Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfldrb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1996 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA | | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfldrb.sql | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_LOAD | MODIFICATION LOG: | 01/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increased l_perform_role, read_role, | write_role, execute_role, l_read_role, l_write_role | to varchar2(320) +=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_LOAD as /* $Header: wfldrb.pls 26.14 2003/06/29 06:03:13 dlam ship $ */ -- -- UPLOAD_ITEM_TYPE -- procedure UPLOAD_ITEM_TYPE ( x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_wf_selector in varchar2, x_read_role in varchar2, x_write_role in varchar2, x_execute_role in varchar2, x_persistence_type in varchar2, x_persistence_days in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; conflict_name varchar2(8); l_persistence_days number; l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_name varchar2(8); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; n_dname := x_display_name; begin select NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, NAME into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = x_display_name and NAME <> x_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select NAME, DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and NAME <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_name); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### Not needed any more -- update the old data with the new display name -- begin -- update WF_ITEM_TYPES_TL -- set display_name = n_dname -- where NAME = l_name -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'ITEM_TYPES_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; end; l_persistence_days := to_number(x_persistence_days); -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Item_Types_Pkg.Update_Row( x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_wf_selector => x_wf_selector, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_execute_role => x_execute_role, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_persistence_type => x_persistence_type, x_persistence_days => l_persistence_days ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+2; return; end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Item_Types_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_wf_selector => x_wf_selector, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_execute_role => x_execute_role, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_persistence_type => x_persistence_type, x_persistence_days => l_persistence_days ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Item_Type', x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_ITEM_TYPE; -- -- Reseq_Item_Attribute (PRIVATE) -- Resequence attributes in the db to match the sequence of attrs -- being uploaded. This is needed to avoid unique index violations -- on the sequence when uploading reordered attributes. -- IN -- itemtype - Item type owning attrs -- oldseq - Original sequence number of attr being uploaded -- newseq - New sequence number of attribute -- procedure Reseq_Item_Attribute( itemtype in varchar2, oldseq in number, newseq in number) is begin -- Move attr being updated to a placeholder out of the way. update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = -1 where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and SEQUENCE = oldseq; if (oldseq < newseq) then -- Move attrs DOWN in sequence to make room at higher position for i in (oldseq + 1) .. newseq loop update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE - 1 where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; elsif (oldseq > newseq) then -- Move attrs UP in sequence to make room at lower position for i in reverse newseq .. (oldseq - 1) loop update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE + 1 where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; end if; -- Move attr being updated into new sequence position update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = newseq where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and SEQUENCE = -1; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Reseq_Item_Attribute', itemtype, to_char(oldseq), to_char(newseq)); raise; end Reseq_Item_Attribute; -- -- UPLOAD_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE -- procedure UPLOAD_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE ( x_item_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_sequence in number, x_type in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_subtype in varchar2, x_format in varchar2, x_default in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; l_text_default varchar2(4000) := ''; l_number_default number := ''; l_date_default date := ''; conflict_name varchar2(40); l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_name varchar2(30); old_sequence number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming display name n_dname := x_display_name; begin -- l_name will be the old data to update select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, NAME into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = x_display_name and ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME <> x_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME, DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_item_type||':'||x_name); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### Not needed any more -- update the old data with the new display name -- begin -- update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_TL -- set display_name = n_dname -- where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type -- and NAME = l_name -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; -- Translate x_default to appropriate type if (x_type = 'NUMBER') then l_number_default := to_number(x_default); elsif (x_type = 'DATE') then l_date_default := to_date(x_default, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); else l_text_default := x_default; end if; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, SEQUENCE into protection_level, customization_level, old_sequence from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Resequence attrs in db to match sequence being uploaded if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Item_Attribute( itemtype => x_item_type, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Item_Attributes_Pkg.Update_Row( x_item_type => x_item_type, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row -- ### Relax the checking on attributes, lookup_code, transitions if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Resequence attrs so that everything below the attr being -- inserted is shoved out of the way. select nvl(max(SEQUENCE), -1)+1 into old_sequence from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type; if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Item_Attribute( itemtype => x_item_type, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Item_Attributes_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_item_type => x_item_type, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Item_Attribute', x_item_type, x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE; -- -- UPLOAD_LOOKUP_TYPE -- procedure UPLOAD_LOOKUP_TYPE ( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_item_type in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; conflict_name varchar2(30); l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_name varchar2(30); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Set the new display name n_dname := x_display_name; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming display name begin select LOOKUP_TYPE, DISPLAY_NAME, LOOKUP_TYPE into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where DISPLAY_NAME = x_display_name and LOOKUP_TYPE <> x_lookup_type; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select LOOKUP_TYPE, DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and LOOKUP_TYPE <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_lookup_type); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### No need to do this -- update the old data with the new meaning -- begin -- update WF_LOOKUP_TYPES_TL -- set DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname -- where LOOKUP_TYPE = l_name -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'LOOKUP_TYPES_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; end; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Lookup_Types_Pkg.Update_Row( x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type, x_item_type => x_item_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+2; return; end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Lookup_Types_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type, x_item_type => x_item_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Lookup_Type', x_lookup_type); raise; end UPLOAD_LOOKUP_TYPE; -- -- UPLOAD_LOOKUP -- procedure UPLOAD_LOOKUP ( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_lookup_code in varchar2, x_meaning in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30) := ''; protection_level number; customization_level number; conflict_name varchar2(80); l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_name varchar2(30); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming meaning n_dname := x_meaning; begin -- l_name will be the old data to update select LOOKUP_TYPE||':'||LOOKUP_CODE, MEANING, LOOKUP_CODE into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_LOOKUPS where MEANING = x_meaning and LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type and LOOKUP_CODE <> x_lookup_code; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select LOOKUP_TYPE||':'||LOOKUP_CODE, MEANING into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_LOOKUPS where MEANING = n_dname and LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type and LOOKUP_CODE <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_meaning); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_lookup_code); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### No need to do this -- update the old data with the new meaning -- begin -- update WF_LOOKUPS_TL -- set MEANING = n_dname -- where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type -- and LOOKUP_CODE = l_name -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'LOOKUPS_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type and LOOKUP_CODE = x_lookup_code; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Lookups_Pkg.Update_Row( x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code => x_lookup_code, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_meaning => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row -- ### Relax the checking on attributes, lookup_code, transitions if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Lookups_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code => x_lookup_code, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_meaning => n_dname, x_description => x_description ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Lookup', x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code); raise; end UPLOAD_LOOKUP; -- -- UPLOAD_MESSAGE -- procedure UPLOAD_MESSAGE ( x_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_subject in varchar2, x_body in varchar2, x_html_body in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_default_priority in number, x_read_role in varchar2, x_write_role in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_MESSAGES_VL where TYPE = x_type and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Messages_Pkg.Update_Row( x_type => x_type, x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_default_priority => x_default_priority, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_display_name => x_display_name, x_description => x_description, x_subject => x_subject, x_body => x_body, x_html_body => x_html_body ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+2; return; end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Messages_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_type => x_type, x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_default_priority => x_default_priority, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_display_name => x_display_name, x_description => x_description, x_subject => x_subject, x_body => x_body, x_html_body => x_html_body ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Message', x_type, x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_MESSAGE; -- -- Reseq_Message_Attribute (PRIVATE) -- Resequence attributes in the db to match the sequence of attrs -- being uploaded. This is needed to avoid unique index violations -- on the sequence when uploading reordered attributes. -- IN -- msgtype - Message type of msg owning attrs -- msgname - Message name of msg owning attrs -- oldseq - Original