Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wfdirb.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfdirb.sql | DESCRIPTION | WF_DIRECTORY package body | NOTES | | MODIFICATION LOG: | 01/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increase name, user, l_newname, | l_oldname,email_address to varchar2(320) | 10/2002 CTILLEY BUG 2630801 - Pass ValidateUserRole=>False when calling | CreateUserRole from AddUsersToAdHocRole | 03/2003 hgandiko BUG 2779747 - Removed the check on '#','/' during the | creation of user,role. Also added check | on MAILHTM2 for validation on | notification preference. *=======================================================================*/ set verify off whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; whenever oserror exit failure rollback; create or replace package body Wf_Directory as /* $Header: wfdirb.pls 26.74 2005/03/03 21:32:50 rwunderl ship $ */ -- -- Private variables and APIs -- hasBulkSyncView boolean; g_origSystem varchar2(30); g_partitionID number; g_localPartitionID number; g_partitionName varchar2(30); g_localPartitionName varchar2(30); -- -- MinDate (PRIVATE) -- Return the earliest of the two dates -- IN -- date1 -- date2 -- OUT -- RETURN -- date -- function MinDate(date1 in date, date2 in date) return date is begin if (date2 is not null) then -- -- when date2 is non-null, so we need to check -- both if date1 is null and which is ealier. -- if (date1 is null or date2 < date1) then return(date2); end if; end if; -- Note that date1 could be null return date1; end MinDate; -- -- IsBulkSync (Private) -- Return true if bulk sync view exists -- -- RETURN -- boolean -- function IsBulkSync return boolean is cnt number; begin if (hasBulkSyncView is null) then select count(1) into cnt from USER_VIEWS where VIEW_NAME = 'WF_FND_USR_ROLES'; if (cnt = 0) then hasBulkSyncView := false; else hasBulkSyncView := true; end if; end if; return hasBulkSyncView; end IsBulkSync; -- -- String_To_UserTable (PRIVATE) -- Converts a comma/space delimited string of users into a UserTable -- IN -- P_UserList VARCHAR2 -- OUT -- RETURN -- P_UserTable WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable -- procedure String_To_UserTable (p_UserList in VARCHAR2, p_UserTable out NOCOPY WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable) is c1 pls_integer; u1 pls_integer := 0; l_userList varchar2(32000); begin if (p_UserList is not NULL) then -- -- Substring and insert users into UserTable -- l_userList := ltrim(p_UserList); <<UserLoop>> loop c1 := instr(l_userList, ','); if (c1 = 0) then c1 := instr(l_userList, ' '); if (c1 = 0) then p_UserTable(u1) := l_userList; exit; else p_UserTable(u1) := substr(l_userList, 1, c1-1); end if; else p_UserTable(u1) := substr(l_userList, 1, c1-1); end if; u1 := u1 + 1; l_userList := ltrim(substr(l_userList, c1+1)); end loop UserLoop; end if; end String_To_UserTable; -- -- CompositeName (PRIVATE) -- Extracts the origSystem/origSystemID from a composite name -- IN -- p_CompositeName VARCHAR2 -- OUT -- p_CompositeName VARCHAR2 -- p_origSystem VARCHAR2 -- p_origSystemID NUMBER -- RETURN -- boolean -- TRUE - if name is composite -- FALSE - if name is not composite -- function CompositeName (p_CompositeName IN VARCHAR2, p_OrigSystem OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_OrigSystemID OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return boolean is invalidNumConv EXCEPTION; pragma exception_init(invalidNumConv, -6502); colon NUMBER; begin colon := instr(p_CompositeName,':'); if (colon <> 0) then p_origSystemID := to_number(substrb(p_CompositeName, colon+1)); p_origSystem := substrb(p_CompositeName, 1, colon-1); return TRUE; else return FALSE; end if; exception when invalidNumConv then return FALSE; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','CompositeName',p_CompositeName); raise; end; -- -- End Private API section -- -- -- GETROLEUSERS -- list of users who perform role -- IN -- role -- OUT -- table of users that perform the role -- procedure GetRoleUsers( role in varchar2, users out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.UserTable) is l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30); l_origSystemID NUMBER; cursor c(c_rolename varchar2) is select UR.USER_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.ROLE_NAME = c_rolename and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4); cursor corig(c_rolename varchar2, c_origSys varchar2, c_origSysID number) is select UR.USER_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = c_origSys and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = c_origSysID and UR.ROLE_NAME = c_rolename; begin if (compositeName(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID)) then open corig(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID); fetch corig bulk collect into users; close corig; else open c(role); fetch c bulk collect into users; close c; end if; exception when others then if c%ISOPEN then close c; elsif corig%ISOPEN then close corig; end if; wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleUsers',Role); raise; end GetRoleUsers; -- -- GETUSERRELATION -- list of users associated with a user -- IN -- base user -- relationship -- OUT -- table of related users -- NOTES -- currently unimplemented! -- different relations may be supported by different directory services, -- so the implementation of this procedure is expected to vary. -- Example relationships are 'MANAGER', 'REPORT', 'HR_REP' -- procedure GetUserRelation( base_user in varchar2, relation in varchar2, users out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.UserTable) is begin null; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserRelation',base_user,relation); raise; end GetUserRelation; -- -- GETUSERROLES -- list of roles performed by user -- IN -- user -- OUT -- table of roles performed by the user -- procedure GetUserRoles( user in varchar2, roles out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.RoleTable) is l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30); l_origSystemID NUMBER; cursor c(c_username varchar2) is select UR.ROLE_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_NAME = c_username and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY','CUST_CONT'); cursor corig(c_username varchar2, c_origSystem varchar2, c_origSystemID number) is select UR.ROLE_NAME from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = c_origSystem and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = c_origSystemID and UR.USER_NAME = c_username; begin if (CompositeName(user, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID)) then open corig(user, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID); fetch corig bulk collect into roles; close corig; else open c(user); fetch c bulk collect into roles; close c; end if; exception when others then if (c%ISOPEN) then close c; elsif (corig%ISOPEN) then close corig; end if; wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserRoles',User); raise; end GetUserRoles; -- -- GETROLEINFO -- information about a role -- IN -- role -- OUT -- display_name -- email_address -- notification_preference -- language -- territory -- procedure GetRoleInfo( role in varchar2, display_name out NOCOPY varchar2, email_address out NOCOPY varchar2, notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2, language out NOCOPY varchar2, territory out NOCOPY varchar2) is role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl); display_name := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; email_address := role_info_tbl(1).email_address; notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference; language := role_info_tbl(1).language; territory := role_info_tbl(1).territory; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfo',Role); raise; end GetRoleInfo; -- -- GETROLEINFO2 -- information about a role -- IN -- role -- OUT -- role_info_tbl -- procedure GetRoleInfo2( role in varchar2, role_info_tbl out NOCOPY wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type) is l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30); l_origSystemID NUMBER; l_isComposite BOOLEAN; begin --Check for composite name. l_isComposite := CompositeName(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID); if (l_isComposite) then /* ** First try to get the role information from the new ** wfa_sec.get_role_info function. This function looks at each component ** of the wf_roles view and attempts to get the information from there. ** If it does not find the role then use the old method of looking at the ** view. */ --Get all info including expiration_date , fax and --status for the role. Call get_role_info2 wfa_sec.get_role_info2(role, role_info_tbl(1).name, role_info_tbl(1).display_name, role_info_tbl(1).description, role_info_tbl(1).email_address, role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference, role_info_tbl(1).language, role_info_tbl(1).territory, role_info_tbl(1).orig_system, role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id, role_info_tbl(1).fax, role_info_tbl(1).status, role_info_tbl(1).expiration_date); end if; if (role_info_tbl.COUNT = 0 or role_info_tbl(1).display_name is NULL) then if NOT (l_isComposite) then -- try to select from all the ORIG_SYSTEMs that have no colon. -- we query FNDRESPXXX also since we cannot list all of them here. -- it is safer to use 'not in', in case of custom additions. select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320), R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM, R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, R.OWNER_TAG, R.LAST_UPDATE_DATE, R.LAST_UPDATED_BY, R.CREATION_DATE, R.CREATED_BY, R.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN into role_info_tbl(1) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES R where R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role and R.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4) and nvl(R.EXPIRATION_DATE, sysdate+1) > sysdate and rownum = 1; if (role_info_tbl(1).orig_system in ('FND_USR', 'PER')) then -- Until FND completes and releases 2660873 this code will call -- WF_PREF to dynamically populate the notification_preference, -- language, and territory. role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference := nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(role_info_tbl(1).name, 'MAILTYPE'), role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference); role_info_tbl(1).language := nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(role_info_tbl(1).name, 'LANGUAGE'), role_info_tbl(1).language); role_info_tbl(1).territory := nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(role_info_tbl(1).name, 'TERRITORY'), role_info_tbl(1).territory); end if; else select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320), R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM, R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, R.OWNER_TAG, R.LAST_UPDATE_DATE, R.LAST_UPDATED_BY, R.CREATION_DATE, R.CREATED_BY, R.