Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfmxmlb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================* | Copyright (c) 1996, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfmxmlb.sql | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_XML | MODIFICATION LOG: | 02?/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increased l_schemaName, l_replyto, | l_recipient_role, l_wf_schema to varchar2(320) | 07/2004 VSHANMUG BUG 3735752 - Copy of parseContentType taken and | placed into WF_MAIL_UTIL. *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set scan off; CREATE OR REPLACE package body WF_XML as /* $Header: wfmxmlb.pls 26.90 2005/06/09 13:04:30 vshanmug ship $ */ -- -- Exceptions -- dequeue_timeout exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_timeout, -25228); dequeue_disabled exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_disabled, -25226); dequeue_outofseq exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_outofseq, -25237); no_queue exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(no_queue, -24010); -- g_fist_message -- Flag to control the dequeuing of the SMTP queue g_first_message boolean := TRUE; TYPE wf_response_rec_t IS RECORD ( NAME VARCHAR2(30), TYPE VARCHAR2(8), FORMAT VARCHAR2(240), VALUE VARCHAR2(32000) ); TYPE wf_responseList_t IS TABLE OF wf_response_rec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE parserStack_t IS TABLE OF varchar2(2000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; g_LOBTable wf_temp_lob.wf_temp_lob_table_type; cursor g_urls(p_nid varchar2) is select WMA.TYPE, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WNA.NAME from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.TYPE = 'URL' and WMA.ATTACH = 'N' and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME; -- Set these constants as session level varaibles to minumise the -- calls to wf_core. g_newLine varchar2(1) := wf_core.newLine; g_install varchar2(100) := wf_core.Translate('WF_INSTALL'); g_htmlmessage varchar2(200); g_urlNotification varchar2(200); g_urlListAttachment varchar2(200); -- These are only used in legacy procedures. g_webAgent varchar2(200) := wf_core.translate('WF_WEB_AGENT'); g_wfSchema varchar2(200) := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA'); g_fndapi_misschr varchar2(1) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR; g_ntfDocText varchar2(30) := wf_notification.doc_text; g_ntfDocHtml varchar2(30) := wf_notification.doc_html; procedure getResponseDetails(message in CLOB, node out NOCOPY varchar2, version out NOCOPY integer, fromRole out NOCOPY varchar2, responses in out NOCOPY wf_responseList_t); -- Return TRUE if the URL points to a image file. -- The URL is pretested to ensure that it does NOT contain -- any URL parameters. function isImageReference(url in varchar2) return boolean is extPos pls_integer; extStr varchar2(1000); params pls_integer; begin params := instr(url, '?'); if (params = 0) then extPos := instrb(url, '.', -1, 1) + 1; extStr := lower(substrb(url, extPos)); if extStr in ('gif','jpg','png','tif','bmp','jpeg') then return true; else return false; end if; else return false; end if; end isImageReference; -- GetRecipients -- IN -- Role -- OUT -- List of recipients with their details contained in a PL/SQL Table. -- NOTE -- A role will only be resolved to one level. If a role contains has a -- role associated to it, then that's as far as we go. procedure GetRecipients(p_role in varchar2, p_recipient_list in out NOCOPY WF_DIRECTORY.wf_local_roles_tbl_type) is l_display_name wf_roles.display_name%TYPE; l_description wf_roles.description%TYPE; l_email_address wf_roles.email_address%TYPE; l_notification_preference wf_roles.notification_preference%TYPE; l_language wf_roles.language%TYPE; l_territory wf_roles.territory%TYPE; cursor urc1(role varchar2, colon binary_integer) is select name from wf_users where (name, orig_system, orig_system_id) in (select user_name, user_orig_system, user_orig_system_id from wf_user_roles where role_name = urc1.role and role_orig_system = substr(urc1.role, 1, urc1.colon-1) and role_orig_system_id = substr(urc1.role, urc1.colon+1) and user_name <> role_name and user_orig_system <> role_orig_system and user_orig_system_id <> role_orig_system_id) and notification_preference not in ('SUMMARY','QUERY') order by notification_preference, language; cursor urc2(role varchar2) is select name from wf_users where (name, orig_system, orig_system_id) in (select user_name, user_orig_system, user_orig_system_id from wf_user_roles where role_name = urc2.role and user_name <> role_name) and notification_preference not in ('SUMMARY','QUERY') order by notification_preference, language; i binary_integer := 0; colon binary_integer; begin -- Get role details. wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(p_role, l_display_name, l_email_address, l_notification_preference, l_language, l_territory); -- If the email address is NULL, then look for the members attached to -- the role. Only attach those roles that 'want' a notification. if l_email_address is not NULL and l_notification_preference not in ('SUMMARY','QUERY') then i := p_recipient_list.COUNT + 1; p_recipient_list(i).name := p_role; p_recipient_list(i).display_name := l_display_name; p_recipient_list(i).description := l_description; p_recipient_list(i).notification_preference := l_notification_preference; p_recipient_list(i).language := l_language; p_recipient_list(i).territory := l_territory; p_recipient_list(i).email_address := l_email_address; else -- The the ROLE has a blank email address, then we -- are interested only in resolving it one level. -- If this is a user with a blank email address, then no one -- will get a notification. colon := instr(p_role, ':'); if colon > 0 then for urrec in urc1(p_role, colon) loop wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(urrec.name, l_display_name, l_email_address, l_notification_preference, l_language, l_territory); i := p_recipient_list.COUNT + 1; p_recipient_list(i).name := p_role; p_recipient_list(i).display_name := l_display_name; p_recipient_list(i).description := l_description; p_recipient_list(i).notification_preference := l_notification_preference; p_recipient_list(i).language := l_language; p_recipient_list(i).territory := l_territory; p_recipient_list(i).email_address := l_email_address; end loop; else for urrec in urc2(p_role) loop wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(urrec.name, l_display_name, l_email_address, l_notification_preference, l_language, l_territory); i := p_recipient_list.COUNT + 1; p_recipient_list(i).name := p_role; p_recipient_list(i).display_name := l_display_name; p_recipient_list(i).description := l_description; p_recipient_list(i).notification_preference := l_notification_preference; p_recipient_list(i).language := l_language; p_recipient_list(i).territory := l_territory; p_recipient_list(i).email_address := l_email_address; end loop; end if; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_XML','GetRecipients',p_role); raise; end GetRecipients; -- EncodeEntityReference -- IN -- Data to be encoded -- RETURN -- Encoded data. -- NOTE -- This is needed to encode the HTML data before placing it into -- the XML structure. If it is placed in neat, then the XML parser -- will not be able to cope. function EncodeEntityReference(p_str in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_str varchar2(32000); begin l_str := p_str; l_str := replace(l_str,'&','&'||'amp;'); l_str := replace(l_str,'<','&'||'lt;'); l_str := replace(l_str,'>','&'||'gt;'); l_str := replace(l_str,'"','&'||'quot;'); l_str := replace(l_str,'''','&'||'apos;'); return l_str; end EncodeEntityReference; -- DecodeEntityReference (PRIVATE) -- IN -- Data to be decoded -- RETURN -- Decoded data. -- NOTE -- This is needed to decode the HTML data after extracting it from -- the XML structure. function DecodeEntityReference(some_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_amp varchar2(1) := '&'; buf varchar2(32000); begin buf := some_text; buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'#38;', l_amp); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'lt;', '<'); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'#60;', '<'); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'gt;', '>'); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'#92;', '\'); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'#39;', ''''); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'apos;', ''''); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'quot;', '"'); buf := replace(buf, l_amp||'amp;', l_amp); return buf; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Notification', 'DecodeEntityReference'); raise; end DecodeEntityReference; -- EnqueueLOBMessage -- IN -- Queue Name -- Priority of the message -- Correlation for the message - the NID of the notification -- for this implementation. -- Message - XML encoded. procedure EnqueueLOBMessage(p_queue in varchar2, p_priority number, p_correlation in varchar2, p_message in CLOB) is l_enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; l_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; l_correlation varchar2(255) := NULL; l_msgid raw(16); l_queueu VARCHAR2(200); l_queueName VARCHAR2(30); l_queueTable VARCHAR2(200); l_schemaName VARCHAR2(320); l_msgLength NUMBER; l_sqlbuf VARCHAR2(2000); l_amount binary_integer; l_pos pls_integer; l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; begin /** wf_message_payload_t is obsolete in 2.6.4 onwards **/ null; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','EnqueueLOBMessage',p_queue, to_char(p_priority), p_correlation); raise; end EnqueueLOBMessage; -- EnqueueMessage -- IN -- Queue Name -- Priority of the message -- Correlation for the message - the NID of the notification -- for this implementation. -- Message - XML encoded. procedure EnqueueMessage(p_queue in varchar2, p_priority number, p_correlation in varchar2, p_message in VARCHAR2) is l_enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; l_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; l_correlation varchar2(255) := NULL; l_msgid raw(16); -- l_msgLob CLOB; l_msgLobIdx pls_integer; l_queueu VARCHAR2(200); l_queueName VARCHAR2(30); l_queueTable VARCHAR2(200); l_schemaName VARCHAR2(320); l_msgLength NUMBER; l_sqlbuf VARCHAR2(2000); l_amount binary_integer; l_pos pls_integer; l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; begin /** wf_message_payload_t is obsolete in 2.6.4 onwards **/ null; exception when others then -- just in case, check and free it any way. wf_temp_lob.ReleaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_msgLobIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML','EnqueueMessage',p_queue, to_char(p_priority), p_correlation); raise; end EnqueueMessage; -- NewLOBTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the -- Document Tree -- IN -- document as a CLOB -- Position to take the new Tag Node -- New Tag to be created -- Data to be added between the start and end TAGs -- Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG -- OUT -- The document containing the new TAG. function NewLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in integer, p_tag in varchar2, p_data in varchar2, p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type) return integer is -- l_temp CLOB; l_tempStr varchar2(32000); l_tempIdx pls_integer; l_node varchar2(32000); l_start varchar2(32000); l_end varchar2(250); l_pos integer; l_nodesize number; l_size number; l_amount number; begin -- Create an instance of the node -- A Node is deemed to be <TAG>Data</TAG> -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_temp, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); l_tempIdx := -1; l_start := '<' || upper(p_tag); -- If there are any attributes to add to the tag, then -- add them now, otherwise, close off the TAG. if p_attribute_list.COUNT = 0 then l_start := l_start || '>'; else for i in 1..p_attribute_list.COUNT loop l_start := l_start || ' ' || p_attribute_list(i).attribute || '="' || p_attribute_list(i).value || '"'; end loop; l_start := l_start || '>'; end if; -- Create the end TAG. l_end := '</' || upper(p_tag) || '>'||g_newLine; l_size := dbms_lob.getlength(p_doc); -- Create the full node to be inserted. l_node := l_start || p_data || l_end; l_nodesize := length(l_node); l_amount := 0; if l_size > 1 and l_size <> p_pos then -- Copy the tail end of the LOB to a holder. l_amount := l_size - p_pos; if l_amount < 32000 then dbms_lob.read(lob_loc => p_doc, amount => l_amount, offset => p_pos + 1, buffer => l_tempStr); else l_tempIdx := wf_temp_lob.GetLob(g_LOBTable); dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => g_LOBTable(l_tempIdx).temp_lob, src_lob => p_doc, amount => l_amount, dest_offset => 1, src_offset => p_pos +1); end if; end if; -- Now insert the new node into the p_pos location dbms_lob.Write(p_doc, l_nodesize, p_pos + 1 , l_node); -- Append the saved portion of the LOB -- If l_tempIdx is still -1, then no LOB was used or initialised -- but for the lob, makesure that there is something in it to be -- used (l_amount > 0). if l_tempIdx = -1 and l_amount > 0 then dbms_lob.write(lob_loc => p_doc, amount => l_amount, offset => p_pos + l_nodesize + 1, buffer => l_tempStr); elsif l_amount > 0 then dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => p_doc, src_lob => g_LOBTable(l_tempIdx).temp_lob, amount => l_amount , dest_offset => p_pos + l_nodesize + 1); wf_temp_lob.ReleaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_tempIdx); end if; l_pos := (p_pos + l_nodesize) - length(l_end); -- Free up the use of the temporary LOB -- dbms_lob.FreeTemporary(l_temp); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.newLOBTag', 'TAG: '||l_start||' POS: '||to_char(l_pos)); end if; return l_pos; exception when others then wf_temp_lob.ReleaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_tempIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML','NewLOBTag', p_tag); raise; end NewLOBTag; -- NewLOBTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the -- Document Tree -- IN -- document as a CLOB -- Position to take the new Tag Node -- New Tag to be created -- Data to be added between the start and end TAGs -- Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG -- OUT -- The document containing the new TAG. function NewLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in integer, p_tag in varchar2, p_data in CLOB, p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type) return integer is l_tempIdx pls_integer; l_nodeIdx pls_integer; l_tempStr varchar2(32000); l_start varchar2(250); l_end varchar2(250); l_pos integer; l_nodesize number; l_size number; l_dataSize number; l_amount number; begin -- Create an instance of the node -- A Node is deemed to be <TAG>Data</TAG> l_tempIdx := -1; l_nodeIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); l_start := '<' || upper(p_tag); -- If there are any attributes to add to the tag, then -- add them now, otherwise, close off the TAG. if p_attribute_list.COUNT = 0 then l_start := l_start || '>'; else for i in 1..p_attribute_list.COUNT loop l_start := l_start || ' ' || p_attribute_list(i).attribute || '="' || p_attribute_list(i).value || '"'; end loop; l_start := l_start || '>'; end if; -- Create the end TAG. l_end := '</' || upper(p_tag) || '>'||g_newLine; l_size := dbms_lob.getlength(p_doc); l_dataSize := dbms_lob.getlength(p_data); -- Create the full node to be inserted. dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob, length(l_start), l_start); l_nodesize := length(l_start); -- dbms_lob.getLength(g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob); dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob, src_lob => p_data, amount => l_dataSize, dest_offset => l_nodesize+1, src_offset => 1); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob, length(l_end), l_end); l_nodesize := dbms_lob.getLength(g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob); l_amount := 0; if l_size > 1 and l_size <> p_pos then l_amount := l_size - p_pos; -- Copy the tail end of the LOB to a holder. if l_amount < 32000 then dbms_lob.read(lob_loc => p_doc, amount => l_amount, offset => p_pos + 1, buffer => l_tempStr); else l_tempIdx := wf_temp_lob.GetLob(g_LOBTable); dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => g_LOBTable(l_tempIdx).temp_lob, src_lob => p_doc, amount => l_amount, dest_offset => 1, src_offset => p_pos +1); end if; end if; -- Now insert the new node into the p_pos location dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => p_doc, src_lob => g_LOBTable(l_nodeIdx).temp_lob, amount => l_nodesize, dest_offset => p_pos + 1); -- Append the saved portion of the LOB if l_tempIdx = -1 and l_amount > 0 then dbms_lob.write(lob_loc => p_doc, amount => l_amount, offset => p_pos + l_nodesize + 1, buffer => l_tempStr); elsif l_tempIdx > 0 then if l_amount > 0 then dbms_lob.copy(dest_lob => p_doc, src_lob => g_LOBTable(l_tempIdx).temp_lob, amount => l_amount, dest_offset => p_pos + l_nodesize + 1); end if; wf_temp_lob.releaseLOB(g_LOBTable, l_tempIdx); end if; l_pos := (p_pos + l_nodesize) - length(l_end); -- Free up the use of the temporary LOBs wf_temp_lob.releaseLOB(g_LOBTable, l_nodeIdx); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.newLOBTag', 'TAG: '||l_start||' POS: '||to_char(l_pos)); end if; return l_pos; exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLOB(g_LOBTable, l_tempIdx); wf_temp_lob.releaseLOB(g_LOBTable, l_nodeIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML','NewLOBTag', p_tag); raise; end