sequence number of attr being uploaded -- newseq - New sequence number of attribute -- procedure Reseq_Message_Attribute( msgtype in varchar2, msgname in varchar2, oldseq in number, newseq in number) is begin -- Move attr being updated to a placeholder out of the way. update WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = -1 where MESSAGE_TYPE = msgtype and MESSAGE_NAME = msgname and SEQUENCE = oldseq; if (oldseq < newseq) then -- Move attrs DOWN in sequence to make room at higher position for i in (oldseq + 1) .. newseq loop update WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE - 1 where MESSAGE_TYPE = msgtype and MESSAGE_NAME = msgname and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; elsif (oldseq > newseq) then -- Move attrs UP in sequence to make room at lower position for i in reverse newseq .. (oldseq - 1) loop update WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE + 1 where MESSAGE_TYPE = msgtype and MESSAGE_NAME = msgname and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; end if; -- Move attr being updated into new sequence position update WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = newseq where MESSAGE_TYPE = msgtype and MESSAGE_NAME = msgname and SEQUENCE = -1; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Reseq_Message_Attribute', msgtype, msgname, to_char(oldseq), to_char(newseq)); raise; end Reseq_Message_Attribute; -- -- UPLOAD_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE -- procedure UPLOAD_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE ( x_message_type in varchar2, x_message_name in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_sequence in number, x_type in varchar2, x_subtype in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_format in varchar2, x_default in varchar2, x_value_type in varchar2, x_attach in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; l_text_default varchar2(4000) := ''; l_number_default number := ''; l_date_default date := ''; conflict_name varchar2(80); l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_name varchar2(30); old_sequence number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming display name n_dname := x_display_name; begin -- l_name will be the old data to update select MESSAGE_TYPE||':'||MESSAGE_NAME||':'||NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, NAME into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name and NAME <> x_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select MESSAGE_TYPE||':'||MESSAGE_NAME||':'||NAME, DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name and NAME <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_message_type||':'||x_message_name||':' ||x_name); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### No need to do this -- update the old data with the new display name -- begin -- update WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TL -- set display_name = n_dname -- where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type -- and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name -- and NAME = l_name -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; -- Translate x_default to appropriate type if ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (x_type = 'NUMBER')) then l_number_default := to_number(x_default); elsif ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (x_type = 'DATE')) then l_date_default := to_date(x_default, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); else l_text_default := x_default; end if; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, SEQUENCE into protection_level, customization_level, old_sequence from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Resequence attrs in db to match sequence being uploaded if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Message_Attribute( msgtype => x_message_type, msgname => x_message_name, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; Wf_Message_Attributes_Pkg.Update_Row( x_message_type => x_message_type, x_message_name => x_message_name, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_value_type => x_value_type, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_attach => x_attach ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Resequence attrs so that everything below the attr being -- inserted is shoved out of the way. select nvl(max(SEQUENCE), -1)+1 into old_sequence from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name; if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Message_Attribute( msgtype => x_message_type, msgname => x_message_name, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; Wf_Message_Attributes_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_message_type => x_message_type, x_message_name => x_message_name, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_value_type => x_value_type, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_attach => x_attach ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Message_Attribute', x_message_type, x_message_name, x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE; -- -- UPLOAD_ACTIVITY -- procedure UPLOAD_ACTIVITY ( x_item_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_type in varchar2, x_rerun in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_effective_date in date, x_function in varchar2, x_function_type in varchar2, x_result_type in varchar2, x_cost in number, x_read_role in varchar2, x_write_role in varchar2, x_execute_role in varchar2, x_icon_name in varchar2, x_message in varchar2, x_error_process in varchar2, x_expand_role in varchar2, x_error_item_type in varchar2, x_runnable_flag in varchar2, x_event_filter in varchar2 , x_event_type in varchar2 , x_log_message out varchar2, x_version out number, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; old_version number := ''; old_begin_date date := ''; old_end_date date := ''; new_version number; dummy pls_integer; noinsert pls_integer := -1; /* always insert by default */ dummy_log_message varchar2(32000); dummy_version number; dummy_level_error number; conflict_name varchar2(240); l_dname varchar2(240); n_dname varchar2(240); l_name varchar2(30); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level, -- and get version number and begin/end-dates for version currently -- active for x_effective_date. x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, VERSION, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE into protection_level, customization_level, old_version, old_begin_date, old_end_date from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and x_effective_date >= BEGIN_DATE and x_effective_date < nvl(END_DATE, x_effective_date+1); if (x_type <> 'FOLDER') then if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- No version active. Check for begin_date of next version -- after this one in the timeline and use that as the end date -- of the new version. -- If this still returns null, then either this is the first version -- to be entered or a previously deleted activity is being -- recreated. OK to leave end_date as null. select min(BEGIN_DATE) into old_end_date from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and BEGIN_DATE >= x_effective_date; -- Check protection level for new row if (x_type <> 'FOLDER') then if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+2; return; end if; end if; end; -- ### When it is ROOT FOLDER: -- ### New version is always the last version, 1 if no last version found. -- ### Instead of updating the end date according to the effective date, -- ### null the end date. -- ### Don't insert a row if it already exists. if (x_name = 'ROOT' and x_type = 'FOLDER') then -- Get current version number, if not exist, use 1 -- If version exists, noinsert is positive, that is not to insert. select nvl(max(VERSION), 1), count(1) into new_version, noinsert from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name; else -- Get a new version number select nvl(max(VERSION), 0) + 1 into new_version from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name; -- Set the end_date of the old version covering x_effective_date to -- x_effective_date. update WF_ACTIVITIES set END_DATE = x_effective_date where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and VERSION = old_version; end if; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming display name -- for activity, we must have the specific version first. n_dname := x_display_name; begin -- l_name will be the old data to update select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME||':'||to_char(VERSION), DISPLAY_NAME, NAME into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and x_effective_date >= BEGIN_DATE and x_effective_date < nvl(END_DATE, x_effective_date+1) and NAME <> x_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 240); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME||':'||to_char(VERSION), DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and x_effective_date >= BEGIN_DATE and x_effective_date < nvl(END_DATE, x_effective_date+1) and NAME <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 240); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', x_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', x_item_type||':'||x_name||':'||new_version); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; -- ### Not needed any more -- update the old data with the new display name -- begin -- update WF_ACTIVITIES_TL -- set display_name = n_dname -- where NAME = l_name -- and ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type -- and VERSION = new_version -- and userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG); -- exception -- when others then -- Wf_Core.Token('TABLE', 'ACTIVITIES_TL'); -- Wf_Core.Token('VALUE', l_name); -- Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UPDATE_FAIL'); -- end; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; -- -- Insert a new row for the new version, starting at x_effective_date -- and ending at the end_date of the old version covering x_effective_date. if (noinsert <= 0) then if (x_event_filter is null and x_event_type = null) then Wf_Activities_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_item_type => x_item_type, x_name => x_name, x_version => new_version, x_type => x_type, x_rerun => x_rerun, x_expand_role => x_expand_role, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_begin_date => x_effective_date, x_end_date => old_end_date, x_function => x_function, x_function_type => x_function_type, x_result_type => x_result_type, x_cost => x_cost, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_execute_role => x_execute_role, x_icon_name => x_icon_name, x_message => x_message, x_error_process => x_error_process, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_error_item_type => x_error_item_type, x_runnable_flag => x_runnable_flag ); else Wf_Activities_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_item_type => x_item_type, x_name => x_name, x_version => new_version, x_type => x_type, x_rerun => x_rerun, x_expand_role => x_expand_role, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_begin_date => x_effective_date, x_end_date => old_end_date, x_function => x_function, x_function_type => x_function_type, x_result_type => x_result_type, x_cost => x_cost, x_read_role => x_read_role, x_write_role => x_write_role, x_execute_role => x_execute_role, x_icon_name => x_icon_name, x_message => x_message, x_error_process => x_error_process, x_display_name => n_dname, x_description => x_description, x_error_item_type => x_error_item_type, x_runnable_flag => x_runnable_flag, x_event_filter => x_event_filter, x_event_type => x_event_type ); end if; -- handle the extra log message for display name conflict x_log_message := Wf_Load.logbuf; -- if the message is not empty, there is a conflict. if (x_log_message is not null or x_log_message <> '') then x_level_error := 16; Wf_Load.logbuf := ''; -- clear the buffer now end if; if (not (x_name = 'ROOT' and x_type = 'FOLDER')) then WF_LOAD.