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN into role_info_tbl(1) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES R where R.ORIG_SYSTEM = l_origSystem and R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_origSystemID and R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role and nvl(R.EXPIRATION_DATE, sysdate+1) > sysdate and rownum = 1; end if; else role_info_tbl(1).name := role; end if; exception when no_data_found then --If the role is not found in the local tables, we will check the view to make --sure we continue to support standalone which has not denormalized wfds. begin if NOT (l_isComposite) then select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320), R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, NULL, to_number(NULL), NULL, to_date(NULL), to_number(NULL), to_date(NULL), to_number(NULL), to_number(NULL) into role_info_tbl(1) from WF_ROLES R where R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role and R.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4) and rownum = 1; else select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320), R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, NULL, to_number(NULL), NULL, to_date(NULL), to_number(NULL), to_date(NULL), to_number(NULL), to_number(NULL) into role_info_tbl(1) from WF_ROLES R where R.ORIG_SYSTEM = l_origSystem and R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_origSystemID and R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role and rownum = 1; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then role_info_tbl(1).name := ''; role_info_tbl(1).display_name := ''; role_info_tbl(1).description := ''; role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference := ''; role_info_tbl(1).language := ''; role_info_tbl(1).territory := ''; role_info_tbl(1).email_address := ''; role_info_tbl(1).fax := ''; role_info_tbl(1).status := ''; role_info_tbl(1).expiration_date := to_date(null); role_info_tbl(1).orig_system := ''; role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id := to_number(null); role_info_tbl(1).parent_orig_system := ''; role_info_tbl(1).parent_orig_system_id := to_number(null); role_info_tbl(1).owner_tag := null; role_info_tbl(1).last_update_date := to_date(null); role_info_tbl(1).last_updated_by := to_number(null); role_info_tbl(1).creation_date := to_date(null); role_info_tbl(1).last_update_login := to_number(null); end; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfo2',Role); raise; end GetRoleInfo2; -- -- GETROLEINFOMAIL -- All information about a role for mailer -- IN -- role -- OUT -- display_name -- email_address -- notification_preference -- language -- territory -- orig_system -- orig_system_id -- installed_flag - Y when a language is installed in WF_LANGUAGES, -- N otherwise. -- procedure GetRoleInfoMail( role in varchar2, display_name out NOCOPY varchar2, email_address out NOCOPY varchar2, notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2, language out NOCOPY varchar2, territory out NOCOPY varchar2, orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2, orig_system_id out NOCOPY number, installed_flag out NOCOPY varchar2) is role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl); display_name := role_info_tbl(1).display_name; email_address := role_info_tbl(1).email_address; notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference; language := role_info_tbl(1).language; territory := role_info_tbl(1).territory; orig_system := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system; orig_system_id := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id; begin select nvl(INSTALLED_FLAG, 'N') into GetRoleInfoMail.installed_flag from WF_LANGUAGES where NLS_LANGUAGE = GetRoleInfoMail.language; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then installed_flag := 'N'; end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfoMail',Role); raise; end GetRoleInfoMail; -- -- GETROLENTFPREF -- Obtains the notification preference for a given role -- IN -- role -- OUT -- notification_preference -- function GetRoleNtfPref( role in varchar2) return varchar2 is role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; notification_preference varchar2(8); begin Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl); notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference; return notification_preference; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleNotePref',Role); raise; end GetRoleNtfPref; -- -- GETROLEORIGSYSINFO -- orig system information about a role -- IN -- role -- OUT -- orig_system -- orig_system_id -- procedure GetRoleOrigSysInfo( role in varchar2, orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2, orig_system_id out NOCOPY number ) is role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl); orig_system := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system; orig_system_id := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleOrigSysInfo',Role); raise; end GetRoleOrigSysInfo; -- -- ISPERFORMER -- test if user performs role -- function IsPerformer( user in varchar2, role in varchar2) return boolean is userComposite boolean; roleComposite boolean; l_uorigSys varchar2(30); l_uorigSysID number; l_rorigSys varchar(30); l_rorigSysID number; dummy pls_integer; begin userComposite := CompositeName(user, l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID); roleComposite := CompositeName(role, l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID); if NOT (roleComposite) then if NOT (userComposite) then select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY') and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4) ); else select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uOrigSysID and UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4) ); end if; else if NOT (userComposite) then select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY') and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role); else select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from WF_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rOrigSysID and UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rOrigSys and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rOrigSysID and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role); end if; end if; return TRUE; exception when no_data_found then return FALSE; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','IsPerformer',User,Role); raise; end IsPerformer; -- -- CURRENTUSER -- user name for current db session -- NOTES -- unimplemented! This needs more thought. -- function CurrentUser return varchar2 is begin return NULL; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','CurrentUser'); raise; end CurrentUser; -- -- USERACTIVE -- determine if a user is currently active -- IN -- username -- RETURN: -- True - If user is Active -- False - If User is NOT Active -- function UserActive( username in varchar2) return boolean is colon pls_integer; dummy pls_integer; begin colon := instr(username, ':'); if (colon = 0) then select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from wf_users where name = username and PARTITION_ID <> 9 and status = 'ACTIVE'); else select 1 into dummy from SYS.DUAL where exists (select null from wf_users where orig_system = substr(username, 1, colon-1) and orig_system_id = substr(username, colon+1) and name = username and status = 'ACTIVE'); end if; return TRUE; exception when no_data_found then return FALSE; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','UserActive',Username); raise; end UserActive; -- -- GETUSERNAME -- returns the Workflow username given the originating system info -- IN -- orig_system - Code identifying the original table -- orig_system_id - Id of the row in original table -- OUT -- user_name - Workflow user_name -- display_name - Users display name -- procedure GetUserName(p_orig_system in varchar2, p_orig_system_id in varchar2, p_name out NOCOPY varchar2, p_display_name out NOCOPY varchar2) is cursor c_user is select name, substrb(display_name,1,360) p_display_name from wf_users where orig_system = p_orig_system and orig_system_id = p_orig_system_id order by status, start_date; begin open c_user; fetch c_user into p_name, p_display_name; close c_user; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserName', p_orig_system, p_orig_system_id); raise; end GetuserName; -- -- GETROLENAME -- returns the Workflow rolename given the originating system info -- IN -- orig_system - Code identifying the original table -- orig_system_id - Id of the row in original table -- OUT -- name - Workflow role name -- display_name - role display name -- procedure GetRoleName(p_orig_system in varchar2, p_orig_system_id in varchar2, p_name out NOCOPY varchar2, p_display_name out NOCOPY varchar2) is cursor c_role is select name, substrb(display_name,1,360) p_display_name from wf_roles where orig_system = p_orig_system and orig_system_id = p_orig_system_id order by status, start_date; begin open c_role; fetch c_role into p_name,p_display_name; close c_role; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleName',p_orig_system,p_orig_system); raise; end GetRoleName; -- -- GetRoleDisplayName -- Return display name of role -- IN -- p_role_name - internal name of role -- RETURNS -- role display name -- -- NOTE -- Cannot implement using GetRoleInfo/GetRoleInfo2, because of the -- pragma WNPS. -- function GetRoleDisplayName ( p_role_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is colon pls_integer; cursor c_role is select substrb(display_name,1,360) from wf_roles where name = p_role_name and PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4); cursor corig_role is select substrb(display_name,1,360) from wf_roles where orig_system = substr(p_role_name, 1, colon-1) and orig_system_id = substr(p_role_name, colon+1) and name = p_role_name; l_display_name wf_roles.display_name%TYPE; begin colon := instr(p_role_name, ':'); if (colon = 0) then open c_role; fetch c_role into l_display_name; close c_role; else open corig_role; fetch corig_role into l_display_name; close corig_role; end if; return l_display_name; end GetRoleDisplayName; -- -- SetAdHocUserStatus -- Update status for user -- IN -- user_name - -- status - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE' -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocUserStatus(user_name in varchar2, status in varchar2) is begin -- -- Update Status -- SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserStatus.user_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>NULL, notification_preference=>NULL, language=>NULL, territory=>NULL, email_address=>NULL, fax=>NULL, expiration_date=>NULL, status=>SetAdHocUserStatus.status); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserStatus', user_name, status); raise; end SetAdHocUserStatus; -- -- SetAdHocRoleStatus -- Update status for role -- IN -- role_name - -- status - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE' -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocRoleStatus(role_name in varchar2, status in varchar2) is begin -- -- Update Status -- SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleStatus.role_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>NULL, notification_preference=>NULL, language=>NULL, territory=>NULL, email_address=>NULL, fax=>NULL, expiration_date=>NULL, status=>SetAdHocRoleStatus.status); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleStatus', role_name, status); raise; end SetAdHocRoleStatus; -- -- CreateUser (PRIVATE) -- Create a User -- IN -- name - User Name -- display_name - User display name -- description - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- status - -- expiration_date - NULL expiration date means no expiration -- orig_system -- orig_system_id -- parent_orig_system -- parent_orig_system_id -- owner_tag - -- last_update_date - -- last_updated_by - -- creation_date - -- created_by - -- last_update_login -- OUT -- procedure CreateUser( name in varchar2, display_name in varchar2, orig_system in varchar2, orig_system_id in number, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, status in varchar2, expiration_date in date, start_date in date, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2, last_update_date in date, last_updated_by in number, creation_date in date, created_by in number, last_update_login in number) is nlang varchar2(30); nterr varchar2(30); l_partitionID number; l_partitionName varchar2(30); l_origSys VARCHAR2(30); begin -- [Name Validation] -- If concat name is passed, check to make sure it is valid. -- if ( instr(name, ':') > 0 ) then if ( (orig_system||':'||orig_system_id ) <> name) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', orig_system); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYS_ID', orig_system_id); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_CONCAT_NAME'); end if; end if; -- -- Make sure no '#' or '/' exist in name. -- /* Bug 2779747 if ( (instr(name, '/') > 0) or (instr(name, '#') > 0) ) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); */ -- -- Make sure the length of the name is <= 320 -- if ( lengthb(name) > 320 ) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', name); WF_CORE.Token('LENGTH', 320); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_ROLENAME_TOO_LONG'); end if; -- -- [Status Validation] -- if ( CreateUser.status not in ('ACTIVE', 'TMPLEAVE', 'EXTLEAVE', 'INACTIVE') ) then WF_CORE.Token('STATUS', CreateUser.status); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE_STATUS'); end if; -- -- [Notification_Preference Validation] -- -- Bug 2779747 if ( CreateUser.notification_preference not in ('MAILHTML','MAILHTM2', 'MAILATTH', 'SUMMARY', 'SUMHTML', 'QUERY', 'MAILTEXT','DISABLED') ) then WF_CORE.Token('NTF_PREF', CreateUser.notification_preference); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_NTF_PREF'); end if; -- -- Resolve Territory and Language -- if (language is null or territory is null) then begin select nls_territory, nls_language into nterr, nlang from WF_LANGUAGES where code = userenv('LANG'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.raise('WF_NO_LANG_TERR'); end; end if; l_origSys := UPPER(CreateUser.orig_system); -- -- Set the partition for the orig_system -- AssignPartition(CreateUser.orig_system, l_partitionID, l_partitionName); -- -- Insert WF_LOCAL_ROLES with USER_FLAG = 'Y' -- insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES (name, display_name, description, notification_preference, language, territory, email_address, fax, status, expiration_date, orig_system, orig_system_id, start_date, user_flag, partition_id, parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login) values ( nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id), nvl(CreateUser.display_name, (nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id))), CreateUser.description, nvl(CreateUser.notification_preference, 'MAILHTML'), nvl(CreateUser.language, nlang), nvl(CreateUser.territory, nterr), CreateUser.email_address, CreateUser.fax, CreateUser.status, CreateUser.expiration_date, l_origSys, CreateUser.orig_system_id, CreateUser.start_date, 'Y', l_partitionID, nvl(CreateUser.parent_orig_system, CreateUser.orig_system), nvl(CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id, CreateUser.orig_system_id), CreateUser.owner_tag, CreateUser.last_update_date, CreateUser.last_updated_by, CreateUser.creation_date, CreateUser.created_by, CreateUser.last_update_login ); --If MLS language support is enabled for this orig_system --then sync the data to _TL table aswell. if ((WF_DIRECTORY.IsMLSEnabled(l_origSys) = TRUE) AND (userenv('LANG') <> 'US')) then insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL ( NAME, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, OWNER_TAG, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN) values ( nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id), l_origSys, CreateUser.orig_system_id, l_partitionID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(CreateUser.display_name, (nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id))), CreateUser.description, CreateUser.owner_tag, CreateUser.last_update_date, CreateUser.last_updated_by, CreateUser.creation_date, CreateUser.created_by, CreateUser.last_update_login); end if; --All Users belong to their own user/role relationship. begin CreateUserRole(user_name=>CreateUser.name, role_name=>CreateUser.name, user_orig_system=>l_origSys, user_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id, role_orig_system=>l_origSys, role_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id, start_date=>CreateUser.start_date, end_date=>CreateUser.expiration_date, validateUserRole=>FALSE, parent_orig_system=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag=>CreateUser.Owner_Tag, last_update_date=>CreateUser.last_update_date, last_updated_by=>CreateUser.last_updated_by, creation_date=>CreateUser.creation_date, created_by=>CreateUser.created_by, last_update_login=>CreateUser.last_update_login); exception when OTHERS then if (WF_CORE.error_name = 'WF_DUP_USER_ROLE') then SetUserRoleAttr(user_name=>CreateUser.name, role_name=>CreateUser.name, user_orig_system=>l_origSys, user_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id, role_orig_system=>l_origSys, role_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id, start_date=>CreateUser.start_date, end_date=>CreateUser.expiration_date, overWrite=>TRUE, parent_orig_system=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id=> CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag=>CreateUser.owner_tag, last_update_date=>CreateUser.last_update_date, last_updated_by=>CreateUser.last_updated_by, last_update_login=>CreateUser.last_update_login); else raise; end if; end; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then WF_CORE.Token('DISPNAME', CreateUser.display_name); WF_CORE.Token('USERNAME', nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id)); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_USER'); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateUser', CreateUser.Name, l_origSys, CreateUser.orig_system_id ); raise; end CreateUser; -- -- CreateAdHocUser -- Create an ad hoc user given a user name, display name, etc. -- IN -- name - User name -- display_name - User display name -- description - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- status - -- expiration_date - NULL expiration date means no expiration -- OUT -- procedure CreateAdHocUser(name in out NOCOPY varchar2, display_name in out NOCOPY varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, status in varchar2, expiration_date in date, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number) is role_id pls_integer; d1 pls_integer; begin -- -- Check if user name and display name exists in wf_users -- if (name is not null or display_name is not null) then /* GK: The display name does not have to be unique select count(1) into d1 from wf_users u where u.name = CreateAdHocUser.name or u.display_name = CreateAdHocUser.display_name; if (d1 > 0) then wf_core.token('USERNAME', CreateAdHocUser.name); wf_core.token('DISPNAME', CreateAdHocUser.display_name); wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_USER'); end if; */ NULL; else -- -- Create user name if not exist -- begin select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL) into role_id from SYS.DUAL; exception when others then raise; end; CreateAdHocUser.name := '~WF_ADHOC-' || role_id; CreateAdHocUser.display_name := CreateAdHocUser.name; end if; CreateUser(CreateAdHocUser.name, CreateAdHocUser.display_name, 'WF_LOCAL_USERS', 0, CreateAdHocUser.language, CreateAdHocUser.territory, CreateAdHocUser.description, CreateAdHocUser.notification_preference, CreateAdHocUser.email_address, CreateAdHocUser.fax, CreateAdHocUser.status, CreateAdHocUser.expiration_date, CreateAdhocUser.parent_orig_system, CreateAdhocUser.parent_orig_system_id); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocUser'); raise; end CreateAdHocUser; -- -- CreateRole (PRIVATE) -- Create a role given a specific name -- IN -- role_name - -- role_display_name - -- role_description - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- status - -- start_date - defaults to sysdate -- expiration_date - Null means no expiration date -- OUT -- procedure CreateRole( role_name in varchar2, role_display_name in varchar2, orig_system in varchar2, orig_system_id in number, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, role_description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, status in varchar2, expiration_date in date, start_date in date, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2, last_update_date in date, last_updated_by in number, creation_date in date, created_by in number, last_update_login in number ) is nlang varchar2(30); nterr varchar2(30); l_partitionID NUMBER; l_partitionName VARCHAR2(30); l_origSys VARCHAR2(30); begin -- These validations are also performed in CreateUser. Should the -- validations become resource intensive such as accessing DB, we -- might want to have a private variable to indicate if this is -- being called by CreateUser. -- [Name Validation] -- If concat role_name is passed, check to make sure it is valid. -- if ( instr(role_name, ':') > 0 ) then if ( (orig_system||':'||orig_system_id ) <> role_name) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', orig_system); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYS_ID', orig_system_id); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_CONCAT_NAME'); end if; end if; -- -- Make sure no '#' or '/' exist in role_name. -- /* Bug 2779747 if ( (instr(role_name, '/') > 0) or (instr(role_name, '#') > 0) ) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); */ -- -- Make sure the length of the role_name is <= 320 -- if ( lengthb(role_name) > 320 ) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Token('LENGTH', 320); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_ROLENAME_TOO_LONG'); end if; -- -- [Status Validation] -- if ( CreateRole.status not in ('ACTIVE', 'TMPLEAVE', 'EXTLEAVE', 'INACTIVE') ) then WF_CORE.Token('STATUS', CreateRole.status); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE_STATUS'); end if; -- -- [Notification_Preference Validation] -- -- Bug 2779747 if ( CreateRole.notification_preference not in ('MAILHTML','MAILHTM2', 'MAILATTH', 'SUMMARY', 'SUMHTML', 'QUERY', 'MAILTEXT','DISABLED') ) then WF_CORE.Token('NTF_PREF', CreateRole.notification_preference); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_NTF_PREF'); end if; -- -- Resolve Territory and Language -- if (language is null or territory is null) then begin select nls_territory, nls_language into nterr, nlang from WF_LANGUAGES where code = userenv('LANG'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.raise('WF_NO_LANG_TERR'); end; else nlang := CreateRole.language; nterr := CreateRole.territory; end if; l_origSys := UPPER(CreateRole.orig_system); -- -- Check the partition. -- AssignPartition(l_origSys, l_PartitionID, l_PartitionName); -- -- Insert WF_LOCAL_ROLES with USER_FLAG = 'N' -- insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES (name, display_name, description, notification_preference, language, territory, email_address, fax, status, expiration_date, orig_system, orig_system_id, start_date, user_flag, partition_id, parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login) values (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateRole.orig_system_id), nvl(CreateRole.role_display_name, (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateRole.orig_system_id))), CreateRole.role_description, nvl(CreateRole.notification_preference, 'MAILHTML'), nvl(CreateRole.language, nlang), nvl(CreateRole.territory, nterr), CreateRole.email_address, CreateRole.fax, CreateRole.status, CreateRole.expiration_date, l_origSys, CreateRole.orig_system_id, CreateRole.start_date, 'N', l_PartitionID, CreateRole.parent_orig_system, CreateRole.parent_orig_system_id, CreateRole.owner_tag, CreateRole.last_update_date, CreateRole.last_updated_by, CreateRole.creation_date, CreateRole.created_by, CreateRole.last_update_login ); if ((WF_DIRECTORY.IsMLSEnabled(l_origSys) = TRUE ) AND (userenv('LANG') <> 'US')) then --If the orig_system is MLS enabled then sync the dat into --the _TL table aswell. insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL ( NAME, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, OWNER_TAG, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN) values (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateRole.orig_system_id), l_origSys, CreateRole.orig_system_id, l_partitionID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(CreateRole.role_display_name, (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateRole.orig_system_id))), CreateRole.role_description, CreateRole.owner_tag, CreateRole.last_update_date, CreateRole.last_updated_by, CreateRole.creation_date, CreateRole.created_by, CreateRole.last_update_login); end if; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then WF_CORE.Token('DISPNAME', CreateRole.role_display_name); WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateRole.orig_system_id)); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_ROLE'); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateRole', CreateRole.role_Name, l_origSys, CreateRole.orig_system_id); raise; end CreateRole; -- -- CreateAdHocRole -- Create an ad hoc role given a specific name -- IN -- role_name - -- role_display_name - -- role_description - -- notification_preference - -- role_users - Comma or space delimited list -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- status - -- expiration_date - Null means no expiration date -- OUT -- procedure CreateAdHocRole(role_name in out NOCOPY varchar2, role_display_name in out NOCOPY varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, role_description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, role_users in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, status in varchar2, expiration_date in date, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2) is l_users WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable; begin --Convert the string to a proper user table. if (role_users is NOT NULL) then WF_DIRECTORY.string_to_userTable(role_users, l_users); end if; --Pass the call over to the superceding procedure CreateAdHocRole2 WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole2(role_name=>CreateAdhocRole.role_name, role_display_name=>CreateAdhocRole.role_display_name, language=>CreateAdhocRole.language, territory=>CreateAdhocRole.Territory, role_description=>CreateAdhocRole.role_description, notification_preference=>CreateAdhocRole.notification_preference, role_users=>l_users, email_address=>CreateAdhocRole.email_address, fax=>CreateAdhocRole.fax, status=>CreateAdhocRole.status, expiration_date=>CreateAdhocRole.expiration_date, parent_orig_system=>CreateAdhocRole.parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id=>CreateAdhocRole.parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag=>CreateAdhocRole.owner_tag); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocRole'); raise; end CreateAdHocRole; -- -- CreateAdHocRole2 -- Create an ad hoc role given a specific name -- IN -- role_name - -- role_display_name - -- role_description - -- notification_preference - -- role_users - WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- status - -- expiration_date - Null means no expiration date -- OUT -- procedure CreateAdHocRole2(role_name in out NOCOPY varchar2, role_display_name in out NOCOPY varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, role_description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, role_users in WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, status in varchar2, expiration_date in date, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2) is role_id pls_integer; name varchar2(320); d1 pls_integer; begin -- -- Check if role name exists in wf_roles -- if (role_name is not null or role_display_name is not null) then /* GK: The display name does not have to be unique select count(1) into d1 from wf_roles where name = CreateAdHocRole.role_name or display_name = CreateAdHocRole.role_display_name; if (d1 > 0) then wf_core.token('ROLENAME', CreateAdHocRole.role_name); wf_core.token('DISPNAME', CreateAdHocRole.role_display_name); wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_ROLE'); end if; */ NULL; else -- -- Create role name if not exist -- begin select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL) into role_id from SYS.DUAL; exception when others then raise; end; role_name := '~WF_ADHOC-' || role_id; role_display_name := role_name; end if; CreateRole( CreateAdHocRole2.role_name, CreateAdHocRole2.role_display_name, 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', 0, CreateAdHocRole2.language, CreateAdHocRole2.territory, CreateAdHocRole2.role_description, CreateAdHocRole2.notification_preference, CreateAdHocRole2.email_address, CreateAdHocRole2.fax, CreateAdHocRole2.status, CreateAdHocRole2.expiration_date, CreateAdHocRole2.parent_orig_system, CreateAdHocRole2.parent_orig_system_id ); -- -- Add Role Users -- if (role_users.COUNT > 0) then AddUsersToAdHocRole2(CreateAdHocRole2.role_name, CreateAdHocRole2.role_users); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocRole2'); raise; end CreateAdHocRole2; -- -- CreateUserRole (PRIVATE) -- Create a user to role relationship. -- IN -- user_name - -- role_name - -- start_date - -- expiration_date - -- user_orig_system - -- user_orig_system_id - -- role_orig_system - -- role_orig_system_id - -- validateUserRole - -- start_date - -- end_date - -- created_by - -- creation_date - -- last_updated_by - -- last_update_date - -- last_update_login - -- assignment_type - -- assignment_type - -- parent_orig_system -, -- parent_orig_system_id - -- owner_tag - -- last_update_date - -- last_updated_by - -- creation_date - -- created_by - -- last_update_login - -- procedure CreateUserRole ( user_name in varchar2, role_name in varchar2, user_orig_system in varchar2, user_orig_system_id in number, role_orig_system in varchar2, role_orig_system_id in number, validateUserRole in boolean, start_date in date, end_date in date, created_by in number, creation_date in date, last_updated_by in number, last_update_date in date, last_update_login in number, assignment_type in varchar2, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2 ) is l_count PLS_INTEGER; l_partitionID number; l_partitionName varchar2(30); l_uorigSys VARCHAR2(30); l_uorigSysID NUMBER; l_rorigSys VARCHAR2(30); l_rorigSysID NUMBER; l_validateUserRole BOOLEAN; l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T; l_affectedRow rowid; begin if ((user_orig_system is NULL) or (user_orig_system_id is NULL) or (role_orig_system is NULL) or (role_orig_system_id is NULL)) then --We need to validate by USER_NAME and ROLE_NAME to retreive the origSys --info. --Checking the user. begin SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = CreateUserRole.USER_NAME AND ROWNUM < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER'); end; --Checking the Role. begin SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = CreateUserRole.ROLE_NAME AND ROWNUM < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE'); end; --We have already validated the roles, don't need to do it again. l_validateUserRole := FALSE; else l_validateUserRole := validateUserRole; l_uorigSys := UPPER(CreateUserRole.user_orig_system); l_uorigSysID := CreateUserRole.user_orig_system_id; l_rorigSys := UPPER(CreateUserRole.role_orig_system); l_rorigSysID := CreateUserRole.role_orig_system_id; end if; -- -- Confirm that the User and Role actually exist. -- -- Removed the requirement for the user_name to be an actual user per Kevin and -- Mark for JTF team. if (l_validateUserRole) then SELECT count(*) into l_count FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uorigSys AND ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID AND NAME = CreateUserRole.user_name; if (l_count < 1) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_uorigSysID); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER'); end if; SELECT count(*) into l_count FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys AND ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID AND NAME = CreateUserRole.role_name; if (l_count < 1) then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_rorigSysID); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE'); end if; end if; -- -- Set the partition for the orig_system of the role_name -- AssignPartition(l_rorigSys, l_partitionID, l_partitionName); -- Insert begin insert into WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES ( USER_NAME, ROLE_NAME, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM, ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, START_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE, PARTITION_ID, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, ASSIGNMENT_TYPE, OWNER_TAG, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ) values ( CreateUserRole.user_name, CreateUserRole.role_name, l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID, l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID, trunc(CreateUserRole.start_date), trunc(CreateUserRole.end_date), l_partitionID, nvl(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system, CreateUserRole.role_orig_system), nvl(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system_id, CreateUserRole.role_orig_system_id), CreateUserRole.assignment_type, CreateUserRole.owner_tag, nvl(CreateUserRole.last_update_date,SYSDATE), CreateUserRole.last_updated_by, nvl(CreateUserRole.creation_date,SYSDATE), CreateUserRole.created_by, CreateUserRole.last_update_login ) returning rowid into l_affectedRow; --We were able to insert the record, so we will raise the created event --Build parameter list. WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROWID', ROWIDTOCHAR(l_affectedRow), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_uorigSysID, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_rorigSysID, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE', to_char(trunc(CreateUserRole.start_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('END_DATE', to_char(trunc(CreateUserRole.end_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATED_BY', to_char(CreateUserRole.created_by), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATION_DATE', to_char(nvl(CreateUserRole.creation_date,SYSDATE), WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY', to_char(CreateUserRole.last_updated_by), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE', to_char(nvl(CreateUserRole.last_update_date, SYSDATE), WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN', to_char(CreateUserRole.last_update_login), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_TYPE', CreateUserRole.assignment_type, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM', CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system_id), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARTITION_ID', to_char(l_partitionID), l_params); WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.created', p_event_key=>user_name||':'||role_name, p_parameters=>l_params); exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_USER_ROLE'); when OTHERS then raise; end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateUserRole', user_name, role_name, l_uorigSys, to_char(nvl(user_orig_system_id, l_uorigSysID)), l_rorigSys, to_char(nvl(role_orig_system_id, l_rorigSysID))); raise; end CreateUserRole; -- -- SetUserRoleAttr (PRIVATE) -- Update a user to role relationship. -- IN -- user_name - -- role_name - -- start_date - -- expiration_date - -- user_orig_system - -- user_orig_system_id - -- role_orig_system - -- role_orig_system_id - -- OverWrite - -- last_updated_by - -- last_update_date - -- last_update_login - -- assignment_type - -- parent_orig_system - -- parent_orig_system_id -- owner_tag -- last_update_date - -- last_updated_by - -- creation_date - -- created_by - -- last_update_login - -- procedure SetUserRoleAttr ( user_name in varchar2, role_name in varchar2, start_date in date, end_date in date, user_orig_system in varchar2, user_orig_system_id in number, role_orig_system in varchar2, role_orig_system_id in number, OverWrite in boolean, last_updated_by in number, last_update_date in date, last_update_login in number, assignment_type in varchar2, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2) is l_uorigSys VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(user_orig_system); l_uorigSysID NUMBER := UPPER(user_orig_system_id); l_rorigSys VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(role_orig_system); l_rorigSysID NUMBER := UPPER(role_orig_system_id); l_porigSys VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(nvl(parent_orig_system, role_orig_system)); l_porigSysID NUMBER := UPPER(nvl(parent_orig_system_id, role_orig_system_id)); l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T; l_affectedRow rowid; begin --<rwunderl:2823630> Lookup origSys info if not provided. if ((SetUserRoleAttr.user_orig_system is NULL) or (SetUserRoleAttr.user_orig_system_id is NULL)) then --Checking the user. begin SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name and rownum < 2; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.user_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER'); end; end if; if ((SetUserRoleAttr.role_orig_system is NULL) or (SetUserRoleAttr.role_orig_system_id is NULL)) then --Checking the role. begin SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name AND rownum < 2 ; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then WF_CORE.Token('NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.role_name); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL'); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE'); end; end if; if (OverWrite) then update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES set EXPIRATION_DATE = SetUserRoleAttr.end_date, START_DATE = SetUserRoleAttr.start_date, LAST_UPDATED_BY = SetUserRoleAttr.last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_date,SYSDATE), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_login, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_porigSys, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_porigSysID where USER_NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name and ROLE_NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uorigSys and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID returning rowid into l_affectedRow; else update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES set EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date, EXPIRATION_DATE), START_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, l_porigSys), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl( SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, l_porigSysID), LAST_UPDATED_BY = SetUserRoleAttr.last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_date,SYSDATE), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_login where USER_NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name and ROLE_NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uorigSys and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID returning rowid into l_affectedRow; end if; if (sql%ROWCOUNT = 0) then WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_USER_ROLE'); end if; --We were able to update an existing record, so we will raise the --updated event --Build parameter list. WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROWID', ROWIDTOCHAR(l_affectedRow), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.user_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.role_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_uorigSysID), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_porigSysID), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_porigSys, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_rorigSysID), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date), WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('END_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date), WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY', to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.last_updated_by), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE', to_char(nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_date,SYSDATE), WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN', to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_login), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_TYPE', SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_type, l_params); WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.updated', p_event_key=>user_name||':'||role_name, p_parameters=>l_params); end; -- -- RemoveUserRole (PRIVATE) -- Remove a user from a role. -- IN -- user_name - -- role_name - -- user_orig_system - -- user_orig_system_id - -- role_orig_system - -- role_orig_system_id - -- procedure RemoveUserRole(user_name in varchar2, role_name in varchar2, user_orig_system in varchar2, user_orig_system_id in number, role_orig_system in varchar2, role_orig_system_id in number) is begin if (user_orig_system is null or user_orig_system_id is null) then -- Expire user update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES set EXPIRATION_DATE = sysdate where USER_NAME = RemoveUserRole.user_name and ROLE_NAME = RemoveUserRole.role_name and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id; else -- Expire user with orig system and orig system id update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES set EXPIRATION_DATE = sysdate where USER_NAME = RemoveUserRole.user_name and ROLE_NAME = RemoveUserRole.role_name and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system and USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system_id and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id; end if; -- DL: did not trap the WF_INVALID_USER error here. -- It should be fine if someone want to remove a user again from the -- same role. Plus it should be a user/role not exist, not an invalid -- user. exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'RemoveUserRole', user_name, role_name, user_orig_system, to_char(user_orig_system_id), role_orig_system, to_char(role_orig_system_id)); raise; end RemoveUserRole; -- -- AddUsersToAdHocRole (Deprecated) -- Use AddUsersToAdHocRole2 -- IN -- role_name - AdHoc role name -- role_users - Space or comma delimited list of apps-based users -- or adhoc users -- OUT -- procedure AddUsersToAdHocRole(role_name in varchar2, role_users in varchar2) is l_users WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable; begin if (role_users is NOT NULL) then String_To_UserTable (p_UserList=>AddUsersToAdHocRole.role_users, p_UserTable=>l_users); AddUsersToAdHocRole2(role_name=>AddUsersToAdHocRole.role_name, role_users=>l_users); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole', role_name, '"'||role_users||'"'); raise; end AddUsersToAdHocRole; -- -- AddUsersToAdHocRole2 -- Add users to an existing ad hoc role -- IN -- role_name - AdHoc role name -- role_users - Space or comma delimited list of apps-based users -- or adhoc users -- OUT -- procedure AddUsersToAdHocRole2(role_name in varchar2, role_users in WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable) is d1 pls_integer; colon pls_integer; userIND number; l_orig_system varchar2(30) := NULL; l_orig_system_id number := NULL; begin -- Validate Role if (wfa_sec.DS_Count_Local_Role(AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name) <= 0) then wf_core.token('ROLENAME', AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name); wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end if; if (role_users.COUNT > 0) then for userIND in role_users.FIRST..role_users.LAST loop if (role_users(userIND) is NOT NULL) then -- Validation -- 1379875: (Performance) added support for orig_system, orig_system_id -- composite name. -- Changed Validation and duplicate checking to limit selects against -- wf_users. -- Used a sub-block to use exception handling instead of single count -- into. begin colon := instr(role_users(userIND), ':'); if (colon = 0) then --Bug 2465881 --To eliminate error: Exact fetch returning more than --requested number of rows. SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id FROM WF_USERS WHERE NAME = role_users(userIND) AND partition_id <> 9 AND rownum < 2; else -- Bug 2465881 SELECT ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID INTO l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id FROM WF_USERS WHERE ORIG_SYSTEM = substr(role_users(userIND), 1, colon-1) AND ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = substr(role_users(userIND), colon+1) AND rownum < 2; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('USERNAME', role_users(userIND)); wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER'); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole2', role_name); raise; end; -- Check Duplicate -- for local table, check user name and role name are sufficient -- there will not be index on orig system and orig system id -- orig systems and orig system ids are identical among the users -- from WF_LOCAL_ROLES. -- select count(1) into d1 from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES where USER_NAME = role_users(userIND) and ROLE_NAME = AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES' and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0; if (d1 > 0) then wf_core.token('USERNAME', role_users(userIND)); wf_core.token('DISPNAME', ''); wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_USER'); end