Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfevxmlb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfevxmlb.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_EVENT_XML | *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_EVENT_XML as /* $Header: wfevxmlb.pls 26.5 2004/06/16 03:43:57 rosthoma ship $ */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function findTable(x_message in varchar2, p_tablename in varchar2) return xmldom.DOMNodeList is l_parser xmlparser.parser; l_doc xmldom.DOMDocument; l_node_name varchar2(255); l_node_list xmldom.DOMNodeList; l_doc_node xmldom.DOMNode; l_length integer; begin l_parser := xmlparser.newParser; -- CTILLEY bug 2708622 xmlparser.setPreserveWhitespace(l_parser, false); -- Parse the message and the document xmlparser.ParseBuffer(l_parser, x_message); l_doc := xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser); /* ** Find The master node */ l_node_list := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(l_doc, wf_event_xml.masterTagName); l_length := xmldom.getLength(l_node_list); if l_length = 0 then Wf_Core.Token('REASON', 'Could not find XML base node ' || wf_event_xml.masterTagName); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; -- There should never be more than one on the list, so we want the first. l_doc_node := xmldom.item(l_node_list, 0); l_node_name := xmldom.getNodeName(l_doc_node); if l_node_name <> wf_event_xml.masterTagName then Wf_Core.Token('REASON', 'Could not find XML base node in list' || wf_event_xml.masterTagName); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; /* ** Find the table node */ l_node_list := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(xmldom.makeElement(l_doc_node), p_tablename); l_length := xmldom.getLength(l_node_list); if l_length = 0 then Wf_Core.Token('REASON', 'Could not find XML table node ' || p_tablename); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; -- There should never be more than one on the list, so we want the first. l_doc_node := xmldom.item(l_node_list, 0); l_node_name := xmldom.getNodeName(l_doc_node); if l_node_name <> p_tablename then Wf_Core.Token('REASON', 'Could not find XML table node in list' || p_tablename); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; l_node_list := xmldom.getChildNodes(l_doc_node); return l_node_list; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event_XML', 'findTable', x_message); raise; end findTable; function newTag (p_doc in xmldom.DOMDocument, p_node in xmldom.DOMNode, p_tag in varchar2, p_data in varchar2 default NULL) return xmldom.DOMNode is l_element xmldom.DOMElement; l_node xmldom.DOMNode; l_text xmldom.DOMText; l_text_node xmldom.DOMNode; begin -- Create an instance of the node l_element := xmldom.createElement(p_doc, p_tag); l_node := xmldom.makeNode(l_element); if p_data is not null then -- Append the data to the node l_text := xmldom.createTextNode(p_doc, p_data); l_text_node := xmldom.makeNode(l_text); l_text_node := xmldom.appendChild(l_node, l_text_node); end if; -- Append the new TAG node to the parent. l_node := xmldom.appendChild(p_node, l_node); return l_node; exception when xmldom.INDEX_SIZE_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.NOT_FOUND_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; when xmldom.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_XML', 'NewTag', p_tag); raise; end newTag; -- For debugging only. procedure printElements(doc xmldom.DOMDocument) is nl xmldom.DOMNodeList; len number; n xmldom.DOMNode; begin -- get all elements nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*'); len := xmldom.getLength(nl); -- loop through elements -- ### uncomment this for debug purpose -- dbms_output.put('['); -- for i in 0..len-1 loop -- n := xmldom.item(nl, i); -- dbms_output.put(xmldom.getNodeName(n) || ', '); -- end loop; -- dbms_output.put_line(']'); end printElements; /*get XML Parser version*/ Function XMLVersion return varchar2 is language java name 'oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.getReleaseVersion() returns java.lang.String'; end WF_EVENT_XML; / -- show errors package body WF_EVENT_XML; commit; exit;
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