then just return the display ** name for the attribute. If it is html then get the attachment ** url link and return it. */ if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) THEN -- Returns session user name if available username := Wfa_Sec.GetUser; fnd_document_management.get_launch_document_url ( username, key, FALSE, launch_url); document := '<A HREF="'||launch_url|| '" TARGET="'||target||'">'|| display_name||'</A>'; ELSE document := display_name; END IF; return; end if; document := null; exception when others then wf_core.context('wf_notification', 'GetAttrDoc2', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrDoc2; -- bug 2581129 -- GetSubject -- Get subject of notification message with token values substituted -- from notification attributes. Takes disptype as input. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- disptype - Display Type -- RETURNS: -- Substituted message subject -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns the subject unsubstituted, -- or null if all else fails, instead of raising exceptions. -- function GetSubject( nid in number, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is local_subject varchar2(240); target varchar2(16); l_error varchar2(32000); begin -- Get subject select WM.SUBJECT into local_subject from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and N.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME and N.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE; -- Return substituted subject, limited to 240 chars in case -- tokens exceed length. -- return(substrb(GetTextInternal(local_subject, nid, target, FALSE, -- TRUE, disptype), 1, 240)); -- Allow PLSQL Document attributes within Subject return(substrb(GetText(local_subject, nid, disptype), 1, 240)); exception when others then -- Return the error message with error stack l_error := wf_core.translate('ERROR') || wf_core.newline; if (wf_core.error_name is not null) then l_error := l_error || wf_core.error_message || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || wf_core.error_name || wf_core.newline; else l_error := l_error || sqlerrm || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || to_char(sqlcode) || wf_core.newline; end if; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK') || ': ' || wf_core.error_stack || wf_core.newline; return (substrb(l_error, 1, 240)); end GetSubject; -- GetSubject -- Get subject of notification message with token values substituted -- from notification attributes. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- RETURNS: -- Substituted message subject -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns the subject unsubstituted, -- or null if all else fails, instead of raising exceptions. -- function GetSubject(nid in number) return varchar2 is local_subject varchar2(240); begin return (Wf_Notification.GetSubject(nid, 'text/html')); end GetSubject; -- -- GetBody -- Get body of notification message with token values substituted -- from notification attributes. -- This function may return up to 32K chars. It can NOT be used in a view -- definition or in a Form. For views and forms, use GetShortBody, which -- truncates values at 1950 chars. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- wf_notification.doc_attach - '' -- RETURNS: -- Substituted message body -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns the body unsubstituted, -- or null if all else fails, instead of raising exceptions. -- function GetBody( nid in number, disptype in varchar2) return varchar2 is local_body varchar2(32000); local_html_body varchar2(32000); -- To check if Reassign or Request Info is performed on a FYI Notification CURSOR c_comm IS SELECT count(1) FROM wf_comments WHERE action_type in ('REASSIGN', 'QA') AND notification_id = nid AND rownum = 1; l_resp_cnt number; l_fyi boolean; l_comm_cnt pls_integer; l_html_hist boolean; l_cust_hist varchar2(4000); l_action_hist varchar2(240); begin -- Get body select WM.BODY, WM.HTML_BODY into local_body, local_html_body from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and N.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME and N.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE; -- If user has not used WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY) or #HISTORY, append Action History in the -- notification body by default if this is a... -- 1. Response required notification -- 2. FYI notification with at least one Reassign action -- Query to check if the ntf is FYI or not SELECT count(1) INTO l_resp_cnt FROM wf_message_attributes wma, wf_notifications wn WHERE wn.notification_id = nid AND wma.message_type = wn.message_type AND wma.message_name = wn.message_name AND wma.subtype = 'RESPOND' AND rownum = 1; if (l_resp_cnt = 0) then l_fyi := true; else l_fyi := false; end if; -- If this is FYI, get the count of Reassign and Request Info actions if (l_fyi) then l_comm_cnt := 0; open c_comm; fetch c_comm into l_comm_cnt; if (c_comm%notfound) then l_comm_cnt := 0; end if; close c_comm; end if; l_html_hist := false; if ((l_fyi and l_comm_cnt > 0) or not l_fyi) then -- According to bug 3612609, if the user just defines #HISTORY, but does not place it in the -- message body, even then it should be used instead of default WF Action History begin l_cust_hist := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#HISTORY'); exception when others then l_cust_hist := ''; Wf_Core.Clear; end; -- Validate if l_cust_hist has a valid PLSQL doc api attached to it. If it ever has JSP: we -- would not be here. if (l_cust_hist is not null and upper(trim(substr(l_cust_hist, 1, 5))) = 'PLSQL') then l_action_hist := '&#HISTORY'; else l_action_hist := 'WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY)'; end if; -- Either a FYI with at least one reassign/Request Info or a Response notification. -- So, append Action History if (local_body is not null and instrb(local_body, 'WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY)') = 0 and instrb(local_body, '&#HISTORY') = 0) then local_body := local_body || Wf_Core.newline || l_action_hist; end if; if (local_html_body is not null and instrb(local_html_body, 'WF_NOTIFICATION(HISTORY)') = 0 and instrb(local_html_body, '&#HISTORY') = 0) then -- Defer adding history macro until after stripping off BODY tags l_html_hist := true; end if; end if; -- Return substituted body. if (disptype = wf_notification.doc_text) then local_body := GetText(local_body, nid, disptype); -- replace the functions here local_body := runFuncOnBody(nid, local_body, disptype); return(local_body); else if (local_html_body is null) then --use the plain text body but fake it as html by adding <BR> local_body := substrb(replace(local_body, wf_core.newline, '<BR>'||wf_core.newline),1, 32000); -- get the attribute values local_body := GetText(local_body, nid, disptype); -- replace the functions here local_body := runFuncOnBody(nid, local_body, disptype); return(local_body); else if instr(upper(local_html_body),'<BODY')>0 then --strip out the Body tag local_html_body:= substr(local_html_body, instr(local_html_body,'>', instr(upper(local_html_body),'<BODY'))+1); end if; if instr(upper(local_html_body),'</BODY')>0 then local_html_body:= substr(local_html_body,1, instr(upper(local_html_body),'</BODY')-1); end if; if (l_html_hist) then local_html_body := local_html_body || Wf_Core.newline || l_action_hist; end if; local_html_body := GetText(local_html_body, nid, disptype); -- replace the functions here local_html_body := runFuncOnBody(nid, local_html_body, disptype); return(local_html_body); end if; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetBody', to_char(nid), disptype); raise; end GetBody; -- -- GetShortBody -- Get body of notification message with token values substituted -- from notification attributes. -- This function is meant to be used in view definitions and Forms, where -- the field size must be limited to 2000 chars. Use GetBody() to retrieve -- up to 32K if the text may be longer. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- RETURNS: -- Substituted message body -- NOTE: -- If errors are detected this routine returns the body unsubstituted, -- or null if all else fails, instead of raising exceptions. It must do -- this so the routine can be pragma'd and used in the -- wf_notifications_view view. -- function GetShortBody(nid in number) return varchar2 is local_body varchar2(4000); l_error varchar2(32000); begin -- Get body select WM.BODY into local_body from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and N.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME and N.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE; -- Return substituted body. -- GetShortText already limits to 1950 chars, so further limit is not needed. return(GetShortText(local_body, nid)); exception when others then -- If there is a failure in GetShortText, the error message is returned -- Return the error message with error stack l_error := wf_core.translate('ERROR') || wf_core.newline; if (wf_core.error_name is not null) then l_error := l_error || wf_core.error_message || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || wf_core.error_name || wf_core.newline; else l_error := l_error || sqlerrm || wf_core.newline; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME') || ': ' || to_char(sqlcode) || wf_core.newline; end if; l_error := l_error || wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK') || ': ' || wf_core.error_stack || wf_core.newline; return (substrb(l_error, 1, 1950)); end GetShortBody; -- -- GetInfo -- Return info about notification -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- OUT: -- role - Role notification is sent to -- message_type - Type flag of message -- message_name - Message name -- priority - Notification priority -- due_date - Due date -- status - Notification status (OPEN, CLOSED, CANCELED) -- procedure GetInfo(nid in number, role out nocopy varchar2, message_type out nocopy varchar2, message_name out nocopy varchar2, priority out nocopy varchar2, due_date out nocopy varchar2, status out nocopy varchar2) is begin begin select N.RECIPIENT_ROLE, N.MESSAGE_TYPE, N.MESSAGE_NAME, N.PRIORITY, N.DUE_DATE, N.STATUS into GetInfo.role, GetInfo.message_type, GetInfo.message_name, GetInfo.priority, GetInfo.due_date, GetInfo.status from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetInfo', to_char(nid)); raise; end GetInfo; -- -- Responder -- Return responder of closed notification. -- IN -- nid - Notification Id -- RETURNS -- Responder to notification. If no responder was set or notification -- not yet closed, return null. -- function Responder( nid in number) return varchar2 is respbuf varchar2(240); begin if (nid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Get responder begin select WN.RESPONDER into respbuf from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; return(respbuf); exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'Responder', to_char(nid)); raise; end Responder; -- AccessCheck -- Check that the access key is valid for this notification. -- IN -- Access string <nid>/<nkey> -- RETURNS -- user name (or NULL) function AccessCheck(access_str in varchar2) return varchar2 is pos pls_integer; nid pls_integer; nkey varchar2(80); uname varchar2(320); begin pos := instr(access_str, '/'); nid := to_number(substr(access_str, 1, pos-1)); nkey := substr(access_str, pos+1); select recipient_role into uname from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and ACCESS_KEY = nkey; return uname; exception when others then return NULL; end AccessCheck; -- -- GetMailPreference (PRIVATE) -- Get the mail preference of a role -- IN -- role - role notification being sent to -- callback - engine callback -- context - engine callback context -- RETURNS -- mail preference of role -- function GetMailPreference( role in varchar2, callback in varchar2, context in varchar2) return varchar2 is colon pls_integer; mailpref varchar2(8); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; l_language varchar2(80); l_territory varchar2(80); l_email varchar2(320); l_dname varchar2(360); l_charcheck boolean; begin -- ROLE type, get display_name of role wf_directory.getroleinfo (GetMailPreference.role, l_dname, l_email, mailpref, l_language, l_territory); -- -- Check for the "special" mail suppression item attribute. -- This attribute is set to the process originator in the Process -- Navigator, so that the originator doesn't receive mail generated -- by that process. -- if (callback is not null) then -- ### Review Note 3 - private function l_charcheck := WF_NOTIFICATION_UTIL.CheckIllegalChar(callback); -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; begin execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'GET', in context, in '.MAIL_QUERY', in 'VARCHAR2', in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; exception when others then -- Ignore cases where no attribute is defined if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFENG_ITEM_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; else raise; end if; end; -- We have a match, this is the originator. No mail for you. if (tvalue = role) then mailpref := 'QUERY'; end if; end if; return mailpref; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'GetMailPreference', role); raise; end GetMailPreference; -- -- Route (PRIVATE) -- Auto-forward or respond to notification according to routing rules -- when notification is sent or forwarded. -- Called from SendSingle and Forward. -- IN -- nid - Notification id -- procedure Route( nid in number, cnt in number) is recip varchar2(320); o_recip varchar2(320); msgtype varchar2(8); msgname varchar2(30); newcomment varchar2(4000); badfwd exception; -- bad Forward/Transfer happened errmsg varchar2(4000); dummy varchar2(4000); l_hide_reassign varchar(1); cursor rulecurs is select WRR.RULE_ID, WRR.ACTION, WRR.ACTION_ARGUMENT, WRR.RULE_COMMENT from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR where WRR.ROLE = recip and sysdate between nvl(WRR.BEGIN_DATE, sysdate-1) and nvl(WRR.END_DATE, sysdate+1) and nvl(WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE, msgtype) = msgtype and nvl(WRR.MESSAGE_NAME, msgname) = msgname order by WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE, WRR.MESSAGE_NAME; rulerec rulecurs%rowtype; cursor attrcurs(ruleid in number) is select WRRA.NAME, WRRA.TEXT_VALUE, WRRA.NUMBER_VALUE, WRRA.DATE_VALUE, WMA.TYPE from WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES WRRA, WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WRRA.RULE_ID = ruleid and WRRA.RULE_ID = WRR.RULE_ID and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WRRA.NAME = WMA.NAME; begin -- Get ntf current recipient and message begin select WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE, WN.MESSAGE_TYPE, WN.MESSAGE_NAME into recip, msgtype, msgname from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; o_recip := recip; -- set original recipient exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; /* implement the above loop recursively */ if (cnt > wf_notification.max_forward) then -- it means max_forward must have been exceeded. Treat as a loop error. wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROUTE_LOOP'); end if; -- Select one routing rule to execute open rulecurs; fetch rulecurs into rulerec; if (rulecurs%notfound) then -- No routing rules found - treat like a NOOP rulerec.action := 'NOOP'; rulerec.rule_comment := ''; end if; close rulecurs; -- If rule has a comment append it to the buffer -- if (rulerec.rule_comment is not null) then -- if (newcomment is not null) then -- newcomment := substrb(newcomment||wf_core.newline, 1, 4000); -- end if; -- newcomment := substrb(newcomment||recip||': '||rulerec.rule_comment, -- 1, 4000); -- end if; -- Check for value in #HIDE_REASSIGN attribute if defined -- Y: Donot allow Reassign -- N: Allow Reassign -- B: Allow Reassign only through Routing Rule l_hide_reassign := 'N'; begin l_hide_reassign := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#HIDE_REASSIGN'); exception when others then -- Clear the error stack since we ignore the error Wf_Core.Clear; end; newcomment := rulerec.rule_comment; if (rulerec.action = 'FORWARD' and l_hide_reassign in ('N', 'B')) then -- FORWARD -- Set savepoint before doing anything. -- savepoint fwd_ntf; -- Reset recipient and cycle through the loop again to check -- for another forward. recip := rulerec.action_argument; begin -- ### implement this in next release -- Wf_Notification.Forward(nid, recip, newcomment, o_recip, cnt+1); Wf_Notification.Forward(nid, recip, newcomment, o_recip, cnt+1, 'RULE'); exception when others then raise badfwd; end; elsif (rulerec.action = 'TRANSFER' and l_hide_reassign in ('N', 'B')) then -- TRANSFER -- Set savepoint before doing anything. -- savepoint fwd_ntf; -- Reset recipient and cycle through the loop again to check -- for another transfer. recip := rulerec.action_argument; begin -- ### implement this in next release -- Wf_Notification.Transfer(nid, recip, newcomment, o_recip, cnt+1); Wf_Notification.Transfer(nid, recip, newcomment, o_recip, cnt+1, 'RULE'); exception when others then raise badfwd; end; elsif (rulerec.action = 'RESPOND') then -- RESPOND -- Query response values for this rule and set attrs accordingly for respattr in attrcurs(rulerec.rule_id) loop if (respattr.type = 'NUMBER') then Wf_Notification.SetAttrNumber(nid, respattr.name, respattr.number_value); elsif (respattr.type = 'DATE') then Wf_Notification.SetAttrDate(nid, respattr.name, respattr.date_value); else -- All other types use text Wf_Notification.SetAttrText(nid, respattr.name, respattr.text_value); end if; end loop; -- Complete response Wf_Notification.Respond(nid, newcomment, recip, 'RULE'); else -- This must be one of: -- a. NOOP rule -- b. No routing rule found -- c. Unimplemented rule type -- In any case, just return return; end if; return; exception when badfwd then Wf_Core.Get_Error(dummy, errmsg, dummy); Wf_Core.Clear; if (newcomment is not null) then newcomment := newcomment||wf_core.newline; end if; Wf_Core.Token('TO_ROLE', WF_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(recip)); newcomment := substrb(newcomment|| Wf_Core.Translate('AUTOROUTE_FAIL')|| wf_core.newline||errmsg, 1, 4000); begin -- append newcomment to the existing comment. -- need to add a newline character if user_comment is not null. update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set USER_COMMENT = substr(USER_COMMENT|| decode(nvl(USER_COMMENT,'T'), 'T', null, wf_core.newline)|| Route.newcomment, 1, 4000) where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Route (update comment)', to_char(nid)); raise; end; when others then if (rulecurs%isopen) then close rulecurs; end if; wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Route', to_char(nid)); raise; end Route; -- -- First_Execution (Private) -- Checks if the given item activity is executed for the first time -- or was executed already -- IN -- context - Activity Context -- RETURN -- boolean status, TRUE or FALSE -- function First_Execution(p_context in varchar2) return boolean is l_count pls_integer; l_item_type varchar2(8); l_item_key varchar2(240); l_actid number; l_col1 pls_integer; l_col2 pls_integer; begin -- Derive item type, item key and activity id from the context l_col1 := instr(p_context, ':', 1, 1); l_col2 := instr(p_context, ':', -1, 1); -- when no ':' or just one ':', context does not conform to WF standard -- it could be sent by calling wf_notification.send directly -- in this case, we just return false to preserve the old behavior if (l_col1 = 0 or l_col1 = l_col2) then return false; end if; l_item_type := substr(p_context, 1, l_col1-1); l_item_key := substr(p_context, l_col1+1, l_col2-l_col1-1); l_actid := to_number(substr(p_context, l_col2+1)); -- If a record exists in history table for this item activity, it has already -- been executed SELECT count(1) INTO l_count FROM wf_item_activity_statuses_h WHERE item_type = l_item_type AND item_key = l_item_key