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY( x_item_type=>x_item_type, x_name=>'ROOT', x_type=>'FOLDER', x_display_name=>'ROOT', x_description=>'', x_rerun=>'RESET', x_protect_level=>x_protect_level, x_custom_level=>x_custom_level, x_effective_date=>x_effective_date, x_function=>'', x_function_type=>'', x_result_type=>'*', x_cost=>0, x_read_role=>'', x_write_role=>'', x_execute_role=>'', x_icon_name=>'ROOT', x_message=>'', x_error_process=>'', x_expand_role=>'N', x_error_item_type =>'WFERROR', x_runnable_flag =>'N', x_log_message=>dummy_log_message, x_version=>dummy_version, x_level_error=>dummy_level_error); end if; else -- If you got here, this must be a ROOT FOLDER. -- Null the end_date of the new version of ROOT FOLDER, -- in case it was set (deleted but not purged previously). if (old_begin_date is null) then -- only have future definition, need to update the begin date also update WF_ACTIVITIES set BEGIN_DATE = x_effective_date, END_DATE = to_date(NULL) where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and VERSION = new_version; -- since we move the begin date, we'd better make sure to -- delete all the previous root versions that fall into this -- date range. This is a safe guard for old data from -- pre WF 2.5 days where there maybe multiple root versions. -- ### umm... maybe we should skip this. -- ### most customer would not have such problem. -- ### in order to delete these, we may need to do a more -- ### complicated cursor query. else update WF_ACTIVITIES set END_DATE = to_date(NULL) where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and VERSION = new_version; end if; end if; x_version := new_version; /* ### Should not have a commit in this API */ /* ### commit; */ exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Activity', x_item_type, x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_ACTIVITY; -- -- provide the old 2.5 version of signature for forward compatibility -- this is used by other product teams -- procedure UPLOAD_ACTIVITY ( x_item_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_type in varchar2, x_rerun in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_effective_date in date, x_function in varchar2, x_function_type in varchar2, x_result_type in varchar2, x_cost in number, x_read_role in varchar2, x_write_role in varchar2, x_execute_role in varchar2, x_icon_name in varchar2, x_message in varchar2, x_error_process in varchar2, x_expand_role in varchar2, x_error_item_type in varchar2, x_runnable_flag in varchar2, x_version out number, x_level_error out number ) is dummy_log_message varchar2(32000); begin -- call the real UPLOAD_ACTIVITY and ignore the dummy_log_message WF_LOAD.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY( x_item_type=>x_item_type, x_name=>x_name, x_type=>x_type, x_display_name=>x_display_name, x_description=>x_description, x_rerun=>x_rerun, x_protect_level=>x_protect_level, x_custom_level=>x_custom_level, x_effective_date=>x_effective_date, x_function=>x_function, x_function_type=>x_function_type, x_result_type=>x_result_type, x_cost=>x_cost, x_read_role=>x_read_role, x_write_role=>x_write_role, x_execute_role=>x_execute_role, x_icon_name=>x_icon_name, x_message=>x_message, x_error_process=>x_error_process, x_expand_role=>x_expand_role, x_error_item_type =>x_error_item_type, x_runnable_flag =>x_runnable_flag, x_event_filter => null, x_event_type => null, x_log_message=>dummy_log_message, x_version=>x_version, x_level_error=>x_level_error ); end UPLOAD_ACTIVITY; -- -- Reseq_Activity_Attribute (PRIVATE) -- Resequence attributes in the db to match the sequence of attrs -- being uploaded. This is needed to avoid unique index violations -- on the sequence when uploading reordered attributes. -- IN -- acttype - Activity type of activity owning attrs -- actname - Activity name of activity owning attrs -- actver - Activity version of activity owning attrs -- oldseq - Original sequence number of attr being uploaded -- newseq - New sequence number of attribute -- NOTE -- This isn't technically necessary for activity attrs yet, since -- new versions are always created. This is only in case we ever -- decide to merge activity versions instead of always creating -- new ones. -- -- procedure Reseq_Activity_Attribute( acttype in varchar2, actname in varchar2, actver in number, oldseq in number, newseq in number) is begin -- Move attr being updated to a placeholder out of the way. update WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = -1 where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and ACTIVITY_NAME = actname and ACTIVITY_VERSION = actver and SEQUENCE = oldseq; if (oldseq < newseq) then -- Move attrs DOWN in sequence to make room at higher position for i in (oldseq + 1) .. newseq loop update WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE - 1 where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and ACTIVITY_NAME = actname and ACTIVITY_VERSION = actver and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; elsif (oldseq > newseq) then -- Move attrs UP in sequence to make room at lower position for i in reverse newseq .. (oldseq - 1) loop update WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = SEQUENCE + 1 where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and ACTIVITY_NAME = actname and ACTIVITY_VERSION = actver and SEQUENCE = i; end loop; end if; -- Move attr being updated into new sequence position update WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES set SEQUENCE = newseq where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and ACTIVITY_NAME = actname and ACTIVITY_VERSION = actver and SEQUENCE = -1; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Reseq_Activity_Attribute', acttype, actname, to_char(actver), to_char(oldseq), to_char(newseq)); raise; end Reseq_Activity_Attribute; -- -- UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTE -- procedure UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTE ( x_activity_item_type in varchar2, x_activity_name in varchar2, x_activity_version in number, x_name in varchar2, x_display_name in varchar2, x_description in varchar2, x_sequence in number, x_type in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_subtype in varchar2, x_format in varchar2, x_default in varchar2, x_value_type in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; l_text_default varchar2(4000) := ''; l_number_default number := ''; l_date_default date := ''; old_sequence number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Translate x_default to appropriate type if ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (x_type = 'NUMBER')) then l_number_default := to_number(x_default); elsif ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (x_type = 'DATE')) then l_date_default := to_date(x_default, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); else l_text_default := x_default; end if; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, SEQUENCE into protection_level, customization_level, old_sequence from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES_VL where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = x_activity_item_type and ACTIVITY_NAME = x_activity_name and ACTIVITY_VERSION = x_activity_version and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Resequence attrs in db to match sequence being uploaded if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Activity_Attribute( acttype => x_activity_item_type, actname => x_activity_name, actver => x_activity_version, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Activity_Attributes_Pkg.Update_Row( x_activity_item_type => x_activity_item_type, x_activity_name => x_activity_name, x_activity_version => x_activity_version, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_value_type => x_value_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_display_name => x_display_name, x_description => x_description ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row -- ### Relax the checking on attributes, lookup_code, transitions if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Resequence attrs so that everything below the attr being -- inserted is shoved out of the way. select nvl(max(SEQUENCE), -1)+1 into old_sequence from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = x_activity_item_type and ACTIVITY_NAME = x_activity_name and ACTIVITY_VERSION = x_activity_version; if (old_sequence <> x_sequence) then Wf_Load.Reseq_Activity_Attribute( acttype => x_activity_item_type, actname => x_activity_name, actver => x_activity_version, oldseq => old_sequence, newseq => x_sequence); end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Activity_Attributes_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid => row_id, x_activity_item_type => x_activity_item_type, x_activity_name => x_activity_name, x_activity_version => x_activity_version, x_name => x_name, x_sequence => x_sequence, x_type => x_type, x_value_type => x_value_type, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_subtype => x_subtype, x_format => x_format, x_text_default => l_text_default, x_number_default => l_number_default, x_date_default => l_date_default, x_display_name => x_display_name, x_description => x_description ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Activity_Attribute', x_activity_item_type, x_activity_name, to_char(x_activity_version), x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTE; -- -- UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY -- procedure UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY ( x_process_item_type in varchar2, x_process_name in varchar2, x_process_version in number, x_activity_item_type in varchar2, x_activity_name in varchar2, x_instance_id in out number, x_instance_label in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_start_end in varchar2, x_default_result in varchar2, x_icon_geometry in varchar2, x_perform_role in varchar2, x_perform_role_type in varchar2, x_user_comment in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; new_version number; root_instance_id number := 0; noinsert pls_integer := 1; dummy_log_message varchar2(32000); dummy_version number; dummy_level_error number; -- has_performer number := 0; l_perform_role varchar2(320); l_perform_role_type varchar2(8); role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin -- instance_id of zero means generate locally if (x_instance_id = 0) then select WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES_S.NEXTVAL into x_instance_id from sys.dual; raise NO_DATA_FOUND; --jump to insert else select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where INSTANCE_ID = x_instance_id; if (x_process_name <> 'ROOT') then if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; end if; end if; -- Validate PERFORM_ROLE l_perform_role_type := substr(x_perform_role_type, 1, 8); l_perform_role := substr(x_perform_role, 1, 320); if (l_perform_role_type = 'DEFER') then begin select NAME into l_perform_role from WF_ROLES where DISPLAY_NAME = x_perform_role and rownum < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; l_perform_role_type := 'CONSTANT'; -- reset to CONSTANT end if; -- if a performer is defined, check the validity and report error -- don't bother to make sure that tye activity type is NOTICE if (l_perform_role_type = 'CONSTANT' and l_perform_role is not null) then Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(l_perform_role,role_info_tbl); if (role_info_tbl(1).name is null) then x_level_error := 8; end if; end if; -- Update existing row update WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES set PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = x_process_item_type, PROCESS_NAME = x_process_name, PROCESS_VERSION = x_process_version, ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = x_activity_item_type, ACTIVITY_NAME = x_activity_name, INSTANCE_LABEL = x_instance_label, PROTECT_LEVEL = x_protect_level, CUSTOM_LEVEL = x_custom_level, START_END = x_start_end, DEFAULT_RESULT = x_default_result, ICON_GEOMETRY = x_icon_geometry, PERFORM_ROLE = l_perform_role, PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE = l_perform_role_type, USER_COMMENT = x_user_comment where INSTANCE_ID = x_instance_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 4+2; return; end if; -- Validate PERFORM_ROLE l_perform_role_type := substr(x_perform_role_type, 1, 8); l_perform_role := substr(x_perform_role, 1, 320); if (l_perform_role_type = 'DEFER') then begin select NAME into l_perform_role from WF_ROLES where DISPLAY_NAME = x_perform_role and rownum < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; l_perform_role_type := 'CONSTANT'; -- reset to CONSTANT end if; if (l_perform_role_type = 'CONSTANT' and l_perform_role is not null) then Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(l_perform_role,role_info_tbl); if (role_info_tbl(1).name is null) then x_level_error := 8; end if; end if; /* ### may not needed it, but just in case */ -- Create a ROOT FOLDER if it does not exist -- -- If version exists, noinsert is positive, that is not to insert. select nvl(max(VERSION), 1), count(1) into new_version, noinsert from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = x_process_item_type and NAME = 'ROOT'; if (noinsert <= 0) then WF_LOAD.