if; CreateUserRole(user_name=>role_users(userIND), role_name=>AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name, user_orig_system=>l_orig_system, user_orig_system_id=>l_orig_system_id, role_orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', role_orig_system_id=>0, start_date=>sysdate, end_date=>to_date(NULL), validateUserRole=>FALSE, created_by=>WFA_SEC.user_id, creation_date=>sysdate, last_updated_by=>WFA_SEC.user_id, last_update_date=>sysdate, last_update_login=>WFA_SEC.login_id); end if; end loop; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole2', role_name); raise; end AddUsersToAdHocRole2; -- -- SetUserAttr (PRIVATE) -- Update additional attributes for users -- IN -- user_name - user name -- orig_system - -- orig_system_id - -- display_name - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- expiration_date - New expiration date -- status - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE' -- start_date - -- OverWrite - -- parent_orig_system - -- parent_orig_system_id - -- owner_tag - -- last_updated_by - -- last_update_date - -- last_update_login - -- OUT -- procedure SetUserAttr(user_name in varchar2, orig_system in varchar2, orig_system_id in number, display_name in varchar2, description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, expiration_date in date, status in varchar2, start_date in date, OverWrite in boolean, Parent_Orig_System in varchar2, Parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2, last_updated_by in number, last_update_date in date, last_update_login in number) is CURSOR user_roles is SELECT ROLE_NAME, ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM, ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, START_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE FROM WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES WHERE USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system AND USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id AND USER_NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name AND USER_NAME <> ROLE_NAME AND USER_ORIG_SYSTEM <> ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM AND USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID <> ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID; l_expiration DATE; l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T; l_oldStartDate DATE; l_oldEndDate DATE; begin --We first need to capture the current start/end date in case they are --changed. begin SELECT START_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE INTO l_oldStartDate, l_oldEndDate FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name AND ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system AND ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('USERNAME', user_name); wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER'); end; -- -- Update WF_LOCAL_ROLES where user_flag = 'Y' -- if (OverWrite) then if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR (isMLSEnabled(SetUserAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = SetUserAttr.email_address, FAX = SetUserAttr.fax, DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = SetUserAttr.description, EXPIRATION_DATE = SetUserAttr.expiration_date, STATUS = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = SetUserAttr.start_date, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id, OWNER_TAG = SetUserAttr.owner_tag, LAST_UPDATED_BY = SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATE_DATE = SetUserAttr.last_update_date, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = SetUserAttr.last_update_login where NAME = user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'; else update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = SetUserAttr.email_address, FAX = SetUserAttr.fax, EXPIRATION_DATE = SetUserAttr.expiration_date, STATUS = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = SetUserAttr.start_date, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id, LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'; --Update the _TL table update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL set DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = SetUserAttr.description, LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG'); if (sql%rowcount = 0) then --No record exist for this lang in _TL table --so insert a record insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, OWNER_TAG, CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ) (select name, nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name,DISPLAY_NAME) , SetUserAttr.description, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID , PARTITION_ID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), trunc(sysdate), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES where NAME = user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'); --Now update the table for relevant data end if; end if; else if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR (isMLSEnabled(SetUserAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = nvl(SetUserAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS), FAX = nvl(SetUserAttr.fax, FAX), DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = nvl(SetUserAttr.description, DESCRIPTION), EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE), STATUS = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.start_date, START_DATE), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID), OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'; else update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = nvl(SetUserAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS), FAX = nvl(SetUserAttr.fax, FAX), EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE), STATUS = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.start_date, START_DATE), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID), OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'; --then lets update the _TL table update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL set DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = SetUserAttr.description, LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG'); if (sql%rowcount = 0) then --No record exist for this lang in _TL table --so insert a record --The issue is that if the passed values or param --are null we would be inserting 'US' language --display name and description insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, OWNER_TAG, CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ) (select name , nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name,DISPLAY_NAME) , SetUserAttr.description, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), trunc(sysdate), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES where NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id and USER_FLAG = 'Y'); --Now update the table for relevant data end if; end if; end if; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then wf_core.token('USERNAME', user_name); wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER'); end if; --We were able to update the record, so we will raise the updated event --Build parameter list. WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', SetUserAttr.user_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM', SetUserAttr.orig_system, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(SetUserAttr.orig_system_id), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DISPLAY_NAME', SetUserAttr.display_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DESCRIPTION', SetUserAttr.description, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE', SetUserAttr.notification_preference, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LANGUAGE', SetUserAttr.language, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('TERRITORY', SetUserAttr.territory, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EMAIL_ADDRESS', SetUserAttr.email_address, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('FAX', SetUserAttr.fax, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EXPIRATION_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetUserAttr.expiration_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('STATUS', SetUserAttr.status, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetUserAttr.start_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); if ((((l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL) and (SetUserAttr.start_date is NOT NULL)) and (trunc(l_oldStartDate) <> trunc(SetUserAttr.start_date))) or ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetUserAttr.start_date is NOT NULL) or (SetUserAttr.start_date is NULL and l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL))) then WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', to_char(trunc(l_oldStartDate), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); else WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*', l_params); end if; if ((((l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL) and (SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)) and (trunc(l_oldEndDate) <> trunc(SetUserAttr.expiration_date))) or ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL) or (SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NULL and l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL))) then WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', to_char(trunc(l_oldEndDate), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); else WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*', l_params); end if; WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM', SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OWNER_TAG', SetUserAttr.owner_tag, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY', to_char(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE', to_char(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN', to_char(SetUserAttr.last_update_login), l_params); WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.user.updated', p_event_key=>user_name, p_parameters=>l_params); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetUserAttr', user_name, display_name); raise; end SetUserAttr; -- -- SetRoleAttr (PRIVATE) -- Update additional attributes for roles -- IN -- role_name - role name -- orig_system - -- orig_system_id - -- display_name - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- expiration_date - New expiration date -- status - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE' -- OUT -- procedure SetRoleAttr(role_name in varchar2, orig_system in varchar2, orig_system_id in number, display_name in varchar2, description in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, expiration_date in date, status in varchar2, start_date in date, OverWrite in boolean, Parent_Orig_System in varchar2, Parent_Orig_System_ID in number, owner_tag in varchar2, last_updated_by in number, last_update_date in date, last_update_login in number) is CURSOR user_roles is SELECT USER_NAME, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, START_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE FROM WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES WHERE ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system AND ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id AND ROLE_NAME = SetRoleAttr.role_name; l_expiration DATE; l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T; l_oldStartDate DATE; l_oldEndDate DATE; begin --We first need to capture the current start/end date in case they are --changed. begin