AND process_activity = l_actid AND rownum = 1; if (l_count > 0) then return false; end if; return true; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'First_Execution', p_context); raise; end First_Execution; -- -- SendSingle (PRIVATE) -- Send a single notification. -- Called by Send and SendGroup public functions. -- Argument error checking should be done by Send and SendGroup before -- calling this function. -- IN: -- role - Role to send notification to -- msg_type - Message type -- msg_name - Message name -- due_date - Date due -- callback - Callback function -- context - Data for callback -- send_comment - Comment to add to notification -- priority - Notification priority -- group_id - Id of notification group -- (If null use not_id of notification sent) -- RETURNS: -- Notification id -- function SendSingle(role in varchar2, msg_type in varchar2, msg_name in varchar2, due_date in date, callback in varchar2, context in varchar2, send_comment in varchar2, priority in number, group_id in number) return number is mailpref varchar2(8); nid pls_integer; attr_name varchar2(30); attr_type varchar2(8); attr_tvalue varchar2(4000); attr_nvalue number; attr_dvalue date; -- Bug 2376033 attr_evalue wf_event_t; -- Bug 2283697 l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); -- the following variables for Dynamic SQL sqlbuf varchar2(2000); l_from_role varchar2(320); l_send_comment varchar2(4000); l_send_source varchar2(30); l_charcheck boolean; cursor message_attrs_cursor(msg_type varchar2, msg_name varchar2) is select NAME, TYPE, SUBTYPE, VALUE_TYPE, TEXT_DEFAULT, NUMBER_DEFAULT, DATE_DEFAULT from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES where MESSAGE_TYPE = msg_type and MESSAGE_NAME = msg_name; begin -- Check role is valid and get mail preference mailpref := Wf_Notification.GetMailPreference(role, callback, context); -- Create new nid and insert notification select WF_NOTIFICATIONS_S.NEXTVAL into nid from SYS.DUAL; insert into WF_NOTIFICATIONS ( NOTIFICATION_ID, GROUP_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, RECIPIENT_ROLE, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT, STATUS, ACCESS_KEY, MAIL_STATUS, PRIORITY, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, DUE_DATE, -- USER_COMMENT, CALLBACK, CONTEXT ) select sendsingle.nid, nvl(sendsingle.group_id, sendsingle.nid), sendsingle.msg_type, sendsingle.msg_name, sendsingle.role, sendsingle.role, 'OPEN', wf_core.random, decode(sendsingle.mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML', '', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL'), nvl(SendSingle.priority, WM.DEFAULT_PRIORITY), sysdate, null, sendsingle.due_date, -- sendsingle.send_comment, sendsingle.callback, sendsingle.context from WF_MESSAGES WM where WM.TYPE = sendsingle.msg_type and WM.NAME = sendsingle.msg_name; -- Open and parse cursor for dynamic sql for getting attr values -- Bug 2376033 added event value in call to CB if (callback is not null) then -- ### Review Note 2 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7, :p8); end;'; end if; -- -- Get and insert notification attributes -- for message_attr_row in message_attrs_cursor(msg_type, msg_name) loop attr_name := message_attr_row.name; attr_type := message_attr_row.type; -- Set up default values for attributes if (message_attr_row.value_type = 'CONSTANT') then -- Constant default values used directly attr_tvalue := message_attr_row.text_default; attr_nvalue := message_attr_row.number_default; attr_dvalue := message_attr_row.date_default; else -- Defaults to be fetched from cb - default to null attr_tvalue := ''; attr_nvalue := ''; attr_dvalue := ''; end if; -- Bug 2376033 initialize event to fetch value using cb if (attr_type = 'EVENT') then wf_event_t.initialize(attr_evalue); end if; -- If there is a cb defined and the default vtype is ITEMATTR -- then call the cb to fetch possible item attribute value. -- Bug 2376033 execute call to CB with event value if ((callback is not null) and (message_attr_row.value_type = 'ITEMATTR')) then begin execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'GET', in context, in message_attr_row.text_default, in attr_type, in out attr_tvalue, in out attr_nvalue, in out attr_dvalue, in out attr_evalue; exception when others then -- Ignore cases where no attribute is defined if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFENG_ITEM_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; else -- Bug 2580807 call with original signature for backward -- compatibility -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; begin execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'GET', in context, in message_attr_row.text_default, in attr_type, in out attr_tvalue, in out attr_nvalue, in out attr_dvalue; exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFENG_ITEM_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; else raise; end if; end; end if; end; end if; -- -- Insert notification attribute -- Bug 2376033 insert the event value -- insert into WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES ( NOTIFICATION_ID, NAME, TEXT_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, DATE_VALUE, EVENT_VALUE ) values ( nid, attr_name, attr_tvalue, attr_nvalue, attr_dvalue, attr_evalue ); end loop; l_send_source := ''; -- Notification sender comment if (send_comment is not null) then l_send_comment := send_comment; else -- Look for the sender comment in #SUBMIT_COMMENTS and store it -- only for the first time if (First_Execution(context)) then l_send_source := 'FIRST'; begin l_send_comment := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#SUBMIT_COMMENTS'); exception when others then if(Wf_Core.Error_Name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then Wf_Core.Clear(); l_send_comment := ''; else raise; end if; end; end if; end if; -- If #FROM_ROLE is defined, we will get the value in this attribute begin l_from_role := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#FROM_ROLE'); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.clear; -- Check if the notification is sent under a valid Fwk Session l_from_role := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); end; -- Use dummy user WF_SYSTEM as last resort if (l_from_role is null) then l_from_role := 'WF_SYSTEM'; end if; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_from_role, role, 'SEND', l_send_source, l_send_comment); -- Check for auto-routing of notification just sent Wf_Notification.Route(nid, 0); -- Denormalize the Notification after auto-routing is done Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(nid); -- DL: Move this to be the last step before returning the nid -- The recipient_role could be updated during auto-routing -- EnqueueNotification maybe able to take advantage of -- denormalization in the future. -- Push the notification to the outbound queue -- Enqueuing has been moved to a subscription for forward -- compatability. The subscription need only be enabled to use -- the older mailer. The subscription will call the -- wf_xml.enqueueNotification API. -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); --Bug 2283697 --To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on --WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE',role,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID',nvl(group_id,nid),l_parameterlist); wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', sendsingle.msg_type, l_parameterlist); --Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); return (nid); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SendSingle', role, msg_type, msg_name, due_date, callback); raise; end SendSingle; -- -- Send -- Send the role the specified message. -- Insert a single notification in the notifications table, and set -- the default send and respond attributes for the notification. -- IN: -- role - Role to send notification to -- msg_type - Message type -- msg_name - Message name -- due_date - Date due -- callback - Callback function -- context - Data for callback -- send_comment - Comment to add to notification -- priority - Notification priority -- RETURNS: -- Notification ID -- function Send(role in varchar2, msg_type in varchar2, msg_name in varchar2, due_date in date, callback in varchar2, context in varchar2, send_comment in varchar2, priority in number) return number is dummy pls_integer; nid pls_integer; begin if ((role is null) or (msg_type is null) or (msg_name is null)) then wf_core.token('ROLE', role); wf_core.token('TYPE', msg_type); wf_core.token('NAME', msg_name); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Check message is valid begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where exists (select null from WF_MESSAGES M where M.TYPE = msg_type and M.NAME = msg_name); exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('TYPE', msg_type); wf_core.token('NAME', msg_name); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_MESSAGE'); end; -- Call SendSingle to complete notification, -- using group_id = null to create group of one. nid := SendSingle(role, msg_type, msg_name, due_date, callback, context, send_comment, priority, null); return (nid); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Send', role, msg_type, msg_name, due_date, callback); raise; end Send; -- -- SendGroup -- Send the role users the specified message. -- Send a separate notification to every user assigned to the role. -- IN: -- role - Role of users to send notification to -- msg_type - Message type -- msg_name - Message name -- due_date - Date due -- callback - Callback function -- context - Data for callback -- send_comment - Comment to add to notification -- priority - Notification priority -- RETURNS: -- Group ID - Id of notification group -- function SendGroup(role in varchar2, msg_type in varchar2, msg_name in varchar2, due_date in date, callback in varchar2, context in varchar2, send_comment in varchar2, priority in number) return number is dummy pls_integer; nid pls_integer; gid pls_integer; rorig_system varchar2(30); rorig_system_id pls_integer; cursor role_users_curs is select WUR.USER_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES WUR where WUR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = rorig_system and WUR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rorig_system_id and WUR.ROLE_NAME = role; begin if ((role is null) or (msg_type is null) or (msg_name is null)) then wf_core.token('ROLE', role); wf_core.token('TYPE', msg_type); wf_core.token('NAME', msg_name); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Check message is valid begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where exists (select null from WF_MESSAGES M where M.TYPE = msg_type and M.NAME = msg_name); exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('TYPE', msg_type); wf_core.token('NAME', msg_name); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_MESSAGE'); end; -- Get the orig system ids for the role. -- Do this instead of using role_name directly so that indexes on -- the original tables are used when selecting through the view. Wf_Directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(role,rorig_system,rorig_system_id); -- if ORIG_SYSTEM is null, there is no data found for this role if (rorig_system is null) then wf_core.token('ROLE', role); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROLE'); end if; -- Loop through users of role, sending notification to each one. gid := ''; for user in role_users_curs loop -- Call SendSingle to complete notification, nid := SendSingle(user.user_name, msg_type, msg_name, due_date, callback, context, send_comment, priority, gid); -- Use nid of the first notification as group id for the rest. if (gid is null) then gid := nid; end if; end loop; -- Raise error if no users found for role. -- Most probable cause is role argument is invalid. if (gid is null) then wf_core.token('ROLE', role); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROLE'); end if; return (gid); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SendGroup', role, msg_type, msg_name, due_date, callback); raise; end SendGroup; -- -- ForwardInternal (PRIVATE) -- Forward a notification, identified by NID to another user. Validate -- the user and Return error messages ... -- Depend on which mode 'FORWARD' or 'TRANSFER', it calls the call-back -- function differently. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- new_role - Role to forward notification to -- fmode - Callback mode: 'FORWARD', 'TRANSFER' -- forward_comment - comment to append to notification -- user - role who perform this action if provided -- cnt - count for recursive purpose -- action_source - Source from where the action is performed -- procedure ForwardInternal( nid in number, new_role in varchar2, fmode in varchar2, forward_comment in varchar2, user in varchar2, cnt in number, action_source in varchar2) is mailpref varchar2(8); newcomment varchar2(4000); old_role varchar2(320); old_origrole varchar2(320); status varchar2(8); cb varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; -- Bug 2331070 l_from_role varchar2(320); --Bug 2283697 l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); --Bug 2474770 l_more_info_role VARCHAR2(320); l_dispname VARCHAR2(360); l_username varchar2(320); l_found boolean; l_dummy varchar2(1); -- Bug 3827935 l_charcheck boolean; begin if ((nid is null) or (new_role is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('NEW_ROLE', new_role); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Check the notification exists and is open begin --Bug 2474770 --Obtain the more_info_role in addition select WN.STATUS, WN.CALLBACK, WN.CONTEXT, -- , WN.USER_COMMENT WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE, WN.ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT,WN.MORE_INFO_ROLE, WN.FROM_ROLE into status, cb, context, old_role, -- newcomment, old_origrole,l_more_info_role,l_from_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; if (status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; -- If we are in a different Fwk session, need to clear Workflow PLSQL state if (not Wfa_Sec.CheckSession) then Wf_Global.Init; end if; -- Check role is valid and get mail preference begin mailpref := Wf_Notification.GetMailPreference(new_role, cb, context); exception when others then wf_core.token('ROLE', new_role); if (fmode = 'FORWARD') then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_DELEGATE_FAIL'); elsif (fmode = 'TRANSFER') then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_TRANSFER_FAIL'); end if; end; -- Bug 3065814 -- Set the global context variables to appropriate values for this mode if (forward_comment is not null and substr(forward_comment, 1, 6) = 'email:') then -- If responded through mail then get the username from the email GetUserFromEmail(forward_comment, l_username, l_dispname, l_found); if (l_found) then g_context_user := l_username; else g_context_user := 'email:'||l_username; end if; else if (action_source = 'WA') then -- notification is reassigned by a proxy who is logged in and has a Fwk session g_context_proxy := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); g_context_user := ForwardInternal.user; elsif (action_source = 'RULE') then -- notification is reassigned by Routing Rule, the context user should be the user -- to whom the rule belongs and to whom the notification is reassigned g_context_proxy := null; g_context_user := ForwardInternal.user; else -- notification is reassigned by the recipient g_context_proxy := null; g_context_user := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); end if; end if; g_context_user_comment := forwardinternal.forward_comment; g_context_recipient_role := old_role; g_context_original_recipient:= old_origrole; g_context_from_role := l_from_role; g_context_new_role := new_role; g_context_more_info_role := l_more_info_role; -- Call the callback in whatever mode specified if callback is provided if (cb is not null) then tvalue := new_role; nvalue := nid; -- ### Review Note 2 - cb is from table -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(cb); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in fmode, in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; -- Old style comment appending to existing user comment is obsolete -- Call SetComments with the required values. Also, the audit message -- is no longer available -- CTILLEY: Bug 2331070. if (fmode = 'FORWARD') then l_from_role := nvl(user,old_role); else l_from_role := nvl(user,old_origrole); end if; --Bug 2474770 --If the transfer/delegate role is the same as the more_info_role --the more_info_role is set to null --Bug 2609352 - if the notification is reassigned the more_info_role --will be set to null. if (l_more_info_role is not NULL) then l_more_info_role := null; end if; -- Finally, do the update. -- Reset the mail flag so mailer will look for it again. -- BUG 1772490 JWSMITH - added new access_key when fmode is transfer -- BUG 2331070 CTILLEY - added update to FROM_ROLE -- Bug 2474770 -- Update the more_info_role aswell if (fmode = 'TRANSFER') then update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set RECIPIENT_ROLE = ForwardInternal.new_role, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT = decode(ForwardInternal.fmode, 'TRANSFER', ForwardInternal.new_role, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT), -- USER_COMMENT = ForwardInternal.newcomment, MAIL_STATUS = decode(ForwardInternal.mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML', '', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL'), ACCESS_KEY = wf_core.random, FROM_ROLE = l_from_role, MORE_INFO_ROLE = l_more_info_role where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_from_role, new_role, 'TRANSFER', action_source, forward_comment); else update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set RECIPIENT_ROLE = ForwardInternal.new_role, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT = decode(ForwardInternal.fmode, 'TRANSFER', ForwardInternal.new_role, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT), -- USER_COMMENT = ForwardInternal.newcomment, MAIL_STATUS = decode(ForwardInternal.mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML', '', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL'), FROM_ROLE = l_from_role, MORE_INFO_ROLE = l_more_info_role where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_from_role, new_role, 'DELEGATE', action_source, forward_comment); end if; -- Pop any messages from then outbound queue -- GK: 1636402: wf_xml.RemoveNotification is not necessary -- since the message is likely to be sent by the time the -- user goes in and does an action from the worklist. -- wf_xml.RemoveNotification(nid); -- Check for auto-routing of notification just forwarded Wf_Notification.Route(nid, cnt); -- Denormalize after all the routing is done if (cnt = 0) then Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(nid); -- Push the new notification to the queue -- The call to wf_xml.EnqueueNotification has been moved -- to an event subscription. -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); end if; --Bug 2283697 --To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on --WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('NEW_ROLE',new_role,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('MODE',fmode,l_parameterlist); if (user is not null) then wf_event.AddParameterToList('USER',user,l_parameterlist); elsif (fmode = 'FORWARD') then wf_event.AddParameterToList('USER',old_role,l_parameterlist); else wf_event.AddParameterToList('USER',old_origrole,l_parameterlist); end if; --Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.reassign', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'ForwardInternal', to_char(nid), new_role, fmode, forward_comment); raise; end ForwardInternal; -- -- Forward -- Forward a notification, identified by NID to another user. Validate -- the user and Return error messages ... -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- new_role - Role to forward notification to -- forward_comment - comment to append to notification -- user - role who perform this action if provided -- cnt - count for recursive purpose -- action_source - Source from where the action is performed -- procedure Forward(nid in number, new_role in varchar2, forward_comment in varchar2, user in varchar2, cnt in number, action_source in varchar2) is begin ForwardInternal(nid, new_role, 'FORWARD', forward_comment, user, cnt, action_source); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Forward', to_char(nid), new_role, forward_comment); -- This call is for enhanced error handling with respect to OAFwk wf_notification.SetUIErrorMessage; raise; end Forward; -- -- Transfer -- Transfer a notification, identified by NID to another user. Validate -- the user and Return error messages ... -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- new_role - Role to transfer notification to -- forward_comment - comment to append to notification -- user - role who perform this action if provided -- cnt - count for recursive purpose -- action_source - Source from where the action is performed -- procedure Transfer(nid in number, new_role in varchar2, forward_comment in varchar2, user in varchar2, cnt in number, action_source in varchar2) is begin ForwardInternal(nid, new_role, 'TRANSFER', forward_comment, user, cnt, action_source); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Transfer', to_char(nid), new_role, forward_comment); -- This call is for enhanced error handling with respect to OAFwk wf_notification.SetUIErrorMessage; raise; end Transfer; -- -- CancelSingle (PRIVATE) -- Cancel a single notification. -- Called by Cancel and CancelGroup public functions. -- Argument error checking should be done by Cancel and CancelGroup before -- calling this function. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- role - Role notification is sent to -- cancel_comment - Comment to append to notification -- procedure CancelSingle(nid in number, role in varchar2, cancel_comment in varchar2) is mailpref varchar2(8); newcomment varchar2(4000); status varchar2(8); cb varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); dummy pls_integer; --Bug 2283697 l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); --Bug 2373925 l_mail varchar2(4); l_from_role varchar2(320); begin l_mail := 'MAIL'; -- Check the notification exists and is open begin select WN.STATUS, WN.CALLBACK, WN.CONTEXT -- , WN.USER_COMMENT into status, cb, context -- , newcomment from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; if (status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; -- Check role is valid and get mail preference mailpref := Wf_Notification.GetMailPreference(role, cb, context); -- If no responses expected, then do not mail cancel notice -- regardless of role notification_preference setting. begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where exists (select NULL from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'); exception when no_data_found then -- No responses, set mailpref to not mail cancel notice regardless. mailpref := 'QUERY'; end; -- Append the cancel_comment (if any) to the user_comment -- if (cancel_comment is not null) then -- if (newcomment is not null) then -- newcomment := substrb(newcomment||wf_core.newline|| -- cancel_comment, 1, 4000); -- else -- newcomment := cancel_comment; -- end if; -- end if; -- Bug 2373925 - check the profile WF_MAIL_CANCEL if Y=Enabled -- then send the cancel Email otherwise set the MAIL_STATUS to null. -- Set cancel status and append comment. Later this functionality will -- be added to Standalone as well. if (FND_PROFILE.VALUE_SPECIFIC('WF_MAIL_CANCEL') = 'N') then l_mail := ''; end if; update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set STATUS = 'CANCELED', END_DATE = sysdate, -- USER_COMMENT = CancelSingle.newcomment, MAIL_STATUS = decode(MAIL_STATUS, 'ERROR', 'ERROR', -- if this was never sent, dont bother sending cancelation 'MAIL', '', decode(CancelSingle.mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML', '', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', l_mail)) where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; l_from_role := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); if (l_from_role is null) then l_from_role := 'WF_SYSTEM'; end if; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_from_role, 'WF_SYSTEM', 'CANCEL', null, newcomment); -- GK: 1636402: wf_xml.RemoveNotification is not necessary -- since the message is likely to be sent by the time the -- user goes in and does an action from the worklist. -- wf_xml.RemoveNotification(nid); -- SJM: 2122556 - Cancelled notifications are not being sent out -- becuase they are not being enqueued. -- The call to wf_xml.EnqueueNotification has been moved to an -- event subscription -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); --Bug 2283697 --To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on --WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE',role,l_parameterlist); --Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.cancel', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'CancelSingle', to_char(nid), role, cancel_comment); raise; end CancelSingle; -- -- Cancel -- Cancel a single notification. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- cancel_comment - Comment to append to notification -- procedure Cancel(nid in number, cancel_comment in varchar2) is status varchar2(8); role varchar2(30); begin if (nid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Check the notification exists and is open begin select STATUS, RECIPIENT_ROLE into status, role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; if (status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; -- Call CancelSingle to complete cancellation of single notification CancelSingle(nid, role, cancel_comment); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Cancel', to_char(nid), cancel_comment); raise; end Cancel; -- -- CancelGroup -- Cancel all notifications belonging to a notification group -- IN: -- gid - Notification group id -- cancel_comment - Comment to append to all notifications -- procedure CancelGroup(gid in number, cancel_comment in varchar2) is -- Get all still open notifications in the group cursor group_curs is select NOTIFICATION_ID, RECIPIENT_ROLE from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where GROUP_ID = gid and status = 'OPEN' for update nowait; begin if (gid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(gid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Cancel all open notifications in this group for notice in group_curs loop -- Call CancelSingle to complete cancellation of single notification CancelSingle(notice.notification_id, notice.recipient_role, cancel_comment); end loop; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'CancelGroup', to_char(gid), cancel_comment); raise; end CancelGroup; -- -- Respond -- Respond to a notification. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- respond_comment - Comment to append to notification -- responder - User or role responding to notification -- action_source - Source from where the action is performed -- procedure Respond(nid in number, respond_comment in varchar2, responder in varchar2, action_source in varchar2) is callback varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); status varchar2(8); newcomment varchar2(4000); -- Dynamic sql stuff sqlbuf varchar2(2000); --Bug 2283697 l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); cursor notification_attrs_cursor(nid number) is select WNA.NAME, WMA.TYPE, WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WNA.NUMBER_VALUE, WNA.DATE_VALUE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WNA.NAME = WMA.NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'; aname varchar2(30); atype varchar2(8); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; response_found boolean; -- kma bug2376058 digital signature support proxyuser varchar2(4000); --Bug 3065814 l_recip_role varchar2(320); l_orig_recip_role varchar2(320); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); l_from_role varchar2(320); l_dispname VARCHAR2(360); l_responder varchar2(320); l_found boolean; l_dummy varchar2(1); --Bug 3827935 l_charcheck boolean; begin if (nid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- kma bug2376058 digital signature support begin proxyuser := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#WF_PROXIED_VIA'); exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then -- Pass null result if no result attribute. wf_core.clear; proxyuser := ''; else raise; end if; end; if ((proxyuser is not null) and (proxyuser <> '') and ((responder is null) or ((responder is not null) and (proxyuser <> responder)))) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_DIGSIG_USER_MISMATCH'); end if; -- bug 2698999 Checking if ntf's signature requirements are met if (NOT Wf_Notification.NtfSignRequirementsMet(nid)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NOT_SIGNED'); end if; -- Get callback, check for valid notification id. begin select N.CALLBACK, N.CONTEXT, N.STATUS, N.USER_COMMENT, N.RECIPIENT_ROLE, N.ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT,N.MORE_INFO_ROLE, N.FROM_ROLE into respond.callback, respond.context, respond.status, newcomment, l_recip_role,l_orig_recip_role,l_more_info_role, l_from_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; -- Check notification is open if (status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; -- If we are in a different Fwk session, need to clear Workflow PLSQL state if (not Wfa_Sec.CheckSession) then Wf_Global.Init; end if; -- Bug 3065814 -- Set the global context variables to appropriate values for this mode if (respond.responder is not null and substr(respond.responder, 1, 6) = 'email:') then -- If responded through mail then get the username from email GetUserfromEmail(respond.responder, l_responder, l_dispname, l_found); if (not l_found) then l_responder := 'email:' || l_responder; end if; else if (action_source = 'WA') then -- notification is responded by a proxy who is logged in and has a Fwk session g_context_proxy := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); l_responder := respond.responder; elsif (action_source = 'RULE') then -- notification is responded by Routing Rule, the context user should be the user -- to whom the rule belongs who is actually responding to the notification g_context_proxy := null; l_responder := respond.responder; else -- notification is responded by the recipient. If there is a value passed in -- respond.responder, it should ideally be same as the Fwk session user g_context_proxy := null; l_responder := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); end if; end if; -- Set the approrpiate responder to context user g_context_user := l_responder; g_context_user_comment := respond.respond_comment; g_context_recipient_role := l_recip_role; g_context_original_recipient:= l_orig_recip_role; g_context_from_role := l_from_role; g_context_new_role := ''; g_context_more_info_role := l_more_info_role; -- Call the callback in VALIDATE mode to execute the post notification -- function to perform some custom validation and reject the response by -- raising exception. If validation is already done in RESPOND mode, it -- can stay there... VALIDATE mode can be called back from outside of -- notification code also before calling the Wf_Notification.Respond API if (callback is not null) then tvalue := respond.responder; nvalue := nid; -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'VALIDATE', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; -- Call the callback in RESPOND mode to perform the post-notification -- callback if there is one. Note this should be before the response is -- actually processed to give the callback a chance to reject the response -- by raising an exception. -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE -- sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| -- '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'RESPOND', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; tvalue := ''; nvalue := ''; end if; -- Append the respond_comment (if any) to the user_comment -- if (respond_comment is not null) then -- if (newcomment is not null) then -- newcomment := substrb(newcomment||wf_core.newline|| -- respond_comment, 1, 4000); -- else -- newcomment := respond_comment; -- end if; -- end if; -- Mark notification closed update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set STATUS = 'CLOSED', MAIL_STATUS = NULL, END_DATE = sysdate, -- RESPONDER = respond.responder -- For responses through e-mail, this helps strip off unwanted parts from e-mail like -- "First Last" <First.Last@example.com> and have only email:First.Last@example.com RESPONDER = l_responder -- USER_COMMENT = respond.newcomment where NOTIFICATION_ID = respond.nid; -- responder should be the From role that appears in the action history Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_responder, 'WF_SYSTEM', 'RESPOND', action_source, respond_comment); --Bug 2283697 --To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on --WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('RESPONDER',respond.responder,l_parameterlist); --Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.respond', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); -- If no callback, there is nothing else to do. if (callback is null) then return; end if; -- -- Open dynamic sql cursor for SET callback calls. -- -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; -- -- Call callback to SET all RESPOND attributes for notification. -- response_found := FALSE; for response_row in notification_attrs_cursor(nid) loop response_found := TRUE; aname := response_row.name; atype := response_row.type; tvalue := response_row.text_value; nvalue := response_row.number_value; dvalue := response_row.date_value; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'SET', in context, in aname, in atype, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end loop; -- -- If no response attributes are found, then no response was expected -- for this notification. Do not call the callback to complete the -- activity. The activity 'completed' as soon as the notification -- was sent. -- if (not response_found) then return; end if; -- -- Call callback one more time to mark activity COMPLETE. -- Send the result and notification id as the value. -- begin tvalue := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, 'RESULT'); exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then -- Pass null result if no result attribute. wf_core.clear; tvalue := ''; else raise; end if; end; nvalue := nid; dvalue := ''; -- Reparse and bind dynamic sql for the COMPLETE callback call. -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE[3] sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'COMPLETE', in context, in 'NID', in 'NUMBER', in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; -- Remove any messages from the outbound queue -- GK: 1636402: wf_xml.RemoveNotification is not necessary -- since the message is likely to be sent by the time the -- user goes in and does an action from the worklist. -- wf_xml.RemoveNotification(nid); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Respond', to_char(nid), respond_comment, responder); -- This call is for enhanced error handling with respect to OAFwk wf_notification.SetUIErrorMessage; raise; end Respond; -- -- TestContext -- Test if current context is correct -- IN -- nid - Notification id -- RETURNS -- TRUE if context ok, or context check not implemented -- FALSE if context check fails -- function TestContext( nid in number) return boolean is callback varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); -- Dynamic sql stuff sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; l_dummy varchar2(1); l_charcheck boolean; begin if (nid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Get callback, check for valid notification id. begin select N.CALLBACK, N.CONTEXT into TestContext.callback, TestContext.context from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; -- If no callback, then nothing to check if (callback is null) then return(TRUE); end if; -- Open dynamic sql cursor for callback call -- ### Review Note 2 - callback is from table -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(callback); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||callback|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'TESTCTX', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; if (tvalue in ('FALSE', 'NOTSET')) then return(FALSE); else -- Any other returned value means TEST_CTX mode is not implemented return(TRUE); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'TestContext', to_char(nid)); raise; end TestContext; -- -- VoteCout -- Count the number of responses for a result_code -- IN: -- Gid - Notification group id -- ResultCode - Result code to be tallied -- OUT: -- ResultCount - Number of responses for ResultCode -- PercentOfTotalPop - % ResultCode ( As a % of total population ) -- PercentOfVotes - % ResultCode ( As a % of votes cast ) -- procedure VoteCount ( Gid in number, ResultCode in varchar2, ResultCount out nocopy number, PercentOfTotalPop out nocopy number, PercentOfVotes out nocopy number ) is -- -- l_code_count pls_integer; l_total_pop pls_integer; l_total_voted pls_integer; begin -- -- select count(*) into l_total_pop from wf_notifications where group_id = Gid; -- select count(*) into l_total_voted from wf_notifications where group_id = Gid and status = 'CLOSED'; -- select count(*) into l_code_count from wf_notifications wfn, wf_notification_attributes wfna where wfn.group_id = Gid and wfn.notification_id = wfna.notification_id and wfn.status = 'CLOSED' and wfna.name = 'RESULT' and wfna.text_value = ResultCode; -- ResultCount := l_code_count; -- -- Prevent division by zero if group has no notifications -- if ( l_total_pop = 0 ) then -- PercentOfTotalPop := 0; -- else -- PercentOfTotalPop := l_code_count/l_total_pop*100; -- end if; -- -- Prevent division by zero if nobody votes -- if ( l_total_voted = 0 ) then -- PercentOfVotes := 0; -- else -- PercentOfVotes := l_code_count/l_total_voted*100; -- end if; -- exception when others then -- wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'VoteCount', to_char(gid), ResultCode ); raise; -- end VoteCount; -- -- OpenNotifications -- Determine if any Notifications in the Group are OPEN -- --IN: -- Gid - Notification group id -- --Returns: -- TRUE - if the Group contains open notifications -- FALSE - if the group does NOT contain open notifications -- function OpenNotificationsExist( Gid in Number ) return Boolean is -- dummy pls_integer; -- begin -- select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where exists ( select null from wf_notifications where group_id = Gid and status = 'OPEN' ); -- return(TRUE); -- exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- return(FALSE); -- when others then -- wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'OpenNotifications', to_char(gid) ); raise; -- end OpenNotificationsExist; -- -- WorkCount -- Count number of open notifications for user -- IN: -- username - user to check -- RETURNS: -- Number of open notifications for that user -- function WorkCount( username in varchar2) return number is colon pls_integer; ncount pls_integer; begin colon := instr(username, ':'); if (colon = 0) then select count(1) into ncount from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE in (select WUR.ROLE_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES WUR where WUR.USER_NAME = WorkCount.username) and WN.STATUS = 'OPEN'; else select count(1) into ncount from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE in (select WUR.ROLE_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES WUR where WUR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = substr(WorkCount.username, 1, colon-1) and WUR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = substr(WorkCount.username, colon+1) and WUR.USER_NAME = WorkCount.username) and WN.STATUS = 'OPEN'; end if; return(ncount); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'WorkCount', username); raise; end WorkCount; -- -- Close -- Close a notification. -- IN: -- nid - Notification Id -- resp - Respond Required? 