NewLOBTag; -- NewTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the -- Document Tree -- IN -- document as a CLOB -- Position to take the new Tag Node -- New Tag to be created -- Data to be added between the start and end TAGs -- Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG -- OUT -- The document containing the new TAG. function NewTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_pos in integer , p_tag in varchar2, p_data in varchar2, p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type) return integer is l_temp VARCHAR2(32000); l_node varchar2(32000); l_start varchar2(250); l_end varchar2(250); l_pos integer; l_nodesize number; l_size number; l_amount number; begin -- Create an instance of the node -- A Node is deemed to be <TAG>Data</TAG> l_start := '<' || upper(p_tag); -- If there are any attributes to add to the tag, then -- add them now, otherwise, close off the TAG. if p_attribute_list.COUNT = 0 then l_start := l_start || '>'; else for i in 1..p_attribute_list.COUNT loop l_start := l_start || ' ' || p_attribute_list(i).attribute || '="' || p_attribute_list(i).value || '"'; end loop; l_start := l_start || '>'; end if; -- Create the end TAG. l_end := '</' || upper(p_tag) || '>'||g_newLine; l_size := length(p_doc); -- Create the full node to be inserted. l_node := l_start || p_data || l_end; l_nodesize := length(l_node); l_amount := 0; if l_size > 1 and l_size <> p_pos then -- Copy the tail end of the LOB to a holder. l_amount := l_size - p_pos; l_temp := substr(p_doc, p_pos +1, l_amount); end if; -- Now insert the new node into the p_pos location p_doc := substr(p_doc, 1, p_pos)||l_node; if Length(l_temp) > 1 then -- Append the saved portion of the LOB p_doc := p_doc||l_temp; end if; l_pos := (p_pos + l_nodesize) - length(l_end); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.newTag', 'TAG: '||l_start||' POS: '||to_char(l_pos)); end if; return l_pos; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','NewTag', p_tag); raise; end NewTag; -- SkipLOBTag - To move return a pointer past the nominated TAG -- starting from a given position in the document. -- IN -- document -- Position to take the new Tag Node -- New Tag to be created -- Data to be added -- RETURN -- New position past the </TAG>. function SkipLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_tag in varchar2, p_offset in out NOCOPY integer, p_occurance in out NOCOPY integer) return integer is l_pos integer; l_tag varchar2(250); begin l_tag := '</'||upper(p_tag)||'>'; l_pos := dbms_lob.instr(p_doc, l_tag, p_offset, p_occurance); return l_pos + length(l_tag); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','SkipLOBTag', p_tag, to_char(p_offset), to_char(p_occurance)); raise; end SkipLOBTag; -- SkipTag - To move return a pointer past the nominated TAG -- starting from a given position in the document. -- IN -- document -- Position to take the new Tag Node -- New Tag to be created -- Data to be added -- RETURN -- New position past the </TAG>. function SkipTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_tag in varchar2, p_offset in out NOCOPY integer, p_occurance in out NOCOPY integer) return integer is l_pos integer; l_tag varchar2(250); begin l_tag := '</'||upper(p_tag)||'>'; l_pos := instr(p_doc, l_tag, p_offset, p_occurance); return l_pos + length(l_tag); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','SkipTag', p_tag, to_char(p_offset), to_char(p_occurance)); raise; end SkipTag; -- GetTagValue - Obtain the value for a given TAG from within the -- Document Tree -- IN -- document as a CLOB -- TAG to find the value of -- The position to start looking for the TAG from -- OUT -- Value of the TAG. ie the value between the start and end TAGs -- The position in the CLOB after the find -- The list of attributes associated with the TAG (Not implemented as yet) procedure GetTagValue(p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_tag in varchar2, p_value out NOCOPY varchar2, p_pos in out NOCOPY integer, p_attrlist in out NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type) as l_value varchar2(32000); l_length integer; l_startTag varchar2(255); l_endTag varchar2(255); l_startPos integer; l_endPos integer; l_pos integer; l_occurance integer := 1; begin -- The idea is to look for the value of a tag from -- a given point (p_pos) l_pos := p_pos; -- Set the opening TAG. Don't use the '>' as there may be -- attributes set on the TAG. l_startTag := '<'||upper(p_tag); l_endTag := '</'||upper(p_tag)||'>'; l_startPos := dbms_lob.instr(p_doc, l_startTag, l_pos, l_occurance); l_startPos := dbms_lob.instr(p_doc, '>', l_startPos, l_occurance) + 1; l_endPos := dbms_lob.instr(p_doc, l_endTag, l_startpos, l_occurance) - 1; l_length := l_endPos - l_startPos + 1; dbms_lob.read(p_doc, l_length, l_startPos, l_value); -- Reposition the position pointer to after the end -- of the current TAG set. p_pos := l_endPos + length(l_endTag) + 1; p_value := l_value; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GetTagValue',p_tag, to_char(p_pos)); raise; end GetTagValue; -- AddElementAttribute - Add an Element Attribute Value pair to the attribute -- list. -- IN -- Name of the attribute -- Value for the attribute -- The attribute list to add the name/value pair to. procedure AddElementAttribute(p_attribute_name IN VARCHAR2, p_attribute_value IN VARCHAR2, p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type) is l_index integer; begin l_index := p_attribute_list.COUNT + 1; p_attribute_list(l_index).attribute := p_attribute_name; p_attribute_list(l_index).value := p_attribute_value; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','AddElementAttribute',p_attribute_name, p_attribute_value); raise; end; -- STRPARSER - Parse a string and seperate the elements -- into a memeory table based on the content of the -- seperators. -- IN -- str - The Varchar2 that is to be parsed -- sep - The list of SINGLE character seprators that will -- segment the str. -- RETURN parserStack_t a memory table of Varchar2 -- function strParser(str in varchar2, sep in varchar2) return parserStack_t is quot pls_integer; i pls_integer; c varchar2(1); attr varchar2(2000); defv varchar2(2000); stack parserStack_t; buf varchar2(2000); begin if str is not null or str <> '' then quot := 1; i := 1; buf := ''; while i <= length(str) loop c := substrb(str, i, 1); if instrb(sep, c,1 ,1)>0 then if buf is not null or buf <> '' then -- Push the buffer to the stack and start again stack(quot) := trim(buf); quot := quot + 1; buf := ''; end if; elsif c = '\' then -- Escape character. Consume this and the next -- character. i := i + 1; c := substrb(str, i, 1); buf := buf ||c; else buf := buf || c; end if; i := i + 1; end loop; if buf is not null or buf <> '' then stack(quot) := trim(buf); end if; end if; return stack; end strParser; -- parseContentType -- IN -- pContentType The Content-Type string to be parsed -- OUT -- pMimeType The MIME type part of the Content-Type -- pFileName The file name part of the Content-Type -- pExtn The extention of the file name -- pEncoding The content-encoding part of the Content-Type -- -- NOTE: For bug 3735752, a copy of parseContentType was taken and -- placed into WF_MAIL_UTIL in order to prevent a dependancy -- on WF_XML for WFA_HTML. This copy remains in tact. procedure parseContentType(pContentType in varchar2, pMimeType out nocopy varchar2, pFileName out nocopy varchar2, pExtn out nocopy varchar2, pEncoding out nocopy varchar2) is i pls_integer; l_content_type varchar2(255); l_paramlist parserStack_t; l_sublist parserStack_t; begin -- Derrive the name for the attachment. l_content_type := pContentType; pExtn := ''; pFilename := ''; pMimeType := ''; pEncoding := ''; l_paramlist := strParser(l_content_type, ';'); pMimeType := l_paramlist(1); for i in 1..l_paramlist.COUNT loop l_sublist := strParser(l_paramlist(i),'/'); if l_sublist.COUNT = 2 then pExtn := l_sublist(2); end if; l_sublist.DELETE; l_sublist := strParser(l_paramList(i),'="'); for i in 1..l_sublist.COUNT loop if lower(l_sublist(i)) = 'name' then pFilename := l_sublist(i+1); end if; if lower(l_sublist(i)) = 'encoding' then pEncoding := l_sublist(i+1); end if; end loop; l_sublist.DELETE; end loop; if lower(pExtn) = 'tab-separated-values' then pExtn := 'tsv'; elsif lower(pExtn) = 'comma-separated-values' then pExtn := 'csv'; elsif lower(pExtn) = 'plain' then pExtn := 'txt'; elsif lower(pExtn) like '%excel' then pExtn := 'xls'; elsif lower(pExtn) = 'html' then pExtn := 'htm'; elsif lower(pExtn) like '%msword' then pExtn := 'doc'; end if; end parseContentType; -- GetAttachment - Create an attachment tag for each of the URLs and -- DOCUMENT attributes. -- IN -- Notification ID -- Document handle -- MIME Agent for the attachment -- Position in the document where to place the attachment. -- OUT -- New location of the position function GetAttachment(p_nid in number, p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_agent in varchar2, p_disposition in varchar2, p_doc_type in varchar2, p_pos in out NOCOPY integer) return integer is l_pos integer; l_occurance integer := 1; l_tmpcontent varchar2(32000); -- l_content CLOB; l_contentIdx pls_integer; l_blob BLOB; l_atthname varchar2(255); l_display_type varchar2(255) := p_doc_type; l_content_type varchar2(255); l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_cbuf varchar2(32000); l_doc_end integer; l_doc_length number; l_start VARCHAR2(10) := '<![CDATA['; l_end VARCHAR2(4) := ']]>'; l_isURLAttrs boolean; l_aname varchar2(30); l_error_result varchar2 (2000); l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); cursor c_attr(p_nid varchar2) is select WMA.TYPE, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, decode(WMA.TYPE, 'URL', WF_NOTIFICATION.GetUrlText(WNA.TEXT_VALUE, p_nid), WNA.TEXT_VALUE) URL, WNA.NAME from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and (WMA.TYPE = 'URL' or WMA.TYPE = 'DOCUMENT') and WMA.ATTACH = 'Y' and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME; l_extn varchar2(20); l_mimeType varchar2(255); l_encoding varchar2(255); l_filename varchar2(320); l_attr_url varchar2(32000); begin -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_content, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); l_contentIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLOB(g_LOBTable); dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_blob, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); l_pos := p_pos; for l_crec in c_attr(p_nid) loop dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, 0); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment', 'Document URL {'||l_crec.url||'}'); end if; if l_crec.type = 'URL' then l_isURLAttrs := true; else /* ** The mechanism to obtain PLSQL and PLSQLCLOB documents ** as attachments. */ if upper(substr(l_crec.url,1, 6)) = 'PLSQL:' then -- wf_mail.getDocContent(p_nid, l_crec.name, l_display_type, -- l_tmpcontent, l_error_result); -- bug 2879507. call wf_notification.GetAttrDoc2 to get the -- doc content as well as the document type wf_notification.GetAttrDoc2(p_nid, l_crec.name, l_display_type, l_tmpcontent, l_content_type); l_tmpContent := replace(l_tmpContent, g_fndapi_misschr); -- default to display type if no document type specified if (l_content_type is null) then l_content_type := l_display_type; end if; -- Derrive the name for the attachment. parseContentType(l_content_type, l_mimeType, l_filename, l_extn, l_encoding); if l_filename is null or l_filename = '' then l_filename := l_crec.display_name ||'.'||l_extn; end if; AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'BODYPART', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',p_disposition, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', l_filename, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('encoding', l_encoding, l_attrlist); dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob,0); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_start), l_start); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_tmpContent), l_tmpContent); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_end), l_end); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', l_pos, l_occurance); elsif upper(substr(l_crec.url,1, 10)) = 'PLSQLCLOB:' then /* ** For PLSQLCLOB documents. */ dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob,0); l_content_type := ''; -- -- Getting Content -- First we call the existing APIs to render the -- content and then we fetch the content into -- the new structure. -- wf_mail.getLOBDocContent(p_nid, l_crec.name, l_display_type, l_content_type, l_error_result); if l_error_result is not null and l_error_result <> '' then -- Error in getting content wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetAttachment', to_char(p_nid), l_display_type); wf_core.raise('WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR'); end if; -- default to display type is no document type is specified if (l_content_type is null) then l_content_type := l_display_type; end if; -- Derrive the name for the attachment. parseContentType(l_content_type, l_mimeType, l_filename, l_extn, l_encoding); if l_filename is null or l_filename = '' then l_filename := l_crec.display_name ||'.'||l_extn; end if; if lower(l_mimeType) not like 'text/%' and (l_encoding is null or lower(l_encoding) <> 'base64') then -- Assume that there has been no encoding on a RAW -- type lob. Do not include it here. Defer attaching -- the content. -- -- Build the attribute list for the attachment -- including the content-type, file name etc. -- -- First the BODYPART structure to take the MESSAGE AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'BODYPART', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; l_attr_url := Wf_Notification.GetText(l_crec.URL, p_nid, l_display_type); AddElementAttribute('src', l_attr_url, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',p_disposition, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', l_filename, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'MESSAGE', '', l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', l_pos, l_occurance); WF_MAIL.CloseLob(l_display_type); else -- Fetch the content WF_MAIL.InitFetchLOB(l_display_type, l_doc_length); l_doc_end := 0; dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_start), l_start); while l_doc_end = 0 loop WF_MAIL.FetchLobContent(l_tmpContent, l_display_type, l_doc_end); l_tmpContent := replace(l_tmpContent, g_fndapi_misschr); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_tmpContent), l_tmpContent); end loop; WF_MAIL.CloseLob(l_display_type); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_end), l_end); -- -- Build the attribute list for the attachment -- including the content-type, file name etc. -- -- First the BODYPART structure to take the MESSAGE AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'BODYPART', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type', l_mimeType, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',p_disposition, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', l_filename, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('encoding', l_encoding, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', l_pos, l_occurance); end if; elsif upper(substr(l_crec.url,1, 10)) = 'PLSQLBLOB:' then /* ** For PLSQLBLOB documents. */ dbms_lob.trim(l_blob,0); -- -- Getting Content -- First we call the existing APIs to render the -- content and then we fetch the content into -- the new structure. -- begin Wf_Notification.GetAttrBLOB(p_nid, l_crec.name, l_display_type, l_blob, l_content_type, l_aname); exception when others then if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment', 'Error when getting BLOB attachment -> '||sqlerrm); end if; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetAttachment', to_char(p_nid), l_display_type); wf_core.raise('WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR'); end; -- default to display type is no document type is specified if (l_content_type is null) then l_content_type := l_display_type; end if; -- Derrive the name for the attachment. parseContentType(l_content_type, l_mimeType, l_filename, l_extn, l_encoding); if l_filename is null or l_filename = '' then l_filename := l_crec.display_name ||'.'