Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfjqueb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================* | Copyright (c) 1996 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA | | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfjqueb.sql | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WFJ_QUEUE *=======================================================================*/ set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set escape '\'; set scan off; CREATE OR REPLACE package body WFJ_QUEUE as /* $Header: wfjqueb.pls 26.11 2005/04/26 08:51:34 dmani ship $ */ -- -- Exceptions -- dequeue_timeout exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_timeout, -25228); dequeue_disabled exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_disabled, -25226); dequeue_outofseq exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_outofseq, -25237); no_queue exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(no_queue, -24010); shutdown_pending exception; -- ==================================================================== -- NAME: enqueueInbound -- Provides a wrapper for the JAVA function to enqueue the -- result of the function activity -- Item Type -- Item Key -- Result -- Attribute List -- Correlation ID -- Error Stack procedure enqueueInbound(pItemType IN VARCHAR2, pItemKey IN VARCHAR2, pActID IN NUMBER, pResult IN VARCHAR2, pAttrList IN VARCHAR2, pCorrelation IN VARCHAR2, pErrorStack IN VARCHAR2) AS BEGIN WF_QUEUE.EnqueueInbound(pItemType, pItemKey, pActID, pResult, pAttrList, pCorrelation, pErrorStack); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; END enqueueInbound; -- NAME: dequeueOutbound -- To remove a message from the Outbound Queue which will be a -- request to execute an external funtion activity -- The payload is seperated into the individuate data elements -- Dequeu Mode -- Navigation -- Correlation ID -- Item Type -- Item Key -- Payload.Item Type -- Payload.Item Key -- Payload.Activity ID -- Payload.Function Name -- Payload Parameter List -- Payload.Result -- Message Handle -- Time Out procedure dequeueOutbound(pDequeueMode IN NUMBER, pNavigation IN NUMBER, pCorrelation IN VARCHAR2, pItemType IN VARCHAR2, pPLItemType OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pPLItemKey OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pPLActID OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, pPLFunctionName OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pPLParamList OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pPLResult OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pMessageHandle IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, pTimeOut OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) AS lCorrelation VARCHAR2(80); lPayLoad WF_PAYLOAD_T; lMessageHandle raw(16); lTimeout boolean; lDequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; lMessage_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; BEGIN wf_queue.set_queue_names; if pCorrelation is not null then lCorrelation := pCorrelation; else lCorrelation := wf_queue.account_name||nvl(pItemType,'%'); end if; lDequeue_options.correlation := lCorrelation; lDequeue_options.dequeue_mode := pDequeueMode; lDequeue_options.wait := wfj_queue.dequeueDelay; lDequeue_options.navigation := pNavigation; lMessageHandle := hextoraw(pMessageHandle); dbms_aq.dequeue ( queue_name => wf_queue.OutboundQueue, dequeue_options => lDequeue_options, message_properties => lMessage_properties, payload => lPayLoad, msgid => lMessageHandle ); pTimeout := 'FALSE'; pPLItemType := lPayLoad.ItemType; pPLItemKey := lPayload.ItemKey; pPLActID := lPayLoad.actID; pPLFunctionName := lPayLoad.Function_name; pPLParamList := lPayload.Param_List; pPLResult := lPayLoad.Result; pMessagehandle := rawtohex(lMessageHandle); EXCEPTION WHEN dequeue_timeout then pTimeout := 'TRUE'; WHEN OTHERS THEN pTimeout := 'FALSE'; raise; END dequeueOutBound; -- NAME: getEventData -- To retrieve the CLOB data from the event message -- Item Type -- Item Key -- Name of the Item Attribute containing the event -- Event data to be returned. procedure getEventData(p_item_type in VARCHAR2, p_item_key in VARCHAR2, p_name in VARCHAR2, p_event_data out NOCOPY CLOB) AS