0 - No, 1 - Yes -- responder - User or role close this notification -- procedure Close(nid in number, responder in varchar2) is status varchar2(8); -- Any existence of response attribute constitutes a response required. cursor attrs(mnid in number) is select MA.NAME from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES NA, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL MA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = mnid and NA.NOTIFICATION_ID = N.NOTIFICATION_ID and MA.MESSAGE_NAME = N.MESSAGE_NAME and MA.MESSAGE_TYPE = N.MESSAGE_TYPE and MA.NAME = NA.NAME and MA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'; result attrs%rowtype; --Bug 2283697 l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); begin if (nid is null) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Get Status begin select N.STATUS into close.status from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', Wf_Notification.GetSubject(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; -- Check notification is open if (status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', Wf_Notification.GetSubject(nid) ); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; open attrs(nid); fetch attrs into result; if (attrs%found) then -- Check response required? wf_core.token('NID', Wf_Notification.GetSubject(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_REQUIRE'); end if; -- Mark notification closed update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set STATUS = 'CLOSED', END_DATE = sysdate, RESPONDER = close.responder where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; -- Remove any messages from the outbound queue -- GK: 1636402: wf_xml.RemoveNotification is not necessary -- since the message is likely to be sent by the time the -- user goes in and does an action from the worklist. -- wf_xml.RemoveNotification(nid); --Bug 2283697 --To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on --WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('RESPONDER',close.responder,l_parameterlist); --Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.close', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Close', to_char(nid), responder); raise; end Close; -- -- GetSubSubjectDisplay -- Get the design subject of a notification and Substitute tokens in text -- with the display name of the attributes in the subject. -- This is used in routing rule poplists -- IN: -- message_type - Item type of the message -- message_name - Name of the message to substitute -- function GetSubSubjectDisplay(message_type IN VARCHAR2, message_name IN VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is local_text varchar2(2000); -- Select attr values, formatting numbers and dates as requested. -- The order-by is to handle cases where one attr name is a substring -- of another. cursor message_attrs_cursor(c_message_type VARCHAR2, c_message_name VARCHAR2) is select WMA.NAME, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WMA.TYPE from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = c_message_type and WMA.MESSAGE_NAME = c_message_name order by length(WMA.NAME) desc; begin -- Get the message subject SELECT SUBJECT INTO local_text FROM wf_messages_vl WHERE type = message_type AND name = message_name; for msg_attr_row in message_attrs_cursor (message_type, message_name) loop -- -- Substitute all occurrences of SEND tokens with values. -- Limit to 1950 chars to avoid value errors if substitution pushes -- it over the edge. -- Wanted to use '<' and '>' to denote substituted attribute but these -- characters are the tag markers in html and cause problems in the -- poplist -- if (msg_attr_row.type = 'URL') then local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '-&'||msg_attr_row.name||'-', '['||msg_attr_row.display_name||']'), 1, 1950); else local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||msg_attr_row.name, '[<I><B>'||msg_attr_row.display_name||'</B></I>]'), 1, 1950); end if; end loop; -- -- Process special '#' internal tokens. Supported tokens are: -- &#NID - Notification id -- local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||'#NID', '[<I><B>'||wf_core.translate('WF_NOTIFICATION_ID')||'</B></I>]'), 1, 1950); return(local_text); exception when others then return(local_text); end GetSubSubjectDisplay; -- -- GetSubSubjectDisplayShort -- Get the design subject of a notification and Substitute tokens in text -- with ellipsis '...' in the subject. -- This is used in routing rule poplists for the new web screens -- IN: -- message_type - Item type of the message -- message_name - Name of the message to substitute -- function GetSubSubjectDisplayShort(message_type IN VARCHAR2, message_name IN VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is local_text varchar2(2000); -- Select attr values, formatting numbers and dates as requested. -- The order-by is to handle cases where one attr name is a substring -- of another. cursor message_attrs_cursor(c_message_type VARCHAR2, c_message_name VARCHAR2) is select WMA.NAME, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WMA.TYPE from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = c_message_type and WMA.MESSAGE_NAME = c_message_name order by length(WMA.NAME) desc; begin -- Get the message subject SELECT SUBJECT INTO local_text FROM wf_messages_vl WHERE type = message_type AND name = message_name; for msg_attr_row in message_attrs_cursor (message_type, message_name) loop -- -- Substitute all occurrences of SEND tokens with values. -- Limit to 1950 chars to avoid value errors if substitution pushes -- it over the edge. -- Wanted to use '<' and '>' to denote substituted attribute but these -- characters are the tag markers in html and cause problems in the -- poplist -- if (msg_attr_row.type = 'URL') then local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '-&'||msg_attr_row.name||'-', '['||msg_attr_row.display_name||']'), 1, 1950); else local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||msg_attr_row.name, '...'), 1, 1950); end if; end loop; -- -- Process special '#' internal tokens. Supported tokens are: -- &#NID - Notification id -- local_text := substrb(replace(local_text, '&'||'#NID', '...'), 1, 1950); return(local_text); exception when others then return(local_text); end GetSubSubjectDisplayShort; -- PLSQL-Clob Procssing ----------------------------------------------------------- --Name : WriteToClob (PUBLIC) --Desc : appends a string to the end of a clob. --note : the efficiency of clob manipulation makes is dubious. -- It is probably best to call this as infrequently as possible -- by concatenating the string as long as possible before hand. procedure WriteToClob ( clob_loc in out nocopy clob, msg_string in varchar2) is pos integer; amt number; begin pos := dbms_lob.getlength(clob_loc) +1; amt := length(msg_string); dbms_lob.write(clob_loc,amt,pos,msg_string); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_NOTIFICATION','WriteToClob'); raise; end WriteToClob; --Name : GetFullBody (PUBLIC) --Desc : Gets full body of message with all PLSQLCLOB variables transalted. -- and returns the message in 32K chunks in the msgbody out variable. -- Call this repeatedly until end_of_body is true. -- Call syntax is --while not (end_of_msgbody) loop -- wf_notification.getfullbody(nid,msgbody,end_of_msgbody); --end loop; procedure GetFullBody (nid in number, msgbody out nocopy varchar2, end_of_body in out nocopy boolean, disptype in varchar2) is buffer varchar2(200); buff_length number; msg varchar2(30); pos number; amt number; msg_body varchar2(3000); strt number; ampersand number; attr_name varchar2(30); begin -- if this is the same nid as was just used in this session, -- and the message is stored as a clob (so clob_exists is not null) then -- retrieve message from the temp clob. if nid = wf_notification.last_nid and disptype = wf_notification.last_disptype and wf_notification.clob_exists is not null then wf_notification.read_Clob(msgbody, end_of_body); return; end if; wf_notification.clob_exists :=null; wf_notification.last_nid:=nid; wf_notification.last_disptype:=disptype; msgbody := wf_notification.getbody(nid,disptype); if msgbody is null or instr(msgbody,'&') = 0 then end_of_body := TRUE; else strt:=1; wf_notification.newclob(wf_notification.temp_clob,null); wf_notification.clob_exists :=1; loop attr_name := null; ampersand := instr(msgbody,'&',strt); if ampersand = 0 then if strt <= length(msgbody) then wf_notification.WriteToClob(wf_notification.temp_clob, substr(msgbody,strt,length(msgbody))); end if; exit; end if; -- If the token starts at the first character of the message body, we -- would encounter an error in our logic. 1 - 1 is 0 so the call to -- substr would fail. if ((ampersand - strt) > 0) then wf_notification.writeToClob(wf_notification.temp_clob, substr(msgbody,strt,ampersand-strt)); end if; -- 2691290 if the '&' is at the end of the body the notification -- will error when calling GetAttrClob API for "Invalid values for -- Arguments". if (substr(msgbody,ampersand+1,30) is not null) then wf_notification.getattrclob(nid,substr(msgbody,ampersand+1,30),disptype, wf_notification.temp_clob , attr_name); end if; if attr_name is not null then --it was already written to clob. strt := ampersand + 1 + length(attr_name); else --the string was not a plsqlclob wf_notification.writeToClob(wf_notification.temp_clob,'&'); strt := ampersand + 1; end if; end loop; --set the clob chunk to zero. then request the next chunk in the msgbody wf_notification.clob_chunk := 0; wf_notification.read_Clob(msgbody, end_of_body); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_NOTIFICATION','GetFullBody', 'nid => '||to_char(nid), 'disptype => '||disptype); raise; end GetFullBody; --Name: GetFullBodyWrapper (PUBLIC) --Desc : Gets full body of message with all PLSQLCLOB variables transalted. -- and returns the message in 32K chunks in the msgbody out variable. -- Call this repeatedly until end_of_body is "Y". Uses string arg -- instead of boolean like GetFullBody for end_of_msg_body -- Call syntax is --while (end_of_msgbody <> 'Y') loop -- wf_notification.getfullbody(nid,msgbody,end_of_msgbody); --end loop; procedure GetFullBodyWrapper (nid in number, msgbody out nocopy varchar2, end_of_body out nocopy varchar2, disptype in varchar2) is end_of_body_b boolean; begin end_of_body_b := FALSE; WF_Notification.GetFullBody(nid, msgbody, end_of_body_b, disptype); if (end_of_body_b = TRUE) then end_of_body := 'Y'; else end_of_body := 'N'; end if; end GetFullBodyWrapper; -- -- GetAttrClob -- Get the displayed value of a PLSQLCLOB DOCUMENT-type attribute. -- Returns referenced document in format requested. -- Use GetAttrText to get retrieve the actual attr value (i.e. the -- document key string instead of the actual document). -- NOTE: -- a. Only PLSQL document type is implemented. -- b. This will be called by old mailers. This is a wrapper to the -- new implementation which returns the doctype also. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- astring - the string to substitute on (ex: '&ATTR1 is your order..') -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- document - The clob into which -- aname - Attribute Name (the first part of the string that matches -- the attr list) -- procedure GetAttrClob( nid in number, astring in varchar2, disptype in varchar2, document in out nocopy clob, aname out nocopy varchar2) is doctype varchar2(500); begin Wf_Notification.GetAttrClob(nid, astring, disptype, document, doctype, aname); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'oldGetAttrClob', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrClob; -- -- GetAttrClob -- Get the displayed value of a PLSQLCLOB DOCUMENT-type attribute. -- Returns referenced document in format requested. -- Use GetAttrText to get retrieve the actual attr value (i.e. the -- document key string instead of the actual document). -- NOTE: -- Only PLSQL document type is implemented. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- astring - the string to substitute on (ex: '&ATTR1 is your order..') -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- document - Th clob into which -- aname - Attribute Name (the first part of the string that matches -- the attr list) -- procedure GetAttrClob( nid in number, astring in varchar2, disptype in varchar2, document in out nocopy clob, doctype out nocopy varchar2, aname out nocopy varchar2) is key varchar2(4000); colon pls_integer; slash pls_integer; dmstype varchar2(30); display_name varchar2(80); procname varchar2(240); launch_url varchar2(4000); procarg varchar2(32000); username varchar2(320); --curs integer; sqlbuf varchar2(2000); --rows integer; target varchar2(240); l_charcheck boolean; cursor aname_curs is select WMA.NAME from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.TYPE = 'DOCUMENT' and instr(astring,wma.name)=1 order by length(wma.name) desc; begin -- Check args if ((nid is null) or (astring is null) or (disptype not in (wf_notification.doc_text, wf_notification.doc_html))) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ASTRING', aname); wf_core.token('DISPTYPE', disptype); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; open aname_curs; -- of all the possible Document type matches, -- make sure its a PLSQLCLOB loop dmstype := ''; fetch aname_curs into aname; if (aname_curs%notfound) then exit; end if; -- Retrieve key string key := wf_notification.GetAttrText(nid, aname); -- If the key is empty then return a null string if (key is not null) then -- Parse doc mgmt system type from key colon := instr(key, ':'); if ((colon <> 0) and (colon < 30)) then dmstype := upper(substr(key, 1, colon-1)); end if; end if; if (dmstype = 'PLSQLCLOB') then exit; end if; end loop; close aname_curs; -- if we didnt find any plsqlclobs then exit now if dmstype is null or (dmstype <> 'PLSQLCLOB') then aname:=null; return; end if; -- We must be processing a CLOB PLSQL doc type slash := instr(key, '/'); if (slash = 0) then procname := substr(key, colon+1); procarg := ''; else procname := substr(key, colon+1, slash-colon-1); procarg := substr(key, slash+1); end if; -- Dynamic sql call to procedure -- bug 2706082 using execute immediate instead of dbms_sql.execute if (procarg is null) then procarg := NULL; else procarg := Wf_Notification.GetTextInternal(procarg, nid, target, FALSE, FALSE, 'text/plain'); end if; -- ### Review Note 1 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(procname); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in procarg, in disptype, in out document, in out doctype; /* curs := dbms_sql.open_cursor; if (procarg is null) then --force a null string sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'('''','''||disptype|| ''', :document, :doctype); end;'; else -- Substitute refs to other attributes in argument -- NOTE: There is a slight chance of recursive loop here, -- if the substituted string eventually contains a reference -- back to this same docattr. procarg := Wf_Notification.GetTextInternal(procarg, nid, target, FALSE, FALSE); sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'('''||procarg||''', '''||disptype|| ''',:document, :doctype); end;'; end if; dbms_sql.parse(curs, sqlbuf, dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(curs, ':document', document); dbms_sql.bind_variable(curs, ':doctype', doctype, 240); rows := dbms_sql.execute(curs); dbms_sql.variable_value(curs, ':document', document); dbms_sql.variable_value(curs, ':doctype', doctype); dbms_sql.close_cursor(curs); -- Translate doc types if needed Dont do this anymore. The plsql must take care of it. if ((disptype = wf_notification.doc_html) and (doctype = wf_notification.doc_text)) then -- Change plain text to html by wrapping in preformatted tags return('<PRE>'||document||'</PRE>'); end if; */ exception when others then -- Close cursor just in case /* if (dbms_sql.is_open(curs)) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(curs); end if; */ wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrClob', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrClob; -- Name: NewClob -- Creates a new record in the temp table with a clob -- this is necessary because clobs cannot reside in plsql -- but must be part of a table. Procedure NewClob (clobloc in out nocopy clob, -- -- clobid in out nocopy number, msg_string in varchar2) is pos integer; amt number; begin -- make clob temporary. this may impact the speed of the UI -- such that user has to wait to see the notification. -- To improve performance make sure buffer cache is well tuned. dbms_lob.createtemporary(clobloc, TRUE, DBMS_LOB.session); if msg_string is not null then pos := 1; amt := length(msg_string); dbms_lob.write(clobloc,amt,pos,msg_string); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_NOTIFICATION','NewClob'); raise; end NewClob; --Name Read_Clob --reads a specific clob in 32K chunks. Call this repeatedly until --end_of_clob is true. procedure read_clob (line out nocopy varchar2 , end_of_clob in out nocopy boolean) is pos number; buff_length pls_integer:=16000; begin --linenbr is always one before the line to print. --it is incremented afterwards. pos:=(buff_length * nvl(wf_notification.clob_chunk,0) ) +1; dbms_lob.read(wf_notification.temp_clob,buff_length,pos,line); if pos+buff_length > dbms_lob.getlength(wf_notification.temp_clob) then end_of_clob := TRUE; wf_notification.clob_chunk := 0; else wf_notification.clob_chunk := wf_notification.clob_chunk +1; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Read_Clob','pos => '||to_char(pos), 'line => {'||line||'}'); raise; end Read_Clob; --Name ReadAttrClob (PUBLIC) --Desc : Gets full text of a PLSQLCLOB variable -- and returns the 32K chunks in the doctext out variable. -- Call this repeatedly until end_of_text is true. --USE : use this to get the value of idividual PLSQLCLOBs such as attachments. -- to susbtitute a PLSQLSQL clob into a message body, use GetFullBody procedure ReadAttrClob(nid in number, aname in varchar2, doctext in out nocopy varchar2, end_of_text in out nocopy boolean) is clob_id number; attr_name varchar2(30); begin if nid = wf_notification.last_nid and wf_notification.clob_exists is not null then wf_notification.read_Clob(doctext, end_of_text); else --create a clob wf_notification.newclob(wf_notification.temp_clob,null); wf_notification.clob_exists :=1; --set the clob text wf_notification.getattrclob(nid, aname, wf_notification.doc_html, wf_notification.temp_clob , attr_name); --retreive all the clob text in 32K chunks. if attr_name = aname then -- the attribute was substituted with something in the clob so print it. wf_notification.clob_chunk := 0; wf_notification.read_Clob(doctext, end_of_text); else --the aname was not substituted so just print it. doctext := aname; end if; --finally set the global vars wf_notification.last_nid:=nid; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'ReadAttrClob'); raise; end ReadAttrClob; -- -- Denormalization of Notifications -- -- -- GetSessionLanguage (PRIVATE) -- Try to return the cached session language value. -- If it is not cached yet, call the real query function. -- function GetSessionLanguage return varchar2 is l_lang varchar2(64); l_terr varchar2(64); l_chrs varchar2(64); begin if (Wf_Notification.nls_language is not null) then return Wf_Notification.nls_language; end if; GetNLSLanguage(l_lang, l_terr, l_chrs); return l_lang; end GetSessionLanguage; -- -- GetNLSLanguage (PRIVATE) -- Get the NLS Lanugage setting of current session -- Try to cached the value for future use. -- NOTE: -- Because it tried to use cached values first. The subsequent calls -- will give you the cached values instead of the current value. -- procedure GetNLSLanguage(language out nocopy varchar2, territory out nocopy varchar2, charset out nocopy varchar2) is tmpbuf varchar2(240); pos1 number; -- position for '_' pos2 number; -- position for '.' begin if (Wf_Notification.nls_language is null) then tmpbuf := userenv('LANGUAGE'); pos1 := instr(tmpbuf, '_'); pos2 := instr(tmpbuf, '.'); Wf_Notification.nls_language := substr(tmpbuf, 1, pos1-1); Wf_Notification.nls_territory := substr(tmpbuf, pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1); Wf_Notification.nls_charset := substr(tmpbuf, pos2+1); end if; GetNLSLanguage.language := Wf_Notification.nls_language; GetNLSLanguage.territory := Wf_Notification.nls_territory; GetNLSLanguage.charset := Wf_Notification.nls_charset; end GetNLSLanguage; -- -- SetNLSLanguage (PRIVATE) -- Set the NLS Lanugage setting of current session -- procedure SetNLSLanguage(p_language in varchar2, p_territory in varchar2) is begin if (p_language = Wf_Notification.nls_language) then return; end if; DBMS_SESSION.SET_NLS('NLS_LANGUAGE',p_language); DBMS_SESSION.SET_NLS('NLS_TERRITORY',p_territory); -- update cache Wf_Notification.nls_language := p_language; Wf_Notification.nls_territory := p_territory; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'SetNLSLanguage', p_language, p_territory); raise; end SetNLSLanguage; -- -- Denormalize_Notification -- Populate the donormalized value to WF_NOTIFICATIONS table according -- to the language setting of username provided. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- username - optional role name, if not provided, use the -- recipient_role of the notification. -- langcode - language code -- -- NOTE: username has precedence over langcode. Either username or -- langcode is needed. -- procedure Denormalize_Notification(nid in number, username in varchar2, langcode in varchar2) is l_orig_lang varchar2(64); l_user varchar2(320); l_from_role varchar2(320); l_from_user varchar2(360); l_to_user varchar2(360); l_subject varchar2(2000); l_language varchar2(64); role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_territory varchar2(64); l_defer_denormalize boolean; l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t; begin l_orig_lang := Wf_Notification.GetSessionLanguage; l_defer_denormalize := FALSE; l_parameterlist := wf_parameter_list_t(); -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('original language: '||l_orig_lang); -- dbms_output.put_line('original langcode: '||userenv('LANG')); -- end if; -- if username is supplied, use the language setting of such user -- default to Recipient's setting if no valid language is found. begin if (username is not null) then Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(username, role_info_tbl); l_language := role_info_tbl(1).language; role_info_tbl.DELETE; -- ### implement as generic log in the future -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('wants language: '||l_language); -- end if; -- check if user language match if (l_orig_lang <> l_language) then -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('defers denormalization'); -- end if; return; end if; elsif (langcode is not null) then -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('wants langcode: '||langcode); -- end if; -- check if langcode match if (langcode <> userenv('LANG')) then -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('defers denormalization'); -- end if; return; end if; select NLS_LANGUAGE into l_language from WF_LANGUAGES where CODE = langcode; -- ### and INSTALLED_FLAG = 'Y'; -- ### Maybe we do not need to restrict installed flag to be Y end if; exception when OTHERS then l_language := null; end; begin select RECIPIENT_ROLE, FROM_ROLE into l_user, l_from_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(l_user, role_info_tbl); -- in most cases, l_language should be null and we use the language setting -- of the recipient role. if (l_language is null) then l_language := role_info_tbl(1).language; -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('wants language: '||l_language); -- end if; if (l_orig_lang <> l_language) then -- do not do anything if the languages do not match -- if (wf_notification.debug) then -- dbms_output.put_line('languages does not match, defers denormalization'); -- end if; --return; l_defer_denormalize := TRUE; end if; end if; if (l_defer_denormalize) then l_territory := role_info_tbl(1).territory; -- To raise an EVENT when l_defer_denormalize is set true wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',nid,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE',l_user,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('LANGUAGE',l_language,l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('TERRITORY',l_territory,l_parameterlist); -- Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.denormalize', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); return; end if; -- To User -- N.B.: substrb is used in stead of substr because 320 is a hard byte limit. -- substr in some characterset may return > 320 bytes. l_to_user := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; l_to_user := substrb(l_to_user,1,320); -- From User -- If FROM_ROLE has not been defined yet, we tried to draw this from -- #FROM_ROLE. if (l_from_role is NULL) then begin l_from_role := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#FROM_ROLE'); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.clear; -- clear the error stack l_from_role := NULL; end; end if; -- We need to make l_from_user consistant with l_from_role. if (l_from_role is not NULL) then l_from_user := Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(l_from_role); l_from_user := substrb(l_from_user, 1,320); end if; -- Subject -- skilaru 08-MAY-03 bug fix 2883247 l_subject := Wf_Notification.GetSubject(nid, 'text/plain'); -- Populate the notification values -- begin update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set FROM_USER = l_from_user, FROM_ROLE = nvl(l_from_role,FROM_ROLE), TO_USER = l_to_user, SUBJECT = l_subject, LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_DENORM_FAILED'); end; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Denormalize_Notification', to_char(nid), username); raise; end Denormalize_Notification; -- -- closeFYI -- Close FYI notifications that are not associated with an item. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item Type the notification belongs to. -- begindate - Close FYI notifications that were opened on -- or before this date. -- procedure closeFYI( itemtype in varchar2, messageName in varchar2, begindate in date) is xitemtype varchar2(8); xmessageName varchar2(30); cursor fyiNid is select WN.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where MESSAGE_TYPE like xitemtype and MESSAGE_NAME like xmessageName and BEGIN_DATE<=begindate and STATUS = 'OPEN' and not exists ( select NULL from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WN.MESSAGE_TYPE and WMA.MESSAGE_NAME = WN.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'); begin xitemtype := nvl(itemtype, '%'); xmessageName := nvl(messageName, '%'); for c in fyiNid LOOP WF_NOTIFICATION.Close( c.NOTIFICATION_ID ); end loop; end closeFYI; -- -- NtfSignRequirementsMet (PUBLIC) (Bug 2698999) -- Checks if the notification's singature requirements are met -- IN -- nid - notification id -- OUT -- true - if the ntf is signed -- false - if the ntf is not signed -- function NtfSignRequirementsMet(nid in number) return boolean is sig_policy varchar2(100); sig_id number; sig_status number; creation_date date; signed_date date; verified_date date; lastAttVal_date date; validated_date date; ebuf varchar2(4000); estack varchar2(4000); l_attr_sigid number; sig_required Varchar2(1); fwk_sig_flavor Varchar2(255); email_sig_flavor Varchar2(255); render_hint Varchar2(255); begin -- get the signature policy for the notification -- wf_mail.GetSignaturePolicy(nid, sig_policy); begin sig_policy := Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#WF_SIG_POLICY'); exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; sig_policy := 'DEFAULT'; else raise; end if; end; /* check if signature is required for this sig_policy*/ GetSignatureRequired(sig_policy, nid,sig_required, fwk_sig_flavor, email_sig_flavor, render_hint); If(sig_required = 'N') then return TRUE; Elsif(sig_required = 'Y') then -- bug 2779748: Cancelled Notification does not need to be signed begin if (WF_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, 'RESULT') = '#SIG_CANCEL') then return TRUE; end if; exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; else raise; end if; end; sig_id := WF_DIG_SIG_EVIDENCE_STORE.GetMostRecentSigID('WF_NTF', nid); begin -- #WF_SIG_ID may be defined as text or number... Now both will work -- Eventually should use GetAttrNumber l_attr_sigid := to_number(Wf_Notification.GetAttrText(nid, '#WF_SIG_ID')); exception when others then if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; l_attr_sigid := -1; else raise; end if; end; if (sig_id = -1 or sig_id <> l_attr_sigid) then return FALSE; end if; WF_DIG_SIG_EVIDENCE_STORE.GetSigStatusInfo(sig_id, sig_status, creation_date, signed_date, verified_date, lastAttVal_date, validated_date, ebuf, estack); if (sig_status >= WF_DIGITAL_SECURITY_PRIVATE.STAT_AUTHORIZED) then return TRUE; end if; return FALSE; end if; -- Currently only two policies supported. For others assume it is signed return TRUE; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'NtfSignRequirementsMet', to_char(nid)); raise; end NtfSignRequirementsMet; -- -- Request More Info -- -- -- UpdateInfo -- non-null username: Ask this user for more information -- null username: Reply to the inquery -- comment could be question or answer -- NOTE: -- This is a Framework specific api. Embedded version SHOULD NOT call -- this api. -- Because we cannot validate a session inside Framework, calling such -- api outside of Framework may produce erroneous result. -- IN -- nid - Notification Id -- username - User to whom the comment is intended -- comment - Comment text -- wl_user - Worklist user to whom the notfication belongs, in case a proxy is acting -- action_source - Source from where the call is made. Could be null or 'WA' -- procedure UpdateInfo(nid in number, username in varchar2, comment in varchar2, wl_user in varchar2, action_source in varchar2) is resource_busy exception; pragma exception_init(resource_busy, -00054); l_from_role varchar2(320); replyby varchar2(320); myusername varchar2(320); mydispname varchar2(360); l_messageType varchar2(8); l_groupId number; l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); mailpref varchar2 (8); recipient_role VARCHAR2 (320); cb varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number ; dvalue date ; --Bug 3827935 l_charcheck boolean; --Bug 3065814 l_recip_role varchar2(320); l_orig_recip_role varchar2(320); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); l_question_role varchar2(320); l_dummy varchar2(1); begin -- Framework has control of a session. -- We are not allowed to re-validate a session any more. So we cannot -- use wfa_sec.GetSession() directly. myusername := wfa_sec.GetFWKUserName; -- Bug 3065814 -- Set the global context variables to appropriate values for this mode if (action_source = 'WA') then -- Action is performed by a proxy on behalf of wl_user. g_context_proxy := myusername; g_context_user := UpdateInfo.wl_user; -- In Answer mode, wl_user is the more_info_role and Fwk session user is the proxy_role myusername := UpdateInfo.wl_user; else -- Action is performed by the recipient of the notification g_context_proxy := null; g_context_user := myusername; end if; mydispname := Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(myusername); g_context_user_comment := updateinfo.comment; --Bug 3065814 --Get the callback function SELECT callback , context ,RECIPIENT_ROLE, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT, MORE_INFO_ROLE ,from_role into cb, context,l_recip_role , l_orig_recip_role, l_more_info_role, l_from_role FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = nid; g_context_recipient_role := l_recip_role; g_context_original_recipient:= l_orig_recip_role; g_context_from_role := l_from_role; --The new role will be different for 'ANSWER mode --we overwrite it there. g_context_new_role := username; g_context_more_info_role := l_more_info_role; -- If we are in a different Fwk session, need to clear Workflow PLSQL state if (not Wfa_Sec.CheckSession) then Wf_Global.Init; end if; -- question mode if (username is not null) then if (myusername = username) then --Bug 2474770 --If the current user is the same as the one from --whom more-info is requested then raise the error --that you cannot ask for more info from yourself. wf_core.token('USER',username); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_INVALID_MOREINFO_REQUEST'); else -- do not want it hung when some one is doing update. begin select MORE_INFO_ROLE into l_from_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when resource_busy then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_BEING_UPDATED'); -- ### This notification is being updated currently, please -- ### try again in a brief moment. end; if (cb is not null) then tvalue := myusername; nvalue := nid; -- ### Review Note 2 - cb is from table --Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(cb); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'QUESTION', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; -- always allow question -- bug 2474562 -- allows any role, as restriction is done in the pop list level -- if (IsValidInfoRole(nid,username)) then -- shanjgik 01-JUL-03 bug 2887130 -- get mail preference of the user who will respond with more information mailpref := wf_notification.GetMailPreference (username, null, null); -- if there is a valid session, then we can update the FROM_ROLE -- and FROM_USER accurately. if (myusername is not null) then update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MORE_INFO_ROLE = username, FROM_USER = mydispname, FROM_ROLE = myusername, MAIL_STATUS = decode (mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML','', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL') where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; -- otherwise, we default to what it should be. Unfortunately, if it -- is a group role, we will not be able to identify which member I am. else update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MORE_INFO_ROLE = username, FROM_USER = TO_USER, FROM_ROLE = RECIPIENT_ROLE, MAIL_STATUS = decode (mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML','', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL') where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; end if; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, myusername, username, 'QUESTION', action_source, substrb(comment,1,4000)); -- LANGUAGE here is for FROM_USER which came from WF_NOTIFICATIONS above -- insert into WF_COMMENTS ( -- NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- COMMENT_DATE, -- ACTION, -- USER_COMMENT, -- LANGUAGE -- ) -- select NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- sysdate, -- 'QUESTION', -- substrb(comment,1,4000), -- LANGUAGE -- from WF_NOTIFICATIONS -- where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; -- bug 2474562 -- else -- wf_core.token('ROLE',username); -- wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NOT_PARTICIPANTS'); -- end if; end if; -- answer mode -- NOTE: the language here is the language of the MORE_INFO_ROLE, -- no denormalization is needed here. else -- Do not allow reply when a question has not been asked, or it has -- already been answered. In both cases, MORE_INFO_ROLE is set to null. -- Also acquire a row lock, so that we do not let multiple people to -- answer at the same time. begin select MORE_INFO_ROLE,Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(MORE_INFO_ROLE), RECIPIENT_ROLE,FROM_ROLE into l_from_role, replyby, recipient_role,l_question_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and MORE_INFO_ROLE is not null for update nowait; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- if it has no row, we cannot reply to this notification wf_core.raise('WFNTF_CANNOT_REPLY'); -- ### You cannot reply to a question that has not been asked -- ### or has already been answered. when resource_busy then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_BEING_UPDATED'); -- ### This notification is being updated currently, please -- ### try again in a brief moment. end; if (myusername is not null and l_from_role <> myusername) then if (not Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(myusername, l_from_role)) then wf_core.token('ROLE',myusername); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NOT_PARTICIPANTS'); end if; l_from_role := myusername; replyby := mydispname; end if; if (cb is not null) then tvalue := myusername; nvalue := nid; g_context_new_role := l_question_role; -- ### Review Note 2 - cb is from table -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(cb); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'ANSWER', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; -- shanjgik 01-JUL-03 bug 2887130 -- get the recipient's(one who requested more information) mail preference mailpref := wf_notification.GetMailPreference (recipient_role, null, null); update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set FROM_USER = replyby, FROM_ROLE = l_from_role, MORE_INFO_ROLE = null, MAIL_STATUS = decode (mailpref, 'QUERY', '', 'SUMMARY', '', 'SUMHTML','', 'DISABLED', 'FAILED', null, '', 'MAIL') where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, l_from_role, recipient_role, 'ANSWER', action_source, substrb(comment,1,4000)); -- LANGUAGE here is for FROM_USER which came from GetRoleDisplayName above, -- so the LANGUAGE should be current userenv('LANG'). -- insert into WF_COMMENTS ( -- NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- COMMENT_DATE, -- ACTION, -- USER_COMMENT, -- LANGUAGE -- ) -- select NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- sysdate, -- 'ANSWER', -- substrb(comment,1,4000), -- userenv('LANG') -- from WF_NOTIFICATIONS -- where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; end if; -- Send the notification through email -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); -- Bug 2283697 -- To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on -- WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID', nid, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE', username, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID', nvl(l_groupId, nid), l_parameterlist); wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', l_messageType, l_parameterlist); -- Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'UpdateInfo', to_char(nid), username, wl_user, action_source); raise; end UpdateInfo; -- bug 2474562 -- deprecate - this api is no longer needed, keeps this for reference only -- -- IsValidInfoRole -- Check to see if a role is a participant so far function IsValidInfoRole(nid in number, username in varchar2) return boolean is itype varchar2(30); ikey varchar2(240); ans number; begin begin -- 99% of the case, it should be found in WIAS select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY into itype, ikey from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then begin -- rarely the nid is from WIASH, but just in case select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY into itype, ikey from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Notification only begin select NULL, '#SYNCH' into itype, ikey from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when OTHERS then return(FALSE); end; when OTHERS then return(FALSE); end; when OTHERS then return(FALSE); end; -- check if this is item owner begin select 1 into ans from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE = itype and ITEM_KEY = ikey and OWNER_ROLE = IsValidInfoRole.username; return(TRUE); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; if (itype is null and ikey = '#SYNCH') then -- this is notification only begin select 1 into ans from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where IsValidInfoRole.username in (RECIPIENT_ROLE, ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT) and NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return(FALSE); end; else -- this is notification from a flow begin -- NOTE -- The following sql is suggested by Deb in the performance team -- it uses the index on group_id which is much more selective -- than those on recipient_role or original_recipient. -- Even though the explain plan seems to indicate a high cost, the -- run time performance on volumn database is much better. select 1 into ans from ( select /*+ leading(grp_id_view) */ RECIPIENT_ROLE , ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT from WF_NOTIFICATIONS a , ( select notification_id group_id from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where item_type = itype and item_key = ikey union all select notification_id group_id from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where item_type = itype and item_key = ikey ) grp_id_view where grp_id_view.group_id = a.group_id ) recipient_view where (recipient_view.RECIPIENT_ROLE = IsValidInfoRole.username or recipient_view.ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT = IsValidInfoRole.username) and rownum < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return(FALSE); end; end if; return(TRUE); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification','IsValidInfoRole',to_char(nid),username); raise; end IsValidInfoRole; -- UpdateInfo2 - bug 2282139 -- non-null username - Ask this user for more information -- null username - Reply to the inquery -- from email - from email id of responder/requestor -- comment - could be question or answer -- NOTE: -- This is a WF Mailer specific API. Used when a user requests more info -- or provides info through email response. -- procedure UpdateInfo2(nid in number, username in varchar2, from_email in varchar2, comment in varchar2) is resource_busy exception; pragma exception_init(resource_busy, -00054); l_from_role varchar2(320); replyby varchar2(320); myusername varchar2(320); mydispname varchar2(360); l_messageType varchar2(8); l_groupId number; l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_username varchar2(320); l_stat varchar2(8); --Bug 3065814 l_recip_role varchar2(320); l_orig_recip_role varchar2(320); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); cb varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; l_question_role varchar2(320); l_found boolean; l_dummy varchar2(1); -- Bug 3827935 l_charcheck boolean; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfo2.Begin', 'NID: '||to_char(nid) ||', Username: '||username|| ' From: '||from_email); end if; -- Get notification related information SELECT callback, context, recipient_role, original_recipient, more_info_role, from_role, status INTO cb, context, l_recip_role, l_orig_recip_role, l_more_info_role, l_from_role, l_stat FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = nid; -- Donot process the request if the notification is not open. if (l_stat <> 'OPEN') then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfo2.not_open', 'Notification '||to_char(nid)||' is not OPEN. Returning.'); end if; return; end if; -- mailer doesnot have a valid user session. need to get -- the user name based on the from_email GetUserfromEmail(from_email, myusername, mydispname, l_found); if (l_found) then g_context_user := myusername; else g_context_user := 'email:' || myusername; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfo2.got_user', 'Email: '||from_email||' User: '||myusername||' DispName: '||mydispname); end if; --Bug 3065814 --Set the global context variables to appropriate values for this mode g_context_user_comment := updateinfo2.comment; g_context_recipient_role := l_recip_role; g_context_original_recipient:= l_orig_recip_role; g_context_from_role := l_from_role; -- The new role will be different for 'ANSWER mode we overwrite it there. g_context_new_role := username; g_context_more_info_role := l_more_info_role; -- question mode if (username is not null) then -- Check if the question is asked to a valid role -- i. The role should be valid within WF Directory Service. -- ii. We might also want to check if the user is a participant of the ntf?? wf_directory.GetRoleInfo2(username, role_info_tbl); l_username := role_info_tbl(1).name; -- Check if it is a Display Name if (l_username is NULL) then begin SELECT name INTO l_username FROM wf_role_lov_vl WHERE upper(display_name) = upper(username) AND rownum = 1; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('ROLE', username); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROLE'); end; end if; -- If the username was specified as display name, l_username would have the internal name if (l_username in (myusername, l_recip_role)) then -- If the current user is the same as the one from whom more-info is requested -- requested then raise the error that you cannot ask for more info from yourself. wf_core.token('USER',username); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_INVALID_MOREINFO_REQUEST'); else -- do not want it hung when some one is doing update. begin select MORE_INFO_ROLE, MESSAGE_TYPE, GROUP_ID into l_from_role, l_messageType, l_groupId from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid for update nowait; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when resource_busy then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_BEING_UPDATED'); end; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfo2.question', 'Updating QUESTION'); end if; if (cb is not null) then tvalue := myusername; nvalue := nid; -- ### Review Note 2 - cb is from table -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(cb); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'QUESTION', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; -- as we donot have a user session for the mailer, the only way to -- find FROM_ROLE and FROM_USER are through the from_addr. If the -- user name and display name are not available, email address is updated /* if (myusername is not null) then update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MORE_INFO_ROLE = username, FROM_USER = mydispname, FROM_ROLE = myusername where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; -- otherwise, we default to what it should be. Unfortunately, if it -- is a group role, we will not be able to identify which member I am. else */ update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MAIL_STATUS = 'MAIL', MORE_INFO_ROLE = l_username, FROM_USER = TO_USER, FROM_ROLE = RECIPIENT_ROLE where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; /*end if; */ Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, myusername, l_username, 'QUESTION', null, substrb(comment,1,4000)); -- LANGUAGE here is for FROM_USER which came from WF_NOTIFICATIONS above -- insert into WF_COMMENTS ( -- NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- COMMENT_DATE, -- ACTION, -- USER_COMMENT, -- LANGUAGE -- ) -- select NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- sysdate, -- 'QUESTION', -- substrb(comment,1,4000), -- LANGUAGE -- from WF_NOTIFICATIONS -- where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; end if; -- answer mode -- NOTE: the language here is the language of the MORE_INFO_ROLE, -- no denormalization is needed here. else -- Do not allow reply when a question has not been asked, or it has -- already been answered. In both cases, MORE_INFO_ROLE is set to null. -- Also acquire a row lock, so that we do not let multiple people to -- answer at the same time. begin select MORE_INFO_ROLE, Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(MORE_INFO_ROLE), MESSAGE_TYPE, GROUP_ID , from_role into l_from_role, replyby, l_messageType, l_groupId, l_question_role from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and MORE_INFO_ROLE is not null for update nowait; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- if it has no row, we cannot reply to this notification wf_core.raise('WFNTF_CANNOT_REPLY'); -- ### You cannot reply to a question that has not been asked -- ### or has already been answered. when resource_busy then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_BEING_UPDATED'); end; -- we donot validate the role, it may be email address. we donot want -- FROM_ROLE and FROM_USER to be NULL. l_from_role := myusername; replyby := mydispname; if (cb is not null) then tvalue := myusername; nvalue := nid; g_context_new_role := l_question_role; -- ### Review Note 2 - cb is from table -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'ANSWER', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfo2.answer', 'Updating ANSWER'); end if; update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MAIL_STATUS = 'MAIL', FROM_USER = replyby, FROM_ROLE = l_from_role, MORE_INFO_ROLE = null where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, myusername, l_recip_role, 'ANSWER', null, substrb(comment,1,4000)); -- LANGUAGE here is for FROM_USER which came from GetRoleDisplayName above, -- so the LANGUAGE should be current userenv('LANG'). -- insert into WF_COMMENTS ( -- NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- COMMENT_DATE, -- ACTION, -- USER_COMMENT, -- LANGUAGE -- ) -- select NOTIFICATION_ID, -- FROM_ROLE, -- FROM_USER, -- sysdate, -- 'ANSWER', -- substrb(comment,1,4000), -- userenv('LANG') -- from WF_NOTIFICATIONS -- where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; end if; -- Send the notification through email -- Enqueuing has been moved to a subscription for forward -- compatability. The subscription need only be enabled to use -- the older mailer. The subscription will call the -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); -- Bug 2283697 -- To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on -- WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID', nid, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE', username, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID', nvl(l_groupId, nid), l_parameterlist); wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', l_messageType, l_parameterlist); -- Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'UpdateInfo2', to_char(nid), username, from_email); raise; end UpdateInfo2; -- UpdateInfoGuest: -- Called for updating more info when access key is present, -- responder to the request more info role as the user -- is trying to respond to Request More Info as GUEST user -- via E-mail without logging in. -- responder - Responder to the request more info -- moreinfoanswer - answer to request more information -- procedure UpdateInfoGuest(nid in number, moreinforesponder in varchar2 default null, moreinfoanswer in varchar2 default null) is resource_busy exception; pragma exception_init(resource_busy, -00054); l_from_role varchar2(320); l_recipient_role varchar2(320); replyby varchar2(320); l_messageType varchar2(8); l_groupId number; l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); cb varchar2(240); context varchar2(2000); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); tvalue varchar2(4000); nvalue number; dvalue date; l_question_role varchar2(320); l_dummy varchar2(1); l_orig_recip_role varchar2(320); begin wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, 'WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfoGuest', 'NID: '||to_char(nid)); -- Do not allow reply when a question has not been asked, or it has -- already been answered. In both cases, MORE_INFO_ROLE is set to null. -- Also acquire a row lock, so that we do not let multiple people to -- answer at the same time. begin select ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT, RECIPIENT_ROLE, MORE_INFO_ROLE, Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(MORE_INFO_ROLE), MESSAGE_TYPE, GROUP_ID , from_role, callback, context into l_orig_recip_role, l_recipient_role, l_from_role, replyby, l_messageType, l_groupId, l_question_role, cb, context from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and MORE_INFO_ROLE is not null for update nowait; --Bug 3924931 --Set the global context variables to appropriate values for this mode g_context_user := updateinfoguest.moreinforesponder; g_context_user_comment := updateinfoguest.moreinfoanswer; g_context_new_role := l_question_role; g_context_recipient_role := l_recipient_role; g_context_original_recipient:= l_orig_recip_role; g_context_from_role := l_question_role; g_context_more_info_role := l_from_role; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- if it has no row, we cannot reply to this notification wf_core.raise('WFNTF_CANNOT_REPLY'); -- ### You cannot reply to a question that has not been asked -- ### or has already been answered. when resource_busy then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_BEING_UPDATED'); end; if (cb is not null) then tvalue := moreinforesponder; nvalue := nid; -- ### Note 2 - cb is from table -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in 'ANSWER', in context, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; end if; wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, 'WF_NOTIFICATION.UpdateInfoGuest', 'Updating ANSWER'); update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set MAIL_STATUS = 'MAIL', FROM_USER = moreinforesponder, FROM_ROLE = moreinforesponder, MORE_INFO_ROLE = null where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; Wf_Notification.SetComments(nid, moreinforesponder, l_recipient_role, 'ANSWER', null, substrb(moreinfoanswer,1,4000)); -- Send the notification through email -- Enqueuing has been moved to a subscription for forward -- compatability. The subscription need only be enabled to use -- the older mailer. The subscription will call the -- wf_xml.EnqueueNotification(nid); -- Bug 2283697 -- To raise an EVENT whenever DML operation is performed on -- WF_NOTIFICATIONS and WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES table. wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID', nid, l_parameterlist); -- skilaru 12-MAR-04 In UpdateInfo2 username would be null in Answer mode -- to keep the behaviour same just pass null as ROLE.. wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE', null, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID', nvl(l_groupId, nid), l_parameterlist); wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', l_messageType, l_parameterlist); -- Raise the event wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send', p_event_key => to_char(nid), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Notification', 'UpdateInfoGuest', to_char(nid), moreinforesponder); raise; end UpdateInfoGuest; -- -- HideMoreInfo (PUBLIC) -- Checks the notification attribute #HIDE_MOREINFO to see if the -- More Information request button is allowed or hidden. Just in case -- more_info_role becomes not null with direct table update... function HideMoreInfo(nid in number) return varchar2 is l_hide varchar2(1); begin -- Get value for #HIDE_MOREINFO attribute for the notification begin l_hide := substrb(WF_NOTIFICATION.GetAttrText(nid, '#HIDE_MOREINFO'), 1, 1); -- Bugfix 2880029 - changed sacsharm - 03/31/03 -- Only if attribute value is explicitly 'Y' hide Request More Info. else -- if it is null or 'N' or any other character donot hide Request More Info. l_hide := upper(nvl(l_hide, 'N')); if (l_hide <> 'Y') then l_hide := 'N'; end if; exception when others then -- Bugfix 2880029 - changed sacsharm - 03/31/03 -- If attribute not defined, do not hide Request More Info. if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFNTF_ATTR') then wf_core.clear; l_hide := 'N'; else raise; end if; end; return (l_hide); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'HideMoreInfo', to_char(nid)); raise; end HideMoreInfo; -- GetComments -- Consolidates the questions and answers asked for the notification -- Also returns the last question asked. -- This is for the mailer to send the history with the email. -- It assumes that the table has been already opened -- IN -- nid - Notification id -- dislay_type The display type for the history -- OUT -- history in either text or html format -- last asked question procedure GetComments(nid in number, display_type in varchar2, html_history out nocopy varchar2, last_ques out nocopy varchar2) is CURSOR c_ques IS SELECT user_comment FROM wf_comments WHERE notification_id = nid AND action = 'QUESTION' ORDER BY comment_date desc; begin open c_ques; fetch c_ques into last_ques; if (c_ques%notfound) then last_ques := ''; end if; close c_ques; -- Call the GetComments2 procedure to get the Action History for only -- More Info Requests. This procedure was doing that previously Wf_Notification.GetComments2(p_nid => nid, p_display_type => display_type, p_hide_reassign => 'Y', p_hide_requestinfo => 'N', p_action_history => html_history); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetComments', to_char(nid), display_type); raise; end GetComments; -- -- GetComments2 -- Creates the Action History table for a given a notification id based on -- different filter criteria. -- IN -- p_nid - Notification id -- p_display_type - Display Type -- p_action_type - Action Type to look for (REASSIGN, RESPOND, QA,...) -- p_comment_date - Comment Date -- p_from_role - Comment provider -- p_to_role - Comment receiver -- p_hide_reassign - If Reassign comments be shown or not -- p_hide_requestinfo - If More Info request be shown or not -- OUT -- p_action_history - Action History table -- procedure GetComments2(p_nid in number, p_display_type in varchar2, p_action_type in varchar2, p_comment_date in date, p_from_role in varchar2, p_to_role in varchar2, p_hide_reassign in varchar2, p_hide_requestinfo in varchar2, p_action_history out nocopy varchar2) is -- TYPE c_comments_t IS REF CURSOR; -- l_comments_c c_comments_t; -- TYPE comment_rec_t IS RECORD -- ( -- notification_id number, -- comment_date date, -- action varchar2(30), -- from_user varchar2(360), -- to_user varchar2(360), -- user_comment varchar2(4000) -- ); -- l_comm_rec comment_rec_t; -- l_sql_stmt varchar2(2000); l_user_comment varchar2(4000); i pls_integer; j pls_integer; l_pos pls_integer; l_table_dir varchar2(1); l_dir varchar2(10); cells tdType; l_result varchar2(32000); l_delim varchar2(1); l_note varchar2(4000); l_action varchar2(30); -- l_action_type1 varchar2(10); -- l_action_type2 varchar2(10); l_item_type varchar2(8); l_item_key varchar2(240); l_actid number; l_result_type varchar2(30); l_result_code varchar2(30); l_action_str varchar2(250); l_wf_system varchar2(360); l_count number; l_suppress_hist varchar2(1); l_title varchar2(250); CURSOR c_comments IS select rownum H_SEQUENCE, H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_FROM_USER, H_TO_USER, H_ACTION_TYPE, H_ACTION, H_COMMENT, H_ACTION_DATE from (select H_SEQUENCE, H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_FROM_USER, H_TO_USER, H_ACTION_TYPE, H_ACTION, H_COMMENT, H_ACTION_DATE from (select 99999999 H_SEQUENCE, IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, IAS.ASSIGNED_USER H_FROM_ROLE, wf_directory.getRoleDisplayName(IAS.ASSIGNED_USER) H_FROM_USER, 'WF_SYSTEM' H_TO_ROLE, l_wf_system H_TO_USER, A.RESULT_TYPE H_ACTION_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE H_ACTION, '#WF_NOTE#' H_COMMENT, nvl(IAS.END_DATE, IAS.BEGIN_DATE) H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE IS NOT NULL and IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE not in( '#EXCEPTION', '#FORCE', '#MAIL', '#NULL', '#STUCK', '#TIMEOUT') and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE union all select 99999999 H_SEQUENCE, IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, IAS.ASSIGNED_USER H_FROM_ROLE, wf_directory.getRoleDisplayName(IAS.ASSIGNED_USER) H_FROM_USER, 