SELECT START_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE INTO l_oldStartDate, l_oldEndDate FROM WF_LOCAL_ROLES WHERE NAME = SetRoleAttr.role_name AND ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system AND ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end; -- -- Update WF_LOCAL_ROLES -- if (OverWrite) then --Update the description field and display name field --in the base table only if the session language is 'US' --Else update theses values for the _TL table and keep the --base table values same if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR (isMLSEnabled(SetRoleAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = SetRoleAttr.email_address, FAX = SetRoleAttr.fax, DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = SetRoleAttr.description, EXPIRATION_DATE = SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, STATUS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = SetRoleAttr.start_date, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; --Bug 3490260 --lets keep the code here rather than end for better understanding --If the role information was not updated, we need to raise an --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api. if (sql%rowcount = 0) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end if; else update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = SetRoleAttr.email_address, FAX = SetRoleAttr.fax, EXPIRATION_DATE = SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, STATUS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = SetRoleAttr.start_date, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; --If the base role information was not updated, we need to raise an --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api. if (sql%rowcount = 0) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end if; --Update the _TL table for the display_name and --description update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL set DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = SetRoleAttr.description, OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then --No record exist for this lang in _TL table --so insert a record --The issue is that if the passed values or param --are null we would be inserting 'US' language --display name as its non-nullable was max we can do is to --add a 'NON_TRANSLATED' string or something to recognize. insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, OWNER_TAG, CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ) (select name, nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME) , SetRoleAttr.description, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID , PARTITION_ID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), trunc(sysdate), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id); --Now update the table for relevant data end if; end if; else --(NOT overWrite) if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR (wf_directory.isMLSEnabled(SetRoleAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS), FAX = nvl(SetRoleAttr.fax, FAX), DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = nvl(SetRoleAttr.description, DESCRIPTION), EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE), STATUS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID), OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; --Bug 3490260 --lets keep the code here rather than end for better understanding --If the role information was not updated, we need to raise an --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api. if (sql%rowcount = 0) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end if; else update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE), LANGUAGE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE), TERRITORY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY), EMAIL_ADDRESS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS), FAX = nvl(SetRoleAttr.fax, FAX), EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE), STATUS = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS), START_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM), PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID), OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; --If the base role information was not updated, we need to raise an --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api. if (sql%rowcount = 0) then WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name); WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE'); end if; --Update the _TL table for the display_name and --description update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL set DISPLAY_NAME = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), DESCRIPTION = nvl(SetRoleAttr.description,DESCRIPTION), OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), LAST_UPDATED_BY = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) where NAME = role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then --No record exist for this lang in _TL table --so insert a record --The issue is that if the passed values or param --are null we would be inserting 'US' language --display name as its non-nullable insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, PARTITION_ID, LANGUAGE, OWNER_TAG, CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ) (select name, nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME), SetRoleAttr.description, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID , PARTITION_ID, userenv('LANG'), nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), trunc(sysdate), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.user_id), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_date, trunc(sysdate)), nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.login_id) from WF_LOCAL_ROLES where NAME = SetRoleAttr.role_name and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id); end if; end if; end if; --We were able to update the record, so we will raise the updated event --Build parameter list. WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', SetRoleAttr.role_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM', SetRoleAttr.orig_system, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DISPLAY_NAME', SetRoleAttr.display_name, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DESCRIPTION', SetRoleAttr.description, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE', SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LANGUAGE', SetRoleAttr.language, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('TERRITORY', SetRoleAttr.territory, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EMAIL_ADDRESS', SetRoleAttr.email_address, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('FAX', SetRoleAttr.fax, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EXPIRATION_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('STATUS', SetRoleAttr.status, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE', to_char(trunc(SetRoleAttr.start_date), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); if ((((l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL) and (SetRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL)) and (trunc(l_oldStartDate) <> trunc(SetRoleAttr.start_date))) or ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL) or (SetRoleAttr.start_date is NULL and l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL))) then WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', to_char(trunc(l_oldStartDate), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); else WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*', l_params); end if; if ((((l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL) and (SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)) and (trunc(l_oldEndDate) <> trunc(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date))) or ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL) or (SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NULL and l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL))) then WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', to_char(trunc(l_oldEndDate), WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask), l_params); else WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*', l_params); end if; WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM', SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OWNER_TAG', SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY', to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE', to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_update_date, WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params); WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN', to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login), l_params); WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.role.updated', p_event_key=>role_name, p_parameters=>l_params); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetRoleAttr', SetRoleAttr.role_name, SetRoleAttr.display_name); raise; end SetRoleAttr; -- -- SetAdHocUserExpiration -- Update expiration date for ad hoc users -- IN -- user_name - Ad hoc user name -- expiration_date - New expiration date -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocUserExpiration(user_name in varchar2, expiration_date in date) is begin -- -- Update Expiration Date -- SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserExpiration.user_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>NULL, notification_preference=>NULL, language=>NULL, territory=>NULL, email_address=>NULL, fax=>NULL, expiration_date=>SetAdHocUserExpiration.expiration_date, status=>NULL); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserExpiration', user_name, expiration_date); raise; end SetAdHocUserExpiration; -- -- SetAdHocRoleExpiration -- Update expiration date for ad hoc roles, user roles -- IN -- role_name - Ad hoc role name -- expiration_date - New expiration date -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocRoleExpiration(role_name in varchar2, expiration_date in date) is begin -- -- Update Expiration Date -- SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleExpiration.role_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>NULL, notification_preference=>NULL, language=>NULL, territory=>NULL, email_address=>NULL, fax=>NULL, expiration_date=>SetAdHocRoleExpiration.expiration_date, status=>NULL); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleExpiration', role_name, expiration_date); raise; end SetAdHocRoleExpiration; -- -- SetAdHocUserAttr -- Update additional attributes for ad hoc users -- IN -- user_name - Ad hoc user name -- display_name - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocUserAttr(user_name in varchar2, display_name in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2) is begin -- -- Update the user. -- SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserAttr.user_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>SetAdHocUserAttr.display_name, notification_preference=>SetAdHocUserAttr.notification_preference, language=>SetAdHocUserAttr.language, territory=>SetAdHocUserAttr.territory, email_address=>SetAdHocUserAttr.email_address, fax=>SetAdHocUserAttr.fax, expiration_date=>NULL, status=>NULL, parent_orig_system=>SetAdHocUserAttr.parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id=>SetAdHocUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag=>SetAdhocUserAttr.owner_tag); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserAttr', user_name, display_name); raise; end