Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\WFEMGRB.pls
/*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | WFEMGRB.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL package body for: WF_ENTITY_MGR *=======================================================================*/ REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_ENTITY_MGR as /* $Header: WFEMGRB.pls 26.14 2004/03/18 17:56:03 rwunderl ship $ */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** put - <private> construct cache rows */ PROCEDURE put(p_entity_type in varchar2, p_entity_key_value in varchar2, p_att in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_change_number in number ) is begin if (p_value = '*UNKNOWN*') then return; end if; update wf_attribute_cache set attribute_value = nvl(p_value, '*NULL*'), last_update_date = sysdate, change_number = nvl(p_change_number, change_number) where entity_type = p_entity_type and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value) and attribute_name = upper(p_att); if SQL%notfound then insert into wf_attribute_cache ( entity_type, entity_key_value, attribute_name, attribute_value, last_update_date, change_number) values (p_entity_type, upper(p_entity_key_value), upper(p_att), nvl(p_value, '*NULL*'), sysdate, p_change_number); end if; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** process_changes - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ PROCEDURE process_changes(p_entity_type in varchar2, p_entity_key_value in varchar2, p_change_source in varchar2, p_change_type in varchar2 , p_event_name in varchar2 ) is my_user_base varchar2(256); my_ent_type varchar2(50) := upper(p_entity_type); my_parms wf_parameter_list_t; my_key_value varchar2(256); begin if (wf_entity_mgr.get_attribute_value(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, 'CACHE_CHANGED') = 'YES') then -- -- Tell everybody about the change by raising the appropriate event -- -- First, mark this entity in the cache as unchanged so we can pick up -- any actual subsequent changes -- wf_entity_mgr.put_attribute_value(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, 'CACHE_CHANGED', 'NO'); wf_event.AddParameterToList('CHANGE_SOURCE', p_change_source, my_parms); wf_event.AddParameterToList('CHANGE_TYPE', p_change_type, my_parms); if (p_event_name is null) then wf_event.raise('oracle.apps.global.'||lower(my_ent_type)||'.change', upper(p_entity_key_value), null, my_parms); else wf_event.raise(p_event_name, upper(p_entity_key_value), null, my_parms); end if; end if; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** get_attribute_value - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ FUNCTION get_attribute_value(p_entity_type in varchar2, p_entity_key_value in varchar2, p_attribute in varchar2) return varchar2 is my_att_val varchar2(4000); begin select attribute_value into my_att_val from wf_attribute_cache where entity_type = upper(p_entity_type) and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value) and attribute_name = upper(p_attribute); return my_att_val; exception when no_data_found then return '*UNKNOWN*'; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** put_attribute_value - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ PROCEDURE put_attribute_value(p_entity_type in varchar2, p_entity_key_value in varchar2, p_attribute in varchar2, p_attribute_value in varchar2) is old_att_val varchar2(4000); my_ent_type varchar2(50) := upper(p_entity_type); begin if (p_attribute = 'CACHE_CHANGED') then wf_entity_mgr.put(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, 'CACHE_CHANGED', p_attribute_value, NULL); elsif (p_attribute_value = '*UNKNOWN*') then null; elsif (p_attribute_value is null) then null; -- means "do not update" like for fndload -- -- if you want to null out a value, use *NULL* -- else old_att_val := wf_entity_mgr.get_attribute_value(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, p_attribute); if (p_attribute_value <> old_att_val) then wf_entity_mgr.put(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, p_attribute, p_attribute_value, NULL); wf_entity_mgr.put(my_ent_type, p_entity_key_value, 'CACHE_CHANGED', 'YES', NULL); end if; end if; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** flush_cache - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ PROCEDURE flush_cache(p_entity_type in varchar2 , p_entity_key_value in varchar2 ) is pragma autonomous_transaction; begin if (p_entity_type = '*ALL*') then execute immediate 'truncate table wf_attribute_cache'; elsif ((p_entity_type is NOT NULL) and (p_entity_key_value is NOT NULL)) then delete from wf_attribute_cache where entity_type = upper(p_entity_type) and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value); else delete from wf_attribute_cache where ((entity_type is NULL) or (entity_type = upper(p_entity_type))) and ((entity_key_value is NULL) or (entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value))); end if; commit; exception when others then null; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** get_entity_type - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ FUNCTION get_entity_type(p_event_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is a number := instr(p_event_name,'.',-1,2)+1; b number := instr(p_event_name,'.',-1) - a; begin return upper( substr(p_event_name, a, b) ); end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** gen_xml_payload - <described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ FUNCTION gen_xml_payload(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2) return clob is my_clob clob; my_ent_type varchar2(50) := wf_entity_mgr.get_entity_type(p_event_name); found boolean := FALSE; l_doc xmldom.DOMDocument; l_root xmldom.DOMNode; l_node xmldom.DOMNode; cursor attribute_data is select attribute_name aname, attribute_value avalue from wf_attribute_cache where entity_type = my_ent_type and entity_key_value = upper(p_event_key) and attribute_name <> 'CACHE_CHANGED'; begin l_doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument; l_root := xmldom.makeNode(l_doc); l_root := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_root, my_ent_type); for atts in attribute_data loop l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_root, atts.aname, atts.avalue); found := TRUE; end loop; if (found) then dbms_lob.createtemporary(my_clob, FALSE); xmldom.writeToClob(l_root, my_clob); return my_clob; else return null; end if; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** isChanged - <Described in WFEMGRS.pls> */ FUNCTION isChanged(p_new_val in varchar2, p_old_val in varchar2) return boolean is retval boolean := FALSE; begin if (p_new_val = '*UNKNOWN*') then retval := FALSE; elsif (p_new_val <> p_old_val) then retval := TRUE; end if; return retval; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end WF_ENTITY_MGR; / commit; exit;
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