'WF_SYSTEM' H_TO_ROLE, l_wf_system H_TO_USER, A.RESULT_TYPE H_ACTION_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE H_ACTION, '#WF_NOTE#' H_COMMENT, nvl(IAS.END_DATE, IAS.BEGIN_DATE) H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE IS NOT NULL and IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE not in( '#EXCEPTION', '#FORCE', '#MAIL', '#NULL', '#STUCK', '#TIMEOUT') and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE union all select C.SEQUENCE H_SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, C.FROM_ROLE H_FROM_ROLE, C.FROM_USER H_FROM_USER, C.TO_ROLE H_TO_ROLE, C.TO_USER H_TO_USER, '#WF_COMMENTS#' H_ACTION_TYPE, C.ACTION H_ACTION, C.USER_COMMENT H_COMMENT, C.COMMENT_DATE H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_COMMENTS C where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID and C.ACTION not in ('RESPOND', 'RESPOND_WA', 'RESPOND_RULE', 'SEND') union all select C.SEQUENCE H_SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, C.FROM_ROLE H_FROM_ROLE, C.FROM_USER H_FROM_USER, C.TO_ROLE H_TO_ROLE, C.TO_USER H_TO_USER, '#WF_COMMENTS#' H_ACTION_TYPE, C.ACTION H_ACTION, C.USER_COMMENT H_COMMENT, C.COMMENT_DATE H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_COMMENTS C where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID and C.ACTION not in ('RESPOND', 'RESPOND_WA', 'RESPOND_RULE', 'SEND') ) order by H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_ACTION_DATE, H_SEQUENCE ); cursor c_ntf_hist is select rownum H_SEQUENCE, H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_FROM_USER, H_TO_USER, H_ACTION_TYPE, H_ACTION, H_COMMENT, H_ACTION_DATE from (select H_SEQUENCE, H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_FROM_USER, H_TO_USER, H_ACTION_TYPE, H_ACTION, H_COMMENT, H_ACTION_DATE from (select C.SEQUENCE H_SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, C.FROM_ROLE H_FROM_ROLE, C.FROM_USER H_FROM_USER, C.TO_ROLE H_TO_ROLE, C.TO_USER H_TO_USER, C.ACTION_TYPE H_ACTION_TYPE, C.ACTION H_ACTION, C.USER_COMMENT H_COMMENT, C.COMMENT_DATE H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_COMMENTS C where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID and C.ACTION_TYPE in ('REASSIGN', 'QA') union all select C.SEQUENCE H_SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID H_NOTIFICATION_ID, C.FROM_ROLE H_FROM_ROLE, C.FROM_USER H_FROM_USER, C.TO_ROLE H_TO_ROLE, C.TO_USER H_TO_USER, C.ACTION_TYPE H_ACTION_TYPE, C.ACTION H_ACTION, C.USER_COMMENT H_COMMENT, C.COMMENT_DATE H_ACTION_DATE from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_COMMENTS C where IAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type and IAS.ITEM_KEY = l_item_key and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = l_actid and IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID and C.ACTION_TYPE in ('REASSIGN', 'QA') ) order by H_NOTIFICATION_ID, H_ACTION_DATE, H_SEQUENCE ); l_comm_rec c_comments%ROWTYPE; l_ntf_hist_rec c_ntf_hist%ROWTYPE; begin -- Bug 3767799 -- Getting comments based on different filter criteria is not implemented in Fwk UI. We will not -- implement the same in PLSQL Action History also. Given the Notification Id, we will return the -- complete Action History based on the Cursor above. -- if (p_hide_reassign = 'Y' and p_hide_requestinfo = 'Y') then -- l_action_type1 := 'REASSIGN'; -- l_action_type2 := 'QA'; -- elsif (p_hide_reassign = 'N' and p_hide_requestinfo = 'Y') then -- l_action_type1 := 'QA'; -- l_action_type2 := 'QA'; -- elsif (p_hide_reassign = 'Y' and p_hide_requestinfo = 'N') then -- l_action_type1 := 'REASSIGN'; -- l_action_type2 := 'REASSIGN'; -- else -- l_action_type1 := 'X'; -- l_action_type2 := 'X'; -- end if; -- l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT notification_id, comment_date, action, from_user, to_user, user_comment '|| -- ' FROM wf_comments '|| -- ' WHERE ((:p1 is not null and action_type like :p2) '|| -- ' or (:p3 is null and action_type not in (:p4, :p5))) '|| -- ' AND comment_date = nvl(:p6, comment_date) '|| -- ' AND from_role = nvl(:p7, from_role) '|| -- ' AND to_role = nvl(:p8, to_role) '|| -- ' AND notification_id = :p9 '|| -- ' ORDER BY comment_date DESC, action_type ASC'; begin SELECT item_type, item_key, process_activity INTO l_item_type, l_item_key, l_actid FROM wf_item_activity_statuses WHERE notification_id = p_nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then begin SELECT item_type, item_key, process_activity INTO l_item_type, l_item_key, l_actid FROM wf_item_activity_statuses_h WHERE notification_id = p_nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- It is possible that notification is sent outside of a flow, -- in that case, it will not appear in Workflow runtime tables. -- Just return here. return; end; end; if (l_item_type in ('POSCHORD', 'POSUPDNT', 'POSORDNT', 'POSASNNB', 'CREATEPO', 'POAPPRV', 'POPRICAT', 'PORCOTOL', 'PONGRQCH', 'POERROR', 'POWFDS', 'RCVDMEMO', 'APVRMDER', 'POREQCHA', 'PORCPT', 'REQAPPRV', 'PORPOCHA')) then l_suppress_hist := 'Y'; l_title := Wf_Core.Translate('WFNTF_NTF_HISTORY'); else l_suppress_hist := 'N'; l_title := Wf_Core.Translate('WFNTF_ACTION_HISTORY'); end if; l_wf_system := Wf_Core.Translate('WF_SYSTEM'); l_delim := ':'; l_table_dir := table_direction; if (l_table_dir = 'L') then l_dir := null; else l_dir := 'dir="RTL"'; end if; j := 1; -- Action History Title cells(j) := wf_core.translate('NUM'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S5%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('ACTION_DATE'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S15%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('ACTION'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S10%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('FROM'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S15%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('TO'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S15%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; cells(j) := wf_core.translate('DETAILS'); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S40%:'||cells(j); end if; j := j+1; -- OPEN l_comments_c FOR l_sql_stmt using p_action_type, p_action_type, p_action_type, -- l_action_type1, l_action_type2, p_comment_date, p_from_role, p_to_role, p_nid; if (l_suppress_hist = 'N') then OPEN c_comments; -- Construct the action history table with all the matching comments records loop fetch c_comments into l_comm_rec; exit when c_comments%NOTFOUND; cells(j) := to_char(l_comm_rec.h_sequence); j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||to_char(l_comm_rec.h_action_date, Wf_Notification.g_nls_date_mask); else cells(j) := to_char(l_comm_rec.h_action_date, Wf_Notification.g_nls_date_mask); end if; j := j+1; -- If the record is not from WF_COMMENTS, need to resolve the action if (l_comm_rec.h_action_type <> '#WF_COMMENTS#') then l_action_str := Wf_Core.Activity_Result(l_comm_rec.h_action_type, l_comm_rec.h_action); else l_action := l_comm_rec.h_action; l_pos := instr(l_action, '_', 1); if (l_pos > 0) then l_action := substr(l_action, 1, l_pos-1); end if; l_action_str := Wf_Core.Translate(l_action); end if; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||l_action_str; else cells(j) := l_action_str; end if; j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_comm_rec.h_from_user); else cells(j) := l_comm_rec.h_from_user; end if; j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_comm_rec.h_to_user); else cells(j) := l_comm_rec.h_to_user; end if; j := j+1; l_note := l_comm_rec.h_comment; -- WF_NOTE indicates that this is a Respond attribute. if (l_note = '#WF_NOTE#') then begin SELECT text_value INTO l_note FROM wf_notification_attributes WHERE notification_id = l_comm_rec.h_notification_id AND name = 'WF_NOTE'; exception when no_data_found then l_note := ''; end; end if; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then l_note := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_note), 1, 4000); end if; cells(j) := l_note; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (cells(j) is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; end if; j := j+1; end loop; l_count := c_comments%rowcount; CLOSE c_comments; elsif (l_suppress_hist = 'Y') then OPEN c_ntf_hist; -- Construct the action history table with all the matching comments records loop fetch c_ntf_hist into l_ntf_hist_rec; exit when c_ntf_hist%NOTFOUND; cells(j) := to_char(l_ntf_hist_rec.h_sequence); j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||to_char(l_ntf_hist_rec.h_action_date, Wf_Notification.g_nls_date_mask); else cells(j) := to_char(l_ntf_hist_rec.h_action_date, Wf_Notification.g_nls_date_mask); end if; j := j+1; l_action := l_ntf_hist_rec.h_action; l_pos := instr(l_action, '_', 1); if (l_pos > 0) then l_action := substr(l_action, 1, l_pos-1); end if; l_action_str := Wf_Core.Translate(l_action); if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||l_action_str; else cells(j) := l_action_str; end if; j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_ntf_hist_rec.h_from_user); else cells(j) := l_ntf_hist_rec.h_from_user; end if; j := j+1; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then cells(j) := 'S:'||Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_ntf_hist_rec.h_to_user); else cells(j) := l_ntf_hist_rec.h_to_user; end if; j := j+1; l_note := l_ntf_hist_rec.h_comment; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then l_note := substrb(Wf_Notification.SubstituteSpecialChars(l_note), 1, 4000); end if; cells(j) := l_note; if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then if (cells(j) is null) then cells(j) := 'S: '; else cells(j) := 'S:'||cells(j); end if; end if; j := j+1; end loop; l_count := c_ntf_hist%rowcount; CLOSE c_ntf_hist; end if; -- If there is nothing to display, return a null if (l_count = 0) then p_action_history := ''; return; end if; -- Sequence is now based on the rownum, not the reverse -- for k in 0..(i-1) loop -- if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then -- cells((k+1)*6+1) := 'C:'||to_char(i-k-1); -- else -- cells((k+1)*6+1) := to_char(i-k-1); -- end if; -- end loop; -- Construct table from the cells if (p_display_type = wf_notification.doc_html) then table_width := '100%'; NTF_Table(cells=>cells, col=>6, type=>'H'||l_table_dir, rs=>l_result); -- Display title "Action History" l_result := '<table width='||table_width||' border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" '||l_dir||'>' || '<tr><td style="color:'||th_fontcolor||';font-family:'||th_fontface||';font-size:11pt;font-weight:bold">'|| l_title||'</font></td></tr>'||'<tr><td>'||l_result||'</td></tr></table>'; else for k in 1..cells.LAST loop if (mod(k, 6) <> 0) then l_result := l_result||cells(k)||' '||l_delim||' '; else l_result := l_result||cells(k)||wf_core.newline; end if; end loop; l_result := wf_core.translate('WFNTF_ACTION_HISTORY')||wf_core.newline||l_result; end if; p_action_history := l_result; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetComments2', to_char(p_nid), p_display_type); raise; end GetComments2; -- -- GetAttrblob -- Get the displayed value of a PLSQLBLOB DOCUMENT-type attribute. -- Returns referenced document in format requested. -- Use GetAttrText to get retrieve the actual attr value (i.e. the -- document key string instead of the actual document). -- NOTE: -- a. Only PLSQL document type is implemented. -- b. This will be called by old mailers. This is a wrapper to the -- new implementation which returns the doctype also. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- astring - the string to substitute on (ex: '&ATTR1 is your order..') -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- document - The blob into which -- aname - Attribute Name (the first part of the string that matches -- the attr list) -- procedure GetAttrblob( nid in number, astring in varchar2, disptype in varchar2, document in out nocopy blob, aname out nocopy varchar2) is doctype varchar2(500); begin Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(nid, astring, disptype, document, doctype, aname); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'oldGetAttrblob', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrblob; -- GetAttrblob -- Get the displayed value of a PLSQLBLOB DOCUMENT-type attribute. -- Returns referenced document in format requested. -- Use GetAttrText to get retrieve the actual attr value (i.e. the -- document key string instead of the actual document). -- NOTE: -- Only PLSQL document type is implemented. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- astring - the string to substitute on (ex: '&ATTR1 is your order..') -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- wf_notification.doc_text - 'text/plain' -- wf_notification.doc_html - 'text/html' -- document - The blob into which -- aname - Attribute Name (the first part of the string that matches -- the attr list) -- procedure GetAttrblob( nid in number, astring in varchar2, disptype in varchar2, document in out nocopy blob, doctype out nocopy varchar2, aname out nocopy varchar2) is key varchar2(4000); colon pls_integer; slash pls_integer; dmstype varchar2(30); display_name varchar2(80); procname varchar2(240); launch_url varchar2(4000) := null; procarg varchar2(32000); username varchar2(320); --curs integer; sqlbuf varchar2(2000); --rows integer; target varchar2(240); l_charcheck boolean; cursor aname_curs is select WMA.NAME from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES WMA where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.TYPE = 'DOCUMENT' and instr(astring,wma.name)=1 order by length(aname) desc; begin -- Check args if ((nid is null) or (astring is null) or (disptype not in (wf_notification.doc_text, wf_notification.doc_html))) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ASTRING', aname); wf_core.token('DISPTYPE', disptype); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; open aname_curs; -- of all the possible Document type matches, -- make sure its a PLSQLBLOB loop dmstype := ''; fetch aname_curs into aname; if (aname_curs%notfound) then exit; end if; -- Retrieve key string key := wf_notification.GetAttrText(nid, aname); -- If the key is empty then return a null string if (key is not null) then -- Parse doc mgmt system type from key colon := instr(key, ':'); if ((colon <> 0) and (colon < 30)) then dmstype := upper(substr(key, 1, colon-1)); end if; end if; if (dmstype = 'PLSQLBLOB') then exit; end if; end loop; close aname_curs; -- if we didnt find any plsqlblobs then exit now if dmstype is null or (dmstype <> 'PLSQLBLOB') then aname:=null; return; end if; -- We must be processing a BLOB PLSQL doc type slash := instr(key, '/'); if (slash = 0) then procname := substr(key, colon+1); procarg := ''; else procname := substr(key, colon+1, slash-colon-1); procarg := substr(key, slash+1); end if; -- Dynamic sql call to procedure -- bug 2706082 using execute immediate instead of dbms_sql.execute if (procarg is null) then procarg := NULL; else procarg := Wf_Notification.GetTextInternal(procarg, nid, target, FALSE, FALSE); end if; -- ### Review Note 1 -- Check for bug#3827935 l_charcheck := wf_notification_util.CheckIllegalChar(procname); --Throw the Illegal exception when the check fails sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in procarg, in disptype, in out document, in out doctype; exception when others then -- Close cursor just in case /* if (dbms_sql.is_open(curs)) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(curs); end if; */ wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'GetAttrblob', to_char(nid), aname, disptype); raise; end GetAttrblob; -- -- Set_NTF_Table_Direction -- Sets the default direction of notification tables -- generated through wf_notification.wf_ntf_history -- and wf_notification.wf_msg_attr procedure Set_NTF_Table_Direction(direction in varchar2) is begin table_direction := direction; end Set_NTF_Table_direction; -- -- Set_NTF_Table_Type -- Sets the default table type for attr tables -- generated through wf_notification.wf_msg_attr procedure Set_NTF_Table_Type(tableType in varchar2) is begin table_type := tableType; end Set_NTF_Table_Type; -- isFwkRegion -- verifies whether message for given notification id contains -- any framework regions. -- Algorithm: Function returns 'Y' if one of the following condition is met -- - If header region attribute #HDR_REGION of type 'DOCUMENT' -- and its value starts with 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?' -- - If the message body is of type framework region -- function isFwkRegion(nid in number) return varchar2 is lv_body varchar2(32000); lv_html_body varchar2(32000); lv_final_body varchar2(32000); lv_fwk_region varchar2(1); lv_first_token varchar2(240); lv_token_start number; cursor cur_hdr_region is select WNA.NAME, WNA.TEXT_VALUE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME and WMA.TYPE = 'DOCUMENT' and WNA.NAME = '#HDR_REGION'; begin lv_fwk_region := 'N'; for attr_row in cur_hdr_region loop if( instr(attr_row.text_value, fwk_region_start) = 1 ) then lv_fwk_region := 'Y'; exit; end if; end loop; -- If framework header region exists then return if( lv_fwk_region = 'Y' ) then return lv_fwk_region; -- else check whether message body is of type framework region else return isFwkBody( nid ); end if; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','isFwkRegion',to_char(nid)); raise; End isFwkRegion; -- isFwkBody -- verifies whether message body for given notification id contains -- any framework regions. -- Algorithm: Function returns 'Y' if one of the following condition is met -- - If the first attribute referred in the body is of -- type 'DOCUMENT' and its value starts with 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?' -- - If the message body does not have any attributes refered except -- for WF_NOTIFICATION macro and simple text function isFwkBody(nid in number) return varchar2 is lv_body varchar2(32000); lv_html_body varchar2(32000); lv_final_body varchar2(32000); lv_fwk_body varchar2(1); lv_first_token varchar2(240); lv_token_start number; cursor cur_msg_attrs(nid number, msgToken varchar2) is select WNA.NAME, WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WMA.TYPE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.TYPE = 'DOCUMENT' and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME and instr( msgToken, WMA.NAME ) = 1 order by length(WMA.NAME) desc; begin lv_fwk_body := 'N'; select WM.BODY, WM.HTML_BODY into lv_body, lv_html_body from WF_NOTIFICATIONS N, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and N.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME and N.