SetAdHocUserAttr; -- -- SetAdHocRoleAttr -- Update additional attributes for ad hoc roles, user roles -- IN -- role_name - Ad hoc role name -- display_name - -- notification_preference - -- language - -- territory - -- email_address - -- fax - -- OUT -- procedure SetAdHocRoleAttr(role_name in varchar2, display_name in varchar2, notification_preference in varchar2, language in varchar2, territory in varchar2, email_address in varchar2, fax in varchar2, parent_orig_system in varchar2, parent_orig_system_id in number, owner_tag in varchar2) is begin -- -- Update the role -- SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.role_name, orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', orig_system_id=>0, display_name=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.display_name, notification_preference=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.notification_preference, language=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.language, territory=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.territory, email_address=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.email_address, fax=>fax, expiration_date=>NULL, status=>NULL, parent_orig_system=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, parent_orig_system_id=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id, owner_tag=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.owner_tag); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleAttr', role_name, display_name); raise; end SetAdHocRoleAttr; -- -- RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole -- Remove users from an existing ad hoc role -- IN -- role_name - -- role_users - -- OUT -- procedure RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole(role_name in varchar2, role_users in varchar2) is user varchar2(320); rest varchar2(2000); c1 pls_integer; begin if (role_users is null) then -- Delete all users begin delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES UR where UR.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES' and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0; end; else -- -- Delete Users -- rest := ltrim(role_users); loop c1 := instr(rest, ','); if (c1 = 0) then c1 := instr(rest, ' '); if (c1 = 0) then user := rest; else user := substr(rest, 1, c1-1); end if; else user := substr(rest, 1, c1-1); end if; -- Delete delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES UR where UR.USER_NAME = user and UR.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES' and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then wf_core.token('USERNAME', user); wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER'); end if; exit when (c1 = 0); rest := ltrim(substr(rest, c1+1)); end loop; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole', role_name, '"'||role_users||'"'); raise; end RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole; -- -- ChangeLocalUserName -- Change a User's Name in the WF_LOCAL_ROLES table. -- IN -- OldName -- NewName -- Propagate - call WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName -- OUT -- function ChangeLocalUserName (OldName in varchar2, NewName in varchar2, Propagate in boolean) return boolean is NumRows pls_integer; l_oldname varchar2(320); l_newname varchar2(320); begin l_newname := substrb(NewName,1,320); l_oldname := substrb(OldName,1,320); NumRows := wfa_sec.DS_Count_Local_Role(l_oldname); if (NumRows = 1) then wfa_sec.DS_Update_Local_Role(l_oldname,l_newname); commit; if (Propagate) then WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName(l_oldname, l_newname); end if; return TRUE; else return FALSE; end if; exception when others then WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'ChangeLocalUserName', OldName, NewName); raise; end ChangeLocalUserName; -- -- ReassignUserRoles -- Reassigns user/roles when the user information changes. -- IN -- p_user_name -- p_old_user_origSystem -- p_old_user_origSystemID -- p_new_user_origSystem -- p_new_user_origSystemID -- -- OUT -- procedure ReassignUserRoles (p_user_name in VARCHAR2, p_old_user_origSystem in VARCHAR2, p_old_user_origSystemID in VARCHAR2, p_new_user_origSystem in VARCHAR2, p_new_user_origSystemID in VARCHAR2) is BEGIN Update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES Set USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID Where USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem And USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID And USER_NAME = p_user_name And nvl(EXPIRATION_DATE, sysdate+1) > sysdate; END; -- -- AssignPartition (PRIVATE) -- -- IN -- p_orig_system (VARCHAR2) -- -- RETURNS -- Partition ID (NUMBER) -- -- COMMENTS -- This api will check to see the partition for the p_orig_system exists. -- if it does not exist, it will be added to p_table_name. In either case -- the Partition_ID will be returned for the calling api to properly populate -- that column on insert/update. -- procedure AssignPartition (p_orig_system in varchar2, p_partitionID out NOCOPY number, p_partitionName out NOCOPY varchar2) is begin begin --Check for existing partition. if ((g_origSystem <> UPPER(p_orig_system))) or (g_origSystem is NULL) then --Orig_systems such as FND_RESP have the application id concatenated --which makes the responsibilities for various applications fall under --different orig_systems. However all responsibilities need to go into --the same partition, so we handle that here. Any other systems that --we need to bulksynch who add to the orig system will need to be here --as well. if ((substr(UPPER(p_orig_system), 1, 8) = 'FND_RESP') and ((length(p_orig_system) = 8) or --In case we just get 'FND_RESP' (substr(p_orig_system, 9, 9) between '0' and '9'))) then g_origSystem := 'FND_RESP'; else g_origSystem := UPPER(p_orig_system); end if; /* We will place PER in FND_USR */ SELECT Partition_ID, orig_system INTO g_partitionID, g_partitionName FROM WF_DIRECTORY_PARTITIONS WHERE ORIG_SYSTEM = DECODE(g_origSystem, 'PER', 'FND_USR', g_origSystem) AND PARTITION_ID IS NOT NULL; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then --If the partition does not exist, we will put this into the --WF_LOCAL partition if (g_localPartitionID is NULL) then begin SELECT Partition_ID, orig_system INTO g_localPartitionID, g_localPartitionName FROM WF_DIRECTORY_PARTITIONS WHERE ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then g_localPartitionID := 0; g_localPartitionName := 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'; end; end if; g_partitionID := g_localPartitionID; g_partitionName := g_localPartitionName; end; p_partitionID := g_partitionID; p_partitionName := g_partitionName; exception when OTHERS then WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'AssignPartition', p_orig_system); raise; end; -- Bug 3090738 -- GetInfoFromMail -- -- IN -- email address -- OUT -- User attributes as in WF_ROLES view -- -- This API queries wf_roles view for information of the user when -- the e-mail address is given. procedure GetInfoFromMail(mailid in varchar2, role out NOCOPY varchar2, display_name out NOCOPY varchar2, description out NOCOPY varchar2, notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2, language out NOCOPY varchar2, territory out NOCOPY varchar2, fax out NOCOPY varchar2, expiration_date out NOCOPY date, status out NOCOPY varchar2, orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2, orig_system_id out NOCOPY number) is l_email varchar2(2000); l_start pls_integer; l_end pls_integer; begin -- strip off the unwanted info from email. Emails from the mailer -- could be of the form "First Last"<First.Last@example.com> l_start := instr(mailid, '<', 1, 1); if (l_start > 0) then l_end := instr(mailid, '>', l_start); l_email := substr(mailid, l_start+1, l_end-l_start-1); else l_email := mailid; end if; -- lets find any active user with this e-mail id if not we will -- check for inactive user begin select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID into ROLE, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, LANGUAGE, TERRITORY, FAX, STATUS, EXPIRATION_DATE, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID from WF_ROLES R where UPPER(email_address) = UPPER(l_email) and STATUS = 'ACTIVE'; exception when no_data_found then -- Give preference to active user select R.NAME, substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360), substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000), R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, R.LANGUAGE, R.TERRITORY, R.FAX, R.STATUS, R.EXPIRATION_DATE, R.ORIG_SYSTEM, R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID into ROLE, DISPLAY_NAME, DESCRIPTION, NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE, LANGUAGE, TERRITORY, FAX, STATUS, EXPIRATION_DATE, ORIG_SYSTEM, ORIG_SYSTEM_ID from WF_ROLES R where UPPER(email_address) = UPPER(l_email); end; exception when others then ROLE := ''; DISPLAY_NAME := ''; DESCRIPTION := ''; NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE := ''; LANGUAGE := ''; TERRITORY := ''; FAX := ''; STATUS := ''; EXPIRATION_DATE := to_date(null); ORIG_SYSTEM := ''; ORIG_SYSTEM_ID := to_number(null); end GetInfoFromMail; function IsMLSEnabled(p_orig_system in varchar2) return boolean is mls_enabled number; l_origSys varchar2(30); begin l_origSys := UPPER(p_orig_system); if ((substr(l_origSys, 1, 8) = 'FND_RESP') and ((length(l_origSys) = 8) or --In case we just get 'FND_RESP' (substr(l_origSys, 9, 9) between '0' and '9'))) then l_origSys := 'FND_RESP'; end if; --We can use the global variable set in wf_local.syncroles --but for standalone so as not to introduce dependency on WF_LOCAL --package we query from wf_directory_partitions directly. select count(1) into mls_enabled from wf_directory_partitions where orig_system = l_origSys and ROLE_TL_VIEW is not NULL ; if (mls_enabled = 1) then return TRUE; end if; --else case return false return FALSE; end IsMLSEnabled; -- Change_Name_References_RF (PRIVATE) -- -- IN -- p_sub_guid (RAW) -- p_event (WF_EVENT_T) -- -- RETURNS -- varchar2 -- -- COMMENTS -- This api is a rule function to be called by BES. It is primarily used for -- a user name change to update all the fk references. The subscription is -- set as deferred to offline the updates to return control back to the user -- more quickly. -- function Change_Name_References_RF( p_sub_guid in RAW, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T ) return VARCHAR2 is l_newName VARCHAR2(360); l_oldName VARCHAR2(360); begin l_newName := p_event.getValueForParameter('USER_NAME'); l_oldName := p_event.getValueForParameter('OLD_USER_NAME'); --Update the user/roles UPDATE WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES SET USER_NAME = l_newName WHERE USER_NAME = l_oldName; --Update the user/role assignments UPDATE WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS SET USER_NAME = l_newName WHERE USER_NAME = l_oldName; --Call WF_MAINTENANCE to update all the other fk references. WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName(OLDNAME=>l_oldName, NEWNAME=>l_newName); return 'SUCCESS'; exception when OTHERS then return 'ERROR'; end Change_Name_References_RF; end Wf_Directory; / --show errors package body wf_directory; commit; exit;
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