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY( x_item_type=>x_process_item_type, x_name=>'ROOT', x_type=>'FOLDER', x_display_name=>'ROOT', x_description=>'', x_rerun=>'RESET', x_protect_level=>x_protect_level, x_custom_level=>x_custom_level, x_effective_date=>sysdate, x_function=>'', x_function_type =>'', x_result_type=>'*', x_cost=>0, x_read_role=>'', x_write_role=>'', x_execute_role=>'', x_icon_name=>'ROOT', x_message=>'', x_error_process=>'', x_expand_role=>'N', x_error_item_type =>'WFERROR', x_runnable_flag =>'N', x_event_filter => '', x_event_type => '', x_log_message=>dummy_log_message, x_version=>dummy_version, x_level_error=>dummy_level_error); end if; -- If noinsert is positive, that is not to insert. -- Check if ROOT process of such activity has already been inserted, -- since each process activity must be attached to ROOT. select count(1) into noinsert from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where PROCESS_NAME = 'ROOT' and ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = x_process_item_type and ACTIVITY_NAME = x_activity_name; -- no need to insert when ROOT already exists (noinsert > 0) if (x_process_name <> 'ROOT' or noinsert <= 0) then -- Insert new row insert into WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES ( PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE, PROCESS_NAME, PROCESS_VERSION, ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE, ACTIVITY_NAME, INSTANCE_ID, INSTANCE_LABEL, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, START_END, DEFAULT_RESULT, ICON_GEOMETRY, PERFORM_ROLE, PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE, USER_COMMENT ) values ( x_process_item_type, x_process_name, x_process_version, x_activity_item_type, x_activity_name, x_instance_id, x_instance_label, x_protect_level, x_custom_level, x_start_end, x_default_result, x_icon_geometry, l_perform_role, l_perform_role_type, x_user_comment ); end if; -- -- Create a new ROOT process if it does not exist -- if process name is ROOT, it should be inserted by the above -- statement. -- if (x_process_name <> 'ROOT' and noinsert <= 0) then -- Insert a root process activity WF_LOAD.UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY( x_process_item_type=>x_process_item_type, x_process_name=>'ROOT', x_process_version=>new_version, x_activity_item_type=>x_process_item_type, x_activity_name=>x_process_name, x_instance_id=>root_instance_id, x_instance_label=>x_process_name, x_protect_level=>x_protect_level, x_custom_level=>x_custom_level, x_start_end=>'', x_default_result=>'', x_icon_geometry=>'', x_perform_role=>'', x_perform_role_type=>'CONSTANT', x_user_comment=>'', x_level_error=>dummy_level_error ); end if; end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Process_Activity',x_process_name, x_activity_name, to_char(x_instance_id)); raise; end UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY; -- -- UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUE -- procedure UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUE ( x_process_activity_id in number, x_name in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_value in varchar2, x_value_type in varchar2, x_effective_date in date, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; l_type varchar2(8); l_text_value varchar2(4000) := ''; l_number_value number := ''; l_date_value date := ''; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Translate x_value to appropriate type. -- First have to get the type of this activity attr. -- -- Special handles the hidden attributes first. -- add future hidden attributes here. if (x_name = '#TIMEOUT' or x_name = '#PRIORITY') then l_type := 'NUMBER'; elsif (x_name = '#EVENTNAME' or x_name = '#EVENTKEY' or x_name = '#EVENTMESSAGE' or x_name = '#EVENTOUTAGENT' or x_name = '#EVENTTOAGENT') then l_type := 'TEXT'; else -- -- Handle regular attributes here -- begin select WAA.TYPE into l_type from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA, WF_ACTIVITIES WA, WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES WAA where WPA.INSTANCE_ID = x_process_activity_id and WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = WA.ITEM_TYPE and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = WA.NAME and x_effective_date >= WA.BEGIN_DATE and x_effective_date < nvl(WA.END_DATE, x_effective_date+1) and WA.ITEM_TYPE = WAA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE and WA.NAME = WAA.ACTIVITY_NAME and WA.VERSION = WAA.ACTIVITY_VERSION and WAA.NAME = x_name; exception when no_data_found then -- If not found, then activity must not have this attr defined. -- (This can happen if process and activity uploaded with inconsistent -- protection levels.) -- In this case ignore the attr value setting. return; end; end if; -- Note for hidden attributes: -- When x_value_type is 'CONSTANT', l_type is always 'NUMBER' -- When x_value_type is 'ITEMATTR', l_type is always 'TEXT' -- if ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (l_type = 'NUMBER')) then l_number_value := to_number(x_value); elsif ((x_value_type = 'CONSTANT') and (l_type = 'DATE')) then l_date_value := to_date(x_value, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); else l_text_value := x_value; end if; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES where PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = x_process_activity_id and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row update WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES set PROTECT_LEVEL = x_protect_level, CUSTOM_LEVEL = x_custom_level, TEXT_VALUE = l_text_value, NUMBER_VALUE = l_number_value, DATE_VALUE = l_date_value, VALUE_TYPE = x_value_type where PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = x_process_activity_id and NAME = x_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row -- ### Relax the checking on attributes, lookup_code, transitions if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Insert new row insert into WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES ( PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID, NAME, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, TEXT_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, DATE_VALUE, VALUE_TYPE ) values ( x_process_activity_id, x_name, x_protect_level, x_custom_level, l_text_value, l_number_value, l_date_value, x_value_type ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Activity_Attr_Value', to_char(x_process_activity_id), x_name); raise; end UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUE; -- -- UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_TRANSITION -- procedure UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_TRANSITION ( x_from_process_activity in number, x_result_code in varchar2, x_to_process_activity in number, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_arrow_geometry in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_from_process_activity and RESULT_CODE = x_result_code and TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_to_process_activity; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row update WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS set FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_from_process_activity, RESULT_CODE = x_result_code, TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_to_process_activity, PROTECT_LEVEL = x_protect_level, CUSTOM_LEVEL = x_custom_level, ARROW_GEOMETRY = x_arrow_geometry where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_from_process_activity and RESULT_CODE = x_result_code and TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = x_to_process_activity; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- Check protection level for new row -- ### Relax the checking on attributes, lookup_code, transitions if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Insert new row insert into WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS ( FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY, RESULT_CODE, TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, ARROW_GEOMETRY ) values ( x_from_process_activity, x_result_code, x_to_process_activity, x_protect_level, x_custom_level, x_arrow_geometry ); end; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Activity_Transition', to_char(x_from_process_activity), x_result_code, to_char(x_to_process_activity)); raise; end UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_TRANSITION; -- -- UPLOAD_RESOURCE -- procedure UPLOAD_RESOURCE ( x_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_protect_level in number, x_custom_level in number, x_id in number, x_text in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is row_id varchar2(30); protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- No need to reset cache in upload_resource -- WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_RESOURCES where NAME = x_name and TYPE = x_type and LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG'); if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Update existing row Wf_Resources_Pkg.Update_Row ( x_type => x_type, x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_id => x_id, x_text => x_text ); exception when no_data_found then -- Check protection level for new row if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (x_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (x_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Insert new row Wf_Resources_Pkg.Insert_Row ( x_rowid => row_id, x_type => x_type, x_name => x_name, x_protect_level => x_protect_level, x_custom_level => x_custom_level, x_id => x_id, x_text => x_text ); end; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Upload_Resource', x_name, x_type); raise; end UPLOAD_RESOURCE; -- -- DELETE_LOOKUP_TYPE -- procedure DELETE_LOOKUP_TYPE( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Delete child lookups of this type Delete_Lookups(x_lookup_type, x_level_error); Wf_Lookup_Types_Pkg.Delete_Row(x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Lookup_Type', x_lookup_type); raise; end DELETE_LOOKUP_TYPE; -- -- DELETE_LOOKUP -- procedure DELETE_LOOKUP( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_lookup_code in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type and LOOKUP_CODE = x_lookup_code; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; Wf_Lookups_Pkg.Delete_Row( x_lookup_type => x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code => x_lookup_code ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Lookup', x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code); raise; end DELETE_LOOKUP; -- -- DELETE_LOOKUPS -- procedure DELETE_LOOKUPS( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; X_LEVEL_ERROR := 0; select MIN(protect_level), MAX(custom_level) into protection_level, customization_level from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES_TL where LOOKUP_TYPE = X_LOOKUP_TYPE; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; delete from WF_LOOKUPS_TL where LOOKUP_TYPE = X_LOOKUP_TYPE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then wf_core.context('WF_LOAD', 'DELETE_LOOKUPS'); raise; end DELETE_LOOKUPS; -- -- DELETE_ITEM_TYPE -- procedure DELETE_ITEM_TYPE( x_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; l_persistence_type varchar2(8); dummy number; fk_violation exception; pragma exception_init(fk_violation, -2292); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, PERSISTENCE_TYPE into protection_level, customization_level, l_persistence_type from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Set what persistence type to purge first Wf_Purge.persistence_type := l_persistence_type; -- Purge obsolete and unused activities in this itemtype. -- This is to give some hope of being able to delete the itemtype -- if it is really no longer in use, without interference from -- obsolete activity versions. Wf_Purge.Activities(itemtype => x_name); -- Delete item attributes Delete_Item_Attributes(x_name, x_level_error); -- Double check for fk references before the actual delete, -- just in case constraints are missing or disabled. begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where not exists (select 1 from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where ITEM_TYPE = x_name) and not exists (select 1 from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = x_name) and not exists (select 1 from WF_MESSAGES where TYPE = x_name); exception when no_data_found then -- Bad row found. Raise exception back to loader. raise fk_violation; end; Wf_Item_Types_Pkg.Delete_Row(x_name=>x_name); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Item_Type', x_name); raise; end DELETE_ITEM_TYPE; -- -- DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE -- procedure DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE( x_item_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; Wf_Item_Attributes_Pkg.Delete_Row( x_item_type => x_item_type, x_name => x_name); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Item_Attribute', x_item_type, x_name); raise; end DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE; -- -- DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES -- procedure DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES( x_item_type in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where NAME = x_item_type; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; delete from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_TL where ITEM_TYPE = X_ITEM_TYPE; delete from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES where ITEM_TYPE = X_ITEM_TYPE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Item_Attributes', x_item_type); raise; end DELETE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES; -- -- DELETE_MESSAGE -- procedure