Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\admin\sql\wfaqrenq.sql
REM dbdrv: none REM $Header: wfaqrenq.sql 26.0 2005/02/28 11:51:23 dmani noship $ REM +=========================================================================+ REM | Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. | REM +=========================================================================+ REM REM NAME REM wfaqrenq.sql - WorkFlow AQ Re-ENQueue script REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This script re-enqueues messages that are backed up by wfaqback.sql script. REM wfaqback.sql creates a WF_QUEUE_TEMP_TABLE and backs up the specified REM event messages. This script takes the messages from the TEMP table and REM re-enqueues them to the Agent. It Supports messages of WF_EVENT_T type. REM REM USAGE REM sqlplus apps/<apps pwd> @wfaqrenq.sql <Agent Name> REM +=========================================================================+ set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; whenever oserror exit failure rollback; declare l_agent wf_agent_t; l_rows integer; l_agent_name varchar2(30) := upper('&1'); TYPE t_user_data_tbl IS TABLE OF WF_EVENT_T INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_user_data_tbl t_user_data_tbl; CURSOR c_bkup_msg(p_queue_name in varchar2) IS SELECT user_data FROM wf_queue_temp_table WHERE queue = p_queue_name ORDER BY enq_time; begin l_agent := wf_agent_t(l_agent_name, Wf_Event.local_system_name); l_rows := 5000; open c_bkup_msg(l_agent_name); loop FETCH c_bkup_msg BULK COLLECT INTO l_user_data_tbl LIMIT l_rows; exit when l_user_data_tbl.COUNT = 0; for i in 1..l_user_data_tbl.LAST loop if (upper(l_agent_name) = 'WF_ERROR') then Wf_Error_Qh.Enqueue(l_user_data_tbl(i), l_agent); else Wf_Event.Enqueue(l_user_data_tbl(i), l_agent); end if; end loop; commit; l_user_data_tbl.DELETE; end loop; close c_bkup_msg; end; / commit; exit;
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