||l_extn; end if; -- First the BODYPART structure to take the MESSAGE AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'BODYPART', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; l_attr_url := Wf_Notification.GetText(l_crec.URL, p_nid, l_display_type); AddElementAttribute('src', l_attr_url, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_mimeType, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',p_disposition, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', l_filename, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'MESSAGE', '', l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', l_pos, l_occurance); end if; end if; l_attrlist.DELETE; end loop; -- BUG 3285943 - If this is for a framework notification -- then we don't need the attached URLs. if (WF_NOTIFICATION.isFwkRegion(p_nid)='Y' and g_install='EMBEDDED') then l_isURLAttrs := FALSE; end if; if l_isURLAttrs then dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob,0); wf_mail.GetURLAttachment(p_nid, l_tmpContent, l_error_result); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_start), l_start); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_tmpContent), l_tmpContent); dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, length(l_end), l_end); if l_error_result is not null and l_error_result <> '' then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetAttachments', to_char(p_nid), p_agent, to_char(p_pos)); wf_core.token('SQLERR', l_error_result); wf_core.raise('WF_URLLIST_ERROR'); end if; l_fileName := g_urlListAttachment||'.html'; -- First the BODYPART structure to take the MESSAGE AddElementAttribute('content-type',l_display_type, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'BODYPART', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type',g_ntfDocHtml, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',p_disposition, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', l_filename, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(l_contentIdx).temp_lob, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', l_pos, l_occurance); end if; wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_contentIdx); if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment', 'END'); end if; return l_pos; exception when others then WF_MAIL.CloseLob(l_display_type); wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_contentIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetAttachments', to_char(p_nid), p_agent, to_char(p_pos)); l_err_message := sqlerrm; raise; end GetAttachment; -- GetAttributes - Create an attribute tag for each of the response -- required attributes. -- IN -- Notification ID -- Document handle -- MIME Agent for the attribute -- Location in the document to insert the new TAG(s) -- RETURN -- The new position in the docuemnt. function GetAttributes(p_nid in number, p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_agent in varchar2, p_pos in out NOCOPY integer) return integer is l_pos integer; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_occurance integer := 1; l_error_result varchar2 (2000); l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); l_value varchar2(2000); cursor c1 is select WMA.NAME, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WMA.DESCRIPTION, WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT, decode(WMA.TYPE, 'VARCHAR2', decode(WMA.FORMAT, '', WNA.TEXT_VALUE, substr(WNA.TEXT_VALUE, 1, to_number(WMA.FORMAT))), 'NUMBER', decode(WMA.FORMAT, '', to_char(WNA.NUMBER_VALUE), to_char(WNA.NUMBER_VALUE, WMA.FORMAT)), 'DATE', decode(WMA.FORMAT, '', to_char(WNA.DATE_VALUE), to_char(WNA.DATE_VALUE, WMA.FORMAT)), 'LOOKUP', WNA.TEXT_VALUE, WNA.TEXT_VALUE) VALUE from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WN.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.NAME = WNA.NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') order by WMA.SEQUENCE; begin l_pos := p_pos; for rec in c1 loop l_attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('name',rec.name, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('type',rec.type, l_attrlist); if rec.format is not NULL then AddElementAttribute('format',rec.format, l_attrlist); end if; l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'ATTRIBUTE','',l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'NAME', rec.display_name, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NAME', l_pos, l_occurance); l_value := EncodeEntityReference(rec.value); l_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, l_pos, 'VALUE', rec.value, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'ATTRIBUTE', l_pos, l_occurance); end loop; return l_pos; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetAttributes', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end GetAttributes; -- GetXMLMessage - Return a CLOB Document containing an XML encoded version of the -- notification. No recipients list will be populated. That -- will be the responsibility of the calling procedure. -- -- IN -- notification id -- Protocol for the message -- List of recipients to recieve the notification -- mailer node name -- Web Agent for the HTML attachments -- Reply to address for the final notification -- Language for the notification -- Territory for the notification -- OUT -- Piority for the message -- A CLOB Containing the XML encoded message. procedure GetXMLMessage (p_nid in number, p_protocol in varchar2, p_recipient_list in WF_DIRECTORY.wf_local_roles_tbl_type, p_node in varchar2, p_agent in varchar2, p_replyto in varchar2, p_nlang in varchar2, p_nterr in varchar2, p_priority out NOCOPY number, p_message in out NOCOPY CLOB) is -- l_doc CLOB; l_docIdx pls_integer; l_doctype varchar(100); l_pos integer; l_occurance integer := 1; l_item_type wf_items.item_type%TYPE; l_item_key wf_items.item_key%TYPE; l_priority wf_notifications.priority%TYPE; l_access_key wf_notifications.access_key%TYPE; l_response integer; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_receiverlist varchar2 (4000); l_status varchar2 (8); l_language varchar2 (30); l_territory varchar2 (30); l_installed_lang varchar2 (1); l_str varchar2 (250); l_subject varchar2 (2000); l_text_body varchar2 (32000); l_html_body varchar2 (32000); l_body_atth varchar2 (32000); l_error_result varchar2 (2000); l_err_name varchar2 (30); l_err_message varchar2 (2000); l_err_stack varchar2 (4000); begin -- Grab the details of the message to be enqueued using the -- previous interface of WF_MAIL.GetMessage. begin select installed_flag into l_installed_lang from wf_languages where nls_language = p_nlang and nls_territory = p_nterr and installed_flag = 'Y'; l_language := ''''||p_nlang||''''; l_territory := ''''||p_nterr||''''; exception when others then l_language := 'AMERICAN'; l_territory := 'AMERICA'; end; dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_LANGUAGE' , l_language); dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_TERRITORY' , l_territory); wf_mail.getmessage(p_nid, p_node, p_agent, p_replyto, l_subject, l_text_body, l_html_body, l_body_atth, l_error_result); -- Check for any problems if l_error_result is not NULL then wf_core.token('LANG', l_language); wf_core.token('TERR', l_territory); wf_core.token('ERRMSG', l_error_result); wf_core.raise('WFXMLERR'); end if; -- Instantiate a handle to the new document. -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_doc, TRUE, dbms_lob.session); l_docIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. l_str := '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; l_pos := length(l_str); dbms_lob.write(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 1, l_str); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'NOTIFICATION','',l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language',p_nlang, l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory',p_nterr, l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'HEADER', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; -- Attach the NID l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'NID', to_char(p_nid),l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'NID', l_pos, l_occurance); begin select priority, access_key, status into l_priority, l_access_key, l_status from wf_notifications_view where notification_id = p_nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.raise('WFNTFGM_FAILED'); end; l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'PRIORITY', to_char(l_priority), l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'PRIORITY', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'ACCESSKEY', l_access_key, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'ACCESSKEY', l_pos, l_occurance); -- Register the receivers as a single string of email addresses l_receiverlist := NULL; for i in 1..p_recipient_list.COUNT loop l_receiverlist := l_receiverlist || p_recipient_list(i).NAME || ','; end loop; l_receiverlist := substr(l_receiverlist,1,length(l_receiverlist)-1); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'RECEIVERLIST', l_receiverlist, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'RECEIVERLIST', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'SENDER', '', l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'SENDER', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'STATUS', l_status, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'STATUS', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'SUBJECT', l_subject, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'HEADER', l_pos, l_occurance); l_text_body := EncodeEntityReference(l_text_body); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'BODYTEXT', l_text_body, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'BODYTEXT', l_pos, l_occurance); AddElementAttribute('content-type','text/html', l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('hmldesc','HTML', l_attrlist); AddElementAttribute('htmlagent',p_agent, l_attrlist); l_html_body := EncodeEntityReference(l_html_body); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'BODYHTML', l_html_body, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'BODYHTML', l_pos, l_occurance); l_attrlist.DELETE; l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'ATTACHMENTLIST', '', l_attrlist); -- Next will be to attach all URLs and DOCUMENT attributes -- as attachments. l_pos := GetAttachment(p_nid, g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, p_agent, NULL, l_doctype, l_pos); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'ATTACHMENTLIST', l_pos, l_occurance); -- Check to see if the notification is a reponse and attach -- the response attributes. l_response := 0; begin select 1 into l_response from dual where exists (select NULL from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES MA, WF_NOTIFICATIONS N where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid and MA.MESSAGE_TYPE = N.MESSAGE_TYPE and MA.MESSAGE_NAME = N.MESSAGE_NAME and MA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'ATTRIBUTELIST', '', l_attrlist); l_pos := GetAttributes(p_nid, g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, p_agent, l_pos); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; p_priority := l_priority; dbms_lob.copy(p_message, g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, dbms_lob.getLength(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob), 1, 1); -- dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_doc).temp_lob); wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_docIdx); exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_docIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetXMLMessage', to_char(p_nid), p_protocol, p_node, p_nlang, p_nterr); raise; end getXMLMessage; -- GetShortLOBXMLMessage - -- Return a CLOB Document containing an XML encoded versi on of the -- notification. No recipients list will be populated. That -- will be the responsibility of the calling procedure. -- -- IN -- notification id -- Protocol for the message -- List of recipients to recieve the notification -- mailer node name -- Web Agent for the HTML attachments -- Reply to address for the final notification -- Language for the notification -- Territory for the notification -- OUT -- Piority for the message -- A CLOB Containing the XML encoded message. procedure GetShortLOBXMLMessage (p_nid in number, p_priority out NOCOPY number, p_message in out NOCOPY CLOB) is -- l_doc CLOB; l_docIdx pls_integer; l_pos integer; l_occurance integer := 1; l_priority wf_notifications.priority%TYPE; l_status wf_notifications.status%TYPE; l_recipient wf_notifications.recipient_role%TYPE; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_str varchar2 (250); l_error_result varchar2 (2000); l_err_name varchar2 (30); l_err_message varchar2 (2000); l_err_stack varchar2 (4000); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); begin -- Grab the details of the message to be enqueued using the -- previous interface of WF_MAIL.GetMessage. -- Instantiate a handle to the new document. -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_doc, TRUE, dbms_lob.session); l_docIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLOB(g_LOBTable); -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. l_str := '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; l_pos := length(l_str); dbms_lob.write(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 1, l_str); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'NOTIFICATION','',l_attrlist); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'HEADER', '', l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; -- Attach the NID l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'NID', to_char(p_nid),l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'NID', l_pos, l_occurance); begin select recipient_role, priority, status, more_info_role into l_recipient, l_priority, l_status, l_more_info_role from wf_notifications where notification_id = p_nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.raise('WFNTFGM_FAILED'); end; l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'PRIORITY', to_char(l_priority), l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'PRIORITY', l_pos, l_occurance); if (l_more_info_role is not null) then l_recipient := l_more_info_role; end if; l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'RECIPIENT', l_recipient, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'RECIPIENT', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, l_pos, 'STATUS', l_status, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipLOBTag(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, 'STATUS', l_pos, l_occurance); p_priority := l_priority; dbms_lob.copy(p_message, g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob, dbms_lob.getLength(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob), 1, 1); -- dbms_lob.freetemporary(g_LOBTable(l_docIdx).temp_lob); wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_docIdx); exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_docIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetShortLOBXMLMessage', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end getShortLOBXMLMessage; -- GetShortXMLMessage - -- Return a VARCHAR Document containing an XML encoded versi on of the -- notification. No recipients list will be populated. That -- will be the responsibility of the calling procedure. -- -- IN -- notification id -- Protocol for the message -- List of recipients to recieve the notification -- mailer node name -- Web Agent for the HTML attachments -- Reply to address for the final notification -- Language for the notification -- Territory for the notification -- OUT -- Piority for the message -- A VARCHAR Containing the XML encoded message. procedure GetShortXMLMessage (p_nid in number, p_priority out NOCOPY number, p_message in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is l_pos integer; l_occurance integer := 1; l_priority wf_notifications.priority%TYPE; l_status wf_notifications.status%TYPE; l_recipient wf_notifications.recipient_role%TYPE; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_str varchar2 (250); l_error_result varchar2 (2000); l_err_name varchar2 (30); l_err_message varchar2 (2000); l_err_stack varchar2 (4000); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); begin -- Grab the details of the message to be enqueued using the -- previous interface of WF_MAIL.GetMessage. -- Instantiate a handle to the new document. p_message := ''; -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. l_str := '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; l_pos := length(l_str); p_message := p_message||l_str; l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'NOTIFICATION',NULL,l_attrlist); l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'HEADER', NULL, l_attrlist); l_attrlist.DELETE; -- Attach the NID l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'NID', to_char(p_nid),l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipTag(p_message, 'NID', l_pos, l_occurance); begin select recipient_role, priority, status, more_info_role into l_recipient, l_priority, l_status, l_more_info_role from wf_notifications where notification_id = p_nid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.raise('WFNTFGM_FAILED'); end; l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'PRIORITY', to_char(l_priority), l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipTag(p_message, 'PRIORITY', l_pos, l_occurance); if (l_more_info_role is not null) then l_recipient := l_more_info_role; end if; l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'RECIPIENT', l_recipient, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipTag(p_message, 'RECIPIENT', l_pos, l_occurance); l_pos := NewTag(p_message, l_pos, 'STATUS', l_status, l_attrlist); l_pos := SkipTag(p_message, 'STATUS', l_pos, l_occurance); p_priority := l_priority; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetShortXMLMessage', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end getShortXMLMessage; -- EnqueueFullNotification - -- To push a notification to the outbound notification queue. -- IN -- Notification ID procedure EnqueueFullNotification(p_nid in number) is l_queue_name varchar2(255); l_node varchar2(30); l_agent varchar(255) := g_webAgent; l_replyto varchar2(320); l_nlang wf_languages.nls_language%TYPE; l_nterr wf_languages.nls_territory%TYPE; l_priority number; -- l_message CLOB; l_messageIdx pls_integer; l_recipient_role varchar2(320); l_ntf_pref varchar2(30); l_language varchar2(30); l_recipient_list WF_DIRECTORY.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_recipient_lang WF_DIRECTORY.