Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\sql\WFDSPVTB.pls
REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE -- ======================================================================= -- -- Copyright (c)2001 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, California, USA -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- ======================================================================= -- -- FILENAME -- -- WFDSPVTB.pls -- -- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- -- Stub file for Oracle Workflow Standalone. -- -- -- PROCEDURES -- -- -- -- -- -- NOTES -- -- -- -- HISTORY -- -- 11/19/01 M Fisher Created. -- -- 06/01/03 Vijay Shanmugam Created stub for Workflow Standalone. -- -- -- -- -- -- ======================================================================= -- SET verify off whenever sqlerror EXIT failure ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Body WF_Digital_Security_Private AS /* $Header: WFDSPVTB.pls 26.5 2004/05/25 03:23:35 kma ship $ */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAT_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := -1; STAT_REQUESTED CONSTANT NUMBER := 100; STAT_SIGNED CONSTANT NUMBER := 200; STAT_VERIFIED CONSTANT NUMBER := 300; STAT_AUTHORIZED CONSTANT NUMBER := 400; STAT_VAL_ATTEMPTED CONSTANT NUMBER := 500; STAT_VALIDATED CONSTANT NUMBER := 600; STAT_REQUEST_FAILED CONSTANT NUMBER := -100; STAT_SIGN_FAILED CONSTANT NUMBER := -200; STAT_SIGN_CANCELLED CONSTANT NUMBER := -201; STAT_VERIFY_FAILED CONSTANT NUMBER := -300; STAT_AUTHORIZE_FAILED CONSTANT NUMBER := -400; STAT_VALIDATE_FAILED CONSTANT NUMBER := -600; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure -- Create_Signature_Entry -- -- Purpose -- Creates a new row in WF_DIG_SIGS -- -- Returns: 0 for success; -1 if not successful. -- -- Procedure Create_Signature_Entry( P_SIG_ID NUMBER, P_SIG_OBJ_TYPE VARCHAR2, P_SIG_OBJ_ID Varchar2, P_PLAINTEXT CLOB, P_REQUESTED_SIGNER_TYPE Varchar2, P_REQUESTED_SIGNER_ID Varchar2, P_Sig_Flavor Varchar2, P_Sig_Policy Varchar2, P_STATUS NUMBER, P_returncode out nocopy number) is begin P_returncode := 0; exception when others then P_returncode := -1; end; -- -- Procedure -- Update_Signed_Sig -- -- Purpose -- Updates row in WF_DIG_SIGS -- -- Returns: 0 for success; -1 if not successful. -- -- Procedure Update_Signed_Sig( P_SIG_ID NUMBER, P_SIGNATURE CLOB, P_STATUS NUMBER, P_Returncode out nocopy number) is begin P_returncode := 0; exception when others then P_returncode := -1; end; -- -- Procedure -- Update_Verified_Sig -- -- Purpose -- Updates row in WF_DIG_SIGS -- -- Returns: 0 for success; -1 if not successful. -- -- Procedure Update_Verified_Sig( P_SIG_ID NUMBER, P_CERT_ID NUMBER, P_STATUS NUMBER, P_Returncode out nocopy number) is begin P_returncode := 0; exception when others then P_returncode := -1; end; -- -- Procedure -- Update_Validated_Sig -- -- Purpose -- Updates a row in WF_DIG_SIGS -- -- Returns: 0 for success; -1 if not successful. -- -- Procedure Update_Validated_Sig( P_SIG_ID NUMBER, P_STATUS NUMBER, P_Returncode out nocopy number) is begin P_returncode := 0; exception when others then P_returncode := -1; end; -- -- Procedure -- Update_Sig_Error -- -- Purpose -- Updates a row in WF_DIG_SIGS -- -- Returns: 0 for success; -1 if not successful. -- -- Procedure Update_Sig_Error( P_SIG_ID NUMBER, P_STATUS NUMBER, P_ERRBUF VARCHAR2, P_Returncode out nocopy number) is begin P_returncode := 0; exception when others then P_returncode := -1; end; -- -- Function -- PSIG_Cert_to_ID -- -- Purpose -- Registers a PSIG cert if it isn't already there. -- -- Returns: cert ID or -1 if not successful. -- -- Function PSIG_Cert_To_ID(P_USER VARCHAR2) return number is begin return 1; exception when others then return -1; end; -- -- Procedure -- Get_Requested_Signer -- -- Purpose -- Gets Requested Signer info for a sig. -- -- Returns: -1 (for ID) if not successful. -- -- Procedure Get_Requested_Signer( P_SIGNATURE_ID in Number, P_reqSignerType out nocopy Varchar2, P_reqSignerID out nocopy Varchar2) is begin P_reqSignerType := NULL; P_reqSignerID := NULL; Exception when others then P_reqSignerType := ' '; P_reqSignerID := '-1'; End; -- -- Procedure -- Authorize_Signature -- -- Purpose -- Determines if actual signer is authorized to sign for