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE; if (lv_html_body is not null and length(trim(lv_html_body)) > 0 ) then lv_final_body := lv_html_body; elsif (lv_body is not null and length(trim(lv_body)) > 0 ) then lv_final_body := lv_body; else return lv_fwk_body; end if; lv_token_start := instr( lv_final_body, '&'); --get the first token in the body if( lv_token_start > 0 ) then lv_first_token := substr(lv_final_body, lv_token_start+1, 30); for attr_row in cur_msg_attrs(nid, lv_first_token) loop if( instr(attr_row.text_value, fwk_region_start) = 1 ) then lv_fwk_body := 'Y'; exit; end if; end loop; -- no attributes refered in body so render framework region else lv_fwk_body := 'Y'; end if; return lv_fwk_body; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','isFwkBody',to_char(nid)); raise; End isFwkBody; -- -- getNtfActInfo -- Fetch Notification Activity info of a given notification. It is possible -- that there will not be an entry in WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES and/or -- WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H in case when the notification is sent using -- Send API instead of part of a process. -- IN -- nid - Notification ID -- OUT -- l_itype Itemtype of the notification activity -- l_itype Itemkey of the process part of which the notification was sent -- l_actid Activity ID of the Notification Activity in the process procedure getNtfActInfo (nid in number, l_itype out nocopy varchar2, l_ikey out nocopy varchar2, l_actid out nocopy number) is --bug 2276260 skilaru 15-July-03 cursor act_info_statuses_cursor( group_nid number ) is select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where notification_id = group_nid; cursor act_info_statuses_h_cursor( group_nid number ) is select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where notification_id = group_nid; l_group_nid number; begin --skilaru 16-July-03 --WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES.NOTIFICATION_ID is the foreing key --mapped to WF_NOTIFICATIONS.GROUP_ID SELECT group_id INTO l_group_nid FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = nid; for act_status_row in act_info_statuses_cursor( l_group_nid ) loop l_itype := act_status_row.ITEM_TYPE; l_ikey := act_status_row.ITEM_KEY; l_actid := act_status_row.PROCESS_ACTIVITY; end loop; if( l_itype is null and l_ikey is null ) then for act_status_row in act_info_statuses_h_cursor( l_group_nid ) loop l_itype := act_status_row.ITEM_TYPE; l_ikey := act_status_row.ITEM_KEY; l_actid := act_status_row.PROCESS_ACTIVITY; end loop; end if; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','getNtfActInfo',to_char(nid)); raise; End getNtfActInfo; -- -- getFwkBodyURL -- This API returns a URL to access notification body with -- Framework content embeded. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- 'text/plain' - plain text -- 'text/html' - html -- RETURNS: -- Returns the URL to access the notification detail body -- function getFwkBodyURL(nid in number, contenttype varchar2 ) return varchar2 is url_value varchar2(2000); begin url_value := rtrim(fnd_profile.Value('WF_MAIL_WEB_AGENT'), '/'); if url_value is null then url_value := rtrim(fnd_profile.Value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT'), '/'); end if; url_value := url_value || wf_notification.fwk_mailer_page; url_value := url_value || '&WFRegion=NtfDetail&NtfId=' || to_char(nid); url_value := url_value || '&dbc=' || fnd_web_config.Database_ID; if (contenttype = wf_notification.doc_html) then url_value := url_value || '&OALAF=blaf&OARF=email'; elsif (contenttype = wf_notification.doc_text) then url_value := url_value || '&OALAF=oaText&OARF=email'; end if; return url_value; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','getFwkBodyURL', to_char(nid), contenttype); raise; end getFwkBodyURL; -- -- getSummaryURL -- This API returns a URL to access summary of notiifications -- -- IN: -- mailer_role - role for which summary of notifications required -- disptype - Requested display type. Valid values: -- 'text/plain' - plain text -- 'text/html' - html -- RETURNS: -- Returns the URL to access the summary of notiification for the role -- function getSummaryURL(mailer_role varchar2, contenttype varchar2 ) return varchar2 is url_value varchar2(2000); begin url_value := rtrim(fnd_profile.Value('WF_MAIL_WEB_AGENT'), '/'); if url_value is null then url_value := rtrim(fnd_profile.Value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT'), '/'); end if; url_value := url_value || wf_notification.fwk_mailer_page; url_value := url_value ||'&WFRegion=NtfSummary&mailerRole=' || mailer_role; url_value := url_value || '&dbc=' || fnd_web_config.Database_ID; if (contenttype = wf_notification.doc_html) then url_value := url_value || '&OALAF=blaf&OARF=email'; elsif (contenttype = wf_notification.doc_text) then url_value := url_value || '&OALAF=oaText&OARF=email'; end if; return url_value; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification','getSummaryURL', mailer_role, contenttype); raise; end getSummaryURL; -- GetSignatureRequired -- Determine signing requirements for a policy -- IN: -- nid - Notification id - used for error context only -- p_sig_policy - Policy Name -- OUT: -- p_sig_required - Y/N -- p_fwk_sig_flavor - sigFlavor for browser signing. -- p_email_sig_flavor - sigFlavor for email -- p_render_hint - hints like ATTR_ONLY or FULL_TEXT procedure GetSignatureRequired(p_sig_policy in varchar2, p_nid in number, p_sig_required out nocopy varchar2, p_fwk_sig_flavor out nocopy varchar2, p_email_sig_flavor out nocopy varchar2, p_render_hint out nocopy varchar2) is v_sig_policy varchar2(50); begin -- if the signature policy is null, set it as default if (p_sig_policy is null) then v_sig_policy := 'DEFAULT'; else v_sig_policy := p_sig_policy; end if; --select the flavors corresponding to the sig policy select SIG_REQUIRED,FWK_SIG_FLAVOR,EMAIL_SIG_FLAVOR, RENDER_HINT into p_sig_required,p_fwk_sig_flavor,p_email_sig_flavor,p_render_hint from WF_SIGNATURE_POLICIES where sig_policy=UPPER(TRIM(v_sig_policy)); --when any exception raise the error with the corresponding notification id exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_Notification', 'GetSignatureRequired', to_char(p_nid)); wf_core.token('NID', to_char(p_nid)); wf_core.raise('WFMLR_INVALID_SIG_POLICY'); end; -- SetUIErrorMessage -- API for Enhanced error handling for OAFwk UI Bug#2845488 grengara -- This procedure can be used for handling exceptions gracefully when dynamic SQL is invloved procedure SetUIErrorMessage is begin if ((wf_core.error_name is null) AND (sqlcode <= -20000) AND (sqlcode >= -20999)) then -- capture the SQL Error message in this global variable so that it can be propogated -- back to OAF without the need for an OUT paramter wf_core.error_message := sqlerrm; end if; end SetUIErrorMessage; -- -- SetComments -- Private procedure that is used to store a comment record into WF_COMMENTS -- table with the denormalized information. A record is inserted for every -- action performed on a notification. -- IN -- p_nid - Notification Id -- p_from_role - Internal Name of the comment provider -- p_to_role - Internal Name of the comment recipient -- p_action - Action performed -- p_action_source - Source from where the action is performed -- p_user_comment - Comment Text -- procedure SetComments(p_nid in number, p_from_role in varchar2, p_to_role in varchar2, p_action in varchar2, p_action_source in varchar2, p_user_comment in varchar2) is l_from_role varchar2(320); l_from_user varchar2(360); l_to_user varchar2(360); l_action_type varchar2(30); l_proxy_user varchar2(320); l_action varchar2(30); l_seq_num number; begin -- Just because p_from_role was null due to some reason, there should not be failure. -- All cases are taken care to make sure from_role is valid. Just in case... if (p_from_role is null) then l_from_role := 'WF_SYSTEM'; else l_from_role := p_from_role; end if; -- If p_from_role is an e-mail address with 'email:' prefixed, it is better remove it -- since it would not appear good on the UI if (substr(l_from_role, 1, 6) = 'email:') then l_from_role := substr(l_from_role, 7); end if; -- Sometimes p_from_role is email address when answering for more info request if (l_from_role = 'WF_SYSTEM') then l_from_user := Wf_Core.Translate(l_from_role); else l_from_user := nvl(Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayName(l_from_role), l_from_role); end if; if (p_to_role = 'WF_SYSTEM') then l_to_user := Wf_Core.Translate(p_to_role); else l_to_user := nvl(Wf_Directory.GetRoleDisplayname(p_to_role), p_to_role); end if; l_action := p_action; if (l_action in ('DELEGATE','TRANSFER')) then l_action_type := 'REASSIGN'; elsif (l_action in ('QUESTION','ANSWER')) then l_action_type := 'QA'; else -- Actions like RESPOND, CANCEL, SEND l_action_type := p_action; end if; -- suffix source to action... DELEGATE_RULE, FORWARD_WA, etc. if (p_action_source is not null) then l_action := l_action||'_'||p_action_source; -- if the action is performed from WA, the user performing the action -- should be acting as a proxy to another user if (p_action_source = 'WA') then l_proxy_user := Wfa_Sec.GetUser(); end if; end if; -- Calculate sequence for comments in the same session l_seq_num := g_comments_seq + 1; g_comments_seq := g_comments_seq + 1; INSERT INTO wf_comments ( sequence, notification_id, from_role, from_user, to_role, to_user, comment_date, action, action_type, proxy_role, user_comment, language ) VALUES ( l_seq_num, p_nid, l_from_role, l_from_user, p_to_role, l_to_user, sysdate, l_action, l_action_type, l_proxy_user, p_user_comment, userenv('LANG') ); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'SetComments', to_char(p_nid), p_from_role, p_to_role, p_action, p_action_source); raise; end SetComments; -- -- Resend -- Private procedure to resend a notification given the notification id. This -- procedure checks the mail status and recipient's notification preference to -- see if it is eligible to send e-mail. -- IN -- p_nid - Notification Id -- procedure Resend(p_nid in number) is l_recipient_role varchar2(320); l_group_id number; l_mail_status varchar2(8); l_status varchar2(8); l_message_type varchar2(8); l_paramlist wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); l_display_name varchar2(360); l_email_address varchar2(320); l_notification_pref varchar2(8); l_language varchar2(30); l_territory varchar2(30); l_orig_system varchar2(30); l_orig_system_id number; l_installed varchar2(1); begin begin SELECT message_type, status, mail_status, recipient_role, group_id INTO l_message_type, l_status, l_mail_status, l_recipient_role, l_group_id FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = p_nid; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(p_nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID'); end; -- Get recipient information using Dir Service API. Select from WF_ROLES -- may not give the right information Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfoMail(l_recipient_role, l_display_name, l_email_address, l_notification_pref, l_language, l_territory, l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id, l_installed); -- Check if the notification is eligible to be e-mailed. We throw specific error -- for the UI to display appropriately to the user if (l_status <> 'OPEN') then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(p_nid)); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NID_OPEN'); end if; if (l_notification_pref not in ('MAILHTML','MAILTEXT','MAILATTH','MAILHTM2')) then wf_core.token('NTF_PREF', l_notification_pref); wf_core.token('RECIPIENT', l_recipient_role); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_INVALID_PREF'); end if; if (l_mail_status not in ('SENT', 'ERROR', 'FAILED', 'UNAVAIL')) then wf_core.token('MAILSTATUS', l_mail_status); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_EMAIL_NOTSENT'); end if; -- Raise the event to send an e-mail UPDATE wf_notifications SET mail_status = 'MAIL' WHERE notification_id = p_nid; Wf_Event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID', p_nid, l_paramlist); Wf_Event.AddParameterToList('ROLE', l_recipient_role, l_paramlist); Wf_Event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID', l_group_id, l_paramlist); Wf_Event.AddParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', l_message_type, l_paramlist); Wf_Event.Raise(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send', p_event_key => to_char(p_nid), p_parameters => l_paramlist); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Resend', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end Resend; -- -- getNtfResponse -- Fetches result(response) CODE and response display prompt to the notification -- IN -- p_nid - Notification ID -- OUT -- p_result_code Result code of the notification -- p_result_display Display value of the result code procedure getNtfResponse (p_nid in number, p_result_code out nocopy varchar2, p_result_display out nocopy varchar2) is l_result_type varchar2(250); begin begin select A.RESULT_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE into l_result_type, p_result_code from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then select A.RESULT_TYPE, IAS.ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE into l_result_type, p_result_code from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES IAS, WF_ACTIVITIES A, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PA, WF_ITEMS I where IAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and IAS.ITEM_TYPE = I.ITEM_TYPE and IAS.ITEM_KEY = I.ITEM_KEY and IAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = PA.INSTANCE_ID and I.BEGIN_DATE between A.BEGIN_DATE and nvl(A.END_DATE, I.BEGIN_DATE) and PA.ACTIVITY_NAME = A.NAME and PA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = A.ITEM_TYPE; end; p_result_display := wf_core.activity_result( l_result_type, p_result_code ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then p_result_code := null; p_result_display := null; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'getNtfResponse', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end getNtfResponse; -- -- PropagateHistory (PUBLIC) -- This API allows Product Teams to publish custom action -- to WF_COMMENTS table. -- procedure PropagateHistory(p_item_type in varchar2, p_item_key in varchar2, p_document_id in varchar2, p_from_role in varchar2, p_to_role in varchar2, p_action in varchar2, p_action_source in varchar2, p_user_comment in varchar2) is --Get the nids in curs_nid which have the attribute document_id cursor curs_nid(l_doc_id varchar2,l_item_type varchar2,l_item_key varchar2) is select wfn.notification_id from wf_item_activity_statuses wfas, wf_notifications wfn , wf_notification_attributes wfna where wfna.name = '#DOCUMENT_ID' and wfna.text_value = l_doc_id and wfas.item_type = l_item_type and wfas.item_key = l_item_key and wfn.notification_id = wfna.notification_id and wfas.notification_id = wfn.group_id; begin for comment_curs in curs_nid(p_document_id,p_item_type,p_item_key) loop --Now loop through the cursor and set the comments wf_notification.SetComments(p_nid => comment_curs.notification_id, p_from_role => p_from_role, p_to_role => p_to_role, p_action => p_action, p_action_source => p_action_source, p_user_comment => p_user_comment); end loop; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'propagatehistory', p_item_type,p_item_key, p_document_id); raise; end; -- -- Resend_Failed_Unavail_Ntfs (CONCURRENT PROGRAM API) -- API to re-enqueue notifications with mail_status FAILED in order -- to re-send them. Mailer had processed these notifications earlier -- and updated the status since these notifications could not be -- delivered/processed. -- -- OUT -- errbuf - CP error message -- retcode - CP return code (0 = success, 1 = warning, 2 = error) -- IN -- p_role - Workflow role whose notifications are to be re-enqueued -- procedure Resend_Failed_Unavail_Ntfs(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2, p_role in varchar2 default null) is l_errname varchar2(30); l_errmsg varchar2(2000); l_errstack varchar2(2000); CURSOR c_failed_unavail_ntfs IS SELECT notification_id FROM wf_notifications wn WHERE wn.status = 'OPEN' AND wn.mail_status in ('FAILED') AND wn.recipient_role like nvl(p_role, '%') ORDER BY wn.recipient_role; begin for ntf_rec in c_failed_unavail_ntfs loop begin Wf_Notification.Resend(ntf_rec.notification_id); exception when others then -- ignore any error while enqueing Wf_Core.Clear(); null; end; commit; end loop; -- successful completion errbuf := ''; retcode := '0'; exception when others then -- get error message into errbuf wf_core.get_error(l_errname, l_errmsg, l_errstack); if (l_errmsg is not null) then errbuf := l_errmsg; else errbuf := sqlerrm; end if; -- return 2 for error retcode := '2'; end Resend_Failed_Unavail_Ntfs; begin -- Loads the user's nls date mask g_nls_date_mask := sys_context('USERENV','NLS_DATE_FORMAT'); if (instr(upper(g_nls_date_mask), 'HH') = 0) then g_nls_date_mask := g_nls_date_mask||' HH24:MI:SS'; end if; End WF_Notification; / --show errors package body wf_notification; commit; /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (C) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, Usa| | All Rights Reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_NOTIFICATION_UTIL | | Note: This should not be called directly from Oracle Forms | | MODIFICATION LOG: | | BUG2580807 CTILLEY 09/23 Moved SetAttrEvent & GetAttrEvent to resolve | to resolve form compilation errors. *=======================================================================*/ create or replace package body WF_NOTIFICATION_UTIL as /* $Header: wfntfb.pls 26.167 2005/03/03 09:55:33 smayze ship $ */ -- SetAttrEvent Bug# 2376197 -- Set the value of a event notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a EVENT-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- avalue - New value for attribute -- procedure SetAttrEvent (nid in number, aname in varchar2, avalue in wf_event_t) is begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Update attribute value update WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES set EVENT_VALUE = avalue where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and NAME = aname; if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification_Util', 'SetAttrEvent', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end SetAttrEvent; -- GetAttrEvent Bug# 2376197 -- Get the value of a event notification attribute. -- Attribute must be a EVENT-type attribute. -- IN: -- nid - Notification id -- aname - Attribute Name -- RETURNS: -- Attribute value function GetAttrEvent (nid in number, aname in varchar2) return wf_event_t is lvalue wf_event_t; begin if ((nid is null) or (aname is null)) then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ANAME', aname); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; begin select WNA.EVENT_VALUE into lvalue from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid and WNA.NAME = aname; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('NID', to_char(nid)); wf_core.token('ATTRIBUTE', aname); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ATTR'); end; return(lvalue); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification_Util', 'GetAttrEvent', to_char(nid), aname); raise; end GetAttrEvent; -- denormalize_rf -- Rule function to denormalize a notificaion -- FUNCTION denormalize_rf(p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) return varchar2 is l_nid number; l_language varchar2(64); l_territory varchar2(64); l_subject varchar2(2000); l_orig_lang varchar2(64); l_orig_terr varchar2(64); l_orig_chrs varchar2(64); begin l_nid := p_event.GetValueForParameter('NOTIFICATION_ID'); l_language := p_event.GetValueForParameter('LANGUAGE'); l_territory := p_event.GetValueForParameter('TERRITORY'); wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.wf_notification.denormalize_rf','Nid: '||l_nid); wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.wf_notification.denormalize_rf', 'Lang: '||l_language||' Territory: '||l_territory); Wf_Notification.GetNLSLanguage(l_orig_lang,l_orig_terr,l_orig_chrs); Wf_Notification.SetNLSLanguage(l_language,l_territory); Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(l_nid); -- reset the existing session language WF_Notification.SetNLSLanguage(l_orig_lang,l_orig_terr); return 'SUCCESS'; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'Denormalize_Rf', to_char(l_nid)); wf_event.setErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); return 'ERROR'; end denormalize_rf; function CheckIllegalChar(bindparam in varchar2, raise_error in boolean) return boolean is begin --Check if the in parameter contains any of the illegal characters --'(' , ')' or ';' which could supposedly lead to sql injection --when binding. if ((instr(bindparam,'(') > 0) OR (instr(bindparam,';') > 0) OR (instr(bindparam,')')>0)) then if (raise_error IS NULL or raise_error) then --raise error wf_core.token('PARAM',bindparam); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ILLEGAL_CHAR'); else --If u just want to check for illegal characters --and not raise any exception return false; end if; else return true; end if; end CheckIllegalChar; end WF_NOTIFICATION_UTIL; / commit; exit;
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