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; l_wf_schema varchar2(320) := g_wfSchema; l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); i binary_integer := 0; j binary_integer := 0; begin -- Obtain the name of the recipient role, but only if a -- notification is needed to go out. ie the mail status -- indicates that a notification should be sent. begin select recipient_role into l_recipient_role from wf_notifications where notification_id = p_nid and ((MAIL_STATUS = 'MAIL' and STATUS <> 'CLOSED') or (MAIL_STATUS = 'INVALID')); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then l_recipient_role := NULL; when others then raise; end; if l_recipient_role is not null then -- Determine the total list of individual recipients -- ordered by Protocol and then Language. l_recipient_list.DELETE; GetRecipients(l_recipient_role, l_recipient_list); end if; if l_recipient_list.COUNT > 0 then -- A valid role has been found for a notification -- that is required to go out. -- Prepare a LOB to contain the payload message. -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_message, TRUE, dbms_lob.SESSION); l_messageIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); wf_queue.set_queue_names; wf_queue.get_hash_queue_name (p_protocol => 'SMTP', p_inbound_outbound => 'OUTBOUND', p_queue_name => l_queue_name); l_language := l_recipient_list(1).language; l_ntf_pref := l_recipient_list(1).notification_preference; l_recipient_lang.DELETE; j := 1; i := 1; -- Walk through the recipient list. This will be sorted by Notification -- preference and language. We group the recipients this way to help -- minimise the number of Queue messages to the number of recipients. loop exit when i > l_recipient_list.COUNT; if l_ntf_pref <> l_recipient_list(i).notification_preference then wf_queue.get_hash_queue_name (p_protocol => 'SMTP', p_inbound_outbound => 'OUTBOUND', p_queue_name => l_queue_name); end if; loop exit when (i > l_recipient_list.COUNT) or (l_ntf_pref <> l_recipient_list(i).notification_preference); j := 1; loop exit when (i > l_recipient_list.COUNT) or (l_ntf_pref <> l_recipient_list(i).notification_preference) or (l_language <> l_recipient_list(i).language); l_recipient_lang(j) := l_recipient_list(i); i := i + 1; j := j + 1; end loop; -- Get an encoded payload. getXMLMessage(p_nid, l_ntf_pref, l_recipient_lang, l_node, l_agent, l_replyto, l_recipient_lang(1).language, l_recipient_lang(1).territory, l_priority, g_LOBTable(l_messageIdx).temp_lob); -- Push the message to the queue. enqueueLOBMessage(p_queue => l_queue_name, p_priority => l_priority, p_correlation => wf_queue.account_name ||':'|| to_char(p_nid), p_message => g_LOBTable(l_messageIdx).temp_lob); j := 1; l_recipient_lang.DELETE; if i <= l_recipient_list.COUNT then l_ntf_pref := l_recipient_list(i).notification_preference; end if; end loop; end loop; -- dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_message); wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_messageIdx); end if; exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_messageIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'EnqueueFullNotification', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end EnqueueFullNotification; -- EnqueueLOBNotification - To push a notification ID to the outbound -- notification queue. -- IN -- Notification ID procedure EnqueueLOBNotification(p_nid in number) is l_queue_name varchar2(255); l_priority number; l_recipient_role varchar2(320); -- l_message CLOB; l_messageIdx pls_integer; l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); begin -- Obtain the name of the recipient role, but only if a -- notification is needed to go out. ie the mail status -- indicates that a notification should be sent. begin select recipient_role into l_recipient_role from wf_notifications where notification_id = p_nid and MAIL_STATUS in ('MAIL', 'INVALID'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then l_recipient_role := NULL; when others then raise; end; if l_recipient_role is not null then -- A valid role has been found for a notification -- that is required to go out. -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_message, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); l_messageIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); -- Get an encoded payload. getShortLOBXMLMessage(p_nid, l_priority, g_LOBTable(l_messageIdx).temp_lob); wf_queue.set_queue_names; wf_queue.get_hash_queue_name (p_protocol => 'SMTP', p_inbound_outbound => 'OUTBOUND', p_queue_name => l_queue_name); -- Push the message to the queue. enqueueLOBMessage(p_queue => l_queue_name, p_priority => l_priority, p_correlation => wf_queue.account_name ||':'|| to_char(p_nid), p_message => g_LOBTable(l_messageIdx).temp_lob); end if; wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_messageIdx); exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, l_messageIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'EnqueueLOBNotification', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end EnqueueLOBNotification; -- EnqueueNotification - To push a notification ID to the outbound -- notification queue. -- IN -- Notification ID procedure EnqueueNotification(p_nid in number) is l_queue_name varchar2(255); l_priority number; l_recipient_role varchar2(320); l_message VARCHAR2(32000); l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); l_more_info_role varchar2(320); begin -- Obtain the name of the recipient role, but only if a -- notification is needed to go out. ie the mail status -- indicates that a notification should be sent. begin select recipient_role, more_info_role into l_recipient_role, l_more_info_role from wf_notifications where notification_id = p_nid and MAIL_STATUS in ('MAIL', 'INVALID') and STATUS <> 'CLOSED'; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then l_recipient_role := NULL; l_more_info_role := NULL; when others then raise; end; if (l_recipient_role is not null or l_more_info_role is not null) then -- A valid role has been found for a notification -- that is required to go out. -- Get an encoded payload. getShortXMLMessage(p_nid, l_priority, l_message); wf_queue.set_queue_names; wf_queue.get_hash_queue_name (p_protocol => 'SMTP', p_inbound_outbound => 'OUTBOUND', p_queue_name => l_queue_name); -- Push the message to the queue. enqueueMessage(p_queue => l_queue_name, p_priority => l_priority, p_correlation => wf_queue.account_name ||':'|| to_char(p_nid), p_message => l_message); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'EnqueueNotification', to_char(p_nid)); raise; end EnqueueNotification; -- DequeueMessage - Remove a notification from the queue -- IN -- Queue name to operate on -- Correlation for the message - NID in this implementation -- OUT -- The message that is obtained from the queue. -- Timeout to signal whether the queue is empty. procedure DequeueMessage(p_queue_name in varchar2, p_correlation in varchar2, p_message in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_timeout out NOCOPY boolean) as l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; l_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; l_correlation varchar2(255) := NULL; l_message_handle RAW(16); begin /** wf_message_payload_t is obsolete in 2.6.4 onwards **/ null; exception when dequeue_timeout then p_timeout := TRUE; when others then Wf_Core.Context('WF_XML', 'DequeueMessage', p_queue_name, p_correlation); p_timeout := FALSE; raise; end DequeueMessage; -- GetMessage - Get email message data -- IN -- Queue number to operate on -- OUT -- Notification ID -- Comma seperated list of the recipients of the notification -- Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating -- Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty. -- Error message procedure GetMessage( p_queue in number, p_nid out NOCOPY number, p_receiverlist out NOCOPY varchar2, p_status out NOCOPY varchar2, p_timeout out NOCOPY integer, p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2) is l_nid number; l_queue_name varchar2(255); l_status varchar2(8); l_receiverlist varchar2(4000); l_message CLOB; l_timeout BOOLEAN; l_pos integer; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); no_program_unit exception; pragma exception_init(no_program_unit, -6508); begin l_queue_name := g_wfSchema||'.WF_SMTP_O_'|| to_char(p_queue)||'_QUEUE'; -- Grab the next available message from the queue. DequeueMessage(p_queue_name => l_queue_name, p_correlation => NULL, p_message => l_message, p_timeout => l_timeout); -- If the result is from the queue being empty then we want to -- inform the caller to maybe go and do something else a while. if NOT l_timeout then -- We now have a message as a CLOB. we need to parse it -- to reconstruct the DOM Document. -- new parser -- Grab the components of the notification to send -- back to the caller l_pos := 1; GetTagValue(l_message, 'NID', l_nid, l_pos, l_attrlist); GetTagValue(l_message, 'RECEIVERLIST', l_receiverlist, l_pos, l_attrlist); GetTagValue(l_message, 'STATUS', l_status, l_pos, l_attrlist); end if; p_nid := to_number(l_nid); p_receiverlist := l_receiverlist; p_status := l_status; if l_timeout then p_timeout := 1; else p_timeout := 0; end if; exception when no_program_unit then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; when others then -- First look for a wf_core error. wf_core.get_error(l_err_name, l_err_message, l_err_stack); -- If no wf_core error look for a sql error. if (l_err_name is null) then l_err_message := sqlerrm; end if; p_error_result := l_err_message; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; end GetMessage; -- GetShortMessage - Get email message data -- IN -- Queue number to operate on -- OUT -- Notification ID -- Comma seperated list of the recipients of the notification -- Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating -- Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty. -- Error message procedure GetShortMessage( p_queue in number, p_nid out NOCOPY number, p_recipient out NOCOPY varchar2, p_status out NOCOPY varchar2, p_timeout out NOCOPY integer, p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2) is l_queue_name varchar2(200); l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); no_program_unit exception; pragma exception_init(no_program_unit, -6508); begin l_queue_name := g_wfSchema||'.WF_SMTP_O_'|| to_char(p_queue)||'_QUEUE'; GetQueueMessage(l_queue_name, p_nid, p_recipient, p_status, p_timeout, p_error_result); exception when no_program_unit then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetShortMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; when others then -- First look for a wf_core error. wf_core.get_error(l_err_name, l_err_message, l_err_stack); -- If no wf_core error look for a sql error. if (l_err_name is null) then l_err_message := sqlerrm; end if; p_error_result := l_err_message; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetShortMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; end GetShortMessage; -- GetExceptionMessage - Get email message data -- IN -- Queue number to operate on -- OUT -- Notification ID -- Comma seperated list of the recipients of the notification -- Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating -- Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty. -- Error message procedure GetExceptionMessage( p_queue in number, p_nid out NOCOPY number, p_recipient out NOCOPY varchar2, p_status out NOCOPY varchar2, p_timeout out NOCOPY boolean, p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2) is l_timeout integer; l_queue_name varchar2(200); l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); no_program_unit exception; pragma exception_init(no_program_unit, -6508); begin l_queue_name := wf_queue.enable_exception_queue( g_wfSchema|| '.WF_SMTP_O_'||to_char(p_queue)||'_QUEUE'); if l_queue_name is not NULL then GetQueueMessage(l_queue_name, p_nid, p_recipient, p_status, l_timeout, p_error_result); -- GetQueueMessage returns timeout as an integer for the benefit if l_timeout = 0 then p_timeout := FALSE; else p_timeout := TRUE; end if; else p_timeout := TRUE; end if; exception when no_program_unit then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetExceptionMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; when others then -- First look for a wf_core error. wf_core.get_error(l_err_name, l_err_message, l_err_stack); -- If no wf_core error look for a sql error. if (l_err_name is null) then l_err_message := sqlerrm; end if; p_error_result := l_err_message; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetExceptionMessage', to_char(p_queue)); raise; end GetExceptionMessage; -- GetQueueMessage - Get email message data -- IN -- Queue name -- OUT -- Notification ID -- Comma seperated list of the recipients of the notification -- Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating -- Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty. -- Error message procedure GetQueueMessage( p_queuename in varchar2, p_nid out NOCOPY number, p_recipient out NOCOPY varchar2, p_status out NOCOPY varchar2, p_timeout out NOCOPY integer, p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2) is l_message CLOB; l_nid number; l_queue_name varchar2(255); l_status varchar2(8) := NULL; l_currstatus varchar2(8); l_recipient WF_NOTIFICATIONS.RECIPIENT_ROLE%TYPE := NULL; l_attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; l_timeout BOOLEAN; l_pos integer; l_statusOK boolean; l_err_name varchar2(30); l_err_message varchar2(2000); l_err_stack varchar2(4000); no_program_unit exception; pragma exception_init(no_program_unit, -6508); begin l_queue_name := p_queuename; -- Grab the next available message from the queue. -- The lob located will contain a reference to a persistent -- LOB so there is not need to pre-create a temporary LOB. loop DequeueMessage(p_queue_name => l_queue_name, p_correlation => NULL, p_message => l_message, p_timeout => l_timeout); -- If the result is from the queue being empty then we want to -- inform the caller to maybe go and do something else a while. if NOT l_timeout then -- We now have a message as a CLOB. we need to parse it -- to reconstruct the DOM Document. -- new parser -- Grab the components of the notification to send -- back to the caller l_pos := 1; GetTagValue(l_message, 'NID', l_nid, l_pos, l_attrlist); GetTagValue(l_message, 'RECIPIENT', l_recipient, l_pos, l_attrlist); GetTagValue(l_message, 'STATUS', l_status, l_pos, l_attrlist); -- Verify that the status of the notification is -- still OK. begin select status into l_currstatus from wf_notifications where notification_id = l_nid and status in ('OPEN','CANCELED', 'CLOSED') and mail_status in ('MAIL','INVALID','FAILED'); l_statusOK := TRUE; exception when no_data_found then l_statusOK := FALSE; when others then raise; end; end if; exit when l_timeout or l_statusOK; end loop; p_nid := to_number(l_nid); p_recipient := l_recipient; p_status := l_status; if l_timeout then p_timeout := 1; else p_timeout := 0; end if; exception when no_program_unit then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetQueueMessage', p_queuename); raise; when others then -- First look for a wf_core error. wf_core.get_error(l_err_name, l_err_message, l_err_stack); -- If no wf_core error look for a sql error. if (l_err_name is null) then l_err_message := sqlerrm; end if; p_error_result := l_err_message; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GetQueueMessage', p_queuename); raise; end GetQueueMessage; -- RemoveMessage -- To remove any messages associated with a particular Notification ID. -- Note that a notification can contain more than one message. Each of -- these messages will have a unique message handle and could be -- enqueued on more than one queue. -- IN -- Queue Name to remove the messages from -- Correlation or the Notification ID of the messages to remove. -- OUT -- Timeout. Returns TRUE if there was nothing on the Queue procedure RemoveMessage(p_queue_name in varchar2, p_correlation in varchar2, p_timeout out NOCOPY boolean) is l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; l_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; l_correlation varchar2(255) := NULL; l_message_handle RAW(16); begin /** wf_message_payload_t is obsolete in 2.6.4 onwards **/ null; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('WF_XML', 'RemoveMessage', p_queue_name, p_correlation); p_timeout := FALSE; raise; end RemoveMessage; -- RemoveNotification -- To remove all enqueues messages for a given notification. -- IN -- Notification ID of the message to locate and remove. -- NOTE -- This is a destructive procedure that's sole purpose is to purge the -- message from the queue. We only call this when we do not care for the -- content. procedure RemoveNotification (p_nid in number) is l_protocol varchar2(10); l_iobound varchar2(10); l_queue_count integer; l_queue_name varchar2(100); l_wf_schema varchar2(320); l_timeout boolean; begin select protocol, inbound_outbound, queue_count into l_protocol, l_iobound, l_queue_count from wf_queues where protocol = 'SMTP' and INBOUND_OUTBOUND = 'OUTBOUND' and DISABLE_FLAG = 'N'; -- Walk though ALL queue names to hunt for the notifications wf_queue.set_queue_names; l_wf_schema := g_wfSchema; for i in 1..l_queue_count loop -- Build the queue name from the information we know. l_queue_name := l_wf_schema||'.WF_'||l_protocol||'_'|| substr(l_iobound,1,1)||'_'||to_char(i)||'_QUEUE'; l_timeout := FALSE; while not l_timeout loop -- Kill all traces of the message. RemoveMessage(l_queue_name, wf_queue.account_name||':'|| to_char(p_nid), l_timeout); end loop; end loop; -- Remove the messages from the default Exception queues also for i in 1..l_queue_count loop -- Build the queue name from the information we know. l_queue_name := wf_queue.enable_exception_queue('WF_'||l_protocol|| '_'||substr(l_iobound,1,1)||'_'||to_char(i)||'_QUEUE'); if l_queue_name is not NULL then l_timeout := FALSE; while not l_timeout loop -- Kill all traces of the