Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\wf250dat.sql
REM $Header: wf250dat.sql 26.1 2001/11/05 21:59:35 ctilley ship $ REM +======================================================================+ REM | Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| REM | All rights reserved. | REM +======================================================================+ REM NAME REM wf250dat.sql - WorkFlow 2.5.0 Data Upgrade Script REM DESCRIPTION REM Upgrade Workflow 2.0.3 -> Workflow 2.5.0 data. REM USAGE REM sqlplus apps/apps @wf250dat REM sqlplus wfinst/wfinst @wf250dat REM NOTES REM This script populate columns REM REM -- REM dbdrv: none -- WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK DEFINE hdr = "$Header: wf250dat.sql 26.1 2001/11/05 21:59:35 ctilley ship $" REM WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES lur set (USER_ORIG_SYSTEM, USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID) = (select nvl(u.ORIG_SYSTEM,'WF_LOCAL_USERS'), nvl(u.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, 0) from WF_USERS u where lur.USER_NAME = u.NAME) where USER_ORIG_SYSTEM is null or USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID is null; commit; update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES lur set (ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM, ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID) = (select nvl(r.ORIG_SYSTEM,'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'), nvl(r.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, 0) from WF_ROLES r where lur.ROLE_NAME = r.NAME) where ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM is null or ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID is null; commit; REM WF_ACTIVITIES update WF_ACTIVITIES set error_item_type = 'WFERROR' where error_item_type is null; commit; update WF_ACTIVITIES set runnable_flag = 'Y' where runnable_flag is null; commit; REM copy all existing defered data to the deferred queue declare cursor curs_deferred is select CWIAS.ITEM_TYPE, CWIAS.ITEM_KEY, CWIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY, greatest((CWIAS.BEGIN_DATE - sysdate)*86400,0) delay from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES CWIAS, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES CWPA, WF_ACTIVITIES CWA, WF_ITEMS WI, WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES PWPA, WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES PWIAS where CWIAS.ACTIVITY_STATUS = 'DEFERRED' and CWIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = CWPA.INSTANCE_ID and CWPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = CWA.ITEM_TYPE and CWPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = CWA.NAME and CWIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WI.ITEM_TYPE and CWIAS.ITEM_KEY = WI.ITEM_KEY and WI.BEGIN_DATE >= CWA.BEGIN_DATE and WI.BEGIN_DATE < nvl(CWA.END_DATE, WI.BEGIN_DATE+1) and CWPA.PROCESS_NAME = PWPA.ACTIVITY_NAME and CWPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = PWPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE and PWPA.INSTANCE_ID = PWIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY and PWIAS.ITEM_TYPE = CWIAS.ITEM_TYPE and PWIAS.ITEM_KEY = CWIAS.ITEM_KEY and PWIAS.ACTIVITY_STATUS <> 'SUSPEND'; msg_id raw(16); begin for def_rec in curs_deferred loop wf_queue.enqueue_event (queuename=>wf_queue.DeferredQueue, itemtype=> def_rec.item_type, itemkey=>def_rec.item_key, actid=>def_rec.process_activity, delay=>def_rec.delay, message_handle=>msg_id); -- dont need a message handle msg_id := null; end loop; end; / commit; REM Set Persistence Days update WF_ITEM_TYPES set persistence_days = 0 where persistence_type = 'TEMP' and persistence_days is null; commit; REM REM *** #TIMEOUT conversions *** REM REM Convert wf_activities.timeout to #TIMEOUT attributes. REM NOTE: Because of the same version of a process might span multiple REM versions of a child activity, a 100% accurate conversion is not REM possible. Use the version of the child activity active on the REM begin_date of the process version. Should be close enough. insert into WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES ( PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID, NAME, VALUE_TYPE, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, TEXT_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, DATE_VALUE ) select WPA.INSTANCE_ID, '#TIMEOUT', 'CONSTANT', WPA.PROTECT_LEVEL, WPA.CUSTOM_LEVEL, null, WAC.TIMEOUT, to_date(null) from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA, WF_ACTIVITIES WAC, WF_ACTIVITIES WAP where WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = WAC.ITEM_TYPE and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = WAC.NAME and WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = WAP.ITEM_TYPE and WPA.PROCESS_NAME = WAP.NAME and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = WAP.VERSION and WAP.BEGIN_DATE >= WAC.BEGIN_DATE and WAP.BEGIN_DATE < nvl(WAC.END_DATE, WAP.BEGIN_DATE + 1) and NVL(WAC.TIMEOUT, 0) <> 0 and not exists ( select null from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES SUB where SUB.PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID = WPA.INSTANCE_ID and SUB.NAME = '#TIMEOUT'); REM Null out old wf_activities.timeout column to avoid temptation update WF_ACTIVITIES set TIMEOUT = '' where TIMEOUT is not null; commit; REM Remove any vestigial attribute definitions for REM #TIMEOUT and #PRIORITY attributes. delete from wf_activity_attributes_tl where name in ('#TIMEOUT', '#PRIORITY'); commit; delete from wf_activity_attributes where name in ('#TIMEOUT', '#PRIORITY'); commit; REM Set due_date in WIAS for activities to timeout update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES S set DUE_DATE = (select decode(WAAV.NUMBER_VALUE, 0, '', S.BEGIN_DATE + (WAAV.NUMBER_VALUE / 1440)) from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES P, WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES WAAV where S.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = P.INSTANCE_ID and P.INSTANCE_ID = WAAV.PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID and WAAV.NAME = '#TIMEOUT') where S.ACTIVITY_STATUS not in ('COMPLETE', 'ERROR') and S.DUE_DATE is null; commit; REM REM *** End #TIMEOUT conversions *** REM commit; exit;
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