DELETE_MESSAGE( x_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; dummy number; fk_violation exception; pragma exception_init(fk_violation, -2292); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_MESSAGES where TYPE = x_type and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Delete message attributes Delete_Message_Attributes(x_type, x_name, x_level_error); -- Double check for fk references before the actual delete, -- just in case constraints are missing or disabled. begin select 1 into dummy from sys.dual where not exists (select 1 from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = x_type and MESSAGE = x_name) and not exists (select 1 from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_name); exception when no_data_found then -- Bad row found. Raise exception back to loader. raise fk_violation; end; Wf_Messages_Pkg.Delete_Row(x_type => x_type, x_name => x_name); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Message', x_type, x_name); raise; end DELETE_MESSAGE; -- -- DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE -- procedure DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE( x_message_type in varchar2, x_message_name in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; begin -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name and NAME = x_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; Wf_Message_Attributes_Pkg.Delete_Row( x_message_type => x_message_type, x_message_name => x_message_name, x_name => x_name); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Message_Attribute', x_message_type, x_message_name, x_name); raise; end DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE; -- -- DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES -- procedure DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES( x_message_type in varchar2, x_message_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level NUMBER; customization_level NUMBER; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_MESSAGES where TYPE = x_message_type and NAME = x_message_name; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; delete from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TL where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name; delete from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES where MESSAGE_TYPE = x_message_type and MESSAGE_NAME = x_message_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Message_Attributes', x_message_type, x_message_name); raise; end DELETE_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES; -- -- DELETE_ACTIVITY -- procedure DELETE_ACTIVITY( x_item_type in varchar2, x_name in varchar2, x_level_error out number ) is protection_level number; customization_level number; l_persistence_type varchar2(8); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Check protection level x_level_error := 0; select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into protection_level, customization_level from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and END_DATE is null; if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (protection_level < wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (customization_level > wf_core.session_level)) then x_level_error := 2; return; end if; -- Do not delete, only set end_date update WF_ACTIVITIES set end_date = sysdate where ITEM_TYPE = x_item_type and NAME = x_name and END_DATE is null; -- Find out what persistence type it belongs select PERSISTENCE_TYPE into l_persistence_type from WF_ITEM_TYPES where NAME = x_item_type; Wf_Purge.persistence_type := l_persistence_type; -- Purge obsolete and unused versions of the activity Wf_Purge.Activities( itemtype => x_item_type, name => x_name); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Activity', x_item_type, x_name); raise; end DELETE_ACTIVITY; -- -- WebDB Integration -- -- -- Delete_Transition -- IN -- p_previous_step - instance id of the FROM process activity -- p_next_step - instance id of the TO process activity -- P_result_code - result code of this transition -- NOTE -- It is possible to leave an invalid Workflow definition after this -- call. -- Ignores the criteria with a null arguement. -- p_previous_step and p_next_step cannot be both null. procedure Delete_Transition( p_previous_step in number , p_next_step in number , p_result_code in varchar2 ) is begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; if (p_previous_step is null and p_next_step is null) then -- do not delete anything if both are null return; end if; if (p_next_step is null) then delete WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = p_previous_step and RESULT_CODE = nvl(p_result_code, RESULT_CODE); else if (p_previous_step is null) then delete WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = p_next_step and RESULT_CODE = nvl(p_result_code, RESULT_CODE); else -- both are non-null delete WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = p_previous_step and RESULT_CODE = nvl(p_result_code, RESULT_CODE) and TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = p_next_step; end if; end if; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Transition', p_previous_step, p_next_step, p_result_code); raise; end; -- -- Get_Process_Activity -- IN -- p_activity_instance - instance id of a process activity -- OUT -- p_xcor - X coordinate of the icon geometry -- p_ycor - Y coordinate of the icon geometry -- p_activity_name - internal name of this process activity -- NOTE -- procedure Get_Process_Activity( p_activity_instance in number, p_xcor out number, p_ycor out number, p_activity_name out varchar2, p_instance_label out varchar2) is l_icon_geometry varchar2(2000); comma_position number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; select ICON_GEOMETRY, ACTIVITY_NAME, INSTANCE_LABEL into l_icon_geometry, p_activity_name, p_instance_label from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where instance_id = p_activity_instance; comma_position := instr(l_icon_geometry, ','); p_xcor := to_number(substr(l_icon_geometry, 1, comma_position - 1)); p_ycor := to_number(substr(l_icon_geometry, comma_position + 1)); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Process_Activity', p_activity_instance); raise; end; -- -- Update_Message -- IN -- p_type - item type of message -- p_name - message name -- p_subject - message subject -- p_body - text body -- p_html_body - html formated body -- OUT -- x_level_error - the output of error level -- NOTE -- It first selects the values related to the message -- and then calls UPLOAD_MESSAGE to update the value. -- procedure UPDATE_MESSAGE ( p_type in varchar2, p_name in varchar2, p_subject in varchar2, p_body in varchar2, p_html_body in varchar2, p_level_error out number ) is l_protect_level number; l_custom_level number; l_default_priority number; l_display_name varchar2(80); l_description varchar2(240); l_subject varchar2(240); l_body varchar2(4000); l_html_body varchar2(4000); begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; Wf_Load.Get_Message(p_type, p_name, l_protect_level, l_custom_level, l_default_priority, l_display_name, l_description, l_subject, l_body, l_html_body); if (p_subject is not null) then l_subject := p_subject; end if; if (p_body is not null) then l_body := p_body; end if; if (p_html_body is not null) then l_html_body := p_html_body; end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_MESSAGE( x_type => p_type, x_name => p_name, x_display_name => l_display_name, x_description => l_description, x_subject => l_subject, x_body => l_body, x_html_body => l_html_body, x_protect_level => l_protect_level, x_custom_level => l_custom_level, x_default_priority => l_default_priority, x_read_role => null, x_write_role => null, x_level_error => p_level_error); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Message', p_type, p_name); raise; end; -- -- Get_MESSAGE -- IN -- p_type - message item type -- p_name - message name -- OUT -- p_protect_level - -- p_custom_level - -- p_default_priority - -- p_display_name - 80 -- p_description - 240 -- p_subject - 240 -- p_body - 4000 -- p_html_body - 4000 -- procedure GET_MESSAGE ( p_type in varchar2, p_name in varchar2, p_protect_level out number, p_custom_level out number, p_default_priority out number, p_display_name out varchar2, p_description out varchar2, p_subject out varchar2, p_body out varchar2, p_html_body out varchar2 ) is begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, SUBJECT, BODY, HTML_BODY into p_protect_level, p_custom_level, p_default_priority, p_display_name, p_description, p_subject, p_body, p_html_body from WF_MESSAGES_VL where TYPE = p_type and NAME = p_name; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Message', p_type, p_name); raise; end; -- -- COPY_ITEM_TYPE -- IN -- p_item_type - item type to copy from. -- p_destination_item_type- new item type. -- p_new_suffix - suffix to use append to internal names -- of new entities. -- NOTE -- procedure COPY_ITEM_TYPE( p_item_type in varchar2, p_destination_item_type in varchar2, p_new_suffix in varchar2) is type t_ittRecord is record ( protect_level number, custom_level number, name varchar2(8), display_name varchar2(80), description varchar2(240), wf_selector varchar2(240), read_role varchar2(320), write_role varchar2(320), execute_role varchar2(320), persistence_type varchar2(8), persistence_days varchar2(8)); v_itt t_ittRecord; cursor itacur(itt in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, SUBTYPE, FORMAT, TEXT_DEFAULT, to_char(NUMBER_DEFAULT) NUMBER_DEFAULT, to_char(DATE_DEFAULT, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DATE_DEFAULT, SEQUENCE from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = itt order by SEQUENCE; cursor lutcur(itt in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, LOOKUP_TYPE, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION from WF_LOOKUP_TYPES where ITEM_TYPE = itt order by LOOKUP_TYPE; type t_lutTable is table of WF_LOOKUP_TYPES.LOOKUP_TYPE%TYPE index by binary_integer; v_lut t_lutTable; cursor luccur(lut in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, LOOKUP_CODE, MEANING, DESCRIPTION from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = lut order by LOOKUP_CODE; cursor msgcur(itt in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, SUBJECT, BODY, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, READ_ROLE, WRITE_ROLE, HTML_BODY from WF_MESSAGES_VL where TYPE = itt order by TYPE, NAME; type t_msgTable is table of WF_MESSAGES.NAME%TYPE index by binary_integer; v_msg t_msgTable; cursor msacur(itt in varchar2, msg in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, SUBTYPE, FORMAT, TEXT_DEFAULT, to_char(NUMBER_DEFAULT) NUMBER_DEFAULT, to_char(DATE_DEFAULT, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DATE_DEFAULT, VALUE_TYPE, ATTACH, SEQUENCE from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL where MESSAGE_TYPE = itt and MESSAGE_NAME = msg order by SEQUENCE; cursor actcur(itt in varchar2) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ITEM_TYPE, VERSION, TYPE, RERUN, FUNCTION, RESULT_TYPE, COST, ICON_NAME, MESSAGE, ERROR_PROCESS, EXPAND_ROLE, READ_ROLE, WRITE_ROLE, EXECUTE_ROLE, to_char(BEGIN_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') EFFECTIVE_DATE, ERROR_ITEM_TYPE, RUNNABLE_FLAG, FUNCTION_TYPE, EVENT_NAME, DIRECTION from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where sysdate >= BEGIN_DATE and (sysdate < END_DATE or END_DATE is null) and ITEM_TYPE = itt order by item_type, name; type t_actRecord is record ( name varchar2(30), version number); type t_actTable is table of t_actRecord index by binary_integer; v_act t_actTable; cursor atacur(itt in varchar2, actname in varchar2, ver in number) is select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, SUBTYPE, FORMAT, TEXT_DEFAULT, to_char(NUMBER_DEFAULT) NUMBER_DEFAULT, to_char(DATE_DEFAULT, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DATE_DEFAULT, VALUE_TYPE, SEQUENCE from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES_VL where ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = itt and ACTIVITY_NAME = actname and ACTIVITY_VERSION = ver order by SEQUENCE; type t_pacTable is table of WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES.INSTANCE_ID%TYPE index by binary_integer; v_opac t_pacTable; v_npac t_pacTable; cursor paccur(itt in varchar2, actname in varchar2, ver in number) is select ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE, ACTIVITY_NAME, INSTANCE_ID, START_END, DEFAULT_RESULT, ICON_GEOMETRY, PERFORM_ROLE, USER_COMMENT, PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE, INSTANCE_LABEL, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = itt and PROCESS_NAME = actname and PROCESS_VERSION = ver order by INSTANCE_ID; cursor patcur(id in number) is select RESULT_CODE, TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ARROW_GEOMETRY, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = id order by RESULT_CODE; cursor aavcur(id in number) is select