message. RemoveMessage(l_queue_name, wf_queue.account_name||':'|| to_char(p_nid), l_timeout); end loop; end if; end loop; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','RemoveNotification',to_char(p_nid)); raise; end RemoveNotification; -- setFistMessage -- To set the global variable g_first_message for the deqeuing -- of the SMTP queue. -- IN -- 'Y' to set the flag to TRUE procedure setFirstMessage(p_first_message IN varchar2) is begin if (upper(substrb(p_first_message, 1, 1)) in ('Y','T')) then g_first_message := TRUE; else g_first_message := FALSE; end if; end; -- -- getBodyPart -- procedure getBodyPart(p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_nid in number, p_doctype in varchar2) is l_message varchar2(32000); l_doc_length number := 0; l_doc_end integer := 0; l_start VARCHAR2(10) := '<![CDATA['; l_end VARCHAR2(4) := ']]>'; begin WF_MAIL.InitFetchLOB(p_doctype, l_doc_length); l_doc_end := 0; dbms_lob.writeAppend(p_doc, length(l_start), l_start); while l_doc_end = 0 loop WF_MAIL.FetchLobContent(l_message, p_doctype, l_doc_end); l_message := replace(l_message, g_fndapi_misschr); dbms_lob.writeAppend(p_doc, length(l_message), l_message); end loop; dbms_lob.writeAppend(p_doc, length(l_end), l_end); WF_MAIL.CloseLob(p_doctype); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','getBodyPart',to_char(p_nid),p_doctype); raise; end getBodyPart; procedure GetNLS(base_lang out NOCOPY varchar2, base_territory OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, base_codeset OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is nls_base varchar2(100); underscore_pos integer; dot_pos integer; begin select userenv('LANGUAGE') into nls_base from sys.dual; underscore_pos := instr(nls_base, '_'); dot_pos := instr(nls_base, '.'); base_lang := substr(nls_base, 1, underscore_pos -1); base_territory := substr(nls_base, underscore_pos +1, (dot_pos - underscore_pos)-1); base_codeset := substr(nls_base, dot_pos + 1); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GetNLS'); raise; end getNLS; -- SetNLS -- To set the NLS lang and territory of the current session -- IN -- language - a varchar2 of the language code -- territory - a varchar2 of the territory code. procedure SetNLS(language in VARCHAR2, territory in VARCHAR2) is l_language varchar2(30); l_territory varchar2(30); l_installed_flag varchar2(1); begin begin -- If nothing is passed in, force it to AMERICAN_AMERICA if language is null or language = '' then l_language := 'AMERICAN'; end if; if territory is null or territory = '' then l_territory := 'AMERICA'; end if; select installed_flag into l_installed_flag from wf_languages where nls_language = language and installed_flag = 'Y'; l_language := ''''||language||''''; l_territory := ''''||territory||''''; exception when others then l_language := 'AMERICAN'; l_territory := 'AMERICA'; end; dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_LANGUAGE' , l_language); dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_TERRITORY' , l_territory); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','SetNLS', language, territory); raise; end setNLS; -- Parse the p_doc for the URL attributes and edit -- their src= reference in preperation for email. function ParseForInlineImages(msgBody IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, nid IN number) return boolean is imgStrPos number; value varchar2(32000); newValue varchar2(32000); contentId varchar2(1000); params pls_integer; tmpIdx pls_integer; nameStart pls_integer; nameEnd pls_integer; amount number; tmpLength number; imagesFound boolean := false; begin imagesFound := false; tmpIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); for url in g_urls(nid) loop value := url.text_value; value := wf_notification.SetFrameworkAgent(value); params := instr(value, '?'); if isImageReference(value) then value := '<IMG SRC="'||value|| '" alt="'|| url.display_name||'"></IMG>'; imgStrPos := dbms_lob.instr(msgBody, value, 1, 1); if imgStrPos > 0 then dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob, 0); dbms_lob.copy(g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob , msgBody, imgStrPos-1, 1, 1); nameStart := instrb(url.text_value, '/', -1, 1); if nameStart = 0 then contentId := value; contentId := replace(contentId, '.'); else contentId := substrb(url.text_value, nameStart+1 ); contentId := replace(contentId, '.'); end if; newValue := '<IMG SRC="cid:'||contentId|| '" alt="'|| url.display_name|| '"></IMG>'; dbms_lob.writeAppend(g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob, length(newValue), newValue); amount := dbms_lob.getlength(msgBody)-imgStrPos+length(value); tmpLength := dbms_lob.getlength(g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob); dbms_lob.Copy(g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob, msgBody, amount, tmpLength+1, imgStrPos+length(value)); dbms_lob.trim(msgBody, 0); dbms_lob.append(msgBody, g_LOBTable(tmpIdx).temp_lob); imagesFound := TRUE; end if; -- Image TAG is in the messages body end if; -- The URL is an image reference end loop; wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, tmpIdx); return imagesFound; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','ParseForInlineImages',to_char(nid)); raise; end ParseForInlineImages; -- Adds the RESOURCE tags for the inline images. procedure addInlineImages(doc IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, pos IN OUT NOCOPY number, attrlist IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type, nid IN number, disposition in varchar2) is extPos pls_integer; contentType varchar2(1000); value varchar2(32000); encodedURL varchar2(32000); nameStart pls_integer; contentId varchar2(1000); fileName varchar2(1000); occurance number := 1; begin attrlist.DELETE; for url in g_urls(nid) loop value := url.text_value; value := wf_notification.SetFrameworkAgent(value); if isImageReference(value) then nameStart := instrb(value, '/', -1, 1); if nameStart = 0 then contentId := value; filename := contentId; contentId := replace(contentId, '.'); else contentId := substrb(url.text_value, nameStart+1 ); fileName := contentId; contentId := replace(contentId, '.'); end if; extPos := instrb(value, '.', -1, 1); if (extPos > 0) then contentType := 'image/'||substr(value, extPos+1); else contentType := 'image/*'; end if; encodedURL := wf_mail.urlEncode(value); AddElementAttribute('content-type', contentType, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('src', value, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-id', contentId, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename', fileName, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('content-disposition', 'inline', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(doc, pos, 'RESOURCE','',attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(doc, 'NAME', pos, occurance); attrlist.DELETE; end if; -- Is this an image reference? end loop; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','addInlineImages', to_char(nid)); raise; end addInlineImages; -- GenerateDoc -- To generate the XML content for the enqueued notifications. procedure GenerateDoc (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in out NOCOPY number, p_recipient_role in varchar2, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is -- message CLOB; messageIdx pls_integer; nid NUMBER; msgbody VARCHAR2(32000); end_of_msgbody BOOLEAN; doctype VARCHAR2(100); pos integer; amt number; installed VARCHAR2(1); base_lang VARCHAR2(100); base_territory VARCHAR2(100); base_codeset VARCHAR2(100); language VARCHAR2(100); territory VARCHAR2(100); codeset VARCHAR2(100); orig_system VARCHAR2(100); orig_system_id number; nidStr varchar2(100); hdrxml varchar2(32000); hdrxmlPos integer; access_key VARCHAR2(100); priority NUMBER; recipient_role VARCHAR2(100); status VARCHAR2(100); subject VARCHAR2(4000); role VARCHAR2(100); display_name VARCHAR2(200); email VARCHAR2(1000); notification_pref VARCHAR2(100); occurance integer := 1; attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; str varchar2 (250); nodeName varchar2(100) := '&#NODE'; agent varchar2(100) := '&#AGENT'; replyto varchar2(100) := '&#REPLYTO'; fromName varchar2(100) := '&#FROM'; disposition varchar2(100) := '&#DISPOSITION'; directResponse varchar2(1); emailParser varchar2(100); corrId varchar2(128); htmlfilename varchar2(100); urlfilename varchar2(100); inlineAtt varchar2(10); sendAccessKey varchar2(10); stylesheetEnabled varchar2(10); body_atth varchar2 (32000); messageType varchar2(8); messageName varchar2(30); error_result varchar2 (2000); err_name varchar2 (30); err_message varchar2 (2000); err_stack varchar2 (4000); moreInfoRole varchar2(320); frameworkContent boolean; attachInlineImages varchar2(1); ntfURL varchar2(2000); imgFound boolean; bodyToken varchar2(1); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateDoc', 'BEGIN'); end if; -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(message, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); messageIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); nid := to_number(p_event_key); -- Obtain notification information begin -- 3741599 no_data_found should exit gracefully. select ACCESS_KEY, PRIORITY, STATUS, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, MORE_INFO_ROLE into access_key, priority, status, messageType, messageName, moreInfoRole from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when no_data_found then -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', nid, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'no_data_found', attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; p_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NOTIFICATION', p_pos, occurance); return; when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateDoc',to_char(nid)); raise; end; if (wf_mail.test_flag = TRUE) then if (status not in ('OPEN','CANCELED','CLOSED')) then status := 'OPEN'; end if; end if; if (moreInfoRole is not null) then recipient_role := moreInfoRole; else recipient_role := p_recipient_role; end if; -- Obtain recipient information WF_DIRECTORY.GetRoleInfoMail(recipient_role, display_name, email, notification_pref, language, territory, orig_system, orig_system_id, installed); if notification_pref in ('QUERY', 'SUMMARY','SUMHTML', 'DISABLED') or email is null then -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', nid, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE:'|| notification_pref, attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; p_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NOTIFICATION', p_pos, occurance); return; end if; corrId := wf_event.getValueForParameter('Q_CORRELATION_ID', p_parameter_list); -- Obtain the values for the configurable items nodename := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'NODENAME'); agent := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'HTMLAGENT'); fromName := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'FROM'); fromName := '<![CDATA['||fromName||']]>'; replyto := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'REPLYTO'); inlineAtt := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'INLINE_ATTACHMENT'); sendAccessKey := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'SEND_ACCESS_KEY'); stylesheetEnabled := wf_mailer_parameter.getValueForCorr(pNid => nid, pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'ENABLE_STYLESHEET'); -- Direct Response is not reconfigurable through the message attributes -- Use the standard API to obtain its value. directResponse := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.getValueForCorr(pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'DIRECT_RESPONSE'); attachInlineImages := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr ( pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'ATTACH_IMAGES'); if inlineAtt = 'Y' then disposition := 'inline'; else disposition := 'attachment'; end if; if sendAccessKey = 'Y' then wf_mail.Send_Access_Key_On; else wf_mail.Send_Access_Key_Off; end if; if directResponse = 'Y' then wf_mail.direct_response_on; else wf_mail.direct_response_off; end if; if (WF_NOTIFICATION.isFwkRegion(nid)='Y' and g_install ='EMBEDDED') then frameworkContent := TRUE; -- 3803327 Text email with framework is currently disabled -- until the issues with the region facet for text can be -- fixed. -- if (notification_pref = 'MAILTEXT') then -- notification_pref := 'MAILHTM2'; -- elsif (notification_pref = 'MAILATTH') then -- notification_pref := 'MAILHTML'; -- end if; -- 3803327 end. else frameworkContent := FALSE; end if; WF_MAIL.setContext(nid); -- Set the preferred document type based on the -- notification preference. if notification_pref = 'MAILTEXT' then doctype := g_ntfDocText; elsif notification_pref in ('MAILHTML','MAILATTH','MAILHTM2') then doctype := g_ntfDocHtml; end if; -- Get the Base NLS. WF_MAIL.GetSessionLanguage(base_lang, base_territory, base_codeset); -- Get the language, territory and codeset for this notification WF_MAIL.Get_Ntf_Language(nid, language, territory, codeset); -- Set NLS language and territory for this notification setNLS(language, territory); -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. pos := p_pos; if frameworkContent = TRUE then -- Get a modified version of the message. All is rendered -- except for the &BODY token. WF_MAIL.GetLobMessage3(nid, nodeName, agent, replyto, recipient_role, language, territory, notification_pref, email, display_name, 'N', subject, body_atth, error_result, bodyToken); else WF_MAIL.GetLobMessage3(nid, nodeName, agent, replyto, recipient_role, language, territory, notification_pref, email, display_name, 'Y', subject, body_atth, error_result, bodyToken); end if; if error_result is not null or error_result <> '' then wf_core.token('ERROR',error_result); wf_core.raise('WFMLR_GENERATE_FAILED'); end if; g_htmlmessage := wf_core.translate('WF_HTML_MESSAGE'); g_urlNotification := wf_core.translate('WF_URL_NOTIFICATION'); g_urlListAttachment := wf_core.translate('WF_URLLIST_ATTACHMENT'); SetNLS(base_lang, base_territory); htmlfilename := g_htmlmessage||'.html'; urlfilename := g_urlNotification||'.html'; nidStr := 'NID['||to_char(nid)||'/'||access_key||'@'||nodeName||']'; if directResponse = 'Y' then nidStr := nidStr||'[2]'; end if; AddElementAttribute('nid', p_event_key, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('nidstr', nidStr, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', language, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', territory, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', codeset, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('priority', to_char(priority), attrlist); AddElementAttribute('item_type', messageType, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('message_name', messageName, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'Y', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; hdrxmlPos := 0; hdrxml := ''; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'RECIPIENTLIST', '', attrlist); recipient_role := EncodeEntityReference(recipient_role); AddElementAttribute('name',recipient_role, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('type','to', attrlist); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'RECIPIENT', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; display_name := replace(display_name, g_newLine); display_name := '<![CDATA['||display_name||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'NAME', display_name, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'NAME', hdrxmlPos, occurance); email := replace(email, g_newLine); email := '<![CDATA['||email||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'ADDRESS', email, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'ADDRESS', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'RECIPIENT', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'RECIPIENTLIST', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'FROM', '', attrlist); fromName := replace(fromName, g_newLine); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'NAME', fromName, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'NAME', hdrxmlPos, occurance); replyto := replace(replyto, g_newLine); replyto := '<![CDATA['||replyto||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'ADDRESS', replyto, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'ADDRESS', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'FROM', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'STATUS', status, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'STATUS', hdrxmlPos, occurance); subject := replace(subject, g_newLine); subject := '<![CDATA['||subject||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'SUBJECT', subject, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'HEADER', hdrxml, attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'HEADER', pos, occurance); /* ** Potentially, it could be possible for a text/plain notification ** but that would mean looking ahead to ensure that there are ** absolutely no attachments of any description. */ /* ** The body part section of the XML structure will contain ** a <![CDATA ]]> construct which removes the need to URL ** encode the data. */ if notification_pref in ('MAILTEXT','MAILATTH') then /* ** MAILTEXT and MAILATTH will have the text/plain as the ** primary messasge content. The others will be in the ** from of an attachment. */ dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, 