Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfevqcln.sql
REM dbdrv: none REM HEADER REM $Header: wfevqcln.sql 26.2 2005/02/28 11:27:31 dmani noship $ REM ********************************************************************* REM NAME REM wfevqcln.sql - WorkFlow Queue Clean REM REM DESCRIPTION REM Purges the messages in the READY state of a Queue of WF_EVENT_T REM payload type. Supports correlation id based purge and REM time-based selective purge with correlation id. REM Manual Script REM REM USAGE REM sqlplus apps/<apps pwd> @wfevqcln.sql <Agent> <Event> <Age in days> REM REM For Example: REM sqlplus apps/<apps pwd> @wfevqcln.sql WF_ERROR oracle.apps.event% 60 REM REM The messages older than the specified age will be purged. REM Suppose messages older than 1 hour (compared to the current time) are REM to be purged, set the l_age parameter to the value 0.041667 (1/24) REM If the messages are to be purged irrespective of the age then REM enter 0 for the AGE parameter REM REM **************************** WARNING ******************************* REM REM THIS SCRIPT SIMPLY DEQUEUES MESSAGES FROM THE SPECIFIED QUEUE WITHOUT REM PROCESSING THEM. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONCE THE MESSAGES ARE REMOVED USING REM THIS SCRIPT THEY ARE LOST AND THEY CANNOT BE RETRIEVED. REM REM PLEASE *DO NOT* RUN THIS SCRIPT IN PRODUCTION WITHOUT THE ADVISE FROM REM ORACLE WORKFLOW DEVELOPMENT/SUPPORT. REM REM **************************** WARNING ******************************** REM REM NOTE REM REM 1. If you want all messages of a given event to be purged, specify REM an age of 0 days. REM 2. If you want to clean the entire queue you can always re-create the REM queue. This will save the tablespace.This script is more ideal when REM you want to remove specific messages from the queue while there are REM still valid messages in the queue. REM 3. In BES, event names are case sensitive so when you specify the event REM name please be aware of it . REM 4. Once you run the script the message state will become 'PROCESSED' REM from 'READY', but will reamin in the queue until the retention time REM of the queue. REM REM MODIFICATION LOG: REM Roshin Thomas Created 28/03/2003 REM Roshin Thomas Specialised script for any specific REM event to be dequeued from the queue. REM dmani (24/02/05) Refer the Bugs 4185444 and 4084220 REM for the changes made to this script. REM REM ************************************************************************ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set pagesize 999 set linesize 80 set arraysize 1 set serveroutput on declare l_commit_frequency number; l_agent_name varchar2(30); l_correlation_id varchar2(80); l_age number; l_msg_count number; begin -- Default commit frequency is 500 l_commit_frequency := 500; l_agent_name := upper('&1'); l_correlation_id := '&2'; l_age := nvl(to_number('&3'), 0); -- The overloaded wf_queue.clean_evt procedure is called depending on the AGE if(l_age=0) then -- Since the AGE is 0 the messages are purged based ONLY on the corr id wf_queue.clean_evt(l_agent_name, l_correlation_id, l_commit_frequency, l_msg_count); else -- Since the AGE is specified, all the messages older than the specified -- age AND matching the given correlation id are retrieved and dequeued. -- Here the dequeue is based on the message id wf_queue.clean_evt(l_agent_name, l_correlation_id, l_commit_frequency, l_msg_count, l_age); end if; -- The OUT parameter l_msg_count contains the count of the -- number of purged messages dbms_output.put_line('Number of purged messages = ' || l_msg_count); exception when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error = '||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / set verify on commit; exit;
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