NAME, VALUE_TYPE, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, TEXT_VALUE, to_char(NUMBER_VALUE) NUMBER_VALUE, to_char(DATE_VALUE, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DATE_VALUE from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES where PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = id; l_item_type varchar2(8); l_default varchar2(4000); l_value varchar2(4000); l_format varchar2(240); l_result_type varchar2(30); l_message varchar2(30); l_pname varchar2(30); l_name varchar2(30); l_dname varchar2(80); l_performer varchar2(30); l_version number; l_level_error number; i pls_integer; toid pls_integer; ismatch boolean := false; no_match exception; dummy_log_message varchar2(32000); begin -- Copying Item Type begin select PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, WF_SELECTOR, READ_ROLE, WRITE_ROLE, EXECUTE_ROLE, PERSISTENCE_TYPE, to_char(PERSISTENCE_DAYS) PERSISTENCE_DAYS into v_itt from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where NAME = p_item_type; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Selecting ITEM_TYPE', p_item_type); raise; end; begin select DISPLAY_NAME into l_dname from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL where NAME = p_destination_item_type; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then l_dname := substr(v_itt.display_name||p_new_suffix,1,80); when OTHERS then raise; end; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ITEM_TYPE( x_name=> p_destination_item_type, x_display_name=> l_dname, x_description=> v_itt.description, x_protect_level=> v_itt.protect_level, x_custom_level=> v_itt.custom_level, x_wf_selector=> v_itt.wf_selector, x_read_role=> v_itt.read_role, x_write_role=> v_itt.write_role, x_execute_role=> v_itt.execute_role, x_persistence_type=> v_itt.persistence_type, x_persistence_days=> v_itt.persistence_days, x_level_error=> l_level_error ); l_dname := null; if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ITEM_TYPE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', ''); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', p_destination_item_type); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; -- Copy Lookup Types i := 1; for lutr in lutcur(p_item_type) loop v_lut(i) := lutr.LOOKUP_TYPE; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_LOOKUP_TYPE ( x_lookup_type=>substr(lutr.lookup_type||p_new_suffix, 1, 30), x_display_name=>substr(lutr.display_name||p_new_suffix, 1, 80), x_description=>lutr.description, x_protect_level=>lutr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>lutr.custom_level, x_item_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'LOOKUP_TYPE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', p_destination_item_type); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', substr(lutr.lookup_type||p_new_suffix, 1, 30)); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; i := i + 1; end loop; -- Copy Lookup Codes for j in 1..v_lut.count loop for lucr in luccur(v_lut(j)) loop Wf_Load.UPLOAD_LOOKUP ( x_lookup_type=>substr(v_lut(j)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30), x_lookup_code=>lucr.lookup_code, x_meaning=>lucr.meaning, x_description=>lucr.description, x_protect_level=>lucr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>lucr.custom_level, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'LOOKUP_CODE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', substr(v_lut(j)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30)); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', lucr.lookup_code); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; end loop; -- Copy Item Attributes for itar in itacur(p_item_type) loop l_format := itar.format; if (itar.type = 'LOOKUP') then for k in 1..v_lut.count loop if (itar.format = v_lut(k)) then l_format := substr(v_lut(k)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; end loop; end if; if (itar.type = 'NUMBER') then l_default := itar.number_default; elsif (itar.type = 'DATE') then l_default := itar.date_default; else l_default := itar.text_default; end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE( x_item_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_name=>substr(itar.name||p_new_suffix, 1, 30), x_display_name=>substr(itar.display_name||p_new_suffix, 1, 80), x_description=>itar.description, x_sequence=>itar.sequence, x_type=>itar.type, x_protect_level=>itar.protect_level, x_custom_level=>itar.custom_level, x_subtype=>itar.subtype, x_format=>l_format, x_default=>l_default, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ITEM_ATTRIBUTE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', p_destination_item_type); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', itar.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; -- Copy Message i := 1; for msgr in msgcur(p_item_type) loop v_msg(i) := msgr.name; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_MESSAGE ( x_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_name=>substr(msgr.name||p_new_suffix,1,30), x_display_name=>substr(msgr.display_name||p_new_suffix,1,80), x_description=>msgr.description, x_subject=>msgr.subject, x_body=>msgr.body, x_html_body=>msgr.html_body, x_protect_level=>msgr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>msgr.custom_level, x_default_priority=>msgr.default_priority, x_read_role=>msgr.read_role, x_write_role=>msgr.write_role, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'MESSAGE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', p_destination_item_type); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', msgr.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; i := i + 1; end loop; for j in 1..v_msg.count loop for msar in msacur(p_item_type,v_msg(j)) loop l_format := msar.format; l_name := msar.name; if (msar.type = 'LOOKUP') then for k in 1..v_lut.count loop if (msar.format = v_lut(k)) then l_format := substr(v_lut(k)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; end loop; end if; if (msar.value_type = 'CONSTANT') then if (msar.type = 'NUMBER') then l_default := msar.number_default; elsif (msar.type = 'DATE') then l_default := msar.date_default; else l_default := msar.text_default; end if; else -- must be ITEMATTR l_default := substr(msar.text_default||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); -- message attribute name needs to be changed for RESPOND attribute -- that is not RESULT if (msar.subtype = 'RESPOND' and msar.name <> 'RESULT') then l_name := substr(msar.name||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE( x_message_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_message_name=>substr(v_msg(j)||p_new_suffix,1,30), x_name=>l_name, x_display_name=>msar.display_name, x_description=>msar.description, x_sequence=>msar.sequence, x_type=>msar.type, x_subtype=>msar.subtype, x_protect_level=>msar.protect_level, x_custom_level=>msar.custom_level, x_format=>l_format, x_default=>l_default, x_value_type=>msar.value_type, x_attach=>msar.attach, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', v_msg(j)); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', msar.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; end loop; -- Copy Activity i := 1; for actr in actcur(p_item_type) loop v_act(i).name := actr.name; v_act(i).version := actr.version; l_result_type := actr.result_type; for k in 1..v_lut.count loop if (actr.result_type = v_lut(k)) then l_result_type := substr(v_lut(k)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; end loop; if (actr.type = 'NOTICE') then l_message := substr(actr.message||p_new_suffix,1,30); else l_message := actr.message; end if; if (actr.name = 'ROOT') then l_name := actr.name; l_dname := actr.display_name; else l_name := substr(actr.name||p_new_suffix,1,30); l_dname := substr(actr.display_name||p_new_suffix,1,80); end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY ( x_item_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_name=>l_name, x_display_name=>l_dname, x_description=>actr.description, x_type=>actr.type, x_rerun=>actr.rerun, x_protect_level=>actr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>actr.custom_level, x_effective_date=>sysdate, x_function=>actr.function, x_function_type=>actr.function_type, x_result_type=>l_result_type, x_cost=>actr.cost, x_read_role=>actr.read_role, x_write_role=>actr.write_role, x_execute_role=>actr.execute_role, x_icon_name=>actr.icon_name, x_message=>l_message, x_error_process=>actr.error_process, x_expand_role=>actr.expand_role, x_error_item_type=>actr.error_item_type, x_runnable_flag=>actr.runnable_flag, x_event_filter => actr.event_name, x_event_type => actr.direction, x_log_message=>dummy_log_message, x_version=>l_version, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ACTIVITY'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', p_destination_item_type); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', actr.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; i := i + 1; end loop; for j in 1..v_act.count loop for atar in atacur(p_item_type,v_act(j).name,v_act(j).version) loop l_format := atar.format; if (atar.type = 'LOOKUP') then for k in 1..v_lut.count loop if (atar.format = v_lut(k)) then l_format := substr(v_lut(k)||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; end loop; end if; if (atar.value_type = 'CONSTANT') then if (atar.type = 'NUMBER') then l_default := atar.number_default; elsif (atar.type = 'DATE') then l_default := atar.date_default; else l_default := atar.text_default; end if; else -- must be ITEMATTR l_default := substr(atar.text_default||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; -- version below is always 1, the first one. Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTE( x_activity_item_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_activity_name=>substr(v_act(j).name||p_new_suffix,1,30), x_activity_version=>1, x_name=>atar.name, x_display_name=>atar.display_name, x_description=>atar.description, x_sequence=>atar.sequence, x_type=>atar.type, x_protect_level=>atar.protect_level, x_custom_level=>atar.custom_level, x_subtype=>atar.subtype, x_format=>l_format, x_default=>l_default, x_value_type=>atar.value_type, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', substr(v_act(j).name,1,30)); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', atar.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; end loop; -- Copy Process Activity i := 1; for j in 1..v_act.count loop for pacr in paccur(p_item_type,v_act(j).name,v_act(j).version) loop v_opac(i) := pacr.instance_id; v_npac(i) := 0; -- make sure activity_item_type is consistant if (pacr.activity_item_type = p_item_type) then l_item_type := p_destination_item_type; l_name := substr(pacr.activity_name||p_new_suffix,1,30); else l_item_type := pacr.activity_item_type; l_name := pacr.activity_name; end if; if (v_act(j).name = 'ROOT') then l_pname := v_act(j).name; else l_pname := substr(v_act(j).name||p_new_suffix,1,30); end if; if (pacr.perform_role_type = 'ITEMATTR') then l_performer := substr(pacr.perform_role||p_new_suffix,1,30); else l_performer := pacr.perform_role; end if; -- check if process activity already exists begin select INSTANCE_ID into v_npac(i) from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where INSTANCE_LABEL = pacr.instance_label and PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_destination_item_type and PROCESS_NAME = l_pname and PROCESS_VERSION = 1; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then v_npac(i) := 0; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY ( x_process_item_type=>p_destination_item_type, x_process_name=>l_pname, x_process_version=>1, x_activity_item_type=>l_item_type, x_activity_name=>l_name, x_instance_id=>v_npac(i), x_instance_label=>pacr.instance_label, x_protect_level=>pacr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>pacr.custom_level, x_start_end=>pacr.start_end, x_default_result=>pacr.default_result, x_icon_geometry=>pacr.icon_geometry, x_perform_role=>l_performer, x_perform_role_type=>pacr.perform_role_type, x_user_comment=>pacr.user_comment, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'PROCESS_ACTIVITY'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', v_act(j).name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', pacr.activity_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end; i := i + 1; end loop; end loop; for j in 1..v_opac.count loop -- Copy Activity Transitions for patr in patcur(v_opac(j)) loop ismatch := false; for k in 1..v_opac.count loop -- find the index of to_process_activity if v_opac(k) = patr.to_process_activity then toid := k; ismatch := true; exit; end if; end loop; if (not ismatch) then -- ### dbms_output.put_line('no match for transition: '|| -- ### to_char(patr.to_process_activity)); -- ### should raise error here. raise no_match; end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_TRANSITION ( x_from_process_activity=>v_npac(j), x_result_code=>patr.result_code, x_to_process_activity=>v_npac(toid), x_protect_level=>patr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>patr.custom_level, x_arrow_geometry=>patr.arrow_geometry, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ACTIVITY_TRANSITION'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', ''); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', to_char(v_npac(j))||'-'||to_char(v_npac(toid))); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; -- Copy Activity Attr Values for aavr in aavcur(v_opac(j)) loop if (aavr.value_type = 'CONSTANT') then -- just pick a non-null value l_value := nvl(aavr.date_value, nvl(aavr.number_value, aavr.text_value)); else -- must be ITEMATTR l_value := substr(aavr.text_value||p_new_suffix, 1, 30); end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUE ( x_process_activity_id=>v_npac(j), x_name=>aavr.name, x_protect_level=>aavr.protect_level, x_custom_level=>aavr.custom_level, x_value=>l_value, x_value_type=>aavr.value_type, x_effective_date=>sysdate, x_level_error=>l_level_error ); if (l_level_error <> 0) then Wf_Core.Token('ENTITY', 'ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUE'); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', to_char(v_npac(j))); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', aavr.name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFLDRSD_UPI'); end if; end loop; end loop; exception when OTHERS then if (itacur%isopen) then close itacur; end if; if (lutcur%isopen) then close itacur; end if; if (luccur%isopen) then close itacur; end if; if (msgcur%isopen) then close msgcur; end if; if (msacur%isopen) then close msacur; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'COPY_ITEM_TYPE', p_item_type, p_destination_item_type, p_new_suffix); raise; end; -- Delete_Process_Activity -- IN -- p_item_type - item type of this process activity (used in making -- sure the process activity has not been run). -- p_step - instance id of the process activity -- NOTE -- It is possible to leave an invalid Workflow definition after this -- call. -- Make sure it does not exist in wf_item_activity_statuses, ie. has -- not been run. -- It needs to make sure all transitions are cleaned up first. -- It also needs to clean up all activity attribute values. procedure Delete_Process_Activity( p_step in number) is dummy number; begin -- ### -- The following check causes full table scans. Since it is controlled by -- constraints already, we skipped the check here. -- begin -- select 1 into dummy -- from sys.dual -- where not exists ( -- select 1 -- from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_V -- where ACTIVITY_ID = p_step -- ); -- exception -- when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- -- ### activity started -- raise; -- end; -- Delete all transitions to and from this process activity Wf_Load.Delete_Transition(p_previous_step=>p_step); Wf_Load.Delete_Transition(p_next_step=>p_step); -- Delete all related attribute values delete from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES where PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = p_step; -- Delete the process activity delete from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where INSTANCE_ID = p_step; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Delete_Process_Activity', to_char(p_step)); raise; end; -- -- Get_Activity_Attr_Val -- IN -- p_process_instance_id - instance id of the process activity -- p_attribute_name - name of the attribute -- OUT -- p_attribute_value_type - value type like 'CONSTANT' or 'ITEMATTR' -- p_attribute_value - value of the attribute -- procedure GET_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VAL( p_process_instance_id in number, p_attribute_name in varchar2, p_attribute_value_type out varchar2, p_attribute_value out varchar2) is begin select VALUE_TYPE, nvl(nvl(TEXT_VALUE, to_char(NUMBER_VALUE)), to_char(DATE_VALUE, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')) into p_attribute_value_type, p_attribute_value from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES where PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = p_process_instance_id and NAME = p_attribute_name; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Activity_Attr_Val', to_char(p_process_instance_id), p_attribute_name); raise; end; -- -- Get_Item_Attribute -- IN -- p_item_type - item type -- p_attribute_name - name of the attribute -- OUT -- p_attribute_type - type like 'NUMBER', 'TEXT' and so on -- p_attribute_value - value of the attribute -- procedure GET_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE( p_item_type in varchar2, p_attribute_name in varchar2, p_attribute_type out varchar2, p_attribute_value out varchar2) is l_text varchar2(4000); l_number varchar2(100); l_date varchar2(30); begin select TYPE, TEXT_DEFAULT, to_char(NUMBER_DEFAULT), to_char(DATE_DEFAULT, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into p_attribute_type, p_attribute_value, l_number, l_date from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES where ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and NAME = p_attribute_name; if (p_attribute_type = 'DATE') then p_attribute_value := l_date; elsif (p_attribute_type = 'NUMBER') then p_attribute_value := l_number; end if; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Item_Attribute', p_item_type, p_attribute_name); raise; end; -- -- Get_Activity -- IN -- p_item_type - -- p_name - -- OUT -- p_display_name - -- p_description - -- p_type - -- p_rerun - -- p_protect_level - -- p_custom_level - -- p_begin_date - -- p_function - -- p_function_type - -- p_result_type - -- p_cost - -- p_read_role - -- p_write_role - -- p_execute_role - -- p_icon_name - -- p_message - -- p_error_process - -- p_expand_role - -- p_error_item_type - -- p_runnable_flag - -- p_version - procedure GET_ACTIVITY ( p_item_type in varchar2, p_name in varchar2, p_display_name out varchar2, p_description out varchar2, p_type out varchar2, p_rerun out varchar2, p_protect_level out number, p_custom_level out number, p_begin_date out date, p_function out varchar2, p_function_type out varchar2, p_result_type out varchar2, p_cost out number, p_read_role out varchar2, p_write_role out varchar2, p_execute_role out varchar2, p_icon_name out varchar2, p_message out varchar2, p_error_process out varchar2, p_expand_role out varchar2, p_error_item_type out varchar2, p_runnable_flag out varchar2, p_version out number ) is begin select DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, RERUN, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, BEGIN_DATE, FUNCTION, FUNCTION_TYPE, RESULT_TYPE, COST, READ_ROLE, WRITE_ROLE, EXECUTE_ROLE, ICON_NAME, MESSAGE, ERROR_PROCESS, EXPAND_ROLE, ERROR_ITEM_TYPE, RUNNABLE_FLAG, VERSION into p_display_name, p_description, p_type, p_rerun, p_protect_level, p_custom_level, p_begin_date, p_function, p_function_type, p_result_type, p_cost, p_read_role, p_write_role, p_execute_role, p_icon_name, p_message, p_error_process, p_expand_role, p_error_item_type, p_runnable_flag, p_version from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and NAME = p_name and END_DATE is null; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Activity', p_item_type, p_name); raise; end; -- -- Update_Activity -- IN -- p_item_type - item type of the activity -- p_name - activity name -- p_display_name - activity display name -- p_description - activity description -- p_expand_role - flag to indicate expand role or not -- OUT -- p_level_error - the output of error level -- NOTE -- Cannot use UPLOAD_ACTIVITY because activity is normally versioned. -- Update only the latest version. -- procedure UPDATE_ACTIVITY ( p_item_type in varchar2, p_name in varchar2, p_display_name in varchar2, p_description in varchar2 , p_expand_role in varchar2 , p_level_error out number) is conflict_name varchar2(240); l_name varchar2(30); l_dname varchar2(80); n_dname varchar2(80); l_display_name varchar2(80); l_description varchar2(240); l_type varchar2(8); l_rerun varchar2(8); l_protect_level number; l_custom_level number; l_begin_date date; l_function varchar2(240); l_function_type varchar2(30); l_result_type varchar2(30); l_cost number; l_read_role varchar2(320); l_write_role varchar2(320); l_execute_role varchar2(320); l_icon_name varchar2(30); l_message varchar2(30); l_error_process varchar2(30); l_expand_role varchar2(1); l_error_item_type varchar2(8); l_runnable_flag varchar2(1); l_version number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; begin Wf_Load.GET_ACTIVITY ( p_item_type=>p_item_type, p_name=>p_name, p_display_name=>l_display_name, p_description=>l_description, p_type=>l_type, p_rerun=>l_rerun, p_protect_level=>l_protect_level, p_custom_level=>l_custom_level, p_begin_date=>l_begin_date, p_function=>l_function, p_function_type=>l_function_type, p_result_type=>l_result_type, p_cost=>l_cost, p_read_role=>l_read_role, p_write_role=>l_write_role, p_execute_role=>l_execute_role, p_icon_name=>l_icon_name, p_message=>l_message, p_error_process=>l_error_process, p_expand_role=>l_expand_role, p_error_item_type=>l_error_item_type, p_runnable_flag=>l_runnable_flag, p_version=>l_version ); -- Check protect and custom level if (l_type <> 'FOLDER') then if ((wf_core.upload_mode <> 'FORCE') and (l_protect_level < wf_core.session_level)) then p_level_error := 1; return; end if; if ((wf_core.upload_mode = 'UPGRADE') and (l_custom_level > wf_core.session_level)) then p_level_error := 2; return; end if; end if; exception when OTHERS then -- Don't proceed Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Update_Activity Get_Activity'); raise; end; if (p_display_name is not null) then l_display_name := p_display_name; end if; if (p_description is not null) then l_description := p_description; end if; if (p_expand_role is not null) then l_expand_role := p_expand_role; end if; -- Check for unique index violations -- try to resolve the problem by appending '@' -- to the incoming display name -- for activity, we must have the specific version first. n_dname := l_display_name; begin -- l_name will be the old data to update select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME||':'||to_char(VERSION), DISPLAY_NAME, NAME into conflict_name, l_dname, l_name from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and l_begin_date >= BEGIN_DATE and l_begin_date < nvl(END_DATE, l_begin_date+1) and NAME <> p_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 240); -- this loop will make sure no duplicate with n_dname loop begin select ITEM_TYPE||':'||NAME||':'||to_char(VERSION), DISPLAY_NAME into conflict_name, l_dname from WF_ACTIVITIES_VL where DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname and ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and l_begin_date >= BEGIN_DATE and l_begin_date < nvl(END_DATE, l_begin_date+1) and NAME <> l_name; n_dname := substrb('@'||l_dname, 1, 80); if ( n_dname = l_dname ) then Wf_Core.Token('DNAME', l_display_name); Wf_Core.Token('NAME', p_item_type||':'||p_name||':'|| to_char(l_version)); Wf_Core.Token('CONFLICT_NAME', conflict_name); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_UNIQUE_NAME'); exit; end if; exception when no_data_found then exit; end; end loop; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; -- Do the Update update WF_ACTIVITIES set expand_role = l_expand_role where ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and NAME = p_name and VERSION = l_version; update WF_ACTIVITIES_TL set DISPLAY_NAME = n_dname, DESCRIPTION = l_description where ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and NAME = p_name and VERSION = l_version; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Update_Activity', p_item_type, p_name, p_display_name); raise; end; -- -- Get_Activity_Instance -- Return the instance id for an activity based on its label of a -- given process and activity -- IN -- p_process_item_type - -- p_process_name - -- p_process_version - -- p_activity_item_type - -- p_activity_name - -- p_instance_label - function Get_Activity_Instance( p_process_item_type in varchar2, p_process_name in varchar2, p_process_version in number , p_activity_item_type in varchar2 , p_activity_name in varchar2 , p_instance_label in varchar2 ) return number is id number; begin -- p_activity_item_type and p_activity_name pair are non-null or -- p_instance_label is non-null. Otherwise return -1. if (p_instance_label is null and (p_activity_item_type is null or p_activity_name is null)) then return (-1); end if; if (p_instance_label is not null) then select INSTANCE_ID into id from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where INSTANCE_LABEL = p_instance_label and PROCESS_NAME = p_process_name and PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and PROCESS_VERSION = p_process_version; return id; end if; -- return only the first row if there are more. select INSTANCE_ID into id from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where PROCESS_NAME = p_process_name and PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and PROCESS_VERSION = p_process_version and ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = p_activity_item_type and ACTIVITY_NAME = p_activity_name and rownum = 1; return id; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Activity_Instance', p_process_item_type, p_process_name, p_process_version); return (-1); end; /* ### Get_Process_Activity include this function -- -- GetActNameFromInstId -- IN -- p_instance_id - instance id of an activity -- RET -- Name of the activity in varchar2 -- function GetActNameFromInstId ( p_instance_id in number) return varchar2 is l_actname varchar2(30); begin select ACTIVITY_NAME into l_actname from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where INSTANCE_ID = p_instance_id; return l_actname; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'GetActNameFromInstId', to_char(p_instance_id)); return null; end; */ -- -- Get_Activity_Transition -- IN -- p_from_activity - -- p_to_activity - -- p_result_code - -- OUT -- p_result_codes - table of all matched result codes -- p_activities - table of all matched activity instance ids -- NOTE -- Depend on what the parameter given return the appropriate result -- p_from_activity + p_to_activity => p_result_codes -- p_from_activity + p_result_code => p_activities (of to activity) -- p_to_activity + p_result_code => p_activities (of from activity) -- p_from_activity => p_result_codes + p_activities (of to activity) -- p_to_activity => p_result_codes + p_activities (of from activity) procedure Get_Activity_Transition ( p_from_activity in number , p_to_activity in number , p_result_code in varchar2 , p_activities out t_instanceidTab, p_result_codes out t_resultcodeTab) is cursor rccur(from_act in number, to_act in number) is select RESULT_CODE from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = from_act and TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = to_act; cursor tpcur(from_act in number, res_code in varchar2) is select TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = from_act and RESULT_CODE = res_code; cursor tp2cur(from_act in number) is select TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY, RESULT_CODE from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = from_act; cursor fpcur(to_act in number, res_code in varchar2) is select FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = to_act and RESULT_CODE = res_code; cursor fp2cur(to_act in number) is select FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY, RESULT_CODE from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS where TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY = to_act; i pls_integer; begin if (p_from_activity is null and p_to_activity is null and p_result_code is null) then return; end if; if (p_from_activity is not null and p_to_activity is not null) then i := 1; for rcr in rccur(p_from_activity, p_to_activity) loop p_result_codes(i) := rcr.RESULT_CODE; i := i + 1; end loop; elsif (p_to_activity is null) then i := 1; if (p_result_code is null) then for tpr in tp2cur(p_from_activity) loop p_activities(i) := tpr.TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY; p_result_codes(i) := tpr.RESULT_CODE; i := i + 1; end loop; else for tpr in tpcur(p_from_activity, p_result_code) loop p_activities(i) := tpr.TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY; i := i + 1; end loop; end if; else i := 1; if (p_result_code is null) then for fpr in fp2cur(p_to_activity) loop p_activities(i) := fpr.FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY; p_result_codes(i) := fpr.RESULT_CODE; i := i + 1; end loop; else for fpr in fpcur(p_to_activity, p_result_code) loop p_activities(i) := fpr.FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY; i := i + 1; end loop; end if; end if; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Activity_Transition', to_char(p_from_activity), to_char(p_to_activity), p_result_code ); end; -- -- Get_Item_Attribute_Names -- select all the item attributes that match the specified suffix -- IN -- p_item_type - item type of the item attributes -- p_suffix - suffix that the internal names of item attributes endded in -- OUT -- p_names - table of internal names that returned -- procedure Get_Item_Attribute_Names( p_item_type in varchar2, p_suffix in varchar2, p_names out t_nameTab )is cursor itancur is select NAME from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES where ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and NAME like '%'||p_suffix; i pls_integer; begin i := 1; for itanr in itancur loop p_names(i) := itanr.name; i := i + 1; end loop; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Attribute_Names', p_item_type, p_suffix); raise; end; -- -- Get_Notif_Activity_Names -- select all the notification activities that match the specified suffix -- IN -- p_item_type - item type of the activities -- p_suffix - suffix that the internal names of activities endded in -- OUT -- p_names - table of internal names that returned -- procedure Get_Notif_Activity_Names( p_item_type in varchar2, p_suffix in varchar2, p_names out t_nameTab )is cursor notfcur is select NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES where NAME like '%'||p_suffix and ITEM_TYPE = p_item_type and TYPE = 'NOTICE' and END_DATE is null; i pls_integer; begin i := 1; for notfr in notfcur loop p_names(i) := notfr.name; i := i + 1; end loop; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Notif_Activity_Names', p_item_type, p_suffix); raise; end; -- Get_Message_Names -- select all the messages that match the specified suffix -- IN -- p_item_type - item type of the messages -- p_suffix - suffix that the internal names of messages endded in -- OUT -- p_names - table of internal names that returned -- procedure Get_Message_Names( p_item_type in varchar2, p_suffix in varchar2, p_names out t_nameTab )is cursor msgcur is select NAME from WF_MESSAGES where NAME like '%'||p_suffix and TYPE = p_item_type; i pls_integer; begin i := 1; for msgr in msgcur loop p_names(i) := msgr.name; i := i + 1; end loop; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Message_Names', p_item_type, p_suffix); raise; end; -- Get_Process_Activity_Instances -- select all the process activities of activity of type process -- IN -- p_process_item_type - item type of the process which includes these -- activities. -- p_process_name - process name -- p_process_version - process version which defaults to 1 -- OUT -- p_instance_ids - table of instance ids that returned -- procedure Get_Process_Activity_Instances( p_process_item_type in varchar2, p_process_name in varchar2, p_process_version in number , p_instance_ids out t_instanceidTab )is cursor paccur is select INSTANCE_ID from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where PROCESS_NAME = p_process_name and PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and PROCESS_VERSION = p_process_version; i pls_integer; begin i := 1; for pacr in paccur loop p_instance_ids(i) := pacr.instance_id; i := i + 1; end loop; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Process_Activity_Instances', p_process_item_type, p_process_name, p_process_version); raise; end; -- -- GET_LOOKUP -- Get the Lookup definition -- IN -- x_lookup_type - item type of lookup -- x_lookup_code - internal name of lookup code -- OUT -- x_meaning - display name of lookup code -- x_description - description of lookup code -- x_protect_level - -- x_custom_level - -- procedure Get_Lookup( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_lookup_code in varchar2, x_meaning out varchar2, x_description out varchar2, x_protect_level out number, x_custom_level out number ) is begin select MEANING, DESCRIPTION, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL into x_meaning, x_description, x_protect_level, x_custom_level from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = x_lookup_type and LOOKUP_CODE = x_lookup_code; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Lookup', x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code); raise; end; -- -- UPDATE_LOOKUP -- Update the provided fields for Lookup -- IN -- x_lookup_type - item type of lookup -- x_lookup_code - internal name of lookup code -- x_meaning - display name of lookup code -- x_description - description of lookup code -- x_protect_level - -- x_custom_level - -- OUT -- x_level_error - level of error returned from UPLOAD_LOOKUP -- NOTE -- Calls GET_LOOKUP to get the default value before calling -- UPLOAD_LOOKUP. -- procedure UPDATE_LOOKUP( x_lookup_type in varchar2, x_lookup_code in varchar2, x_meaning in varchar2 , x_description in varchar2 , x_protect_level in number , x_custom_level in number , x_level_error out number ) is l_meaning varchar2(80); l_description varchar2(240); l_protect_level number; l_custom_level number; begin -- Reset any caches that might be running. WF_CACHE.Reset; -- Get Lookup Wf_Load.Get_Lookup(x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code, l_meaning, l_description, l_protect_level, l_custom_level); -- Upload Lookup if (x_meaning is not null) then l_meaning := x_meaning; end if; if (x_description is not null) then l_description := x_description; end if; if (x_protect_level is not null) then l_protect_level := x_protect_level; end if; if (x_custom_level is not null) then l_custom_level := x_custom_level; end if; Wf_Load.UPLOAD_LOOKUP( x_lookup_type=>x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code=>x_lookup_code, x_meaning=>l_meaning, x_description=>l_description, x_protect_level=>l_protect_level, x_custom_level=>l_custom_level, x_level_error=>x_level_error ); exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Update_Lookup', x_lookup_type, x_lookup_code); raise; end; -- -- GET_LOOKUP_CODES -- Get lookup codes for a lookup type -- IN -- p_lookup_type - item type of lookup -- OUT -- p_lookup_codes - table of lookup codes -- procedure Get_Lookup_Codes( p_lookup_type in varchar2, p_lookup_codes out t_resultcodeTab) is cursor luccur is select LOOKUP_CODE from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = p_lookup_type; i pls_integer; begin i := 1; for lucr in luccur loop p_lookup_codes(i) := lucr.lookup_code; i := i + 1; end loop; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Get_Lookup_Codes', p_lookup_type); raise; end; -- -- Activity_Exist_In_Process (Deprecated, use WF_ENGINE.Activity_Exist instead) -- Check if an activity exist in a process -- IN -- p_process_item_type -- p_process_name -- p_activity_item_type -- p_anctivity_name -- active_date -- iteration - maximum 8 level deep (0-7) -- RET -- TRUE if activity exist, FALSE otherwise -- function Activity_Exist_In_Process ( p_process_item_type in varchar2, p_process_name in varchar2, p_activity_item_type in varchar2 , p_activity_name in varchar2, active_date in date , iteration in number ) return boolean is m_version number; n number; cursor actcur(ver number) is select WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE, WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA, WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_NAME = p_process_name and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = ver and WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = WA.ITEM_TYPE and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = WA.NAME and WA.TYPE = 'PROCESS' and active_date >= WA.BEGIN_DATE and active_date < nvl(WA.END_DATE, active_date+1); begin -- first check the iteration to avoid infinite loop if (iteration > 7) then -- debug only -- Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Activity_Exist_In_Process_Overflown', -- p_process_item_type, p_process_name, -- nvl(p_activity_item_type, p_process_item_type), -- p_activity_name); return FALSE; end if; -- then get the active version begin select VERSION into m_version from WF_ACTIVITIES where ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and NAME = p_process_name and active_date >= BEGIN_DATE and active_date < nvl(END_DATE, active_date + 1); exception -- no active version exist when NO_DATA_FOUND then return FALSE; when OTHERS then raise; end; -- then check to see if such activity exist select count(1) into n from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES where PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = p_process_item_type and PROCESS_NAME = p_process_name and PROCESS_VERSION = m_version and ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = nvl(p_activity_item_type, p_process_item_type) and ACTIVITY_NAME = p_activity_name; if (n = 0) then -- recursively check subprocesses for actr in actcur(m_version) loop if (Wf_Load.Activity_Exist_In_Process( actr.activity_item_type, actr.activity_name, nvl(p_activity_item_type, p_process_item_type), p_activity_name, active_date, iteration+1) ) then return TRUE; end if; end loop; return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; exception when OTHERS then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Load', 'Activity_Exist_In_Process', p_process_item_type, p_process_name, nvl(p_activity_item_type, p_process_item_type), p_activity_name); raise; end; end WF_LOAD; / -- show errors package body WF_LOAD commit; exit;
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