l_event_message WF_EVENT_T; l_data CLOB := null; BEGIN l_event_message := wf_engine.getItemAttrEvent(p_item_type, p_item_key, p_name); p_event_data := l_event_message.event_data; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; end getEventData; -- For Web Services -- NAME: setEventData -- To set the CLOB data on the event message -- Item Type -- Item Key -- Name of the Item Attribute containing the event -- Event data to be set. procedure setEventData(p_item_type in VARCHAR2, p_item_key in VARCHAR2, p_name in VARCHAR2, p_event_data in CLOB) AS l_event_message WF_EVENT_T; BEGIN wf_event_t.initialize(l_event_message); --We might have to initialize the event l_event_message.event_data := p_event_data; wf_engine.setItemAttrEvent(p_item_type,p_item_key, p_name,l_event_message); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise ; end setEventData; -- -- ApplyTransformation -- Copy the contents of the event from the source to the -- destination events. Then open the destination for update -- to receive the transformation -- IN -- itemtype - process item type -- itemkey - process item key -- name - attribute name -- RETURNS -- EVENT_DATA CLOB -- function ApplyTransformation( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, srcName in varchar2, dstName in varchar2) return ROWID is srcValue wf_event_t; dstValue wf_event_t; lvalue wf_event_t; lRowid ROWID; begin -- Not allowed in synch mode if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then wf_core.token('OPERATION', 'Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrEvent'); wf_core.raise('WFENG_SYNCH_DISABLED'); end if; -- Get the source event select EVENT_VALUE into srcValue from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES where ITEM_TYPE = ApplyTransformation.itemtype and ITEM_KEY = ApplyTransformation.itemkey and NAME = ApplyTransformation.srcName; -- Get the destination event select ROWID into lRowid from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES where ITEM_TYPE = ApplyTransformation.itemtype and ITEM_KEY = ApplyTransformation.itemkey and NAME = ApplyTransformation.dstName; wf_event_t.initialize(dstValue); dstValue.PRIORITY := srcValue.PRIORITY; dstValue.SEND_DATE := srcValue.SEND_DATE; dstValue.RECEIVE_DATE := srcValue.RECEIVE_DATE; dstValue.CORRELATION_ID := srcValue.CORRELATION_ID; dstValue.PARAMETER_LIST := srcValue.PARAMETER_LIST; dstValue.EVENT_NAME := srcValue.EVENT_NAME; dstValue.EVENT_KEY := srcValue.EVENT_KEY; dstValue.FROM_AGENT := srcValue.FROM_AGENT; dstValue.TO_AGENT := srcValue.TO_AGENT; dstValue.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION := srcValue.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION; dstValue.ERROR_MESSAGE := srcValue.ERROR_MESSAGE; dstValue.ERROR_STACK := srcValue.ERROR_STACK; -- Assign the source to the destination update WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES set EVENT_VALUE = dstValue where ITEM_TYPE = ApplyTransformation.itemType and ITEM_KEY = ApplyTransformation.itemkey and NAME = ApplyTransformation.dstName; return(lRowid); exception when no_data_found then Wf_Core.Context('Wfj_Queue', 'ApplyTransformation', itemtype, itemkey, srcName, dstName); Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', itemtype); Wf_Core.Token('KEY', itemkey); Wf_Core.Token('ATTRIBUTE', srcName); Wf_Core.Token('ATTRIBUTE', dstName); Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_ITEM_ATTR'); when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wfj_Queue', 'ApplyTransformation', itemtype, itemkey, srcName, dstName); raise; end ApplyTransformation; -- ==================================================================== -- NAME: setDequeueDelay -- Provides a wrapper for the dequeueDelay spec variable -- pDelay - The number of seconds the dequeue operation should block for procedure setDequeueDelay(pDelay in INTEGER) is begin wfj_queue.dequeueDelay := pDelay; end; -- ==================================================================== -- NAME: getDequeueDelay -- Provides a wrapper for the dequeueDelay spec variable function getDequeueDelay return integer is begin return wfj_queue.dequeueDelay; end; end WFJ_QUEUE; / -- show errors package body WFJ_QUEUE commit; exit;
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