0); getBodyPart(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, nid, g_ntfDocText); AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'multipart/mixed', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'CONTENT', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type', g_ntfDocText, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'BODYPART', '', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', pos, occurance); if frameworkContent = TRUE and bodyToken = 'Y' then -- Build the resource section of the XML so that the -- java layer can locate the notification body to -- merge into the template. ntfURL := wf_mail.urlEncode(wf_notification.getFwkBodyURL(nid, g_ntfDocText)); AddElementAttribute('page-type','fwk', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('src',ntfURL, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('enable-stylesheet', stylesheetEnabled, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language',language, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory',territory, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('token', 'BODY', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'RESOURCE','',attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'RESOURCE', pos, occurance); end if; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', pos, occurance); attrlist.DELETE; end if; if notification_pref in ('MAILHTML','MAILATTH','MAILHTM2') then /* ** The HTML version of the message is only available ** to MAILHTML and MAILATTH recipients. ** MAILHTML2 is a text/html message without the additional ** two framed attachment. */ dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, 0); getBodyPart(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, nid, g_ntfDocHtml); imgFound := FALSE; if frameworkContent = FALSE AND attachInlineImages = 'Y' then imgFound := ParseForInlineImages(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, nid); end if; /** * The content-type for the CONTENT tag is based on a set of rules. * It can only be multiplart/related if it is a framework region, * or there is an inline image. Inline images and framework regions are * only allowed for HTML type notifications. */ if(frameworkContent = TRUE or imgFound = TRUE) then AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'multipart/related', attrlist); else AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'multipart/mixed', attrlist); end if; pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'CONTENT', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'text/html', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'BODYPART', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; AddElementAttribute('content-type', g_ntfDocHtml, attrlist); if notification_pref = 'MAILATTH' then /* ** The text/html will be an attachment for MAILTEXT */ AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',disposition, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename',htmlfilename, attrlist); end if; pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', pos, occurance); if frameworkContent = TRUE and bodyToken = 'Y' then -- Build the resource section of the XML so that the -- java layer can locate the notification body to -- merge into the template. ntfURL := wf_mail.urlEncode(wf_notification.getFwkBodyURL(nid, g_ntfDocHtml)); AddElementAttribute('page-type','fwk', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('src',ntfURL, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('enable-stylesheet', stylesheetEnabled, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', language, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', territory, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('token', 'BODY', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'RESOURCE','',attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'RESOURCE', pos, occurance); elsif (frameworkContent = FALSE AND imgFound = TRUE) then -- Add RESOURCE tags for each of the images pased in -- in the ParseForInlineImages addInlineImages(p_doc, pos, attrlist, nid, disposition); end if; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', pos, occurance); attrlist.DELETE; end if; if notification_pref in ('MAILHTML','MAILATTH') then /* ** Adding the text/html component to the notification. ** This is the little two framed representation of the ** notification. ** ** This is only available for the MAILHTML and MAILATTH recipients. */ AddElementAttribute('content-type',g_ntfDocHtml, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'BODYPART', '', attrlist); body_atth := '<![CDATA['||body_atth||']]>'; AddElementAttribute('content-disposition',disposition, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('filename',urlfilename, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'MESSAGE', body_atth, attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', pos, occurance); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', pos, occurance); attrlist.DELETE; end if; /* ** Next will be to attach all URLs and DOCUMENT attributes ** as attachments. Disposition for all URL and DOCUMENT attributes ** with ATTACH=Y should be attachment. */ pos := GetAttachment(nid, p_doc, agent, 'attachment', doctype, pos); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'CONTENT', pos, occurance); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NOTIFICATION', pos, occurance); p_pos := pos; wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, messageIdx); if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateDoc', 'END'); end if; exception when others then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, messageIdx); wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GenerateDoc', p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateDoc; -- GenerateGroupDoc -- To generate the complete set of notification for a group. procedure GenerateGroupDoc(p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in out NOCOPY number, p_recipient_role in varchar2, p_notification_pref in varchar2, p_orig_system in varchar2, p_orig_system_id in number, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is cursor members(rname varchar2, rorig varchar2, rorigid number) is select UR.USER_NAME, UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM, UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.ROLE_NAME = rname and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = rorig and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rorigid and ((UR.USER_NAME <> UR.ROLE_NAME) or (UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM <> UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID <> UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID)); members_type members%ROWTYPE; TYPE members_table_type is TABLE OF members%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; i pls_integer := 1; members_t members_table_type; attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateGroupDoc', 'BEGIN'); end if; i := 1; for r in members(p_recipient_role, p_orig_system, p_orig_system_id) loop members_t(i).user_name := r.user_name; members_t(i).user_orig_system:= r.user_orig_system; members_t(i).user_orig_system_id:= r.user_orig_system_id; i := i + 1; end loop; -- 4104735 Removing the test for "p_notification_pref not in -- ('QUERY','SUMMARY','SUMHTML', 'DISABLED')". The rule to -- send or not should come from the individual memebers and not the -- parent role. If there are simply no members then the NULL document -- should be sent. The testing of the notification preference for -- the members will be performed again in genreateDoc. if members_t.count = 0 then -- No role members. Only log it for now and change the -- notification preference to QUERY. -- --------------------------------------------------- -- wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateGroup', p_event_name, -- p_event_key); -- wf_core.token('NID', p_event_key); -- wf_core.token('ROLE', p_recipient_role); -- wf_core.raise('WFMLR_NOROLEMEMBERS'); -- --------------------------------------------------- AddElementAttribute('maxcount', '1', attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', p_event_key, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'no_members', attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; else AddElementAttribute('maxcount',to_char(members_t.count), attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; for i in 1..members_t.count loop generateDoc(p_doc, p_pos, members_t(i).user_name, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); end loop; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateGroupDoc', 'END'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateGroupDoc',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateGroupDoc; -- GenerateMessage -- To generate the XML content for a single notification procedure GenerateMessage(p_doc in out nocopy CLOB, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is nid NUMBER; pos integer; amt number; installed VARCHAR2(1); language VARCHAR2(100); territory VARCHAR2(100); codeset VARCHAR2(100); orig_system VARCHAR2(100); orig_system_id number; recipient_role VARCHAR2(100); status VARCHAR2(100); mail_status VARCHAR2(100); str varchar2 (2000); role VARCHAR2(100); display_name VARCHAR2(200); email VARCHAR2(1000); notification_pref VARCHAR2(100); attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; nodename varchar2(100); messageType varchar2(8); messageName varchar2(30); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateMessage', 'BEGIN'); end if; nid := to_number(p_event_key); -- Obtain notification information begin -- 3741599 If there is no notification, exit gracefully select NVL(MORE_INFO_ROLE, RECIPIENT_ROLE), STATUS, MAIL_STATUS, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME into recipient_role, status, mail_status, messageType, messageName from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; exception when no_data_found then str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); nodename := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => messageType, pName => 'NODENAME'); AddElementAttribute('maxcount','1', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', nid, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'no_data_found', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; return; when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateMessage',to_char(nid)); raise; end; if (wf_mail.test_flag = TRUE) then mail_status := 'MAIL'; if (status not in ('OPEN','CANCELED','CLOSED')) then status := 'OPEN'; end if; end if; if MAIL_STATUS is null or MAIL_STATUS not in ('MAIL','INVALID') then str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); nodename := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pNid => nid, pCorrId => messageType, pName => 'NODENAME'); AddElementAttribute('maxcount','1', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', nid, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'MAIL_STATUS:'|| MAIL_STATUS, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; return; end if; -- Obtain recipient information WF_DIRECTORY.GetRoleInfoMail(recipient_role, display_name, email, notification_pref, language, territory, orig_system, orig_system_id, installed); if email is not null then -- Email address is provided. process for one recipient if notification_pref not in ('QUERY','SUMMARY','SUMHTML', 'DISABLED') then str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); AddElementAttribute('maxcount','1', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; generateDoc(p_doc, pos, recipient_role, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); else -- This case should not be reached if the notification system -- is working correctly ie that a NULL is placed in the mail_status -- However, just in case, generate a blank NOTIFICATION element -- all the same. str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); AddElementAttribute('maxcount','1', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', nid, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE:'|| notification_pref, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; end if; else -- No email address is provided. Assume that this is a -- role with members. -- Failure to yeild members will result in a notification -- being generated to go to the system admin and the -- error process to be called. str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); generateGroupDoc(p_doc, pos, recipient_role, notification_pref, orig_system, orig_system_id, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generateMessage', 'END'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','Generate',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateMessage; -- GenerateSummaryDoc -- To generate the XML content for the OPEN notifications. procedure GenerateSummaryDoc (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in out NOCOPY number, p_recipient_role in varchar2, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is pos integer; attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; occurance integer; docType VARCHAR2(100); recipient_role VARCHAR2(100); display_name VARCHAR2(200); email VARCHAR2(1000); notification_pref VARCHAR2(100); language VARCHAR2(100); territory VARCHAR2(100); orig_system VARCHAR2(100); orig_system_id number; installed VARCHAR2(1); hdrxml varchar2(32000); hdrxmlPos integer; base_lang VARCHAR2(100); base_territory VARCHAR2(100); base_codeset VARCHAR2(100); codeset VARCHAR2(100); corrId varchar2(128); nodename varchar2(100); fromName varchar2(100); replyto varchar2(100); subject VARCHAR2(4000); msgbody VARCHAR2(32000); -- message CLOB; messageIdx pls_integer; l_lob VARCHAR2(1); resourceSrc varchar2(4000); l_renderBody varchar2(1); l_messageName varchar2(30); begin recipient_role := p_recipient_role; corrId := wf_event.getValueForParameter('Q_CORRELATION_ID', p_parameter_list); messageIdx := 0; pos := p_pos; occurance := 1; -- Obtain recipient information WF_DIRECTORY.GetRoleInfoMail(recipient_role, display_name, email, notification_pref, language, territory, orig_system, orig_system_id, installed); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GenerateSummaryDoc', 'ROLE {'||recipient_role||'} LANG {'||language|| '} TERR {'||territory||' NTF {'||notification_pref|| '} EMAIL {'||email||'}'); end if; -- XX TODO Sentinal for DISABLED case? Though there is no NID to be -- updated, can be used as documentation in the log if notification_pref not in ('SUMMARY','SUMHTML') or email is null then if (wf_log_pkg.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then if email is null then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_exception, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GenerateSummaryDoc', 'Not generating. Recipient has a null '|| 'email address'); else wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_exception, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GenerateSummaryDoc', 'Not generating. Recipient has pref: '|| notification_pref); end if; end if; AddElementAttribute('nid', '0', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE:'|| notification_pref, attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; p_pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NOTIFICATION', p_pos, occurance); return; end if; -- Set the preferred document type based on the -- notification preference. if g_install = 'EMBEDDED' then l_renderBody := 'N'; l_messageName := 'SUMHTML'; if notification_pref = 'SUMMARY' then docType := g_ntfDocText; elsif notification_pref = 'SUMHTML' then docType := g_ntfDocHtml; end if; else l_renderBody := 'Y'; l_messageName := 'SUMMARY'; docType := g_ntfDocText; end if; -- Get the Base NLS. WF_MAIL.GetSessionLanguage(base_lang, base_territory, base_codeset); -- If requested language is not installed, use base NLS setting if installed = 'N' then language := base_lang; territory := base_territory; end if; begin select nls_codeset into codeset from wf_languages where nls_language = language; exception when others then codeset := base_codeset; end; setNLS(language, territory); -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. l_lob := 'N'; WF_MAIL.GetSummary2( role => recipient_role, dname => display_name, node => nodename, renderBody=> l_renderBody, contType => docType, subject => subject, body_text => msgbody, lob => l_lob); SetNLS(base_lang, base_territory); -- NID hardcoded to 0 for Summary AddElementAttribute('nid', '0', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', language, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', territory, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', codeset, attrlist); -- priority hardcoded to 50 AddElementAttribute('priority', '50', attrlist); -- Not addding accesskey as no response processing is done for summary email AddElementAttribute('node', nodename, attrlist); -- ItemType / messageType hardcoded to WFMAIL AddElementAttribute('item_type', 'WFMAIL', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('message_name', l_messageName, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'Y', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; hdrxmlPos := 0; hdrxml := ''; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'RECIPIENTLIST', '', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('name',recipient_role, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('type','to', attrlist); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'RECIPIENT', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; display_name := replace(display_name, g_newLine); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'NAME', display_name, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'NAME', hdrxmlPos, occurance); email := replace(email, g_newLine); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'ADDRESS', email, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'ADDRESS', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'RECIPIENT', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'RECIPIENTLIST', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'FROM', '', attrlist); -- fromName := '&#FROM'; fromName := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'FROM'); fromName := replace(fromName, g_newLine); fromName := '<![CDATA['||fromName||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'NAME', fromName, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'NAME', hdrxmlPos, occurance); -- replyto := '&#REPLYTO'; replyto := WF_MAILER_PARAMETER.GetValueForCorr (pCorrId => corrId, pName => 'REPLYTO'); replyto := replace(replyto, g_newLine); replyto := '<![CDATA['||replyto||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'ADDRESS', replyto, attrlist); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'ADDRESS', hdrxmlPos, occurance); hdrxmlPos := SkipTag(hdrxml, 'FROM', hdrxmlPos, occurance); -- Not addding status as not needed for summary email subject := replace(subject, g_newLine); subject := '<![CDATA['||subject||']]>'; hdrxmlPos := NewTag(hdrxml, hdrxmlPos, 'SUBJECT', subject, attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'HEADER', hdrxml, attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'HEADER', pos, occurance); AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'multipart/mixed', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'CONTENT', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; /* ** The body part section of the XML structure will contain ** a <![CDATA ]]> construct which removes the need to URL ** encode the data. */ if (l_renderBody = 'Y') then AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'text/plain', attrlist); else AddElementAttribute('content-type', 'multipart/related', attrlist); end if; pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'BODYPART', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- Set the content-type of the MESSAGE tag to being the -- preferred output. AddElementAttribute('content-type', docType, attrlist); if (l_lob = 'Y') then -- dbms_lob.createTemporary(message, TRUE, dbms_lob.CALL); messageIdx := wf_temp_lob.getLob(g_LOBTable); dbms_lob.trim(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, 0); getBodyPart(g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, 1, g_ntfDocText); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'MESSAGE', g_LOBTable(messageIdx).temp_lob, attrlist); wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, messageIdx); else msgbody := '<![CDATA['||msgbody||']]>'; pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'MESSAGE', msgbody, attrlist); end if; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'MESSAGE', pos, occurance); if l_renderBody = 'N' then -- If this is a HTML summary notification then -- create a RESOURCE tag to obtain the content from -- the Applications Framework resourceSrc := wf_mail.urlEncode(wf_notification.getSummaryUrl( recipient_role, docType)); AddElementAttribute('page-type','fwk', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('src', resourceSrc, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', language, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', territory, attrlist); AddElementAttribute('token', 'SUMMARY', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'RESOURCE', '', attrlist); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'RESOURCE', pos, occurance); attrList.DELETE; end if; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'BODYPART', pos, occurance); attrlist.DELETE; pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'CONTENT', pos, occurance); pos := SkipLOBTag(p_doc, 'NOTIFICATION', pos, occurance); p_pos := pos; exception when others then if (messageIdx > 0) then wf_temp_lob.releaseLob(g_LOBTable, messageIdx); end if; wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'GenerateSummaryDoc', p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateSummaryDoc; -- Generate procedure GenerateGroupSummaryDoc (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_pos in out NOCOPY number, p_recipient_role in varchar2, p_orig_system in varchar2, p_orig_system_id in number, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is cursor members(rname varchar2, rorig varchar2, rorigid number) is select UR.USER_NAME, UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM, UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.ROLE_NAME = rname and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = rorig and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rorigid and ((UR.USER_NAME <> UR.ROLE_NAME) or (UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM <> UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID <> UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID)); members_type members%ROWTYPE; TYPE members_table_type is TABLE OF members%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; i pls_integer := 1; members_t members_table_type; attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; begin i := 1; for r in members(p_recipient_role, p_orig_system, p_orig_system_id) loop members_t(i).user_name := r.user_name; members_t(i).user_orig_system:= r.user_orig_system; members_t(i).user_orig_system_id:= r.user_orig_system_id; i := i + 1; end loop; if members_t.count = 0 then if (wf_log_pkg.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_event, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.GenerateGroupSummaryDoc', 'No role members.'); end if; AddElementAttribute('maxcount', '1', attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- 4104735 Empty documents now provide a document type and -- if a empty document, must provide a reason. AddElementAttribute('nid', '0', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('language', 'AMERICAN', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('territory', 'AMERICA', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('codeset', 'UTF8', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('full-document', 'N', attrlist); AddElementAttribute('reason', 'no_members', attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATION', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; else AddElementAttribute('maxcount',to_char(members_t.count), attrlist); p_pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, p_pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; for i in 1..members_t.count loop GenerateSummaryDoc (p_doc, p_pos, members_t(i).user_name, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); end loop; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateGroupSummaryDoc ',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateGroupSummaryDoc ; -- GenerateSummary -- To generate the XML content for the enqueued Summary notifications. procedure GenerateSummary (p_doc in out nocopy CLOB, p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) is pos integer; attrlist wf_xml_attr_table_type; str varchar2 (2000); recipient_role VARCHAR2(100); display_name VARCHAR2(200); email VARCHAR2(1000); notification_pref VARCHAR2(100); language VARCHAR2(100); territory VARCHAR2(100); orig_system VARCHAR2(100); orig_system_id number; installed VARCHAR2(1); e_RoleNameNotSpecified EXCEPTION; begin if p_parameter_list is not null then recipient_role := wf_event.getValueForParameter('ROLE_NAME', p_parameter_list); end if; if recipient_role is null then raise e_RoleNameNotSpecified; end if; -- Initialise the XML Document and then progressively walk -- through the elements. Populating them as we go. -- l_pos is crucial as it determines where the next nodes -- will be placed. str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; pos := length(str); dbms_lob.write(p_doc, pos, 1, str); -- Obtain recipient information WF_DIRECTORY.GetRoleInfoMail(recipient_role, display_name, email, notification_pref, language, territory, orig_system, orig_system_id, installed); if email is not null or email <> '' then AddElementAttribute('maxcount','1', attrlist); pos := NewLOBTag(p_doc, pos, 'NOTIFICATIONGROUP', '', attrlist); attrlist.DELETE; -- Email address is provided. process for one recipient GenerateSummaryDoc (p_doc, pos, recipient_role, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); else -- No email address is provided. Assume that this is a -- role with members. -- Failure to yeild members will result in a notification -- being generated to go to the system admin and the -- error process to be called. GenerateGroupSummaryDoc (p_doc, pos, recipient_role, orig_system, orig_system_id, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); end if; exception when e_RoleNameNotSpecified then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateSummary',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','GenerateSummary',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end GenerateSummary; -- Generate -- To generate the XML content for the enqueued notifications. function Generate(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t) return clob is l_doc CLOB; l_evt wf_event_t; l_parameters wf_parameter_list_t; l_erragt wf_agent_t; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generate', 'BEGIN'); end if; -- We do not use the LOB pooling for the generate as the LOB -- is to be returned and not reused. dbms_lob.createTemporary(l_doc, TRUE, dbms_lob.call); begin if p_event_name in (wf_xml.WF_NTF_SEND_MESSAGE, wf_xml.WF_NTF_CANCEL, wf_xml.WF_NTF_REASIGN) then GenerateMessage(l_doc, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); elsif p_event_name = WF_NTF_SEND_SUMMARY then GenerateSummary (l_doc, p_event_name, p_event_key, p_parameter_list); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_XML','Generate',p_event_name, p_event_key); raise; end; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.generate', 'END'); end if; return l_doc; end; -- notificationIsOpen -- Return the current status of the notification function notificationIsOpen(nid in number) return boolean is l_open integer := 0; begin begin select 1 into l_open from wf_notifications where notification_id = nid and status = 'OPEN'; exception when others then l_open := 0; end; return l_open > 0; end; -- GetResponseDetails -- Gets the response details from the incoming XML Notifiction -- structure. -- -- IN -- message - The XML Notification structure containing the -- inbound response procedure getResponseDetails(message in CLOB) IS l_node varchar2(4000); l_version integer; l_from_role varchar2(4000); l_responses wf_responseList_t; begin getResponseDetails(message => message, node => l_node, version => l_version, fromRole => l_from_role, responses => l_responses); end getResponseDetails; -- GetResponseDetails -- Gets the response details from the incoming XML Notifiction -- structure. -- -- IN -- message - The XML Notification structure containing the -- inbound response procedure getResponseDetails(message in CLOB, node out NOCOPY varchar2, version out NOCOPY integer, fromRole out NOCOPY varchar2, responses in out NOCOPY wf_responseList_t) IS p xmlparser.parser; doc xmldom.DOMDocument; nl xmldom.DOMNodeList; len1 number; len2 number; n xmldom.DOMNode; m xmldom.DOMNode; nnm xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap; fromAddress varchar2(4000); attrname varchar2(4000); attrval varchar2(4000); node_data varchar2(32000); node_name varchar2(4000); from_node_found boolean; attribute_found boolean; response_count number; response_attr_name varchar2(4000); response_attr_val varchar2(32000); response_attr_type varchar2(4000); response_attr_format varchar2(4000); begin from_node_found := FALSE; attribute_found := FALSE; response_count := 0; responses.delete; node := ''; fromRole := ''; -- new parser p := xmlparser.newParser; -- set some characteristics xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE); -- parse input file xmlparser.parseClob(p, message); -- get document doc := xmlparser.getDocument(p); -- get all elements nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*'); len1 := xmldom.getLength(nl); -- loop through elements for j in 0..len1-1 loop n := xmldom.item(nl, j); node_name := xmldom.getNodeName(n); if node_name = 'NOTIFICATION' then -- get all attributes of element nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n); if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm); -- loop through attributes for i in 0..len2-1 loop m := xmldom.item(nnm, i); attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(m); if attrname = 'node' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); node := attrval; elsif attrname = 'version' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); begin version := to_number(attrval); exception when others then version := 0; end; end if; end loop; end if; elsif node_name = 'FROM' then from_node_found := TRUE; elsif node_name = 'NAME' then if from_node_found then n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); fromRole := node_data; end if; end if; elsif node_name = 'ADDRESS' then if from_node_found then from_node_found := FALSE; n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); fromAddress := node_data; fromRole := '"'||fromRole||'" <'||fromAddress||'>'; end if; end if; elsif node_name = 'ATTRIBUTE' then -- get all attributes of element nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n); if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then attribute_found := FALSE; response_attr_name := ''; response_attr_val := ''; response_attr_type := ''; response_attr_format := ''; len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm); -- loop through attributes for i in 0..len2-1 loop m := xmldom.item(nnm, i); attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(m); if attrname = 'name' then attribute_found := TRUE; attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); response_attr_name := attrval; elsif attrname = 'type' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); response_attr_type := attrval; elsif attrname = 'format' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); response_attr_format := attrval; end if; end loop; if attribute_found then n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := substrb(xmlDom.getNodeValue(n), 1, 32000); response_attr_val := node_data; end if; response_count := response_count + 1; responses(response_count).NAME := response_attr_name; responses(response_count).TYPE := response_attr_type; responses(response_count).FORMAT := response_attr_format; responses(response_count).VALUE := response_attr_val; end if; end if; end if; end loop; if (not xmldom.isNull(doc)) then xmldom.freeDocument (doc); end if; xmlparser.freeParser (p); exception when xmldom.INDEX_SIZE_ERR then raise; when xmldom.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR then raise; when xmldom.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR then raise; when xmldom.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR then raise; when xmldom.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR then raise; when xmldom.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR then raise; when xmldom.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR then raise; when xmldom.NOT_FOUND_ERR then raise; when xmldom.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR then raise; when xmldom.