requested -- signer. E.g. Does the user have the desired responsibility. Updates -- the WF_DIG_SIGS table. -- -- Returns: . -- Outcome = either "AUTHORIZED" or "FAILED". -- -- Procedure Authorize_Signature(P_SIGNATURE_ID In Number, P_OUTCOME out nocopy Varchar2) is begin P_Outcome := NULL; exception when others then P_Outcome := 'FAILED'; end; -- -- Procedure -- Get_SPI_Info -- -- Purpose -- Gets SPI info for a sig ID. -- -- Returns: nulls if not successful. -- -- Procedure Get_SPI_Info( P_SIGNATURE_ID in Number, P_Flavor out nocopy Varchar2, P_BSR out nocopy Varchar2, P_Verifier out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validator out nocopy Varchar2, P_CertMapper out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validator_Store out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validation_Mode out nocopy Varchar2, P_Signature_Format out nocopy Varchar2, P_Signature_Mode out nocopy Varchar2) is begin P_Flavor := null; P_BSR := null; P_Verifier := null; P_Validator := null; P_CertMapper := null; Exception when others then P_Flavor := null; P_BSR := null; P_Verifier := null; P_Validator := null; P_CertMapper := null; End; -- -- Procedure -- Get_SPI_Info -- -- Purpose -- Gets SPI info for a Flavor. -- -- Returns: nulls if not successful. -- -- Procedure Get_SPI_Info( P_Flavor In Varchar2, P_BSR out nocopy Varchar2, P_Verifier out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validator out nocopy Varchar2, P_CertMapper out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validator_Store out nocopy Varchar2, P_Validation_Mode out nocopy Varchar2, P_Signature_Format out nocopy Varchar2, P_Signature_Mode out nocopy Varchar2) is begin P_BSR := null; P_Verifier := null; P_Validator := null; P_CertMapper := null; Exception when others then P_BSR := null; P_Verifier := null; P_Validator := null; P_CertMapper := null; End; -- -- Function -- Get_Next_Sig_ID -- -- Purpose -- Yanks an ID off of the sequence WF_DIG_SIGS_S -- -- Returns: ID or -1 if not successful. -- -- Function Get_Next_Sig_ID return number is begin return NULL; end; -- --Bug No#3062359 --Function -- Upload_Certificate -- -- Purpose -- Upload the given certificate data to the table -- --Returns : ID or -1 if not successful -- Function Upload_X509_Certificate( p_cert clob, p_cert_type varchar2, p_parent_cert_id number, p_owner_id varchar2, p_owner_domain varchar2, p_valid varchar2, p_sot_flag varchar2, p_intermediate_flag varchar2, p_fingerprint varchar2, p_expire date, p_security_group_id varchar2, p_subjectdn varchar2, p_issuer varchar2, p_crl_url varchar2 ) return number as begin return NULL; end; -- --Bug No#3062359 -- Function -- X509_ID_To_Cert -- -- Purpose -- get a certificate from the given id -- -- Returns: certificate if certificate exists for the id -- -- Function X509_ID_To_Cert( p_cert_id number) return CLOB as begin return NULL; end; -- --Bug No#3062359 -- Function -- X509_Cert_To_ID -- -- Purpose -- Gets the ID of the certificate of given fingerprint and certificate data -- -- Returns: -- ID if matching certificate found, -1 otherwise -- Function X509_Cert_To_ID(P_Certificate clob, P_Fingerprint varchar2) return number as begin return null; end; -- Function -- Store_CRL -- -- Purpose -- Stores the given CRL into WF_Dig_Crls. If the CRL already exists -- then the crl_id of the existing CRL is returned. Otherwise, the new -- CRL is stored and the CRL_ID is returned -- -- Returns -- CRL_ID -- Function Store_CRL (P_validation_Mode In Number, P_Issuer In Varchar2, P_Toi In Date, P_Ton In Date, P_CRL In CLOB) return number AS begin return NULL; end; -- -- Procedure -- GetVerifyData -- -- Purpose -- Finds plaintext, Signature for a given Sig ID -- Procedure GetVerifyData (SigID NUMBER, PText out nocopy Clob, Sig out nocopy Clob) is begin Sig := Null; PText := Null; end; -- -- Procedure -- Purge_Signature_By_Sig_ID -- -- Purpose -- Removes Signature for a given Signature ID -- Procedure Purge_Signature_By_Sig_ID(SigID NUMBER) is begin null; end; -- -- Procedure -- Purge_Signature_By_Obj_ID -- -- Purpose -- Removes Signature for a given Object ID -- Procedure Purge_Signature_By_Obj_ID(Obj_Type varchar2, Obj_ID varchar2) is begin null; end; END WF_Digital_Security_Private; / COMMIT; exit;
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