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR then raise; when others then raise; end getResponseDetails; -- sendNotification -- This API is a wrapper to the wf_xml.enqueueNotification. It is provided -- as forward compatabilty for the original mailer since the call to -- wf_xml.enqueueNotification has been removed from -- wf_notification.sendSingle. -- To use the original mailer, one must enable the subscription that will -- call this rule function. -- IN -- p_subscription -- p_event -- RETURN -- varchar2 of the status function SendNotification (p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2 is l_eventName varchar2(80); l_eventkey varchar(80); l_nid number; begin l_eventkey := p_event.GetEventKey(); l_nid := to_number(l_eventKey); l_eventName := p_event.GetEventName(); if l_eventName in (wf_xml.WF_NTF_SEND_MESSAGE, wf_xml.WF_NTF_CANCEL, wf_xml.WF_NTF_REASIGN) then wf_xml.enqueueNotification(l_nid); else return wf_rule.default_rule(p_subscription_guid, p_event); end if; return 'SUCCESS'; exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','SendNotification',p_event.getEventName(), p_subscription_guid); -- Save error message and set status to INVALID so mailer will -- bounce an "invalid reply" message to sender. wf_event.SetErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); return 'ERROR'; end sendNotification; -- handleRecevieEvent -- function handleReceiveEvent(p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2 is l_eventName varchar2(80); l_eventkey varchar(80); l_paramlist wf_parameter_list_t; l_eventData CLOB; l_node varchar2(30); l_version integer; l_user varchar2(230); l_comment varchar2(4000); l_fromAddr varchar2(2000); l_nid number; l_template varchar2(30); l_module varchar2(200); l_error varchar2(2000); i int; l_responses wf_responseList_t; lk_type varchar2(240); lk_code varchar2(4000); lk_meaning varchar2(1000); l_value varchar2(4000); l_error_result varchar2(4000); l_sig_policy varchar2(100); l_step varchar2(240); begin l_eventkey := p_event.GetEventKey(); l_nid := to_number(l_eventKey); l_eventName := p_event.GetEventName(); l_paramList := p_event.getParameterList(); l_eventData := p_event.getEventData(); -- Recieve the message. -- Unpack the content and pass it to the -- routine in charge of parsing it. -- Allow the response handling handle the closed notification -- 3736816 Uncommenting and reimplementing this logic to -- ensure that responses to CANCELED notifications are processed -- but do not update anything. l_step := 'Checking the notification status'; if not notificationIsOpen(l_nid) then begin lk_type := ''; lk_code := ''; wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION, 'WF_XML.handleReceiveEvent', 'Notification is not OPEN. Submitting response '|| 'to provice user feedback'); Wf_Notification.Respond(l_nid, NULL, 'email:'||l_fromAddr); exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','handleReceiveEvent', p_event.getEventName(), p_subscription_guid); -- Save error message and set status to INVALID so mailer will -- bounce an "invalid reply" message to sender. WF_MAIL.HandleResponseError(l_nid, lk_type, lk_code, l_error_result); end; return 'SUCCESS'; end if; l_step := 'Getting the response details'; getResponseDetails(l_eventData, l_node, l_version, l_fromAddr, l_responses); l_step := 'Processing the responses'; if l_responses.COUNT > 0 then begin -- Check if this notification requires a Signature. Other than DEFAULT -- policies, no other policy is processed by the mailer. Wf_Mail.GetSignaturePolicy(l_nid, l_sig_policy); if (l_sig_policy is not NULL and upper(l_sig_policy) <> 'DEFAULT') then -- If a new policy is added, only wfmail.msg needs to be updated wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'HandleReceiveEvent', to_char(l_nid), l_node, l_fromAddr); wf_core.token('NID', to_char(l_nid)); wf_core.raise('WFRSPR_' || l_sig_policy); end if; for i in 1..l_responses.COUNT loop l_step := 'Processing the responses -> '||l_responses(i).name; lk_type := l_responses(i).format; lk_code := substrb(l_responses(i).value, 1, 4000); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_XML.handleReceiveEvent', 'Response VALUE ['|| substrb(lk_code, 1, 100)|| '] TYPE ['||lk_type||']'); end if; if l_version < 3 then ---------------------------------- -- verion < 3 is a normal response ---------------------------------- -- Process the responses for standard responses if l_responses(i).type = 'LOOKUP' then -- Verify the content of the lookup. This will raise -- an exception if it is not matched. GetLovMeaning -- allows for nulls. This is not acceptable here. lk_meaning := wf_mail.GetLovMeaning(lk_type, lk_code); if lk_meaning is null then wf_core.token('TYPE', lk_type); wf_core.token('CODE', lk_code); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_LOOKUP_CODE'); end if; end if; if l_responses(i).type = 'MOREINFO' then null; -- discard these responses else wf_notification.setAttrText(l_nid, l_responses(i).name, lk_code); end if; end if; -- Only process attributes of type MOREINFO on -- version 3 and 4 templates. if l_responses(i).type = 'MOREINFO' and l_version in (3, 4) then if lk_code is not null then if l_version = 3 then if l_responses(i).name = 'WFNTF_MOREINFO_FROM' then l_user := DecodeEntityReference(lk_code); elsif l_responses(i).name = 'WFNTF_MOREINFO_QPROMPT' then if length(l_responses(i).value) > 4000 then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'HandleReceiveEvent', l_responses(i).type, l_responses(i).name, l_step); lk_code := substrb(l_responses(i).value, 1, 1000); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_QUESTION_TOO_LARGE'); end if; l_comment := lk_code; end if; elsif l_version = 4 then if l_responses(i).name = 'WFNTF_MOREINFO_APROMPT' then if length(l_responses(i).value) > 4000 then wf_core.context('WF_XML', 'HandleReceiveEvent', l_responses(i).type, l_responses(i).name, l_step); lk_code := substrb(l_responses(i).value, 1, 1000); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_QUESTION_TOO_LARGE'); end if; l_comment := lk_code; end if; end if; end if; end if; end loop; -- Update the results of the more information to the -- comments table by calling the update API in the -- correct mode based on the template version. l_step := 'Updating the notification'; if l_version = 3 then -- Question mode -- Send a email back to the sender that the More Info User is invalid if (l_user is null or length(trim(l_user)) = 0) then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NO_ROLE'); elsif(l_comment is null or length(trim(l_comment)) = 0) then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NO_QUESTION'); else wf_notification.UpdateInfo2(l_nid, l_user, l_fromAddr, l_comment); end if; elsif l_version = 4 then -- Answer mode l_user := null; if(l_comment is null or length(trim(l_comment)) = 0) then wf_core.raise('WFNTF_NO_ANSWER'); else wf_notification.UpdateInfo2(l_nid, l_user, l_fromAddr, l_comment); end if; else -- Do not need to preserve context wf_engine.preserved_context := FALSE; Wf_Notification.Respond(nid => l_nid, responder => 'email:'||l_fromAddr); end if; exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','handleReceiveEvent', to_char(l_nid), 'Step '||l_step); wf_core.context('WF_MAIL','HandleRevieveEvent', to_char(l_nid)); -- Save error message and set status to INVALID so mailer will -- bounce an "invalid reply" message to sender. WF_MAIL.HandleResponseError(l_nid, lk_type, substrb(lk_code, 1, 1000), l_error_result); end; end if; return 'SUCCESS'; exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','handleReceiveEvent',p_event.getEventName(), p_subscription_guid); -- Save error message and set status to INVALID so mailer will -- bounce an "invalid reply" message to sender. wf_event.SetErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); return 'ERROR'; end handleReceiveEvent; -- receive -- Handle the notification receive events -- This will handle the processing of the inbound responses -- IN -- p_subscription_guid - The RAW GUID of the event subscription -- p_event - The WF_EVENT_T containing the event information -- RETURN -- varchar2 of the status function receive (p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2 is l_eventName varchar2(80); result varchar2(30); erragt wf_agent_t; l_paramlist wf_parameter_list_t; errMsg varchar2(4000); errStack varchar2(4000); begin l_eventName := p_event.GetEventName(); l_paramList := p_event.getParameterList(); if l_eventName = WF_NTF_RECEIVE_MESSAGE then result := handleReceiveEvent(p_subscription_guid, p_event); elsif l_eventName = WF_NTF_RECEIVE_ERROR then errMsg := wf_event.getValueForParameter('ERROR_MESSAGE', l_paramList); errStack := wf_event.getValueForParameter('ERROR_STACK', l_paramList); p_event.setErrorSubscription(p_subscription_guid); p_event.setErrorMessage(substrb(errMsg,1,4000)); p_event.setErrorStack(substrb(errStack,1,4000)); p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_NAME', 'WF_NTF_RECEIVE_ERROR'); p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_TYPE', 'ERROR'); erragt := wf_agent_t('WF_ERROR', wf_event.local_system_name); -- -- sjm - lets just call the API directly -- wf_error_qh.enqueue(p_event, erragt); result := 'SUCCESS'; else return wf_rule.default_rule(p_subscription_guid, p_event); end if; return result; exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','Receive',p_event.getEventName(), p_subscription_guid); -- Save error message and set status to INVALID so mailer will -- bounce an "invalid reply" message to sender. wf_event.SetErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); return 'ERROR'; end receive; -- SummaryRule -- To handle the summary notification request event -- and call the approapriate summary generate function for -- either the role or the member of the role. -- IN -- p_subscription_guid The RAW GUID for the subscription -- p_event The WF_EVENT_T containing the event details -- OUT -- VARCHAR2 - The status function SummaryRule (p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2 is l_eventName varchar2(80); l_eventkey varchar(80); l_paramlist wf_parameter_list_t; l_event_paramlist wf_parameter_list_t; CURSOR c_get_summary_roles is SELECT /*+ INDEX(WF_NOTIFICATIONS WF_NOTIFICATIONS_N5) */ distinct recipient_role recipient FROM wf_notifications WHERE mail_status is null AND status = 'OPEN' AND Wf_Directory.GetRoleNtfPref(recipient_role) in ('SUMMARY', 'SUMHTML'); begin l_eventkey := p_event.GetEventKey(); l_eventName := p_event.GetEventName(); l_paramList := p_event.getParameterList(); for rec_summary_role in c_get_summary_roles loop l_event_paramlist := wf_parameter_list_t(); wf_event.addParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', rec_summary_role.RECIPIENT, l_event_paramlist); -- Set AQs correlation id to item type i.e. 'WFMAIL' wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', 'WFMAIL', l_event_paramlist); wf_event.raise(WF_NTF_SEND_SUMMARY, rec_summary_role.RECIPIENT||':'||sysdate, null, l_event_paramlist); end loop; return 'SUCCESS'; exception when others then wf_core.Context('WF_XML','SummaryRule',p_event.getEventName(), p_subscription_guid); wf_event.SetErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); return 'ERROR'; end SummaryRule; -- Parse the XML message and seperate out the main elements -- so that a new notification can be constructed including -- the information on the previous email. procedure getMessageDetails(pmessage IN CLOB, pnode OUT NOCOPY varchar2, planguage OUT NOCOPY varchar2, pterritory OUT NOCOPY varchar2, pcodeset OUT NOCOPY varchar2, pcontentBody OUT NOCOPY varchar2, psubject OUT NOCOPY varchar2, pFromRole OUT NOCOPY varchar2, pFromAddress OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is p xmlparser.parser; doc xmldom.DOMDocument; nl xmldom.DOMNodeList; len1 number; len2 number; n xmldom.DOMNode; m xmldom.DOMNode; nnm xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap; from_node_found boolean := FALSE; fromRole varchar2(4000); fromAddress varchar2(4000); node_data varchar2(4000); node_name varchar2(4000); attrname varchar2(4000); attrval varchar2(4000); subject varchar2(4000); contentType varchar2(4000); textPlain_found boolean := FALSE; begin -- new parser p := xmlparser.newParser; -- set some characteristics xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE); -- parse input file xmlparser.parseClob(p, pmessage); -- get document doc := xmlparser.getDocument(p); -- get all elements nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*'); len1 := xmldom.getLength(nl); -- loop through elements for j in 0..len1-1 loop n := xmldom.item(nl, j); node_name := xmldom.getNodeName(n); if node_name = 'NOTIFICATION' then -- get all attributes of element nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n); if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm); -- loop through attributes for i in 0..len2-1 loop m := xmldom.item(nnm, i); attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(m); if attrname = 'node' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); pnode := attrval; -- exit; elsif attrname = 'language' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); planguage := attrval; elsif attrname = 'territory' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); pterritory := attrval; elsif attrname = 'codeset' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); pcodeset := attrval; end if; end loop; end if; elsif node_name = 'SUBJECT' then n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); psubject := node_data; end if; elsif node_name = 'FROM' then from_node_found := TRUE; elsif node_name = 'NAME' then if from_node_found then n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); pfromRole := node_data; end if; end if; elsif node_name = 'ADDRESS' then if from_node_found then from_node_found := FALSE; n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); pfromAddress := node_data; end if; end if; elsif node_name = 'MESSAGE' then nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n); if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm); -- loop through attributes for i in 0..len2-1 loop m := xmldom.item(nnm, i); attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(m); if upper(attrname) = 'CONTENT-TYPE' then attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(m); contentType := attrval; exit; end if; end loop; textPlain_found := upper(contentType) = 'TEXT/PLAIN'; end if; if textPlain_found then n := xmldom.getFirstChild(n); if ((not xmldom.isNull(n)) and (xmldom.getNodeType(n) = xmldom.TEXT_NODE)) then node_data := xmlDom.getNodeValue(n); pcontentBody := node_data; end if; end if; end if; end loop; end getMessageDetails; FUNCTION error_rule(p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) return varchar2 is nid number; param_list wf_parameter_list_t; cb varchar2(240); ctx varchar2(2000); itemType varchar2(8); itemKey varchar2(240); items pls_integer; role varchar2(320); colPos1 pls_integer; colPos2 pls_integer; error_name varchar2(4000); error_msg varchar2(4000); error_stack varchar2(4000); -- Dynamic sql stuff sqlbuf varchar2(120); tvalue varchar2(4000) := ''; nvalue number := ''; dvalue date := ''; command varchar2(200) :='ERROR'; status varchar2(8); l_dummy varchar2(1); begin param_list := p_event.Parameter_List; nid := to_number(wf_event.getValueForParameter('NOTIFICATION_ID', param_list)); error_msg := p_event.getErrorMessage; error_stack := p_event.getErrorStack; begin select MESSAGE_TYPE, CALLBACK, CONTEXT, STATUS into itemType, cb, ctx, status from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid; -- If the notification is closed, then do not bother -- to process any errors. if status = 'CLOSED' then return 'SUCCESS'; end if; update wf_notifications set mail_status = 'ERROR' where notification_id = nid; if ctx is not null then colPos1 := instrb(ctx, ':', 1); colPos2 := instrb(ctx, ':', -1); if colPos1 > 0 and colPos2 > 0 then itemKey := substrb(ctx, colPos1+1, (colPos2 - colPos1) -1); else itemType := null; itemKey := null; end if; else itemType := null; itemKey := null; end if; exception when others then cb := null; ctx := null; itemType := null; itemKey := null; return 'SUCCESS'; end; -- Check to see if the item type still exists and is not -- complete. If it does not exist or is complete, then -- do not bother with processing the error. if itemType is not null and itemKey is not null then begin select ACTIVITY_STATUS into status from wf_item_activity_statuses ias , wf_process_activities pa where ias.item_type = itemType and ias.item_key = itemKey and ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id and pa.process_name = 'ROOT'; -- This will prevent FYI message that are in error being reported. -- if status = wf_engine.eng_completed then -- return 'SUCCESS'; -- end if; exception when no_data_found then return 'SUCCESS'; when others then error_msg := sqlerrm; wf_core.context('WF_XML','ERROR_RULE','NID['||to_char(nid)||']', 'CTX['||ctx||']'); raise; end; else return 'SUCCESS'; end if; if cb is not null then -- Put the error onto the stack. begin wf_core.token('ERROR_MESSAGE', error_msg); wf_core.token('ERROR_STACK', error_stack); wf_core.raise('WF_ERROR'); exception when others then null; end; l_dummy := ''; -- ### cb is from table -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE sqlbuf := 'begin '||cb|| '(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7); end;'; begin execute immediate sqlbuf using in command, in ctx, in l_dummy, in l_dummy, in out tvalue, in out nvalue, in out dvalue; exception when others then error_msg := sqlerrm; wf_core.context('WF_XML','ERROR_RULE','NID['||to_char(nid)||']', 'CTX['||ctx||']'); raise; end; end if; return wf_rule.error_rule(p_subscription_guid, p_event); end error_rule; -- Gets the LOB content for a PLSQLCLOB -- IN -- pAPI the API to call -- pDoc The LOB to take the document procedure getDocContent(pNid in NUMBER, pAPI in VARCHAR2, pDoc in out nocopy CLOB) is colon pls_integer; slash pls_integer; procname varchar2(240); procarg varchar2(32000); target varchar2(240) := '_main'; disptype varchar2(240) := g_ntfDocHtml; doctype varchar2(240); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); begin colon := instr(pAPI, ':'); slash := instr(pAPI, '/'); if (slash = 0) then procname := substr(pAPI, colon+1); procarg := ''; else procname := substr(pAPI, colon+1, slash-colon-1); procarg := substr(pAPI, slash+1); end if; -- Dynamic sql call to procedure if (procarg is null) then procarg := '-dummy-'; elsif pNid > 0 then procarg := Wf_Notification.GetText(procarg, pNid, disptype); end if; sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in procarg, in disptype, in out pDoc, in out doctype; end getDocContent; -- Gets the LOB content for a PLSQLCLOB -- IN -- pAPI the API to call -- pDoc The LOB to take the document procedure getBDocContent(pNid in NUMBER, pAPI in VARCHAR2, pDoc in out nocopy BLOB) is colon pls_integer; slash pls_integer; procname varchar2(240); procarg varchar2(32000); target varchar2(240) := '_main'; disptype varchar2(240) := g_ntfDocHtml; doctype varchar2(240); sqlbuf varchar2(2000); begin colon := instr(pAPI, ':'); slash := instr(pAPI, '/'); if (slash = 0) then procname := substr(pAPI, colon+1); procarg := ''; else procname := substr(pAPI, colon+1, slash-colon-1); procarg := substr(pAPI, slash+1); end if; -- Dynamic sql call to procedure if (procarg is null) then procarg := '-dummy-'; elsif pNid > 0 then procarg := Wf_Notification.GetText(procarg, pNid, disptype); end if; sqlbuf := 'begin '||procname||'(:p1, :p2, :p3, :p4); end;'; execute immediate sqlbuf using in procarg, in disptype, in out pDoc, in out doctype; end getBDocContent; -- gets the size of the current LOB table function getLobTableSize return number is begin return g_LOBTable.COUNT; end; end WF_XML; / -- show errors; commit; exit;
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